- Trump. “Trump and Sanders, the Disrupter Brothers.” By Karl Rove. [The noisy challengers won’t win, but they will complicate the campaign for their party rivals.] 7-9-15
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Appeal – and Its Limits.” By Peggy Noonan. [Sometimes an ill wind feels like a breath of fresh air.] 7-11-15
- Trump. LTE. “Donald Trump Mucks Around in the Scrum and Fights.” 7-16-15
- Trump. “Trump and His Apologists.” [The conservative media who applaud him are hurting the cause.] 7-20-15
- Trump. “Avoiding the Trump Trap on Immigration.” By Fred Barnes. [The GOP needs to win over Hispanic voters in 2016. Here’s how to do it.] 7-21-15
- Trump. “The Phenomenal Trump.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [His admirers think he’s the guy who ‘gets things done,’ but he hasn’t been that Donald in years.” 7-22-15
- Trump. LTE. “Trump May Be a Loud Mouth, but He Tells It Like It Is.” 7-23-15
- Trump. “What Voters See in Donald Trump.” By Peggy Noonan. [His rise is not due to anger at government. It is a gesture of contempt for government.] 8-1-15
- Elections. “Thank you, Super PACs.” [Trump agrees with liberals who want to regulate politics.] 8-4-15
- Trump. “Which Donald Trump Will Debate?” by Karl Rove. [He has been on so many sides of so many issues that Thursday’s stage is a multiple-choice test.] 8-6-15
- Trump. LTE. “Donald Trump Is No Professor Henry Hill in River City.” 8-6-15
- Trump. “Trump: A Mismatch for the GOP.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. 8-7-15
- Trump. LTE. “A Trojan Horse Was the End of Troy.” 8-8-15
- Trump. “Donald Trump, the Kingmaker.” By Daniel Henninger. [Trump has enabled the next U.S. President. But it won’t be him.] 8-13-15
- Trump. “Trump’s Defective Economics.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. 8-17-15
- Trump. LTE. “Behind the Bluster, Mr. Trump Is Subtle on Many Issues.” 8-17-15
- Trump. “The Deportation Party.” [Trump proposes to stop even most legal immigration.] 8-18-15
- Trump. “Trump’s Worst Argument.” [Is it better to represent the agenda of one rich guy or 1,000 rich guys?”] 8-24-15
- Trump. “America Is So in Play.” By Peggy Noonan. [Donald Trump’s staying power in the polls reflects a change in the electorate only now coming into focus.] 8-29-15
- Trump. “The Donald vs. The Jed (Clampett)” by Gregg Opelka. [Donald Trump…be well advised to get a heapin’ helpin’ of humility from another rich, but far wiser, tycoon…] 8-31-15
- Trump. “The Donald and the Demagogues.” By Bret Stephens. [Democracies that trade substance for charisma don’t last. Trump is America’s answer to Hugo Chavez.] 9-1-15
- Trump. LTE. “Trump’s Independent Wealth Is a Plus for Many Voters.” 9-1-15
- Trump. “The No-Growth Campaign.” [Clinton and Trump are offering nothing to improve the economy.] 9-2-15
- Trump. LTE. “The ‘Vulgarians’ Point Out Why They Support Trump.” 9-9-15
- Trump. “The Undercard and the Mane Event.” By Peggy Noonan. [Donald Trump’s rivals try to give him a haircut, but he ends up trimming himself.] 9-19-15
- Trump. LTE. “Trump’s Content-Free Bromides – Whatever.” 9-22-15
- Trump. Taxes. “Tax Reform for Security and Prosperity.” By Donald J. Trump. [Four tax brackets: 0%, 10%, 20% and 25%. No marriage penalty, no alternative minimum tax.] 9-29-15
- Trump. “Wall Street Mulls an ‘Outsider.’” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Carl Icahn provides the first semi-credible endorsement of Donald Trump.] 9-30-15
- Trump. “Trump: Off Man Out.” By Daniel Henninger. [The famous Trump base has hit a ceiling. The Donald should retire, and enjoy.] 10-1-15
- Trump. “A Trumpian Tax Reform.” [Bush’s plan is better for growth, and more politically achievable.] 10-1-15
- Trump. “Shows of Strength From Trump and Putin.” By Peggy Noonan. [The GOP front-runner hasn’t started fading, and the Russian president seems in command.] 10-10-15
- Trump. “Trump’s 9/11 Truthing.” [Does he know anything about the history of al Qaeda?] 10-20-15
- Trump. “Trump and 9/11.” By Daniel Henninger. [ Reducing 9/11 to a Trump campaign prop was beyond the pale of acceptable politics.] 10-22-15
- Trump. “The Donald’s Missing Details.” By Karl Rove. [Who would be elegible for TrumpCare? What will the border wall cost? He doesn’t say.] 10-22-15
- Trump. LTE “Donald Trump and the Responsibility for 9/11.” 10-23-15
- Trump. “Donald Trump, Meet Herbert Hoover.” By George Melloan. [Today’s ardent foe of free trade has a soul mate in the president who signed Smoot-Hawley into law.] 11-4-15
- Trump. “The Donald On ‘SNL’: Equal Time Isn’t Needed.” By Babette Boliek and Derek T. Muller. [The FCC rule was meant to foster debate, but today is more likely to chill it.] 11-5-15
- Trump. “Ending China’s Currency Manipulation.” By Donald J. Trump. [China’s de facto tariff on imported goods has cost the U.S. billions of dollars and millions of jobs.] 11-10-15
- Trump. “A Good Debate, but Not for Trump.” By Karl Rove. [He was the night’s biggest loser: full of contradiction and without depth.] 11-12-15
- Trump. “Donald Trump is Upset.” [The candidate says we were unfair to him on trade.] 11-13-15
- Trump. LTE. “Trump’s Right on Hacking, Wrong on Yuan.” 11-16-15
- Trump. “The Presidency as the Art of the Deal.” By Joseph Rago, “The Weekend Interview with Donald Trump.” [The billionaire GOP front-runner talks trade, taxes and his special fitness for the White House.] 11-21-15 [On Hillary Clinton: ‘I think she’s easier than beating some of these guys that I have to beat right now.’]
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Secret Weapon.” […In Government We Mistrust: graph: Share of the public that trusts the federal government to do what is right and just about always or most of the time.] 11-24-15
- Trump. LTE. “This Is Why We Must Vet You, Mr. Trump.” 11-27-15
- Trump. LTE. “Can Trump Unite the Angry Left and Right?” 12-1-15
- Trump. Democrats. “Trump Is the Democrats’ Dream Nominee.” By Karl Rove. [He could win the primaries but would get creamed in the presidential election.] 12-10-15
- Trump. “Trump and the Goodfellas.” [He says he didn’t know he was doing business with the mob.] 12-12-15
- Trump. “A Rash Leader in a Grave Time.” By Peggy Noonan. [Trump could bridge the divide between the elites and GOP voters. Instead, he’s deepening it.] 12-12-15
- Trump. LTE. “Trump’s Temporary Ban on Muslim Visitors.” 12-16-15
- Trump. LTE. “Trump, Everyone Else, Used Mafia Concrete in the ‘80s.” 12-18-15
- Trump. “Trump’s Ceiling Is His Wallet.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Running for president is about to become a lot more expensive, and his business interests are vulnerable.] 12-19-15
- Trump. “Another Time, Another Trump.” By Dave Shiflett. [I was hired to write his first ‘campaign book,’ when he was out on a lark. Here’s what I learned about him.” 12-22-15
- Trump. “What Trump Doesn’t Know About Mexicans.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [For years, more have been leaving the U.S. than arriving.] 12-28-15
- Trump. Hillary. “The Clinton War on Women.” [If Hillary plays the sexism card, then Bill’s behavior is fair game.] 12-30-15
- Trump. LTE. “Circular Firing Squad Reloads, Takes Aim.” 12-30-15
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Apprenticeship.” By Daniel Henninger. 12-31-15
- Trump. “Will the New Year’s Tumult Trump the Old? By Peggy Noonan. [The biggest question for 2016 is whether the Republican Party splits apart.] 1-2-16
- Trump. “How Trump-Style Politics Turned California Into a Blue State.” By Jason L. Riley. [In 1984, 45% of the state’s Hispanics voted for Reagan. Then Pete Wilson drove them into Democrats’ arms.] 1-6-16
- Trump. Elections. “Revolt of the Politically Incorrect.” By Daniel Henninger. [Donald Trump and Ben Carson popped the valves on decades of pent-up pressure.] 1-7-16
- Trump. “Does Donald Want to Be President?” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [“…But we continue to doubt whether Mr. Trump is seriously seeking the presidency.”] 1-9-16
- Trump. “Trump and Cruz Have Trouble in the Middle.” By David W. Brady. [Independents will decide the general election, and they’re far from sold on the Republican front-runners.] 1-11-16
- Trump. “Trump’s New York Advantage.” [Disdain for half the country won’t create a conservative majority.] 1-16-16
- Trump. “Palin and the GOP’s Uncertain Trumpeters.” By Peggy Noonan. [What Donald Trump needs is an injection of seriousness. The same is true of his opponents.] 1-23-16
- Trump. “Why Vote for Trump?” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Part of the electorate thinks it has nothing to lose. Most of us do.] 1-27-16
- Trump. “Trump Ducks an Iowa Opportunity.” By Karl Rove. [The Donald’s refusal to debate could blow his lead. How can he take on Hillary?] 1-28-16
- Trump. “The Leap of Trump.” [As the GOP nominee or President, he would be a political ‘black swan.’] [“…black swan…an outlier event that few anticipated and whose impact is impossible to predict….] 1-28-16
- Trump. “Trump and the Obama Power Temptation.” By Kmberley A. Strassel. [A history of using lawsuits or government to silence critics and rivals raises the question: How would he behave in office?”] 2-1-16
- Trump. “How Trump Blew an Easy Win.” By Karl Rove. [He acted like the traditional rules didn’t apply. This race could go to the convention.] 2-4-16
- Trump. “Trump Among the Canaries.” By Daniel Henninger. [Trump owns persona. His opponents have to go after him on policy and substance.] 2-11-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Eminent Disdain.” [Donald is wrong about the Keystone Pipeline and property rights.] 2-11-16
- Trump. “Trump Didn’t Oppose the Iraq War.” By Karl Rove. [There’s no record of his clear opposition before March 2003, despite his claims. 2-18-16
- Trump. “The Pope and the Presbyterian.” [Pope Francis belly flops into the U.S. presidential campaign.] 2-19-16
- Trump. LTE. “Trump Must Start to Provide Specific Plans.” 2-19-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Tax Obligation.” [He needs to release his tax returns now, so GOP voters can see them.] 2-20-16
- Trump. LTE. “’Trump’s America’ Has Long Been Building.” 2-20-16
- Trump. “America’s Moment of Trump.” [He’s now the clear favorite for the GOP nomination.] 2-22-16
- Trump. “The Trumpkins’ Lament.” By Bret Stephens. [Where was Mark Levin when Trump was still a big bubble waiting to be popped?] 2-23-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Tax Return Dodge.” [He shoots the messenger – us – for asking to see his ‘beautiful’ returns.] 2-23-16
- Trump. LTE. “What the Pope Really Said About Presbyterian Trump.” 2-24-16
- Trump. “Trump is Killing Cruz.” By Daniel Henninger. [Ted Cruz’s election strategy was plausible until Trump stole it.] 2-25-16
- Trump. “The Donald Doesn’t Have a Lock – Yet.” [There is still time for a non-Trump majority to coalesce around a single candidate.] 2-25-16
- Trump. “‘Winning, Winning, Winning.’” [Trump piles up victories as the GOP also-rans give him a pass.] 2-25-16
- Trump. “Trump Is the Ultimate Insider.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The Donald’s rivals have given him a pass on his greatest vulnerabilities.] 2-26-16
- Trump. “Harry Reid’s Trump Tax Defense.” [Democrats are waiting until after he has the nomination.] 2-26-16
- Trump. “Trump and Political Circuses Are Nothing New.” By Robert S.J. Garland and Caroline F. Keating. [Roman politicians whipped up crowds, warned about ‘outsiders’ and insulted their rivals.] 2-26-16
- Trump. “Trump Agonistes.” [His competitors try to expose his weaknesses for the first time.] 2-27-16.
- Trump. “Trump and the Rise of the Unprotected.” By Peggy Noonan. [Why political professionals are struggling to make sense of the world they created.] 2-27-16.
- Trump. “The Donald, and His Wallet, Are Untested.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Trump’s supporters need to see whether he can fight and survive the coming ‘air war.’] 2-27-16.
- Trump. “Trump Voters Need a Mirror.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The blaming of elites has gone too far. The U.S. voter is behind this own disappointments.] 3-2-16
- Trump. LTE. “No Mystery Why Donald Trump Is Winning.” 3-2-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Pottery Barn GOP.” [Even as he wins, GOP resistance to his nomination builds.] 3-3-16.
- Trump. “Trump a ‘Unifier’? Not Quite. By Kimberley A. Strassel. [His favorable rating even within the Republican Party keeps dropping.] 3-4-16
- Trump. “Trump on Ford and Nabisco.” [The real reasons the companies left the U.S. for Mexico.] 3-4-16
- Trump. LTE. “Insider or Outsider, They Like Donald Trump.” 3-4-16
- Trump. “President Obama Created Donald Trump.” By Bobbie Jindal. [After the cool, weak, and endlessly nuanced Obama, no wonder voters are going for a strong, blunt leader.] 3-4-16
- Trump. LTE “The ‘Unprotected’ Flock to Donald Trump.” 3-5-16
- Trump. “The Republican Party Is Shattering.” By Peggy Noonan. [Stop Trump? Unite behind him? No matter the outcome, nothing will ever be the same.] 3-5-16
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Latin Role Models.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Far from respecting the Constitution, the candidate promises to out-Obama Obama.] 3-7-16
- Trump. “Trump, Voters and the GOP Convention.” [Party rules say you need a majority of delegates, not a plurality.] 3-8-16
- Trump. “The GOP’s Trump Divide.” [Two more wins for the frontrunner disliked by half of his own party.] 3-9-16
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Mexican Imports.” [The businessman favors the importation of foreign-made drugs.] 3-9-16
- Trump. LTE. “We Don’t Need a Mirror, We Need a Leader.” 3-9-16
- Trump. “What his Believers See in Donald Trump.” By Allysia Finley. [In Orlando, the yearning for American greatness seemed real – and fervent.] 3-9-16
- Trump. “Democratic Fictions About the GOP and Trump.” By Jason Riley. [Liberals are savoring his rise, pretending that Republicans invited it and blithely ignoring history.] 3-9-16
- Trump. “The Polls Trump Hasn’t Won.” By Karl Rove. [He says that he will beat Hillary, yet guess who is the only GOP contender trailing her.] 3-10-16
- Trump. LTE. “Donald Trump Has Lowered Level of Political Discourse.” 3-10-16
- Trump. “Suffering From Trumphobia? Get Over It.” By Edward N. Luttwak. [Before the 1980 election, Reagan’s opponents said he would ignite a nuclear holocaust. Didn’t happen.] 3-10-16
- Trump. “A Trade Tutorial for Trump.” [A few facts beyond that misleading Komatsu-Caterpillar anecdote.] 3-11-16
- Trump. “Misreading the Trump-Evangelicals Link.” By Ralph Reed. [Ignorant of election history, the chattering class is abuzz about the supposed hypocrisy of evangelicals.] 3-11-16
- Trump. “Donald Trump, Meet Your Customers.” By Joseph Rago. [Trump say (sic) he’s the tribune of the common man. I read 26,000 online reviews to find out what the common man thinks of his products. 3-12-16
- Trump. “The Donald and The Barak.” [Obama is Trump’s more sophisticated, articulate liberal antecedent.] 3-12-16
- Trump. LTE. “No Wonder Trump Does So Well With the Poor.” 3-12-16
- Trump. “Donald Trump, Celebrity Politician.” By L. Gordon Crovitz. [Daniel Boorstin’s 1961 book about ‘pseudo-events’ helps explain the New Yorker’s rise.] 3-14-16
- Trump. “Trump and the Protesters.” [He can’t win by adopting the tactics of progressive censors.] 3-14-16
- Trump. LTE. “Obama Was Shrewd if He Created Mr. Trump.” 3-14-16
- Trump. LTE “Trump May Be a Reagan, but It Isn’t Likely.” 3-15-16
- Trump. LTE. “Mr. Trump Misunderstands Trade-Deficit Economics.” 3-16-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Unification Tour.” [No debates, a threat of riots, and a one-man foreign-policy team.] 3-17-16
- Trump. LTE. “Dancing With the Stars: Rating Brand Trump.” 3-17-16
- Trump. “How Trump Can Raise His Game.” By Karl Rove. [A few bits of advice for The Donald: study up, change your tone and focus on Hillary.] 3-17-16
- Trump. “A Trump Reality Check.” [He is the least commanding GOP front-runner since Ford.] 3-18-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Accusers May See Him in Court Soon.” By Morgan Cloud and George Shepherd. [The candidate says any trial over allegations about fraud at Trump University is years off. That’s not what the record suggests.] 3-18-16
- Trump. “Trumpism, the Economic Wrecking Ball.” By Alan S. Blinder. [Exploding deficits, high tariffs and the deportation of millions of workers would spark a global depression.] 3-22-16. [“Mr. Blinder, a professor of economics and public affairs at Princeton University and former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, is an informal policy adviser to the Hillary Clinton campaign.]
- Trump. “Trump’s Useless Revolution. “ by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Belgian terror attacks show why the U.S. needs to be more dynamic, not less.] 3-23-16
- Trump. “Don’t Coddle Donald Trump.” By Karl Rove. [A nominee needs a majority. Abraham Lincoln played by that rule – so can Trump.] 3-24-16
- Trump. “Paul Ryan and the Trump Squeeze Play.” [A left-right crossfire aims at taking the House Speaker down.] 3-26-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Abortion Gaffe.” 3-31-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Wisconsin Waterloo?” by Kimberley A. Strassel. [The state’s political dynamics are hurting the GOP front-runner, and the polls show it.] 4-1-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Nuclear World.” [The Pax Americana has prevented a darker nuclear age.] 4-1-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Mess Has Become His Message.” By Peggy Noonan. [His supporters are getting embarrassed by his sheer dumb grossness.] 4-2-16
- Trump. “Trump vs. Scott Walker.” [Wisconsin is doing well following conservative economic reforms.] 4-4-16
- Trump. “Trump, We Knew Ye.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The Donald was never serious about the presidency in the Hillary sense.] 4-6-16
- Trump. “Wisconsin Trump Stop.” 4-6-16
- Trump. LTE. “Consider Trump’s Abortion Words in Their Context.” 4-6-16
- Trump. “The Not-Trump GOP Rises.” By Karl Rove. [The delegate math is getting hard, and New York may not be the lifeline Trump needs.] 4-7-16
- Trump. LTE. “Trump Is Right, the Chinese Really Are Mercantilists.” 4-8-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Crumbling Wall Plan.” By May Anastasia O’Grady. [If Mexico won’t pay, he has in mind an illegal, unworkable way to retaliate.] 4-11-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Delegate Whine.” [Scalia’s lesson for candidates who gripe about party nominating rules: Get over it.] 4-12-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Plan to Win Conservative Support.” By Fred Barnes. [Newt Gingrich calls it a ‘pivot’ – a series of policy speeches tailored to a vital bloc of GOP voters. But will Trump stick to the script?] 4-13-16
- Trump. “Trump’s New York Values.” By Daniel Henninger. [Trump is running against two things that made New York City great again.] 4-14-16
- Trump. “Vanity Will Be The Donald’s Undoing.” By Karl Rove. [Trump thinks he is so rich, famous and athletic that he can skip a real campaign.] 4-14-16
- Trump. “Let Me Ask America a Question.” By Donald J. Trump. [How has the ‘system’ been working out for you and your family? No wonder voters demand change.] 4-15-16
- Trump. “Trump Can’t Break the Republican Party.” By Michael Barone. [Republicans may be split temporarily, but there is no deep Trumpist movement to push permanent schism.] [Teddy Roosevelt, denied the 1912 GOP nomination, went rogue. But discord didn’t last the decade.] 4-16-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Bully Pulpit.” [His threats to blow up the July convention are a sign of weakness.] 4-19-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Emptiest Threat.” By Karl Rove. [The Donald can’t bolt the GOP to run as an independent – by June it will be too late.] 4-21-16
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Path.” [Cruz and Kasich have some major decisions to make.] 4-21-16
- Trump. LTE. “Trump’s Colorado Complaint Holds No Water.” 4-21-16
- Trump. “Donald Trump: Roles of a Lifetime.” [Changing political personas, mid-campaign, is harder than it used to be.] 4-23-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Eastern Sweep.” [His opponents are running out of states to stop him.] 4-27-16
- Trump. “A Trump-First Foreign Policy.” [The candidate critiques Obama but also shares some of his views.] 4-28-16
- Trump. LTE. “Could Donald Trump Be the Teddy Roosevelt of 2016.” 4-28-16
- Trump. “The Agony of a Trump Delegate.” By Kimberley A. Sassel. [Rules may say they’re bound to The Donald, but many are thinking through their options.]. 4-29-16
- Trump. “Simple Patriotism Trumps ideology.” By Peggy Noonan. “After 16 years, Americans have grown tired of both conservative and liberal abstractions.” 5-1-16
- Trump. “Trump Declares War on Mexico.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Arguably, he’s not an unsubtle politician but he would be nowhere without his wall.] 5-4-16
- Trump. “Indiana Trump.” [The GOP’s presumptive nominee must now unify the party.] 5-4-16
- Trump. “Charles Koch’s Warning.” By Daniel Henninger. [He could tell Donald Trump how to avoid being remembered as a fringe candidate.] 5-5-16
- Trump. “What Donald Trump Needs Now.” by Karl Rove. [To stand a chance, he must tone it down, hire a fact-checker and open his wallet.] 5-5-16
- Trump. “The Trump Reality.” [He may be the highest variable nominee in American history.] 5-5-16
- Trump. “Minimum Trump.” [The primary is over, and the Republican is changing his mind.] 5-6-16
- Trump. “Trump Voters: Not So Irrational.” (The Weekend Interview with Samuel L. Popkin) [The political scientist who applies the ‘rational choice” theory of economics to voters says there was a method to the GOP’s primary madness.] 5-7-16
- Trump. “The Ryan-Trump Divide.” [The election is about more than the GOP presidential nominee.] 5-7-16
- Trump. “Trump Was a Spark, Not the Fire.” By Peggy Noonan. [The establishments, both media and conservative, failed to anticipate how they’d be consumed.] 5-7-16
- Trump. “Trumpism Equals Arbitrary Government.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Gridlock in spades has its appeal; in the long run, however, the country needs institutional reform.] 5-7-16
- Trump. “Trump and the Obama Effect.” By L. Gordon Crovitz. [The administration’s cynical manipulations have lowered the bar for what voters expect.] 5-9-16
- Trump. “Could Donald Trump Implode?” [Trying to purge GOP doubters might doom his candidacy.] 5-9-16
- Trump. “I’m Voting Trump, Warts and All.” By Bobby Jindal. [I stand by all my criticisms of the New Yorker, but the stakes for the country are too great to elect Clinton.] 5-9-16
- Trump. “Trump Needs Ryan More Than He Knows.” By Fred Barnes. [To have any shot this fall, the New Yorker must pull conservatives to his camp. Speaker Ryan is the key.] 5-10-16
- Trump. “The Ryan – Trump Summit.” By Daniel Henninger. [This could be the beginning of a useful, if not beautiful relationship.] 5-12-16
- Trump. LTE. “Nominee Trump – Who’d Have Thought It?” 5-12-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Money Games.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [First he was going to self-fund. Now he isn’t. Meanwhile, Clinton raises $213 million.] 5-13-16
- Trump. “A Trump-Ryan Modus Vivendi.” [An armistice is in the interests of both men, and the country.] 5-13-16
- Trump. “…And Donald Trump’s Taxes.” [Democrats will keep pounding him until he releases his returns.] 5-14-16
- Trump. “Mr. Trump Goes to Washington.” By Peggy Noonan. [The voters have rebuked professional Republicans and conservatives. What’s next for the GOP? 5-14-16
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Amazon Adventure.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Does he really want to be president — or is his attack on entrepreneur Jeff Bezos a cry for help?] 5-14-16
- Trump. “The Entrepreneur’s Case for Trump.” By Anthony Scaramucci. [What elitists misinterpret as uneven principles is really adaptability — and, by the way, he can win.] 5-16-16
- Trump. LTE. “The Trump-Ryan Summit: Who Needs Whom?” 5-18-16
- Trump. “Trump and Bernie: Less Is More.” By Daniel Henninger. [The two ‘outsiders’ are offering political minimalism because it works in our culture.] 5-19-16
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Day in Court.” [He offers an impressive list of replacements for Antonin Scalia.] 5-20-16
- Trump. “Trump For Blow-Upper in Chief?” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The Obama rule-making frenzy is one reason Americans are angered by a lack of jobs and raises.] 5-21-16
- Trump. “Sex, Bill Clinton and Trump.” By William McGurn. [In the 1990s, Bill Clinton taught us that only bluenoses worry about a pol’s treatment of women.] 5-24-16
- Trump. “Trump Rakes the Clinton Muck.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The Clintons have never run into a foe willing to go where this one goes – gleefully.] 5-27-16
- Trump. “Trump Makes Sense on Energy.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [From the mouth of The Donald comes wisdom on America’s climate dissonance.] 6-1-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Politics of Grievance.” [When it comes to criticism, he’s more Nixon than Reagan.] 6-1-16
- Trump. “Trump’s MAD.” By Daniel Henninger. [Donald Trump may be turning into a captive of his very familiar public persona.] 6-2-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Commander-in-Chief Test.” [He needs more than insults to rebut Clinton on national security.] 6-4-16
- Trump. LTE. “Is Romney’s Criticism of Trump on target? 6-4-16
- Trump. “Trump and the ‘Mexican’ Judge.” [Why equating ethnicity with judicial bias is so offensive.] 6-6-16
- Trump. LTE. “Reflections on the Revolution in Washington.” 6-7-16
- Trump. “Why Trump, the ‘King of Debt.,’ Hates Dodd-Frank.” By Alan S. Binder. 6-7-16
- Trump. “Trump U Redefines the ‘Brand.’” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The Donald left his natural sphere and proves unable to rise to the occasion.] 6-8-16
- Trump. “High Trump Anxiety.” [Republicans are worried about more than his comments on a judge.] 6-8-16
- Trump. “Trump Can’t Wing It Forever.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [He needs a campaign – to raise cash, cut ads and keep him focused on Clinton.] 6-10-16
- Trump. LTE. “Donald Trump Exploits Progressive Morality.” 6-10-16
- Trump. “Trump, the Judiciary and Identity Politics.” By Michael B. Mukasey. [Making an issue of Judge Curiel’s ethnicity was squalid – and the other side of a coin that liberals have played for years.] 6-10-16
- Trump. “Why Turmpkins Want Their country Back.” By Joseph Epstein. [Dismissing Trump’s fans as racists and thugs is too self-congratulatory, too easy. There’s something deeper rumbling.’” 6-11-16
- Trump. “LTE. Trump, the ‘Mexican’ Judge and Wise Latinas.” 6-13-16
- Trump. “Trump Plays the Radical Islam Card.” By Wm McGurn. [The GOP candidate forces Hillary Clinton to address language she has avoided.] 6-14-16
- Trump. “Obama and ‘Radical Islam.” [The President gives Donald Trump his best talking point.] 6-15-16
- Trump. “The Presidency Isn’t a Real-Estate Deal.” By Alan J. Pomerantz. [The skills required to flourish as a property mogul aren’t what you need in the Oval Office.] 6-15-16
- Trump. “Trump Can’t Win From a TV Studio.” By Karl Rove. [The Donald says free publicity is enough – but wait till Clinton unloads negative ads.] 6-16-16
- Trump. LTE. “Those Trumpkins Want Their Country Back.” 6-17-16
- Trump. LTE. “Does Business Beat Community Organizing.” By Bill Douglas. 6-20-16 (See Trump #199, 6-15-16 here)
- Trump. “Trump’s Pro-Growth Path to Victory.” By Donald L. Luskin. [After 16 years of malaise, voters are responding to his call to make America competitive again.] 6-21-16
- Trump. “The Trump Disorganization.” [He needs more than a new campaign manager to save his candidacy.] 6-21-16
- Trump. “Clinton, Obama, Trump and the Abuse of Power.” By James Freeman. [The media effort to label Donald Trump as an authoritarian is absurd.] 6-22-16
- Trump. “A Trump-Ryan Condominium.” By Daniel Henninger. [These two sovereigns can hang together or they surely are going to hang separately.] 6-23-16
- Trump. “Trump by Those Who Know Him Best.” By Joseph Rago. [I’ve read the books by and about him, and they reveal a lot about how he thinks. Two lessons: He manages in the moment and doesn’t sweat details.] 6-25-16
- Trump. “Donald Trump Is No Ronald Reagan.” By Peggy Noonan. [His supporters ought to stop saying he is, which comes off as desperate and historically illiterate.] 6-25-16
- Trump. “Trump and the Ghost of Barry Goldwater.” By Fred Barnes. [The GOP candidate in 1964 didn’t try to unify the party and paid the price. A 2016 course correction is needed.] 6-27-16
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Tariff Party.” [His trade agenda would hurt American workers and companies.] 6-30-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Would Be No Ordinary Defeat.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [How would Donald behave if he decides he can’t win and won’t throw good money after bad?] 7-2-16
- Trump. LTE. “Trump didn’t Win on a Pro-Growth Agenda.” 7-5-16
- Trump. “The Trumpen Proletariat.” By Daniel Henninger. [Obama’s presidency of moral contempt for opponents has produced a backlash.] 7-7-16
- Trump. “Clinton Casino Royale.” [She says Donald Trump killed Atlantic City. Here’s the real story.] 7-7-16
- Trump. “The Off-stage Battle to Sign Up Voters.” By Karl Rove. [The GOP is gaining in key states. But with Trump atop the ticket, will that be enough?] 7-7-16
- Trump. LTE. “We’re Waiting for a Hero to Save the World.” 7-8-16
- Trump. “Trump and the broad Street Bullies.” By Ken Dryden. [Intimidation works, as the flyers proved in the 1970s. The way to beat it is with a better, more worthy game.] 7-8-16
- Trump. “Comedy Wears Better Than Cynicism.” By Peggy Noonan. [The contrast in theatrics is starting to make Trump look sympathetic.] 7-9-16
- Trump. “Trump and the Delegates.” [A court ruling gives an impetus to unbinding GOP convention-goers.] 7-12-16
- Trump. LTE. “Anyone But Trump? Who \Is That Anyone?” 7-13-16
- Trump. “Can Trump Win Ohio.” By Daniel Henninger. [No Republican has won the presidency without winning the Buckeye State.] 7-14-16
- Trump. “What Trump Needs for a Cleveland Bounce.” By Karl Rove. [The underdog needs a good, unifying show to be competitive again.] 7-14-16
- Trump. “The convention Revolt Begins.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Anti-Trump forces are moving to unbind the delegates. What if Donald just agreed.?] 7-15-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Pence Selection.” [The Indiana Governor will reassure some wary Republicans.] 7-15-16
- Trump. “A Trump Economy Beats Clinton’s” by Andy Puzder and Stephen Moore. [His plans that would get the U.S. back on track include the biggest pro-growth tax cut since 1981 and repeal of Obamacare.] 7-15-16
- Trump. “The Case for Donald Trump.” By Wm. McGurn. [The alternative is President Hillary Rodham Clinton.] 7-19-16
- Trump. “Cleveland Fight Club.” [The Trump campaign comes out swinging – against Republicans.] 7-19-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Best Path to Victory.” By John Brabender. [To hit 270 electoral votes, the Republican must light a national movement and pick up the Rust Belt.] 7-19-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Mum Supporters.” By Holman w. Jenkins, Jr. [As long as you don’t admit voting for him, a Donald presidency might be OK.] 7-20-16
- Trump. (Cruz) “A Coy Cruz Awaits his Podium Moment.” [Will he endorse Trump or open his 2020 bid?] 7-20-16
- Trump. “Don’t Waste Your Time, Donald.” By Karl Rove. [If Trump campaigns in California and New York, as he says he will, then it’s all over.] 7-21-16
- Trump. “The Sidetracked Convention.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Cleveland was an opportunity for Trump, but he let himself get derailed]. 7-22-16
- Trump. “The Art of the Presidential Deal.” [Trump operates more on emotion and instinct than analysis.] 7-22-16
- Trump. “Ted Cruz’s Guilty ‘Conscience.’” [Far from standing up to Trump, he was Donald’s leading enabler.] 7-22-16
- Trump. “The Dark Knight.” [Trump portrays an America in crisis and offers himself as the cure.] 7-23-16
- Trump. “Trump and the Unknowable Moment.” By Peggy Noonan. [His speech was neither eloquent nor lofty, but it was powerful.] 7-23-16
- Trump. “Why Peter Thiel Really Supports Trump.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Trup expands the boundaries of the sayable. His existence lights a fuse under the status quo.] 7-23-16
- Trump. “Trump’s bi Data Gamble.” By L. Gordon Crovitz. [While he tweets to the masses, Hillary will be precisely targeting persuadable voters.] 7-25-16
- Trump. “Wharton Grad Trump Fails Economics.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Technology not free trade, explains the loss of most middle-class jobs.] 7-25-16
- Trump. “Trump’s – and FDR’s – Forgotten Man.” By Amity Shlaes. [Franklin Roosevelt’s forgotten man carried him to victory iin 1932. Will it be the same in 2016?] 7-26-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Putin Illusions.” [Remember who mocked Mitt Romney for calling Russia a U.S. foe?] 7-28-16
- Trump. “Why Donald Trump Is No Gentlemen.” By Harvey C. Mansfield. [like Machiavelli he makes clear that winning dishonorably is better than losing honorably.] 7-30-16
- Trump. LTE “Trump, Trade, Technology and American Jobs.” 8-1-16 (See Mary Anastasia O’Grady’s “Wharton Grad Trump…:7-25-16 # 239 here.)
