Opinion Headlines
- Blacks LTE “Back Then, We Helped One Another 6-20-14
- Blacks: “How Not to Help Black Americans” [failed poverty programs…] 6-17-14
- Slavery. LTE. “American Slavery Wasn’t Capitalist.” 9-16-14
- Blacks. “Holder’s Legacy of Racial Politics.” [The attorney general battled against state voter-ID laws, despite all evidence of their fairness and popularity. What will his successor do?] 9-29-14
- Blacks. “The 2014 Race Card.” [Democratic appeals to racial division are worse than ever.] 10-25-14
- Blacks. “Disparate Impact Rejected.” [A federal judge tosses out Team Obama’s rule on housing discrimination.] 11-4-14.
- Obama and the Black Vote. [The appeals to racial division mask the lack of economic progress.] 11-4-14.
- Blacks. “Chief Flynn on Crime and Protest.” […remorseless criminals who don’t care who they shoot.”] 11-28-14
- Blacks. “Mobs of New York.” By Daniel Henninger [The idea that we are all complicit in the Eric Garner grand-jury decision is false.] 12-11-14
- Blacks. “Finding Racism Where It Isn’t” by Holman Jenkins, Jr. [The federal government turns its ‘disparate impact’ hunt on the auto-loan market.] 12-13-14
- Blacks. “Still Right on the Black Family After all these Years.” By Jason L. Riley. [The warnings that Daniel Patrick Moynihan sounded 50 years ago have come true. Will liberals ever forgive him?] 2-11-15
- Blacks. LTE. “Fifty Years Later: Black Progress, Some Bad Reverses.” 2-18-15
- Blacks. “America’s Most Influential Thinker on Race.” By Juan Williams. [Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s insights are reshaping law and policy for the better.] 2-21-15
- Blacks. “Black Liberals and Oklahoma’s Video Racists.” By Jason L. Riley. [Most Americans were disgusted by the racist ditties, but some pundits reacted almost with glee. Why?] 3-18-15
- Blacks. “Race After Obama.” By Daniel Henninger. [“…As the Obama presidency ends, the status quo on race is in a bad place.] 3-26-15
- Blacks. “Obama and Black-Jewish Relations.” By Jason L. Riley. [The long road from marching side by side at Selma to /Today, when the White House is openly clashing with Israel.] 4-1-15
- Blacks. LTE. “Do We Really Want to Track the Ethnicity of Everyone.” 4-20-15
- Blacks. “The Lawbreakers of Baltimore – and Ferguson.” By Jason Riley. [The racial diversity of local government doesn’t matter when people want to seize on an excuse to commit crimes.] 4-29-15
- Blacks. “Al Sharpton’s Baltimore.” By Daniel Henninger. [“…When Al Sharpton popularized the chant, “No justice, no peace,” it was unmistakably clear that ‘no peace’ was an implicit threat of civil unrest…”] 4-30-15
- Blacks. “Charges in Baltimore.” [The city needs everyone to let the legal process to play out.] 5-2-15
- Blacks. “The Perplexing Portrait of Baltimore.” By Kenneth Lasson. [My hometown has a richer and more complex history on race and ethnicity than you’d glean from news coverage.] 5-2-15
- Blacks. “My Baltimore Business Problem.” By Jay Steinmetz. {What it’s like to operate a company 150 yards from the burned out liquor store – and why it’s hard to create jobs.] 5-4-15
- Blacks. LTE. “The Violence in Baltimore Isn’t That Hard to Explain.” 5-6-15
- Blacks. “What We Know About Bad Neighborhoods.” By Homan W. Jenkins., Jr. [Even the poverty experts thought the solution for Freddie Gray’s neighborhood was for people to leave.] 5-9-15
- Blacks. “Policing in the After math of Baltimore’s Bungles.” [The mayor mishandled the response to the protests, and the prosecutor has been needlessly inflammatory.] 5-7-15
- Blacks. “Bad Deal in Baltimore.” [Progressives and unions gut a charter-school reform.] 5-19-15
- Blacks. “The New Nationwide Crime Wave.” By Heather MacDonald. [The consequences of trhe ‘Ferguson effect’ are already appearing. The main victims of growing violence will be the inner-city poor.] 5-30-15
- Blacks. “Best Poverty Cure: Escape From Baltimore.” By William McGurn. [New evidence shows minorities now do better in the American South.] 6-2-2015
- Blacks. LTE. “Fighting Crime and Protecting the Poor in Bad Areas.” 6-6-15
- Blacks. “Obama Wants to Pick the Clintons’ Neighbors.” By Jason Riley. [The administration is forcing low-income housing into wealthy enclaves, whether or not anyone wants it.] 6-17-15
- Blacks. “The Charleston Shooting.” [An echo of 52 years ago, but also a crucial difference.] 6-19-15
- Blacks. “What Charleston Tells Us About Race Relations.” By Jason L. Riley. [A liberal standby says ‘nothing’s really changed.’ Really? Let’s take a look at the response to a 1960s church bombing in the South.] 6-24-15
- Blacks. “The Triumph of South Carolina.” [The conciliation after Charleston is an example for the country.] 6-27-15
- Blacks. “Two Miracles in Charleston.” By Peggy Noonan. [A stunning demonstration of Christian faith helps resolve a better decades-long argument.] 6-27-15
- Blacks. “Perry’s Race Talk.” [The former Governor challenges the GOP and the political left.] 7-6-15
- Blacks. “Republicans, Race and Economic Opportunity for All.” By Rick Perry. [Too often we Republicans – myself included – have emphasized the 10th Amendment but not the 14th.] 7-6-15
- Blacks. Charleston. “What Charleston Knows.” By Daniel Henninger. 7-2-15
- Blacks. “Race, Party and Opportunity.” By Daniel Henninger. [“…How can so many people have stayed poor and unemployed in the same years the Democratic Party earned their votes…”] 7-16-15
- Blacks. “The Opportunity Debate Heats Up.” [Bush and Clinton offer contrasting visions at the Urban League.] 8-1-15
- Blacks. “The Wages of Racial Discord.” By Jason L. Riley. [The president will leave office with race relations at their lowest ebb in decades. His politics of division bear much of the responsibility.] 8-5-15
- Blacks. “The Flawed ‘Missing Men’ Theory.” By Kay Hymowitz. [Mandatory-sentencing laws need an overhaul, but the dissolution of black families in the U.S. predates them.] 8-10-15
- Blacks. “’Black Lives Matter’ – but Reality, Not So Much.” By Jason L. Riley. [The movement was founded on a falsehood. Scapegoating the police ignores the true threats to the urban poor.] 9-9-15
- Blacks. LTE “Addressing the Racial Disparity in Abortions.” 9-22-15
- Blacks. “Where Black Lives Don’t Matter.” By Wm. McGurn. [A TV ad highlights the racial inequality of New York’s public school system.] 9-29-15
- Blacks. “Westchester Wronged.” [No Evidence the county discriminated against anyone.] 10-2-15
- Blacks. “Race and the Democratic Debate.” By Juan Williams. [Expect Hillary’s challengers to try to drive a wedge between her and black voters.] 10-13-15
- Blacks. “Obama’s Tragic Legacy for Black American’s.” by Jason L. Riley. [Adding to harmful policies on school vouchers and the minimum wage: a plan to free 6,000 federal inmates.] 10-14-15
- Blacks. “Why Aren’t There More Black Scientists.?” By Gail Heriot. [The evidence suggests that one reason is the perverse impact of university racial preferences.] 10-22-15
- Blacks. “’Something Deeply Disturbing Is Happening All Across America.’” “From a speech by Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James B. Comey…” [A chill wind has changed police behavior, and now violent crime is rising. Its victims are almost entirely young black men.] 10-29-15
- Blacks. “Shouting ‘Racism’ Is a Career Move.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. 12-5-15 [“…dishonesties behind the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau crackdown on supposedly racist auto loans…”]
- Blacks. “Justice Kennedy’s Racial Do-Over.” [Texas and the Fifth Circuit ignored his ruling in Fisher.] 12-9-15
- Blacks. “The Consumer Bureau Cover-Up.” [The feds knew their data showing racial bias was false but sued anyway.] 12-10-15
- Blacks. LTE. “It’s About Time to Hold the DFPB Accountable.” 12-10-15
- Blacks. “Scalia Was right About Race Preferences.” By Jason L. Riley. [The debate about these college-admissions policies is too focused on their legality, not their efficacy.] 12-14-15
- Blacks. Education. “How Colleges Make Racial Disparities Worse.” By Richard Sander. [Affirmative action sets up unprepared students for failure. Yet schools ignore this ‘mismatch’ evidence.] 12-18-15
- Blacks. Crime. “Trying to Hide the Rise of Violent Crime.” By Heather Mac Donald. [Progressives and their media allies have launched a campaign to deny the ‘Ferguson effect’ – but it’s real, and it’s increasingly deadly for inner cities.] 12-26-15
- Blacks. “An Alternative Black History Month.” By Jason L. Riley. [You won’t be hearing about the rising black middle class or intact two-parent families of the 1950s.] 2-10-16
- Blacks. “The Myths of Black Lives Matter.” By Heather MacDonald. [The movement has won over Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. But what if it’s claims are fiction?] 2-12-16
- Blacks. “The Carolina Pander for Black Votes.” By Juan Williams. [Clinton and Sanders fight to own the Obama legacy, though it hasn’t improved most black lives.] 2-13-16
- Blacks. LTE. “Black Lives and Pandering Instead of Fixing.” 2-19-16
- Blacks. LTE. “Black Lives and the Government One Deserves.” 2-23-16
- Blacks. “Homicide’s Role in the Racial Life-Expectancy Gap.” By Dhruv Khullar and Anupam B. Jena. [To narrow the black-white difference even more than we already have, treat violence like it’s a disease.] 4-28-16
- Blacks. “Strong, Proud Black Women at West Point.” By Vanessa De Luca. 5-10-16
- Blacks. “After Dallas, Leadership.” [The demonization of law enforcement will lead to more violence.] 7-9-16
- Blacks. “Three good Men Talk About Race.” By Peggy Noonan. [Powerful perspectives from a senator, a surgeon and a police chief.] 7-16-16
- Blacks. “Another Police Ambush.” [The thin blue line between order and chaos I attacked again.] 7-18-16
- Blacks. “Charges Dropped in Baltimore.” [It’s clear the prosecutor rushed to judgment in the Freddie Gray case.] 7-28-16
- Blacks. “The NAACP vs. Minority Children.” [The outfit takes orders from its union backers to oppose charter schools.] 8-27-16
- Blacks. “The Black Body Count Rises as Chicago Police Step Back.” By Heather McDonald. [In 2016 nearly 3,000 people have been shot in the city, an average of one victim every two hours.] 9-12-16
- Blacks. LTE. “Avoiding the Obvious on Chicago’s Violence.” [“…the Ferguson effect…”] 9-19-16
- Blacks. “Obama’s Track Record With Blacks Won’t Help Clinton.” [The president hopes to fuel minority turnout by stoking anger, fear and resentment.] 9-21-16
- Blacks. “Cops and Political Narratives.” [In case you hadn’t heard, the Charlotte police shooter is black.] 9-24-16
- Blacks. LTE. “The NAACP Votes to Limit Choice for Blacks.” “New York Tries to Kill Airbnb.” [Too many owners were making too many renters happy.] 10-22-16
- Blacks. “The Myth of the Racist Cop.” By Heather McDonald. [Four studies out this year show that if police are biased, it’s in favor of blacks.] 10-24-16
- Blacks. “Harlem Gives President Trump a Chance.” By Jason L. Riley. [The black community isn’t despondent or angry. ‘If Trump can go in there and shake things up,’ one man says, ‘I’d like that.’] 11-16-16
- Blacks. “An American Dream Fulfilled.” By Dorothy J. Gaiter. 12-14-16
- Blacks. “Trump and Black Americans.” By Daniel Henninger. [FDR offered the hope of prosperity. Can the new president do the same?] 1-5-17
- Blacks. “Haters Gonna Hate.” [A Chicago case exposes the divisiveness of the hate-crime obsession.] 1-6-17
- Blacks. “John Lewis’s Record in Congress Is Less Than Heroic.” By Jason L. Riley. [The Democrat deserves an honored place in history. But Trump has a point about what he’s done lately.] 1-18-17
- Blacks. “What is Ex-President Obama’s Message to Black Americans?” by Jason Riley. [While in the White House, he sometimes spoke the truth and sometimes made excuses.] 1-25-17
- Blacks. “A Gamble Helped Black Students Thrive.” By William Mattox. 2-15-17
- Blacks. “’Hidden Figures’ Is a Powerful Story of Black Achievement.” By Robert L. Woodson Sr. [African-Americans have heard lots of excuses for failure and are hungry for inspiration.] 3-17-17
- Blacks. “Black Men Speaking Latin.” By Wm. McGurn. [A dead language helps forge identity and esprit de corps, like boot camp for Marines.] 4-18-17
- Blacks. “The Outsiders Who Were Behind the Booing of Betsy DeVos.” By Jason L. Riley. [Trump hosted black college presidents in the Oval Office, something Barack Obama never got around to.] 5-17-17
- Blacks. “Colin Kaepernick Is a Victim of His Own Supporters.” By Jason Whitlock. [What team owner would risk being vilified as racist if things don’t go well for the quarterback.?] 5-19-17
- Blacks. Education. “The Campus Mob Came for Me – and You, Professor, Could Be Next.” By Bret Weinstein. [Whites were asked to leave for a ‘Day of Absence.’ I objected. Then 50 yelling students crashed my class.] 5-31-17 (“…Evergreen has slipped into madness. You don’t need the news to tell you that – the protester’s own videos will do…”
- Blacks. “50 Year After Loving v. Virginia, Colleges Embrace Segregation.” By Jason L. Riley. [Students have demanded free tuition and housing for blacks as well as black-only dorms.] 6-7-17
- Blacks. “A Better Direction for Black Lives Matter.” By Jason L. Riley. [Rather than scapegoat police, why not focus on bad schools and job-killing regulations?] 6-28-17
- Blacks. “Racial Division, Made Possible by Viewers Like You.” By Howard Husock. [The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is pushing identity politics – except at pledge time.] 7-13-17
- Blacks. “How O.J. Became Black America’s Mr. Bad Example.” By Jason Whitlock. [After 1994 his success was attributed to race betrayal. Now no one wants to be Jay Z’s ‘Story of O.J.’] 7-25-17
- Blacks. “Legalizing Pot Is a Bad Way to Promote Racial Equality.” By Jason L. Riley. [In Colorado, arrests of black youths for marijuana possession rose 58% after the drug was legalized.] 8-9-17
- Blacks. “Is Colin Kaepernick Executing a Trick Play?” by Jason Whitlock. [He’s been awfully quiet of late, but his supporter’s goal appears to be to sack a conservative institution.] 8-17-17
- Blacks. “The False ‘Science’ of Implicit Bias.” By Heather Mac Donald. [A test purports to reveal hidden prejudice, but there’s little evidence its findings are meaningful.] 10-10-17
- Blacks. “Black Americans Need Bourgeois Norms.” By Robert L. Woodson. [Frederick Douglass would have agreed with Amy Wax.] 10-12-17
- Blacks. “Cornell’s Black Student Disunion.” By Naomi Schaefer Riley. [A radical group calls on the university to disfavor immigrants.] 10-19-17
- Blacks. “Once a Rising Star, Flint’s Mayor Faces a Recall.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [Local residents came to a town hall to complain about tainted water. Six of them ended up in jail.] 11-3-17
- Blacks. “Why Black Colleges Need Charter Schools.” (The weekend interview with Johnny C. Taylor Jr. by Allysia Finley) [Only 35% of students earn bachelor’s degrees in six years. Why? Because traditional public schools failed to prepare them.] 11-4-17
- Blacks. “How Free Speech Lost in C-ville.” By Holman w. Jenkins, Jr. [An unflinching report on the failure of police to control ‘antifascist’ protesters.] (Re: last summer’s Charlottesville mayhem) 12-6-17
- Blacks. “Do Black Students Need White Peers?” by Jason L. Riley. [A news report worries about the racial makeup of charter schools, despite their better performance.] 12-13-17
- Blacks. “Ta-Nehisi Coates vs. Cornel West Hardly Qualifies as Debate.” By Jason L. Riley. [They both think racism explains disparities today, and they seldom engage with those who disagree.] 12-27-17
- Blacks. “Black Protest Has Lost Its Power.” By Shelby Steele. [Have whites finally found the courage to judge African-Americans fairly by universal standards?] 1-13-18
- Blacks. “In Search of Durable Cities.” (Bookshelf by Edward Glaeser) “Uneasy Peace” by Patrick Sharkey. […How can we create a future with less crime and fewer inmates.] 1-17-18
- Blacks. “Colorblindness Succeeds in California.” By David A Lehrer. [“…A Campaign to reinstate affirmative action would inject an incendiary racial element into this year’s election…”] 1-22-18
- Blacks. “Did My Mom Have ‘White Privilege’?” by Angela Rocco DeCarlo. [She arrived from Italy in 1911 and then at age 14 went to work in a factory sewing ladies’ coats.] 2-16-18
- Blacks. “50 Years of Blaming Everything on Racism.” By Jason L. Riley. [The 1968 Kerner report on urban riots absolved blacks of responsibility and ignored real progress.] 3-7-18
- Blacks. “Martin Luther King: ‘We Can’t Keep on Blaming the White Man.’ By Jason L. Riley. [Fifty years after his death, many pay lip service to his ideals, but far too few are following his example.] 4-4-18
- Blacks. “The Cudgel of ‘White Privilege.’ By Zachary Wood. [I’m not interested in negotiating with racists,’ and Ivy League historian told me.] 4-9-18
- Blacks. “Starbucks Is Not the Next Selma.” By Rob’t L. Woodson Sr. [Today’s protests are a useful diversion for those who reap the profits of the race-grievance industry.] 4-30-18
- Blacks. “Kanye Had One of the Best Tweets of All Time.” By Jason Whitlock. [Maxine Waters said the rapper spoke ‘out of turn’ by praising Trump, but he affirmed his freedom.] 5-8-18
- Blacks. “The Airport Control Tower Is No Place for Racial Redress.” By Jason L. Riley. [The Obama FAA grounded qualified candidates in the name of justice. Why isn’t Trump moving to reverse?] 6-6-18
- Blacks. “The Unjust Prosecution of a Black Militia Kook.: by Kevin D. Williamson. [Christopher Daniels spent five months in jail on a trumped-up gun charge before a judge releases him.] 7-7-18
- Blacks. “Let’s Talk About the Black Abortion Rate.” By Jason L. Riley. [In New York City, thousands more black babies are aborted each year than born alive.] 7-11-18
- Blacks. “Getting Around Is About to Get harder for Minorities.” By Jason L. Riley, [New York’s mayor and City Council protect the taxi cartel at the expense of outer-borough dwellers.] 8-15-16
- Blacks. “A Black Republican in the Heart of Dixie.” By Quin Hillyer. [The dignified life of Lee James refutes liberal stereotypes about race and politics in the South.] 8-18-18
- Blacks. “The Media Fesses Up.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [To its credit, the New York Times mentions the press’s role in fanning racial angst.] 8-22-18
- Blacks. “Racial Preferences Aren’t Only an American Problem.” By Jason L. Riley. [Discriminatory programs tend to benefit the well-off instead of the poor. And they never seem to end.] 12-12-18
- Blacks. “DeBlasio Sees Too Many Asians.” By Wm. McGurn. [A lawsuit accuses New York’s mayor of using racial discrimination to promote ‘diversity.’] 12-18-18
- Blacks. “Martin Luther King, Colorblind Radical.” By Coleman Hughes. [He flirted with democratic socialism and opposed the Vietnam War but stood against identity politics.] 1-18-19
- Blacks. “The Illogic of Slavery Reparations at This Late Date.” By Jason L. Riley. [How can centuries-old oppression be to blame for problems that became severe only recently?] 3-20-19
- Blacks. “Do Abolitionists Owe Reparations?” by Jay Winik. [Collective punishment based on race wouldn’t be just compensation for the evils of slavery.] 3-25-19
- Blacks. “Culture Explains Asians’ Educational Success.” By Jason L. Riley. [Black enrollment at New York’s elite public high schools was far higher in the 1930s than today.] 3-27-19
- Blacks. “Meet the Woman Rashida Tlaib Called a ‘Prop.’” (The Weekend Interview with Lynne Patton by Jillian Kay Melchior) [A recovering addict, she advised Trump’s campaign on minority outreach and now woks at HUD calling attention to appalling public-housing conditions.] 3-30-19
- Blacks. “Segregation by Design on Campus.” By Peter W. Wood and Dion J. Pierre. [How racial separatism became the norm at elite universities like Yale, Brown and Wesleyan.] 4-30-19
- Blacks. “The Danger of Debating Reparations for Slavery.” By Lance Morrow. [It would push the country to angrier extremes on either side, stimulating fresh antagonisms.] 5-3-19
- Blacks. “An NAACP Revolt on Charters.” 5-7-19
- Blacks. LTE. “Slavery Reparations Inflame Racial Wounds.” 5-10-19
- Blacks. “I Didn’t Earn Slavery Reparations, and I Don’t Want Them.” By Burgess Owens. [My ancestor Silas Burgess came to America in chains. But even he was able to live the American Dream.] 5-25-19
- Blacks. “A Reckoning With Martin Luther King.” By Lance Morrow. [Can America find grace and forbearance after shocking revelations about the civil-rights hero?] 6-18-19
- Blacks. “Hate Crime Hoaxes Are More Common Than You Think.” By Jason L. Riley. [A political scientist who examined 346 allegations found fewer than 1 in 3 was genuine.] 6-26-19
- Blacks. “Reparations and the Spirit of 1789.” By Liam Warner. [Burke’s concerns about the French Revolution resonate in today’s debate.] 7-12-19
- Blacks. “The Race Card Hs Gone Bust.” By Jason L. Riley. [America has never been fairer or more integrated, yet politicians obsess over wiping out discrimination.] 7-17-19
