Opinion Headlines
- Fracking, Germany’s Fracking Follies. [A proposal to ban fracking until 2021 is politically nuts.] 7-8-14
- Fracking. “Colorado’s Anti-Fracking Retreat.” [Democrats withdraw…to protect…Udall.] 8-6-14
- Fracking. “The Misdeeds of a Few Companies Don’t Warrant Fracking Bans.” By Chris Faulkner 8-16-14
- Fracking. “Anti-fracking Laws vs. Property Rights.” By Merrill Matthews 8-1-14
- Fracking. “Plotting an American-Style Fracking Revolution in Britain.” By Red Jahncke. [Oil and gas production in the U.K. is in severe decline. Incos CEO James Ratcliffe has a plan to change that.] 10-13-14
- Shale Oil. “The Oil Price Swoon Won’t Stop the Shale Boom.” By Mark P. Mills. [Still profitable at lower prices, fracking is ripe for technology gains that would help it weather further declines.] 10-24-14
- Fracking. “Quinn Stalls Drilling in Illinois.” [Another reason the state has the slowest growth in the Great Lakes region.] 11-4-14.
- Fracking. “The New Oil Order.” [OPEC feels the squeeze from the U.S. shale boom.] 11-29-14
- Fracking. “Cuomo Bans Fracking.” [Safely re-elected, New York’s Governor hides behind bad science and hurts upstate jobs.] 12-19-14
- Shale oil. “Obama on Oil Markets.” 12-20-15
- Fracking. “How the Oil Export Ban Chokes the Fracking Boom.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The energy renaissance was fun while it lasted, but age-old laws and lobbyists may finally prove its undoing.] 3-7-15
- Fracking. “A World Remade by Fracking.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [“…Fracking overnight has relegated the Middle East to a sideshow, albeit a still-important sideshow, in the world economy.] 4-1-15
- Fracking. Hillary. “Clinton Against American Energy.” [The Democrat says she would regulate fracking out of existence.] 3-8-16
- Fracking. LTE. “Clinton and Sanders Are Wrong on Fracking.” 3-16-16
- Fracking. “North Dakota’s Pipeline Payoff.” [Six months later, the Dakota Access Pipeline proves its value.] 12-30-17
- Fracking. “Colorado’s Fracking Fright.” [Proposition 112 would prohibit almost all new oil and gas production.] 9-21-18
- Fracking. “The Truth About Fracking?” (Bookshelf by R. Tyler Priest.) “Saudi America.” By Bethany McLean. [The author claims that an entire industry is overloaded with debt and poised for collapse. The reality seems to be quite different.] 11-1-18
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