Opinion Headlines
- Education. “On the School-Choice Barricades.” Interview of Kevin Chavous by Allysia Finley. 9-6-14
- Education, schools. Liberating Indianapolis Schools From District Control. By Al Hubbard. [An innovative new law grants some schools autonomy and even exempts them from a collective-bargaining pact.] 9-13-14
- Education. “Florida’s School Choice Showdown.” [Charlie Crist dodges as unions attack his tax credit scholarships.] 9-13-14
- Education. LTE. “The Elite Don’t Need Charter Schools.” 9-13-14
- Education Officials Flunk Statistics 101. By Harold O. Levy. [‘Big data’ analysis provides insights into everything from school attendance to the progress of talented students.] 9-15-14
- Education Policy Discriminates Against Private Sector. LTE. 9-15-14
- Children. “Heather Has Two Genders.” By Meghan Cox Gordon. [The latest publishing boom: children’s books with transgender themes. Here’s hoping it has an unintended positive effect.] 9-15-14
- Common Core. LTE. “The Conservative Case for Education Isn’t Common Core.” 9-19-14
- Christians. “A Campus Crusade Against the Constitution.” [Limiting First Amendment rights for Christians undercuts rights for everyone else.] 9-19-14
- Education. “How the Education Spendthrifts Get Away With It.” By Paul E. Peterson. [Politicians exploit Americans’ sense that local education costs are about half of what is really being spent.] 9-22-14
- Education. “Repetitive Work in Math? That’s Good.” By Barbara Oakley. [Achieving ‘conceptual’ understanding doesn’t mean true mastery. For that, you need practice.] 9-23-14
- Education. “Letting Investors Take a Shot at Curing Social Ills.” By John C. Williams [Addressing everything from prison recidivism to special education with bonds that pay off for successful results. (SIB = Social Impact Bonds)] 9-24-14
- Education. “The Unfree Speech Movement.” By Sol Stern. [I was among the student radicals at Berkeley in 1964, back when colleges actually had intellectual freedom.] 9-24-14
- Education. LTE. “Choice, for Children of Progressives.” 9-24-14
- Education. “Florida’s School Choice Showdown.” [Charlie Crist dodges as unions attack his tax credit scholarships.] 9-13-14
- Free Speech. LTE. “Berkeley Free-Speech Movement Hurt Free Expression.” 9-12-14
- Education. “Democracy Requires a Patriotic Education.” By Donald Kagan. [The Athenians knew it. Jefferson knew it. Somehow we have forgotten: Civic devotion, instilled at school, is essential to a good society.] 9-27-14
- Education. “What Uber and School Choice Have in Common.” By James C. Courtovich. [As Ted Frostmann used to tell me, ‘Monopolies invariably produce bad products at high prices.’] 9-29-14
- Education. LTE. “Student Loans, Demagogues and Responsible Students.” 9-29-14
- Education. LTE. “The Orwellian Route From Free Speech to Unfree Speech.” 9-30-14
- Education. “Where All the Teachers Are Above Average.” By Marc F. Bernstein. [New York teachers are great – just look at their ratings. Too bad so many students can’t read.] 9-30-14
- Education. LTE. “On American Democracy and a Patriotic Education.” 10-2-2014
- Education. LTE. “Maybe State and Nonprofit Colleges Need Job Disclosure.” 10-4-14
- Teachers. LTE. “By Definition, Most Teachers Can’t Be Above Average.” 10-10-14
- Education. “Miracle on 24th Street.” [Positive early returns on California’s parental school-trigger law. 10-14-14
- Education. “Don’t Overhaul the SAT Essay, Dump It.” By James S. Murphy. [The College Board shouldn’t kid itself. The new writing requirement won’t change anything.] 10-15-14
- Education. “Philadelphia School Failure.” [Tom Corbett tried to accommodate unions. Here’s his reward.] 10-17-14
- Education. “Kay Hagan’s Bad Math.” [A case study in one of the great scams in American politics.] 10-18-14
- Education. “Pay Tuition, but Don’t Ask How the Young Scholar is Doing.” By John J. Miller. [I enjoy discussing with parents their child’s performance in my class. At most schools, that’s against the law.] 10-18-14
- Education. LTE. “Accountability, Universities and the Parents Who Pay.” 10-22-14
- Education. “How I learned Not to Hate School.” By Denisha Merriweather. [Florida’s tax-credit scholarship program saved me. So why are teachers trying to kill it?] 10-23-14
- Education. LTE. “Two Essays on the SAT Essay Test.” 10-25-14
- Education. “Teachers Unions Flunked Their Midterms.” By Allusia Finley. [A torrent of negative union ads couldn’t hold back education reformer, who won almost across the board.] 11-7-14
- Education. “Making ‘Profit’ a Dirty Word in Higher Education.” By Steve Gunderson. [A million students may lose financial aid thanks to rules that don’t apply to public universities.] 11-13-14
- Education. “Disdainful Employment Rule.” [The White House redoubles its assault on for-profit schools.] 11-17-14
- Education. “Achieving College Diversity Without Discriminating by Race.” By Richard D. Kahlenberg. [Fewer than 1% of Harvard students are community-college transfers. How’s that for socio-economic variety?] 11-20-14
- Education. “Polly Williams, Education’s Rosa Parks.” By Joe Williams. [She began the school choice battle for black children in Milwaukee.] 11-21-14
- Education. “Harvard’s Asian Problem.” [A lawsuit says racial preferences hurt high-achieving minorities.] 11-22-14
- Education. “The Charter-School Windfall for Public Schools.” By Eva Moskowitz. [Competition is making even non-charter schools do better in New York. Yet the city still is undermining school choice.] 11-29-14
- Education. “Regulation for Profit.” [Have the feds got a deal for you – if you’re a nonprofit.” 12-1-2014
- Education. LTE. “Remediation Symptom of Failing Educational System.” 12-2-14
- Education. “Unfree Speech on Campus” [A new stud shows too many colleges still behave like censors.] 12-13-14
- Education. LTE. “The High Cost of Unfree speech on College Campuses” 12-22-14
- Education. “Here Come the Child-Care Cops.” By Katharine B. Stevens. [A new federal grant program requires a college degree before you’re ‘qualified’ to take care of toddlers.] 12-22-14
- Education. “Madam Xu’s Party Line.” [Beijing confirms that Confucius Institutes subvert Western academic freedom.] 12-26-14
- Education. “Colleges Need a Business Productivity Audit.” By Frank Mussano et.al. [Professors are teaching less while administrators proliferate. Let’s find out how all that tuition is being spent.] 12-29-14
- Education. “Schoolyard Bullies in the Nation’s Capital.” By Patrick J. Reilly. [The District of Columbia Council forces Catholic Schools to support student groups that oppose church teachings.] 12-27-14
- Education. “Your Taxpayer Tuition Bill.” [“One of the slow-rolling and under-reported government debacles is the rising amount of student-loan debt that is guaranteed by taxpayers and will never be repaid.”] 12-31-14
- Education. “The Hidden Student-debt Bomb.” By Jason Delisle. [Under the radar, maneuvers to avoid paying off loans are surging. “Forbearance” has hit the $125 billion mark.] 12-31-14
- Education. “How to Fight the Campus Speech Police: Get a Good Lawyer.” “Weekend Interview with Danel Mael by Sohrab Ahmari.” [That’s what student Daniel Mael had to do after Brandeis charged him with ‘harassment’ in a dispute over Israel.] 1-3-15
- Education. LTE. “Colleges Care More for Prestige Than the Bottom Line.” 1-3-15
- Economy. LTE. “Making the U.S. Less Like Europe.” 1-8-15
- Education. “Letting Education and Religion Overlap.” By Robert Maranto et.al. [Why expanding vouchers to include parochial schools is a good idea.] 1-9-15
- Education. LTE. “Student Loans: A Crushing Burden on Young Consumers.” 1-9-15
- Education. LTE. “Let’s Get Real About Suppression of Speech on Campus.” 1-10-15
- Education’s No Dollar Left Behind Competition. By Vicki Alger. [K-12 spending has little bearing on student success, yet state rankings drive the money scramble.] 1-12-15
- Education. “The ObamaCollege Plan.” [Punish for-profits, then subsidize inferior public competitors.] 1-12-15
- Education. LTE. “A University Education Should Come with a Warranty.” 1-12-15
- Education. “Obama’s Dead-End Community College Plan.” By Michelle R. Weise. [Degrees from traditional institutions are no longer the only path into the middle class.] 1-13-15
- Education. LTE. “Is ‘First Two College Years Free ‘ a Good Deal for U.S.?” 1-15-15
- Education. LTE. “U. Maine Is Doing Students Right.” 1-15-15
- Education. “Now He’s After Middle-Class Savers.” [Mr. Obama prepares to wipe out popular vehicles for funding education.] 1-22-15
- Education. “The First Family’s 529 Windfall.” [The large contributions the Obamas have already made won’t be taxed.] 1-23-15
- Education. “Cuomo’s Stand and Deliver.” [The Democrat takes on the unions with major schools reforms.] 1-24-15
- Education. “Beer Old Dartmouth.” [“…The moral panic over U.S. undergraduate life …”] 2-2-15
- Education. “Harvard Law Pushes Back.” [Even liberals objected to Obama’s lack of due process in sexual misconduct cases.] 1-31-15
- Education. “Keeping Precious charter-School Seats Filled.” By Princess Lyles Et.al., [Too many of the schools don’t ‘backfill’ with new students to replace those who move away.] 2-3-15
- Education. LTE. “Student Debt: A Heavy Burden Often Not Worth the Cost.” 2-4-15
- Education. “America’s Disappearing Young Scientists.” By Michael S. Malone. [Grant recipients younger than 36 fell to 3% in 2010, from 18% in 1983. Older scientists now compete for the same money.] 2-6-15
- Education. “Obama’s D.C. Voucher Snub.” [The education blob gets a $3.6 billion raise. Poor kids get cut off.] 2-7-15
- Education. “The Myth of Charter-School ‘Cherry Picking.’” By Eva S. Moskowitz. [A favorite line of attack on school choice has been exposed as false.] 2-9-15
- Education. LTE. “Should Charter Schools Be Compelled to Backfill Seats?” 2-10-15
- Education. LTE. “Community College Plan and the Fallacy of Composition.” 2-11-15
- Education. “Obama’s Student Loan Bargain.” [How to turn rising defaults into ‘savings’ that politicians spend.] 2-11-15
- Education. “Texas Admissions Rumble.” [A new report vindicates a trustee who dug into university favoritism.] 2-13-15
- Education. LTE. “On Charter School ‘Cherry Picking.” 2-13-15
- Education. “Equality Needs More Than Free Tuition.” By Thomas F. ‘Mack’ McLarty. [A role for businesses in increasing opportunities for the young: Offer more apprentice programs.] 2-17-15
- Education. LTE. “No Mystery in the Dearth of Young American Scientists.” 2-17-15
- Education. “Cordially Re-invited.” […reject the close-minded attempts to silence the exchange of ideas on college campuses across the country.] 2-19-15
- Education. LTE “Free Doesn’t Equal Learning Success.” 2-23-15
- Education. LTE. “UFT’s Criticisms Are Off the Mark.” 2-20-15
- Education. LTE. “Better Quality Control for Colleges.” 2-23-15
- Education. Bar Exam. “Reforming the Bar Exam to Produce Better Lawyers.” By Ben Bratman. [A recent overhaul of the test deserves a flunking grade. How about focusing on skills like factual investigation?] 2-26-15
- Education. LTE. “Assuring Our Law School Grads Are Competent Lawyers.” 3-3-15
- Education. “A Fight to Keep Catholic Schools Catholic.” By Ryan T. Anderson et.al. [In San Francisco, the archdiocese is under fire for teaching according to church doctrine.] 3-6-15
- Education. “A Union Charter Flunks Out.” [Randi Weingarten’s model school closes after years of failure.] 3-7-15
- Education. “When Every Day Is a Religious Holiday.” By Stephen Prothero. [In the name of ‘inclusivity,’ the school year is becoming off-limits to teaching. How about zero holidays?” 3-10-15
- Education. LTE. “Requiem for Failed Union-Run Brooklyn Charter School.” 3-13-15
- Education. “A Bad Report Card for This Teachers Union.” By Gregory McGinity. [The union tried to run a charter school – and failed. We saw it coming.] 3-12-15
- Education. “The New Face of Campus Unrest.” By Morton Schapiro. [Students anonymously bullying teachers online in class? Not the enhanced learning we had in mind.] 3-19-15
- Education. “Why the SAT Isn’t a ‘Student Affluence Test.’” By Charles Murray. [A lot of the apparent income effect on standardized tests is owed to parental IQ – a fact that needs addressing.] 3-25-15
- Education. “How Texas Can Take the Lead on School Choice.” By Kent Crusendorf et.al. [[A new bill would let parents pay fopr private schools with state education funding — about $5,200 per child.] 3-28-15
- Education. LTE. “Brains, Wealth (or Its Lack) and Academic Achievement.” 3-31-15
- Education. “The End of History, Part II.” By Lynne V. Cheney. [The new Advanced Placement U.S. history exam focuses on oppression, group identity and Reagan the warmonger.] 4-2-15
- Education. “Turning Schools Into Fight Clubs.” By Eva S. Moskowitz. [If student A’s fist ‘impacts’ student B, they don’t need ‘to dialogue.’ Student A needs to be disciplined.] 4-2-15
- Education. LTE. “Praise for the Real Liberal Arts, If You Can Find Them.” 4-3-15
- Education. LTE. “Suspension, Restorative Justice and Productive Schools.” 4-9-15
- Education. LTE “Students Must Know American History to Learn From It.” 4-10-15
- Education. “Education Does Reduce Inequality.” By Dan Greenstein et.al. [The premium commanded by a college degree has risen, even as the market has been flooded with graduates.].. 4-10-15
- Education. LTE. “On Education, Motivation and Getting Ahead in Life.” 4-17-15
- Education. LTE. “Campus Culture, the Constitution and Common Sense.” 4-18-15
- Education. “Harvard’s Les Miserables.” [Labor exploitation becomes a rallying cry in the academic Third World.] 4-18-15
- Education. “Education and the Art of Minibike Maintenance.” By Rob Friedman. [A high-school class called small engines gave me a career path. Not everyone is academic.] 4-24-15
- Education. LTE. “Harvard, Its Miserables and the Costs of Unionization.” 4-24-15
- Education. “How to Save American Colleges.” (The weekend interview with Mitch Daniels. By Kate Bachelder.) [The Purdue president on freezing tuition, how to reduce student debt, and busting the accreditation cartel.] 4-25-15.
- Education. “Corinthian’s Last Rites.” [The feds and Kamala Harris put 16,000 students on the street.] 4-28-15
- Education. “Shutting Bad Schools, Helping Students.” By Michael J. Petrilli et.al. [Relocating children isn’t popular, but there is a clear educational benefit.] 4-28-15
- Education. LTE. “Accrediting and Saving Our Colleges.” 5-2-15
- Education. The Weekend Interview with School-Voucher Parents. By Stephen Moore. “President Obama, Are You Listening?” [The president wants to zero out a program that is saving poor kids from bad schools – the kind of reform that could work in Baltimore too.] 5-2-15
- Education. “Teaching Better Civics for Better Citizens.” By Sandra Day O’Connor et.al. [American students are alarmingly unfamiliar with the essential elements of democracy.] 5-13-15
- Education. LTE. The President is Listening on Education, but to Whom? 5-12-15
- Education. LTE. “Teachers, Union Dues and Benefits.” 5-14-15
- Education. LTE. “College: Learning, Not Proclaiming.” 5-14-15
- Education. “Bad Deal in Baltimore.” [Progressives and unions gut a charter-school reform.] 5-19-15
- Education. “Justice Kennedy’s Race Do-Over.” [Texas refuses to obey the Supreme Court on college admissions.] 5-21-15
- Education. “The New Jews of Harvard Admissions.” By Jason L. Riley. […In the past 20 years our population has doubled…but the percentage of Asians admitted to elite schools “has been capped artificially low…] 5-20-15
- Education. “Trying to Save Sweet Briar From Oblivion.” [The 114-year-old women’s college is set to close because of financial problems, but we alumnae aren’t giving up.] 5-22-15
- Education. “The Trigger-Happy Generation.” By Peggy Noonan. [If reading great literature traumatizes you, wait until you get a taste of adult life.] 5-23-15
- Education. “The Campaign to Stop Fresh College Thinking.” By John Hardin. [The Koch Foundation gives money to encourage debate on campus. Activists want to silence that debate.] 5-27-15
- Education. “A counter-Cultural High School Summer Reading List.” By Gilbert T. Sewall. [Bleak modern books rule too many high schools. Here are some classic works that will excite and inspire.] 5-30-15
- Education. LTE. “Trigger Warning: This May Offend Immature Wimps.” 5-30-15
- Education. LTE. “ Law Schools Defy the Supreme Court.” 5-30-15
- Education. “A Bachelor’s Degree Isn’t the Only Path to Good Pay.” By Mark Schneider. 6-4-15\
- Education. “Harvard’s Chinese Exclusion Act.” The Weekend Interview with Yukong Zhao, by Kate Bachelder. [An immigrant businessman explains his legal challenge to racial quotas that keep Asian-Americans out of elite colleges.] 6-6-15
- Education. LTE. “College Admission Policies and Equality Under the Law.” 6-6-15
- Education. LTE. “Fresh Thinking Includes Disclosure.” By David Brock, Founder, American Bridge 21st Century. 6-6-15
- Education. LTE. “A Big ‘Own Goal’ for Progressive Speech Victimology.” 6-8-15.
- Education. “How Title IX Became a Political Weapon.” By Jessica Gavora. [Now that the law is used to suppress free speech, even liberals are alarmed. Where have they been?] 6-8-15.
- Education. LTE. “Student Summer Reading: Moving on From the Classics.” 6-9-15
- Education. “Liberal Arts for Conservative Minds.” The Weekend Interview with Larry P. Arnn, by Kyle Peterson. [Hillsdale College takes no federal or state money – but bureaucrats are still plotting ways to regulate its affairs.] 6-13-15
- Education. LTE. “What Makes a Good and Fair College Student Body?” 6-13-15
- Education. “A Brawl Over Tenure on Wisconsin campuses.” By Christian Schneider. [Professors reacted to the budget move as if lawmakers had tried to ban tweed jackets with elbow patches.] 6-20-15
- Education. “The School Lunch Program With an Unappetizing Report Card.” By Julie Kelly and Jeff Stier. [The first lady’s project is plagued by complaints of inedible meals, wawsted food and misspent funds.] 6-18-15
- Education. LTE “What Is It That College Accreditors Should Consider? 6-26-15
- Education. LTE. “Are Tax Credits and Vouchers for Religious Schools OK?” 6-26-15
- Education. LTE. “The New, Healthier School-Meals Standards Work Well.” 6-27-15
- Education. “Sweet Briar’s Second Chance.” [A lesson for small liberal arts schools trying to survive.] 6-29-15
- Education. tenure. LTE. “Sure, Professors Like Tenure, but Does It Help Students? 7-1-15
- Education. “The College Ratings Redo.” 7-3-15 [“…President Obama’s plan to rank U.S. colleges and universities flunked out at the Education Department…”]
- Education. LTE “Religious Bigotry in Colorado.” 7-3-15
- Education. vouchers “All Arne’s Children.” [“…the Education Secretary continues to fight vouchers for private schools…” 7-14-15
- Education. unions “The Teachers Union Votes Hillary.” [“…The AFT wouldn’t be backing Hillary this early if it didn’t expect to be repaid in policy if she wins. Poor children will be the losers.”] 7-13-15
- Education. LTE. “College Isn’t as Affordable as Lamar Alexander Thnks.” 7-14-15
- Education. Unions. “Even Teachers Are No Fans of Forced Union Payments.” By Paul E. Peterson and Martin R. West. [An ‘agency fee’ levied on those who refuse to join a union isn’t popular in schools or with the public.] 7-16-15
- Education. Women’s colleges. “The Transgender Challenge for Women’s Colleges.” By Daniella J. Greenbaum. [With gender lines blurred, single-sex schools try to figure who can apply – and where they’re going to sleep.] 7-18-15
- Education. “College Aid Means Higher Tuition.” [A new Fed study shows that colleges pocket most student subsidies.] 7-20-15
- Education. LTE “Loving Public Education, for Others.” 7-20-15
- Education. “Parent-Trigger V-Day.” [A judge slaps down a school district for subverting the law.] 7-21-15
- Education. “A Texas Teaching Moment.” [Why shouldn’t a home-schooling mother chair the school board?] 7-23-15
- Education. Vouchers. “Tar Heel Voucher Victory.” [A scholarship program for poor kids survives a union legal assault. 7-27-15
- Education. LTE. “Desperate Situation At a Minority School” [in Anaheim, CA] 7-29-15
- Education. “ ‘Single Most Destructive Force.’” [Chris Christie identifies the main problem in U.S. public education.] Economy. “Shackling the Sharing Economy.” [Big Labor and the Plaintiffs bar gang up on Internet startups.] 8-3-15
- Education. LTE. “Pell Grants to Prisoners are Good, and Cheap at the Cost.” 8-4-15
- Education. “We Taught Summer School — and Survived.” By Marek Fuchs. [“…summer sessions with pubescent 12- and 13- year-olds? That’s true back-to-basics teaching, with a bit of zookeeping thrown in…”] 8-7-15
- Education. “The Suicide of the Liberal Arts.” By John Agresto. [Indoctrinating students isn’t the same as teaching them. Homer and Shakespeare have much to tell us about how to think and how to live.] 8-8-15
- Education. “School Choice for Special-Needs Students.” By Thomas M. Chiapelas. [Other children like our son would benefit from having vouchers that increase their options.] 8-10-15
- Education. “College Tenure Has Reached Its Sell-By Date.” By John O. McGinnis and Max Schanzenbach. [With higher education under pressure, the costs and burdens of this job guarantee need to be reconsidered.] 8-12-15
- Education. LTE. “Federal Money and College Costs.” 8-13-15
- Elections. “Candidates and Their Lobbyist Pinatas.” By Joel Jankowsky. 8-12-15
- Elections. LTE. “No Thanks Are Due to Super PACs” 9-13-15
- Education. LTE. “HillaryCare Comes to College Students and Campuses.” Immigration. “The Deportation Party.” [Trump proposes to stop even most legal immigration.] 8-18-15
- Education. LTE. “Ending the Campus Suicide Watch for the Liberal Arts.” 8-19-15
- Education. “The Bright Students Left Behind.” By Chester E. Finn Jr. and Brandon L. Wright. [While everyone focuses on boosting the weakest students, America’s smartest children are no longer being pushed to do their best.] 8-20-15
- Education. LTE. “It May be Time to Change the College Tenure System.” 8-21-15
- Education. “Hey, Conservatives, You Won.” By Daniel Henninger. [“…The College Board’s rewritten 2015 teaching guidelines are almost a model of political fair-mindedness. This isn’t just an about-face. It is an important political event…”] 8-27-15
- Education. LTE. “Raising the Underperforming at the Cost of the Talented.” 8-27-15
- Education. “Giving College Administrators a Business Education.” By Bruce D. Benson. [When state funding at the University of Colorado began drying up, we quickly found cuts that saved millions.] 8-27-15
- Education. LTE. “Huge Debt Can Turn Advanced Degrees Into Liabilities.” 8-28-15
- Education. “Why I’m Not Looking to Hire Computer-Science Majors.” By Daniel Gelernter. [Finding software developers is hard, especially with colleges doing such a rotten job of teaching them skills.] 8-29-15
- Education. “A Prep-School Legal Tangle.” By Katherine Tarbox [I’m a sexual-assault victim and support vigorous prosecution, but the St. Paul’s School case took an odd turn.] 9-1-15
- Education. LTE. “Battle Won Over AP U.S. History, but Not Yet the War.” 9-1-15
- Education. “Nevada’s Voucher Breakout.” [Unions and the ACLU fight universal statewide school choice.] 9-2-15
- Education. LTE. “Do We Really Want Colleges to be Run as Businesses? 9-3-15
- Education. “The Judges Who Stole School Choice.” 9-8-15
- Education. LTE. “Cultivating Bright Students, or Not.” 9-10-15
- Education. “The Education Gangs of Los Angeles.” (The Weekend Interview with Alfonso Flores, by Allysia Finley) [Meet the decorated former Green Beret who is rallying Los Angeles parents to fight the unions and reform the worst public schools, one school at a time.] 9-12-15
- Education. “A Federal Raid on Local Schools.” By R. Shep Melnick. [A directive on ‘equal access’ ignores the law and won’t achieve its intended goals.] 9-14-15
- Education. “Hillary’s For-Profit Education.” [The company that paid Bill doesn’t do well on the Obama scorecard.”] 9-15-15
- Education. “How Young Teachers Pay for Those Who Won’t Budge.” By Marcus A. Winters. [New, more mobile teachers are being exploited by lifers who refuse to reform unaffordable pensions.] 9-15-15
- Education. LTE. “Our Public Schools Need Real Accountability.” 9-18-15
- Education. LTE. “Not All Colleges Have the Same Student Outcomes” 9-22-15 [[cf. #178, above.]]
- Education. “The Reds Won’t Rate My College.” By David Whalen. [“…According to the online scorecard, Hillsdale College, an accredited liberal-arts college in Michigan…doesn’t exist.] 9-29-15
- Education. “Architect Licensing Needs a Gut Rehab.” By Frank J. Mruk III. [No wonder fewer students are signing up – it takes on average 14.5 years after high school to become licensed.] 9-30-15
- Education. “Trust Busting Higher Ed.” [Good news: Politicians are targeting the accreditation cartel.] 10-5-15
- Education. “The Lost Education Opportunity.” [John King is a solid Obama appointment, not that it will matter.] 10-6-15
- Education. “Zuckerberg’s $100 Million Lesson.” By James Piereson and Naomi Schaefer Riley. [The Facebook CEO would have been better off funding scholarships than pouring money into bad schools.] 10-6-15
- Education. “A Tale of Two Schools, One Building.” By Nicholas Simmons. [I taught at a New York City charter, upstairs from a public school where the neglect of students is tragic.] 10-7-15
- Education. “College Applications, Parental Exasperations. By Robert Scherrer. [For starters, when did finding a college turn into a modern version of the 18th-century Grand Tour?} 10-8-15
- Education. LTE. “Accreditors and Measuring Inputs vs. Outputs.” 10-9-15
- Education. “The Humanities Need a Course Correction.” By Paula Marantz Cohen. [Consider academia’s contrasting treatment of Erich Segal in the 1970s and Cornel West today.] [“…By the end of the 20th century, the humanities departments in universities had become closed enclaves….”] 10-10-12
- Education. LTE “Being Ignored by Feds Could Be an Advantage.” 10-10-15 [cf. 9-29 #182 here]
- Education. LTE “Training Skilled Architects More Efficiently.” 10-10-12 (cf. #183, here)
- Education. LTE. “Good Intentions and $100 Million Fail Again.” 10-13-15 [cf. #186 Zuckerberg, here]
- Education. LTE. “For-Profit Colleges Haven’t Outperformed Nonprofits.” 10-15-15
- Education. LTE. “College Education: No Place Like Your Home-State U.” 10-15-15
- Education. LTE. “Charter Schools and Comparable Populations.” 10-19-15
- Education. LTE. “Of Course Colleges Recruit Foreign Students.” 10-19-15
- Education. LTE. “Better-Educated Nurses Tend to Give Better Results.” 10-21-15
- Education. “High-School English Without the Politics.” By Helaine L. Smith. 10-22-15
- Education. LTE. “Criticism of the University of Phoenix Is Undeserved.” 10-22-15
- Education. “Obama’s For-Profit Stealth Attack.” [The Pentagon punishes Phoenix on orders from Senate headquarters.] 10-22-15
- Education. “Boehner’s School Voucher Legacy.” 10-24-15
- Education. LTE. “Charters and Students Who Want to Learn.” 10-27-15
- Education. “Obama’s Education Report Card.” [Test scores fall after testing comes under assault. Imagine that.] 10-29-15
- Education. LTE. “Chastise Any Exploitative For-Profit Colleges.” 10-28-15
- Education. LTE. “School Food Nutrition Upgrade Is Working.” 10-28-15
- Education. LTE “Shakespeare’s Labor Lost as Standards Fall.” 10-30-15
- Education. “The Closing of a Newsroom’s Mind.” By Donald E. Graham. [I’ve seen how for-profit colleges can help students – many of them older and seeking better jobs – but the government and the media want to shut them down.] 10-31-15
- Education. LTE. “Fundamental Science and Useful Applications.” 10-31-15
- Education. LTE. “Repression of Campus Free Speech Is Really Hate Speech.” 11-6-15
- Education. “Yale’s Little Robespierres.” [Students berate faculty who try to defend free speech.] 11-10-15
- Education. “Bonfire of the Academy.” [As liberal adults abdicate, the kids take charge on campus.] 11-11-15
- Education. “Clinton Turns Against Charters.” [Randi Weingarten got what her union’s endorsement paid for.] 11-12-15
- Education. “An Adult on Campus.” [Mitch Daniels offers a lesson to college administrators.] 11-12-15
- Education. LTE. “Dear Alma Mater as a Lobbying Juggernaut.” 11-13-15 (Re: ranking institutions)
- Education. “Why Students Need to Sit Up and Pay Attention.” By Eva Moskowitz. [Our charters are guided by what I leaned from a great public-school teacher: Distracted, misbehaving children aren’t learning.”] 11-13-15
- Education. “The Rise of the College Crybullies.” By Roger Kimball. [The status of victim has been weaponized at campuses across the nation, but there is one encouraging sign.] 11-14-15.
- Education. “The Craven Cry for ‘Civility.’” By William McGurn. [The missing virtue on U.S. campuses isn’t civility but the courage to enforce it.] 11-17-15
- Education. “Boy Scouts Search for a New Path.” By Michael S. Malone. 11-17-15
- Education. LTE. “Boola Boola, Lots of Moola, Little Backbone.” [cf. Yale’s Little Robespierres, 11-10-15 here] 11-17-15
- Education. “When the College Madness Came to My Campus.” By Charles R. Kesler. [The student protests are about power. And now that leftists have it, what good to them is free speech?] 11-18-15
- Education. “Louisiana’s School Voucher Victory.” [A sordid Justice Department lawsuit gets a judicial rebuke.] 11-21-15
- Education. LTE “Semi-Adult Kindergarten for $60,000 a Year.” 11-21-15
- Education. “Chicago School of Free Speech.” By L. Gordon Crovitz. [An antidote for the infantilizing craze sweeping campuses.] 11-23-15
- Education. “A Campus Mayhem Syllabus.” [The grievance protests spread, and the adults keep rolling over.] 11-23-15
- Education. LTE “Sitting and Concentrating Are Required for Learning.” 11-23-15
- Education. LTE. “An Alternative to Unions For Charter School Teachers.” 11-25-15
- Education. “The Catholic School Revival.” By Karl Zinsmeister. “Religious education is borrowing lessons – and leaders – from successful charters.” 11-27-15
- Education. “Arizona’s End Run Around the Education Spending Lobby.” By Jon Gabriel. [The Republican governor’s plan to put money into classrooms disrupted the usual union coalition.] 11-28-15
- Education. “The New Campus Dissenters.” [Not everyone is cowed by political intimidation at universities.] 11-28-15
- Education. LTE. “A Pampered Generation With Hurt Feelings.” 11-28-15
- Education. “No Child Left Behind’s Successor.” [Congress rewrites the Bush-era law by giving more power to states.] 11-30-15
- Education. LTE. “Campus Protests – Why Are We Surprised??” 12-2-15
- Education. LTE. “Vouchers Need More than Judicial Victories.” 12-2-15
- Education. “John Rassias.” [The Dartmouth professor changed language instruction.] 12-7-15 [“…reminders of what once made U.S. higher education the envy of the world…]
- Education. “Safeguarding Student Diversity.” By Gregory L. Fenves. [Our admissions policy at the University of Texas merits strong backing from the Supreme Court.] 12-9-15
- Education. “Speech Crimes on Campus.” [The First Amendment makes a comeback at some universities.] 12-10-15
- Education. “Anti-School Choice Religious bigotry.” By Michael Bindas. [Using a law with ugly anti-Catholic roots to deny education options of children.] 12-11-2015
- Education. LTE. “Preferences OK, but Not Diverse World Views.” 12-12-15
- Education. “How to Raise a Scientist in the Xbox Age.” By Robert Scherrer. [Increase kids’ boredom so they’ll start daydreaming. Also, forget about today’s ultrasafe chemistry sets.] 12-15-15
- Education. “A School Voucher Surrender.” [John Boehner would not have left the D.C. scholarships in limbo.] 12-18-15
- Education. “How Colleges Make Racial Disparities Worse.” By Richard Sander. [Affirmative action sets up unprepared students for failure. Yet schools ignore this ‘mismatch’ evidence.] 12-18-15
- Education. “Cuomo’s Education Retreat.” [A case study in how unions undermine teacher accountability.] 12-28-15
- Education. “At Last, Some Campus Sanity.” ROTC Gains. By Jonathan E. Hillman And Cheryl Miller. 12-30-15
- Education. “How Congress Left Behind Public-School Choice.” By Chad Aldeman. [Obama calls the new law a ‘miracle.” Tell that to students no longer able to transfer from bad schools.] 12-30-15
- Education. LTE. “Student-Loan Mess: Socialism Doesn’t Work.” 12-31-15
- Education. “Teach Your Children Well: Unhook Them from Technology.” By Naomi Schaefer Riley. [Teachers at Mountain Oak say they can immediately detect who has been using devices at home.] 1-2-16
- Education. LTE “’Educational Reform That Made No Sense.’” [“…Stop blaming teachers unions…”] 1-4-16
- Education. “Why I’m Fighting My Teachers Union.” By Harlan Elrich. [I don’t want to be forced to pay for a political agenda I don’t support. Now the Supreme Court will rule.] 1-4-16
- Education. LTE. “Technology Too Soon Doesn’t Help Learning.” 1-9-16
- Education. “In Age of Google, Librarians Get Shelved.” By Steve Barker. [A library-science degree can’t compete with online search, but we still have a role.] 1-11-16
- Education. LTE. “Football and the Goals of Higher Education.” 1-11-16
- Education. “A New Semester, a New Approach to Campus Turmoil.” By Paul McHugh. [The work of the Yale professor who was berated by students helps explain the ‘emotional stampede’ and how to address it.] 1-11-16
- Education. LTE. “When ROTC Was Politically Incorrect, Some Were Loyal.” 1-12-16
- Education. “The Vindication of Phoenix.” [The Pentagon backs off its punishment of the for-profit college.] 1-19-16
- Education. LTE “Colleges Need Real Tolerance of Real Diversity.” 1-20-16
- Education. “Detroit’s Public School Plague.” [A teacher walkout highlights the need for radical reform.] 1-23-16
- Education. “Rhodes Must Not Fall.” By L. Gordon Crovitz. [Oxford’s sensitive students demand a stature’s removal. