Opinion Headlines
Foreign policy.
- “Leaving U.S. Allies Adrift as Chaos Rises.” 8-1-14
- Foreign Aid: The Folly of the 0.7% Solution by Ian Birrell. 7-10-14
- Foreign Policy and the 2016 Campaigns, by Wm. Galston [Rand Paul will fight the GOP hawks…] 7-23-14
- Foreign Policy by Karl Rove “Obama’s Foreign Policy Fails His Own Test 6- 12-14
- Foreign policy failures. “Obama’s Foreign-Policy Failures Go Far Beyond Iraq.” 6-27-14
- Foreign Policy Is Not a ‘CSI’ Episode, by John Bolton […recognize[ing] the Putin menace] 7-23-14
- Foreign Policy. “A Lesson for America in Poland’s Rise and Ukraine’s Fall” by Phil Gramm 8-30-14
- Foreign Policy. “How U.S. Interventionists Abetted the Rise of ISIS.” By Rand Paul. 8-28-14
- Foreign Policy. “Reagan Bobbled Middle East Policy.” LTE 7-7-14
- Foreign policy. Libya. “The Libyan Abdication” [After deposing Gadhafi, Obama declared…] 8-9-14
- Foreign Policy: “The Collapsing Obama Doctrine” Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney. 6-18-14
- War by Any Other Name. [The President tries to avoid the ‘W’ word as he heads back to Iraq.] 9-8-14
- Foreign Policy. “American Aid Props Up a Castro Ally.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [While investors flee, U.S. Millennium Challenge grants sustain Salvador’s anti-American leaders.] 9-29-14
- Foreign policy. “Capital Markets Ride to the Third World Rescue.” [In 2010 Sri Lanka emerged from decades of civil war in bad shape. Two years later, it posted 6.4% growth.] 9-29-14
- Treaties “An Obsolete Nuclear Treaty Even Before Russia Cheated.” By John Bolton et. al. 9-10-14
- Foreign Policy: “The Return of the Campaign Hawk.” By Kimberley Strassel. 10-3-14
- Foreign policy. “Biden’s Apology Tour.” [His contrition is aimed at the wrong targets for the wrong reason.] 10-7-14
- Foreign Policy. War. “How Not to Run a War Coalition.” [The Administration blames Turkey for the catastrophe in Syria.] 10-9-14
- Taiwan. “Lax U.S. Policy on Taiwan Invites a Face-Off With China.” By Paul Wolfowitz. [The re-emergence of cross-Strait tensions would threaten stability in East Asia in a fundamental way.] 10-10-14
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “Let’s Carefully Think Through Our ISIS-Syria Policy.” 10-11-14
- Foreign Policy. “Leaving a U.S. Ally Outgunned by ISIS.” By David Tafuri. [A Kurdish official has written to Defense Secretary Hagel pleading for the U.S. to honor its promises of military aid.] 10-13-14
- Obama Survival Manual, Intl. Edition. By Bret Stephens [If you think 2014 has been a year of unraveling and disorder, just wait till next year.] 10-14-14
- Foreign Policy. “Crowdfunding for Freedom.” By James Fay. [Eastern Europe needs more military help to deter Russian aggression. Let’s pitch in, since Western leaders won’t.] 10-15-14
- Foreign Policy. “Caracas 181, Kerry 0” [Venezuela gets a U.N. Security Council seat with no U.S. resistance.] 10-17-14
- Foreign Policy. “How Plunging Oil Scrambles Geopolitics.” By Brenda Shaffer. [The price drop deprives Putin of revenue for military moves, but Moscow will find other ways to make trouble.] 10-31-14
- Foreign Policy. “Relearning Republican Foreign Policy.” By Bret Stephens. 11-4-14.
- Foreign Policy. “Our Syrian Allies Exposed.” [Radicals and Assad target pro-Western rebels for extinction.] 11-5-14
- Foreign Policy. “The Berlin Wall Fell, but Communism Didn’t.” [From North Korea to Cuba, millions still live under tyrannous regimes.] by Marion Smith. 11-7-14
- Foreign Policy. Book review of Daniel Bolger’s “Why We Lost.” By Mark Moyar. [Was it the White House that Lost Iraq and Afghanistan, or naïve generals who assumed the president would commit forces indefinitely?] 11-14-14
- Foreign Policy. “Vaclav Havel’s Blueprint for Operating in a Dangerous World.” By Bohuslav Sobotka. [Twenty-five years after the Velvet Revolution, his warnings about passive foreign policy resonate.] 11-15-2014
- Foreign Policy. “Sweden’s ‘State of Palestine’ Offense. By Barry A Fisher et. al. [Before the rest of the European Union follows, members may want to consider Swedish history.] 11-17-14
- Foreign Policy. “Ending North Korea’s Crimes.” [The U.N. exposes rights abuses that China would rather cover up.] 11-21-14
- Foreign Policy. “The Iran-Cuba-Venezuela Nexus.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The West underestimates the growing threat from radical Islam in the Americas.] 11-24-14
- Foreign Policy. “North Korea Is No Joke.” [Seth Rogen may need body guards after ribbing Im Jon Un.] 12-4-14
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “Taiwan Must Play Its Hand Well in Regional Politics.” 12-18-14
- Foreign Policy. “A Reply to Kim’s Cyberterrorism.” [Financial sanctions squeezed the North before and could again.] 12-20-14
- Foreign policy. “Drop ‘The Interview’ on Pyongyang.” [How to turn the cyberattack on Sony back on the North.] 12-19-14
- Foreign Policy. “Horror in Peshawar.” [The Taliban punish the country that has often given them sanctuary.] 12-17-14
- Foreign policy. “Lima’s Magic Climate Beanstalk.” [China and India said every ‘shall’ had to be changed to ‘may.’] 12-19-14
- Foreign Policy. “The U.S. Needs a Free-Trade Deal With China.” By Maurice R. Greenberg et.al. [The benefits? How about an extra $400 billion in American exports each year, and $100 billion in national income.] 12-19-14
- Foreign Policy. Book review, “Inside The Beltway.” By Eliot Cohen, of: “National Insecurity” by David Rothkopf.” [“The virtue of “National Insecurity” is that it serves as a barometer of the quiet verdicts of the Washington foreign policy establishment.] 12-22-14
- Foreign Policy. North Korea. “Time to End the North Korean Threat.” By Richard N. Haass [There are signs that Beijing is viewing the regime in Pyonyang as more strategic liability than asset.] 12-24-14
- Foreign Policy. “Progressives and Disorder.” [The next two years may be the most dangerous since the cold War ended.] [“The final two years of the Obama Presidency will thus be the most dangerous since the end of the Cold War as the world’s rogues calculate how far they can go before a successor enters the White House in 2017.”] 12-31-14
- Foreign Policy. “The U.N. Vote on Palestine Was a Rehearsal.” By John Bolton. [An influx of new Security Council members means a likely ‘yes’ vote – and a veto dilemma for Obama.] 1-2-15
- Foreign policy. “The Palestinians Repay America.” [Obama has no choice but to cut off the $400 million in U.S. aid.] 1-3-15
- Foreign Policy. “A Thuggish Regime Challenges the U.S.” by David J. Kramer. [Azerbaijan’s attack on Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty is one more sign of trouble. Will the White House respond? 1-5-15
- Foreign Policy. “Five Years Later: Where Did All the Haiti Aid Go?” [On the dismal anniversary of the earthquake, nobody can claim it was mainly Haitians who squandered the money.” ] 1-10-15
- Foreign Policy. “The Global Court as Political Weapon.” By Michael B. Mukasey. [The International Criminal Court has a dismal record and appears to hold an animus toward the U.S. and Israel.] 1-12-15
- Foreign Policy. “French Disconnection.” [What the Paris no-show says about the Obama Administration.] 1-13-15
- Foreign Policy. “Obama, Congress and Iran. [The President objects to support for what he claimed was his policy.] 1-20-15
- Foreign Policy. “The Global War on Modernity.” By Garry Kasparov. [Islamists Set the time machine to the Dark Ages. Putin dreams of czarist Russia. A common enemy: America.] 1-21-15
- Foreign Policy. “A Republic of Disrespect.” By Peggy Noonan. [America’s partisan divisions spread to international relations.] 1-24-15
- Foreign Policy. “Our Man in Damascus.” [The White House leaks that it is tilting toward Assad and Iran.] 1-26-15
- Foreign policy. “Bankrolling Attacks on U.S. Citizens.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [El Salvador won’t let two Americans leave the country, but the U.S. keeps the aid flowing.] 2-2-15
- Foreign Policy. “America’s Strategy Deficit.” By Peggy Noonan. [A haphazard foreign policy makes a complicated world more dangerous.” 1-31-15
- Foreign Policy. “The Unreality of Obama’s Realpolitik.” [With the president unwilling to project U.S. might, Iran and other bad actors rush to exploit the power vacuum.] 2-3-15
- Foreign Policy. “’The Interview’ Sequel.” [Alas, this movie doesn’t star Seth Rogen as Secretary of State.] [Re: North Korea] 2-4-15
- Foreign Policy. “The Senate and Iran’s Bomb.” [Obama rejects a role for Congress that it has long played on arms control.] 2-7-15
- Foreign Policy. “Countering Putin’s Grand Strategy.” By Robert D. Kaplan. [With Europe weak and distracted, only the U.S. can thwart the Kremlin’s growing ambitions.] 2-12-15
- Foreign Policy. “The Dangers of Make-Believe Foreign Policy.” By Karl Rove. [President Obama speaks about threats to peace as he wishes them to be, not as they are.] 2-12-15
- Foreign Policy. “Countering Putin’s Grand Strategy.” By Robert D. Kaplan. [With Europe weak and distracted, only the U.S. can thwart the Kremlin’s growing ambitions.] 2-12-15
- Foreign Policy. “The Dangers of Make-Believe Foreign Policy.” By Karl Rove. [President Obama speaks about threats to peace as he wishes them to be, not as they are.] 2-12-15
- Foreign Policy. “The Too Little, Too Late Presidency.” By John Bolton. [Obama’s temporizing has been his foreign-policy trademark, from Iran and Syria to Libya and Ukraine.] 2-18-15
- Foreign Policy. “Obama’s Brutal Foreign Policy.” By Daniel Henninger. […Eventually Barack Obama will be forced to act, or his presidency will erode politically, taking many Democrats with him.] 2-19-15
- Foreign policy. “Israelis, Palestinians and the ‘Two-State Situation’” By Michael Owen. [Instead of demanding what each side cannot do, we must ask what each side can do – and then make the most of it.] 2-25-15
- Foreign Policy. “LTE. “Bolton Asks Too Much; Let’s Really Think This Through.” [re: Obama Administration foreign policy] 2-26-15
- Foreign Policy. “Meltdown in Venezuela.” [Maduro arrests the opposition as the economy worsens.] 2-26-15
- Foreign Policy. “When Obama’s Diplomacy Takes a Divot.” By Paul Wolfowitz. [Malaysia’s prime minister played golf with the president, then jailed an opposition leader.] 2-26-15
- Foreign Policy. “Joe Biden’s Solution to Central-American Chaos.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Write a plan, cut a check for $1 billion in foreign aid – and just like that, “ si, se puede.”] 3-16-15
- Foreign Policy. “Obama’s Iran Jam.” [The White House wants the U.N. to vote but not the U.S. Congres.] 3-16-15
- Foreign Policy. “Why the ‘Nuclear Utopians’ Are Wrong.” By Keith B. Payne. [Unilaterally reducing or eliminating America’s nuclear arsenal will not make the world a safer place.] 3-16-15
- Foreign Policy. “Uncertain of Obama, Arab States Gear Up for War.” By David Schenker et.al. [A pan-Arab coalition with a patchy record steps up as Yemen fall apart and U.S. policy remains unclear.] 3-30-15
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “Meltdown in Yemen and Flawed U.S. Regional Strategy.” 3-30-15
- Foreign Policy. “The Capitulationist.” [President Obama’s Dec. 7, 2013 interview with billionaire Haim Saban.] by Bret Stephens. 3-31-15
- Foreign Policy. “Obama Reconciles With Egypt.” [The U.S. lifts an ill-advised arms embargo against an ally.] 4-4-15
- Foreign Policy. “Why Are We Sending This Attack helicopter to Pakistan? By Husain Haqqani. [Past behavior indicates Islamabad won’t use the Viper and other U.S. weapons against jihadists.] 4-20-15
- Foreign policy. “The New Boat People.” [They’re fleeing chaos that Europe and the U.S. let spread.] 4-21-15
- Foreign Policy. “Athens and the Bomber.” [Greece may release a terrorist who murdered Americans.] 5-4-15
- Foreign Policy. LTE “They Know the U.S. won’t Do Much” [nuclear proliferation] 5-4-15
- Foreign Policy. “Assad Still Has Chemical Arms.” [Inspectors find new evidence at an undisclosed site.” 5-13-15
- Foreign Policy. “Kerry Is So Very Nice to Putin.” [Easing sanctions if Russia settles for what it’s already grabbed.] 5-14-15
- Foreign Policy. “Obama Loses the Sunni Arabs.” [They reject his attempts to reassure them over the Iran nuclear deal.] 5-12-15
- Foreign Policy. “The Lessons Obama Could Learn From V-E Day.” By Josef Joffe. [America after Wrold War II practiced containment. U.S. foreign policy now is self-containment.] 5-11-15
- Foreign Affairs. “The Iraq Diversion.” [Liberals want to talk about anything but the current world disorder.] 5-19-15
- Foreign Policy. “The Obama Doctrine’s U.N. Failure.” By Sohrab Ahmari. [The American ambassador to the U.N., Samantha Power, has run into the limits of ‘transnationalism.’] 5-29-15
- Foreign Policy. “The U.S. Aids a Government Targeting Americans.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [U.S. taxpayer cash pours into El Salvador, even as the government dismantles democracy.] 6-1-15
- Foreign Policy. “The Obama Doctrine’s U.N. Failure.” By Sohrab Ahmari. [The American ambassador to the U.N., Samantha Power, has run into the limits of ‘transnationalism.’] 5-29-15
- Foreign Policy. “The U.S. Aids a Government Targeting Americans.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [U.S. taxpayer cash pours into El Salvador, even as the government dismantles democracy.] 6-1-15
- Foreign Policy. “Allies, Beware: The U.S. Is A Fair-Weather Friend.” By Edwin G. Corr et.al. [A 77-year-old Salvadoran general is deported in chains now that Americans have forgotten his good service.] 6-3-15
- Foreign Policy. LTE “The U.S. Needs to Rethink It’s Failing Ukraine Strategy.” By Sen. Rob Portman (R. Ohio) 6-3-15
- Foreign policy. LTE “Sen. Paul Is Right About Failures of U.S. Foreign Policy.” 6-4-15
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “Regional Hegemons’ Power Grows as the U.S. Pulls Back.” 6-5-15
- Foreign Policy. “Choosing a Path in the World Ahead.” By Peggy Noonan. [A strategic thinker considers three different futures for America.] 6-6-15
- Foreign Policy. “The U.S. Needs the Right Response to Kaiser Xi’s Navy.” 6-8-15.
- Foreign Policy. China. “The Chinese Have Your Numbers.” [The U.S. government gives up personal data secrets with barely a fight.] 6-8-15.
