
Opinion Headlines

  1. Bureaucrats “Patent Office Comanches”  6-19-14
  2. Bureaucrats Regulation “Cheese Whizzes” FDA vs. cheese makers  6-21-14
  3. Bureaucrats vs farmers   “Blueberry Justice”  […Labor’s lawless assault on farmers.] 9-2-14
  4. Bureaucrats, regulation,  SEC  “Refusing to Buckle to SEC Intimidation” 6-25-14
  5. Bureaucrats.  LTE.  “Do You Really Think Congress Will Rein In Agencies?” 9-3-14
  6. Regulators, feds, “Family Dollar Tree General.” […shouldn’t be decided by the antitrust cops.] 9-12-14
  7. Bureaucrats. “Federal Intrusion: Too Many Apps for That.” By Geoffrey A. Manne.   [Regulators have extracted a settlement from Google that could impair technology development for 20 years.] 9-17-14
  8. Bureaucrats. “Your Tax Dollars Haplessly at Work.” By Paul C. Light. [The GM ignition-switch mess is just the latest sign of the federal government’s regulatory breakdown.] 9-18-14
  9. Bureaucrats. LTE. “There’s a Heavy Efficiency Discount in Big Government.” 9-26-14
  10. Bureaucrats. “The New Bureaucratic Brazenness.” By Peggy Noonan. [Official arrogance is the source of public cynicism.]   10-4-14
  11. Bureaucrats. De-regulation. “On Comcast and Jimmy Carter.” [Before giving up on reform, remember the president who presided over deregulation.]   10-4-14
  12. Bureaucrats. Regulation. “Regulatory Capture 101.” 10-6-14
  13. Bureaucrats. “Killer Bureaucracies.” By Daneil Henninger [[U.S. vs. Ebola]]   10-9-14
  14. Bureaucrats. LTE. “The Incentives for Bureaucracies Are to Be Bureaucratic.” 10-11-14
  15. Bureaucrats. “Crash Test Dummies.” [The White House decides oil trains are the new Keystone pipeline.] 10-13-14
  16. Bureaucrats. LTE. “The Constitution and Attack of the Killer Bureaucracies.” 10-16-14
  17. Bureaucrats. “The Ebola Twilight of Public Institutions.” [The WHO and CDC are failing in their core health mission.] 10-16-14
  18. Bureaucrats. LTE. We Must Have Stronger Tank Cars.” (cr. WSJ editorial, “Crash Test Dummies.” 10-17-14
  19. Student-Loans. “ LTE. “Student-Loan Debt and Counting Liabilities as Assets.” 10-17-14
  20. Bureaucrats. LTE. “Compromise Shouldn’t Mean More Ineffective Programs.” 10-29-14
  21. Bureaucrats. “Google Leads from Behind on Net Neutrality.” By Homan W. Jenkins, Jr. [The search engine searches for its spine, afraid of being seen as uncool in Silicon Valley.] [”…That the FCC…has resisted any urge to introduce a provocative Title II rule…] 11-1-14
  22. Bureaucrats. “The Gensler Clean-Up.” [Regulators admit that Wall Street reform is hurting Main Street.] 11-8-2014
  23. Bureaucrats. “Another Big Bank Handshake.” [Regulators and giant banks agree to ignore contractual rights.] 11-10-14
  24. Bureaucrats. “Now Federal Job-Killers Are coming After Derivatives.” By J. Christopher Giancarlo. [A benign-sounding ‘advisory’ has the potential to send thousands of financial-services positions overseas.] 11-20-14
  25. Bureaucrats. “Air Bag Agonistes.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [In the future, cars won’t need an IED in the dashboard.] 11-22-14
  26. Bureaucrats. LTE. “ Government Regulation Run Amok”   11-22-14
  27. Bureaucrats. “The Motor City’s Regulators are Hitting the Brakes on Regrowth.” By Scott Beyer. [Nascent small businesses sprout up in Detroit only to find that the struggling city’s rules trump all. 12-13-14
  28. Bureaucrats. “The Financial Instability Business.” [Bank regulators won’t tell MetLife how to avoid being a ‘systemic’ risk.] 12-20-14
  29. Regulation. The Grinch Who Stole …Drones. By L. Gordon Crovitz. [The technology is flourishing overseas while federal regulators hanper it in the U.S.] 12-29-14
  30. Bureaucrats. “Meth Heads in the White House.” [Obama plans to regulate methane even as emissions plummet.] 1-5-15