- Blacks. “A Reality Check on ‘Racism’ and Urban Decay.” [Disparities in police shootings aren’t the product of officers’ bias, a new study confirms.] 7-31-19
- Blacks. What Would We Do without the Word ‘Racism.’?” By Joseph Epstein. [The term became pervasive only after discrimination was banned and blacks made significant progress.] 8-3-19
- Blacks. “White Supremacy and Abortion.” By Wm McGurn. [It isn’t the pro-life movement that wants fewer black and Hispanic babies born.] 9-3-19
- Blacks. “Dave Chappelle Is Stuck in the ‘80’s.” by Jason L. Riley. [He made a career pushing the envelope, but his material – including the N-word – is no longer edgy.] 9-4-19
- Blacks. “Legalizing Discrimination.” [Re: Washington State’s Referendum 88] 10-21-19
- Blacks. “Tech Workers and Asians Against Racial Preferences.” By John Carlson. [Washington state unions try to reverse a 1998 ballot measure and bring back affirmative action.] 10-26-19
- Blacks. “Racial Contracts by Force.” [Can a company be required to do business with a minority firm?] 11-13-19
- Blacks. “Equal Opportunity Discrimination.” [Oracle is fighting back against a dubious Obama-era complaint.] 12-28-19
- Blacks. “Can Trump Earn Black Support?” by Daniel Henninger. [Biden and Sanders would say these new minority jobs fell like manna from heaven.] 1-16-20
- Blacks. “Trump’s Smart Play for African-Americans.” By Jason L. Riley. [His share of the black vote in 2016 was respectable. Even a small increase could put him over the top.] 2-12-20
- Blacks. “Minnesota Bids to Segregate Its Child-Welfare Agencies.” By Walter Olson. [No matter what problems they solve, laws granting different rights to different races are unconstitutional.] 2-29-20
- Blacks. “Abigail Thernsrom, RIP: America Needs More Like Her.” By Jason L. Riley. [The social scientist who studied race always put intellectual honesty ahead of political correctness.] 4-15-20
- Blacks. “Violence Threatens Black Lives.” By Nestride Yumga [I am not oppressed. I am free. African-Americans need real policy reforms, not racial antagonism.] 6-9-20
- Blacks. “International Law Demands Reparations for American Slavery.” By Arif Hyder Ali. [The ban on enslavement is a ‘peremptory norm,’ meaning that it can be enforced retroactively.] 6-10-20 (Mr. Ali is a partner at a global law firm.)
- Blacks. “Race Problem or Crime Problem?” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Too many poor Americans, especially blacks, live in places where law is absent.] 6-17-20
- Blacks. “America Has a Silent Black Majority.” By Jason L. Riley. [They fear crime more than police and know rioters are opportunists, not revolutionaries.] 6-17-20
- Blacks. “Black Lives Can Be Very Different.” By John Wood Fr. [My wife and I grew up 15 miles apart – in different worlds.] 6-18-20
- Blacks. “An African-American Saint for Our Time.” By John J. Miller. [Augustus tolton was born into slavery, became a priest, and ministered to the poor.] 6-19-20
- Blacks. “Charter Schools’ Enemies Block Black Success.” By Thomas Sowell. [Teachers unions are gaining in their fight to stop students and resources from moving toward what works.] 6-19-20
- Blacks. “’Living His Mother’s American Dream.’” (The Weekend Interview with Tim Scott by Tunku Varadarajan.) [The senator discusses his police-reform bill, Dick Durbin’s put-down, and how Republicans can appeal to black voters.] 6-20-20
- Blacks. “The Power of Personal Agency.” By Ian Rowe. [The idea that only whites can undo ‘structural racism’ sends young blacks a message of powerlessness.] 6-22-20
- Blacks. “The Disparate Racial Impact of Requiring a College Degree.” By Peter Q. Blair and Shad Ahmed. [Among U.S. workers over 25, only 26% of blacks, and 40% of whites, have a bachelor’s or higher.] 6-29-20
- Blacks. “A Challenger of he Woke ‘Company Policy.’” (The Weekend Interview with Glenn Loury by Tunku Varadarajan,) [The Brown economist on his winding journey from South Side Chicago to Reagan Republican, to the left and back to the right.] 7-11-20
- Blacks. “How to Show That Black lives Really Matter.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The single best thing for young families is leaving a high-crime, high-poverty neighborhood.] 7-11-20
- Blacks. “John Lewis’s America.” [The arc of his life shows the racial progress the country has made.] 7-20-20
- Blacks. “America Isn’t a Racist Country.” By Ward Connerly. [If we’re going to have a national conversation, we need a bold, spirited defense of our progress.] 7-25-20
- Blacks. “A Lynching False Alarm in California.” By Ri,a Fountain. [Activists accused the KKK of murdering Robert Fuller, but his family now accepts he hanged himself.] 8-4-20
- Blacks. “The Resilience of the Black American.” By Robert L. Woodson Sr. [The racial grievance industry ignores inspiring examples of African-American achievement.] 8-7-20
- Blacks. “How Not to Be an Antiracist.” By Kenneth L. Marcus. [The focus should be on invidious discrimination, not statistical disparities and social change.] 8-25-20
- Blacks. “Black Cops Don’t Matter.” [Democrats are driving African-American police chiefs out of their jobs.] 9-11-20Blacks. “On Being Black and Conservative.”