- Foreign Policy. LTE “American Foreign Policy Needs a Vision and a Leader.” 6-13-15
- Foreign Policy. “Liberals Flip for the Executive.” [Strange new respect for Presidential power in foreign policy.] 6-10-15
- Foreign Policy. “We’re Making Steady Progress in Ukraine, Despite Putin.” By Petro Poroshenko. [A crackdown on corruption is boosting investment and growth, even as we contend with Russian aggression.] 6-11-15
- Foreign Policy. “Buttressing the Front Line Against Putin.” By Edward Lucas. [The U.S. must compel Nordic and Baltic states to put aside old prejudices and link arms against the Russian threat.] 6-19-15
- Foreign Policy. “Dancing With Another Dictatorship.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [A U.S. official engages with a top Venezuelan politician who is under U.S. investigation.] 6-22-15
- Foreign Policy. “Global Revenue Grab.” [The U.S. seems ready to join Europe’s tax harmonization scheme.] 6-22-15
- Foreign Policy. “The President Against the Historian.” By Bret Stephens. [Michael Oren’s candid account of Obama’s Mideast policy has won him the right enemies.] 6-30-15
- Foreign Policy. LTE. What Is the Best Way to Discourage Hostage Taking?” 7-8-15
- Foreign policy. “The Healthy Turn From Aid to Investment.” By Grete Faremo. [Africa received $42 billion in development assistance in 2013, well behind foreign direct investment: $57 billion.] 7-14-15
- Foreign Policy. “Obama Pours Gas on the Mideast Fire.” By Karen Elliott House. [The nuclear deal with Iran will stoke more Sunni-Shiite violence, and the Saudis may go shopping for nukes.” 7-17-15
- Foreign Policy. “When the U.S. Stood With My Countrymen.” By Dalia Grybauskaite. [America’s refusal to recognize Lithuania’s Soviet occupier is an inspiration today.] 7-23-15
- Foreign Policy. “Malaysia’s Missed Democracy Lesson.” [Obama can’t find a voice for liberty and moderate Muslims.] 7-24-15
- Foreign Policy. “Malaysia’s Growing Opposition Can’t Be Silenced.” By Anwar Ibrahim. [Why I’ve chosen to stay and continue the fight for peaceful, democratic reform from my prison cell.] 7-24-15
- Foreign Policy. “Living on the Edge of Putting’s Menace.” By Allysia Finley. [Lithuania dismantles the last Soviet statues, but it needs U.S. Help against the Kremlin.] 7-27-15
- Foreign Policy. “The President’s Successful Foreign Policy.” By William McGurn. [Far from being a muddle, Obama’s choices are distressingly consistent.] 8-4-15
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “Poor Diplomacy and the Last Classic War in the Gulf.” 8-8-15
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “Obama’s Foreign-Policy Goals and the U.S. Mind-Set.” 8-10-15
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “Has the U.S. Gained or Lost Respect?” 9-13-15
- Foreign Policy. “A Power Grab in Turkey.” [Erdogan blocks a coalition government to force another election.] 8-26-15
- Foreign Policy. “Central America’s Next Flashpoint.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Protests are erupting in Guatemala as the left tries to exploit an anticorruption probe.] 8-31-15
- Foreign Policy. “Germany Versus Science.” [Berlin threatens a U.S. Europe trade pact by rejecting GM food.] .”] 8-31-15
- Foreign Policy. “Another Syria Failure.” 9-8-15
- Foreign policy. “Australia’s Liberal Coup.” [Turnbull ousts Abbott as PM as the ruling party falls in the polls. 9-15-15
- Foreign policy. LTE. “What’s Next for the Weak Obama Doctrine?” 9-17-15
- Foreign policy. “The Rubble of Obama’s Syria Policy.” By Kassem Eid. [I kept asking why the administration wasn’t doing more to help my people. Then the Iran deal came through, and I knew.] 9-18-15
- Foreign policy. “Jordan Needs U.S. Drones to Fight ISIS.” By Duncan D. Hunter. [“…Why Jordan, an important U.S. ally, is being denied these systems is a puzzle…”] 9-21-15
- Foreign policy. “The Politics of Pope Francis.” [Perhaps America and this pope can learn from each other.] 9-22-15
- Foreign Policy. “The Petraeus Intervention.” [Absent a strategy, the fallout in Syria will threaten us for decades.] 9-24-15
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “Help a Government in Exile to Reclaim Syria.” 9-24-15
- Foreign Policy. “Columbia’s Dubious Deal With Terrorists.” [Why President Santos Won’t let voters decide the fate of this FARC peace agreement. [“…Columbia is a frail democracy. Mr. Santos, with the help of Raul Castro, Pope Francis and the Obama administration, is in the process of killing it.”] 9-28-15
- Foreign Policy. “Re-Engineering Egypt’s Economy.” By Abdel Fattah el Sisi. [Our government is instituting reforms to spur growth and free private businesses to lead the way.] 9-28-15
- Foreign Policy. “Obama’s ‘Dangerous Currents.’ “ [Putin and Iran corner the U.S. on Syria, as world disorder spreads.] 9-29-15
- Foreign Policy. “What U.S. Retreat Looks Like.” [Syria reveals the chaos of a world without American Leadership.] 10-2-15
- Foreign Policy. “This is What Escalation Looks Like.” By Michael Auslin. [Russia mobilizes in Syria while China militarizes the South China Sea, filling a power vacuum created by an absent America. 10-8-15
- Foreign Policy. “Diagnosing What Ails Haiti’s Economy.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The World Bank fingers cronyism, of which Bill Clinton was for years a symbol.] 10-12-15
- Foreign Policy. Russia. “The Truth About MH17.” [Failing to punish Putin gives him a veto over use of other air space.] 10-14-15
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “Taiwan Should Be Included in the TPP Deal.” 10-12-15
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “Looking at Foreign Policy as Obama’s Legacy.” 10-15-15
- Foreign Policy. “Stopping North Korea’s Missiles.” [The U.S. and Seoul should deploy the new Thaad defense system.] 10-17-15
- Foreign Policy. Mideast. “A Path Out of the Middle East Collapse.” By Henry Kissinger. [With Russia in Syria, a geopolitical structure that lasted four decades is in shambles. The U.S. needs a new strategy and priorities.] 10-17-15
- Foreign Policy. “South China Sea Statement.” [“…Upholding the rules and customs of the open seas has been one ot the U.S. Navy’s core tasks since it founding…”] 10-28-15
- Foreign Policy. “Obama’s Malaysia Opportunity.” 11-20-15
- Foreign Policy. “Argentina’s Political Earthquake.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. 11-23-15
- Foreign Policy. “Reviving Argentina.” [Three ways Macri can restore the rule of law and investor confidence.] 11-24-15
- Foreign Affairs. “Britain Begins to Rearm.” [London notices that security threats are rising in Europe.] 11-28-15
- Foreign Policy. “Sanction North Korea’s Forgotten Maniac.” By Cory Gardner. 12-2-15
- Foreign Policy. “Aiding Christians Targeted by ISIS for Extermination.” By Jessica Kasmer-Jacobs. [We know Washington is aware for the realities, says John Eibner, asking why the West is so slow to help.” 12-12-15
- Foreign Policy. “Macri’s Promising Start in Argentina.” 12-19-15
- Foreign Policy. “Lindsey Graham’s Truth-Telling.” 12-22-15
- Foreign Policy. “The Voter Revolt in Spain.” [Political uncertainty puts Madrid’s reform success at risk.” 12-22-15
- Foreign Policy. “How North Korea Became the World’s Worst Economy.” By Nicholas Eberstadt. [Catastrophic policies made worse by billions in foreign aid that masked its leaders’ misrule.] 12-30-15
- Foreign policy. “Showdown in Caracas.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Venezuelan President Maduro tries to steal the election his party lost in December.] 1-4-16
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “U.S. Is on the Sidelines With Saudis and Iran.” 1-8-16
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “Time to Act on North Korean Nuclear Threat.” 1-15-16
- Foreign Policy. “The Other Dangers From That North Korean Nuke Test.” By Victor Gillnsky and Henry Sokolski. [Scoffing Pyongyang’s hydrogen-weapon claims ignored new, dangerous potential developments.] 1-19-16
- Foreign Policy. “Why the U.S. Should Stand by the Saudis Against Iran.” By Bret Stephens. [Much about the House of Saud is detestable, but that isn’t a reason to abandon a vital ally.] 1-20-16
- Foreign Policy. “The Kremlin’s London Hit Squad.” [recommended reading for Donald Trump on Vladimir Putin.] 1-22-16
- Foreign Policy. “Democracy Takes a Global Hit.” By Mark P. Lagon and Arch Puddington. [The world-wide slide of political rights and civil liberties continued in 2015, with a few promising signs.] 1-27-16
- Foreign Policy. “The Humbling of the West.” By Daniel Henninger. [“…new photographs in recent weeks …document the abject humiliation of the West by Iran…”] 1-28-16
- Foreign Policy. “The U.S. Has No Global Strategy.” (Weekend interview with Robert Gates) by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.) [The former defense secretary on U.S. gains forfeited in Iraq, America’s rudderless foreign policy and the ‘completely unrealistic’ Donald Trump.] 1-30-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Syria’s Peace of the Grave.” [Assad and Russia expand their assault on Aleppo as Kerry prattles on.] 2-8-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Clinton’s U.N. Candidate?” [The favorite to run Turtle Bay is Russia’s preferred choice.] 2-9-16
- Foreign Policy. “Why Obama’s Middle East Policy Is Failing.” By Kenneth M. Pollack and Barbara F. Walter. [Focusing on Islamic State alone leaves the contagion of civil wars to drag the region deeper into disaster.] 2-16-16
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “Negotiations With Duplicitous Proliferators.” 2-18-16
- Foreign Policy. “North Korea’s Sanctions Loophole.” [More U.N. enforcement promises that China isn’t likely to keep.] 2-29-16
- Foreign Affairs. “The Argentina Comeback.” 3-2-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Why the New Sanctions on North Korea Might Work.” By Thomas Byrne. [China is finally showing signs of getting serious. Pyongyang elites may decide: Time for a change.] 3-2-16
- Foreign Relations. “Erdogan’s Press Assault.” [Turkey’s elected autocrat silences his main media critic.] 3-7-16
- Foreign Policy. “Billions Wasted in Foreign Aid – but at Least It’s Not Elitist.” By Mark Moyar. 3-19-16
- Foreign Relations. U.N. “The U.N.’s Reckless Leader Does It Again in Morocco.” By Ahmed Charai. [Ban Ki-moon, by seeming to cheer on separatist rebels, betrayed the United Nations charter once more.] 3-21-16
- Foreign Policy. “Kerry Urges Columbians to Cave to the FARC.” By Anastasia O’Grady. [In Brussels, he says no deal with Islamic State. In Havana, he sings another tune. 3-28-16
- Foreign Policy. “Trumping NATO.” [The Republican would accelerate a U.S. retreat begun under Obama.] 3-29-16
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “U.N. Secretary Assailed for Speaking Plainly.” 3-30-16
- Foreign Relations. “A Crooked World Needs Panama.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [It’s significant that only minimally corrupt Iceland has lost a political leader in the offshore scandal.] 4-9-16
- Foreign Relations. “A Digital Gap Protects Keptocrats.” By L. Gordon Crovitz. [Authoritarian regimes can bar citizens from finding out what the Panama Papers reveal.] 4-11-16
- Foreign Affairs. LTE. “Ecuador’s President Correa Is No Caudillo.” 4-11-16
- Foreign affairs. “Trouble in Kim’s Kitchen.” [North Korean defectors raise questions about the regime’s control.] 4-14-16
- Foreign Affairs. “A New Map of Poverty, a New Approach to International Aid.” By Bill Gates. [When 70% of the world’s poorest people live in nations defined as middle income, it’s time for change.] 4-15-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Brazil’s Impeachment Drama.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The vote is part of a growing regional swing against left-wing populism.] 4-18-16
- Foreign Affairs. “American Self-Censorship Association.” [The ABA again bows to fear of ‘upsetting the Chinese government.] 4-19-16
- Foreign Relations. “Securing Peace With Trade and Diplomacy.” By Chuck Hagel and Bob Kerrey. [Presidential candidates on both sides seem to have forgotten the lessons of the post-Vietnam War era.] 4-19-16
- Foreign Aid. LTE. “Corruption Still Defeats Most Foreign-Aid Programs.” 4-22-16 (See Bill Gates, #173, 4-15-16, here)
- Foreign Relations. “Obama, Cameron and the Day of the ‘Remains’.” By Toby Young. [The president’s entry into the ‘Brexit’ debate included adding to the economic scaremongering.] 4-23-16
- Foreign Affairs. “El Salvador’s Market Economy Under Siege.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [A broke government wants to loot private pension accounts.] 4-25-16
- Foreign Affairs. LTE. “Obama May Offend on Brexit, but He’s Right.” 5-1-16
- Foreign Policy. “Venezuela’s Hunger Is No Game. By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Inflation hit 180% in late 2015. Little food is available, and most people can’t afford it.] 5-9-16
- Foreign Policy. “Japan and South Korea May Soon Go Nuclear.” By Henry Sokolski. [The longtime status quo is crumbling and plutonium.] 5-9-16
- Foreign Affairs. “The Philippines Elects Its Trump.” [Rodrigo Duterte wins a mandate with promises to shake up Manila.] 5-11-16
- Foreign Affairs. “The Left’s Latin Comeuppance.” […Latin America…] 5-13-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Hurting in Pyonyang.” [As Seoul and the U.S. get tougher, China may be enforcing sanctions.] 5-16-16
- Foreign Affairs. “An Undemocratic Vietnam Awaits Obama. “ by Stuart Rollo. [The president’s visit will come the day after another farcical national election.] 5-19-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Nigeria Needs Help Against Boku Haram.” [Obama is right to transfer 12 attack planes to the country.] 5-20-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Santos’s Power Grab in the Name of Peace.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The Columbian leader, using the Hugo Chavez playbook, wants a constitutional rewrite.] 5-23-16
- Foreign Affairs. “The Greek Debt Fiction. “ [ Debt levels in 44 years matter less than reforms left undone today.] 5-26-16
- Foreign Affairs. “The American Dead in Foreign Fields.” By Uwe E. Reinhardt. [On Memorial Day or any other day, the cemeteries for the Americans who fell in battle offer profound lessons.] 5-26-16
- Foreign Affairs. “A Subsidy as Shameful as They Come.” By James Bovard. [The U.S. has paid for a million pounds of peanuts it can’t use. “Solution: Dump them on Haiti – causing a disaster for its farmers.] 5-26-16
- Foreign Relations. “When Kim Jong Un Hacks Your Bank.” [An $81 million heist with North Korea’s cyber signature.] 6-2-16
- Foreign Affairs. “A close Race in Pro-Growth Peru.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Two center-right candidates, but one has a more promising economic agenda.] 6-6-16
- Foreign Relations. “Squeezing Kim Jong Un’s Bankers.” [The U.S. puts pressure on the North’s finances. What will China do?] 6-6-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Ending Colombia’s Guerrilla War, Securing the Peace.” By Humberto de la Calle. [Our government will hold FARC fighters responsible for their crimes. Honoring victims’ rights is essential.] 6-7-16
- Foreign Policy. “Breaking the Pakistan-Taliban Alliance.” By Zalmay Khalizad. [This is the ‘golden hour’ when the U.S. can finally secure Islamabad’s help in stopping al-Qaeda-linked terrorists and the Taliban.] 6-8-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Modi and the Budding U.S.-India Alliance.” By Tunku Varadarajan. 6-9-16
- Foreign Relations. “Beware the Economic Allure of the Strongman.” By Ruchir Sharma. [China’s example has led some to believe that authoritarians are better for growth. The evidence favors democracies.] 6-9-16
- Foreign Policy. “Ending Modern Slavery.” [A new study shows that human bondage remains widespread.] 6-11-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Friendless in Venezuela.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Venezuelans beg for international help, but even getting talks started is hard.] 6-13-16
- Foreign Relations. “Peru Keeps Driving Right.” [The Latin American success story elects a center-right reformer.] 6-14-16
- Foreign Relations. “Britain and Obama’s ‘Back of the Queue.’” By Andrew Roberts. [I hope that Americans who know what self-government means to a free people will rally to the cause of an independent Britain.] 6-18-16
- Foreign Relations. “Hillary’s Gift and Britain’s Choice.” By Peggy Noonan. “On both sides of the Atlantic, voters weigh risks and opportunities.” 6-18-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Iran’s Infiltration of Latin America.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [With U.S. influence waning, Tehran moves in, as a new report on Argentina shows.] 6-20-16
- Foreign Affairs. “What Fueled a Deadly Clash in Mexico.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. 6-27-16
- Foreign Relations. “Brexit Has Nothing on Obama’s Global Amexit.” By Kenneth R. Weinstein. [The president’s abdication from leadership has unnerved America’s allies and made the world a more dangerous place.] 7-7-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Narco-Terror Is Being Rewarded In Columbia.” By Alvaro Uribe Velez. [The so-called peace deal does little to redress decades of deadly violence.] 7-8-16
- Foreign Affairs. “The Unraveling of a Narco-Terror Non-Deal.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Columbia’s FARC will keep raising its demands as the ‘peace’ charade drags on.] 7-11-16
- Foreign Affairs. “The Revenge of Turkey’s Erdogan.” [The coup deserved to fail but his purge will cause further turmoil.] 7-18-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Turkey Faces Its Iran 1979 Moment.” By Sonar Cagaptay. [Empowered by surviving a coup, Erdogan may be tempted to encourage an Islamist counter-revolutionl.] 7-18-16
- Foreign Affairs. LTE. “Turkey Coup: U.S. Must Lead From the Front.” 7-20-16
- Foreign Relations. “Turkey’s Gulen Demand.” [The US. Shouldn’t extradite the exiled Turk without better evidence.] 7-30-16
- Foreign Relations. “How Brazil’s Lula Conned the World.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The world Bank ranks Brazil 174th out of 189 economies in ‘starting a business.’] 8-8-16
- Foreign Policy. “Who Will Lead the United Nations?” by John Bolton. [Will President Obama back a ‘secular pope” or a humble ‘chief administrative officer’?] 8-8-16
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “Despite Mr. Bolton, I Have a Good Record at the U.N.” 8-13-16
- Foreign Relations. “Venezuela’s Descent.” [An opposition leader loses his appeal, as Cuba Exerts more control.] 8-15-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Ortega’s Nicaraguan Coup.” [The Sandinista has become a dictator amid U.S. indifference.] 8-22-16
- Foreign Policy. “The New Dictators’ Club.” By Bret Stephens. [An echo of the 1930s in the budding alliance of Russia, Iran, Turkey and China.] 8-23-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Columbia’s Questionable Peace.” [The terrorists will spend no time in jail and get 10 seats in Congress.] 8-26-16
- Foreign Affairs. LTE. “Trade Deals Used in Foreign Policy Bring Economic Ruin.” 8-27-16
- Foreign Relations. “Keeping Turkey in the U.S. Orbit.” By Sohrab Ahmari. [Leaders from Kiev to Jerusalem to Tokyo are familiar with Ankara’s discontent with Obama.] 8-29-16
- Foreign Relations. “Brazil Removes a President.” [The country showed impressive respect for the law and democracy.] 9-1-16
- Foreign Relations. LTE. “U.S. Must Work to Rebuild Ties With Turkey.” 9-1-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Exit America’s Best and Worst 9/11 Ally.” By Andrew L. Peck. [Uzbekistan’s Karimov hated Islamic radicals but his brutality fueled some of the terror.] 9-3-16
- Foreign Affairs. “The Only Syrian Solution.” By Bret Stephens. [A partition plan won’t solve everything. But the Balkan example shows it can work.] 9-6-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Pleading With Putin on Syria.” [The Kremlin’s main goal is to get Ukraine sanctions lifted.] 9-8-16
- Foreign Policy. “Taking Nuclear Korea Seriously.” [The rogue regime will soon have an arsenal that can hit Chicago.] 9-10-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Takedown of a Candidate, Bogota Style.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Politics as usual in Colombia spills into the U.S. in the case of Andres Felipe Arias.] 9-12-16
- Foreign Policy. “Will Obama Abandon Venezuela?” [He’s shamefully silent on a recall vote to rescue the desperate country.] 9-13-16
- Foreign Policy. “What’s a Reagan Internationalist to Do?” by Robert G. Kaufman. [Unlike Trump, the former secretary of state has an actual record of mistakes and bad judgment in foreign policy.] 9-15-16
- Foreign Policy. “The Enduring Beijing-Pjongyang Axis.” By David Feith. 9-20-16Foreign policy. LTE. “The ‘Ferguson Effect’ and U.S. Foreign Policy.” 9-28-16
- Foreign Relations. “Did North Korea Kidnap an American?” by Melanie Kirkpatrick. [David Sneddon may have been forced to teach Kim Jong Un.] 9-30-16
- Foreign Relations. “Bystanders to Genocide.” [Samantha Power and the responsibility for ‘barbarism’ in Syria.] 9-30-16
- Foreign Relations. “Why Drug Runners Love the U.S. Postal Service.” By Arthur Herman and John P. Walters. [Fentanyl in your mailbox? International rules prevent the USPS from cracking down on illegal suppliers.] 9-30-16
- Foreign Relations. “Columbians Vote for a Better Peace.” [They lost confidence in a president who didn’t keep his promises.]. 10-4-16
- Foreign Policy. “Aleppo Is Obama’s Sarajevo” by Daniel Henninger. [The very least America can do is arm people who are willing to defend themselves.] 10-6-16
- Foreign Policy. “John Kerry Sends Regrets.” [Obama officials start to wash their hands of the Syrian catastrophe.] 10-6-16
- Foreign Relations. “A Strange Nobel Peace Prize.” [The Norwegians reward good intention rather than actual peace.] 10-8-16
- Foreign Relations. LTE. “What U.S. Can Learn From Colombia’s Vote.” 10-8-16
- Foreign Relations. LTE. “STOP Act would Limit Use of USPS for Illicit Drugs.” 10-8-16
- Foreign Affairs. “U.N. Bureaucrats Need a Boss, Not a Dreamer.” By John Bolton. [The next secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, won’t accomplish much by trying, like Dag Hammarskjold, to float above the mundane. 10-11-16
- Foreign Relations. “On the Frontlines of Putin’s War.” (Bookshelf by Sohrab Ahmari) “In Wartime: Stories from Ukraine, by Tim Judah.” [Stalin starved the Ukrainian people. Hitler occupied them. Now Kremlin propagandists call Ukraine, independent since 1991, a fake nation.] 10-14-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Obama’s Iran Missile War.” [He doesn’t want to talk about America’s new proxy war in Yemen.] 10-14-16
- Foreign Affairs. “The Curse of Charity in Haiti.” By Anastasia O’Grady. [Sustained foreign aid, such a rice, drives many local producers out of business.] 10-17-16
- Foreign Policy. “Australia Cedes the Seas.” [The ruling Liberals won’t conduct patrols of the South China Seas.] 10-18-16
- Foreign Policy. LTE. “Russia Deceived the U.S. with Syria Promises.” 10-18-16
- Foreign Relations. “No Way to Negotiate With Narcoterrorists.” By Alvaro Uribe Velez. 10-20-16
- Foreign Affairs. “America’s Erratic Philippine Ally.” [Duterte’s kowtow to China risks control of the South China Sea.] 10-24-16
- Foreign Relations. LTE. “Haiti Aid and Discouraging Work, Enterprise.” 10-24-16
- Foreign Relations. “Chile’s Socialists Take A Beating.” by Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Latin America’s political backlash against the left hits the Bachelet coalition.] 10-31-16
- Foreign Relations. LTE. “Philippine President Duterte Sees Weak U.S.” 10-31-16
- Foreign affairs. “Cracks in the International Criminal Court.” By John Bolton. [Human-rights violators may not fear the ICC, but sovereign nations and their elected officials should.] 11-1-16
- Foreign Policy. “Darkness in Ankara.” [Erdogan is dismantling the last vestiges of Turkish democracy.] 11-8-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Santos Panics With the Election of Trump.” by Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The Colombian president’s deal with FARC terrorists, six years in the making, is ‘fixed’ in six weeks.] 11-14-16
- Foreign Relations. “Barack and Angela Say Farewell.” [Impertinent question: Who’s been in charge the last eight years?} 11-18-16
