Opinion Headlines
- Unions “A Modern Opera: Fat Unions May Kill the Fat Lady.” 6-28-14
- Unions SEIU “A Union Ruse to Organize Mom-and-Pop Stores” [and minimum wage issue] 6-25-14
- Unions “The Chattanooga… Payoff” [Volkswagen … $900 mill. in Tennessee after UAW loss] 7-15-2014
- Unions. “Electrical Workers vs. the EPA” by Edwin Hill. 7-15-14
- Unions. “France’s Punch Drunk Unions.” [Drinking liquor while directing rail traffic is now a human right.] 9-30-14
- Unions. “’Living Wage’ Laws Are Union Lifesavers.” By Maxford Nelsen. 10-3-14 [[Re: Unionized employers’ exemptions from new higher minimum wage laws…]] 10-3-14
- Unions. LTE. “Hard to Check Out of the Union Hotel.” 10-13-14
- Education. “Philadelphia School Failure.” [Tom Corbett tried to accommodate unions. Here’s his reward.] 10-17-14
- Unions. “The Emerging Political Divide Between Public and Private Unions.” By Steven Malanga. [Clashes between government employees and blue-collar organizations are roiling Democratic campaigns.] 10-25-14
- Unions. “Tax Hike Election Reckoning.” [The liberal, public union political model is on the ballot Tuesday.] 11-3-14
- Unions. “How to Free U.S. Ports From Chronic Union Problems.” By Douglas Holtz-Eakin. [A labor dispute on the West Coast is already slowing commerce, but a work stoppage would be disastrous.] 12-6-14
- Unions. Quickie Gifts to Big Labor. [Congress will have to use its power of the purse to rein in the NLRB.] “The Motor City’s Regulators are Hitting the Brakes on Regrowth.” By Scott Beyer. [Nascent small businesses sprout up in Detroit only to find that the struggling city’s rules trump all. 12-13-14
- Unions. “Labor’s Wage Smackdown.” [A federal judge rebukes another regulatory overreach.] 1-9-15
- Unions. “Parent-Trigger Bullies.” [A union tries to block parents from taking over a failing school.] 1-17-15
- Unions. Book review, “Government Against Itself, by Daniel DiSalvo.” by Amity Shales: “Public Unions vs. the Public.” [Pension and benefit obligations weigh down our cities. Trash disposal in Chicago costs $231 per ton, versus $74 in non-union Dallas. 1-16-15
- Unions. ‘When Workers Choose.” [Given the choice, fewer workers opt for union membership in 2014.] 1-24-15
- Unions. “Rauner’s Illinois Revival Project.” [The new Governor targets the corrupt union-political bargain.] 2-11-15
- Unions. “The Next Right to Work State.” [Wisconsin may soon become the 25th voluntary union state.] 2-21-15
- Unions. “The Right-to-Work Advantage.” By Luke Hilgemann et.al. [In states where unions can’t choke economic growth, jobs and incomes are growing. No wonder Wisconsin wants in. 3-5-15
- Unions. “The Right-to-Work Advantage.” By Luke Hilgemann et.al. [In states where unions can’t choke economic growth, jobs and incomes are growing. No wonder Wisconsin wants in. 3-5-15
- Unions. LTE. “Minnesota, Wisconsin and Right-To-Work Legislation.” 3-12-15
- Unions. “A Bad Report Card for This Teachers Union.” By Gregory McGinity. [The union tried to run a charter school – and failed. We saw it coming.] 3-12-15
- Unions. “How ‘Right to Work” Became Politically Possible. By Paul Moreno. 3-16-15
- Unions. “How ‘Right to Work’ Became Politically Possible.” By Paul Moreno. [The AFL-CIO’s failure to get Taft-Hartley repealed in the 1960s was a turning point for organized labor.] 3-16-15
- Unions. “Obama’s ‘Quickie’ Union Favor.” [Congress voted to kill an anti-business rule. The President preserved it.] 4-1-15
- Unions. “Obama’s Visa Double Game.” [Siding with unions instead of workers trying to follow the law.] 4-8-15
- Unions. “Ambushing Employers’ Speech Rights.” By Thomas M. Johnson Jr. [The federal government is redoubling efforts to promote unions and keep companies quiet.] 4-17-15
- Unions. “Harvard’s Les Miserables.” [Labor exploitation becomes a rallying cry in the academic Third World.] 4-18-15
- Unions. “Labor’s Dirty Tricks.” [Tom Perez is trying to regulate a worker visa program to death.] 4-22-15
- Unions. “Teachers vs. Union Dues.” [A creative legal challenge to union power over employee benefits.] 5-5-15
- Unions. “Texas Union Showdown.” [Joe Straus will decide the fate of a bill on coerced dues payments.] 5-9-15
- Unions. “At Last, Scrutiny for Public-Union Deals.” [A growing movement is opening labor negotiations so taxpayers can see how their money is being spent.] 5-22-15
- Unions. LTE. “Let the Sun Shine There, Not Here.” [Re: “At Last, Scrutiny for Public-Union Deals” 5-22-15] 6-3-15
- Wisconsin. “Wisconsin’s Wage Retreat.” [Republicans bow to the contractor-union political cartel.] 5-27-15
- Unions. “Bargaining Away your Security.” [How a federal union made it harder to protect employee files.] 6-10-15