- Trump. (Notable & quotable: Black on Bloomberg [on Trump]) [Conrad Black on Michael Bloomberg attacking Trump]. 8-1-16
- Republicans. “To the Go-Along Republicans.” By Bret Stephens. [Memo to Paul Ryan: Trump’s problem is his character, not his ‘ideas.’”] 8-2-16
- Trump. “Trump on Offense.” By Wm. McGurn. [The Republican nominee is the Kevin Kelley of politics: he never punts.] 8-2-16
- Trump. “The Donald J. Trump Referendum.” [Democrats figure they can bait the Republican into blowing himself up.] 8-2-16
- Trump. LTE. “Trump Has No Putin Illusions on Email Hacks.” 8-2-16
- Trump. “On the Trump Meltdown.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [His campaign needs a second front, using paid TV to send out a better image.] 8-3-16
- Trump. “Trump and the Khans: More to the Story.” By James Taranto. 8-3-16
- Trump. “Why Trump Shouldn’t Write Off the Black Vote.” By Jason L. Riley. [His success in business could help him explain how liberal policies have hurt African-Americans.] 8-3-16
- Trump. “I Am Your Voice.” By Daniel Henninger. [That Trump line may stand for the candidate’s sellout of his faithful supporters.] 8-4-16
- Trump. “Victory is Slipping Away for Trump.” By Karl Rove [He can still win – but only if he quits being self-destructive and chooses discipline.] 8-4-16
- Trump. “The Trumpian Purge.” [The assault on Ryan is part of a broader conservative divide.] 8-4-16
- Trump. LTE “’Lady” and ‘Gentleman’ Need Not Apply in ‘16” 8-6-16
- Trump. “The Week They Decided He Was Crazy.” By Peggy Noonan. [Trump inflicts one wound after another on his campaign.] 8-6-16
- Trump. LTE. “Trump Is Right About the Suboptimal Debate Schedule.” 8-8-16
- Trump. “Trump Gets It Wrong: Trade Is a Winner for Americans.” By Robert B. Zoellick. [Lower taxes on imports from trade deals save the average U.S. household about $10,000 a year.] 8-8-16
- Trump. “Trump on the Economy.” [Progress on regulation and taxes but his trade policy is a jobs killer.] 8-9-16
- Trump. LTE. “It Makes Sense for Trump to Court Black Voters.” 8-9-16
- Trump. “Trump Runs Against Both Parties.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [He’s not a nuclear madman – and he’s not back inside the GOP tent either.] 8-10-16
- Trump. “It’s Clinton’s Election to Lose.” By Wm. Gaston. [Trump has divided Republicans while Democrats are united behind Hillary.] 8-10-16
- Trump. “Trump and Taxes: Don’t Look Behind the curtain.” By Alan S. Blinder. [The GOP nominee refuses to release his tax returns while his new tax plan is a gift to the super-rich.] 8-10-16
- Trump. “The Clinton Default Mistake.” By Daniel Henninger. [Her presidency will use enforcement agencies to entrench political correctness.] 8-11-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Contribution to Sound Money.” By Judy Shelton. [The source of trade anxiety is a broken global monetary system that distorts price signals with sharp currency moves.] 8-11-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Self-Reckoning.” [The GOP nominee and his supporters face a moment of truth.] 8-15-16
- Trump. LTE. “Mr. Trump Makes Some Good Points on trade.” 8-15-16
- Trump. “About those Loser ‘Trumpkins.’” By Wm. McGurn. [What is it that the much-vilified Trump voters are trying to tell us.?] 8-16-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Anti-Terror Strategy.” [This is a debate the American public deserves to hear.] 8-16-16
- Trump. LTE. “Trump Can’t Be Any Worse Than What We’ve Had.” 8-16-16
- Trump. “Trump Misses the Point on Tech Visas.” By Jason L. Riley. [Employers hire high-skill immigrants for the same reason they hire low-skill ones: out of necessity.] 8-17-16
- Trump. “Notable and Quotable: The GOP Fundamentals: From “Forecasting the 2016 Preidential Election: Will Time for Change Mean Time for Trump?” by Alan Abramowitz on Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball website, Aug. 11.” 8-17-16
- Trump. “Law and Order: Trump Unit. By Daniel Henninger. [For global and domestic disorder, Trump’s answer looks better than hers.] 8-18-16
- Trump. “Shuffling Deck Chairs on the USS Trump. By Karl Rove. [A new campaign team can help Donald only if he decides to stay out of petty feuds.] 8-18-16
- Trump. “Trump Will Be Trump.” [The nominee says he wants to run as The Donald undiluted.] 8-18-16
- Trump LTE. “The Trump Effect on the Republican Party.” 8-19-16
- Trump. LTE. “Wilbur Ross Is Wrong About the Trade Deficit.” 8-19-16 (See 8-15-16 #267)
- Trump. (The Weekend Interview with Scott Adams. By James Taranto) “Dilbert Explains Donald Trump.” [The cartoonist figured out the Republican’s persuasion skill before the pundits did. And he still thinks Trump can win.] 8-20-16
- Trump. LTE. “Trump Appeals to Voters Who Feel Unheard.” 8-20-16
- Trump. “A Trump Deportation Reversal?” [Hints emerge that he is rethinking one of his worst policies.]. 8-22-16
- Trump. “What Trump’s Foreign Policy Gets Right.” By John Bolton. [The GOP nominee’s speech last week was a serious contribution, in sharp contrast with Clinton and Obama’s nonstrategy.] 8-22-16
- Trump. “The College Republicans Divide Over Trump.” By Zachary Young. [For the GOP, campus is occupied territory. But this year it’s hard to see where the battle lines are drawn.] 8-22-16
- Trump. “Trump Wins Even If he Loses.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [He wants the presidency but the free media exposure will pay off regardless.] 8-24-16
- Trump. “Trump Turned Down the NAACP’s Invitation, Smart Move.” By Jason L. Riley. [The civil-rights group wants a freeze on charter schools, while two-thirds of blacks favor them.] 8-24-16
- Trump. “Old Trump, New Tricks.” By Fred Barnes. [He said he wouldn’t change – but then he did. The question is how long it can last.] 8-25-16
- Trump. “Trump Faces Immigration Reality.” [He appears to be moving to something like the Bush-Rubio policy.] 8-26-16
- Trump. LTE. “Rude Trump Is Still the Best Hope for Change.” 8-30-16
- Trump. “Black Lives Matter to Donald Trump.” By Heather Mac Donald. [The Republican says every child – in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore – should be able to walk to school safely. For that, he’s called racist.] 8-30-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Tax Withholding Is a Signal.” By Joshua D. Blank. [Candidates’ tax returns aren’t all that revealing. But refusing to release them says a lot.] 8-30-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Immigration Shift Is a Winner.” By Jason L. Riley. [The older whites cheering for walls and deportation don’t represent most of the GOP, let alone the country.] 8-31-16
- Trump. “The Limits of Trumpism.” [Candidates who run on his agenda are losing in Republican primaries.] 9-1-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Fortress America.” [The Republican misses a chance to broaden his coalition.] 9-2-16 (Includes chart: “The Shrinking GOP Coalition: Percentage of national vote for president by voting group and candidate.”)
- Trump. LTE. “Wyden Defends His Tax-Form Disclosure Act.” 9-2-16
- Trump. “Dems Fume at Trump’s Outreach to Blacks.” By Jason L. Riley. 9-7-16
- Trump. LTE. “MacDonald Is Right About Rise in Murders of Blacks.” 9-7-16
- Trump. “President Trump Isn’t Farfetched.” By Douglas E. Schoen. [Pundits treat Clinton like a shoo-in, but polls tell a different story. Victory is well within Trump’s reach.] 9-7-16
- Trump. “The Way Trump Talks.” By Daniel Henninger. [Clinton’s reliable political language may lose to the new Trumpian rhetoric.] 9-8-16
- Trump. “Donald Has 60 Days to Close the Deal.” By Karl Rove. [He acted presidential in Mexico and Detroit. Can he keep it up?] 9-8-16
- Trump. “The Trump Blitz Begins.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The GOP nominee is finally — relentlessly – arguing that Clinton is unfit for office. ] 9-9-16
- Trump. LTE. “Fortress America Garrisoned by the Idle Army.” 9-10-16 (See # 292, here)
- Trump. “Some Big Holes in Trump’s Wall.” By Stuart Anderson. 9-12-16
- Trump. “The Trump Plan will Help Working Mothers.” By Ivanka Trump. [My father wants to empower both working and stay-at-home parents and give families freedom of choice in child care.] 9-14-16
- Trump. “Trump and the Art of Growth.” [He sets a clear contrast with Clinton on taxes, regulation and energy.] 9-16-16
- Trump. “Trump and the Translators.” [A chance to prove his policy is not anti-Muslim but anti-jihad.] 9-17-16
- Trump. “Trump’s School-Choice Fight.” [His plan to let money follow the child is a moral and political winner.] 9-19-16
- Trump. LTE. “Dummies’ Reply to ‘Never Trump for Dummies.’” 9-20-16
- Trump. LTE. “Robert Gates Is Mistaken About Donald Trump.” 9-22-16
- Trump. “Party Loyalty Can’t Make Me vote for Clinton.” By Andrew Stein. [A lifelong Democrat, I’m backing Trump because he can shake up our politics and revive the economy.] 9-22-16
- Trump. “Trump Debate Dos and Don’ts.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Voters know he’s a scapper. But he must show an optimistic vision for America.] 9-23-16
- Trump. “Trump’s $1.5 Trillion Tax Detail.” [The good news is that Congress would rewrite his reform plan.] 9-23-16
- Trump. “If Not Trump, Who Will Cure the Rot.” By Homan W. Jenkins, Jr. [A Chicago murder wave and New York graft scandal are manifestations of political decay.] 9-24-16
- Trump. “Fast-Checking Lester Holt.” [Here’s the legal back story on that stop-and-frisk ruling.] 9-28-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Losing Debate Strategy.” By Jason L. Riley. [If he had a plan to win the debate against Clinton, it remains as secret as his plan to defeat ISIS.] 9-28-16
- Trump. “Trump Is Right About ‘Stop and Frisk.’” By Rudolph W. Giuliani. [It’s constitutional, as the Republican correctly described. Lester Hold should apologize.] 9-28-2016
- Trump. “The Trump Mosh Pit.” By Daniel Henninger. [Only one debater is still in sync with the American electorate’s restless mood.] 9-29-16
- Trump. “Trump Tees Up a Necessary Debate of the Fed.” By Ruchir Sharma. [Sixty percent of stock gains since the 2008 panic have occurred on days when the Fed makes policy decisions.] 9-29-16
- Trump. “Can Trump Unlock the Keystone State?” by Joseph Rago. [If Doanld Trump can win in Pennsylvania, he could take residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.] 9-30-16
- Trump. “Trump’s NAFTA Mistakes Are Huge.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Thanks to free trade, the U.S. auto industry has become globally competitive again.] 10-3-16
- Trump. “Progressives for Trump Tax Reform.” [The media are shocked that business losses reduce tax liability.” 10-3-16
- Trump. “The Apology of Donald J. Trump.” By Bret Stephens. [To those who don’t get why Clinton isn’t ahead by 50 points – here’s the answer.] 10-4-16
- Trump. LTE. “Trump Plans to Beat China at Its Own Game.” 10-4-16
- Trump. “The Trump Tax Set-up.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The means being used to defeat him are the best argument for his candidacy.] 10-5-16
- Trump. “Trump Sorely Needs a Debate Win.” By Karl Rove. [He has to revive GOP enthusiasm to offset the Democrat’s strong turnout operation.] 10-6-16
- Trump. LTE. “Bipartisan Election Derangement Syndrome.” 10-6-16 [See Hillary, 9-30-16]
- Trump. “Trump’s ObamaCare Silence.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The failing health law should be his best weapon, but he seems unable to wield it.] 10-7-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Last Stand.” [If his campaign melts down, the goal has to be t save a GOP Congress.] 10-10-15
- Trump. LTE. “Trump’s Taxes and Tax Loss Carry-Forwards.” 10-11-16
- Trump. “Kompromat Takes Down Trump.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [His gross foibels are an easy target, but isn’t the election about more?] 10-12-16
- Trump. LTE “Trump’s Right: NAFTA Has Been Loser for U.S.” 10-14-16
- Trump. “Trump and the Emasculated Voter.” By David Gelernter. [There’s only one way to protect the nation from Hillary Clinton, and that is to vote for Donald Trump.] 10-15-16
- Trump. LTE. “The Varieties of Views on Donald J. Trump.” 10-17-16
- Trump. “The Cheap Moralizing of Never Trump.” By Wm. McGurn. [Trump voters get that the elite contempt for their man is a proxy contempt for them.] 10-18-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Rigged Election.” [Donald is wrong, but where do you think he got the idea?] 10-18-16
- Trump. LTE. “Emasculated Voters Get What They Deserve.” 10-20-16
- Trump. “Where Trump Fell Short.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [He made a compelling case against Clinton but failed to reach out beyond his base.] 10-21-16
- Trump. “A Lincoln Lesson for Donald Trump.” By Harold Holzer. 10-21-16
- Trump. “The Media Do Scarlett.” [Trump’s election threat is dumb, but the outrage is over the top.] 10-21-16
- Trump. “Imagine a Sane Donald Trump.” By Peggy Noonan. [You know he’s a nut. What if he weren’t? He’d have won in a landslide.] 10-22-16
- Trump. “A vote for Trump Is a Vote for Growth.” By Wilbur Ross and Peter Navarro. [The Republican’s policies will create 25 million new jobs, boost incomes and generate trillions in additional tax revenues.] 10-25-16
Trump. “Accountability for ObamaCare.” [Democrats should pay a political price for this historic failure.] 10-26-16
- Trump. LTE. “Mr. Trump Is Right on Clinton and Catholics.” 10-26-16
- Trump. “Trump Bets on the ‘Missing Five Million.’ By Karl Rove. [Some say Republicans can win by turning out disaffected whites – but is it working?] 10-27-16
- Trump. LTE. “That 3:00 AM Call and the Nuclear Trigger.” 10-28-16
- Trump. “Bexit Trump and a Whole Lot of No.” [Our politics will be in a holding pattern until laders sstart asking voters to say Yes to something for a change.] 10-28-16
- Trump. “The Gamble of Trump.” [The hope of better policies comes with his manifest personal flaws.] 11-5-16
- Trump. “2016’s Big Reveal. “ by Bret Stephens. [Donald Trump is a demagogue. Period. The right’s failure to see it is a disgrace.] 11-8-16
- Trump. “The Trump Opportunity.” By Daniel Henninger. [Sit down with Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and ambassador to Congress Mike Pence.] 11-10-16
- Trump. “President-Elect Trump.” [He will now need to pick smart advisers and show generosity in victory.] 11-10-16
- Trump. “America Elects the Candidate of Change.” By Karl Rove [Voters found Clinton more trustworthy and likable, but Trump still won the election.] 11-10-16
- Trump. “How Trump Filled the Dignity Deficit.” By Arthur C. Brooks. [Over the past half century, the percentage of working-age men outside the workforce doubled.] 11-10-16
- Trump. “Which Trump will Americians Get?” by Donald Luskin. [The economy depends on whether the protectionist or the tax-cutter shows up.] 11-10-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Secret Weapon: Obama.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Not to take away from the GOP victory, but this was a rejection of Obama’s governing.] 11-11-16
- Trump. “Trump and the Democrats.” [The lesson: Progressive government can’t be imposed from the hip.] 11-11-16
- Trump. “What comes After the Uprising.” By Peggy Noonan. [President-elect Trump needs to reassure the country, including those who opposed him.] 11-12-16
- Trump. “Meet Pro-Growth Trump.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Just pray there’s no financial crisis that causes him to unlimber his anti-trade instincts.] 11-12-16
- Trump. “Who is Steve Bannon?” [The left erupts over the Trump aide who called himself a ‘Leninist.’] 11-16-16
- Trump. “The New Trump Democrats” by Daniel Henninger. [Trump voters have become journalism’s biggest archaeological excavation site.] (“…in 2018, Democrats must defend 10 senate seats in states Donald Trump won. If I were one of these 10, I’d give the Democrats 2017 to reboot their persona. If not, I’d go over to the other side.”) 11-17-16
- Trump. “Trump Won Because Clinton Flopped.” By Karl Rove. [About 3.5 million Obama voters in 2012 didn’t cast ballots for Hillary this time.] 11-17-16
- Trump. “The Trump Family Political Business.” [The left is already teeing this up as a daily target. Answer: liquidate.] 11-18-16
- Trump. “Steve Bannon on Politics as War.” (The Weekend Interview with Stephen K. Bannon by Kimberley A. Strassel) [The Trump adviser talks about the winning campaign and says the political attacks against him are ‘just nonsense.’] 11-19-16
- Trump. “The Emerging Trump Cabinet.” [The first three picks go to loyalists amid signs of political outreach.] 11-19-16
- Trump. “What to Tell Your Children About Trump.” By Peggy Noonan. [We are the world’s oldest democracy, we are good people, and we’ve been through shocks before.] 11-19-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Neo-Nationalists.” By Bret Stephens. [‘America first’ is not a policy or a motto. It’s an implicit accusation of disloyalty.] 11-22-16
- Trump. “Anti-Trumpers Channel Their Inner Donald.” By Wm. McGurn. [Many who decried Trump now exhibit the worst traits he was accused of.] 11-22-16
- Trump. “Living With Trump’s Conflicts.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [He can’t annul his ‘brand.’ And, anyway, voters knew whom they were electing.] 11-23-16
- Trump. Trump’s State of Transition. [Petraeus and Bolton would be strong, experienced diplomats.] 11-26-16
- Trump. “No More Business as Usual, Mr. Trump.” By Peggy Noonan. [He has to abandon his company in order to deal on the country’s behalf.] 11-26-16
- Trump. “Trump vs. the White House Press Corps.” By Ari Fleischer. [The briefing room contains 49 seats. Most go to the MSM with barely any to the dot-com world.] 11-28-16
- Trump. “Trump Rally vs. Bannonomics” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [President Trump won’t get the mileage out of protectionism that Reagan did.] 11-30-16
- Trump. “Trump’s A-Team.” By Daniel Henninger. [The president-elect is assembling a who’s who of conservatives for his cabinet.] 12-1-16
- Trump. “Trump’s $1 Trillion Promise vs. Congress.’ By Karl Rove. [Republicans won’t thrill to throwing money ‘against the wall’ to see if it sticks.] 12-1-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Money Men.” [An underwhelming pair of nominees to lead Commerce and Treasury.] 12-1-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Carrier Shakedown.” [Workers don’t prosper when politicians force companies to make noneconomic decisions.] 12-2-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Charm of Not Being Obama.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The new White House won’t fail to embrace the jobs that fracking and pipelines can bring.] 12-3-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Carrier Coup and a lesson From JFK.” By Peggy Noonan. [Kennedy took on U.S. Steel and won. But economic nationalism can lead to abuse of power.] 12-3-16
- Trump. “Trump as Lady Gaga.” By Daniel Henninger. [He is a political performance artist, challenging what we think as normal.] 12-8-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Chinese Currency Manipulation.” [His tweets are driving the yuan down against the dollar.] 12-8-16