- Foreign Relations. “A New Agreement – and a Better One- for Peace in Colombia.” By Juan Manuel Santos. [We listened to the people’s concerns about dealing with the FARC and have negotiated stronger terms.] 11-22-16
- Foreign Relations. “Santos Goes Around Colombia’s Constitution.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The president wants a FARC deal to go with his Nobel Peace Prize.] 11-29-16
- Foreign Affairs. “A Dangerous Moment in Korea.” [Pyongyang could misjudge scandal in Seoul and transition in the U.S.] 11-30-16
- Foreign Relations. “Hold On Jasta Minute!” by David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey. [Is Saudi Arabia responsible for 9/11? The president, not the courts, must decide.] 12-1-16
- Foreign Relations. “South Korea’s Political Trial.” [Extended turmoil could create an opening for radical voices.] 12-12-16
- Foreign Policy. “So You Want to Be a Diplomat? CEOs Need Not Apply.” By Suzanne Maloney. [Beltway elites scoff a Rex Tillerson’s background in business and his support of the Boy Scouts.] 12-13-16
- Foreign Policy. “Rex Tillerson’s Foreign Policy.” [Will he spend his years at State Trying to flee his fossil-fuel history? 12-14-16
- Foreign Relations. “The Dictator Who Stole Christmas.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Venezuela’s monetary incompetence – 289% inflation — falls hard on ordinary people.] 12-19-16
- Foreign Relations. “China Tests Us Resolve.” [A new challenge to freedom of the seas as the Trump era nears.] 12-19-16
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump’s Opportunity: Saving Coptic Christians.” By Samuel Tadros. [Egypt’s minorities, long persecuted, are counting on the U.S. president to defend religious freedom.] 12-22-16
- Foreign Policy. “Bring Back Pax Americana.” By Daniel Henninger. [After eight years of Obama’s foreign policy, an isolationist mood is no surprise.] 12-29-16
- Foreign Policy. “North Korea’s Defector Speaks.” [Pyongyang can’t be bribed to give up its nuclear weapons.] 12-29-16
- Foreign Relations. “What 1917 Set in Motion, We’re Still Playing Out Today.” [Three events resonate: the U.S. entry into world war, Russian revolution and creation of a Jewish state.] 12-30-16
- Foreign Relations. “Ukraine. Must Make Painful Compromises for Peace with Russia.” By Victor Pinchuk. [Crimea should not get in the way of a deal that ends the war. The lives that will be saved are worth it.] 12-30-16
- Foreign Relations. “Obama Sanctions Trump, er, Putin,” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The real aim is to excite Democratic partisans gearing up to oppose the incoming administration.] 12-31-16
- Foreign Relations. ‘A Christian Pastor In Turkey’s Prisons.” By Sohrab Ahmari. [An evangelical minister gets caught in Erdogan’s expanding dragnet after July’s coup attempt.] 1-3-17
- Foreign Relations. “How Trump Can Tame the U.N.” by Taylor Dinerman. [Resolutions against Israel aren’t the only measures Ambassador Haley should veto.] 1-6-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela Tees Up Its Next Dictator.” [Maduro elevates Tareck El Aissami in case he loses a recall vote.] 1-7-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Refugees From Turkey’s Coup Deserve the Rule of Law.” By Apostolos Doxiadis. [Eight officers who fled to Greece should have European protection form Erdogan’s crackdown.] 1-7-17
- Foreign Policy. “Keep America’s Word Again – and Protect Ukraine.” By Robert McConnell. [Clinton made assurances when Kiev gave up nukes. Then Obama broke faith. Trump can restore it.] 1-10-17
- Foreign Relations. “Central America to Obama: Good Riddance.” [Will Trump back new policies that focus on economic opportunity for the poor?] 1-23-17
- Foreign Relations. Economy. “The Trump-Brexit Opening.” [A U.S. – U.K. Trade deal may never be easier to strike than right now.] 1-27-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump’s ‘America First’ Puts Britain ‘at the Front of the line.’” By Michael Doran and Peter Rough. [His meeting with Theresa May reflects a revival of nationalism that could help reinvigorate Europe.] 1-27-17
- Foreign Relations. Mexico. “Trump’s Little Mexican War.” [The President is treating our neighbor like Obama treated Israel.] 1-27-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump and the Special Relationship.” [Theresa May offers the U.S. President some good advice on Putin.] 1-28-17
- Foreign Relations. “Taming IRS Imperialism.” [A foreign leader asks President Trump if he will keep a promise.] 2-4-17
- Foreign Relations. “Trump’s Winning Asia Diplomacy.” [Promising signs from a call with Xi Jinping and golf with Shinzo Abe.] 2-13-17
- Foreign Relations. “The Death of Kim Jong Nam.” [The exiled brother of North Korea’s dictator is poisoned in Malaysia.] 2-15-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump’s Best Tweet.” [He speaks up for freedom in Venezuela, unlike his predecessor.] 2-18-17
- Foreign Affairs. “The Logic of Trump’s Foreign Policy.” By Michael Auslin. 2-21-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Do We Still Want the West.” By Bret Stephens. [The best antidote to the politics of Trump or Le Pen is a course in Western Civ.] 2-21-17
- Foreign Relations. “North Korean Terror Notice.” [Trump can send a message after the killing of Kim Jong Nam.] 2-24-17
- Foreign Relations. “South Korea’s next President.” [The rule of law prevails in Seoul, even as strategic threats mount.] 3-11-17
- Foreign Relations. “Trickle-Down Corruption in Brazil.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The rot starts with Petrobras and with the opaque national development bank.] 3-13-17
- Foreign Relations. “There’s a Way to Stop a North Korean Missile Attack.” By Arthur Herman. [The U.S. and Japan have the means to employ the defensive system, a boost-phase inerceptor.] 3-13-17
- Foreign Relations. “Modi’s Landslide Victory.” [A stunning win in state elections gives India new reform momentum.] 3-14-17
- Foreign Relations. “Two Trumps on the French Ballot.” By Holman W Jenkins, Jr. [How France might influence the White House’s own debate of protection vs. growth.] 3-15-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Tillerson Tells the Korean Truth.” [A warning to China that the U.S. wants action against a nuclear North.] 3-18-17
- Foreign Relations. “A New Role for America’s No 1 Ally.” By Bill Lane. [Australia has fought alongside us since World War 1. What now in the Trump era?] 3-24-17
- Foreign Relations. “Julian Assange and Ecuador’s Election.” By May Anastasia O’Grady. [WikiLeaks founder is rooting for the leftist incumbent’s party. No one else should.] 3-27-17
- Foreign Affairs. N. Korea. “’A New Approach’ to North Korea.” By Bret Stephens. [It’s time to make regime change the explicit aim of U.S. policy.] 3-28-17
- Foreign Relations. “Can Trump Cut a Deal with Egypt?” by Eric Trager. [Washington has a strong hand to ask for real concessions.] 3-31-17
- Foreign Relations. “No Justice in Argentina.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Former military are denied due process. Former terrorists roam free.] 4-3-17
- Foreign Relations. “North Korean Killers Go Free.” [Malaysia releases murder suspects in return for its diplomats.] 4-3-17
- Foreign Relations. “Venezuelan Reality Check.” [Maduro retreats from the takeover of congress but not the dictatorship.] 4-4-17
- Foreign Affairs. “In Striking Syria, Trump Made All the Right Calls.” By Walter Russell Mead. [After this week, American opponents will sweat a bit more, but there are bigger challenges to come.] 4-8-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Ecuador’s Dubious Election.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The government raids a polling firm whose findings belie the official results.] 4-10-17
- Foreign Policy. “Trump’s Big Bomb.” [Let’s hope the right people noticed this blast against Islamic State.] 4-14-17
- Foreign affairs. “Hungry Venezuelans Demand Change.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Protests are growing larger and more frequent as food shortages worsen.] 4-17-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Erdogan’s Tainted Triumph.” [His narrow victory is marred by invalid ballots and other abuses.] 4-18-17
- Foreign Policy. “A Trump Alliance Strategy.” By Daniel Henninger. [Mattis and McMaster learned in Iraq that if you make allies, you should keep them.] 4-20-17
- Foreign Affairs. India. “The Rancorous Politics of Meat in India.” By Sadanand Dhume. [‘Protection of Cows is the single-most important principle,’ tweeted one official.] 4-24-17
- Foreign Affairs. Turkey. “Erdogan’s American Enemies List.” By Sohrab Ahmari. [Like Iran’s Khomeini, Turkey’s strongman attacks dissent beyond the border.] 4-24-17
- Foreign Relations. “Columbia Is a ‘Smart Power’ Success Story.” By Bill Lane [A list of Washington’s true achievements is short, but here is an indisputable victory.] 4-25-17
- Foreign Relations. U.N. “Every Senator Agrees the U.N. Must Change. By Chris Coons and Marco Rubio. [It’s past time for the U.S. to stop tolerating Turtle Bay’s pervasive anti-Israel bias.] 5-2-17
- Foreign Relations. “Venezuela’s Missing Prisoner.” [If Lopez is alive, the Caracas dictatorship should produce him.] 5-5-17
- Foreign Relations. “A Korean Election Nail-biter.” [A Trump blunder has helped the soft-on-North-Korea candidate.] 5-6-17
- Foreign Relations. “Columbia’s Perilous Deal With the FARC.” [The group promised to disarm, but it keeps getting caught with hidden weapons.] 5-8-17
- Foreign Relations. “South Korea Moves Left.” [Will the new President return to a policy of appeasing North Korea?] 5-10-17
- Foreign Policy. Koreas. LTE. “America Need Not Worry About South Korea” by Chung Eui-Yong, Foreign-policy adviser to President Moon Jae-in. 5-13-17
- Foreign Relations. Columbia. “A Columbian Shakedown in Washington.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [President Santos is a better friend to Cuba and Venezuela than to the U.S.] 5-15-17
- Foreign Relations. India. (Bookshelf/book review by Maxwell Carter) “A Billion People in a Hurry: Superfast Primetime Ultimate Nation.” By Adam Roberts. [In 2015 India’s GDP growth rate overtook China’s. By 2011 its population will be greater. But its rise has been much more haphazard.] 5-15-17
- Foreign Relations. “Trump Goes to Saudi Arabia.” By Karen Elliott House. [Given the badly frayed relations between the U.S. and Riyadh, the president is guaranteed a win.] 5-19-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Cuba’s Proxy War in Venezuela.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The commitment to Maduro among soldiers and police is breaking down.] 5-22-17
- Foreign Affairs. “A Debate on America’s role – 25 Years Late.” By Walter Russel Mead. [When the U.S.SR. fell, elites envisioned a new U.S.-led order. Voters were skeptical.] 5-23-17
- Foreign Policy. “The New Foreign Policy, Same as the Old.” By John Bolton. [Despite tougher rhetoric, Trumps’ actions on Iran and North Korea echo Obama’s strategic vision.] 5-23-17
- Foreign Affairs. “A Council America shouldn’t Keep.” By Anne Bayefsky. [The U.N.’s ‘human rights’ panel is a travesty and a sham.] 5-25-17
- Foreign Relations. “North Korea’s Missile Advances.” [The latest tests mean American cities will soon be in Kim’s reach.] 5-25-17
- Foreign relations. “America First Doesn’t Mean America Alone.” By H.R. McMaster and Gary D. Cohn. [We are asking a lot of our allies and partners. But in return the U.S. will once again be a true friend.] 5-31-17 (Lt. Gen. McMaster is the White House national security adviser. Mr. Cohn is director of the National Economic Council.)
- Foreign Relations. “Brazil’s President Temer Teeters.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [If he falls, respect for the constitution is crucial to the future of the democracy.] 6-5-17
- Foreign Relations. “Colombia’s Chavez-Style Land Reform.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Ranches can be taken if they are not in the social and ecological interest.] 6-12-17
- Foreign Affairs. “South Korea’s Defense Blunder.” [The new President bows to Chinese pressure on missile defense.] 6-13-17
- Foreign Relations. “Washington Isn’t Istanbul.” [Erdogan’s bullies get police warrants for beatinf up protesters.] 6-16-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Urban Terrorism Returns to Colombia.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [President Santos’s impunity deal for the FARC yields more violence.] 6-26-17
- Foreign Affairs. “For the U.S. and India, a Convergence of Interests and Values.” By Nerendra Modi. [Our two nations stand as mutually reinforcing engines of growth and innovation.] 6-26-17
- Foreign Affairs. “At 150, Canada Is ‘Cool’ but Can Aspire To Something More.” By Michael Taube. [If only we could establish the proper break between progressive values and progressive politics.] 7-1-17
- Foreign Affairs. “How to Revive Central America.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [A new report suggest reducing barriers to entrepreneurship.] 7-3-17
- Foreign Affairs. “American Retrenchment Is a Golden Oldie.” By James Dobbins. [‘As we look out at the rest of the world we are confused,’ wrote Henty Luce in February 1941.] 7-3-17
- Foreign Affairs. “An American in Paris? Non, It’s the French President.” [‘Entrepreneurship is the new France,’ says Emmanuel Macron. One philosopher is skeptical.] 7-3-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Modi and Netanyahu Begin a Beautiful Friendship.” by Tunku Varadarajan. [The Indian premier’s visit marks a diplomatic coming of age for India and Israel.] 7-6-17
- Foreign Affairs. “The G-20: Another Vacuous Meet-and-Greet.” By Walter Russell Mead. [As the empty summit rituals unfolded, the great powers were busy making history.] 7-11-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela’s Symbol of Hope.” [Opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez is freed to house arrest.] 7-11-17
- Foreign Affairs. “The Venezuelan Regime Is coming Apart.” By Vanessa Neumann. [Maduro frees a dissident from prison, casting a light on fissures within the country’s Chavismo elite.] 7-11-17
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “How Cuba Runs Venezuela.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Havana’s security apparatus is deeply embedded in the armed forces.] 7-17-17
- Foreign Relations. “Lula and Brazil’s Progress.” [The former president’s conviction is a victory for the rule of law.] 7-18-17
- Foreign Affairs. “If You’re Arrested Abroad, the U.S. May Not Bail You Out.” By Jared Genser. [The State Department needs to do a better job protecting travelers – and warning of the danger.] 7-24-17
- Foreign Affairs. “India’s Best-Loved Politician.” By Tunku Varadarajan. [ Sushma Swaraj wins admirers by helping citizens abroad.] 7-25-17
- Foreign Affairs. “South Africa’s Great Reconciliation Is Coming Apart.” By F.W. de Klerk. [President Zuma has imperiled the nation. Will his successor be able to turn things around?} 7-28-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela Heads for Civil War.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The regime has rifles and armored vehicles, but the people have numbers and anger.] 7-31-17
- Foreign Relations. “Venezuela’s Mocked Election.” [How Trump and the OAS can respond to Maduro’s power grab.] 8-1-17
- Foreign Relations. “With Sharif’s Ouster, Pakistan Takes a Step Backward.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Unlike most of its South Asian neighbors, Islamabad won’t allow democracy to take root.] 8-1-17
- Foreign Relations. “Tillerson Can End the Qatar Standoff.” By Dennis Ross. [To preserve his credibility as a diplomat, the secretary of state needs to put a win on the board.] 8-2-17
- Foreign Affairs. “The Guns of Venezuela.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Castro is calling the shots in Caracas. Sanctions have to be aimed at him.] 8-7-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Speak for Venezuela, Pope Francis.” By Wm McGurn. [The first Latin American pontiff is harder on Trump than on Caracas’s despot.] 8-8-17
- Foreign Relations. “Imperialists Invade Venezuela.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Maduro depends on Russia, Iran and Syria for financial and strategic backing.] 8-14-17
- Foreign Relations. “Qatar Will Not Be Intimidated.” By Mutlaq Al-Gahtani. [It’s time to resolve the dispute, which is driven by Saudi and Emirati hypocrisy.] 8-14-17
- Foreign Relations. “At 70, India Shows a New Vigor.” By Tunku Varadarajan. [But its retreat from secularism is a worrying sign.] 8-15-17
- Foreign Relations. “Canada Makes a Mockery of a Trade Deal.” By Michael Taube. [The Liberals want to expand NAFTA to cover ‘gender rights’ and ‘indigenous rights.’] 8-22-17
- Foreign affairs. “What the ‘Great Terror’ Taught Autocrats.” By Paul Roderick Gregory. [Lesser terror keeps them in power without as much scrutiny.] 8-24-17
- Foreign Affairs. “The End of the Chaebol Era.” [Korea’s conglomerates are forced to change, as a Samsung verdict shows.] 8-28-17
- Foreign Relations. “Misusing U.S. Sanctions Will Sap Their power.” By Jarrett Blanc. [America’s central role in finance gives it unique clout, but this could erode if Congress isn’t careful.] 8-30-17
- Foreign Relations. “Making Canada Great Again.” [Ottawa out-Trumps Trump on NAFTA and trade.] 9-6-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump’s Malaysia Swamp.” [Did Tillerson tell his boss he’s repeating an Obama mistake?} 9-7-17
- Foreign Affairs. “A Costly Vacancy at State.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [In Venezuela and elsewhere, Trump’s diplomatic agenda is suffering.] (“…Nearly eight months past Mr. Trump’s inauguration, there is no assistant secretary for the Western hemisphere…”) 9-11-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Canada’s Tax on Being American.” By Yvonne Morris McCallum. [Vancouver, where I have a condo, is trying to soak outsiders.] 9-12-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Keep Your Eye on the U.N.’s Fat Kleptocats.” By Jay Newman. [With world leaders in New York, spotting corruption is as easy as watching a ‘public servant’ hop into an idling Bentley.] 9-15-17
- Foreign Relations. “Trump Shock at Turtle Bay.” [A bracing call on North Korea but a cramped view of ‘sovereignty.’] 9-20-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump Gets Blunt at the United Nations.” By Peggy Noonan. [Will bracing clarity make things better or worse? We’ll know soon enough. But he said things the world needed to hear.] 9-23-17
- Foreign Relations. “For Venezuela’s Sake, Dismantle the OAS.” By Benjamin N. Gedan. [Tiny Caribbean states have outsize power, and many are in thrall to the Caracas regime.] 9-26-17
- Foreign Affairs. “The Strain in Spain could Cause a World of Pain.” By Tunku Varadarajan. [Catalonia’s secession referendum could lead to further conflict, on the street and in the EU.] 9-28-17
- Foreign Relations. “The U.S. Makes Ambassadors of Visitors” by Michael Polt and Kim Davis. [Aliens who come on J-1 visas take American values with them when they return home.] 9-28-17
- Foreign Relations. “Anatomy of the Brazilian Mania.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Central bank boss Ilan Goldfajn says excesses led to the deep recession.] 10-9-17
- Foreign Relations. “The Kurds Confront a New ‘Gang of Four.’” By Bernard-Henri Levy. [Will the West betray its ally in the face of threats from Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria?] 10-10-17
- Foreign Relations. “An Outrageous Prosecution.” [Turkey convicts a Journal reporter of promoting terrorism.] 10-11-17
- Foreign Relations. “America Out of Unesco.” [The U.S. shouldn’t finance the anti-Israel U.N agency.] 10-13-17
- Foreign Relations. (“…Barack Obama left his successor a world in turmoil, with authoritarians on the march in China, North Korea, Russia and Iran. Mr. Trump needs a strategy for each, and the steps he took Friday are crucial in containing Iran.”] “Trump’s Iran Strategy.” [A nuclear fudge in the service of a larger containment policy.] 10-14-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela’s Latest Election Fraud.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Maduro allowed the phony balloting only to promote the illusion of democracy.] 10-16-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Secessionism’s Dangerous Return.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Ethnic nationalism is up. So is competition between great powers. It sounds like 1914.] 10-17-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Argentines Keep Moving to the Right.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Pres. Macri’s ‘Let’s Change’ coalition is expected to do well in Sunday’s elections.] 10-23-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Argentina Votes for Change.” 10-24-17
- Foreign Relations. “What Brings Trump and Macron Together.” By John Vinocur. [Washington and Paris have a problem in common: Germany’s passive attitude.] 10-24-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Five Eyes Are Better Than One.” By Walter Russell Mead. [An ad hoc anglophone alliance is far more effective than most global institutions.] 10-31-17
- Foreign Relations. “Trump’s Pacific Strategy” [Next week’s trip is crucial for showing U.S. commitment to Asia.] 11-4-17
- Foreign Relations. “Trump Brings a New Seriousness With Him to Asia.” By Kenneth R. Weinstein. [At least when it comes to security policy, the president has his priorities straight.] 11-6-17
- Foreign Policy. “Donald Trump’s High-Wire Foreign Policy.” By Walter Russell Mead. [It’s more conventional than expected, at a time when the world is more perilous.] 11-14-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela Goes Bust.” [Another lesson in the price of lending to a socialist regime.] 11-15-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Zimbabwe’s Coup by Any Other Name.” [Mugabe may be out, but his party will remain to plunder the economy.] 11-16-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Zimbabwe’s Coup Could Provide an Opening for Democracy.” By Ozan Varol. [Militaries in Romania, Serbia and Tunisia, among others, helped topple authoritarian regimes.] 11-16-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela Is Starving zits People.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The Maduro regime is using its control of food to stamp out political protests.] 11-20-17
- Foreign Affairs. “The Hague Aims for U.S. Soldiers.” By John Bolton. [A ‘war crimes’ inquiry in Afghanistan shows the danger of the International Criminal Court.] 11-21-17
- Foreign Policy. “Trump Brings Foreign Policy Back to Earth.” By Walter Russell Mead. [The goal now is less to make dreams come true than to keep nightmares at bay.] 11-28-17
- Foreign Policy. “The Peril of Trump’s Populist Foreign Policy.” By Robert B. Zoelick. [His style of deal-making prizes uncertainty and brinkmanship, without a plan for what comes next.] 11-29-17
- Foreign Policy. “Maximum Pressure on North Korea.” [China and U.S. still haven’t imposed the toughest sanctions.] 11-30-17
- Foreign Policy. “A Foreign Policy for ‘Jacksonian America.” (The Weekend Interview with Tom Cotton. By Jason Willick) [The senator from Arkansas has a worldview — even a doctrine – that is hawkish and realistic, though tinged with idealism.] 12-9-17
- Foreign Affairs. “An Election Watershed in Chile.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The center-right’s Pinera coasts to victory on a pledge of market reform.] 12-18-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Dictators and U.N. Standards.” [“The U.S. has never joined the International Criminal Court in the Hague, and the court’s strange attack on Jordan last week explains why…”] 12-18-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Secure the Peace, Then Talk Rights.” (Bookself by Josef Joffe.) “Realism and Democracy” by Elliot Abrams. [If the U.S. wants to succeed at democratic regime change, it can’t act like a fire brigade: Rush in, flood the place, then head back home.] 12-20-17
- Foreign Affairs. “The New Era of Global Stability.” By Arthur Herman. [The grand ideological conflicts that began in 1917 are giving way to old-fashioned geopolitics.] 12-20-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump’s Present for Putin.” [Helping the Ukrainians defend themselves against the Russians.] 12-22-17.
