Opinion Headlines
- President. “Our Disconnected Commander in Chief.” By Karl Rove. 9-4-14
- President’s Public Enemies. By Daniel Henninger. [Forget ISIS and Putin;… Republicans] 9-4-14
- Presidential power “Senate 9, President 0” [recess appointment abuse] 6-27-14
- President. “Restoring American Exceptionalism.” By Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney. [President Obama has dangerously surrendered the nation’s global leadership, but it can be ours again – if we choose his successor wisely.] 8-29-15
- President. “Undoing the Unilateral Presidency.” By Lanhee J. Chen. [Obama’s executive orders can be reversed easily, but he has imposed his policies in many other hard-to-stop ways.] 9-1-15
- President. LTE. “American Exceptionalism and the Scars of the Past.” 9-5-15
- President. “Farewell to Nancy Reagan, a Friend and Patriot.” By Peggy Noonan. [She was both steely and mystical – and there would have been no him without her.] 3-12-16
- President. “Hail to the Chief (of Staff)” by Wm. McGurn. [Advice to President-elect Trump from chiefs of staff to Reagan, Clinton, Obama and both Bushes.] 11-12-16
- President. “Trump’s Dueling White House Heads.” [Priebus and Bannon will be ‘equal partners.’ This will be interesting.] 11-14-16
- President. “A President is Always Conflicted.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [If Donald Trump weren’t in business, his every act would still be criticized.] 12-7-16
- President. “A Presidential Getaway Is No Vacation.” By Tevi Troy. [Trump deserves time to unwind, but he should remember that he’s never really off the clock.] 12-23-16
- President. “Make Inaugurals Dignified Again.” By Peggy Noonan. [Advice for the new president on his first day – and for media covering it.] 1-7-17
- President. (Bookshelf: by Robert Merry) “Headhunting for the Oval.” “Fit for the Presidency?” By Seymour Morris, Jr. [Lincoln was elected with 40% of the popular vote, but became one of our best presidents. Could we have foreseen how he would perform? 1-19-17
- President. “The Wax Presidency Wanes as a Human Comes to the White House.” By Crispin Sartwell. [To intellectuals, Trump is all too human – and that’s distracting them from important policy debates.] 1-30-17
- President. “Did George Washington Take ‘Emoluments’? by Eugene Kontorovich. [He asked a British official to help find renters for his land.] 4-14-17
- Presidency. “The ‘Hundred Days’ Humbug.” By Charles Kesler. [Blame FDR for this arbitrary standard, whose meaning has changed since 1933.] 4-26-17
- President. “The 25th Amendment? Forget It. [Impeachment would be a picnic by comparison with Trump opponents’ latest brainstorm.] 5-19-17
- President. “The Devil of a Job.” (Bookshelf by Robert W. Merry.) [The Impossible Presidency by Jeremi Suri. ] [An office that was once manageable is now beset by too many problems, too many demands and too many meetings.] 9-18-17
- President. “Begging Your Pardon, Mr. President.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey. [How Trump can shut down the special counsel probe and leave the Russia investigations to Congress.] 10-30-17
- President. “The Perfect Candidate for Therapist in Chief.” By Joseph Epstein. [At a time when actual qualifications no longer seem to matter, President Oprah is entirely plausible.] 1-19-18
- Presidents. “Should Presidents Be ‘Good’ People?” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Hillary Clinton and James Comey want you to know they’re better than Trump.] 5-5-18
- Presidency. “Back to the Impeachment Future.” By Kenneth W. Starr. [The expiration in 19999 of the independent counsel law was supposed to avoid situations like this.] 5-16-19
- President. “Why We Need Someone Like Ike.” By Robert D. Kaplan. [War is likelier in a world without inhibition, and the cyber era has elevated undisciplined leaders.] 7-18-19
- Presidency. “The Century of the Postheroic Presidency.” By Peggy Noonan. [Bill Clinton started the trend. By 2016 voters had given up on high standards in the White House.] 12-28-19
- President. “Congress Declares War, But Only the President Can Make It.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey. [The effort to tie Trump’s hands in Iran would be unconstitutional if it weren’t meaningless.] 1-16-20
- Presidents. “Jackson and Wilson Had Nothing on Trump in an Epidemic.” By Allen C. Guelzo. [Past presidents, including George Washington, responded to plagues by leaving town and waiting.] 4-27-20
- President. “The Day the President Was Shot.” By Thomas J. Baker. [The attempt on Reagan’s life spurred major reforms and might have averted a Soviet invasion of Poland.] 3-29-21
- Presidents. “All the President’s Yes-Men. By Tevi Troy. [JFK remade his decision-making process after the Bay of Pigs debacle. Biden could learn something.] 8-23-21
- Presidents. “When Presidents Lose Their Temper.” By Tevi Troy. [Biden isn’t the first to low his stack in the white House, for good or ill.] 7-12-23
- Presidents. “Carter, Biden and American Malaise.” By Kimberley a. Strassel. [A combination of domestic morass and bumbling leadership ties two presidents together across the decades.] 7-15-23
- President. “Biden, Trump and Cognitive Testing.” [A President in office until age 86, or 82? There’s no test for this except the voters.] 9-19-23
- President. “Duty, Urgency and Immunity.” By Dave Yost. [The Supreme Court needs to set a standard that respects the presidency as well as the rule of law.] 3-21-24
- President. “The President, I’m Against It.” By Andy Kessler. [Trump could seek a legacy as the leader who constrained the executive branch.] 4-8-24
- Presidents. “On Presidential Immunity (Trump Included).” [The Supreme Court must consider the Presidents, not merely the fate of one former President.] 4-25-24
- Presidents. “The Toothless 25th Amendment.” by Eric Felton. [Why would a cabinet member risk conflict with the president?] 7-3-24
- Presidents. “Nixon Shouldn’t Have Resigned.” By Kenneth L. Khachigian. [I argued in August 1974 that the president should stay and fight. History has vindicated my view.] 8-8-24
- President. “Presidential Immunity From Plato to Trump.” By Harvey C. Mansfield. [The framers didn’t want a king, but a republic with a strong executive was an innovation in 1787.] 9-7-24
- Presidents. “Happy 100.th President Carter.” 10-1-24
- Presidents. “Jimmy Carter, Champion of Deregulation.” By Phil Gramm. [The former president, who turns 100 Tuesday, gets too little credit for making America competitive again.] 10-1-24
- Presidents. “Jimmy Carter’s Unappreciated Legacy.” By Stuart E. Eizenstat. [The 39th president never stopped trying to make America, and the world, a better place.] 12-30-24
- President. “The Book on Jimmy Carter’s Desk.” By Bob Greene. [‘The Duties of the President’ ran 1,483 pages of dry legal ext.] 12-31-24
- President. “Advice From the Wisest President.” By Donald Henninger. [Washington proposed we live ty three ideas: liberty, conscience and tolerance.] 1-2-25
- Presidents. “What Carter and Biden Have in Common.” [They were both undone by inflation and U.S. weakness abroad.] 1-3-25
- Presidents. “Joe Biden Is No Jimmy Carter.” by Kimberley A. Strassel. [In terms of character the 46th president doesn’t come close to matching the 39th.] 1-10-25
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