- Trump. “What’s in a Name? For Trump’s Businesses, Everything.” by Edwin D. Williamson. [Liquidating his stake in the Trump Organization through an IPO or buyout presents myriad problems.] 12-10-16
- Trump. “Despotism and Donald Trump.” By Wm. McGurn. [Decrying Trump while ignoring the tyranny of the administrative state.] 12-13-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Russian Reset Reset.” By Holman w. Jenkins, Jr. [This time, the aim should be to hold Putin’s hand until he gives up power.] 12-14-16
- Trump. “Trump’s Blank Goldman Slates.” [His top economic advisers have few known policy views.] 12-14-16
- Trump. “What Purple America Wants From Trump.” By Paul c. Light. [Swing voters would hold Washington to account but also protect programs they see as essential.] 12-14-16
- Trump. “The Media Still Don’t Get Trump.” By Jason L. Riley. [The public doesn’t care about what obsesses pundits – and the president-elect knows it.] 12-14-16
- Trump. “The Luck of the Donald.” By Wm. McGurn. [Ironically, Trump’s opponents have set him up for some major successes.] 1-3-17
- Trump. “What Does Trump Know About Russia?” by Bret Stephens. [The president-elect has his doubts about Russian hacking. What are his motives?] 1-3-17
- Trump. “A Lincoln Lesson for Donald Trump.” By Jay Winik. [The president-elect will soon learn how little control he has over his agenda.] 1-3-17
- Trump. “Can Politicians and Singers Make Beautiful Music together?” by Dave Shiflett. [Recording artists shun the inauguration but hope Trump will look out for their interests.] 1-5-17
- Trump. “A Useful Trump Intelligence Shakeup.” [The White House intel shop can be shrunk and its staff improved.] 1-6-17
- Trump. “Meryl Streep Upstages Obama.” By Wm. McGurn. [Her Trump-thumping will be a hard act for the departing president to follow.] 1-10-17
- Trump. “The Trump Russia Files.” By Daniel Henninger. [The president-elect’s interregnum turns into a media circus damaging everyone.] 1-12-17
- Trump. “So, You Got a Job at the White House.” By Karl Rove. [Advice for Trump’s new staff from a dozen former aides, reaching back to LBJ.] 1-12-17
- Trump. “De-Trumping the Trump Organization.” [He takes important steps but leaves some political vulnerability.] 1-12-17
- Trump. “Tillerson for State.” [Trump and his nominee show more realism on Russia.] 1-12-17
- Trump. “Trump May Herald a New Political Order.” By John Steele Gordon. [Seldom does a presidential election mark a permanent shift. The last time it happened was 1932.] 1-14-17
- Trump. “If Russia Has Info on Trump Does It Make a Difference?’ by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [We live in a MAD world – mutual assured destruction – with respect to leadership secrets.] 1-14-17
- Trump. “Trump’s bonfire of Pieties.” By Bret Stephens. [Will his nasty rhetoric shake things up or crack their already shaky foundations?] 1-17-17
- Trump. “The ‘Blind Trust’ snake Oil.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [American voters have bigger things to worry about than Trump’s business interests.] 1-18-17
- Trump. “The Biggest Trump Question.” By Daniel Henninger. [Will his presidency produce a new order or merely more disorder?] 1-19-17
- Trump. “A Perfect Sign-Off for @RealDonaldTrump.” By Karl Rove. [Now that he’s taking office, he should finally give up his twitter account.] 1-19-17
- Trump. “an Inaugural Speech Like No Other?” by Thomas V. DeBacco. 1-19-17
- Trump. “Don’t Make Any Sudden Moves, Mr. Trump.” By Richard Haass. [Heedless action – tearing up the Iran deal or moving the US. Embassy in Israel – may make things worse.] 1-19-17
- Trump. “Coming Out – This Time for Trump.” By Mitchell Lee Marks. [Hiding my support for him felt the same way as keeping my sexual orientation secret.] 1-20-17
- Trump. “The Audacity of Trump.” [The public dislikes his temperament but still believes he can deliver policy success.] 1-20-17
- Trump. “The Promise of President Trump.” By Andrew Ferguson / Heather R. Higgins / Shelby Steele / Charles Kesler / Ben Sasse / Amity Shlaes / Jim Webb / Charles Koch. [We asked leading thinkers this question: ‘What is your hope and your expectation for the Trump presidency?’] 1-20-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Populist Manifesto.” By Joe Connor. [A call to reform government, but perhaps not limit it.] 1-21-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Good First Move.” [The new team reverses a late Obama payoff to the housing lobby.] 1-21-17
- Trump. “President Trump Declares Independence.” By Peggy Noonan. [His message to America: Remember those things I said in the campaign? I meant them. I meant it all.] 1-21-17
- Trump “Trump Can Correct a Bush Error.” By fred Barnes. [The conviction of ‘Scooter’ Libby was an injustice. He deserves a pardon.] 1-23-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Intel Reform Is a Good First Step.” By Jane Harman and Peter Hoekstra. 1-23-17
- Trump. “Trump at the CIA.” [Mr. President, the election is over.] 1-23-17
- Trump. “Trump: The Reader’s Guide.” By Bret Stephens. [To understand Kellyanne Conway’s ‘alternative facts,’ pick up Hannah Arendt.] 1-24-17
- Trump. “’America first’ Takes On a New Meaning.” By Wm McGurn. [The 1941 movement vilified Churchill. Trump restores him to a place of honor.] 1-24-17
- Trump. “Trump Foes Egged Me On to Support Him.” By Barbara A. Smith. [While walking to an inaugural ball, I heard shouts – and felt yolk run down my hair.] 1-24-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Pacific Trade Retreat.” [The failure is a strategic win for China and a defeat for Japan’s Shinzo Abe.] 1-24-17
- Trump. “Trump, the Press and the Dictatorship of the Trolletariat.” By Barton Swaim. [The president pursues a canny strategy of sending journalists on wild-goose ‘fact-checks.’] 1-24-17
- Trump. “Corporate America Taken Hostage.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Business is charged with creating jobs to keep Donald Trump off his trade warhorse.] 1-25-17
- Trump. “The Emoluments Clause for Dummies.” By Brian C. Kalt. [Everyone’s an expert, but the truth here is that majority rules.] 1-25-17
- Trump. “The Trump Kaleidoscope.” By Daniel Henninger. [It’s time for doubtful and hopeful Trumpers to stop obsessing over Trump Himself.] 1-26-17
- Trump. “Trump Tries to Build a ‘Different Party.’” By Peggy Noonan. [The Democrats have no playbook for dealing with a Republican who’s a populist.] 1-28-17
- Trump. “The Wrong Kind of Crazy.” By Bret Stephens. [What Trump could learn from Nixon about keeping enemies off balance.] 1-31-17
- Trump. “Trumpian Shock and Awe.” By Daniel Henninger. [Too many political forces are coming to life against the young presidency’] 2-2-17
- Trump. “Amateur Hour at the White House.” By Karl Rove. [Trump mismanaged the travel ban rollout. The next crisis could be more serious.] 2-2-17
- Trump. “Trump and American ‘Self Confidence’.” [Obama ignored David Petraeus’s advice. Will the new President?] 2-2-17
- Trump. “Travis Kalanick Drives Away.” [The Uber CEO drops out of a meeting with Donald Trump, alas.] 2-3-17
- Trump. Trump could Be the First Silicon Valley President.” By Andy Kessler. [He is as disruptive as Amazon, Uber and Napster – and also as risky as any high-tech startup.] 2-3-17
- Trump. “In Trump’s Washington, Nothing Feels Stable.” By Peggy Noonan. [He has overloaded all circuits. Everything is too charged, with sparks and small shocks all over.] 2-4-17
- Trump. “The Thomas Hobbes Presidency.” By Bret Stephens. [Conservatives were outraged by Obama’s apologies. What about Trump’s slander?] 2-7-17
- Trump. “Who’s ‘Normalizing’ Donald Trump Now?” by Wm McGurn. [The vulgarity and violence of the anti-Trump left may be helping the president.] 2-7-17
- Trump. “Trump, Putin and Republicans.” [The GOP will have to provide a check on the President’s bromance.] 2-7-17
- Trump. “Trump Gives a Boost to Putin’s Propaganda.” By David Satter. [The president’s line that the U.S. also has ‘killers’ will be used to justify still more Russian murders.] 2-7-17
- Trump. “At the Trump Trauma Center, Nobody Comes for Treatment.” [A sickness that makes sufferers feel terribly good about themselves.] 2-8-17
- Trump. “The Method in Trump’s Tumult.” By Christopher De Muth. [ A raucous cabinet can be an asset. Some fo the best presidents, including Washington, wielded disagreement as a tool.] 2-11-17
- Trump. “Trump’s judicial Debacle.” [The botched order has given judges a chance to restrict executive power over national security.] 2-11-17
- Trump. “Trump’s ‘So-Called’ Judgment.” By Sai Prakash and John Yoo. [It’s legitimate to criticize the judiciary, but unwise to do it so injudiciously.] 2-13-17
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Abolitionist Cabinet.” By Wm. McGurn. [Hurrah for cabinet secretaries skeptical about the agencies they will lead.] 2-14-17
- Trump. “The Reality-Television President.” By Adam O’Neal. [“…If Mr. Trump wants a successful presidency…he’ll have to scrutinize the implementation of his ideas much more carefully than he crafts his tweets.] 2-14-17
- Trump. “Andy Puzder’s Grilling.” [Will the White House let bogus charges beat its Labor nominee?] 2-14-17
- Trump. “White House Disruption.” [Trump should give his chief of staff the power to act like one.] 2-14-17
- Trump. “Eavesdropping on Michael Flynn.” [Did U.S. spooks have a court order to listen to his conversations? Why?] 2-14-17
- Trump. “The Michael Flynn Fallout.” [Congress should include the leaked transcripts in its Russia probes.] 2-15-17
- Trump. “Is this Trump’s Watergate?” by Daniel Henninger. [Unless his team gets back to the basics of the 2016 election, 1974 could return.] 2-16-17
- Trump. “Don’t Believe the Progressive Hype.” By Karl Rove. [Trump’s missteps have energized the left, but tea-party comparisons are overwrought.] 2-16-17
- Trump. “A ‘Shadow Cabinet’ to Restrain Trump.” By David Roberts. [Sharp critiques of extreme policies from eminent ex-officials.] 2-16-17
- Trump. “Another Trump Casualty.” [Immigration foes and unions take down Labor nominee Andy Puzder.] 2-16-17
- Trump. “The Bully Trumpet.” [Some good news amid the presidential stream of consciousness.] 2-17-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Labor Mulligan.” [Alex Acosta is a conservative whom liberals can support.] 2-17-17
- Trump. “The White House Needs an Injection of Calm.” By Peggy Noonan. [Trump is an unusual character. He’d benefit if his staff included some conventional ones.] 2-18-17
- Trump. “Missing the Meaning of Trump.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Liberals desperately pretend his rise is a message from Russia, not voters.] 2-22-17
- Congress. “A Real Fix for Trump’s Conflicts of Interest.” By George M. Cohen. [Congress should establish a public trust to oversee his company.] 2-23-17
- Trump. “Trump vs. Trump.” By Daniel Henninger. [The dangers of a presidency that gets trapped inside the thrills of a campaign.] 2-23-17
- Trump. “When the President Speaks, Who’ll Listen.” By Karl Rove. [Trump’s congressional address should aim at voters who oppose him but are persuadable.] 2-23-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Reality Test.” [Bannonism gets the headlines but can’t deliver votes in Congress.] 2-28-17
- Trump. “A Surprising Show of Confidence.” By Peggy Noonan. [Trump’s speech was clear, plain, even warm at times. Could we be seeing a capacity to grow?] 3-4-17
- Trump. “The Vertigo Presidency.” By Bret Stephens. [A belly-flop into the cloudy pond of Mr. Trump’s psyche won’t Make America Great.] 3-7-17
- Trump. “Trump and Russia: A clash of Conspiracy Theories.” By Michael Doran. [Who’s telling the truth, the president or James Clapper? It’s possible both of them are.] 3-7-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Revealing Budget.” [So much political drama over such a small part of the federal fisc.] 3-17-17
- Trump. “’Clearly the President Was Wrong.’” 3-17-17 [Re: Obama and Trump Tower wiretapping during the 2016 campaign]
- Trump. “A President’s Credibility.” [Trump’s falsehoods are eroding public trust at home and abroad.] 3-22-17
- Trump. “Major Trump to Ground Control.” [The President’ good idea for improving U.S air traffic.] 3-23-17
- Trump. “Reach for the Stars, Mr. Trump.” By Taylor Dinerman. [The International Space Station is the ultimate real-estate deal.] 3-24-17
- Trump. “So Much for Donald Mussolini.” [Remember when Trump was going to roll over U.S. checks and balances?”] 3-28-17
- Trump. “Mistakes, He’s Made a Few Too Many.” By Peggy Noonan. [Crisis will inevitably strike, so America needs stability and strength. Will Trump be ready?] 4-1-17
- Trump. “Trump and the Plutocrat’s Hubris.” By Joseph Epstein. [It’s now obvious that financial success does not easily transfer into other realms.] 4-3-17
- Trump. “Susan Rice Unmasked.” [Obama’s security adviser sought the name of a Trump official in intelligence reports.] 4-4-17
- Trump. “Mr. Trump Meets Mr. Xi.” [China’s strongman will be taking the measure of the new President.] 4-5-17
- Trump. “The Trump Tweets.” By Daniel Henninger. [Twitter helped him win the White House. Now, Twitter may cause him to lose it.] 4-6-17
- Trump. “A Presidential Honeymoon From Hell.” By Karl Rove. [The should be a time to notch early wins. But, Trump is stalled and distracted.] 4-6-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Syria Opportunity.” [The world’s thugs are watching how the new President responds.] 4-7-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Putin Pushback.” [He invites Montenegro to join NATO and keeps up the Syria pressure.] 4-12-17
- Trump. “The Trump Presidency Begins.” By Daniel Henninger. [It was almost too much fun but has now taken a clear turn for the serious.] 4-13-17
- Trump. “A New Slogan for Trump: ‘You’re Hired.’” By Karl Rove. [Leaving jobs vacant only empowers career bureaucrats, without saving much money.] 4-13-17
- Trump. “Labor Department Mutiny. [Obama’s holdovers refuse to follow Trump’s directive.] 4-13-17
- Trump. President. “Did George Washington Take ‘Emoluments’? by Eugene Kontorovich. [He asked a British official to help find renters for his land.] 4-14-17
- Trump. “How Trump Is Like Early Giuliani.” (The Weekend Interview with Lawrence J. Mone by James Taranto.) [The Manhattan Institute’s president says the former mayor was no policy wonk either, at least at the start.] 4-15-17
- Trump. “Trump Is Easy to Typecast. Why Is Hollywood Having Such Trouble?” by Rod Pennington. [Villain? Diva? Bumbler? Entertainers and other Democrats can’t seem to make up their minds.] 4-18-17
- Trump. “Rating a Semi-Accidental President.” By Homan W. Jenkins, Jr. [If he does nothing, America will be better off. If he delivers tax reform, he’ll be great.] 4-26-17
- Trump. “The First Day of the Rest of the Presidency.” By Karl Rove. [As the media obsesses over a fake milestone, Trump should take a minute to recalibrate.] 4-27-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Finest Moment (So Far).” by Kimberley A. Strassel. [His tax-reform plan is smart policy, but even better politics: It’s a challenge to Congress.] 4-28-17
- Trump. “Trump Has Been Lucky in His Enemies.” By Peggy Noonan. [Cursing pols, screeching students and intolerant abortion advocates have become the face of the left.] 4-29-17
- Trump. “Watergate Lessons For Trump.” By Seth Lipsky. [If Comey was investigating the president, it would be cause for dismissal. That’s the duty of the House.] 5-12-17
- Trump. “A Week in Trump’s Washington.” [What we’ve learned in the Comey-White House maelstrom.] 5-13-17
- Trump. Blacks. “The Outsiders Who Were Behind the Booing of Betsy DeVos.” By Jason L. Riley. [Trump hosted black college presidents in the Oval Office, something Barack Obama never got around to.] 5-17-17
- Trump. “Loose Lips Sink Presidencies.” [The Russian intel story shows the price of Trump’s lost credibility.] 5-17-17
- Trump. “Let Trump Be Trump.” By Daniel Henninger. [The president should cut the middlemen and be his own messenger in chief. ] 5-18-17Trump. “The Trump Tumult Is Too Much.” By Karl Rove. [There’s no obstruction of justice here, but eh president is throwing away his agenda.] 5-18-17
- Trump. FBI. “The Special Counsel Mistake.” [Rosenstein bends to political pressure, and here we go again.] 5-18-17
- President. “The 25th Amendment? Forget It. [Impeachment would be a picnic by comparison with Trump opponents’ latest brainstorm.] 5-19-17
- Trump. “Democracy Is Not Your Plaything.” By Peggy Noonan. [When the circus comes to Washington, it consumers everything, absorbs all energy.] (“…whether Donald Trump has demonstrated in his first four months, that he is unfit for the presidency…) 5-20-17
- Trump. “The Trump-GOP Bargain May Be Unraveling.” By Alan S. Blinder. [How, amid the chaos, will the House and especially the Senate find time to agree on legislation?] 5-22-17 (Mr. Blinder is a professor of economics and public affairs at Princeton University…)
- Trump. “Anti-Trump Democrats Invite Chaos.” By Ted Van Dyk. [If they succeed in bouncing the president from office, they may find that what comes next is even worse.] 5-22-17
- Trump. “The Pontiff and the President.” By Wm. McGurn. [Donald Trump and Pope Francis may be more alike than anyone realizes.] 5-23-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Bob Kerrey Budget.” [Without entitlement reform, everything else gets squeezed.] 5-24-17
- Trump. “Trump Is More Optimistic than Reagan, and That’s Not Good.” By Jason Furman. [His budget assumes 3% growth and includes a basic math error.] 5-24-17
- Trump. “From 9/11 to Manchester.” By Daniel Henninger. [Trump found out something about the presidency and the world on this trip.] 5-25-2017
- Trump. “The President Is Home, but Not Home Free.” By Karl Rove. [Trump stayed on message during his trip abroad. Now if only he can keep it up.] 6-1-17
- Trump. “Trump Bids Paris Adieu.” [Growth and innovation are better forms of climate insurance.] 6-2-17
- Trump. Israel. “The Trump Jerusalem Waiver.” [The President made the embassy move a test of U.S. credibility.] 6-2-17
- Trump. “Can Trump Govern?” BY Daniel Henninger. [The White House has arrived at a binary choice: Choose chaos or choose success.] 6-8-17
- Trump. “Political Death by 1,000 Tweets.” By Karl Rove. [Trump has mastered the medium but not the substance. His agenda is at stake.] 6-8-17
- Trump. “Trump as a Democracy Promoter.” [His responses to abuse in Syria and Venezuela suggest he cares about freedom and human rights.] 6-8-17
- Trump. “Why Trump Wins.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Will Robert Mueller investigate intelligence agencies for playing in domestic politics?] 6-10-17
- Trump. “Comey Closes the Case – Almost.” By Peter J. Wallison. [The president’s insistence on disputing the former director’s testimony was a needless complication.] 6-12-17
- Trump. “What Trump Has to Fear From Mueller.” By Karl Rove. [Special counsels can run amok. One went after me once for the crime of forgetfulness.] 6-15-17