- Foreign Affairs. “Next Year in Jerusalem.” [The U.N. reveals the depth of its anti-U.S., anti-Israel politics.] 12-23-17
- Foreign Policy. “Trump’s ‘Blue Water’ Foreign Policy.” By Walter Russell Mead. [The administration’s new security strategy is reminiscent of Pax Britannica.] 12-26-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Javelin Missiles for Ukraine.” [Russia is unhappy the U.S. is selling antitank weapons to Kiev.] 12-26-17
- Foreign Policy. “How to Defund the U.N.” by John Bolton. [A few of its agencies do useful work. American taxpayers shouldn’t pay for the many that don’t.] 12-26-17
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump Gets the U.N. to Cut Spending.” [The U.S. uses its leverage for once to force budget reforms.] 1-2-18
- Foreign Affairs. “The Next Global Powerhouse.” (Bookshelf by Tunku Varadarajan) “Our Time Has Come.” By Alyssa Ayres. [In the not-too-distant future, India could have a $10 trillion economy, the world’s third largest military and the world’s largest middle class.] 1-4-18
- Foreign Affairs. “The Reinvention of Mexico’s Lopez Obrador.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [This time the left-wing populist is running as a moderate. Will voters buy it?] 1-8-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Coreligionists in Kleptocracy.” By Holman W Jenkins, Jr. [What Russia and Iran have in common is someday their people will say ‘enough.’] 1-10-18
- Foreign Affairs. “When Trump Tweets, Pakistan’s Generals May Listen.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Sure, the president is unpredictable. Could that help him succeed where his predecessors fell short?] 1-12-18
- Foreign Affairs. “What’s the Matter With Norway?” by Orde Kittrie. [President Trump says Oslo is a ‘great ally.’ So why is it boycotting Wal-Mart while investing in Iran?] 1-16-18
- Foreign Affairs: “Why Venezuela Suffers.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The regime enters Phase Two of its plan for a Pan-American revolution.] 1-22-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Can Zimbabwe Rise From Mugabe’s Ruins?” by Craig J. Richardson. [After nearly four decades of corruption and brutality, the new president seems serious about reform.] 1-25-18
- Foreign affairs. “How Blockchain Can End Poverty.” By Phil Gramm and Hernando de Soto. [Two –thirds of the world’s population lacks access to a formal system of property rights.] 1-26-18 (“…Instead of destroying private property to promote a Marxist equality in poverty, perhaps we can bring property rights to all mankind. Where property rights are ensured, so are the prosperity, freedom and ownership of wealth that brings real stability and peace.”) 1-26-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Hezbollah Has Destroyed the Lebanon I Once Knew.” By Hanin Ghaddar. [I was sentenced to six months in jail simply for criticizing the Iran-backed terror group’s role.] 1-29-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump Finds a Fan in East Africa.” By Michael Taube. [‘One of the best presidents ever,’ says Uganda’s Museveni.] 1-30-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Lula’s Conviction Is a Win for Brazil.” By Anastasia O’Grady. [A professional and independent judiciary is essential to the country’s future.] 2-5-18
- Foreign Relations. “Stand Up to Erdogan’s Brutality.” By Bernard-Henri Levy. [The Turkish president has the insolence to style his ethnic-cleansing campaign ‘Operation Olive Branch.’ 2-8-18
- Foreign Relations. “Will the Real Narendra Modi Please Stand Up?” by Sadanand Dhume. [In Davos, he talked like a free marketer. Back in New Delhi, his budget tells a different story.] 2-9-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Impose Sanctions on Turkey.” By James Lankford. [Use the Magnitsky Act to answer the imprisonment of an other American on trumped-up charges.] 2-10-18
- Foreign affairs. “Inflation Stalks Macri in Argentina.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The Peronists hope to end his presidency prematurely. They may well succeed.] 2-12-18
- Foreign Relations. “After Zuma in South Africa.” [The nation’s democracy survived but its economy has gone downhill.] 2-17-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Cape Town May Dry Up Because of an Aversion to Israel.” By Beth M. Siegel. [The Palestinian Authority accepts the Jewish state’s help on water projects. South Africa refuses it.] 2-22-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela’s ‘Crypto’ Con.” [Has Maduro got a currency deal for you.] 2-23-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump and Canada May Chill a NAFTA Deal.” By F.H. Buckley. [Trudeau’s politically correct demands only heighten antagonism with the president.] 2-23-18
- Foreign Affairs. “A Genuine Axis of Evil.” [Deterrence won’t stop North Korea from selling its nuclear arms.] 2-28-18
- Foreign Relations. “Will Saudi Arabia Free Its Women?” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. [Imagine the humiliation of a middle-aged mother having to ask a young son’s approval for life decisions.] 3-8-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Fast Chilean Growth Can Happen Again.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [A pragmatic president returns to office and the country may get its mojo back.] 3-12-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Getting to Yes With Turkey.” By Walter Russell Mead. [There’s a common interest in countering the Russian-Iranian axis in Syria.] 3-13-18
- Foreign Policy. “Can There Be A ‘Decent’ Left?” (Bookshelf by Marin Peretz) “A Foreign Policy for the Left.” By Michael Walzer. [The editor of Dissent magazine asks his comrades for a more nuanced moral response to America’s use of power abroad.] 3-15-18
- Foreign Policy. “The Pyongyang-Tehran Axis” by Richard Goldberg And Mark Dubowitz. [Fixing or scrapping the Iran nuclear deal is the best thing Trump can do to denuclearize North Korea.] 3-15-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Narendra Modi Isn’t Quite a Shoo-In for Re-Election in 2019.” By Sadanand Dhume. [The opposition has a case that his economic policies have failed to deliver on his promise of ‘good days.’] 3-23-18
- Foreign Affairs. “How Russia and China Could Come Unhinged.” By Robert D. Kaplan. [Democratic triumphalism was wrong 20 years ago, but now authoritarianism may not be sustainable.] 3-24-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Kremlin Revenge in Guatemala.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [A U.S.-subsidized U.N. commission helps bring about a dubious prosecution.] 3-26-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Political Winds Shift in Argentina.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The governor of the biggest porvice is finding a way beyond peronist populism.] 4-2-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Egypt’s 92% President.” [Sisi wins a second term but could learn from Mubarak’s mistakes.] 4-2-18
- Foreign Affairs. “India’s Government Wages a Phony War on Fake News.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Federal ministers took to Twitter to share a story from a dubious ‘fact checking’ website.] 4-6-18
- Foreign Affairs. “If Trump Meets Castro.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [At the Lima summit, the president can tell Aul what the State Department won’t.] 4-9-18
- Foreign Affairs. “A Former President Goes to Prison.” By Diogo Costa and Magno Karl. [Only 6% of Brazilians trust the government. Lula’s conviction for corruption may change that.] 4-10-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Russia’s Dubious Guatemala Story.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The Bitkov family were victims, not members, of a crime syndicate.] 4-16-18
- Foreign Relations. “Erdogan’s American Hostage.” 4-17-18
- Foreign affairs. “A Crisis in Guatemala, Abetted by the U.N.” by Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Instability in Central America will spill into Mexico and spur more migrants to the U.S.] 4-23-18
- Foreign Affairs. “’Ortega Has to Go’.” [Nicaragua’s ruler cracks down as protesters take to the streets.] 4-25-18
- Foreign Affairs. “A Crisis on Each End of Asia.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Modest success on North Korea is giving the U.S. breathing room to focus on Iran.] 5-1-18
- Foreign Affairs. India / China. “Modi Signals Weakness by Making Nice With China’s Xi.” [The leaders’ photo-op was almost enough to make you forget about last year’s Himalaya confrontation.] 5-4-18
- Foreign Affairs. “George Soros and the ‘Caravan’.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Left-wing NGOs circle the wagons around a rogue U.N. commission.] 5-7-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Mr Najib and Mr. Trump.” [The Malaysian strongman has played U.S. Presidents for fools.] 5-8-18
- Foreign Affairs. U.N. “Your Taxpayer Dollars at the U.N.” [“…the U.N. International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala – or CICIG by its Spanish initials – has had almost no oversight since it was established in 2006…”] 5-10-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Malaysia’s Democratic Spring.” 5-11-18
- Foreign Affairs. “The Argentine Peso’s Death Spiral.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [To solve the problem President Macri needs to get aggressive in challenging Peronism.] 5-14-18
- Foreign Affairs. “The African Terror Fight.” [The U.S. should stay on the continent despite the failed Niger mission.] 5-14-18
- Foreign Policy. “North Korea, and Iran, and Iraq! Oh, My!” by Karl Rove. [Pompeo and Bolton have hardly settled in, but history already has come knocking.] 5-17-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Magical Thinking in Italy.” 5-17-18 [“…the 5-Star Movement and the League probably won’t last much longer than the others…”] 5-17-18
- Foreign Policy. “Trump and Bolton on Libya.” [North Korea and the U.S. press corps share a common enemy. ] 5-18-18
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Walmart’s Big Bet Could Pay Off for India.” By Sadanand Dhume. [The retailer could be a powerful champion for free enterprise in a nation of 1.3 billion.] 5-18-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela’s Sham Election.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Maduro will hold on to power, but no one really ‘won’ Sunday’s fraudulent contest.] 5-21-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Turkey’s Currency Meltdown.” [Investors flee the lira amid Erdogan’s political central banking.] 5-24-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Bring Home Our Hostages.” By Wm. McGurn. [The world is safer when foreign powers know not to mess with Americans abroad.] 5-29-18
- Canada. “A ‘Tin-Pot Northern Trump’? Hardly.” By Rondi Adamson. [Doug Ford could become one of the most powerful politicians in Canada. Liberals are freaking out.] 6-4-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Latin Americans Against Venezuela.” [The OAS takes a rare stand against the Havana-Caracas axis.] 6-8-18
- Foreign Affairs. “The French Navy Stands Up to China.” By Jonas Parello-Piesner. [As we steamed through the disputed Spratly Islands, a voice demanded we radio our intentions.] 6-8-18
- Foreign Affairs. “The Russia Smoke Bomb.” [Trump plays into Putin’s strategy with his G-7 taunt.] 6-9-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela’s Long Road to Ruin.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Few countries have been such a perfect example of socialist policies in practice.] 6-11-18.
- Foreign Affairs. “Pakistan’s Pashtuns Take On the Army – and Terrorists..” by Sadanand Dhume. [The generals often rule and always have influence, but they’re flummoxed by a new protest movement.] 6-15-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Columbia’s Presidential Showdown.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [A former guerrilla, Gustavo Petro, loses to the lackluster Ivan Duque.] 6-18-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Time to Make Up After Fighting Over Iran.” By Michael Doran and Peter Rough. [ The U.S. is getting its way through coercive sanctions. It would be helpful to show the allies some respect.] 6-18-18
- Foreign Relations. “Turkey’s Authoritarian Choice.” [Erdogan claims victory but a new opposition emerges.] 6-25-18
- Foreign Affairs. “I Think I’m Going to Kathmandu, Say the Chinese.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Beijing’s latest power play seeks to boost its regional influence by making Nepal less dependent on India.] 6-29-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Guatemala, Russia and the Bitkovs.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The family remains in jeopardy thanks to a U.S.-funded rogue U.N. agency.] 7-2-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Russia in Central America, Again.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The Kremlin is up to its old tricks in Daniel Ortega’s corrupt Nicaragua.] 7-9-18
- Foreign Affairs. “How Trump Plans to Change the World.” By Walter Russell Mead. [He rejects the postwar order on the ground that it puts the U.S at a disadvantage.] 7-10-18
- Foreign Affairs. Brazil. “Rule of Law Wins Again in Brazil.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Lula’s backers try (and fail) to spring him from jail so he can run for president.] 7-16-18
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “Morouned Over the Detroit River.” [A special interest wants Trump to kill a new U.S.-Canada crossing.] 7-16-18
- Foreign Affairs. Nicaragua. “Ortega’s Reign of Terror.” [Nicaragua’s reliance on foreign aid is the dictator’s Achilles’ heel.] 7-21-18
- Foreign Affairs. Latin America. “The Other Russian Meddling.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Democrats howl about Putin’s offenses, but not in Latin America.] 7-23-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump and Money.” [Monetary reform would help to avoid ‘beggar thy neighbor’ currency devaluations.] 7-23-18
- Foreign Relations. Pakistan. “For Imran Khan, Winning Was the Easy Part.” By Sadanand Dhume. [A flawed election and a divided populace augur poorly for stability in Pakistan.] 7-27-18
- Foreign Relations. Turkey. “Erdogan and Pastor Brunson.” [Turkey releases the American hostage to house arrest.] 7-20-18Foreign Affairs. “A Toxic Turkish Photo-Op.” by Tunku Varadarajan. [“…The picture was greeted with dismay in Germany…”] 7-30-18
- Foreign Relations. “Pakistan’s Deep State Seeks A New Patron.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Forget elections. The military’s ties to Beijing will shape the country’s future.] 7-31-18
- Foreign Affairs. Turkey. “Sanctions for the Sultan.” [The U.S. hits Turkey for holding an American pastor on phony charges.] 8-2-18
- Foreign Relations. “The Tragedy of Zimbabwe.” 8-4-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela’s Drone Attack.” [Maduro blames all and sundry for an alleged assassination attempt.] 8-6-18
- Foreign Affairs. Latin America “The Return of James Monroe.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Latin America’s crisis turns Washington’s Cold War nightmare on its head.] 8-7-18
- Foreign Affairs. “South Africa’s Slide.” [President Ramaphosa tries the Zimbabwe and Venezuela way.] 8-7-18
- Foreign Relations. Venezuela. “Maduro Rounds Up More Non-Suspects.” [Venezuela’s dictator uses the drone explosion to jail opponents.] 8-10-18
- Foreign Relations. Turkey. “Coercive Economic Diplomacy.” [Trump unleashes the world’s currency traders on Turkey’s lira.] 8-11-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Canada Backtracks on a Carbon Tax.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Justin Trudeau’s Liberals try to stop a stampede of capital out of the country.] 8-13-18
- Foreign Affairs. Turkey. “A Lifeline for Turkey.” [Erdogan needs to give up a discretionary monetary policy.] 8-13-18
- Foreign Affairs. Turkey. “Erdogan Can Save the Turkish Lira.” By Steve H. Hanke. [He should form a currency board – a monetary -reform measure that’s been tried 70 times and never failed.] 8-13-18
- Foreign Policy. “What Went Wrong With Human Rights.” (The Weekend Interview with Aaron Rhodes by James Taranto.) [The conflation of ‘natural law’ with ‘positive law’ handed communism a philosophical victory after the end of the Cold War.] 8-18-18
- Foreign Affairs. “The U.S Funds Guatemalan Abuse.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Washington ignores gross human-right violations carried out with taxpayer money.] 8-20-18
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “Monetary chaos in Caracas.” [Maduro’s decrees and devaluation produce a financial meltdown.] 8-20-18
- Foreign Affairs. Greece. “Greece’s Bailouts End, but Its Prospects Still Look Grim.” By Yannis Palaiologos. [The budget is balanced, but a crushing tax and regulatory burden makes growth unsustainable.] 8-20-18
- Foreign Relations. “India Can Become a Key U.S. Partner.” By Paula J. Dobriansky. [The world’s most populous democracy could thwart China’s efforts at domination.] 8-21-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Modi Abandons Reform for Populist Nostrums.” By Sadanand Dhume. [He champions ambitious welfare-state schemes and protectionism while abandoning privatization.] 8-24-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela’s Tyranny of Bad Ideas.” By Daniel Pipes. [Socialism was a proven failure, but Hugo Chavez got his countrymen to try it.] 8-27-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Good News for the Americas.” [A new white House aide knows the Cuban role in destabilizing the region.] 9-4-18
- Foreign Relations. [Burma’s Ethnic Cleansers.” [Two brave reporters go to prison for exposing murder and rape.] 9-5-2018
- Foreign Relations. “Guatemala’s President Defends Democracy Against the U.N.” by Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [He booted the Commission Against Impunity, which has jailed innocents while promoting socialism.] 9-5-2018
- Foreign Relations. Korea. “A Better Way to Prepare for War in Korea.” By Michael O’Hanlon. [Scrap the big annual exercises and conduct frequent smaller ones.] 9-5-2018
- Foreign Affairs. Argentina. “Argentina Needs to Dollarize.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Another crisis for the peso, as the central bank proves it is not to be trusted.] 9-10-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Sweden’s Political Warning.” [The Sweden Democrats finish third on an anti-immigration platform.] 9-10-18
- Foreign Affairs. “On Syria, the U.S. Can Drive a Hard Bargain With Russia.” By Dennis Ross. [Putin gives nothing away without a price. To protect America’s interests, neither should Trump.] 9-10-18
- Foreign Affairs. “The Failure to Help Taiwan” [Trump bows to Beijing when it protests U.S. help for Taipei.] 9-13-18
- Foreign Affairs. Economy. “Culling the Emerging-Market Herd.” [The lack of contagion so far gives countries an opening for reform.] 9-14-18
- Foreign Relations. “John Kerry, Meet George Logan.” By Seth Lipsky. [Is it a crime to meet with Iranian officials? It may well be.] 9-17-18
- Foreign Affairs. “A Phony Peace in Columbia.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Many rebels who were part of the Santos deal are returning to the battlefield.] 9-24-18
- Foreign Relations. “Laugh at the U.N., Not with It.” By Elliot Kaufman. [The world body’s record on human rights is a cruel joke.] 9-27-18
- Foreign Affairs. “The Dollar, Not the IMF, Can Save Argentina.” By Steve H. Hanke and John Greenwood. [The country will never get out of its dependence loop without a drastic turn toward pro-growth reform.] 9-27-18
- Foreign Relations. “A Political Comeback at 93.” (The Weekend Interview with Mahathir Muhamad by Tunku Varadarajan. [Malaysia’s prime minister discusses his alliance with a man he once jailed, his trouble with the Chinese, and his country’s system of racial preferences.] 9-29-18
- Foreign Relations. “Brazil’s Trumpian Candidate.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Jair Bolsonaro is polling well because the educated dread a return of the left.] 10-1-18
- Foreign Relations. “Meet the Polish Tiger.” By Mateusz Morawiecki (prime minister of Poland). [Our market economy is booming, allowing us to take care of the least fortunate.] 10-1-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Why Central America Stays Poor” by Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Environmental activists succeed in closing a silver mine despite no violations.] 10-8-18
- Foreign Relations. “Brazilian Swamp Drainer.” [A Conservative populist charges ahead in the presidential race.] 10-9-18
- Foreign Affairs. (Canada) “Justin Trudeau’s Canada Turns Right.” By Michael Taube. [Conservatives win in Ontario and Quebec and may soon lead as many as six of 10 provinces.] 10-10-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Open the Door to Venezuelan Migrants.” By Alvaro Vargas Llosa. [The Western Hemisphere should share responsibility for casualties of the socialist dictatorship.] 10-11-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Freedom for an American Hostage.” [Trump used his leverage to bring pastor Andrew Brunson home.] 10-13-18
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “Cuba Holds the Keys to Venezuela.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [A political prisoner is killed Castro-style in Caracas by state intelligence agents.] 10-15-18
- Foreign Affairs. Saudi Arabia. “Why Kill Jamal Khashoggi?” by Karen Elliott House. [The most charitable interpretation is that this was an abduction that went horribly wrong.] 10-15-18
- Foreign Relations. “Don’t Ditch Riyadh in a Fit of Righteousness.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Khashoggi’s murder must be condemned. But, Saudi Arabia still serves U.S. interests.] 10-16-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Will Pakistan Execute a 53-Year-Old Woman for Being Christian?” by Sadanand Dhume. [Even her offense isn’t clear. It’s considered blasphemous to discuss ‘blasphemous’ comments.] 10-19-18