- Unions. “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Costly.” [A New York scheme to force small business to unionize.] 6-20-15
- Unions. LTE. “AFT Chief Weingarten Spells It Out.” 7-17-15 [viz. Teachers union supports Hillary] 7-17-15
- Unions. Economy. “Shackling the Sharing Economy.” [Big Labor and the Plaintiffs bar gang up on Internet startups.] 8-3-15
- Unions. “Labor Smothers Labor.” [The feds try to strangle a program for seasonal guest workers.] 8-7-15
- Unions. “Northwestern Union Reverse.” [The Obama labor board nixes a college football players union.] Immigration. “The Deportation Party.” [Trump proposes to stop even most legal immigration.] 8-18-15
- Unions. “Right to Work Buffs Up The Rust Belt.” By F. Vincent Vernuccio and Terry Bowman. [With the end of the Big Three union contract, right-to-work laws are kicking in for auto workers.] 9-17-15
- Unions. Minimum Wage. LTE. “$15 Wage Helps Unions, Not Unskilled Workers.” 9-24-15
- Unions. “A Disgraceful Labor Law Ripe for Repeal.” By Andy Koenig. [The ‘prevailing wage’ rule for federal projects is rooted in bigotry and still hurts minorities today.] 9-25-15
- Unions LTE. “Davis-Bacon: Union Workers vs. All the Rest.” 10-2-15
- Unions. Calif. “Planting a Pro-Union Ruling Down on the Farm.” By Allysia Finley. [Employees keep trying to boot the United Farm Workers, but California’s labor board won’t allow it.] 10-3-15
- Unions. “Dumping the Union Label.” [In Washington state, workers drop out when told that they can.] 11-4-15
- Unions. LTE. “This Worker of the World Wanted to Disunite, and Did” 11-12-15. (Re: 11-4-15 “Dumping the Union Label.)
- Unions. “The Legal Case Unions Fear They Cannot Win.” By Steve Malanga. [Can government workers be forces to pay fees to unions? The Supreme Court seems inclined to say no.] 11-14-15
- Unions. “Unions See Indian Casinos and Think: Jackpot.” By Robert Odawi Porter. [Congress can act to let tribes determine their own labor policies.] 12-7-15
- Unions. Education. “Cuomo’s Education Retreat.” [A case study in how unions undermine teacher accountability.] 12-28-15
- Unions. “Why I’m Fighting My Teachers Union.” By Harlan Elrich. [I don’t want to be forced to pay for a political agenda I don’t support. Now the Supreme Court will rule.] 1-4-16
- Unions. “’Compelled Riders’ for the Union.” [The Supreme Court is skeptical of coerced government union fees.] 1-12-16
- Unions. LTE. “Union Dues Are Worth the Many Benefits.” 1-12-16
- Unions. “Illinois Union Showdown.” [Afseme is trying to break Gov. Rauner, who isn’t bending.] 1-21-16
- Unions. “West Virginia’s Right to Work.” [The struggling state may allow more worker freedom.] 1-25-16
- Unions. LTE. “Gov. Rauner Is Not Negotiating in Good Faith.” 1-27-16
- Unions. Education. “Unions Take on Catholic Schools.” by Nicholas G. Hahn III. [The First Amendment can’t protect schools that lose sight of their religious mission.] 3-11-16
- Unions. “An Uber Bad Idea.” [A law to organize drivers has implications for all independent contractors.] 3-12-16
- Unions. “A Union Card Shouldn’t Be an Heirloom.” By Akash Chougule. [Millions of workers have inherited unions from their grandparents’ generation – with no say of their own.] 3-18-16
- Unions. “A Stiff Jab at Flexible Work Schedules.” By Michael Saltsman. [After the California minimum-wage increase, next up is dictating when employees do their jobs.] 3-30-16
- Unions. LTE. “ Flexible Schedules vs. Workers’ Burdened Life.” 4-11-16
- Unions. “Verizon’s Political Strike.” [Sanders and Clinton join picket lines on behalf of the rotary-phone era.] 4-14-16
- Unions. LTE. “See the Verizon Strike From the Worker’s Side.” 5-2-16
- Unions. “The Union War on Charter-School Philanthropists.” By Nina Rees. [The wealthy are giving millions to fix education, but their gifts draw fire from a predictable source.] 5-2-16
- Unions. “Tom Perez’s Clinton Bait.” [The Labor Secretary rewrites another law to beat up business.] 5-10-16
- Unions. “The Union Minimum Wage Windfall.” [California’s $15 hourly rate will put money in labor’s pockets, no collective bargaining required.] 5-20-16
- Unions. “ Labor Takings Game.” [Unions say they have a constitutional right to workers’ money.] 6-3-16
- Unions. “The Latest Labor Gambit Is a Piece of Work. By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Jay P. Krupin. [The NLRB’s lawyer wants to punish employers who, following workers’ wishes, try to end unionization.] 7-6-16
- Unions. “A Brave New Workplace.” [The national labor board hands unions another big victory.] 7-13-16
- Unions. “On the New Jersey Waterfront.” [A private union leader dares to buck government unions.] 8-10-16