  31. Bureaucrats. LTE. “Avoid Regulatory Capture, but Get Informed Regulators. 1-13-15
  32. Bureaucrats. “Regulators Put the Brakes On Biotech.” By Henry I. Miller. [Thanks to EPA, hopes have evaporated for genetically engineered microorganisms to clean up toxic wastes.] 1-14-15
  33. Bureaucrats. “The Green Coffee Speech Crime.” [The feds fine a guest of Dr. Oz for pushing a health study.] 1-29-15
  34. Regulators vs. Your Local Banker. By Camden R. Fine. [Federal rules are choking community banking. Here’s how Congress can step in and offer relief.] 3-11-15
  35. Bureaucrats. “Regulators of a Feather.” [Gumshoes at Fish and Wildlife go after Indian headdresses.] 3-13-15
  36. Bureaucrats. “Why Google Was Spared.” By L. Gordon Crovitz. [The FTC’s decision not to sue showed refreshing restraint. The FCC could learn from it.] 3-30-15
  37. Bureaucrats. “Fannie and Freddie May Need More Bailouts.” By William M. Isaac. [The federal policy to ‘sweep’ the housing giants’ profits sets them up for more trouble.] 4-1-15
  38. Bureaucrats. “Federal Horse Play in North Carolina.” By Russ Ferguson. [Washington is blocking a local initiative to save the state’s wild Spanish Mustangs. Why?] 3-31-15
  39. Bureaucrats. “How the Tort Juggernaut Trolls for Clients.” By Tiger Joyce. [Judges and juries have begun to expose the fraud behind many injury claims. The FTC should dig into it too.] 4-3-15
  40. Bureaucrats. LTE. “Regulators Shouldn’t Manage Trade.” 4-11-15
  41. Bureaucrats. “Do Two Half-Victims Make a Whole Case?” [Banks pay for allegedly discriminating against fractions of humans.] 4-14-15
  42. Bureaucrats. “Up From Dish Washer to Franchise Owner – and Regulation Target.” By Amir Siddiqi. [I’m an immigrant who has realized the American dream. But Washington’s new labor rules are a nightmare.] 4-27-15
  43. Bureaucrats. LTE. “A Prime Example of Bad Regulation.” 5-1-2015. [Re: Prime Health Care Services “vs.” California’s Kamala Harris] [cf. 4-20-15 Obamacare Effect, here]
  44. Bureaucrats. “Another 9-0 Smackdown.” [Even the liberal Justices conclude the EEOC abused its authority.] Puerto Rico. “Puerto Rico’s Debt-Relief Gambit.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The island’s political class wants to stiff its creditors. Congress shouldn’t go along.] 5-4-15
  45. Bureaucrats. “Creative Destruction at a Broker Near You.” By Burton G. Malkiel et.al. [Technology is changing the game for small investors. Here’s hoping that regulation doesn’t derail progress.] 5-5-15
  46. Bureaucrats. “Moving Your Nest Egg to a Bed of Red Tape.” By Randy Hultgren. [Regulators want to apply a new standard to financial retirement advisers that will ultimately hurt many savers.] 5-12-15
  47. Regulation. LTE. “Is Freedom From Destructive Overregulation a Fantasy?” 5-16-15
  48. Economy. “It’s Amazing Anything Ever Gets Built.” By John Engler and Sean McGarvey. [Federal permitting is a mess. Even a pet Obama wind-power project has been stuck for years.] 5-27-15
  49. Bureaucrats. “The Federal Marching Band of Music Regulators.” By Brian T. Majeski. [The industry has been beset by punitive fines, armed raids and threats of jail. Even banjo makers aren’t safe.] 6-12-15
  50. Bureaucrats. “Sorry, Wrong Number, Now Pay Up.” [A law to rein in telemarketing is being abused, costing companies millions. The FCC has a chance to fix this mess.] 6-16-15
  51. Bureaucrats. “MetLife Takes on Jack Lew.” [The insurer is suing to block its ‘systemic risk’ designation.] 6-19-15
  52. Bureaucrats. LTE. “A ‘Loser Pays’ Rule for Regulators? 7-11-15
  53. Bureaucrats. LTE. “Uber Model Is Road Block to Government Intervention.” 7-24-15
  54. Bureaucrats. LTE. “Scads of Regulators Clog the System.” 7-29-15