- Foreign Affairs. Brazil. “Bolsonaro Takes Brazil. By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The former army captain ran as an alternative to socialist corruption.] 10-29-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Khashoggi’s Killing Should Be a Nuclear Red Flag.” By Jamie Fly and Henry Sokolski. [The Saudis can’t be trusted to enrich uranium and reprocess spent fuel.] 10-29-18
- Foreign Relations. Brazil. “Bolsonaro’s Hope and Change.” [Brazilians wanted new leadership after years of recession and graft.] 10-30-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Will the U.S. Extradite an Innocent Man.\?” by Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The State Department sides with Columbia’s political prosecution of Andres Arias.] 11-5-18
- Foreign Relations. Brazil. “Brazil Is Moving Its Embassy to Jerusalem.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Evangelical voters throw their support to another populist pro-Israel president.] 11-6-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Th Russians and Saudis Look Guilty By Design.” By Gary Schmitt. [What seem like sloppy coverups are meant to send a message to dissidents.] 11-9-18
- Foreign Affairs. Turkey. “A Journalist’s Vindication.” [The unjust case against a former Journal reporter is dismissed in Turkey.] 11-14-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Don’t Let Yemen Become a Proxy of Iran.” By Kamran Bokhari. [Knee-jerk opposition to the Saudi intervention is dangerous to the U.S.] 11-17-18
- Foreign Affairs. “A Cynical Trade With Columbia.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The US. Offer sup an innocent man in the hope drug kingpins will be turned over.] 11-19-18
- Foreign Policy. “The Three Stages of Trump’s Foreign Policy.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Restraint gave way to disruption. Now it’s time for leadership, strategy and results.] 11-20-18
- Foreign Affairs. “A ‘Military Option’ for Sick Venezuelans.” [The USNS Comfort sets sail with aid for people fleeing a failed state.] 11-23-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump’s Crude Realpolitik.” [His statement about the Saudis had no mention of America’s values.] 11-23-18
- Foreign Affairs. “How to Stop a South African Land Grab.” [Voters can still block an expropriation-without-compensation gambit.] 11-24-18
- Foreign Affairs. “On Saudi Arabia, Trump Has a Clue.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. 11-24-18
- Foreign Affairs. Saudi Arabia. “Nixon, Now More Than Ever.” By Wm McGurn. [Trump could use an elder statesman to tell the Saudis what they need to hear.] 11-27-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Putin Tests Trump on Ukraine.” [The Russian is watching the response to his latest military aggression.] 11-27-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Pakistan, Stop Coddling Terrorists.” By Sadanand Dhume. [A decade after the Mumbai bombings, the attackers are still free. One top jihadist even ran for office.] 11-30-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Russia’s Latin American Offensive.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Moscow infiltrates institutions with the goal of destabilizing democracy.] 12-3-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Sign a Free-Trade Deal With Taiwan.” By Ashley J. Tellis. [For America, it makes both economic and strategic sense.] 12-3-18
- Foreign Relations. “Unsavory Allies, From Stalin to the Saudis.” By Winston Groom. [FDR cooperated with one of history’s most murderous dictators.] 12-5-18
- Foreign Relations.. “History Ended in 1945.” By James Dobbins. [Undoing the postwar order could produce global depressions and frequent wars.] 12-10-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump Defends the International Order.” By Kiron Skinner. [His administration is reasserting the nation-state’s role in a free and open multilateral system.] 12-12-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Countering Russia and China in Africa.” [The U.S. has a new focus, but it can’t neglect the terror front.] 12-14-18
- Foreign Relations. India. “Modi’s Party Crashes to Defeat, Casting Doubt on His Re-Election.” By Sadanand Dkume. [It’s too early to write the prime minister off, but his populist economic policies clearly aren’t working.] 12-14-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Argentina’s Monetary Rescue.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [An end to money creation brings down inflation and stabilizes the peso.] 12-17-18
- Foreign Affairs. “The Twilight of Human-Rights Diplomacy.” By Walter Russell Mead. [The sunny idealism of 2011 couldn’t survive the cold realities of geopolitics.] 12-18-18
- Foreign Relations. “A Senseless Extradition.” [The Justice Department does the left’s bidding in Columbia.] 12-18-18
- Foreign Affairs. “Brazil’s Primal Scream.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [‘Socialism just didn’t work out around here.’ A nation wants to try something new.] 1-7-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Brazil’s Bolsonaro Is 2018’s Biggest Winner.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Also: Italy’s Salvini, Turkey’s Erdogan, Syria’s Assad, and Ethiopia’s Ahmed.] 1-8-19
- Foreign affairs. “How Sweden Overcame Socialism.” By Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde and Lee E. Ohanian. [It’s a model for the U.S. but the lesson isn’t what Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez thinks it is.] 1-10-19
- Foreign Relations. “The Almost-Democratic Republic of Congo.” By Adam O’Neal. [Its people still have a chance at self-rule, but it won’t be easy.] 1-11-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Politics May Trip Up amazon and Walmart in India.” By Sadanand Dhume. [The country isn’t too big for foreign companies to walk away from or avoid.] 1-11-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Guatemala Gives the U.N. the boot.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady [The Commission Against Impunity undercuts confidence in the justice system.] 1-14-19
- Foreign Relations. “Trump’s Successful Pivot to Asia.” By Michael Auslin. [America’s regional allies are relieved to learn that the U.S. isn’t going anywhere — for now.] 1-16-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Green Politics and Global Instability.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [How ‘Occupied,’ a Netflix show about Norway, could presage civil strife in Canada.] 1-23-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela, America Stands With You.” By Mike Pence. [It’s a humanitarian and economic crisis, but also a matter of regional security.] 1-23-19
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “Revolt in Venezuela.” [A desperate nation rises to swear in a new democratic leader.] 1-24-19
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “Cuba Out of Venezuela.” [Friends of democracy need to targt Havana’s control in Caracas.] 1-25-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuelan Spring.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The people are destitute, angry and tired of socialism. They want it to end.] 1-28-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Tulsi Gabbard’s 2020 Contribution.” [Despite her affinity for Assad, she sometimes raises good questions.] 1-28-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela’s Maduro Takes a Hostage.” 1-30-19
- Foreign Affairs. “A Sino-Russian Entente Again Threatens America.” By Graham T. Allison and Dimitri K. Simes. [The U.S. must revise its policy toward Moscow if it is to meet the threat from a rising China.] 1-30-19
- Foreign Affairs. “A Senate Warning to Mr. Trump.” [Forty-three Republicans offer good advice on Syria and Afghanistan.] 2-1-19
- Foreign Affairs. “The U.N. Can save Venezuela – Really.” By Jared Genser. [Officially recognizing Guaido would weaken Maduro’s finances and grip on the military.] 2-1-19
- Foreign Affairs. “No dialogue for Maduro.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Venezuelans are not divided. Juan Guaido is the legitimate interim president.] 2-4-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Maduro Wrecked Venezuela’s Oil Industry.” By Daniel Yergin. [The dictator destroyed a world energy powerhouse. U.S. sanctions will squeeze production even further.] 2-5-19
- Foreign Policy. “Trump’s Foreign-Policy Critics Are Losing.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Congress rebukes him. But the public is cool to the post-cold War consensus.] 2-5-19
- Foreign Affairs. “India Isn’t Pulling Its Weight in Defense Against China.” By Sadanand Dhume. [New Delhi spends more on defense but isn’t getting much bang for its buck, and the threat is growing.] 2-8-19
- Foreign Policy. “Can Trump Handle a Foreign Crisis?” by Peggy Noonan. [He’ll face on eventually, and there’s good reason to worry the administration will be unprepared.] 2-9-19
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “A Visit With Venezuela’s Interim President.” By Annika Hernroth-Rothstein. [‘I personally don’t believe that Russia and china are on Maduro’s side,’ Juan Guaido says in an interview.] 2-9-19
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “Power and Money in Venezuela.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Some opponents of Nicolas Maduro remain supporters of socialism.] 2-11-19
- Foreign Relations. “Aid Showdown in Venezuela.” [Will Maduro use violence against people bringing food, medicine?”] 2-22-19
- Foreign Relations. “Pakistan-Based Jihadists Kill 40, and Indians Demand a Response.” By Sadanand Dhume. [As elections approach, Modi is under pressure from enraged citizens.] 2-22-19
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “Maduro and Cuba Lose.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The dictator closed the border – but Venezuela’s democrats won the day.] 2-25-19
- Foreign Relations. “One-Sided Treaty With Columbia.” By Mary Anastasia O’Brady. [State and Justice want to extradite Mr. arias in the interest of their war on drugs.] 3-4-19
- Foreign Relations. “The U.S. Is Ceding the Pacific to China.” By Mark Halprin. [While Washington’s focus is elsewhere, Beijing plays the long gave – that means preparing for war.] 3-4-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Allies Worry Over U.S. Public Opinion.” By Walter Russell Mead. [The gap between voters and foreign-policy elites shows little sign of closing.] 3-5-19
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “Trouble For Justin Trudeau.” By Michael Taube. [A criminal-justice scandal makes Canada’s prime minister vulnerable.] 3-7-19
- Foreign Affairs. “India and Pakistan Are Flirting With Nuclear Disaster.” By Sadanand Dhume. [‘Neither side want so escalate. But both have become prisoners of their own propaganda.] 3-8-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Pressure Mounts in Venezuela.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The U.S. says it will tighten financial sanctions in an effort to restore democracy.] 3-11-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Take India’s Side, America.” By Elbridge Colby. [Neutrality has encouraged Pakistan’s bad behavior, and New Delhi is a natural ally for Washington.] 3-13-19
- Foreign Affairs. “The Greater United States.” (Bookshelf by Jason Willick.) “How to Hide an Empire.” By Daniel Immerwahr.” [The story of American expansionism, focusing on the overseas territories and possessions that the U.S., over the years, has colonized and controlled.] 3-14-19
- Foreign Relations. “The Wrong Way to Make Allies Pay More.” [President Trump treats the U.S. military like a mercenary outfit.] 3-14-19
- Foreign Relations. “Trump’s Subtlety Could Yield Middle East Peace.” By Jonathan Schanzer and Ghaith al-Omari. [Past administrations have publicized their plans too soon, provoking fury from fanatics on both sides.] 3-14-19
- Foreign Affairs. “A Rebuke for Turkey’s Strongman.” [Erdogan’s party suffers its worst setback since it came to power in2002.] 4-3-19
- Foreign Affairs. ‘Downfall of a Dictator.” [Sudan’s Omar al-Bahir will go down as one of Africa’s worst.] 4-12-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Brazil’s Would-Be Giant Slayer.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Economy Minister Paulo Guedes takes on the country’s bloated bureaucracy.] 4-15-19
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Modi’s Reform Disappointment.” [India’s PM may win re-election despite his economic record.] 4-15-19
- Foreign Affairs. “The West and Middle East Dictators.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Sudan and Algeria topple despots, but experience teaches us not to expect much.] 4-16-19
- Foreign Affairs. “India’s Government Considers a ‘Muslim Ban.’ By Sadanand Dhume. [Seeking re-election, the ruling party demonizes migrants from Bangladesh.] 4-19-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Socialism vs. ‘the Person.’” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Catholic Venezuela would do well to rediscover a central idea of the faith.] 4-22-19
- Foreign Relations. “Trump Takes Aim at Caracas and Havana.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Russia hopes to repeat in Venezuela the humiliation it inflicted Syria.] 4-23-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Mexico’s Backward Turn.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Lopez Obrador is nixing contracts and giving the military a stake in the economy.] 4-29-19
- Foreign Affairs. “High Stakes in Caracas.” [Either democratic forces oust the regime, or Cuba cements its hold.] 5-1-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela’s Rebellion that Wasn’t.” by Anastasia O’Grady. [Guaido got double-crossed. But Maduro will have to sleep with one eye open.] 5-6-19
- Foreign Affairs. Turkey. “Erdogan’s Obvious Insecurities.” [The Turkish strongman loses an election but then gets a do-over.] 5-9-19
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “How to Liberate Venezuela.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The free world needs to squeeze the power behind Caracas’s police state: Cuba.] 5-13-19
- Foreign Affairs. “America’s Abusive Trade Practices.” By James Bacchus. [China has legitimate grievances, too. The WTO often looks askance at U.S. anti-dumping tariffs.] 5-13-19
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “The Green Threat to Canada’s Liberals.” By Michael Taube. [A major leftist party may be emerging from a longtime minor one.] 5-15-19
- Foreign Affairs. Turkey. “Trump Can’t Afford to Go Soft on Turkey.” By Eric Edelman and Jonathan Schanzer. [Erdogan’s purchase of a Russian air-defense system is a serious threat to U.S. national security.] 5-16-19
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Modi Brings India’s Fringe Elements Center Stage.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Resurgent Hindu nationalism is putting the country’s reputation for pluralism at risk.] 5-17-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Australia’s Left Loses an Election is Was sure to Win.” By Tom Switzer. [Voters shock the media in a result that echoes the victories of Brexit and Donald Trump in 2016.] 5-20-19
- Foreign Affairs. “The Turkish Contagion Risk.” [Erdogan is running out of options to prevent a collapse of the lira.] 5-23-19
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “Match Words With Actions In Venezuela Mr. President.” By Lindsey Graham. [Follow Reagan’s example in rescuing Grenada from Cuban domination.] 5-23-19
- Foreign Affairs. “The Dollar May Be Knocked off Its Pedestal.” By Sahil Mahtani. [America’s competitors, friend and for, have opportunities to challenge the U.S currency.] 5-23-19
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Modi’s Massive Mandate.” [The Indian leader gets another chance to liberate the economy.] 5-24-19
- Foreign Affairs. India. “India Turns West but Away From Western Values.” By Tunku Varadarajan. [The country’s first Pro-American prime minister also stands for intolerant Hindu nationalism.] 5-24-19
- Foreign Affairs. India. “The Promise and Peril of Modi’s Triumph.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Hindu nationalism made India governable. Can it stay that way?] 5-28-19
- Foreign Affairs. “The Growing Menace of the Moscow-Beijing-Tehran Axis.” By Arthur Herman. [The three powers have different goals, but each extracts advantage when others challenge the U.S.] 5-30-19
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Does Modi threaten Indian Democracy?” by Sadanand Dhume. [His party now has virtually untrammeled power, though state governments are in important check.] 5-31-19
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “The Case for Force in Venezuela.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [How to back the regime’s opponents without sending in the Marines.] 6-2-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Can the West Still Govern?” by Daniel Henninger. [Trumpian nationalism may be on the rise, but most democracies are in gridlock.] 6-6-19
- Foreign Affairs. “A Dearth of Data Helped Hong Kong Succeed.” By Jairaj Devadiga. [Without statistics, you can’t prepare a five-year plan – and that’s good news for prosperity.] 6-8-19
- Foreign Affairs. “The Foreign Influence We’re Ignoring.” By Chuck Grassley. [The collusion narrative was bunk, but other countries’ clandestine lobbying is a real problem.] 6-10-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Pompeo Tries to Rescue the Idea of Human Rights.” By Aaron Rhodes. [Unmoored from natural law, the ‘liberal world order’ generally hasn’t produced liberty.] 6-11-19
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Modi’s Political Success Has Yet to Yield Real Reform.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Realizing India’s potential means pursuing lower taxes, privatization and regulatory relief.] 6-14-19
- Foreign Affairs. Taiwan. “America’s Stake n Taiwan.” By Seth Cropsey. [forty years ago, China wasn’t a global menace. It is now. U.S. policy needs to catch up.] 6-19-19
- Foreign Affairs. Columbia. “Drug War Deception.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [It is now Colombian policy to protect FARC drug traffickers from U.S. justice.] 6-24-19
- Foreign Affairs. Turkey. “Signs of Democratic Life in Turkey.” [Erdogan tries to steal an election but creates a new rival.] 6-24-19
- Foreign Affairs. “The U.S. and India Stumble Toward a Trade War.” By Sadanand Dhume. [America has legitimate grievances, but both sides have a strategic interest in avoiding a serious conflict.] 6-28-19
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “Dialogue With Maduro Is a Trap.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Cuba is employing its age-old tricks in an effort to keep the dictator in power.] 7-1-19
- Foreign Affairs. Turkey. “An Underdog Challenges Erdogan.” By Somer Cagaptay. [The president, a former Istanbul mayor, has a rival in the current one.] 7-1-19
- Foreign Affairs. “The Trump Doctrine.” [With this President, the diplomacy is always personal.] 7-1-19
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “Life and Death in Caracas.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Rafael Acosta Arevalo died from injuries after being hung from a tree and beaten.] 7-8-19
- Foreign Affairs. Greece. “Greek Voters Turn to Growth.” [They dump left-wing Syriza in favor of a recast center-right.] 7-8-19
- Foreign Affairs. Britain. Europe. “A Not So Special Relationship.” 7-11-19
- Foreign Affairs. Britain. Europe. “Trump, Brexit and the former Ambassador.” By Dominic Green. [Were Russians behind the leaks of Darroch’s cables? Or could it have been a backer of Boris Johnson?] 7-11-19
- Foreign Affairs. India. “It’s Game Over for the Gandhis as a Political Dynasty Dies.] by Sadanand Dhume. [India’s Congress Party has become a rudderless mess. It’s leader’s resignation is a chance to begin anew.] 7-12-19
- Foreign Affairs. Taiwan. “Trump’s Taiwan Progress.” [A $2.2 billion arms sale comes as Taipei grows more wary of Beijing.] 7-13-19
- Foreign Relations. Turkey. “Erdogan Takes Putin Over NATO.” 7-15-19
- Foreign Affairs. Turkey. “Don’t Let Turkey Defect to Russia.” By Walter Russell Mead. [NATO’s objective should be to outlast Erdogan and his provocative behavior.] 7-16-19
- Foreign Relations. France. “France Starts a Digital Tax War.” [Macron’s levy on U.S. tech giants plays into Trump’s hands.] 7-17-19
- Foreign Affairs. Pakistan. “International Diplomacy Is Not Just Cricket.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Pakistan’s prime minister won a world cup, but reviving relations with the U.s. will be a tall order.] 7-26-19
- Foreign Affairs. Poland. “How Hitler and Stalin Made Modern Poland.” By Sean McMeekin. [The neglected history of the Warsaw uprising helps explain the country’s nationalist politics today.] 8-1-19
- Foreign Policy. “Protectionist Diplomacy Goes Global.” [Tokyo is taking after Trump in using coercive trade against Seoul.] 8-3-19
- Foreign Affairs. “All John Bolton’s Wars.” By Wm. McGurn. [What do the Iranian regime, the New York Times and Sen. Rand Paul have in common?] 8-6-19
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “Squeezing Venezuela’s Comrades.” [New U.S. santions target the Mduro regime’s foreign backers.] 8-8-19
- Foreign Affairs. India, Pakistan. “Modi’s Kashmir Gambit Puts Pakistan in a Tough Spot..” by Sadanand Dhume. [Islamabad has little clout, what with its support for terrorism an economy one-eighth India’s size.] 8-9-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela Grows More Unequal.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The haves find ways to provide basic services. The havenots suffer intensely.] 8-12-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Are We All Unilateralists Now?” By Ted Van Dyk. [On war, trade and climate, Democrats sound remarkably similar to Trump.] 8-13-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Argentina Needs the Dollar.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The peso swoons after a presidential vote, showing the risk of an inflation tax.] 8-19-19
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Gulf States Shrug as India Seizes Kashmir.” By Walter Russell Mead. 8-20-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Italy’s ‘Hail Matteo’ Pass.” [If Salvini can win an election, Brussels owes him some running room.] 8-21-19