- Trump. “Congress Steps Up on Russia.” [Trump will have to earn more discretion on foreign policy.” 6-16-17
- Trump. Special Prosecutor. “Robert Mueller’s Mission” [The special counsel needs to rise above his Comey loyalties.] 6-17-17
- Trump. “Anatomy of a Witch Hunt.” By Holman w. Jenkins, Jr. [The Trump-Russia scare comes from the same playbook as fake cancer scares.] 6-21-17
- Trump. “Trump’s ‘Tapes’ Trick.” [His Twitter bluff led to the special counsel appointment.] 6-26-17
- Trump. “Trump, Mueller and Arthur Andersen.” By Michael R. Mukasey. [Did the president act ‘corruptly’? Not from what we know — but then neither did the accounting firm.] 6-26-17
- Trump. “Should Trump Abandon the GOP?” by Daniel Henninger. [The president may separate himself from a party disabled by a blocking minority.] 6-29-17
- Trump. “Trump Takes Flak From a PR School.” By Mary Beth West. [The USC Annenberg survey uses faulty methodology.] 6-29-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Putin Test.” [The Russian will interpret concessions as a sign of weakness.] 7-6-17
- Trump. “Washington’s Leak Mob.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Trying to topple Trump, current and ex-officials damage national security.] 7-7-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Defining Speech.” [In Poland, he asks the West to defend its values of faith and freedom.] 7-7-17
- Trump. “Trump Must Stand Strong Against Putin.” By David Satter. [The president needs to show that the U.S. is prepared to deter Russian aggression.] 7-7-17
- Trump. “When Donald Met Vlad.” [We’ll learn what Putin thinks of Trump by what he tries to get away with.] 7-8-17
- Trump. “A Pope and a President in Poland.” By Peggy Noonan. [In a good Warsaw speech, Trump invokes one of Pope John Paul II’s great 1979 orations.] 7-8-17
- Trump. “Trump Agonistes.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Surprise, he didn’t run his campaign any smarter than his government.] 7-12-17
- Trump. “Keystone Kops Collusion.” [Did Don Jr., a Russian pop star and a lawyer steal the 2016 election?] 7-12-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Sessions Abuse.” [His demand that his AG prosecute Clinton crosses a red line.] 7-26-17
- Trump. “Pardons Aren’t Only For the Guilty.” By Brian C. Kalt. [The Supreme Court’s 1915 ‘imputation of guilt’ doesn’t mean what Trump foes think it does.] 7-26-17
- Trump. “How Long Can the Trump Tumult Go On?” by Karl Rove. [This has been a wild week, even for him. It also ought to be a wake-up call.] 7-27-17
- Trump. “Trump’s Unused Bully Pulpit.” By Wm. McGurn. [As Reagan proved, there’s nothing as powerful as an Oval Office address.] 8-1-17
- Trump. “Trump Loses Corporate America.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [There is no point in taking brickbats for a president who does no deliver.] 8-16-17
- Trump. “Trump and the CEOs.” [A GOP President who loses the business class has a big problem.] 8-16-17
- Trump. “Trump Can’t Win the Blame Game.” By Karl Rove. [Like any president, he’ll be judged by results. So far, he’s failed to deliver much.] 8-17-17
- Trump. “Beating His Own Head Against the Wall.” [Trump threatens to do exactly what Chuck Schumer wants.] 8-24-17
- Trump. “Trump Divorces the GOP Congress.” [Republicans need to think of Trump as a political independent.] 8-25-17
- Trump. “When the Truth is Crazy.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Trump is diagnosed with a severe case of conformity-resistance syndrome.] 9-2-17
- Trump. “Trump, Taxes and the Democrats.” [Young immigrant adults aren’t the only ‘Dreamers’ in D.C.] 9-12-17
- Trump. “Trump Goes Nuclear.” By Daniel Henninger. [ Critics of Trumpian rhetoric live outside the range of Kim’s missiles – for now.] 9-21-17
- Trump. “Trump Gets Blunt at the United Nations.” By Peggy Noonan. [Will bracing clarity make things better or worse? We’ll know soon enough. But he said things the world needed to hear.] 9-23-17
- Trump. “The Never-Trump Triumvirate.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [What do Rand Paul, Susan Collins and John McCain have in common? Very Little.] 9-29-17
- Trump. “Scalias All the way down.” By Kimberley a. Strassel. [While the press goes wild over tweets, Trump is remaking the federal judiciary.] 10-13-17
- Trump. “The Power of the Presidential Tweet.” By Scott Adams. [Trump’s online missives make his supporters laugh and even his opponents think past the sale.] 10-23-17
- Trump. “Begging Your Pardon, Mr. President.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey. [How Trump can shut down the special counsel probe and leave the Russia investigations to Congress.] 10-30-17
- Trump. “Trump and the ‘Russia Racket.’” By Homan W. Jenkins, Jr. [How a rival power became the American political class’s land of opportunism.] 11-1-17
- Trump. “Tweet Less, Smile More.” By Karl Rove. [If President Trump could control himself, people might notice his accomplishments.] 11-2-17
- Trump. “Mr. Trump Trolls Mrs. May.” [The President spreads fake news and damages an important ally.] 12-1-17
- Trump. “The Long War on Donald Trump.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. 12-9-17
- Trump. “Can a President Obstruct Justice?” by David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey. [Yes, but not by doing any of the things we know Trump to have done.] 12-11-17
- Trump. “A New Trumpet for Democracy.” By Judy Shelton. [Contrary to his isolationist reputation, the president echoes Reagan in affirming America’s founding values.] 12-21-17
- Trump. “The ‘Stupidity’ of Donald Trump. By Wm. McGurn. [He’s had far more success than Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jesse Ventura.] 12-26-17
- Trump. “Understanding the Trump Show.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [After tax reform, we might have to rethink how America gets things done.] 12-27-17
- Trump. “Two Presidencies in One Year.” By Daniel Henninger. [We have spent 2017 with Trump of Twitter and Trump of accomplishments.] 12-28-17
- Trump. “Too Many Flags in Trump’s First Quarter.” By Ari Fleischer. [The president advanced the ball far downfield, but thanks to penalties, he kept losing yardage.] 12-28-17
- Trump. “About That Trump ‘Autocracy.’” [Remember all those progressive predictions of looming fascism?] 1-2-18
- Trump. “Trifling With the Nuclear Button.” [Why Trump’s approval is so low despite his first-year successes.] 1-4-18
- Trump. “The Hour of the Wolff.” (Bookshelf by Barton Swaim.) “Fire and Fury” by Michael Wolff. [The author writes as if he were the omniscient narrator of a novel, offering up assertions that are provocative but often conjectural.] 1-8-18
- Trump. “Davos In, Bannon Out.” [Steve Bannon loses his head, while Trump goes to Switzerland.] 1-10-18
- Trump. “Trump Proves He’s Sane.” By Daniel Henninger. [The president may have to invite Michael Wolff to attend the second inauguration.] 1-11-18
- Trump. “Psychiatrists With Press Passes.” By Karl Rove. [A dubious new book starts a long national dialogue on whether Trump is crazy.] 1-11-18
- Trump. “Trump’s Russian Money.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The big carrot in U.S. relations has been access to Western banks and real estate.] 1-24-18
- Trump. “The Mystery of Trump’s Lousy Polls.” By Scott Adams. [If he’s so persuasive, why is his approval so low? Well, Michael Jordan missed a lot of baskets.] 1-31-2018
- Trump. “A Good Speech, but That’s Only a Start.” By Karl Rove. [Trump presents his agenda. Delivering it requires discipline he hasn’t so far shown.] 2-1-18
- Trump. “Trump Manages to Unify My Country.” By Rondi Adamson. [Almost every fellow Canadian I know can’t stand the man.] 2-2-18
- Trump. “The Left’s Rage and Trump’s Peril.” By Peggy Noonan. [The democratic base is even worse-tempered than the president. But Mueller could still harpoon him.] 2-3-18
- Trump. “Trump’s Style Is His Substance.” By Bobby Jindal. [Primary voters chose him because he promised to fight. Party leaders need to learn to be less timid.] 2-15-18
- Trump. “Trump Wastes Another Weekend.” By Karl Rove. [The indictment was a perfect time to pivot. Instead he amplified the media noise.] 2-22-18
- Trump. “The Only Good Thing About Donald Trump Is All His Policies.” By Joseph Epstein. [A U.S. president who is a boor presents a problem. The presidency, after all, has a symbolic aspect.] 2-27-18
- Trump. “Yes, Shut Down Mueller.” By Daniel Henninger. [Donald Trump is right about the special counsel, but for the wrong reason.] 3-22-18
- Trump. “32 Questions for Trump and His Critics.” By Karl Rove. [Why not act innocent? Where’s the collusion? Was Hillary right? Can we go on this way?] 3-22-18
- Trump. “The Tale of Stormy Donald.” [His willful self-indulgence catches up to President Trump.] 3-27-18
- Trump. “Trump Targets Amazon.” [The President’s tweets make any regulatory action seem political.] 3-30-18
- Trump. “Manhood in the Age of Trump.” (The Weekend Interview with Harvey Mansfield) [The author of ‘Manliness’ suggests the president’s vulgar appeal may be the beginning of the end of the push for gender-neutrality.) 3-31-18
- Trump. “Trump Keeps His Predecessors’ Promises.” By Bobby Jindal. [He’s not the first to argue for tariffs, border security and an embassy move – only the first to deliver.] 4-4-18
- Trump. “Trump, Cohen and Attorney-Client Privilege.” By Michael B. Mukasey. [The protection has its limits, but is it worth testing them over a possible campaign-finance offense?] 4-18-18
- Trump. “We’ve All Got Too Much Trump on Our Minds.” By Joseph Epstein. [The president is easily the hottest show in town. But does he have to be the only show in town?] 4-19-18
- Trump. “The Post Office and Trump’s Culture War.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [His attack on Amazon’s package-delivery deal is about a lot more than packages.] 4-21-18
- Trump. “The Elitists’ Trump Excuse.” By Wm. McGurn. [His critics may be more corrupting to democracy and decency than he is.] 4-24-18
- Trump. “Trump and Kim’s Low-Stakes Summit.” By Walter Russell Mead. [If the leaders meet, they’re likelier to reframe the standoff than to resolve it.] 4-24-18
- Trump. “Trump at the Supreme Court.” [His travel ban may be unnecessary but it is clearly constitutional.] 4-24-18
- Trump. “Protect Mueller, but Not Like This.” By Orrin Hatch. [I’m voting against the Senate bill to constrain the president, because it is clearly unconstitutional.] 4-25-18
- Trump. “How Trump Takes On Obstruction.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Focus on the threat to the powers of the presidency, not the president personally.] 4-27-18
- Trump. “A Vicious Wolf Gives Trump the Last Laugh.” By Peter Funt. [‘She had some great one-liners,’ Douglas Brinkley said on CNN. He changed his mind.] 4-30-18
- Trump. “The Wolf Who Came as a Wolf.” [The anti-Trump comic gave the media what she thought they wanted.] 4-30-18
- Trump. “Trump Lets ZTE Off the Hook.” [An arbitrary intervention hurts U.S. sanctions policy.] 5-15-18
- Trump. “Kasich Could Be Trump’s Best Hope.” By Bobby Jindal. [An independent candidacy could split voters who Dislike the Democrats but can’t abide the president.] 5-17-18
- Trump. “Was Trump’s Campaign ‘Set Up’? by Kimberly A. Strassel. [At some point, the Russia Investigation became political. How early was it?] 5-18-18
- Trump. “Impeach Trump? History Counsels Against it.” By Allen C. Guelzo. [Many members of Congress in 1868 hoped to remove a president they merely disliked. It didn’t go well.] 5-26-18
- Trump. “The Benefits and Risks of Trump’s Dazzle.” By Walther Russell Mead. [‘The Art of the Deal’ proves he’s far from erratic. Still, he could turn down the heat.] 5-29-18
- Trump. “Pardon Me, Said the president to Himself.” By Richard A. Epstein [Trump is right about what he could do – though he shouldn’t.] 6-6-18
- Trump. “Trump 7, Eagles 0.” By Daniel Henninger. [Voters beaten down by the politicizing of everything opted for the guy who mocks it.] 6-7-18
- Trump. “Disruption Isn’t Enough.” [Trump has dismantled Obama’s legacy, but can he build his own?] 6-11-18.
- Trump. “When Do We Start Winning?” by Daniel Henninger. [Trump is in nonstop motion on North Korea, Iran and trade. What comes Next?] 6-14-18
- Trump. “The Press’s Cult of Trump.” By Patrik Muller. [He thrives on media obsession. We’ve seen it in Switzerland.] 6-19-18
- Trump. Elections. “How to Re-Elect Trump.” [You’re so deplorable you can’t eat in their restaurants.] 6-25-18
- Trump. “Teeing Off on Trump.” By Daniel Henninger. [When voters have to choose between left and right incivility. Democrats will lose.] 6-28-18
- Trump. “An Ally Sizes Up Donald Trump.” By Tony Abbott. [When he says something consistently, it will happen. And his message is that America will remain a reliable partner, but don’t expect too much.] 7-14-18
- Trump. “Putin’s Aggression Is the Issue in Helsinki.” By David Satter. [Trump shouldn’t make a deal on Syria or Ukraine, or keep silent on Russia’s crimes against the West.] 7-16-18
- Trump. “Is Helsinki Trump’s Iran Deal?” by Walter Russell Mead. [The president may be indulging Russia as his predecessor did the Islamic Republic.] 7-17-18
- Trump. “The Speech Trump Should Give.” By Wm. McGurn. [‘I order declassified all FBI and Justice material Congress has subpoenaed.’] 7-17-18
- Trump. “The President Turns the Tables on China.” By Jeff Moon. [He imitates Beijing’s mercurial approach to negotiation.] 7-17-18
- Trump. “The Trump First Doctrine.” [Putin respects strength but Trump showed weakness.] 7-17-18
- Trump. “Trump delivers on Russia.” By Holman W Jenkins, Jr. [His Helsinki outing was tone-deaf but his policy is cribbed from Bush and Obama.] 7-18-18
- Trump. “This is the Art of the Deal?” by Daniel Henninger. [Trump Tweeted, ‘Big results will come!’ Putin already has the results he wanted.] 7-19-18
- Trump. “Trump Fans, Acknowledge His Failings.” [The president has pursued bad trade policies and fouled relations with allies. His supporters are silent.] 7-19-18
- Trump. “Donald Trump, Meet Bill Browder.” [Putin wants Trump to help silence the man who was also targeted by Fusion GPS.] 7-20-18
- Trump. “Failure to Communicate.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Trump has a solid record, but he’s too busy making noise to tout it.] 8-3-18
- Trump. “The Empty Brennan Gesture.” [Trump would do better to declassify the info Congress is demanding.] 8-16-18
- Trump. “Trump, McGahn and Iran-Contra’s Lessons.” By Peter J. Wallison. [I was White House counsel in 1986-87. I cooperated with investigators because Reagan was innocent.] 8-21-18
- Trump. “Manafort, Cohen and Trump.” [A guilty plea and verdict raise the political stakes for the President.] 8-22-18
- Trump. “Why Republicans Stick With Trump.” By Bobby Jindal. [It’s all the things he hasn’t done. On key issues, the president has come around to conservative positions.] 8-31-18
- Trump. “The Anonymous Resistance.” [The writer who dares not speak his own name is no hero.] 9-7-18
- Trump. “Trump, Mrs. Wilson and that ‘Senior Official.” By Lance Morrow. [An attempt via op-ed effectively to inflict a stroke and a twilight on the 45th president.] 9-7-18
- Trump. “Dogs Bite Men and Trumps Duck Taxes.” By Holman w. Jenkins, Jr. [Nobody hands over 55% of his life’s work to the IRS. The real revelation is dad’s role in the Trump myth.] 10-6-18
- Trump. “A Long Way From the Arsenal of Democracy.” By Peggy Noonan. [From Saudi arms sales to ‘Horseface,’ the weirdness of the Trump presidency never seems to let up.] (“…He’s lucky the mainstream media hate him so much, and in showing that hatred stiffen his supporters’ loyalty.) 10-20
- Trump. “America Has Yet to Make Sense of Trump.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.. [Why one liberal professor says the world needs an investigative reporter like Seymour Hersh.] 10-20-18
- Trump. “The Real Reason They Hate Trump.” By David Gelernter. [He’s the average American in exaggerated form – blunt, simple, willing to fight, mistrustful of intellectuals.] 10-22-18
- Trump. “Trump Is No ‘Isolationist.’“ by Walter Russell Mead. [He’s overseeing a risky but ambitious effort to contain global adversaries.] 10-23-18
- Trump. “The Curious Parallels Between Trump and Kaiser Wilhelm II.” By Joseph Epstein. [The German leader might have been ‘bombastic and impetuous,’ but at least he didn’t have Twitter.] 10-23-18
- Trump. “Trump’s Republican Populism.” by Wm McGurn. [Why he succeeds where Govs. Arnold Schwarenegger and Jesse Ventura failed.] 11-6-18
- Trump. “Among Black Voters, Trump’s Popularity Inches Upward.” By Jason L. Riley. [The president has a tin ear when it comes to race, but African-Americans are better off than before.] 11-7-18
- Trump. “Trump 2.0 Begins.” By Daniel Henninger. [He’ll have trouble reassembling his 2016 coalition unless his behavior changes.] 11-8-18
- Trump. “Trump’s Minority Coalition.” [Unlike Nixon or Reagan, he hasn’t expanded his 2016 support.] 11-8-18
- Trump. Culture War. “Trump’s Chaos Theory.” By Lance Morrow. [His combative style may force a truce between the country’s ‘two nations.’ But not any time soon.] 11-16-18
- Trump. “Americans Turned Trump to Roll Back the Progressive Tide.” By Joseph Epstein. [To understand his appeal, look at the excesses of liberals in recent years. He’s a wall against the wave.] 11-20-18
- Trump. “Don’t Let Mueller’s Report Go Unanswered.” By Alan M. Dershowitz. [Because it is a prosecutor’s product it will inevitably be one-sided. Trump ought to be allowed to respond.] 12-3-18
- Trump. “What if Trump Really Wanted to Make America Great Again?” by Alan s. Blinder. [He’d strengthen labor unions, fortify pensions, raise estate taxes and reduce income equality.] 12-4-18 (Blinder was an adviser to Al Gore and John Kerry during their respective presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004)
- Trump. “Thank You, John Kelly.” [Why take a chief-of-staff job that Trump thinks he can do himself?” ] 12-11-18
- Trump. “Interpreting the Trump Meteor.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [His survival fight may at least buy time for a few important lessons to sink in.] 12-19-18
- Trump. “The Lamest Lame Duck.” [Trump’s shutdown folly has cost the GOP any last-ditch victories.] 12-20-18 Trump. “The Trump Volatility Risks.” [The President indulges his worst impulses and loses a defense chief.] 12-21-18
- Trump. “The Trump ‘Ethics’ Resistance.” by Kimberley A. Strassel. [An army of nonprofits may be a foe more formidable than the Democratic House.] 12-28-18
- Trump. “Trump May Be the True Liberal.” By F. H. Buckley. [Today’s progressives have embraced illiberalism, from speech codes to identity politics.] 1-2-19
- Trump. “Trump at the Turn.” By Daniel Henninger. [We have entered a Trumpian Twilight Zone and the path forward isn’t clear.] 1-3-19
- Trump. “Romney’s Reproach.” [Attacking Trump’s character is easy. How about defending trade.?] 1-3-19
- Trump. “Impeachment Pretense.” [Rep. Tlaib offends fellow Democrats by telling the truth in public.] 1-7-19