  55. Bureaucrats. Economy. “The New Slow-Growth Normal and Where It Leads.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [On the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, an unhinged regulatory state is our doomsday machine.] 8-1-15
  56. Bureaucrats. LTE. “It Isn’t Just Small Banks Being Crushed by Regulations.” 8-12-15
  57. Bureaucrats. Banks. “Account Closed: How Bank ‘De-Risking’ Hurts Legitimate Customers.” By Lanier Sperstein and Geoffrey Sant. [In their hunt for money launderers, regulators are forcing banks to shut down branches and reject business.] 8-13-15
  58. Bureaucrats. LTE. “Obstructionist Federal Regulators.” 8-14-15
  59. Bureaucrats. “Behind the Regulators vs. Ranchers Skirmish of Battle Mountain.” By Andy Rieber. [It’s a familiar story – not about renegade cowboys so much as about government wielding arbitrary power.] 8-22-15
  60. Bureaucrats. “Licenses to Kill.” [The left discovers occupational barriers to entry. Hurray.] 9-1-15
  61. Bureaucrats. “Bow Down Before Your Regulator.” [The feds defend their judgment that MetLife is too big to fail.] 9-4-15
  62. Bureaucrats. “At 50, This Housing Policy Needs Big Renovation.” By Vann Ellison and James Pettit. [HUS’s mismanagement and mission creep have made it a feeble tool for urban renewal.] 9-9-15
  63. Bureaucrats. “Highway to Bureaucratic Hell.” [Why it takes six years to build a road in America. And how to do it faster.] 9-12-15
  64. Bureaucrats. “The Friendly Skies Meet the Sopranos.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. 9-12-15
  65. Bureaucrats. “Gas Prices Ought to Be Lower.” By Jacob Borden. [Oil prices have dropped 60%, but a gallon of gas is down only 25%. Why? Regulation isn’t cheap.] 9-24-15
  66. Bureaucrats. “Bringing Out the Regulatory Wheel Clamps for Uber.”   [It isn’t only New York City. Politicians across the U.S. allied with taxi groups, try to bar ride-share services.] 9-28-15
  67. Bureaucrats. “The Coldest Regulatory Climate on Earth.” [Shell abandons offshore Alaska after spending $7 billion since 2007.] 9-29-15
  68. Bureaucrats. LTE. “Jeb’s Deregulation Plan Should Go Further.” 9-30-15
  69. Bureaucrats. “Westchester Wronged.” [No Evidence the county discriminated against anyone.] 10-2-15
  70. Bureaucracy. “Night of the Undead Bureaucracy.” [Pennsylvania hasn’t had a budget since June, but staggers on like a zombie.] 10-24-15
  71. Bureaucrats. “Stuck in a Regulatory Mash-Up.” [A genetically modified potato could combat blight and cut fungicide use – if the FDA and EPA will let it.] 11-3-15
  72. Bureaucrats. “Due Process vs. Administrative Law.” By Kent Barnett. 11-16-15
  73. Bureaucrats. “Democrats vs. Bureaucrats.” [A bipartisan plan to stop the consumer bureau’s war on car dealers.] 11-18-15
  74. Bureaucrats. “The Sweet Gig of Being a Bureaucrat.” By Mac Zimmerman. 11-20-15
  75. Bureaucrats. LTE. “Judges Must Be Independent, Not Beholden to Agencies.” 11-21-15
  76. Bureaucrats. LTE. “Our Stats Show Federal Workers Underpaid.” 11-30-15
  77. Bureaucrats. LTE. “CBO Says Federal Workers Overpaid in Two Categories.” 12-5-15
  78. Bureaucrats. LTE. “Observing Effects of Overweening Bureaucracy.” 12-11-15
  79. Bureaucrats. “How Bureaucracy Hinders Help for Disabled Children.” By Margaret Mikol.   12-14-15
  80. Bureaucrats. LTE. “This Land Is Your Land, This Land Is My Land.” 1-13-16 [Re: “Protest Rooted in Land-Use Dispute.” Jan. 6]
  81. Bureaucrats. LTE. “Serious Housecleaning Call For Federal IT Security Staff.” 2-9-16
  82. Bureaucrats/Congress. “The Senate’s Water Blockage.” [A Republican and Democrat stymie a compromise on Flint.] 3-15-16
  83. Bureaucrats. LTE. “Balanced Government and The New Untouchability.” 4-5-16