- Foreign Affairs. “India Should Quit Harassing the ‘Super-Rich.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Boosting taxes on high earners won’t bring in the revenue Modi needs. It will drive out the wealthy.] 8-23-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Reagan and Trump’s Lesson for Today’s G-7.” By Lawrence Kudlow. [Helmut Kohl asked about the ‘American miracle’ in 1983. His successors are trying to ban straws.] 8-24-19
- Foreign Affairs. Brazil. “What You Haven’t Read About Brazil.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The fires are mainly the result of drought, while Bolsonaro’s reforms are paving the way for faster growth.] 8-26-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Make Denmark Another Offer for Greenland.” By S. Enders Wimbush. [The island is an important strategic location in a world that is realigning with unprecedented speed.] 8-26-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Macron’s Iran Gambit.” [He’ll have to change Tehran’s behavior to salvage the nuclear deal.] 8-27-19
- Foreign Affairs. “After Brexit, a U.S. Trade Deal.” [As Johnson presses Britain’s EU exit, a U.S.-U.K. deal is crucial.] 8-29-19
- Foreign Affairs. Asia. “The Rules of Geopolitics Are Different in Asia.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Indo-Pacific stats care about great-power balance, not promoting democracy.] 9-3-19
- Foreign Affairs. “A Dollar for Argentina.” [Argentines prefer to hold greenbacks. Why not bury the peso?] 9-6-19
- Foreign Affairs. “India Diminishes Itself as an Alternative to Beijing.” By Sadanand Dhume. [New Delhi makes a grave mistake in jeopardizing the religious pluralism that sets it apart from China.] 9-6-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Burning Questions About the Amazon Fires.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Many of the blazes are occurring on land without clear title or private ownership.] 9-9-19
- Foreign Policy. “Where Did ‘Maximum Pressure’ Go?” by Seth G. Jones and Tom Karako. [The Trump administration has let it early momentum in foreign policy dissipate. It’s time to turn back.] 9-9-19
- Foreign Affairs. “How Myanmar’s Military Duped the West.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Washington’s human-rights idealism may frustrate efforts to contain China.] 9-10-19
- Foreign Policy. “Venezuela Policy after Bolton.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [U.S. success depends on keeping up maximum pressure on Caracas and Havana.] 9-16-19
- Foreign Affairs. “A Sino-Russian Alliance: Don’t Bet On It.” By Thomas Sherlock and John Gregory. [Students in Beijing and Moscow want to keep their neighbor at arm’s length. They also admire the U.S.] 9-16-19
- Foreign Affairs. Columbia “No Peace in Our Time in Columbia.” [Key FARC drug smugglers renew the guerrilla war.] 9-17-19
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “2001 ‘Arabian Nights’ May Sink Trudeau.” By Elliot Kaufman. [A month from the election, a ‘brownface’ controversy erupts in Canada.] 9-20-19
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Howdy Modi, and goodbye Growth.” By Sadanand Dhume. [He’s held four U.S. rallies in five years, but still doesn’t seem to grasp how freedom feeds prosperity.] 9-20-19
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “Why Trudeau Could Lose.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Canadians sense that their young prime minister isn’t quite ready for prime time.] 9-23-19Foreign Affairs. India “The American Subcontinent.” [A celebration of Indian-Americans in Texas, of all places.] 9-23-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Latin America vs. Maduro.” 9-27-19
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “Why Did the Chicken Cross the Vorder?” [“Canadians are getting a taste of the newest U.S. export. Chick-fil-A…] 9-27-19
- Foreign Affairs. “What the Press Doesn’t Know About Ukraine.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Reporters will have to ask a lot more questions to understand the missing context of the Trump all.] 9-28-19
- Foreign Affairs. Brazil. “Brazil’s Market Revolution.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Bolsonaro’s critics should hold him accountable for his promises of reform.] 9-30-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Why Foreign Influence Is on the Rise.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Corrupt officials and ‘princelings’ grow more important in our globalized politics.] 10-1-2019
- Foreign Affairs. “Pakistan Gives a Pass to China’s Oppression of Muslims.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Prime Minister Imran Khan denounces Western ‘Islamophobia’ but shrugs at the Uighurs’ plight.] 10-4-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Turkey’s American Hostage Speaks Out.” (The Weekend Interview with Andrew Brunson by Adam O’Neal.) [The Christian missionary on his ordeal behind bars his meeting with Trump, and his hopes for a turn away from Islam.] 10-5-19
- Foreign Affairs. “The President of Peru Stages A Coup.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [He dissolves Congress after it delivers a vote of confidence. That’s unconstitutional.] 10-6-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Abortion Trumps Self-Rule in N. Ireland.” By Niamh Ui Bhriain. 10-6-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Turkey Has Legitimate Grievances Against the U.S.” by Michael Doran and Michael a. Reynolds. [Trump is right to pull back from supporting PKK-affiliated Kurds in northern Syria.] 10-9-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Bondholders and Venezuelan Democracy.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady.. [Maduro’s default could cost opponents control of Citgo and bolster the dictator.] 10-14-19
- Foreign Policy. “Mike Pompeo’s Predicament.” By Walter Russell Mead. [The Syria withdrawal worried allies, divided the GOP, and made his job a lot harder.] 10-15-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Congress to the Kurdish Rescue.” [A Senate sanctions bill has Erdogan’s attention – and Trump’s.] 10-18-19
- Foreign Affairs. “India Needs Harvard as Well as Hard Work.” By Sadanand Dhume. [The scapegoating of a Nobel Prize-winning native demonstrates the pitfalls of nationalism.] 10-18-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump’s Syria Exit Puts Yazidis in Peril.” By Hadi Pir. 10-18-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump Chooses to Fight at Home.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The Kurds are not the first foreign ally to be sacrificed to America’s domestic battles.] 10-19-19
- Foreign Affairs. “An Exciting Finish in Canada’s Election.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [conservative Andrew Scheer has pulled into a dead heat with Justin Trudeau.] 10-21-19
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “Canadians Humble Trudeau.” [The liberals take a beating over energy but hold onto power.] 10-23-19
- Foreign Affairs. Chile. “Chilean Capitalism on Trial.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Market policies have been successful. So why are people taking to the streets?] 10-28-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Argentina’s Peronist Repeat.” [The ill-governed nation hands the government back to the left.] 10-29-19
- Foreign Affairs. Lebanon. “Lebanon’s Discontent Has Religious Roots.” By Robert Nicholson. [The country was founded as a haven for Christians but has lost its purpose.] 11-1-19
- Foreign Affairs. ‘India Will Have a Say in Whether China Dominates 5G.” by Sadanand Dhume. [Accepting Huawei would save money for New Delhi, but only at the cost of strategic autonomy.] 11-1-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Like Trump, Justin Trudeau ‘Lost the Popular Vote.’ By Jason Willick. [Canada, Israel and other democracies prove that ‘political reform’ schemes create their own problems.] 11-2-19
- Foreign Affairs. Chile. “Don’t Slay the Chilean Puma.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [A rewrite of the constitution would destroy opportunity for the poor.] 11-4-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Centrifugal Forces Tug at the World.” (The Weekend Interview with Jose Maria Aznar by Tunku Varadarajan.) [Spain’s former leader reflects on secession movements at home and in Europe, and on the trump era’s challenges in the postwar order.] 11-16-19
- Foreign Affairs. Bolivia “Morales Made Bolivia a Narco State.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [How many Mexicans know the role that Evo has played in the coca business?] 11-18-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Nations Need Leadership, Not a League.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Wilson’s international hegemon failed 100 years ago, and today’s tries fare no better.] 11-19-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Heartbreak for Kurdish-Americans.” By Sherin Zadah and Yara Ismael. [It’s painful to watch our adopted country betray our homeland.] 11-22-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Diplomats Play Partisans on TV.” By Dave Seminara. [Foreign-service officers are tough and courageous. You wouldn’t know it from the impeachment hearings.] 11-22-19
- Foreign Affairs. Myanmar. “A Principled Dissident Turns Despotic Premier.” By Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein. [Suu Kyi once wrote that the fear of losing power corrupts. She’s proved that she’s no exception.] 12-10-19
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Modi Courts Chaos by Snubbing Persecuted Muslims.” By Sadanand Dhume. [A new citizenship law gives ‘special consideration’ to most every other religious minority – and Hindus.] 12-13-19
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “The Canadian Conservative Crack-Up.” By Michael Taube. [Can the party recover its cohesion after failing to defeat a badly damaged Justin Trudeau?] 12-13-19
- Foreign Affairs. “North American Damage Control.” [New NAFTA is worse than the old deal but is at least a political relief.] Economy. 12-16-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Impeachable or Not, Trump’s Foreign Policy Is Reckless.” By Robt. B. Zoelilck. 12-17-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela Desperately Seeks Dollars.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [U.S. sanctions fail to unseat Maduro. The regime is still feeling the pinch.] 12-23-19
- Foreign Affairs. Turkey. “Erdogan’s Success May Prove to Be His Undoing.] 12-24-19
- Foreign Affairs. Saudi Arabia. “The Khashoggi Verdict.” [A court decides to execute the usual intelligence suspects.] 12-26-19
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Modi’s Legacy May Be Instability and Stagnation.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Unemployment is at a 45-year high as thousands of Indians protest his policies toward Muslims.” 12-27-19
- Foreign Affairs. “Latin America’s ‘Oasis’ Descends Into Chaos.” By Axel Kaiser. [What happened to Chili? Its elites lost confidence in the principles that underlay its success.] 1-2-20
- Foreign Affairs. India. “The Battle to Keep India Secular.” By Tunku Varadarajan. [A new citizenship law undermines what made the country a relative success.] 1-3-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Spain’s Mysterious Ties to Wanted Bolivians.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [An armed Spanish security detail tries to intimidate national police in La Paz.] 1-6-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela’s Latest Coup.” [Maduro Steals legislative power, the last peaceful opening for change.] 1-7-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Pakistan’s Premier Is No Good for India’s Secularists.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Imran Khan supports protests against the new citizenship law, and hurts the cause in the process.] 1-10-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Two Portents of Freedom.” [Taiwan sends a message to Beijing and Iranians protest in the streets.] 1-11-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Freedom Stages a Comeback.” By Walter Russell Mead.” [Even when officials push realpolitik, the U.S. remains a beacon of liberty to the world.] 1-14-20
- Foreign Affairs. “A Selective Opponent of ‘Settlers.’” By Eugene Kontorovich. [Human Rights Watch’s Sara Leah Whitson has one standard for Israel, another for Armenia.] 1-15-20
- Foreign Affairs. “South Korea Is an Ally, Not a Dependent,” by Michael Pompeo and Mark T. Esper. [Seoul can and should contribute more to its own national defense.] 1-17-20Foreign Affairs. “Jeff Bezos’ Unhappy Passage to India.” By Sudanand Dhume. [The Amazon chief gets the cold shoulder from Modi. Other foreign companies may feel the chill.] 1-24-20
- Foreign Affairs. “The U.N. and Human Trafficking.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Four victims of Cuba’s medical missions sue the Pan American Health Organization.] 1-27-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela Puts the Crypt in Cryptocurrency.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The PetroApp, the half-petro bonus, and other tales of Maduro regime funny money.] 2-3-20
- Foreign Affairs. “The Cold War Over Venezuela.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Moscow has a stake in Maduro’s regime, but its value to Putin depends on oil.] 2-11-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Mini-Merkel’s Mega Meltdown.” [German Conservatives head for a welcome new leadership race.] 2-11-20
- Foreign Affairs. “A campaign Against Bureaucratic Bloat in U.S. Foreign Policy.” By John Lehman. [Trump’s national security advisor has a plan of attack for a problem decades in the making.] 2-18-20
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “Pipeline Foes Try to Shut Canada Down.” By Michael Taube. [And Prime Minister Trudeau answers with weakness.] 2-20-20
- Foreign Affairs. Tensions With China Help Ease Trump’s Visit to India.” By Sadanand Dhume. [But Washington and New Delhi have growing differences over trade.] 2-21-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Modi Bashes Nehru, but Rejects Only His Good Ideas.” By Jairaj Devadiga. [He’s copied the socialist’s penchant for tariffs and regulations, shedding jobs and slowing growth.] 2-24-20
- Foreign Affairs. “In India, Trump Sounds Like Obama.” By Tunku Varadrajan. [He preaches pluralism to the country’s less-tolerant nationalists.] 2-25-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Africa’s Locust Plague Shows the Danger of Green Colonialism.” By Richard Tren. [Massive swarms devour crops, while European environmentalists seek to ban insecticides.] 2-24-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Italian Churches Go Into Quarantine.” By Alesandra Bocchi. [Most of the clergy have failed to deliver much-needed spiritual leadership.] 2-28-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Give Philanthropy the Market Test.” [by Andy Kessler. [A project to electrify rural India shows how investment helps the poor more than aid.] 3-2-20
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Hindu Supremacism Turns Deadly in Delhi.” By Sadanand Dhume. [A resurgence of the idea that India belongs to those of ‘Indi faith’ drove the riots, which killed 44.] 3-6-20
- Foreign Affairs. “International Criminal Disgrace.” [“…the ICC revived a more than decade old inquiry into alleged crimes committed by Americans and the Taliban in Afghanistan.] 3-10-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Economic Flu Stalks Latin America.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The moral hazard of Fed subsidies leads to another crisis and empowers socialists.] 3-16-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Repression in the Time of Coronavirus.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Venezuelan oil and Cuban tourism collapse. The despots scramble for dollars.] 3-23-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Indicting the Caracus Mob.” 3-27-20
- Foreign Affairs. “No Gasoline in Venezuela.” by Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Refineries are kaput and imports are too costly. The economy risks a standstill.] 4-6-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Audit the WHO’s Pan American Arm.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [PAHO shouldn’t get a dime of U.S. funding until it stops carrying water for Cuba.] 4-13-20
- Foreign Affairs. Mexico. “AMLO Tries to Capitalize on Coronavirus.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [He’s treating the economic crisis as a chance to advance his socialist agenda.] 4-20-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Salvadoran President Is No Friend of the U.S.” by Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Populist Nayib Bukele uses coronavirus as the pretext to traduce the constitution.] 4-27-20
- Foreign Affairs. “India May Have to Lift Its Coronavirus Lockdown.” By Sadanand Dhume. [The infection rate, while low, continues to rise. But unemployment is a luxury in such a poor country..] 5-1-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Brazil Doubles Down on Reform.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [President Jai Bolsonaro reaffirms the goal of ending crony capitalism.] 5-4-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Crawling Between the Giants’ toes.” (Bookshelf by Andrew Stuttaford.) “Too Small to Fail.” By R. James Breiding. [If, as a Swiss observer writes, size has become unmoored from power, will the future favor smaller, nimbler and more cohesive societies.] 5-4-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Boris and Bibi Ride Pandemic Popularity.” [Covid-19 confirmed the ideas they’d been advancing, but other politicians struggle.] 5-5-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Can Indian Manufacturing Capitalize on the Flight From China.” by Sadanand Dhume. [Maybe, but New Delhi will have to get serious about reforms. Currently it lags far behind Vietnam.] 5-15-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Lockdown Puts Brazilian Lives at Risk.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Covid cautionary tale, but halting economic activity didn’t help.] 5-18-20
- Foreign Affairs. “India Is a Natural U.S. Ally in the New Cold War.” By Walter Russell Mead. 5-28-20
- Foreign Affairs. “The World Waits Out Trump.” By Walter Russell Mead. [The belief in Beijing, Moscow and Berlin is that the U.S. can no longer lead the globe.] 6-2-20
- Foreign Affairs. “A Global Strategy That Can Appeal to Trump Voters.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Populists and elites can agree on reciprocal trade and the Chinese threat.] 6-4-20
- Fed. “Jay Powell Lets It Loose.” 6-11-20 [“…investors in asset prices will be as happy as Mr. Trump.] 6-11-20
- Foreign Policy. “A Big step for Religious Freedom.: by Nina Shea. [A new executive order puts the neglected issue at the heart of U.S. foreign policy.] 6-12-20
- Foreign Policy. “Warning a Rogue Court.” [“…new sanctions he threatened against the International Criminal Court…”] 6-12-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Boycotts Won’t Beat the Chinese Dragon.” By Sudanand Dhume. [If India wants to compete, it needs to free its own economy and embrace free-trade agreements.] 6-12-20
- Foreign Policy. “The China-India Clash.” 6-18-20 [[cf. #743, here]]
- Foreign Affairs. “Bolton’s Warmed-Over Venezuelan Dish.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The elephant in ‘The Room Where It Happened’ is an intelligence failure.] 6-22-20
- Foreign Affairs. “The China-Russia-Iran Arms Alliance.” [Beijing and Moscow oppose an embargo extension against Iran.] 6-27-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Leahy’s Yankee Imperialism.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The senator tries to block a nominee to the Inter-American Development Bank.] 6-29-20
- Foreign Affairs. “The Global Political Pandemic.” By Walter Russell Mead. [‘Democratic decline syndrome’ began to hit years before the novel coronavirus.] 6-30-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Libya’s Foul Foretaste of the Post-American World.” [Amid the chaos, the EU, NATO and the Arab world are all divided over which warlords to support.] 7-9-20
- Foreign Affairs. “What Beijing Lost With Its Border Clash Blunder.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Fighting with India in the Himalayas may cost China its shot at becoming the dominant tech power.] 7-10-20 [[cf. #737, here]]
- Foreign Affairs. “Panama’s Free press Under Siege.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [A court tires to gag the country’s largest newspaper amid a U.S. corruption probe.] 7-13-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Rule of Law in the South China Sea.” [The State Department finally declares Beijing’s claims unlawful.] 7-14-20
- Foreign Affairs. “A Trump Retreat From Korea?” [A good way to look weak on China and help Biden get to his right.] 7-18-20
- Foreign Affairs. “A Property Seizure in Columbia.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [U.S. investors accuse Bogota of violating its trade-agreement obligations.] 7-20-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Iran and China, the totalitarian Twins.” By Keith J. Krach and Brian H. Hook. [Their ‘partnership’ is less than meets the eye, but it does reveal commonalities between the two regimes.] 7-21-20
- Foreign Affairs. “A Growth Agenda for Italy Requires Giving Bureaucrats the Boot.” By Adam O’Neal. [To avoid a lost quarter-century, Europe’s third-largest economy needs a radically smaller state.] 7-23-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Turkey Retreats From Modernity.” By Charlotte Allen. [Hagia Sophia is a mosque again, and Ataturk’s secular experiment is over.] 7-24-20
- Foreign Affairs. “My Escape to America Shows the Price of Dissent in South Sudan.” By Peter Biar Ajak. [The president ordered me abducted or killed. This isn’t the democracy the West bargained for in 2011.] 7-24-20
- Foreign Affairs. Italy. “Nationalizing Italy’s Roads Is a Bridge to Nowhere.” By Alberto Mingardi. [Populists in government are exploiting a tragedy to take over companies and pillory the affluent.] 7-25-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Guatemala Torments the Bitkovs.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [A corrupt criminal justice system continues to detain a Russian family.] 7-27-20