- (The Weekend Interview with Kay Coles James. By Nicole Ault) [The Heritage Foundation’s president on the racial progress she’s experienced, the problems that remain, and becoming a target of Fox host Tucker Carlson.] 9-28-20
- Blacks. “Will Amazon Suppress the True Michael Brown Story?” by Jason L. Riley. [Shelby Steele’s new film takes a critical look at the prevailing narrative. It’s now under ‘content review.’] 10-14-20
- Blacks. “Behind the Elite Hatred of Clarence Thomas.” By Jason L. riley. [He challenges their race-based grievances and holds view more in line with ordinary black Americans.] 11-18-20
- Blacks. “The Duo That Defeated the ‘Diversity Industry.’” (The Weekend Interview with War Connerly and Wenyuan Wu by Tunku Varadarajan.) [Californians rejected racial preferences even more soundly this year than in 1996. Will the Supreme Court reverse itself next?”] 11-21-20
- Blacks. LTE. “BLM and Inauthenticity in Racial Relations.” 12-2-20
- Blacks. “If You Must Talk About Race, Be Gracious.” By Rodney Stevens. [Racism is no longer systemic in the United States. Trust me.] 12-29-20
- Liberals. “How the left Hijacked Civil Rights.” By Robert L. Woodson Sr. and Joshua Mitchell. [For centuries black Americans debated how to overcome racism – but they always emphasized human agency and individual responsibility.] 1-16-21
- Blacks. “They Want to Put a Highway in Lead Belly’s Backyard.” By Howard Husock. [A plan to extend I-49 through a historically black neighborhood has divided Shreveport, LA. ] 1-30-21
- Blacks. “’White Nationalism’ Isn’t American Minorities’ Biggest Problem.” By Jason L. Riley [Racial paranoia and taboos feed crime against Asians and black distrust of Covid-19 vaccinations.] 2-24-21
- Blacks. Vernon Jordan Jr. [The civil-rights leader became a political insider and mentor.] 3-3-21
- Blacks. “Why Did Amazon Cancel Justice Thomas.?” By Jason L. Riley. [Without explanation, the company took down a popular documentary in black History Month.] 3-3-21
- Blacks. “America Loses a Wise Man.” By Peggy Noonan. [Vernon Jordan knew how to savor his life – and was truly committed to reaching across the aisle.] 3-6-21
- Blacks. “In Alabama, Black Amazon Workers Vote Their Economic Interest.” By Jason L. Riley. [The failed unionization push highlights growing disillusionment with progressive priorities.] 4-14-21
- Blacks. “A Black Life Lost in Seattle’s No-Cop Zone.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr. was gunned down in the ‘occupied’ area. His parents now seek justice.] 5-8-21
- Blacks. “Liberals Choose Racial Catharsis Over Progress for Blacks.” By Jason L. Riley. [What happened in Tulsa 100 years ago matters far less than what’s happening in Chicago today.] 6-2-21
- Blacks. “Another Historical Monument Sacrificed to the Forces of Unreason.” By Lori Laing. [Latta House, a home built around 1800, hosted historical tours and living history events. No longer.] 9-11-21
- Blacks. “The Destructive Legacy of the Great Society.” By Jason L. Riley. [Government subsidies for antisocial behavior stalled decades worth of black progress.] 9-22-21
- Blacks. “Identity Politics Isn’t the Only Way to Appeal to Minority Voters.” By Jason L. Riley. [The GOP should realize that blacks and Hispanic like safe neighborhoods and low taxes too.] 9-29-21
- Blacks. “Why Black lives Got Longer.” [The racial difference in longevity halved in the generation before Covid.] 10-12-21
- Blacks. “An Urban Organizer Wants ‘Race off the Table.’” (The Weekend Interview with Robert L. Woodson Sr. by Jason Willick.) [‘America is thirsty to reward grace and virtue,’ the Woodson Center’s retiring president says. ‘There’s going to be a revival soon.’” 10-16-21
- Blacks. “Colin Powell’s Great American Journey.” By Peggy Noonan. [‘I was not going to let bigotry make me a victim instead of a full human being,’ he wrote in 1995.] 10-23-21
- Blacks. “A Black Path to the Middle Class.” [New research on the upward mobility of HBCU graduates.] 11-27-21
- Blacks. “Waukesha Killings Make the Media Colorblind Again.” By Jason L. Riley. [The contrast with the Kyle Rittenhouse case illustrates the double standard.] 12-1-21
- Blacks. “Jussie Smollett’s Enablers Weren’t His Friends.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [His endorsers helped him throw away a life and career that might have been salvaged.] 12-18-21
- Blacks. “The Winsome Sears, Education Is the Key to Black Success.” By Tunku Veradarajan. [America hasn’t always been perfect, says Virginia’s lieutenant governor-elect, but it isn’t 1963 anymore.] 1-8-22
- Blacks. “An Ugly Game of Race Preferences.” By Wm. McGurn. [‘I mean there has been an anti Asian feel underlying some of this, hate to say it lol.’] 1-11-22
