Scott Walker

Opinion Headlines

  1. Scott Walker trial: “A Free Speech ‘Scheme’ 6-21-14
  2. Scott Walker.   “Hyperventilating in Wisconsin” […false legal theory …against Scott Walker] 8-25-14
  3. Scott Walker. “A First Amendment Education.” [… the press corps isn’t telling…Scott Walker…]9-5-14
  4. Scott Walker. “How Wisconsin Prosecutors Became Campaign Partisans.” [Their   raids on conservatives have chilled political speech and amount to a huge donation to Democrats.] 9-20-14
  5. Scott Walker. “Prosecutors Donate to Democrats.” [Scott Walker’s opponent plays the secret investigation card.] 10-24-14
  6. Scott Walker. “How Scott Walker Keeps Winning.” By Joseph Rago. [The Wisconsin governor on his brawls with public unions and the key to conservative governance in a state with populist liberal traditions.] 11-8-2014
  7. Scott Walker’s 2016 Challenge. By Kimberley A. Strassel.   11-14-14
  8. Scott Walker. “Wisconsin Targets the Media.” [A secret political speech probe looked into radio talk-show hosts.] 12-22-14
  9. Scott Walker and Right to Work. [Wisconsin’s Governor bobs and weaves on another labor reform.] 1-13-15
  10. Scott Walker. “Scott Walker’s School Days.” [Wisconsin’s Governor takes on higher-ed costs. Faculty horror ensues.] 2-23-15
  11. Wisconsin. “Wisconsin Goes to the Supremes.” [The Justices should hear a major First Amendment case.” 4-23-15
  12. Scott Walker. “Scott Walker’s Labor Economics.” [The Governor needs a better tutor on jobs and immigration..] 4-25-15
  13. Scott Walker. “A Closer Look at Scott Walker’s Jobs Record.” By Andy Puzder. [Unemployment is well below the national average, and labor-force participation is rising.] 5-4-15
  14. Scott Walker. “Walker Makes the Leap.” [Can the Wisconsin fighter find a message to lead the country.?” 7-14-15
  15. Scott Walker. “Democrats Need a Scott Walker.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [His antiunion fights are sadly relevant when labor is the obstacle to nearly every reform.] 8-5-15
  16. Scott Walker. ObamaCare. “The Post-ObamaCare Debate Begins.” [Scott Walker offers a realistic and promising reform.] 8-19-15
  17. Scott Walker. “Scott Walker’s Exit Advice.” [He drops out of the presidential race with some good counsel.] 9-22-15
  18. Wisconsin. “Critics of Wisconsin’s Public-Union reforms Keep Firing Blanks.”  By C.J. Szafir and Collin Roth.  [Five years later, evidence piles up that Scott Walker was right.  But that won’t stop labor’s attacks.]  7-23-16
  19. Scott Walker. “Wisconsin’s Reform Lesson.”  [Scott Walker’s union reform has yielded huge political benefits.]  11-30-16
  20. Scott Walker. “Scott Walker’s Tuition Markdown.” [A tuition freeze stirs a campus revolt but not by students.] 2-11-17
  21. Scott Walker. “Wisconsin Democrats Are Still Paying for Their Anti-Walker Protest.” By Emily Jashinsky. [Six years after the statehouse protests in Madison, the state is red – and getting redder.] 4-1-17
  22. Scott Walker. “Scott Walker’s Subsidy Blowback.” [After his Foxxconn deal, the line for corporate handouts is growing.] 2-9-18
  23. Scott Walker.  “Scott Walker’s Education Dividend.”  [A new study shows the 2011 reforms led to better math scores.]  10-12-18
  24. Scott Walker.  “Scott Walker’s Toughest Campaign.”  By Allysia Finley.  [Wisconsin’s economy is booming, but Democrats think they will finally beat the man who broke the public-union monopoly.]  10-27-18





Issue Headlines 2-28-15 DAILY BEAST retracts story on Scott Walker…

Scott Walker:   READY TO FIGHT…

‘Everyman’ Walker runs for White House…

Republican governor pitches himself as humble conservative…

TOP LABOR BOSS: ‘National disgrace’…

Walker reminds voters of union wins… 

‘Without sacrificing our principles’…


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