- Trump. “Trump Can’t Afford to Lose.” By Wm. McGurn. [The cost of defeat would be higher for President Trump than for Speaker Pelosi.] 1-8-19
- Trump. “What Trump Means by ‘America First.’” By Dennis Ross. [His historical antecedent/ Not Lindbergh but the ‘belligerent isolationism’ of Sen. William Borah.] 1-9-19
- Trump. “Trump’s New Shutdown World.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [In 2013, Obama tried to maximize the difficulty. OMB is taking another tack.] 1-11-19
- Trump. “Trump’s Presidential Emergency.” [He probably has the legal authority, but it’s still a bad precedent.] 1-11-19
- Trump. “End This Stupid Shutdown.” By Peggy Noonan. [Trump is unserious, but so are Schumer and Pelosi. Two decades of cynical game-playing are enough.] 1-12-19
- Trump. “After the Shutdown Fiasco.” [Trump lost round one, but we’ll now see if Pelosi wants any deal.] 1-26-19
- Trump. “The State of the Union Is Missing.” By Peggy Noonan. [America loses something worthwhile as Trump and Pelosi cast aside another traditional norm.] 1-26-19
- Trump. “The State of Trump’s Union.” By Daniel Henninger. [Here’s how to make sure Nancy Pelosi rises to applaud the president’s speech.] 1-31-19
- Trump. “The State of the Union Without Artificial Sweeteners.” By Joseph E[stein. [Trump will boast and brag. What if a president were appropriately grumpy?] 2-1-19
- Trump. “Trump’s Re-Election Challenge.” [Down in the polls, he needs a strong economy to have any chance to win a second term.] 2-5-19
- Trump. “The Longest Day for Trump’s Adversaries.” By Lance Morrow. [His State of the Union address dramatically advanced his case for re-election in 2020.] 2-7-19
- Trump. “Trump’s ‘Endless Wars’ and Peace.’” [U.S. troops abroad are needed to deter war and bad actors.] 2-8-19
- Trump. “Declaring Border Victory.” [The bipartisan deal is his only good way out of this budget box canyon.] 2-13-19
- Trump. “Trump’s Wall Crumbles Under the Law of Diminishing Returns.” By Jason Riley. [The president needs to avoid the sunk-cost fallacy and take what he can get on border security.] 2-13-19
- Trump. “Make Trump Popular Again.” By Karl Rove. “While he strikes a tone of unity, his opponents seek ideological purity.] 2-14-19
- Trump. “Trump’s Political Emergency.” “This border order will divide Republicans and may be stopped in court.] 2-15-19
- Trump. “Stop the Impeachment Fishing Expedition.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Elizabeth Price Foley. [Congress has no business investigating the president for conduct that occurred before he took office.] 2-15-19
- Trump. “Presidents and Guardrails.” [Obama’s abuses are no justification for Trump’s emergency order.] 2-16-19
- Trump. “A Nobel Prize for Trump.” By Wm. McGurn. [Alas, the Norwegians don’t reward leaders who see a had deal and walk away.] 2-26-19
- Trump. “Trump’s Pyongyang Pivot.” By Michael Auslin. [Accepting the idea of a nuclear North Korea, he seems more focused now on reducing the risk of war.] 2-27-19
- Trump. Immigration. “Trump Base Wants Immigration Compromise.” By Tim Kane. [His backers are the likeliest to support a wall-for-DACA deal.] 2-18-19
- Trump. “Cohen in the Colosseum.” [The legal fixer unloads on his former boss, with little new information.] 2-18-19
- Trump. “Trump Walks on Kim.” [Give him credit for refusing to accept less than denuclearization.] 3-1-19
- Trump. “Declare Victory, Not Emergency.” By Ari Fleischer. [ Congress gave Trump $1.4 billion for his wall. He wouldn’t take yes for an answer.] 3-1-19
- Trump. “Trump vs. a Republican Senate.” [The national emergency vote could hurt GOP incumbents in 2020.] 3-2-19
- Trump. “Michael Cohen Makes History.” By Peggy Noonan. [There’s no precedent for such an attack on the essential nature of an American president.] 3-2-19
- Trump. “Mr. Chaos vs. The Swamp.” By Holman W Jenkins, Jr. [Without Russia collusion, Democrats have only hatred of Donald Trump.] 3-6-19
- Trump. “Nadler’s ‘Obstruction’ Quest.” [The examples he cites as crimes are legal presidential actions.] 3-6-19
- Trump. “Trump’s Pentagon Budget War.” [Tax revenues are expected to rise but spending will rise faster.] 3-12-19
- Trump. “Trump and Jared’s Clearance.” By Reuel Mac Gerecht. [Conservatives gain a healthy skepticism about intel agencies, but liberals lose it.] 3-15-19
- Trump. “Trump Loses the Senate.” [A dozen Republicans send a message about the power to spend.] 3-15-19
- Trump. “Move On From Mueller, Mr. President.” By Karl Rove. [Obsessing over the investigation’s origins isn’t the way to win over swing voters.] 3-28-19
- Trump. “Escape From Collusion Hell.” By Daniel Henninger. [The bet that Mueller would nail Trump didn’t pay off. We’re left with the rubble.] 4-18-19
- Trump. “Trump’s Yemen Principles.” [Congress reminds us why the War Powers Act was a bad idea.] 4-18-19
- Trump. Corruption. “Mueller’s Report Speaks Volumes.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [What’s in the special counsel’s finds is almost as revealing as what’s left out.] 4-19-19 (“…He was the wrong man to provide an honest assessment of the 2016 collusion dirty trick. And we’ve got a report to prove it.”)
- Trump. Corruption. “Obstruction of Nothing.” [Mueller vindicates Trump on collusion and plays Hamlet on obstruction.] 4-19-19
- Trump. Corruption. “Mueller Shouldn’t Have Taken the Job.” By Victoria Toensing. [Special counsels are meant to investigate particular crimes, not go fishing for counterintelligence.] 4-19-19
- Trump. “Why Should Congress See Trump’s Tax Returns?” by Jay Starkman. [Congressional-committee disclosure goes back almost a century and was never so politicized before.] 4-22-19
- Trump. “Thank You, Don McGahn.” [Like so many others, he saved Trump from a major political blunder.] 4-24-19
- Trump. “Trump Is ‘Unfit” to Govern?” By Daniel Henninger. [Exactly how fit to become president is Bernie Sanders of Elizabeth Warren?] 4-25-19
- Trump. “Michael Cohen Was a Bluffer, Not a Fixer.” By George Sorial. 5-6-19
- Trump. “Go Ahead, Impeach Trump.” By Wm. McGurn. [Let’s put every member of the House on record with a ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ vote.] 5-14-19
- Trump. “A Pardon for Conrad Black.” [Trump makes amends for an unjust fraud prosecution.] 5-17-19
- Trump. “Trump’s Trouble in the Farm Belt.” 5-24-19
- Trump. “Mueller’s Exit and an Impeachment Alternative.” By Peggy Noonan. [Trying to overturn an election would be too divisive. Congress should censure Trump instead.] 6-1-19
- Trump. “What Trump Can Learn From James Carville.” By Jason Riley. [The Clinton adviser’s 1992 mantra, “The economy, stupid,’ nicely sums up the president’s strength.] 6-12-19
- Trump. “Trump’s ‘Sleepy Joe’ Problem.” By Daniel Henninger. [For voters disturbed by the daily rocking of political life, Biden is offering a timeout.] 6-20-19
- Trump. “A Second Term for What?” [Trump can’t win by relitigating 2016 and playing only to his base.] 6-20-19
- Trump. “With Talk of ‘Treason,’ Trump Crosses a Line.” By A.G. Sulzberger. [The founders considered it the gravest of crimes. Tossing the charge around is irresponsible and wrong.] 6-20-19
- Trump. “Make America Even Greater.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [To win re-election, Trump needs a bold second-term agenda. Here are some ideas.] 6-21-19
- Trump. “Trump’s Finest Hour.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Even his supporters appreciate that the he’s not a president for all seasons.] 6-26-19
- Trump. “Yankee Doodle Donald.” By Wm. McGurn. [Trump wraps himself in the flag, and his opponents are oddly eager to help.] 7-9-19
- Trump. “Media Should Pay Trump to Tweet.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [He delights in making us dance to tunes he wantonly types out in the wee hours.] 7-17-19
- Trump. “Trump Has Regrets.” [The ‘send her back’ chant at his rally was an ugly political moment.] 7-19-19
- Trump. “Trump’s Hesitant Embrace of Human Rights.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Highlighting China’s religious persecution is good politics, at home and abroad.] 7-23-19
- Trump. “Prove the Tweets Were Racist.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The media undertakes Mission Impossible in trying to categorize Trump statements.] 7-24-19
- Trump. “I Changed My Mind About Trump.” By Gordon G. Chang. [The president defends not only U.S. sovereignty but the entire world order.] 7-25-19
- Trump. “Celebrating American democracy.” [The President pays tribute to the triumph of Jamestown.] 7-31-19
- Trump. “The Trump-Cummings Brawl.” By Daniel Henninger. [Decades after the Civil Rights Act, racism is passing into political abstraction.] 8-1-19
- Trump. “California Bans Trump.” [The state passes a law to bar him from the primary ballot.] 8-1-19
- Trump. “On Two Wheels, the Trump Train Rolls Into the Black Hills.” By Faith Bottum. [Love for the president among the ‘patriots,’ “rebels’ and ‘crazies’ at the Sturgis motorcycle Rally.] 8-10-19
- Trump. “The New Birthers.” By Barton Swaim. [If Trump’s enemies can prove he’s a ‘racist,’ he has to go away and never come back. Right?] 8-13-19
- Trump. “Trump Obsession, North of the Border.” By Michael Taube. [Sick of hearing about the president? Don’t move to Canada.] 8-28-19
- Trump. “Trump’s Ukraine Call.” [Sorting bad judgment from the histrionics and double standards.] 9-23-19
- Trump. “Trump Stands Up for Religious Freedom.” By Kelsey Zorzi. [He champions the issue at the U.N. more vigorously than any of his predecessors.] 9-24-18
- Trump. “Releasing the Ukraine Transcript.” [The call will leak eventually, so Trump might as well get it out.] 9-24-18
- Trump. “Trump and the ‘Globalists.’” By Daniel Henninger. [The governing crisis in many democratic nations could help authoritarian China.] 9-26-19
- Trump. “The Ukraine Transcript Fizzle.” [The phone call evidence isn’t enough to annul a presidential election.] 9-26-19
- Trump. “Trump and Ukraine: What We Know.” By Scott Adams. [As Americans watch two different movies, here’s a way to discern what’s happening off the screen.] 10-6-19
- Trump. “Trump’s Reckless Rush to Withdraw.” By Peggy Noonan. [The Syria pullout boosts the impression that he’s all impulse, blithely operating out of his depth.] 10-12-19
- Trump. “The Turk and the President.” [The Syrian retreat is all too typical of Trump’s decision-making.] 10-12-19
- Trump. “Trump Wins Every Democratic Debate.” By Bobby Jindal. [Lots of voters dislike the president but will be convinced to vote for him by seeing his opponents.] 10-14-19
- Trump. “Kurds 354, Trump 60.” [The President’s retreat takes a bipartisan drubbing in Congress..] 10-17-19
- Trump “Capra Could Cast Jimmy Stewart as Trump.” By Gregg Opelka. [Mr. Smith went to Washington 80 years ago and encountered familiar obstacles.] 10-18-19
- Trump. “The G-7 Needs a Different Hotel.” [Hosting the summit at a Trump resort is, at best, poor political judgment.] 10-19-19
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s ‘Lynching.’” [The President keeps asking friends to defend the indefensible.] 10-23-19
- Trump. “Winning Was Trump’s High Crime and Misdemeanor.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [His conflict with his staff over Ukraine was nothing compared with Obama’s decision to leave Iraq.” 11-23-19
- Trump. “As the Trump World Turns.” [Progress, or not, on Hong Kong, North Korea and Afghanistan] 11-30-19
- Trump. “Trump Wins the Populist Patriots.” By Bobby Jindal. [They see him defending their cultural beliefs from the left and their economic interests from the right.] 12-3-19
- Trump. “Why Trump’s Protection Leaves Jews Confused.” By Ruth R. Wisse. [He vigorously opposes anti-Semitism yet gets accused of it himself.] 12-23-19
- Trump. “Trump’s Legal Authority.” 1-4-20
- Trump. “Tuesday Night Trump.” By Wm. McGurn. [In between personal insults, a relentlessly optimistic’ State of the Union.] 2-4-20
- Trump. “Trump Impeachment Agonistes.” [He addresses Congress on the eve of acquittal as his approval rating rises.” 2-5-20
- Trump. “President Donald J. MacGuffin.” By Andy Kessler. [His wild persona is a device that baits enemies and clears space for his agenda.] 2-10-20
- Trump. “Donald Trump, Mastermind.” 2-15-20
- Trump. “The Michael Milken Pardon.” [Trump’s act of clemency recalls an era rife with the politics of envy.] 2-19-20
- Trump. Anti-Trump. “The Federal Judges’ Mystery Meeting.” [A judicial group should set the record straight about its emergency.”] 2-26-20
- Trump. “The World’s Hardest Job.” [“…Mr. Trump’s handling of his leading aides…”] 3-10-20
- Trump. “Trump’s Leadership.” By Daniel Henninger. [Rallying the U.S. in the coronavirus crisis can give the president a path to greatness.] 3-26-20
- Trump. “The Virus May Make Trump Stronger.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Gallup finds 60% of voters approve of his handling of the crisis. As usual, the establishment is clueless.] 3-26-20
- Trump. “Trump’s Best Re-Election Bet: Run Against Beijing.” By Walter Russell Mead. [The public increasingly sees a threat, and he can argue the establishment was wrong for decades.] 4-23-20
- Trump. “What Trump Has in Common With Napoleon.” By Walter Russell Mead. [A brash outsider who knew his terrain like nobody else, he succeeded until he faced a new kind of enemy.] 5-7-20
- Trump. “A Disruptive President in a Storm of Crisis.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Trump thrives on conflict but may pay a price for alienating America’s allies.] 5-26-20
- Trump. “A Presidential Smear.” [Trump imitates the Steele dossier in attacks on Joe Scarborough.] 5-27-20
- Trump. “The Revenge of Jim Mattis.” [Trump’s ill treatment of former advisers is coming back to haunt.] 6-5-20
- Trump. “MAGA – for All.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Trump needs to give voters a reason to support him. He’s working on it.] 6-19-20
- Trump. “The Confessions of John Bolton.” [It’s quaint, we know, but whatever happened to honor in public service?] 6-19-20
- Trump. “The Imperial Presidency Will Outlast Trump.” By Walter Russell Mead. [The president will have to assert more control domestically to do so abroad.] 6-23-20
- Trump. “The Trump Referendum.” [He still has no second term message beyond his own grievances.] 6-26-20
- Trump. “The Week It Went South for Trump.” By Peggy Noonan. [He hasn’t been equal to the crises. He never makes anything better. And everyone kind of knows.] 6-27-20
- Trump. “Trump at Mount Rushmore.” [Progressives deride his defense of America’s founding principles.] 7-6-20
- Trump. “An Old-Fashioned Fourth in the Black Hills.” By Faith Bottum. [Most came to Mount Rushmore for picnics and fireworks, not protest.] 7-6-20
- Trump. “Trump’s Executive Orders” [He escapes Pelosi’s trap but uses Obama’s ‘pen’ and ‘phone’ method.] 8-10-20
- Trump. “Will the Manhattan District Attorney Be the New Robert Mueller?” by Ankush Khardori. [Trump detractors are hyping Cy Vance’s investigation into the president’s finances.] 8-18-20
- Trump. “The Oracle of Trump.” [The President endorses a Tik Tok purchase by one of his corporate supporters.] 8-21-20
- Trump. “All the President’s Norms.” By Wm. McGurn. [Trump haters wage a war on standards and use his bad behavior as an excuse.] 9-8-20
- Trump. “Woodward’s Non-Revelation.” [There’s no need for the tell-all books. Trump tells us every day.] 9-11-20
- Trump. “Trump’s Unhappy Returns.” [We advised in 2016 that he release his taxes. Now others will do it for him.] 9-29-20
- Trump. “Trump’s Misguided Swipe at Bill Barr.” [The AG isn’t helped by public badgering from the Oval Office.] 10-12-20
- Trump. “Trump’s White House at the End of the Line.” By Lane Morrow. [Looking out at a troubled and divided country from inside a resigned and fading administration.] 11-13-20
- Trump. “Trump Remade His Party and the World.” By Wm. A. Galston. [He transformed both the Republican coalition and the way other countries see America. His legacy will be with us for generations.] 11-14-20
- Trump. “Donald Trump, the President His Detractors Loved to Hate.” By Joseph Epstein. [A friend reported that I disappointed his wife with the insufficient intensity of my dislike.] 11-14-20
- Trump. “Last Chance for the 2016 Truth?” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Declassify the Horowitz report so history can properly judge James Comey and the Russians.] 11-14-20
- Trump. “Justice for Michael Flynn.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Trump’s pardon for is onetime national security adviser rights a grievous wrong.] 11-27-20
- Trump. “A Pardon for General Flynn.” 11-27-20
- Trump. “How to Understand Trump’s Democrats.” By Jason L. Riley. [A new book examines the phenomenon that still has political pros and the press scratching their heads.] 12-2-20
- Trump. “Trump’s Bad Exit.” 12-21-20
- Trump. “Trump’s Trumpian Final Days.” By Daniel Henninger. [Amid the electoral College challenge, the president is putting his legacy at risk.] 1-7-21
- Trump. “The Disgrace on Capital Hill.” [Republicans objecting to electors should stop and certify by acclamation.] [“…As for Mr. Trump, to steal some famous words deployed in 1940 against Neville Chamberlain: ‘In the name of God, go.’ “] 1-7-21
- Trump. “Trump Loses the Senate.” [His post-election tantrums hand the government to the left.] 1-7-21
- Trump. “Donald Trump Turned Georgia Blue.” By Michael Barone. [His relentless attacks on the state’s election apparatus likely depressed Republican turnout.] 1-7-21
- Trump. “Trump Erases His Legacy.” By Kimberley A Strassel. [He also destroyed any chance of a political future, all on a single Wednesday afternoon.] 1-8-21
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Final Days.” [The best outcome would be for him to resign to spare the U.S. another impeachment fight.] 1-8-21
- Trump. “Once Trump Leaves, Who’s Left to Blame?” by Andy Kessler. [People of all political stripes can’t help but project every problem onto evil politicians.] 1-11-21
- Trump. “Trump Has One Thing Left to Do.” By Karl Rove. [He’s wrong to skip the inauguration, but he can still discourage any further violence.] 1-14-21
- Trump. “The Seven-Day Impeachment.” [The best outcome now is to make this the end with no Senate trail.] 1-14-21
- Trump. “Thank you, Pat Cipollone.” [The White House counsel has the hardest job in America.] 1-14-21
- Trump. “Trump’s Pardons – Good, Bad, and Ugly.” 1-21-21
- Trump. “No, You Can’t Try an Impeached Former President.” By Alan M Dershowitz. [The Senate erroneously asserted jurisdiction once, but dissenting members forced an acquittal.] 1-21-21
- Trump. “Trump and the Failure of the Expert Class.” By Barton Swaim. [They were right about his character, but his defects were obvious to almost everyone. They were wrong about virtually all else.] 1-23-21
- Trump. “Trying Mr. Trump, Private Citizen.” [Democrats want to punish the ex-President but may revive him.] 1-26-21
- Trump. “Constitution Doesn’t Bar Trump’s Trial.” By Chuck Cooper. [Removal from office is best understood as akin to a ‘mandatory minimum’ sentence for a crime.] 2-8-21 (Mr. Cooper is a founding member and chairman of Cooper and Kirk PLLC.)