- Blacks. “The Message of Sidney Poitier’s Success.” By Jason L. Riley. [He improved America’s perceptions of its black countrymen at a time when it really mattered.] 1-12-22
- Blacks. “The Racial Progress Democrats Won’t Admit.” By Jason L. Riley. [Biden makes an ugly appeal to fear as black voter-registration and turnout keep climbing.] 1-19–22
- Blacks. “Janet Yellen Joins Democrats in Peddling Sour Grapes.” By Gil Troy. [They ignore Martin Luther King’s advice: ‘Accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.] 1-24-22
- Blacks. “The Trump Boom Lifted Black Americans.” By Jason L. Riley. [Before the pandemic, the economy grew in ways that mostly benefited low-income and middle-class households.] 1-29-22
- Blacks. “Why There Aren’t More Black Coaches in the NFL.” By Jason L. Riley. [One reason is that teams don’t want to hire someone they can’t fire without being labeled racist.] 2-9-22
- Blacks. “Was a Judicial Nominee Prejudiced in Her ‘role as an Advocate’?” by Jason L. Riley. [Nusrat Choudhury claimed police kill unarmed black men in America ‘every day.’ That’s nowhere near true.] 5-4-22
- Blacks. “Why Black Americans Are Buying More Guns.” By Jason L. Riley. [The people who bear the brunt of rising violent crime are taking steps to protect themselves.] 6-8-22
- Blacks. “Three New Books Challenge Preconceived Notions of Race.” By Jason L. Riley. [Far left activists, scholars and journalists dominate the debate with views most black Americans reject.] 7-27-22
- Blacks. “The Town That Desegregated in the 1870s.” by Robert L. Woodson Sr. [Race in America isn’t only a story of horror and oppression.] 9-9-22
- Blacks. “Racial Preferences Harm Their Beneficiaries, Too.” By Jason L. Riley. [Favored minorities struggle when they might have thrived at less-selective schools.] 10-5-22
- Blacks. “What Do You Call a Black Republican? How Abou ‘Congressman’?” by Jason L. Riley. [The GOP’s 2022 slate of candidates is more diverse than ever, and that has Democrats worried.] 10-26-22
- Blacks. “The Four Biggest Cities Will Have Black Mayors. Is That a ‘Big Deal’?” by Jason L. Riley. [Ethnic political clout may be more of a hindrance than a boon when it comes to economic success.] 11-30-22
- Blacks. “The Message of ‘Buying All Black.’” By Oliver Traldi. [The Google-Ludacris project reveals that U.S. society isn’t white supremacist.] 12-29-22
- Blacks. “Remember to Tell All of Black History.” By Wm. A Schambra and Bob Woodson. [Hulu’s ‘1619’ series focuses on victimhood and ignores the achievements of African-Americans.] 2-7-23
- Blacks. “Black Students Need Better Schools, Not Lower Standards.” By Jason L. Riley. [The fixation on racial parity at any cost will doom yet another generation to education failure.] 2-8-23
- Blacks. “The NAACP Expels Florida From the Union.” [The group distorts the states’ record to take a shot at Ron DeSantis.] 5-23-23
- Blacks. “Reparations for Slavery? California’s Bad Idea Catches on.” By Jason L. Riley. [New York lawmakers vote to study the idea, which can only harm blacks and worsen race relations.] 6-14-23
- Blacks. “Byron Allen’s Big Mac Attack.” [The media mogul plays the race card as a business strategy.] 6-16-23
- Blacks. “Reparations Are No More Than a Dream of Privilege.” By Shelby Steele. [Black Americans tragically turned our focus from rights and laws to identity politics and victimization.] 6-17-23
- Blacks. “Why Barack Obama Is Afraid of Tim Scott.” By Jason L. Riley. [The left doesn’t want voters exposed to black candidates with different political opinions.] 6-21-23
- Blacks. “Why Barack Obama Attacks Tim Scott.” [A Black conservative President would rebut his racial narrative.] 6-20-23
- Blacks. “Class Struggle, Not Race Hustle.” (Bookshelf by Tunku Varadarajan.) [No so Black and White.” By Kenan Malik. Working-class solidarity has given way to racial high priests and hucksters, who’ve imposed an identity catechism on everyone.] 6-28-23
- Blacks. “The Trouble With Reparations for Redlining.” By Jason L. Riley. [Most people who lived in areas where the FHA refused to insure mortgages were white.] 6-28-23
- Blacks. “A Long Road To Racial Equality.” By Ward Connerly. [After slavery, Jim Crow and affirmative action, the Supreme Cour bars discrimination by race.’] 6-30-23
- Blacks. “Liberals Can’t Comprehend Black Economic Progress.” By Jason L. Riley. [It undermines the argument that society is stacked against racial and ethnic minorities] 7-12-23
- Blacks. “Jesse Jackson Turned the Civil-Rights Cause Into an Industry.” By Jason L. Riley. [Refighting battles the movement had already won helped ensure poor blacks would stay impoverished.] 7-19-23
- Blacks. “Joe Biden Uses Martin Luther King Jr. for Partisan Points.” By Jason L. Riley. [Sixty years after the March on Washington, reflect on what blacks have done for themselves.] 8-30-23