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “Will Scandal Finally Sink Trudeau?” by Michael Taube. [The latest revelations involve a charity that paid big speaking fees to the prime minister’s relatives.] 7-27-20
- Foreign Affairs. “To America, From a Worried European Friend.” By Daniel Schwammenthal. [A country convinced that it is irredeemably racist can’t lead the world as the ‘indispensable nation.’] 7-29-20
- Foreign Affairs. “A Latin Leader copes With Covid –19.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Uruguayan President Lacalle Pou envisions a recovery based on greater freedom.] 8-3-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump and Merkel’s Clash Is 30 Years in the Making.” By Jeremy Stern. [The U.S. plan to withdraw troops is a big step toward revising the bargain it gave Europe in the cold War.] 8-5-20
- Foreign Affairs. India “Sectarianism Tightens Its Grip in India.” By Sadanand Dhume [Nehru said dams would be the ‘temples’ of the future. Modi has ensured that actual temples are instead.] 8-7-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Columbia Arrests Uribe.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The guerrillas lost on the battlefield. But they rack up victories in politicized courts.] 8-10-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump’s Opening in Africa.” [Sudan’s democrats are fighting for reform, and the U/.s. should help.] 8-10-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Where Is the U.S.-U.K. Trade Deal?” [An agreement should be easier to reach than London seems to think.] 8-13-20
- Foreign Affairs. “The Gulf War Ended Too Soon.” by Paul Wolfowitz. [Bush was right not to go all the way to Baghdad, but he should have backed Shiite rebels in southern Iraq.] 8-13-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump, Biden and Taiwan.” [America’s commitment to the island should be a campaign issue.] 8-15-20
- Foreign Affairs. Belarus. “Democratic Uprising in Belarus.” [Lukashenko asks Putin for help, but the political cost would be high.] 8-18-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela’s Human Bargaining Chips.” [Some 800 Americans are forbidden to leave the country.] 8-20-20
- Foreign Affairs. “After Tragedy in Beirut, End Lebanon’s U.N. Farce.” By Eugene Kontorovich. [The peacekeeping force fails to obstruct Hezbollah and block arms smuggling. The U.S. should rein it in.] 8-20-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Meet Canada’s ‘Minister of Everything.’” By Michael Taube. [Chrystia Freeland may one day succeed Justin Trudeau.] 8-21-20
- Foreign Policy. “A U.S. Airdrop of Dollars in Venezuela.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The opposition will score a victory if frozen assets are used to pay doctors.] 8-31-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Foreign Tyranny by U.S. Lawsuit.” By Diego A. Zambrano. [Dictators from Napoleon III to Fidel Castro have taken advantage of the American legal system.] 9-3-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Will Facebook Ban Hate Speech From India’s Ruling Party?” by Sadanand Dhume. [A dilemma for Zuckerberg: His company’s standards may be unpopular among its largest user base.] 9-4-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Russia and China Wield Dull Wedges.” By Walter Russell Mead. [They push the U.S. and Germany closer together rather than driving them apart.] 9-8-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Navalny and Nord Stream 2.” [The poisoned Russian dissident opens a door for a Trump priority.] 9-9-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Seoul Cracks Down on Dissent Against North Korea.” By Joshua Stanton and Sung-Yoon Lee. [Seeking accommodation, the government audits human-rights groups and seeks to outlaw speech.] 9-10-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Trouble Brewing in Central America.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The region has issues that the Trump administration can’t afford to ignore.] 9-14-20
- Foreign Affairs. “This Group of Nations is a Few Brics Short of a Load.” By Sandanand Dhume. [With China and India’s border dispute, the five-member club makes less sense than ever.] 9-18-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Peru and Brazil: Stay Home and Starve.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Politicians in both countries imposed harsh restrictions people couldn’t obey.] 9-21-20
- Foreign Affairs. Sudan. “An Antiterror Opportunity in Sudan.” [The country deserves to be delisted as a state sponsor of terrorism.] 9-29-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Can Anyone Stop the Caucasus Clash?” by Walter Russell Mead. [Turkey bets that the West and Russia will sit idle as Nagurno-Narabakh burns.] 10-6-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Rising Expectations.” (Bookshelf by Tunku Varadarajan.) “Making India Great.” By Aparna Pande. [India logically aspires to great -power status, but first it must address problems – in the economy and culture – that impede its ascent.] 10-7-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Bolivia flirts With the Return of Evo.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [A divided opposition could hand the election to pro-Cuba cocaine traffickers.] 10-12-20
- Foreign Affairs. “A World of Geopolitical Opportunity.” By Walter Russell Mead. [America’s global position is stronger today than in 2010 in some important ways.] 10-13-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Chile’s Suicide Mission.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [A new constitution is likely to make the country poorer, more corrupt and less free.] 10-19-20
- Foreign Affairs. “A U.N. Human rights Parody.” [Cuba, Russia and China get seats in time for Joe Biden to rejoin.] 10-19-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Why the U.N. Is Making a Mockery of Human Rights.” By Aaron Rhodes. [A body built on the moral relativism inherent in any all-inclusive, multilateral system is bound to fail.] 10-19-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Trump’s Accomplishment in Africa.” [Congress shouldn’t stop him from improving ties with a reforming Sudan.] 10-22-20
- Foreign Affairs. “How Free Speech Dies.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Hyper-intolerance is a familiar path to tyranny throughout Latin America.] 10-26-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Be Afraid of Biden’s Latin America Policy.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The Democratic agenda favors compromise with thugs over human rights.] 11-2-20
- Foreign Affairs. “The world Still Watches America.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Fears of waning soft power aside, the U.S. remains the example of free democracy.] 11-3-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Another Alliance Trump Didn’t Break.” [“…a bilateral relationship…with India…”] 11-3-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela’s Human-Capital flight.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Kamala Harris wants equal outcomes for all. Hugo Chavez promised the same.] 11-9-20
- Foreign Affairs. “This Isn’t Obama’s Middle East.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Biden faces new risks and opportunities, with Turkey a rising Islamist threat.] 11-10-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Joe Biden Can Guld on Trump’s Foreign Policy” by Michael O’Hanlon. [Broker a better deal with Iran, continue to calm tensions with Russia, and improve trade agreements.] 11-13-21
- Foreign Affairs. “’Tribalism’ Isn’t Going Anywhere.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Look at Ethiopia, where ethnic tensions have built up even as the economy grew.] 11-17-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Populism and Politics in Peru.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [There’s no way to stop the corruption of a state with vast power to redistribute wealth.] 11-23-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela’s Guide to Election Theft.” By Mary Anastais O’Grady. [Americans have a legal path when a vote is disputed. Chavez denied all recourse.] 11-30-20
- Foreign Affairs. “The Price of Turkey’s Russian Dalliance.” By Lindsey Graham and James Lankford. [Trump should impose sanctions against Ankara for purchasing the S-400.] 12-5-20
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “An Explosion, a Relief Effort and Canadians’ Enduring Gratitude.” By Elliot Kaufman. [Every year, Nova Scotia sends a Christmas tree to Boston in appreciation of the heroism of 1917.] 12-5-20
- Foreign Affairs. Sudan. “Trial Lawyers vs. Arab-Israeli Peace.” [Schumer and Menendez block a deal to bring Sudan closer to the West.] 12-7-20
- Foreign Affairs. “George Shultz Helped Democracy Flourish in Asia.” By Paul Wolfowitz. [Reagan’s secretary of state also worked to restore balance to the American relationship with China.] 12-14-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Can Biden find Clarity on China and Russia?” by Walter Russell Mead. [Shared interests help shape geopolitical rivalries, but they can’t erase the.] 12-15-20
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “The Jailing of the Citgo Six.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The five U.S. citizens and one permanent resident are pawns in a power struggle.] 12-28-20
- Foreign Affairs. India. “What’s Worse Then 20200 in America?” by Sadanand Dhume. [India struggled as it faced down Covid-19, a collapsing economy, and border clashes.] 12-29-20
- Foreign Affairs. Pakistan. “Extradite Daniel Pearl’s Kidnapper.” By Chris Christie. [If Ahmed Omar Saced Sheikh is freed by a Pakistani court, he must face American justice.] 12-29-20
- Foreign Affairs. “Argentina’s Credibility Crisis.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [After a 2020 debt restructuring there is no reform agenda to avoid another.] 1-4-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Islamabad Warily Weighs Establishing Ties With Israel.” By Sadanand Dhume. [As Arab nations warm toward Jerusalem, the prime minister says they’re putting ‘pressure’ on him.] 1-8-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Turkish Democracy Isn’t a lost Cause.” By Enes Kanter. [Its restoration would advance American interests abroad.] 1-12-21
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Trump Deepened Ties With India, Leaving New Challenges for Biden.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Can the president lock in his predecessor’s gains while expanding trade and standing for human rights?] 1-22-21
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “Biden Uses Canada as a Punching Bag.” By Peter St. Onge. [His ‘Buy American’ plan is worse than Trump’s for suppliers.] 2-2-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Burma’s Coup and Biden’s Choice.” [The U.S. response needs to take into account China’s regional designs.] 2-2-21
- Foreign Affairs. Italy. “And Now for Mario Draghi’s Next Trick…” 2-4-21
- Foreign Affairs. “The U.N. Refugee Agency With Few Actual Refugees.” By Richard Goldberg and Jonathan Schanzer. [Less than 5% of the five million people deemed ‘Palestinian refugees’ meet the criteria for this status.] 2-4-21
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Rihanna Rallies to the Wrong Cause in India.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Farmers protest in defense of a dysfunctional system, and Modi has treated them relatively gently.] 2-5-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Biden’s Troubling Latin America Agenda.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady [Funding for political activism and abortion won’t create jobs in the region.] 2-8-21
- Foreign Affairs. “George Pratt Shultz.” [As secretary of State, he helped Reagan end the Cold War by winning it.] 2-8-21
- Foreign Affairs. “The Wisdom of George Shultz, 1920-2021.” 2-8-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Statesman of the Century.” By Paul Wolfowitz. [Strategy, reflection and restraint made George Shultz one of the greatest diplomats of his era.] 2-9-21
- Foreign Policy. “What George Shultz Taught us About Making Policy.” by John F. Cogan and John B. Taylor. [Begin with a goal, focus on the long term, talk to the other side, and never make empty threats.] 2-10-21
- Foreign Relations. “George Shultz Had a Wise and Discerning Heart.” By Henry Kissinger. [He was a Marine, an economist, a diplomat, a patriot and a statesman. He was also my friend.] 2-11-21
- Foreign Policy. “How Biden Can Liberate Americans Shackled Abroad.” By Jered Genser. [Washington should not tolerate foreign actors who wrongfully or unlawfully imprison U.S. citizens.] 2-17-21
- Foreign Policy. “An American Belt and Road Initiative?” by Jim Webb. [China is funding massive projects all over the world, and gaining influence. The U.S. can do the same.] 2-18-21
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Is Greta Thunberg conspiring Against India’s Tea?” by Sadanand Dhume. [Modi’s ruling party alleges that the West wants to see it fail, but the real threats are internal divisions.] 2-19-21
- Foreign Affairs. Venezuela. “Will Maduro’s Canary Sing.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The dictator sweats while the U.S. seeks to extradite his indicted associate.] 3-1-21
- Foreign Affairs. “India Breaks the Privatization Taboo.” By Sadanand Dhume. [But Modi’s new reforms aren’t all pro-market, and they may lead to isolation and crony capitalism.] 3-5-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Let Business Give the Jab in Latin America.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Prohibiting the sale of vaccines will prolong the pandemic and harm the poor.] 3-8-21
- Foreign Affairs. Korea. “How Do You Solve a Problem Like Korea?” by Walter Russell Mead. [Pyonyang shrugs off sticks and turns up its nose at carrots. Biden has few options.] 3-9-21
- Foreign Affairs. Italy. “Mario Draghi Should Consider a Full Embrace of Politics.” By Adam O’Neal. [His options are limited as a technocrat heading a unity government. Why not seek a voter mandate?] 3-11-21
- Foreign Affairs. Columbia. “No Justice for Female FARC Victims.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [A special peace court refuses to hear about atrocities against Columbian women.] 3-15-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Why the U.S. Won’t Leave the Indo-Pacific.” By Walter Russell Mead. [New challenges test American strategy, but the commitment is grounded in history.] 3-16-21
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “Discover the Beautiful Island of Alaska.” By Frank Murkowski. [Protracted Canadian border closures are hurting my state.] 3-18-21
- Foreign Affairs. “India Beats China at Vaccine Diplomacy.” By Sadanand Dhume. [But New Delhi’s massive success is a function of collaboration with the West, not ‘self-reliance.’] 3-19-21
- Foreign Affairs. Turkey “Erdogan Tanks the Turkish Lira.” [Investors realize a return to normalcy was a mirage.] 3-24-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Bangladesh Turns 50.” By Tunku Varadarajan. 3-26-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Rewriting History in Bolivia – and Mexico.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [AMLO’s affinity for the cocaine-financed Evo Morales should trouble Americans.] 3-29-21
- Foreign Affairs. U.K. “The Trade Pact Waiting to Happen.” By Mike Lee and Iain Duncan Smith. [Friends – like the U.S. and the U.K. – are invaluable in a pinch.] 3-29-21
- Foreign Affairs. “The Myanmar Cauldron.” [The military guns down civilians as resistance to the coup grows.] 3-30-21
- Foreign Affairs. Thailand. “America’s Oldest Asian Ally Overlooked.” By Michael George DeSombre. [ The Biden administration is favoring Singapore and Vietnam over Thailand, a treaty partner since 1833.] 4-10-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Is India Still a Democracy? The Answer Isn’t So Clear.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Freedom House demotes the country to ‘partly free,’ making the free world a lot less populous.] 4-16-21
- Foreign Affairs. “A New Coalition to Advance U.S. Global Interests.” By Elliot Abrams. [We hope to unite people who disagreed on Trump behind six principles of American foreign policy.] 4-29-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Will Peru Get on the Marxist Path?” by Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Presidential front-runner Pedro Castillo favorably quotes Lenin and Castro.] 5-3-21
- Foreign Affairs. India. “I Grieve for My Native India.” By Tunku Varadarajan. [Being an immigrant once meant leaving your country of birth behind. No longer.] 5-4-21
- Foreign Affairs. “El Salvador and Court-Packing Democrats.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Does the White House have the credibility to stop President Nayib Bukele’s power grab?] 5-10-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Britain’s Political Realignment.” [The Tories continue to gain in the former Labour heartland.] 5-10-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Britain’s Elections Offer Tea Leaves for the U.S.” by Gerard Baker. [Incumbents did well, the nation is divided, and the parties are realigning. Sound Familiar?] 5-11-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Strengthen Asia to Weaken Beijing.” By Walter Russell Mead. [China’s opening to grab supremacy will vanish once its neighbors develop.] 5-11-21
- Foreign Affairs. India. “Modi Declared Victory, Then Covid Struck Back With a Vengeance.” [The Indian leader’s vanity, governing style and focus on politics made the crisis worse than it had to be.] 5-14-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Electoral College Lessons for Latins.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Instability is raging again, due in part to limited checks on executive power.’ 5-17-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Mexican Democracy’s Big Test.“ by Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The June 6 midterm elections are a chance to rein in the power of Lopez Obrador.] 5-24-21
- Foreign Affairs. South Korea. “No News Is Bad News When the U.S. and South Korea Meet.” By John Bolton. [A tepid joint statement reveals that Biden still has no plan for handling China and North Korea.] 5-24-21
- Foreign Affairs. “A Golden Age for Genocide.” By Walter Russell Mead. [It isn’t awareness the West lacks but a clear strategy to reverse the rising, bloody tide.] 6-1-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Diplomats Abase America.” by Dave Seminara. [The State Department is supposed to advance U.S. interests and burnish the country’s image abroad.] 6-1-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Kamala Harris Goes to Guatemala.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Investors are not on board, because they distrust the vice president’s agenda.] 6-7-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Josh Hawley vs. Rahm Emanuel.” [A dubious standard to bar the former mayor as envoy to Tokyo.] 6-7-21
- Foreign Affairs. “This Isn’t Your Grandpa’s Turkey.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Ankara isn’t staunchly pro-Western as in the Cold War, but it’s still an important ally.] 6-8-21
- Foreign Affairs. “How Biden Can Stand Up to Putin in Geneva.” By Rob Portman. [Eastern Europeans are fighting for a democratic future and need support against Russian aggression.] 6-10-21
- Foreign Affairs. Nicaragua. “Ortega’s Nicaraguan Power Grab.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The comandante lost one fair election in 1990. He won’t let it happen again.] 6-14-21
- Foreign Affairs. El Salvador. “A Global First: Bitcoin as National Currency.” By Max Raskin. [El Salvador puts the digital money on par with the U.S. dollar for all public and private debts.] 6-16-21
- Fed. “Is There a Central Banker in the House?” by Joseph C. Sternberg. [It often feels as if no one is in charge of monetary policy in the word’s largest economy.] 6-18-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Land Mines for U.S. Abound in the Caucuses.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Azerbaijan is rich with diplomatic possibilities; Armenia complicates matters.] 6-22-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Expand the Human Rights Council.” By Hillel C. Neuer. 6-22-21
- Foreign Affairs. “The Murder of Haiti’s President.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Another chapter closes in a two-century-long story of institutional failure.] 7-8-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Southern India Leads the Way to Tolerance.” By Sandanand Dhume. [Heavily Hindu states would be wise to emulate the region’s comfort with religious differences.] 7-9-21
- Foreign Affairs. “No More ‘Captive Nations’ Week?” [The White House floats a needless change to a useful diplomatic tool.] 7-12-21
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “Justin Trudeau Attacks Free Speech Again.” By Michael Taube. [The latest bill would outlaw ‘detestation’ but not humiliation.] 7-14-21
- Foreign Affairs. Libya. “Biden Can Make Up for Obama’s Libya Neglect.” By Alessandra Bocchi. [A diplomatic push for fair elections in December would serve U.S. interests.] 7-14-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Biden and Blinken Ask China and Russia for a Lecture on Racism.” By Jason L. Riley. [The U.S. ‘doesn’t hide from our shortcomings.’ But we shouldn’t further authoritarian propaganda.] 7-21-21
- Foreign Affairs. “A Pandemic of Misrule.” By Daniel Henninger. [Protests against the governments in Cuba and South Africa are not random chaos.] 7-22-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Will South Africa’s ANC Get the Message?” by Joshua Meservey. [Decades of corruption and maladministration came to ahead in last week’s riots. It’s time for real reform.] 7-22-21
- Foreign Affairs. “India, Like the U.S., Has Grown Impatient With China.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Officials pushed trade and cooperation. Then came the pandemic and last year’s border clashes.] 7-23-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Foreign Policy Returns to Normal, for Both Better and Worse.” By John Bolton. [Republicans are suddenly tougher than Democrats on Russia and China. The Trump era is truly over.] 7-28-21
- Foreign Affairs. “U.S. Stirs More Trouble in Central America.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Secretary of State Blinken sides with a fired prosecutor who trampled the law.] 8-2-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Tunisia’s Attempt at Democracy Starts to Topple.” By Safwan M Masri. [The one success of the Arab Spring may not survive its president’s apparent power grab.] 8-2-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Peru May Join Cuba’s Authoritarian Axis.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Leftist President Pedro Castillo is trying to provoke a crisis so he can seize power.] 8-9-21
- Foreign Affairs. “The Taliban’s Afghan Advance Spells Trouble for Pakistan and China.” By Kamran Bokhari. [Instability threatens the government in Islamabad and Beijing’s economic program in Central Asia.] 8-14-21
- Foreign Affairs. “What’s 50 Times More Dangerous Than Afghanistan?” by Sadanand Dhume. [Pakistan has nuclear weapons and 200 million people, many of whom celebrate Taliban victory.] 8-20-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Replace Biden’s Foreign Policy Now.” By Daniel Henninger. [Republicans need to offer an alternative now to the U.S.’s security vacuum.] 8-26-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Dollars for Duds in Latin America.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [A new round of IMF assistance rewards bad policy and criminal governments.] 8-30-21
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “Trudeau Suddenly Faces a Real Challenge.” By Michael Taube. [He thought a new election would yield a majority. Now the conservatives lead.” 8-31-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Russia and China Eye a Retreating U.S.” by John Bolton. [Beijing will push for more sway in Pakistan; Moscow will try in Central Asia’s former Soviet republics.] 8-31-21
- Foreign Affairs. “’We Once Again Urge…’” [The Houthis ignore Antony Blinken again. He objects, strenuously.] 9-7-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Canadians Hate the Metric System.” By Walter E. Block. [Most of us still use pounds despite a government policy of compulsory kilograms.] 9-16-21
- Foreign Affairs. “A Smart Submarine Deal With the Aussies.” [The new partnership serves U.S. interests, despite French howls.] 9-17-21
- Foreign Affairs. “America Should Be Frank With France.” By Walter Russell Mead. [The two nations need each other, despite French anger over the Aussie defense deal.] 9-21-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Canada’s Liberal Conservatives Lose.” [The Tories offered Trudeau Lite, but voters kept the real thing.] 9-22-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Peru’s Dim Future From Shining Path.” By Alvaro Vargas Llosa. [Maoist revolutionary Abimael Guzman is dead at 86, and a Marxist-Leninist is president.] 9-22-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Blinken Blindsides an Ally in Guatemala” by Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Are Democrats nursing a grudge against Attorney General Porras?] 9-27-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Aukus Is the Indo-Pacific Pact of the Future.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Imagine if Japan, India, Taiwan and the bloc swap tech and coordinate defense.] 9-28-21
- Foreign Affairs. “The U.S. Has a Way Back to the TPP.” By Tim Groser. [And if Washington doesn’t take it, the Indo-Pacific would likely become China’s for the taking.] 9-30-21
- Foreign Affairs. “The Quad Enters the Ring With China.” By Sadanand Dhume. [Biden has doubled down on Trump’s commitment to the four largest Indo-Pacific democracies.] 10-1-21
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “A Book Burning in 21st-Century Canada.” By Michael Taube. [Comics, biographies and encyclopedias go up in smoke in the name of ‘purification.’] 10-7-21
- Foreign Affairs. Canada. “Gretchen Whitmer’s Border War.” [Canada invokes a treaty to stop the Michigan Governor’s pipeline raid.] 10-11-21
- Foreign Policy. “The Uneven Paths To Peace. (Bookshelf by Walter Russell Mead.) “Master of the Game” by Martin Indyk. [Liberal internationalists prefer quick dashes and world transformation. Henry Kissinger counseled a slower, messier course.] 10-20-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Who Funds Violent Latin American Politics?] by Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Extradition of two former Venezuelan operatives could unlock the answer.] 10-25-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Where Did The ‘N’ in “NGO’ Go?” by Benny Avni. [‘Nongovernmental organization’ in the Palestinian territories toe the authorities’’ line.] 10-29-21
- Foreign Affairs. “How the U.S. Finances Revolution.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [American taxpayers foot the bill to promote a left-wing political agenda.] 11-1-2021
- Foreign Affairs. “Biden’s Australia Bungle.” 11-3-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Today’s Historic Summit Agreements Don’t Have Much of a Future.” By Joseph C. Sternberg. [Whether it’s COP26, the G-7, or the G-20, few of the politicians signing deals have the mandate to do so.] 11-5-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Argentina’s Welfare Warning to America.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The Peronists may lose the midterms but a populist political culture will survive.] 11-8-21
- Foreign Affairs. “America’s Missing Ambassadors.” [Japan and China] 11-9-21
- Foreign Affairs. “What New Delhi Needs to Stand Up to Beijing.” By Sadanand Dhume. [The border clash hasn’t gone China’s way, but it’s also revealed the weakness of the Indian economy.] 11-13-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Honduras and the Clinton Legacy.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Will the country follow the undemocratic paths of El Salvador and Nicaragua?] 11-22-21
- Foreign Affairs. “The Campaign to Distract Biden From Asia.” By Walter Russell Mead. [China and Russia form an entente to hobble America, with a little help from Iran.] 11-23-21
- Foreign Affairs. “South Korea Wants to Declare Peace – Without Peace.” By Nicholas Eberstadt. [Seoul’s government wants Biden to sign onto empty words that won’t deter Pyongyang’s aggression.] 11-29-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Rogues Are on the March.” [Iran and Russia give every sign they don’t take Biden seriously.] 12-6-21
- Foreign Affairs. “At the Democracy Summit, Biden Bungles Again.” By Sadanand Dhume. [How did Pakistan and Congo pass muster when Singapore and Hungary were found wanting?] 12-10-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Chile’s High-Stakes Election.” By Anastasia O’Grady. [The country’s left has taken a radical turn and wants to rewrite the constitution.] 12-13-21
- Foreign Affairs. Republicans Can Embrace Much of Biden’s anticorruption Plan.” By Nate Sibley. [The president hasn’t been tough enough on Russia and China, but in general terms, his strategy is good.] 12-13-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Brazil’s Lawmakers Embrace Default.” By Mathison da Nobrega. [By failing to pay debts promptly, the country will risk its standing with global investors.] 12-20-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Chile Takes a Hard Left Turn.” [The president-elect wants to remake the country’s economy.] 12-21-21
- Foreign Affairs. “President-elect Boric Aims to Undo Chile’s Economic Progress.” By Axel Kaiser. [His wish list, which includes ending private pensions, would wreck the country’s capital markets.] 12-22-21
- Foreign Affairs. “The Strategic Case for Risking War in Ukraine.” By John R. Deni. [An invasion would be a diplomatic, economic and military mistake for Putin. Let him make it if he must.] 12-23-21
- Foreign Affairs. “India May Face a Population Implosion.” By Sadanand Dhume. [‘You have a baby factory in the north and a jobs factory in the south.’] 12-24-21
- Foreign Affairs. “When Populism Turns to Tyranny.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Latin America has reversed its turn to democracy. Could the U.S. do the same?” 12-27-21
- Foreign Relations. “What Putin, Xi and Khamenei want.” By Aaron MacLean. [The West’s elites are naïve about autocrats, who put ambition ahead of approval.] 12-28-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Good News Out of Warsaw.” [“…would have denied broadcast licenses to companies with even indirect majority ownership outside the European Economic Area…”] 12-29-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Lithuania Is the ‘Canary’ of World Order.” By Tod Lindberg and Peter Rougjh. [Russia and China are ganging up on the small Baltic state as they test U.S. and EU resolve.] 12-29-21
- Foreign Affairs. “Biden’s Air-Traffic controllers.” By Wm. McGurn. [Until Tehran takes the president seriously, Russia and China won’t either.] 1-4-22
- Foreign Affairs. “For Putin, OPEC and Trump, a Good Year.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Xi Jinping, democracy and technocrats, by contrast, didn’t fare so well during 2021.] 1-4-22
- Foreign Affairs. “The Fight for Ukraine and Taiwan.” By Seth Cropsey. [These aren’t mere regional hot spots, as Russia and China work together to upend world order.] 1-5-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Biden Has Met the Enemy, and He Is Us.” by Gerard Baker. [What if Kamala Harris believed it when she likened the Capitol riot to Pearl Harbor and 9/11?] 1-11-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Australia’s Strategic Offensive.” [A pact with Japan is the latest move to resist China’s coercion.] 1-12-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Russia, China and the Bid for Empire.” By Robert D. Kaplan. [The U.S. must hold the line against their imperial ambitions in Ukraine, Taiwan and elsewhere.] 1-14-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Another Escalation in Yemen.” 1-19–22
- Foreign Affairs. “How the West Is Losing Ukraine.” [Biden suggests a ‘minor’ incursion’ might divide Europe and the U.S.] 1-20-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Yemen’s Houthis Belong on the Terror List.” By Jonathan Schauzer and Matthew Zweig. [The Biden administration removed them in an effort to appease Iran.] 1-26-22
- Foreign Affairs. “The World Conference on Armament.” [North Korea makes a mockery of yet another U.N. organization.] 1-31-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Long Live Ukraine, Taiwan and the Nation-State.” By Christopher DeMuth. [A critical achievement of modern civilization may rest on the fate of these two small countries, in danger of being swallowed by imperial neighbors.] 2-5-22
- Foreign Affairs. “The New Axis of Autocracy.” By Wm. A. Galston. [Germany and France are weak links as the West faces an alliance of China and Russia.] 2-9-22
- Foreign Affairs. “What Canada’s Truckers Know.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [It’s no longer a liberal constitutional state. A coercive Ottawa rules over daily life.] 2-14-22
- Foreign Affairs. “American Gas to Europe’s Rescue.” [Democrats blame lack of funding, but who created the child credit mess?] 2-14-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Insult the President, Go to Prison.” [In Turkey, a journalist faces 11 years in jail for using a proverb.] 2-15-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Entente Multiplies the Threat From Russia and China.” By John Bolton. [The misguided idea that the US. needs to ignore one to focus on the other intensifies the danger.] 2-16-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Trudeau’s Destructive ‘Emergency.’” [The truckers protest could have been handled without abusing the law.] 2-19-22
- Foreign Affairs. “The 80s Got Their Foreign Policy Back.” 2-23-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Tyranny.” [Ottawa is now freezing bank accounts as if the truckers are terrorists.] 2-23-22
- Foreign Affairs. “The Lesson of Budapest? Hold On to Your Nukes.” By John Ullyot and Thomas D. Grant. [Ukraine voluntarily surrendered its post-Soviet arsenal. Now that seems like a mistake.] 3-3-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Ukraine War Brings Moral Clarity.” By Aaron Rhodes. [A chance to rediscover the principles of freedom and democracy, eroded by illiberal intellectual fads.] 3-4-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Taking Dictators Literally and Seriously.” [Putin told us for years what he’d do. The West didn’t listen.] 3-5-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Everything America Won’t Do.” [Telling Putin what he doesn’t need to worry about won’t stop him.] 3-5-22
- Foreign Affairs. “U.S. Lawmakers Back a Honduras Coup.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Bernie Sanders and friends support a left-wing power play. Will Biden go along?] 3-7-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Hostages for Oil From Venezuela?” 3-10-22
- Foreign Affairs. “The World, Moved, Needs to Move Cautiously.” By Peggy Noonan. [We admire Zelensky and want to help Ukraine. But escalation poses threats far beyond its borders.] 3-12-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Sweden’s New Debate Over Joining NATO.” By Benjamin R. Teitelbaum. [The center-right may yet overcome the Social Democratic prime minister’s opposition.] 3-14-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Crisis for a Chaotic Foreign Policy.” By Walter Russell Mead. [The administration’s approach to great-power diplomacy has completely failed.] 3-15-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Russia, China and the New Cold War.” (The Weekend Interview with Matt Pottinger by Adam O’Neal.” [The former Trump official sees Ukraine as analogous to Korea, a ‘hot opening salvo’ in a global conflict between the free world and a bloc of dictatorships.] 3-19-22
- Foreign Affairs. “A Chavez Admirer Could Take Colombia.” by Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Presidential candidate Gustavo Petro, a former M-19 guerrilla, defends violence.] 3-21-22
- Foreign Affairs. “The West vs. the Rest of the World.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Woke Democrats are less welcome than Trumpian populists in many countries.] 3-22-22
- Foreign Affairs. “A Bloody End to Three Decades of Peace.” By Wm. A. Galston. [European countries need to settle issues left unresolved after the Soviet collapse.] 3-23-22
- Foreign Affairs. “The Folly of the ‘Pivot to Asia.’” By Reuel Mare Gerecht and Ray Takeyh. [China is a rising challenge, but neglecting Europe and the Middle East won’t help America confront it.] 3-23-22
- Foreign Affairs. “No More IMF Subsidies for Dictators.” By John Kennedy. [Biden and Yellen pushed to give Russia $17 billion while troops gathered on Ukraine’s border.] 3-23-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Meanwhile in the Pacific…” [With the world watching Ukraine, bad actors in Asia are on the march.] 3-25-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Can the West Unite Against the Inflation Threat?” by Joseph C. Sternberg. [NATO seems to be passing Putin’s test, but economic woes pose a different kind of mounting challenge.] 3-25-22
- Foreign Affairs. “El Salvador Bets on Bitcoin Mania.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The ‘volcano bond’ doesn’t compensate investors for high sovereign risk.] 3-28-22
- Foreign Affairs. “The ‘Rules-Based International Order’ Is a Myth.” By Jacob Grygiel. [There are no global threats or standards, only regional equilibria requiring constant maintenance.] 3-29-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Biden at the Improv: The Dangers of Foreign policy by Open Mic.” By Gerard Baker. [What if someone takes seriously his talk of U.S.. troops in Ukraine or regime change in Russia? 3-29-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Imran Khan’s Conspiracy Play.” By Javid Ahmad. [Pakistan’s prime minister says the U.S. is trying to topple his government in a play to gold on to power.] 4-8-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Putin’s War Roils U.S.-India Ties.” By Walter Russel Mead. [Policies that drive Russia closer to China and Pakistan aren’t in New Delhi’s interests.] 4-12-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Pakistan’s Ousted Prime Minister Rails Against America. By Sadanand Dhume. [Imran Khan makes the U.S. a scapegoat, but the truth is that he angered the military establishment.] 4-15-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Biden’s hostility Backfires in Brazil.” By Mary Anastasia O’ Grady. [Failure to develop trust with President Jair Bolsonaro harms U.S. interests.] 4-18-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Food Economics in One Argentine Lesson.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [How bad choices in Latin America are contributing to global shortages.] 4-25-22
- Foreign Affairs. “In Defense of the Foreign Service Test.” By Dave Seminara. [It replaed the spoils system with a merit-based hiring system.] 5-3-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Smearing a Latin Bank Reformer.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [An anonymous letter with no evidence goes after Mauricio Claver-Carone at the IDB.] 5-9-22
- Foreign Affairs. “What Does Southeast Asia Want?” by Walter russell Mead. [For starters, access to U.S. markets and a military buildup to ocunter China.] 5-17-22
- Foreign Affairs. “President Biden’s Return to Somalia.” [The country needs military support against al-Shabaab.] 5-18-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Chile Slides Toward Constitutional Suicide.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The new proposal shrinks personal liberty and increases the power of the state.] 5-23-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Australia Turns Left by Default.” 5-23-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Managing a World Order in Crisis.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Biden’s foreign policy revs up but observers abroad are skepticle of his economic plan.] 5-24-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Biden’s Real Taiwan Mistake.” [The big blunder is not including the island in the new economic pact.] 5-24-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Venezuela Sets a Trap for Biden.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Maduro wants sanctions relif but has zero interest in free and fair electins.] 5-27-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Blinken’s Indo-Paific Blueprint.” By Walter Russell Mead. [A clear statement of American national strategy that deserves bipartisan support.” 5-31-22
- Foreign Affairs. “A Summit to Nowhere in the Americas.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The participant list is uncertain amid threats of a boycott unless Cuba is invited.] 6-6-22
- Foreign Affairs. “China Buzzes Australia’s Prime Minister.” 6-6-22
- Foreign Affairs. “India: Handle With Care.” By Walter Russell Mead. [It’s a democracy like the U.S., but it often sees world affairs very differently.] 6-7-22
- Foreign Affairs. “The Christian Martyrs of Nigeria.” By David Curry. [Why did the Biden administration lift its designation as a country of concern.?] 6-8-22
- Foreign Affairs. “The U.N.’s Apologist for Dictators.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Michelle Bachelet, the high commissioner for human rights, cares little about rights.] 6-13-22
- Foreign Affairs. “The Worst Time for a Global Minimum tax.” By Ralazs Orban. [Hungary declines to discourage investors during a crisis.] 6-22-22
- Foreign Affairs. “Colonial Joe Biden Bullies a Neighbor.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The U.S. opposed Guatemala’s election review because it had the winner it wanted.] 7-10-23
- Foreign Affairs. “Henry A. Kissinger, 1923 – 2023.” [He was a master of grand strategy in the perilous Cold War era.] 12-1-23
- Foreign Affairs. “Henry Kissinger’s Century.” By Niall Ferguson. [A master of grand strategy, he practiced indefatigable ‘shuttle diplomacy’ and knew how to read his foreign counter[parts.] 12-1-23
Issue Headlines
Foreign Policy. North Korea.
“North Korea Restarts Main Plant For Bombs.” Wall Street Journal, 9-16-15, p. A10.
Foreign Policy. “The Last Classic War.” Wall Street Journal “Review Section” C1, Saturday, 8-1-15 [Twenty-five years after Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Gulf War stands out as a triumph of U.S. foreign policy. Its Lessons remain urgent, even in the chaos of today’s much altered Middle East.]
Foreign Affairs. “Columbia’s Questionable Peace.” [The terrorists will spend no time in jail and get 10 seats in Congress.] 8-26-16
Foreign Affairs. LTE. “Trade Deals Used in Foreign Policy Bring Economic Ruin.” 8-27-16
Foreign Affairs. Drudgereport.com 4-8-17
Russia again plants its flag in Nicaragua…
Foreign Affairs. Drudgereport.com 4-1-17
Foreign Affairs. The American Conservative 5-17-18
When UN Peacekeeping Goes Horribly Wrong
Taxpayers are paying billions for ineffective, corrupt, and in some cases predatory Blue Hats. Why?
By ROSS MARCHAND • May 17, 2018
Campaign Consideration
Talking Points
Foreign Affairs. “Saudis Forge Ties With Iraq.” Wall Street Journal. 8-24-17 Page. A6
[“…Saudi authorities are courting Iraq’s Shiite leaders…opening direct flights and reopening crossings closed for decades on the heavily fortified, 600 mile border…The U.S. has been a broker in the rapproachement. Soon after the start of his tenure in February, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sought to persuade his Saudi counterpart, Adef al-Jubeir, that the kingdom should carve out a bigger role for itself in Iraq…”]
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Foreign Policy. “The Iran-Cuba-Venezuela Nexus.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [The West underestimates the growing threat from radical Islam in the Americas.] 11-24-14