- Trump. “The Trump Impeachment Evidence.” [He might be acquitted, but he won’t live down his disgraceful conduct.] 2-11-21
- Trump. “Trump’s Non-Vindication.” [He may run again, but he won’t win another national election.] 2-16-21
- Trump. “Acquittal Vindicated the Constitution, Not Trump.” By Mitch McConnell. [House managers wanted us to rush through a sham trial. Instead we did our duty to the rule of law.] 2-16-21
- Trump. “Peril and Opportunity for Trump at CPAC.” By Karl Rove. [Will he double down on grievance or begin the arduous process of re-creating his image?] 2-25-21
- Trump. “If Nice Guys Finish Last How Could Trump Have lost?” by Joseph Epstein. [At the very least, outright nastiness seems to be a strike against a politician.] 2-27-21
- Trump. “The Grievances of Trump Past.” [If he was so great for the GOP, why is the party now out of power?] 3-2-21
- Trump. “Trumpism According to Trump.” by David Henninger. [Many of the ideas described in the CPAC speech came from Ronald Reagan.] 3-4-21
- Trump. “Trump’s Appeal Rings Hollow at CPAC.” By Karl Rove. [Only 68% of a crowd of his fervent backers want him to seek another term in 2024.] 3-4-21
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Georgia Rewrite.” [The former President is unhappy with us for recognizing reality.] 3-5-21
- Trump. “All Trump’s Codependents.” By Wm. McGurn. [Some of the former president’s biggest critics are finding it hard to quit him.” 3-30-21
- Trump. “Indicting the Trump Organization.” [Years of investigation and prosecutors come up with a small tax case.] 7-3-21
- Trump. “Who Gets Prosecuted Is Always Political, in Pat.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [When settlement talks begin, you can expect Mr. Trump’s political pull to be on the table too. ] 7-3-21
- Trump. “Is Trump Finished?” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Admit it: You don’t want him to run again yet his absence hasn’t solved any problem.] 9-8-21
- Trump. “Trump Loses Arizona – Again.” [He still cries ‘fraud’ even after the audit he demanded found none.] 9-27-21
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Hostage Politics.” [He says Republicans must agree the 2020 election was stolen or he’ll aid the Democrats.] 10-15-21
- Trump. “Trump Is a Democrat: How’s That for a Conspiracy Theory?” by Gerard Baker. [It may be insane, but it would explain why he keeps saving them from self-destruction.] 10-19-21
- Trump. “Will Trump’s Startup Pay Off?” by Holman W Jenkins, Jr. [It could if he can find a way to tap some of the wealth he creates for MSNBC.] 10-27-21
- Trump. “The Facts of Trump’s Fraud Letter.” 10-29-21
- Trump. “Trump’s Georgia Vendetta. [He stokes a GOP primary fight that may elect Stacy Abrams.] 12-8-21
- Trump. “Complete and Total Trump Campaign!” by Karl Rove. [His obsession with the 2020 election may lead to GOP losses in the next two.] 12-23-21
- Trump. “Donald Trump Can Never Lose.” [But his refusal to accept defeat has cost many supporters a great deal.] 1-7-22
- Trump. “Trump Really Was Spied On.” [Durham says techies linked to the Clinton campaign had access to white House and Trump Tower internet data.] 2-15-22
- Trump. “A Strange Defense of Spying on Trump.” [A tech executive’s response to Durham raises more questions.] 2-16-22
- Trump. “AG Confidential.” (Bookshelf by Fred Barnes.) [“One Damn thing After Another.” By William P. Barr. [Attorney General Barr was Trump’s most helpful and influential ally. The president should have listened to him more often.] 3-8-22
- Trump. “Donald Trump and His Elusive Base. “ by Peggy Noonan. [Something is shifting. Many who backed him don’t follow his lead or want him to run in 2024,] 5-21-22
- Trump. “Why Trump Is the Loser in a Georgia Rematch.” By Barton Swaim. [The former president managed to alienate Peach State Republicans by making common cause with Stacey Abrams against Gov. Brian Kemp.] 6-4-22
- Trump. “More Testimony on Trump’s Jan. 6 Tirade.” [Republicans can’t afford to look away from evidence of is conduct.] 6-29-22
- Trump. “Trump Needs an Apprentice.” By Gregg Opelka. [For his own sake and that of the Republican Party, he’s much better off as kingmaker than candidate.] 6-29-22
- Trump. “The Trump 2024 Test Runs.” By Karl Rove. [Can nominees who endorse his baseless claims about 2020 win in November?] 6-30-22
- Trump. “Democrats for Trumpians.” [“…while Democrats try to disqualify Donald Trump via the Jan. 6 hearings, they are helping to nominate his allies to run against in November…”] 6-30-22
- Trump. “Democrats Campaign for the Trump Guy.” [They’re still helping 2020 election challengers win GOP primaries.] 7-27-22
- Trump. “Where Do Trump’s Donations Go?” by Karl Rove. [He can’t spend his PACs’ millions on 2024 and isn’t using much in midterms.] 7-28-22
- Trump. “Trump Can’t Be ‘disqualified’ Over Documents.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey. [The law on presidential records is complicated, but the constitutional issues are simple.] 8-11-22
- Trump. “Let Voters Decide Trump’s Future.” By Daniel Henninger. [The U.S. doesn’t need a replay of the endless investigations during his presidency.] 8-18-22
- Trump. “Unseal the Mar-a-Lago Affidavit.” 8-18-22
- Trump. “Trump’s Supporters and Detractors Are Mirror Images.” By Katharine C. Epstein. [The Mar-a-Lago search reveals both camps are loath to take responsibility for the choices they made.] 8-22-22
- Trump. “The Trump Warrant Had No Legal Basis.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A Casey. [A former president’s rights under the Presidential Records Act trump the statutes the FBI cited.] 8-23-22
- Trump. “Washington’s Prosecution by Leaks.” [Justice wants the search affidavit secret while details spill to the press.] 8-24-22
- Trump. “Is That All There Is?” [The Mar-a-Lago search affidavit reveals nothing new or nefarious.] 8-27-22
- Trump. “Trump’s Vendetta Politics.” [He smears elaine Chao because her family is ethic Chinese.] 9-1-22
- Trump. “Letitia James vs. the Trump Family.” [New York’s AG found her defendants first, then looked for evidence.] 9-23-22
- Trump. “Trump’s ‘Death Wish’ Rhetoric.” [His latest tirade against Mitch McConnell courts potential violence.] 10-3-22
- Trump. “Trump Rallies for … Trump.” [Even before the midterms, he’s mocking DeSantis and Pence.] 11-7-22
- Trump. “Trump Fires and Misses DeSantis.” By Wm. McGurn. [Is the former president losing his touch for catchy nicknames for rivals?} 11-8-22
- Trump. “The Trump Liability.” By Daniel Henninger. [If the ex-president announces he’s running again, the 2024 election is over.] 11-10-22
- Trump. “Trump Is the GOP’s Biggest Loser.” [He has now flopped in 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2022.] 11-10-22
- Trump. “My Last Days With Donald Trump.” By Mike Pence. [I supported legitimate challenges to the 2020 vote counts I also recognized that the Constitution didn’t give me authority to override the voters.] 11-12-22
- Trump. “A Donald Trump Preview of 2024.” By Wm. McGurn. [The bitterest pill for him isn’t that Oz lost but that DeSantis won resoundingly.] 11-15-22
- Trump. “To Beat Trump, Embrace Trumpism.” By F.H. Buckley. [The GOP should employ his successful 2016 playbook.] 11-15-22
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Presidential Rerun.” [Will the GOP nominate the man Democrats know they can beat?] 11-15-22
- Trump. “Sunset for Trump and His Foes.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Bernie Sanders, the New York Times and democratic donors will be sad if he goes.] 11-16-22
- Trump. “Can Trump Change His Stripes?” by Daniel Henninger. [The ‘rigged election’ was out, replaced by an agenda of real issues. Will it work?] 11-17-22
- Trump. “Oh, Trump Believes in Yesterday.” By Karl Rove. [He applauds himself and promises more of the same. But voters want something new.] 11-17-22
- Trump. “Covid Lockdowns Disqualify Trump.” By Justin Hart. [Fifteen days to stop the spread’ turned into an eternity.] 11-17-22
- Trump. “John Eastman’s Sorry Excuse for Jan. 6.” [He claims he didn’t tell Pence to reject electors. Here are receipts.] 11-21-22
- Trump. “What Donald Trump and Sam Bankman-Fried Have in Common.” By Allysia Finley. [Both men cast themselves as saviors. Yet both deceived and exploited their supporters.] 11-21-22
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Bad Dinner Guests.” [He still hasn’t apologized for hosting Nick Fuentes.] 11-28-22
- Trump. “Dinner at Hate for Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago.” By Gerard Baker. [Its plausible he didn’t know who Nick Fuentes was. But he does like to test political boundaries.] 11-29-22
- Trump. “Trump Strikes Out before His Judges.” [Guess whose e appointees keep putting the law above political loyalty? 12-3-22
- Trump. “Donald Trump Is…the Terminator.” 12-6-22
- Trump. “Only the Voters Can Crush Donald Trump.” By Peggy Noonan. [Party professionals and elders have a role to play in making it easier. The first step: Narrow the field.] 12-10-22
- Trump. “How Congress Cut Trump’s Taxes.” By Jay Starkman. [He has benefited from every loophole that lawmakers provided to real-estate businesses.] 12-29-22
- Trump. “The Trump Tax Returns Precedent.” [Democrats shatter the privacy norm for no public benefit.] 12-31-22
- Trump. “The Koch Network Dumps Trump.” By Wm. A. Galston. [Americans for Prosperity won’t back him in 2024, ending an awkward a marriage.] 2-8-23
- Trump. “The Trump Grand Jury Media Tour.” 2-23-23
- Trump. “The Trump Grand Jury and the Age of Unseriousness.” By Gerard Baker. [Foreperson Emily Kohrs is basking in the attention and airtime, just as the former president did.] 2-28-23
- Trump. “Trump, Buttigieg and East Palestine.” [Townspeople become props for politicians fanning anxiety.] 2-23-23
- Trump. “Trump’s Indictment Won’t Win Him Votes.” By Karl Rove. [Some Republicans may rally around him, but the appeal of his antics is wearing thin.] 3-23-23
- Trump. “The Wrong Indictment Against Trump.” By Peggy Noonan. [Stormy Daniels wasn’t an offense against America. Focus on Georgia and the Jan. 6 riots instead.] 3-25-23
- Trump. “The Case Against Trump Is Far From Open and Shut.” By Ethan Greenberg and Sam Braverman. [But its main weaknesses are factual, not legal, and courts won’t object to it as selective prosecution.] 3-31-23
- Trump. “Trump Indictment Is a Perversion of Campaign-Finance Law.” By Bradley A. Smith. [If a candidate has to pay for his own clothes, surely hush money is likewise a personal expense.] 4-1-23
- Trump. “The Devil and Alvin Bragg.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The Trump indictment brings the country another step closer to a 2024 race it doesn’t need or want.] 4-1-23
- Trump. “What’s Missing in the Trump Indictment.” [For this to be a felony, Bragg needs a second crime. What is it?] 4-5-23
- Trump. “How Do You Plead, Mr. Trump?” by Mene Ukueberuwa. [Prosecutors mull a gag order, but the judge seems sympathetic to the former president’s right to speak.] 4-5-23
- Trump. “Where Political Prosecution Is Routine.” By Daniel Raisbeck. [Those cheering the Trump indictment should look to Latin America for a cautionary example.] 4-5-23
- Trump. “The Targeting of Donald Trump.” By Daniel Henninger. [Forget the legal niceties. The Bragg indictment makes sense for Democrats.] 4-6-23
- Trump. “The Indictment Is Trouble for Both Parties.” By Karl Rove. [And for Trump, too. It’s unclear if it helps in the primaries but it won’t in November.] 4-6-23
- Trump. “The President Can Pardon Trump.” By Vivik Ramaswamy. [There’s ample case law suggesting a state can’t penalize a defendant for a forgiven federal crime.] 4-6-23
- Trump. “Trump Indictment Accelerates America’s Race to the Bottom.” By Mark Penn and Andrew Stein. [From the IRS scandal to the Jan. 6, 2021, riots, partisans on both sides tear down national norms.] 4-6-23
- Trump. “Is Bragg’s Case Against Trump Constitutional?” by David B. Rivkin Jr. and Kristin A. Shapiro. [Biden – and all future presidents – should hope that it is judged to violate the Supremacy Clause.] 4-18-23
- Trump. “Donald Trump Sides With Disney.” [The former President goes for woke to trash Ron DeSantis.] 4-19-23
- Trump. “Bill Barr’s Warning on Trump.” [The former AG says his one-time boss won’t deliver on his policies.] 5-8-23
- Trump. “Law-and-Order Trump Has an Evil Twin.” By Karl Rove. [He once stood strong against ‘anarchy,’ then turned to praising the Jan. 6, 2021, rioters.] 5-11-23
- Trump. “CNN Brings Donald Trump Back.” By Peggy Noonan. [What a disaster. But maybe he can be defeated in a big, needed brawl for the GOP nomination.] 5-13-23
- Trump. “Unanswered Questions About Trump and Russia.” By Peggy Noonan. [I have no reason to doubt the Durham report, but it’s still curious that Trump treated Putin so gently.] 5-20-23
- Trump. “Somebody Needs to ‘Bug’ Donald Trump.” By Joseph Epstein. [Lessons in the art of the insult from my high-school buddies.] 6-9-23
- Trump. “A Destructive Trump Indictment.” [Do prosecutors understand the forces they are unleashing?”] 6-10-23
- Trump. “A Strong Indictment – but Is It Strong Enough?” by Alan M. Dershowitz. [The evidence is powerful, but the jurors aren’t the only ones who will need convincing.] 6-12-23
- Trump. “Trump’s Indictment May Pull Us Back From the Brink.” by Gerard Baker. [But if we’re stuck with a rematch between him and Biden, the losing side is sure to call it illegitimate.] 6-13-23
- Trump. “Trump Is Normal on Secrets.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [He gets no credit for originating D.C.’s cavalier stance on intelligence handling.] 6-14-23
- Trump. “The Self-Destructive Donald Trump.” [The indictment is misguided, but he made it easier for his enemies, as he always does.] 6-14-23
- Trump. “Clinton’s Sock Drawer and Trump’s boxes.” By Michael Bekesha. [A president chooses what records to return or keep and the National Archives can’t do anything about it.] 6-14-23
- Trump. “The Recuseniks Come for the Trump Judge.” [Judge Aileen Cannon gets the document case, and why not?] 6-15-23
- Trump. “Trump Invited This Indictment.” By Karl Rove. [His childish defiance of the law comes at a high cost to him – and to the country.] 6-15-23
- Trump. “The Indictment Can Only Hurt Trump.” By Peggy Noonan. [Even his loyal supporters will understand that his mishandling of documents endangered U.S. security.] 6-17-23
- Trump. “Trump Is Only a Co-Star in America’s Unreality Show.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [His voters see no reason to disown a dishonorable champion against dishonorable opponents.] 6-17-23
- Trump. “Trump Goes on Fox and Shows His Weakness.” By Karl Rove. “His plan for winning back the voters he lost in 2020? Insisting that he actually won.] 6-22-23
- Trump. “May Trump Soon Reach His Waterloo.” By Peggy Noonan. [The former president isn’t Napoleon, but there are similarities in the cults around both men.] 7-8-23
- Trump. “Trump Is Charged With a Coverup.” [The evidence, if true, undercuts his defense in the documents case.] 7-29-23
- Trump. “Another Trump Indictment.” [Jack Smith brings charges related to the 2020 election.] 8-2-23
- Trump. “Trump Campaign Looks Like a Defense Fund.” By Karl Rove. [He says his goal is election, but his spending reports suggest it’s acquittal.] 8-3-23
- Trump. “This Trump Indictment Imperils the Presidency.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey. [This conduct is hard to defend, but a conviction for fraud would set a dangerous precedent.] 8-3-23
- Trump. “The Unprecedented Jack Smith.” By Kimberley a. Strassel. [If lying politicians can be prosecuted for ‘fraud.’ We’ll need a lot of new prisons.] 8-4-23
- Trump. “Democrats and the Trump Spectacle.” [They want the election to be all about the former President, all the time.] 8-4-23
- Trump. “Prosecuting the Political Case Against Trump.” (The Weekend Interview with Chris Christie by Kyle Peterson.) [He ‘can’t win,’ the former governor says. ‘He will probably be out on bail in four different jurisdictions.’] 8-5-23
- Trump. “Trump’s Jan. 6 Trial: We Owe It to History.” By Peggy Noonan. [Meanwhile, Hunter Biden’s legal problems become newly substantial to voters in the American idle.] 8-5-23