  84. Bureaucrats. “Consumer Financial Protection Racket.” [How much power should one unelected federal official have.?] 4-25-16
  85. Bureaucrats. “Blowing Bureaucratic Smoke.”  [An FDA rule threatens to stop donation of cigars to U.S. troops.]  10-7-16
  86. Bureaucrats. Bureau of Indian Affairs.  LTE “Time to Ditch the BIA, Move to Real Progress.” 10-14-16
  87. Bureaucrats. “How the House Will roll Back Washington’s Rule by Bureaucrat.”  By Kevin McCarthy. [We passed legislation to tighten the reins on federal agencies and will soon nix new Obama regulations.]  1-25-17
  88. Bureaucrats. “The Bureaucracy’s Judges.”  [Courts consider if administrative law judges are legal.]  5-31-17
  89. Bureaucrats. “The Tyranny of the Administrative State.”  (The Weekend Interview with Philip Hamburger by John Tierney)  [Government by unelected experts isn’t all that different from the ‘royal prerogative’ of 17th century England.] 6-10-17
  90. Bureaucracy. “Kafka Goes to the DMV.”  By Stephen Miller. [“…her New York license had been suspended a decade ago because she hadn’t paid an Indiana speeding ticket…”]  9-18-17
  91. Bureaucrats. “A Media Merger Is Mugged by Bureaucrats, Not Trump.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [A shocking possibility:  Partisan politics will save the AT&T and Time Warner deal.]   11-11-17
  92. Bureaucrats. CFPB.  “Adios, Richard Cordray.”  [The next director will have to rein in a rogue progressive bureaucracy.]  11-16-17
  93. Bureaucrats. “The European Union’s Democracy Deficit.” By Joseph C. Sternberg . [To make the bureaucracy more accountable, leaders in Brussels consider a plan for a quasi-president.] 2-16-18
  94. Bureaucracies. “Parkland’s Enforcement Failures.” [The public-safety bureaucracies failed on multiple levels.] 2-24-18
  95. Bureaucrats. “Career Civil Servants Illegitimately Rule America.” By Todd Gaziano and Tommy Berry. [Leslie Kux has never been elected or confirmed by the Senate. She’s issued nearly 200 regulations.] 3-1-18
  96. Bureaucrats. “A Defective Safety Squad.” [The Consumer Product Safety Commission is still run by Democrats.] 4-2-18
  97. Bureaucracy. “A Model for Licensing Reform.” [How to make it easier for Americans to work in a skilled trade.] 4-4-18
  98. Bureaucracy. “Judges Can Check the Administrative State.” By Peter J. Wallison. [Courts are too deferential when unelected officials supplant Congress’s role and write the law. 4-6-18
  99. Bureaucracy. “The ‘Swamp’ Needs a Justinian.”   By F.H. Buckley. [Judges lack the expertise to review regulations. The sixth-century Roman emperor had a better idea.] 4-20-18
  100. Bureaucrats. CFPB. “Kathy Kraninger’s Credentials.” [A nominee to take long-term control over a rogue regulator.] 6-20-18
  101. Bureaucrats. “My Lazy Summer as a Public Employee.” By Jason L. Riley. [Baltimore’s utility workers are in hot water for loafing on the clock. That brings back a few memories.] 6-20-18
  102. Bureaucrats.  “Who Runs the Census.”  [How the bureaucracy takes power away from elected officials.] 1-25-19
  103. Bureaucrats. “Another Day in Bureaucratic Hell.” [ A legal fight with the EPA shows the worst of the administrative state.] 8-9-19
  104. Bureaucrats.  “Eurocrats Are From Pluto.”  By Walter Russell Mead.”  [Team Biden will be disappointed if it mistakes them for starry-eyed idealists.]   2-2-21
  105. Bureaucrats.  “Confessions of a Career Government Bureaucrat.”  [Providing a good life for my family came at the cost of dedicating my career to mostly meaningless work.]   5-22-21
  106. Bureaucrats.  “The Partisan Bureaucracy.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Would the IRS violate your privacy to further Democratic policy objectives?]   6-11-21