- Unions. “Teamsters on the Quad.” [Obama’s labor board addresses inequality in the faculty lounge.] 8-24-16
- Unions. “The NAACP vs. Minority Children.” [The outfit takes orders from its union backers to oppose charter schools.] 8-27-16
- Unions. “Big Labor’s McDonald’s Defense.” [The SEIU tries a novel idea to oppose unions for its own workers.] 9-3-16
- Unions. “Texas Janitors Mop the Floor With a Bullying Union.” By Jon Cassidy and Charles Blain. [A jury awards a cleaning firm $5.3 million, holding the SEIU accountable for its intimidation campaign.] 9-10-16
- Unions “Nevada’s School Choice Victory.” [Unions lose their attempt to kill education saving accounts.] 9-30-16
- Unions. “The SEIU’s Ballot Fraud. [The union tries to hoodwink voters into protecting its dues.] 10-26-16
- Unions. Taxes. “The State Taxathon.” [Public unions are behind tax increase initiatives from coast to coast.] 10-27-16
- Unions. “Right to Work on the Ballot.” [Unions want judges to overturn voluntary union membership.] 11-8-16
- Unions. “Tuesday’s Election Will Set Unhappy Union Workers Free.” By Chantal Lovell and F. Vincent Vernuccio. [Voters ousted the party that blocks right-to-work laws – and Trump will fill the Supreme Court.] 11-12-16
- Unions. “Another Judge is Unpersuaded.” [Obama’s latest rewrite of labor law gets tossed out in court.] 11-19-16
- Unions. “Wisconsin’s Reform Lesson.” [Scott Walker’s union reform has yielded huge political benefits.] 11-30-16
- Unions. “Why Trump’s Education Pick Scares Unions.” By Jason J. Riley. [Betsy DeVos favors school choice and helped pass Michigan’s first charter-school bill.] 11-30-16
- Unions. “Right-to-Work Zones in Deep-Blue Illinois.” By David From and Akash Chouguie. [A court ruling points the way for countless and cities to enact their own protections for workers.] 12-6-16
- Unions. “Andy Puzder’s Labor To-Do List.” [Trump nominates a CEO who puts workers before unions.]
- 12-9-16Unions. “Right to Work on the March.” [three more states are poised to make union membership a choice.] 12-20-16
- Unions. “Kentucky Goes right to Work.” 1-11-17
- Unions. “Chuck Schumer Goes Wild.” [The Democratic Senate leader loses his cool over Betsy DeVos.] 1-27-17
- Unions. “Big Labor’s Membership Pains.” 1-30-17
- Unions. Education. “Betsy DeVos’s School Frenemies.” [Eli Broad and some charter advocates sell her out to the unions.] 2-3-17
- Unions. Democrats. “The Real Democratic Party.” [Why not a single Senate Democrat voted for Betsy DeVos.] Democrats. “The Real Democratic Party.” [Why not a single Senate Democrat voted for Betsy DeVos.] 2-8-17
- Unions. “These Minnesota Workers Want Nothing to Do With the SEIU.” By Matt Patterson. [Medical dollars as union ‘dues’? Sure, now that home caregivers can collectively bargain.] 2-11-17
- Unions. “The Drive to Unionize Charter Schools.” By Peter Schaumber. [Trump’s nominees can help reverse a harmful new labor ruling.] 2-22-17
- Unions. “Will Unions Cripple Kentucky’s Belated Charter-School Effort?” by Allysia Finley. [Opponents of reform are pushing a weak bill that maintains the local school boards’ monopoly.) 3-2-17
- Unions. “Alex Acosta’s Labor Agenda.” [Why are unions so happy about Trump’s Labor nominee?] 3-20-17
- Unions. “Honey, I Shrunk the Union.” By Richard Berman. [The ‘Fight for $15’ has failed as a source of new dues-payers.] 4-12-17
- Unions. “Connecticut Liberation Day.” [Gov. Dannel Malloy says he won’t seek re-election, crushing Rhode Island hopes.] 4-15-17
- Unions. Economy. “A Wisconsin Lesson for Trump the Builder.” By Ben Brubeck. [“…On Monday, Gov. Walker is expected to sign a law prohibiting state agencies and local governments from mandating “project labor agreements” on public works…”] 4-17-17
- Unions. “Not Lawless in Seattle.” [A judge stops the city’s bid to unionize Uber and Lyft drivers.] 4-17-17
- Unions. “’Emotional Labor’ Gets Organized at California’s Scripps College.” [Resident advisers at the women’s school call a strike, and campus tour guides join the action.] 4-24-17
- Unions. “Big Labor Looks at California’s Marijuana Market and Sees Green.” By Allysia Finley. [‘This is a growing industry,’ says a Teamsters lobbyist, ‘and we’d like it to grow unionized.’] 5-6-17
- Union. New York. “New York city Wants to Supersize the ‘Fight for $15’” by Michael Saltsman. [Even if fast-food workers haven’t voted to unionize, a new proposal would let them pay pseudo-dues.] 5-20-17
- Unions. “The Mill That Right-to-Work built.” By Allysia Finley. [An entrepreneur is bringing manufacturing jobs back to Kentucky – without protectionism.] 5-20-17