- Blacks. “The Racial Achievement Gap and the War on Meritocracy.” By Jason L. riley. [Lower standards for blacks means more mediocre teachers and doctors in black communities.] 9-6-23
- Blacks. “Black Lives Matter and the World’s Oldest Hatred.” By Jason L. Riley. [The group‘s praise for Hamas’s ‘resistance’ comes as no surprise to those paving attention.] 11-1-23
- Blacks. “The Murder of a Great Educator.” By Robert Maranto. [Marus foster turned inner-city schools around. Left-wing terrorists shot him.] 11-6-23
- Blacks. “Tennessee’s Racial Podiatry Rule.” [A lawsuit takes on race preferences for seats on state licensing boards.] 11-8-23
- Blacks. “The Black Left’s Allies From Stalin to Hamas.” By Jason L. Riley. [Totalitarian regimes have long sought propaganda opportunities in America’s racial tension and unrest.] 11-8-23
- Blacks. “Why Do Black Pastors Oppose Israel?” by Alan Dershowitz and Andrew Strein. [Henry Louis Gates had an answer more than 30 years ago.] 2-1-24
- Blacks. “Black History Month Is More Complicated Than It Seems.” By Lance Morrow. [Celebrate the story of survival and liberation, but beware dwelling too much on suffering and grievance.] 2-17-24
- Blacks. “Bill Walton’s Lesson for Darryl George.” By Jason L. Riley. [A Texas student falls foul of this school’s grooming standards and makes a federal case out of it.] 2-28-24
- Blacks. “Trump, RFK Jr. and the Disillusioned Black Voter.” By Jason L. Riley. [Working-class minorities are less concerned with identity politics than they are with the economy.] 4-10-24
- Blacks. “Brown v. Board of Education: Right Result, Wrong Reason.” By Jason L. Riley. [Segregation is wrong, but black students don’t need to share a classroom with white ones to learn.] 5-15-24
- Blacks. “A Black Conservative’s Story Shows How Not to Help.” By Jason L. Riley. [Glenn Loury’s memoir is a cautionary tale of the unintended consequences of affirmative action.] 6-5-24
- Blacks. “The Sliming of Byron Donalds.” By Wm. McGurn. [Twisting a black Republican’s words about the black family during Jim Crow.] 6-11-24
- Blacks. “How Black Voters Become Swing Voters.” By Robert L. Woodson Dr. [Democrats have left a leadership vacuum, but Republicans need to make the case for themselves.] 6-13-24
- Blacks. “Bloomberg Spends Wisely on HBCUs.” By Jason L. Riley. [Black colleges have outperformed higher-ranked institutions on educating black students.] 8-21-24
- Blacks. “Will We Ever Hea the End of Slavery Reparations?” by Jason L. Riley. [Biden thinks the issue needs further study, but few issues in history have received more attention.] 12-4-24
Issue Headlines
http://dailycaller.com/2015/05/03/i-certainly-used-the-wrong-phrase-baltimore-mayor-regrets-space-to-destroy-comment-video/ :
‘I Certainly Used The Wrong Phrase’: Baltimore Mayor Regrets Space To Destroy Comment [VIDEO]
AL WEAVER, Reporter, 10:22 AM 05/03/2015
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake offered up regrets on “Meet The Press” Sunday for saying space was given to protesters in Baltimore who “wished to destroy.”
Rawlings-Blake told host Chuck Todd that she “certainly used the wrong phrase,” of which she received roundabout criticism as the riots escalated Monday.
“Do you regret using the phrase ‘space to destroy?’” host Chuck Todd asked.
“You know, I certainly think that it was taken out of context,” Rawlings-Blake started. “Let me say this: I’m from Baltimore, my parents are from here, I’m raising my daughter here. I’m a public defender. As city council person, as mayor, I’ve always worked to strengthen my city. We fought to get those stores in our community. I would never condone rioting. Just period. I would never condone it.”
“So wish you didn’t use that phrase?” Todd followed up.
“I certainly used the wrong phrase to talk about what was clear that there were people who took advantage of the peaceful demonstrator’s First Amendment right, and they used it to destroy our city,” the Baltimore mayor said. “And I don’t condone it, and we’ll make sure that those individuals will be held accountable.”
The quote: “It’s a very delicate balancing act, because while we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”
What’s Really Burning In Baltimore——-50 Years Of Liberal Welfare State Policies
by Jim Quinn • May 1, 2015
What’s Really Burning In Baltimore——-50 Years Of Liberal Welfare State Policies
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Police have said that Shaleem Tindle was armed with a handgun, and later released a photograph of a Sig Sauer they recovered at the scene.
By California Patch, News Partner | Feb 22, 2018 6:10 pm ET | Updated Feb 22, 2018 6:13 pm ET
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