  107. Bureaucrats.  “Let a Biden Rethink Include Antitrust.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [If any good comes from the administration’s debacles, our oldest president might put aside childish things.]    8-29-21
  108. Bureaucrats.  “Mr. Biden’s Fish Story.”  [Thousands of jobs are put in jeopardy by a Jones Act crackdown.]   9-10-21
  109. Bureaucrats.  “U.S. Antitrust Get a European Makeover.”  By Joshua D. Wright.  [The FTC outsources its investigation of Illumina to Brussels bureaucrats.]  9-29-21
  110. Bureaucrats.  “Courts and the Regulatory State.”  [The Supreme Court has a chance to revisit its Chevron deference to runaway bureaucracies.]   11-29-21
  111. Bureaucrats.  “The Supreme Court’s Chance to Rein In the Regulatory State.”  By Richard A. Epstein and Mario Loyola.  [The doctrine of Chevron deference is at stake in an otherwise obscure case the justices heard last week.]  12-8-21
  112. Bureaucrats.  “A Hostile Takeover of the FDIC.”  By Jelena McWilliams.  [Board members had always respected the agency’s independence – until now.]   12-16-21
  113. Bureaucracy.  “Return of the National Nanny.”  By J. Howard Beales III and Timothy J. Muris.  [When activists took charge of FTC rulemaking in the 1970s, the agency barely survived the debacle.]   5-27-22
  114. Bureaucrats.  “SpaceX, Ocelots and the Mexican War.”  [With red tape like this, no wonder Elon Musk is turning Republican.]   6-17-22
  115. Bureaucrats.  “No More Deference to the Administrative State.”  By David B. Rivki Jr. and Mark Wendell DeLaquil.  [Without quite overturning the 1984 Chevron case, the Supreme Court has limited its effect considerably.]   7-11-22
  116. Bureaucrats.  “The Power to Fire Insubordinate Bureaucrats.”  By James Sherk.  [The president must be able to remove those who subvert the work of his appointees.]  8-9-22
  117. Bureaucrats.  “The FTC Heads for Legal Trouble.”  By Svetlana Gans and Eugene Scalia.  [Its aggressive rule-making will create opportunities for judges to rein in the commission’s authority.]  8-9-22
  118. Bureaucrats.  “Caught in the Bureaucratic Net.”  [Can a law’s silence justify imposing regulatory costs on fishermen?]   12-27-22
  119. Bureaucrats.  “The Deep State Is All Too Real.:  by David Bernhardt.  [Congress and the courts have shirked their duty, letting bureaucrats make and interpret the laws.]   5-10-23
  120. Bureaucrats.  “Hold the Censors Accountable.”  By Eric Schmitt.  [Bureaucrats who stifle free speech should face consequences.]   8-2-23
  121. Bureaucrats.  “Joe Biden Faces a Deep State Revolt.” [“…it’s a dereliction of duty for federal workers to spend their time trying to stymie the policy of elected officials.”]  11-16-23
  122. Bureaucracy.  “A Tax Deduction for Little League?”   3-5-24
  123. Bureaucrats.  “A Simple Idea for Speedier Government.”   [“…look at Pennsylvania, where endless waits for permits cleared up as soon as agencies were forced to return the fees….”]  3-19-24
  124. Bureaucrats.  “Liberal Bureaucrats Threaten Democracy.” by Mitch McConnell.  [The administrative state thwarts the constitution’s structure for keeping officials accountable.]  6-12-24
  125. Bureaucrats.  “How Trump Can Combat Censorship.”  By Andrew M. Grossman and Kristin A. Shapiro.  [He should order federal bureaucrats to report publicly their attempts to suppress speech.]   11-15-24
    .  “How Trump Can Combat Censorship.”  By Andrew M. Grossman and Kristin A. Shapiro.  [He should order federal bureaucrats to report publicly their attempts to suppress speech.]   11-15-24





Issue Headlines

Bureaucrats.   Drudgereport.com   9-17-15

REPORT: Widespread fraud at Census Bureau… Sex, fraud, retaliation…


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