- Trump. “What Was Donald Trump Thinking? By Allysia Finley. [Good luck finding out. But psychology can help us grasp why he, like so many Democrats, cling to lies.] 8-7-23
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Last Hurrah.” By Wm. McGurn. [James Michael Curley shows that a federal prison sentence is no bar to elective office.] 8-8-23
- Trump. “Impeaching a Trump Impeachment.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [New Hunter Biden details justify the infamous 2019 Ukraine phone call.] 8-9-23
- Trump. “Indictment Four: Trump as Racketeer.” [Alleging a RICO conspiracy makes the case less credible.] 8-16-23
- Trump. “The Trump Indictments’ Price.” By Daniel Henninger. [The prosecutions ensure bitterness for years and payback against Democrats.] 8-17-23
- Trump. “Trump and Election Denial.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The collusion hoax, FBI meddling and ‘stop the steal’ are all the same sickness.] 8-23-23
- Trump. “Trump the Opera – III.” By Daniel Henninger. [Scene I: A bathroom inside the Indicted One’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.] 8-24-23
- Trump. “Trump Looks Beatable in Early States.” By Karl Rove. [Majorities in Iowa and New Hampshire don’t back him. More defections may come.] 8-24-23
- Trump. “Trump Courts a Global Trade War.” [He promises a new 10% border tax on anything made abroad.] 8-24-23
- Trump. “Trump’s Super Tuesday Trial Date.” [He might be buoyed to the GOP nomination, only to lose to Biden.] 8-29-23
- Trump. “The Case for Trumpless Thursdays.” By Joseph Epstein. [If Americans could give up meat once a week for the soldiers, we can do this for the sake of our sanity.] 8-31-23
- Trump. “The 14th Amendment Trump Panic.” [Banning Trump from the ballot would harm U.S. law and democracy.] 9-5-23
- Trump. “Trump’s Real Trade Record.” [His tariffs haven’t cut the trade deficit; they’ve merely shifted it.] 9-7-23
- Trump. “I Can’t Keep Trump Off the Ballot.” By Brad Raffensperger. [Voters should decide elections: that’s the simple lesson of Georgia in 2018 and 2020.] 9-7-23
- Trump. “Was Trump ‘an Officer of the United States’?” by Micharl B. Mukasey. [A careful look at the 14th Amendment’s Insurrection Clause shows that it doesn’t apply to him.] 9-8-23
- Trump. “A Reminder From Donald Trump.” [Here’s what voters can look forward to if he’s nominated again.] 9-27-23
- Trump. “Trump on Trial in New York.” [Is this a case about inflated asset values or partisan politics? Yes.] 10-3-23
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Israeli War Insight.” [He attacks Netanyahu in a crisis because of old personal grudges.] 10-13-23
- Trump. “Judge Chutkan Gags Donald Trump.” [How can he be ordered not to talk about Mike Pence’s role on Jan. 6?] 10-17-23
- Trump. “The Trumpian Tragedy of Jenna Ellis.” [Trump’s stolen election claims keep hurting everyone but himself.] 10-25-23
- Trump. “The First Amendment Threat in the Trump Civil Case.” By Philip Hamburger. [New York’s Executive Law threatens to suppress scientific and political as well as commercial speech.] 11-2-23
- Trump. “Will Trump Be Indicted Into Office?” [TV ads focused on his legal troubles backfired, so they never aired.] 11-7-23
- Trump. “’Stop the Steal’ Is Working.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Trump’s votrs might not seek his return if they had been treated honestly the first time.] 11-8-23
- Trump. “Trump University, Now With Tax Money.” [He plns to launch tuition-free online-only bachelor’s degree.] 11-13-23
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Insurrection Act Gambit.” By Wm. A. Galston. [In a second term, he could use the law’s overbroad language to curtail liberties.] 11-15-23
- Trump. “’Fleece Vest’ and ‘MAGA Hat’ Discuss Trump.” By Gerad Baker. [Thoughtful conservatives are divided and struggling to understand each other ahead of the 2024 election.] 11-28-23
- Trump. “Trump Singes the GOP as He Blazes Ahead.” By Karl Rove. [He looks strong for the nomination but seems determined to divide his own party.] 12-14-23
- Trump. “Checks and Balances Won’t Stop Trump.” By Liz Cheney. [The Constitution’s protections won’t be able to block his abuses of executive power.] 12-14-23
- Trump. “Jack Smith and the Supreme Court.” [The special counsel drags the justices into his trial timetable.] 12-16-23
- Trump. “The Tragedy of Rudy Guiliani.” [He’s the latest to be brought low for having peddled Trump’s claims.] 12-18-23
- Trump. “Trump vs. the Banana Republic of Colorado.” By Karl Rove. [The effort to remove him from the ballot is legally baseless and helps his campaign.] 12-21-23
- Trump. “If Trump Is Disqualified, He Can Still Run.” By John C. Harrison and Saikrishna Prakash. [Colorado’s Supreme Court overlooks the 20th Amendment.] 12-21-23
- Trump. “National Unity and the Colorado Supreme Court.” By Peggy Noonan. [I sympathize with the decision’s spirit, but it was a dangerous move in a deeply divided country.] 12-23-23
- Trump. “Against Immunity for Trump.” By Peter J. Wallison. [Attempting to interfere with the vote counting was re-election activity, not part of his official duties.] 12-28-23
- Trump. “Realism About a Trump Presidency.” By Holman W. Jenkins, jr. [He would be a lame duck and so would Biden, when the world needs real leadership.] 1-24-24
- Trump. “Trump Doesn’t Threaten Democracy – He Embodies It.” By John Hasmas. [His danger arises from his refusal to respect the institutions that serve to constrain popular rule.] 2-5-24
- Trump. “Trump’s Russia Policy Is Appeasement.” By Casey Michel. [Like Chamberlain in the 1930s, he sees Ukraine as a faraway quarrel to avoid. This won’t bring peace.] 2-7-24
- Trump. “Can the Media Get Trump Coverage Right?” by Peggy Noonan. [At first they enabled him to win ratings. Then they turned hostile. How about being factual and fair?] 2-10-24
- Trump. “Trump and NATO Deterrence.” [His latest comments about the alliance will please Vladimir Putin.] 2-12-24
- Trump. “Fani Willis Faces the Judge.” 2-15-24
- Trump. “Fani Willis, Alvin Bragg and Donald Trump.” [The weakest case gets a trial date, as the Georgia DA Takes the Stand.] 2-16-24
- Trump. “Trump’s $355 Million Civil Fraud Verdict.” [The judge found he inflated his assets, but this penalty is unreal.] 2-17-24
- Trump. “Fani Willis Knows When a Trial Is a ‘Show Trial.’” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Credit the Georgia prosecutor with realizing no one will be hanging on fine points of the law.] 2-17-24
- Trump. “Trump Owes Some Answers.” By Daniel Henninger. [Voters deserve to know if he intends an historic redefinition of the U.S. world role.] 2-22-24
- Trump. “Donald Trump’s Divided GOP.” [He wins big in South Carolina but won’t beat Biden without Nikki Haley’s voters.] 2-26-24
- Trump. “Who’s the RINO Now?” by Wm. McGurn. [Trump has redefined the term to mean someone who isn’t loyal enough to him.] 2-27-24
- Trump. “Trump to the Rescue – of What?” by Daniel Henninger. [Republicans should enjoy the march to the nomination. It could be the high point.] 2-29-24
- Trump. “The supreme Court Trumps Jack Smith.” [The Justices are right to rule on Trump’s immunity claim, even if it delays a trial.] 3-1-24
- Trump. “Letitia James Sacrifices the Rule of Law to Get Trump.” By Allysia Finley. [Her dubious civil fraud suit is more damaging to the market’s integrity than his conduct is.] 3-4-24
- Trump. “President Biden’s Fraying Coalition.” By Wm. A. Galston. [Young, suburban and Hispanic voters are deserting him, giving Trump a lead.] 3-6-24
- Trump. “Trump and Ukraine.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Ignore the press. They don’t know what he’d do because they forget how politics works.] 3-13-24
- Trump. “’An Odor of Mendacity’ in Georgia.” [Fani Willis gets a reprieve, but her case is ethically tainted.] 3-16-24
- Trump. “Trump Agonistes, ‘Bloodbath’ Edition.” 3-18-24
- Trump. “Reagan Would Never Vote for Trump.” By John Lehman. “He also didn’t care much for Biden. Like me he’d be looking for a strong third-party candidate to support.] 3-18-24
- Trump. “Letitia James Turns the Screws on Trump.” [The $464 million bond to appeal effectively denies him due process.] 3-19-24
- Trump. “Donald Trump Should Listen to Lara.” By John Tillman. [“…early voting…”] 3-22-24
- Trump. “Trump’s Trials Are a Political Gift to His Campaign.” By Gerard Baker. [The Democrats’ lawfare strategy appears to be backfiring as swing voters turn against joe Biden.] 3-26-24
- Trump. “Trump’s Truth Social Enablers.” [His media company’s IPO soars on hopes he’ll retake the White House.] 3-27-24
- Trump. “Donald Trump, Come on Down.” By Andy Kessler. [Letitia James puts him in jeopardy with a twisted game of ’The Price Is Right.’] 4-1-24
- Trump. “Trump Was Good for America’s Alliances.” By Alexander B. Gray. [He pushed NATO to spend more on defense, expanded the Quad ad facilitated the Abraham Accords.] 4-3-24
- Trump. “Trump’s Dazzling SPAC.” By Daniel Henninger. [His social-media site lost millions. Then it made him $5 billion in a single day.] 4-4-24
- Trump. “What Trump Did for the Faithful.” By Mick Mulvaney. [He allowed Mass and other services at the White House. Biden hasn’t done the same.] 4-4-24Trump. “Trump Blows Up Anti-Terror Surveillance.” [Republicans defect from a key national security vote at his command.] 4-11-24
- Trump. “Trump’s New Way on Abortion.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [He embraces states’ rights and aims to show that Democrats are the radical ones.] 4-12-24
- Trump. “The Trump Trial Spectacle Begins.” [The Manhattan DA’s hush-money case is a legal stretch.] 4-13-24
- Trump. “Trump Has a Plan For Ukraine: It’s Biden’s. by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Whoever wins, Europe might get ready for a period of lackluster American leadership.] 4-13-24
- Trump. “The Deep State Lies in Wait for Trump.” By Liz Truss. [His second term will be much like my time in office if he doesn’t confront the entrenched bureaucracy.] 4-16-24 (Ms. Truss served as Britain’s prime minister in 2022.)
- Trump. “Is Jan. 6 the Political Winner Democrats Think It Is?” by Jason L. Riley. [A Supreme Court ruling against the government could shift the focus to prosecutorial overreach.] 4-17-24
- Trump. “Bad Leadership Is a National-Security Threat.” By Peggy Noonan. [The American porn-star trial, the tawdry British memoirs – all signal weakness and decadence.] 4-20-24
- Trump. “Donald Trump Tests His Gag Order.” [There’s a reason to protect the jury, but why shield Michael Cohen?] 4-23-24
- Trump. “What’s at Stake in the Trump Immunity Case.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Elizabeth Price Foley. [Under Jack Smith’s theory, Lincoln, Truman, Clinton and Biden could all have ended up in the dock.] 4-25-24
- Trump. “Jack Smith’s Bad Immunity Day.” 4-26-24
- Trump. “Trump’s Best Lies Weren’t Trump’s.” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The tangled web of journalistic self-deception is making MAGA great again.] 5-8-24
- Trump. “The Stormy Daniels Sex Trial.” [Her salacious details were irrelevant to the charges against Trump.] 5-9-24
- Trump. “Bragg Hasn’t Proved His Trump Case.” [The trial evidence shows why the charges should not have been brought.] 5-25-24
- Trump. “A Guilty Verdict and Its Consequences.” [Alvin Bragg inaugurates a new and destabilizing era of American politics.] 5-31-24
- Trump. “Donald Trump, the Devil and Thomas More.” By Harvey A. Silverglate. [Respect for precedent means treating like cases alike. Think what that means for democracy.] 6-3-24
- Trump. “Trump Is a Target of Blind-Leading-the-Blind Justice.” By Gerad Baker. [The legal system was never purely impartial, but this case is also an assault on American democracy.] 6-4-24
- Trump. “Trump’s Trial Violated Due Process.” By David B. Rivkin Jr and Elizabeth Price Foley. [He was denied notice of the charges, meaningful opportunity to respond, and proof of all elements.] 6-5-24
- Trump. “Trump Verdict Makes Everyone Look Bad.” By Karl Rove. [It only further annoys the ‘double haters’ whom both sides need to win the election.] 6-6-24
- Trump. “Dewey Defeats Biden.” By Peter Reinharz. [Under Alvin Bragg’s theory, FDR could have been tried for concealing his polio.] 6-7-24
- Trump. “’Donald von S—In Pants.’” [Michael Cohen’s media tour is a good argument to lift Trump’s gag order.] 6-8-24
- Trump. “Trump’s Plan to Expand Executive Power.” By Wm. A. Galston. [He has shared the specifics of his policy proposals in a series of campaign videos.] 6-12-24
- Trump. “Taking Down Judge Aileen Cannon.” By Wm. McGurn. [Imagine the praise if she deferred to Jack Smith’s bid for a pre-election conviction.] 6-25-24
- Trump. “Jack Smith Isn’t a Special Counsel ‘by law.’” By Michael B. Mukasey. [Federal prosecutors must be duly appointed and confirmed by the Senate. He Fails both tests.] 7-8-24
- Trump. “Lessons of the Attack on Trump.” By Thomas Sowell. [The world sees a strong American leader even amid ominous division.] 7-16-24
- Trump. “Jack Smith, You’re fired.” By Wm. McGurn. [Judge Aileen Cannon rejects the legitimacy of his appointment as special counsel.] 7-16-24
- Trump. “Judge Cannon Cashiers Jack Smith.” [The judge says the special counsel was unlawfully appointed.] 7-16-24
- Trump. “The Smearing of Judge Aileen Cannon.” By James Burnham and William Lebi. [Commentators on the left trash her thorough and scholarly decision in the classified -documents case.] 7-18-24
- Trump. “Clueless at the Secret Service.” [Director Kimberly Cheatle can’t explain what happened or why.] 7-23-24
- Trump. “Jack Smith Sniffs at the Supreme Court.” [The special counsel’s new Trump indictment largely brushes off the recent immunity ruling.] 8-29-24
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Trump. Drudgereport.com 8-23-17
WSJ Editor Admonishes Reporters Over Trump Coverage…
Trump Drudgereport.com 12-6-17
58 House Dems Vote To Impeach Trump…
Trump. Drudgereport.com 12-27-17
Trump. Drudgereport.com 1-25-18
HERITAGE FOUNDATION Rates Trump’s First Year Better Than Reagan…
USA Heads for 3% Growth Trifecta…
Tax Cuts Roaring Through Companies…
HOME DEPOT employees to receive $1,000 bonus…
PELOSI: Crumbs…
Trump. 4-5-18 Drudgereport.com
Mueller Report 3-25-19 Drudgereport.com
SHAME OF THE NATION: 533,074 articles have been published about Russia and Trump… https://www.axios.com/robert-mueller-donald-trump-social-media-reach-0586790d-711f-42fe-b3e1-21acc54cdfa6.html
Networks Gave Whopping 2,284 Minutes to Probe…
CNN STILL sitting outside Mueller’s office… https://theweek.com/speedreads/831186/cnn-still-sitting-outside-muellers-office
LIST: FALSE BOMBSHELLS… https://dailycaller.com/2019/03/25/media-russia-collusion-mueller-report-fake-news/
Treason! Impeachment! Prison! https://news.grabien.com/story-flashback-dems-media-predict-mueller-probe-results-impeachme
TAIBBI: Russiagate is this generation’s WMD… https://taibbi.substack.com/p/russiagate-is-wmd-times-a-million
500 witnesses; 2800 subpoenas: No collusion… https://dailycaller.com/2019/03/24/justice-department-mueller-report-congress/
GOOGLE obscures news… https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/03/tech_tyrants_at_google_do_their_best_to_obscure_no_indictments_of_mueller_report.html
WIRE: Russia savors…
DEMS: PLAN B… https://news.yahoo.com/democrats-move-plan-b-mueller-080000243.html
Told-You-So Moment Rattles… https://news.yahoo.com/trump-apos-told-moment-rattles-102002900.html
New Day For White House… https://about.bgov.com/news/what-to-know-in-washington-new-day-for-trump-after-mueller-report/
Re-election weapon… https://www.apnews.com/0bab63fd501b4100bfc06491c2061cc5
GOODWIN: HILLARY’S BIG LIE… https://nypost.com/2019/03/24/we-should-all-be-celebrating-the-collapse-of-hillarys-big-lie/
Campaign Considerations
Trump. “Blue-Collar Vote Key for Trump Win.” Wall Street Journal, 3-7-16, p. A1.
Talking Points
Trump. 4-28-17 Drudgereport.com 4-28-17
HERE IT IS=> Complete List of President Trump’s Major Accomplishments in First 100 Days
Jim Hoft Apr 27th, 2017 10:59 pm
Trump. Blacks. Drudgereport.com 1-15-18
FLASHBACK: Jesse Jackson praises and thanks Trump for lifetime of service to African Americans…