- Unions. Education. “Los Angeles Charter Uprising.” [Voters elect a pro-reform majority on the local school board.] 5-22-17
- Unions. “Why Do Taxpayers Get the Bill for a Union President’s Pension?” by Alex Cortes and Jarrett Skorup. [The Michigan Education Association keeps its employees technically ‘on loan’ from school districts.] 5-31-17
- Unions. LTE. “Union ‘Release-Time’ Pay is Worse than Advertised.” 6-13-17
- Unions. “Blue State Budget Breakdowns.” [Public union politics hits the wall in New Jersey, Illinois and Connecticut.] 7-5-17
- Unions. “If you’re Riding Through Hell…” [Public works rot as politicians pay off unions and buy votes.] 7-15-17
- Trump Administration. “Sessions Hangs In There. [Trump needs the Attorney General more than he realizes.] 7-21-17
- Unions. “The GOP’s Labor Project.” [How Congress can protect worker rights from union coercion.] 7-22-17
- Unions. “Randi Weingarten’s ‘Racism’ Rant.” [Betsy DeVos is inside the head of the teachers union chief.] 7-24-17
- Unions. “Michigan Union to Animal Crew: Hoof It.” [Four-footed competition puts the fear of goat into organized labor.] 7-27-17
- Unions. “’Fat, Dumb and Happy’ at the UAW.” [An indictment details a multimillion-dollar corruption scheme.] 8-4-17
- Unions. “The United Auto Workers Lose Again.” [Nissan workers in Mississippi reject the union nearly 2 to 1.] 8-7-17
- Unions. “An Obama Labor Ruling That Threatens Small Businesses.” By Peter Schaumber. [The case rewrote decades-old law. It involved a contractor, but franchises may be even harder hit.] 8-7-17
- Unions. “The Teamsters’ Impunity.” [A legal loophole gives organized labor a license to threaten.] 8-21-17
- Unions. “Right-to-Work sore Losers.” [Unions push a ballot initiative to overturn a new Missouri law.] 8-23-17
- Unions. “New York Attacks Success.” [Now the unions want to run Dan Loeb off the charter network’s board.] 8-23-17
- Unions. “How the Post Office Delivered for Hillary.” [Charges of a ‘systematic’ effort to violate the Hatch Act in 2016] 8-26-17
- Unions. “American Workers Need a New Kind of Labor Union.” By Oren Cass. [Laws dating to 1935 pit employees against their bosses, a zero-sum game that hurts everyone.] 9-1-17
- Unions. “The Teachers Union’s Public Enemy No. 1” (The Weekend Interview with Betsy DeVos by James Taranto) [She is Trump’s stylistic opposite, but she stirs more antagonism than any other cabinet member.] 9-2-17
- Unions. “California Democrats Target Tesla.” [In the Sunshine State, the left loves unions even more than electric cars.] 9-18-17
- Unions. “Right to Work Isn’t Theft.” [Courts shoot down the union legal campaign to save coerced dues.] 9-22-17
- Unions. “Unions Act as if They’ve Already Lost.” By Kim Crockett. [The Supreme Court may soon ban so-called fair-share fees.] 10-3-17
- Unions. Illinois. “Illinois’s Latest Criminals.” [Springfield now tries to make opting out of a union a crime.] 10-25-17
- Unions. “A Joint-Employer Redo.” (“…The Obama NLRB … established a new “indirect control” standard for determining joint-employment…”) [The House passes a fix for Obama’s Browning-Ferris power play.] 12-18-17
- Unions. “Unions Won’t solve Higher Education’s Problems.” By Paul H. Tice. [I know nothing about cars. As an adjunct professor of finance, I have to join the United Auto Workers.] 1-4-18
- Unions. “Organized Labor’s Lawbreakers.” [At least 143 union leaders have admitted to crimes since 2016.] 1-16-18
- Unions. “A Very Bad Bargain.” [A Cornell study says students suffer from collective bargaining.] 1-17-18
- Unions. “Connecticut’s S.O.S.” [Mayors ask Hartford to save them from collective bargaining.] 1-27-18
- Unions. “Columbia vs. United Auto Workers.” [Graduate assistants of the Ivy League. Unite!] 2-2-18
- Unions. “Public Unions vs. the First Amendment.” [The Supreme Court has a chance to correct a 40-year-old mistake.] 2-23-18
- Unions. “Who’s the Boss in New Jersey? [Here’s a hint: It isn’t Phil Murphy, the new Governor.] 2-24-18
- Unions. “Charlie Baker and the Boston Teamsters.” [The Massachusetts Governor embraces a pariah union.] 2-26-18
- Unions. “The Supreme Court May Rescue Blue-State Finances. “ by Daniel DiSalvo and Stephen Eide. [A ruling against the unions in Janus could break their exorbitant grip on Illinois, California and New York.] 2-26-18
- Unions. “Big Labor’s Back Door Into Boeing.” [Rejected last year, the machinists now have a ‘micro’ strategy with wide implications.] 5-31-18
- Unions. “A Machinist Break-in at Boeing.” [A mere 104 of the plant’s 3,000 workers voted to let the union in.] 6-4-18
- Unions. “New Bang for a Michigan Buck.” [The state will save $400 million a year with its prevailing-wage reform.] 6-11-18.
- Unions. “The Supreme Court’s Banner Year.” [The Justices protect public workers from coerced union fees.] 6-28-18
- Unions. “The Lawyers Who Beat the Unions.” (The Weekend Interview with William Messenger and Jacob Huebert by James Taranto.) [Vindication for the First Amendment rights of public employees was a long time in coming, and states are still trying to rig their laws against workers who don’t want to join.]. 6-30-18
- Unions. “The Court Tosses Blue States a Life Jacket.” By Arthur Laffer and Steve Moore. [By limiting the power of public unions, Janus may help them avert fiscal disaster.] 7-11-18
- Unions. “A Union Scam Could Be About to End.” By Red Jahncke. [Home health workers get ‘organized’ without their knowledge or consent. Janus makes that harder.] 7-17-18
- Unions. “No More Union Skimming.” [“HHS announced a proposed rule…would end dues skimming for good, and caregivers would have to opt in to union membership…”] 7-18-18
- Unions. “New York’s Charter Mugging.” [A union intimidation campaign gets help from Gov. Cuomo.] 8-3-18
- Unions. “Unions Triumph at the Ballot Box.” By Richard Trumka. [Missouri voters reject ‘right to work,’ and there’s more to come.] 8-9-18
- Unions. “The Right-to-Work Rout.” [Unions spend big to repeal a worker freedom law in Missouri.] 8-9-18
- Unions. “Big Labor’s Obama Holdover.” [Trump is being lobbied to reappoint a union obstructionist at the labor relations board.] 8-17-18
- Unions. “Unions Have Stakeholders, Too.” by Richard Epstein. [Elizabeth Warren wants to make companies give board seats to employees. Where does her logic lead?”] 9-13-18
- Unions. “Grapes of Union Wrath.” [The saga of workers at Gerawan Framing finally has a happy ending.] (…decertifying the United Farm Workers union.) 9-22-18
- Unions. “A Vote on Judicial Independence.” [Unions in Arizona are trying to boot two state Supreme Court Justices.] 10-3-18
- Unions. “Unions Get an Economics Lesson.” [“The Supreme Court last summer broke a public-union monopoly, and what do you know?…] 10-27-18
- Unions. “United Auto Worker vs. Workers.” [Look who used non-union contractors to save money.] 11-3-18
- Unions. “Is Big Labor Anti-Worker?” [Office workers say the AFL-CIO and SEIU treat them poorly.] 11-9-18
- Unions. “Google Confronts Its Bolsheviks.” By Homan W. Jenkins, Jr. [Political activists inside the company take aim at the white males at the top.] 11-14-18
- Unions. “Unions in La-La Land.” [The Los Angeles teachers strike is a flight from reality.] 1-15-19
- Unions. “L.A. Schools Have a Math Problem.” By Austin Beutner. [By going on strike, the teacher’s union makes it even harder to increase wages and staffing.] 1-15-19
- Unions. ‘Philadelphia’s Union Indictments.” [Even by Big Labor standards, the charges are startling. 1-31-19
- Unions. “Philly Union Boss ‘Johnny doc’ Has an Appointment With Justice.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [He allegedly embezzled more than $600,000 to buy Q-tips, romance novels and politicians.] 2-9-19
- Unions. “Janus Barely Dents Public-Sector Union Membership.” By Daniel DiSalvo. [Blue-State officials make legal moves to shore up an important source of political support.] 2-14-19
- Unions. “William Neely Escaped His Union, But It Wasn’t Easy.” By Charles Mitchell. [The Janus ruling was supposed to liberate government employees. Check the fine print.] 3-2-19
- Unions. “Are Unions Exploiting Their Employees?” [Workers have authorized strikes against both SEIU and AFL-CIO.] 3-19-19
- Unions. “Scott Walker’s Gift to His Democratic Successor.” [Unions called his labor reforms the end of the world. Now Wisconsin can’t live without them.] 4-6-19
- Unions. “The New York Union That Says Ni.” By Robert J. Bellafiore. [If you want a refund of dues spent o politics, get ready to chop down a tree with a herring.] 4-8-19
- Unions. “After Janus, Free the Lawyers.” [Re: “agency” fees.] 4-26-19
- Unions. “Big Labor’s Big Shrink.” [Union membership continues to decline – thanks to unions.] 4-30-19
- Unions. “Franchisees Like Me Are in Union Crosshairs.” [In Alabama, the SEIU and its trial-lawyer allies are pushing a bill that would upend our businesses.] 5-25-19
- Unions. “Why Unions Keep Losing.” [The UAW isn’t offering workers a better deal, and there’s corruption.] 6-17-19
- Unions. “Nevada Embraces Public Unions.” [Democrats let state employees collectively bargain. Watch out.] 6-21-19
- Unions. “The Teachers Union Secession Crisis.” By Keith J. Williams. [An exodus of NEA locals prompts new, restrictive bylaws.] 7-23-19
- Unions. “Governments Must Secure Employees’ Janus Rights.” By Mark Mix and Wm. Messenger. [The feds, and many states and localities, still deduct union dues from paychecks without consent.] 8-30-19
- Unions. “More Trouble at the UAW.” [A federal corruption probe of the union appears to be expanding.] 9-4-19
- Unions. “Behind the Auto Workers Strike.” [Is the union trying to distract from a federal corruption probe?] 9-18-19
- Unions. “Auto Workers Are Free From UAW.” By Jarrett Skorup and James M. Hohman. [“…Workers have options these days. The UAW can no longer rely on their compelled support…”] 9-20-19
- Unions. “Endangered Green Auto Workers.” [The striking union figures out that electric cars will cost jobs.] 9-24-18
- Unions. “The Battle Over Union Dues.” [“…many states and unions have devised new traps…”] 10-11-19
- Unions. “The UAW’s Long Endgame.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [No, management and stockholders are not ‘grateful’ for the union’s sacrifices.] 10-16-19
- Unions. “Chicago Teachers Strike Again.” [The union dictates terms of surrender to new Mayor Lightfoot.] 10-18-19
- Unions. “The Price of the Union at GM.” [The UAW made itself look relevant, but workers get little.] 10-19-19
- Unions. “The Picket Line Makes a Comeback.” By Jason L. Riley. [Enraged by Trump and energized by the Janus ruling, unions turn to an old familiar tactic.] 10-23-19
- Unions. “Virginia May Kill Right to Work.” [The new Democratic majority moves to force union dues on workers.] 1-29-20
- Unions. “Big Labor’s Payoff Day.” [The House passes the most sweeping pro-union bill since the Wagner Act.] 2-10-20
- Unions. “The Virus Response Spurs Hong Kong’s Labor Movement.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [Hospital workers staged a five-day strike demanding a total shutdown of the border with the mainland.] 2-26-20
- Unions. “Will Public Unions Take Virginia?” [Democrats are close to letting them collectively bargain in some form.] 2-29-20
- Unions. “Big Labor’s Big Crooks.” [A former UAW boss is charged with stealing $1 million in worker dues.] 3-6-20
- Unions. “Chicago’s Union Pickpockets.” 5-12-20
- Unions. “Unions Seek to ‘Liberate’ Gig Workers From Flexibility.” By Michael Saltzman. [Many freelancers who get jobs from apps would rather quit than become regular employees.] 9-5-20
- Unions. “The Teachers Union’s Tiny New Enemy.” By Elliot Kaufman. [The behemoth national Education Association seeks to squash popular pandemic micro schools.] 10-15-20
- Unions. “Tax Road in Arizona.” [Unions won a 20% raise in 2015. Now they want a huge tax increase.] 10-20-20
- Unions. “The Flaw in the UAW Corruption Settlement.” By Michael Saltsman and Charlice Bozzello. [Union leaders should stay neutral in a member vote.] 12-18-20
- Unions. “Education Rescue in Providence.” [Rhode Island allows more charter schools after union failures.] 12-21-20
- Unions. “Clean Your Room or I’ll Call My Union Rep.” By Naomi Schaefer Riley. [An ill-conceived bid to turn Massachusetts foster parents into salaried government employees.] 12-26-20
- Unions. “These Teachers Get Paid Not to Teach.” By Jon Riches and Justin Meyers. [They’re on taxpayer-funded salaries while working for the union.] 1-4-21
- Unions. “Google’s Fake Union Insults The Labor Movement.” By Ron Holland. [Alphabet has no legal obligation to recognize or negotiate with the well-funded pressure group.] 1-14-21
- Unions. “Wisconsin’s Capital Siege, 10 Years on.” By Scott Walker. [States pinched by Covid need to make overdue bargaining reforms. My state showed the way.] 2-11-21
- Unions. “The Teachers Unions Roll Over Biden.” [Even a $130 billion bribe won’t get them back in the classroom this year.] 2-11-21
- Unions. “Biden Fired Me, by Order of Big Labor.” By David R. Osborne. [The purge at the Federal Services Impasse Panel bodes ill for the business of governing the country.] 2-11-21
- Unions. “Public Employee Unions Are Having a Fine Old Lockdown.” by Carol Platt Liebau. [Politicians begging Washington for a bailout have been doling out raises to government workers.] 2-13-21
- New York. “Big Labor May Save New York From AOC’s Socialism.” By Steven Malanga. [Even public-sector unions favor old-style incumbent Democrats to radical insurgents like her.] 2-20-21
- Unions. “Amazon Workers Reject a Union.” [Big Labor pulled out all the stops to organize an Alabama warehouse.] 4-10-21
- Unions. “The $392,000 Lifeguard: ‘Baywatch’ as Union Shop.” By Adam Andrzejewski. 5-13-21
- Unions. “Work Free or Die in New Hampshire.” 6-3-21
- Unions. “A Different Kind of Labor Boss.” By Aaron With. [Richard Brown wants to get California’s SEIU out of politics and negotiate more aggressively.] 6-3-21
- Unions. “Biden’s PRO Enforcer.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [What unions can’t get from Congress, they seek from Labor nominee David Weil.] 7-16-21
- Unions. “Big Labor and the Supply Shortage.” [Unions show their power amid inflation and demand for workers.] 10-18-21
- Unions. “A Dubious Union Revote at Amazon.” [An NLRB ruling puts Big Labor’s interests above employees’ will.) 12-1-21
- Unions. “Why the Chicago Teachers Union Always Gets What It Wants.” By Ted Dubrowski and John Klinger. [It can strike and ignore children because Illinois lawmakers give it extraordinary power.] 1-15-22
- Unions. “I’m Stuck With an Anti-Semitic Labor Union.” By Avraham Goldstein. [It denounces Israel and treats me a second-class citizen for resigning.] 1-21-22
- Unions. “Big Labor’s Resurgence That Wasn’t.” by Mihcael Saltsman. [Union membership in the private sector fell to 6.1%, a historic low.] 1-24-22
- Unions. LTE. “How to Escape a Union? Ask to See Its Books.” 2-1-22
- Unions. “Infrastructure Law Becomes a Biden Union Giveaway.” By Ben Brubeck..[A new executive order grants closed shops a monopoly on contracts greater than $35 million.] 2-10-22
- Unions. “Welcome to Indiana, a Right-To-work State.” By Todd Nesbit and Michael LaFaive. “Since the law was enacted in 2012, the state has gained jobs from nearby Ohio.] 4-15-22
- Unions. “Amazon Endures the Union ‘Wave.’” 5-4-22
- Unions. “Give Pro-Life Union Members a Choice.” By Michael Saltsman. [Organized labor backs Planned Parenthood. Not all workers do.] 5-9-22
- Unions’. “The UAW’s Culture of Corruption.” By Michael Saltsman and Charlyce Bozzello. [A court appointed monitor reports the union has a way to go.] 7-22-22
- Unions. “With Inflation High, Unions Suppress Wages.” By F. Vincent Vernuccio. [Most contracts lock in nominal raises that aren’t enough to keep up with rising prices.] 8-8-22
- Unions. “And Now the Union would Like a Word in Private.” By Tim Hoefer. [Under Janus, government workers don’t have to join or pay. But behind closed doors it’s hard to say no.] 8-27-22
- Unions. “A Big Labor Takeover in Illinois.” [Amendment I would entrench the power of public unions.] 8-30-22
- Unions. “Randi Weingarten Flunks the Pandemic.” [National test results reveal the damage from school closures.] 9-2-22
- Unions. “California’s Union Whopper.” [Sacramento finds a new way to put small business out of business.] 9-3-22
- Unions. “Not Working on the Railroad.” [You’d think all Biden’s union favors would avert a railway strike.] 9-15-22
- Unions. “Private-Sector Unions Try to Strip Public Employees of Their Rights.” By Nathan McGrath. [Janus v. Afscme protects government workers from mandatory participation in any labor organization.] 9-17-22
- Unions. “It’s Ludicrous to Have Biden Settle a Rail Strike.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The dollar value of the gain to workers is dwarfed by the waste of the government’s and nation’s time.] 9-17-22
- Unions. “California Takes the FAST Union Track to Europe.” By Michael J. Lotito. US. labor leaders now want government to impose industrywide collective bargaining.] 10-6-22
- Unions. “Prison-Labor Bans Are About Unions More Than ‘Slavery.’” By Chandra Bozelko. [What I learned working in the correctional kitchen for 75 cents a day.] 11-5-22
- Unions. “When a Union Busts a Union.” By Michael Saltsman and Charlyce Bozzello. [California’s SEIU Local 2015 faced a strike by its own employees.] 11-14-22
- Unions. “Who’s Afraid of Randi Weingarten?” by Jason L. Riley. [Not Mike Pompeo, who calls the teachers union head ‘dangerous’ but has challenged her to a debate.] 12-7-22
- Unions. “The FTC Does Big Labor a Solid. “ [The agency wants to ban non-compete clauses across U.S. business.] 1-7-23
- Unions. “Big Labor Strikes Back in Michigan.” [Democrats want to ban right to work, forcing workers to join unions.] 1-14-23
- Unions. “Big Labor Can’t Quit Shrinking.” [Unionized workers fall to 10.1% of the workforce despite political help.] 2-1-23
- Unions. “A Teacher’s Union Smears Asians as Communists.” By Wai Wah Chin. [A ‘strong association’ kills a history curriculum bill in the Virginia Senate.] 3-3-23
- Unions. “Public Unions vs. the People.” (The Weekend Interview with Philip K. Howard by Mene Ukueberuwa.) [A new book argues that government unions have seized unaccountable power. The author plans to make the case in court.] 3-4-23
- Unions. “Late to Work? Thank the Transit Union.” [A labor group in New York blocks a commonsense schedule update.] 3-4-23
- Unions. “Chicago Teachers Fight a Union Ploy.” 4-3-23
- Unions. “A Little Work Never Hurt Anyone – Including Teenagers.” By Jason L. Reilly [Over objections from Big Labor, governors of both parties work to ease limits on youth employment.] 4-12-23
- Unions. “The Wrong Track Rail Safety.” [Mandatory two-man crews are a union wish with no rationale.] 4-17-23
- Unions. “A Big Labor Partisan Named Su.” [Biden’s Labor nominee puts union interests above workers.] 4-19-23
- Unions. “Teachers Strike for Climate Justice.” [The Oakland union’s demands go far beyond pay and work conditions.] 5-10-23
- Unions. “The Illinois Scholarship Scandal.” [Teachers unions block a small program that showcases their failure.] 5-27-23
- Unions. “Dockworkers Missed Their Moment.” By Peter Tirschwell. [They could have cut a good deal last year. Instead they’re striking at an inopportune time.] 6-7-23
- Unions. “Hooray for Hollywood, Boo for Unions.” By Bruce Thompson. [The actors and writers strikes will hurt Georgia, a right-to-work state.] 7-22-23
- Unions. “Hollywood Strike’s Big Rick Is a ‘Nanny; without a Plan.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The actors union let itself be pushed into a walkout by radical posturing when its leverage was low.] 7-22-23
- Unions. “The Talent Strikes Back.” By Peggy Noonan. [Hollywood writers and actors are staging what may prove the biggest labor action of the century.] 7-22-23
- Unions. “UPS and the Art of the Teamsters Deal.” 7-26-23
- Unions. “Striking Actors Have Lost the Plot.” By Matthew Hennessey. 7-28-23
- Unions. “AI Is Hollywood’s Fake Villain.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [It will make actors richer but first must take the blame for their stupid strike.] 8-2-23
- Unions. “Pennsylvania’s Big Union Payback.” 8-10-23
- Unions. “An Electric-Car Payoff the UAW.” [Biden admits his EV transition will cost jobs. Solution: More money.] 9-2-23
- Unions. “Labor Unions Have Lost their Way.” By Eizabeth Messenger. [The AFT and NEA are more concerned with left-wing causes than their members’ interests.] 9-2-23
- Unions. “A Hollywood-Detroit Crackup.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Labor politics threatens two of America’s once-seminal industries.] 9-6-23
- Unions. “A Union Railroad Job in Congress.” 9-22-23
- Unions. “UAW Strike May Hasten Detroit’s Decline.” By Clifford Winston. [Decades of regulations and subsidies have left the Big Three uncompetitive in the age of electric cars.] 9-22-23
- Unions. “Biden Does Big Labor’s Bidding in Mexico.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Trade Representative Katherine Tai engages in union activism south of the border.] 9-25-23
- Unions. “The UAW vs. EVs.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Joe Biden may not be senile, but America’s auto and climate policies certainly are.] 9-27-23
- Unions. “The UAW Has the Wrong Target for ‘Corporate Greed.’ By Allysia Finley. [The union’s auto workers do far better financially than the academic proletariat it represents.] 10-9-23
- Unions. “The UAW Monopoly at Work.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [And why politicians find it impossible to say an honest word about fuel economy.] 11-1-23
- Unions. “Unions Go After East Coast Ports.” By Peter Tirschwell. [Dockworkers threaten a strike for increased wages and for control of the longshore workforce.] 9-17-23
- Unions. “A-Listers Try to Put Lipstick on the Hollywood Strike.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The showbiz and auto walkouts only illustrate the false promise of a return to unionization.] 11-18-23
- Unions. “A Labor Strike Over Shoplifting.” [Seattle area Macy’s workers say thieves jeopardize their safety.] 11-28-23
- Unions. “Government Unions Love Democrats.” 12-5-23
- Unions. “Philadelphia’s Union Crooks.” [A jury convicts two labor bosses of stealing from union coffers.] 12-11-23
- Unions. “’Worker’s Choice’ Is the Way Forward.” By Eric Burlison and F. Vincent Vernuccio. [Employees who opt out of unions should be free to negotiate their own contracts.] 12-13-23
- Unions. “Biden to Apprentices: You’re Fired.” 12-19-23
- Unions. “A Teachers Union Showdown in Florida.” [United Teachers of Dade falls short of its required members in Miami-Dade.] 12-29-23
- Unions. “The Pilot Union’s Flying Veto.” 1-4-24
- Unions. “Democrats Squeeze Nonunion Car Makers.” [Thirty-three Senators demand unionization without fair elections.] 1-11-24
- Unions. “Georgia Fights the Big Labor Fix.” [Employers could lose tax breaks if they deny workers a secret vote.] 3-4-24
- Unions. “Who’s the Labor Radical Now?” [Biden vetoes a bipartisan repeal of his joint-employer rule.] 5-7-24
- Unions. “Illinois Pension Su9cide Pact.” [A new union gambit could kill the state’s modest pension reform.] 5-7-24
- Unions. “The Wolves of the FDIC.” [An audit shows how union rules protected a culture of misconduct.] 5-8-24
- Unions. “The Workers Win in Alabama.” [Shawn Fain’s brand of progressive politics fails at Mercedes Benz.] 5-20-24
- Unions. “A Union Strikes Against – the Union.” [Workers of the world unite against the largest U.S. teachers union.] 7-6-24
- Unions. “Union Victories First, Job Losses Later.” [Deere & C. layoffs follow the UAW’s blockbuster contract gains.] 8-5-24
- Unions. “The NEA Becomes the Big Business Boss.” By Mene Ukueberuwa. [A strike and a lockout stall the teachers union’s multimillion-dollar get-out-the-vote machine.] 8-6-24
- Unions. “The Miami Teachers Union Election.” [After DeSantis boosts competition, an upstart alternative wants to cut dues and quit politics.] 8-27-24
- Unions. “Florida vs. Michigan on Public Unions. [States move in opposite directions in fights over employee freedom.] 8-30-24
- Unions. “Workers of the World, Vote!” by F. Vincent Vernuccio. [So Big Labor will say. But most private-sector union members have never cast a ballot for their own union.] 8-31-24
Issue Headlines
Unions. Wall Street Journal 6-28-18 p. A1
“Ruling on Public Unions Strikes at Labor Finances”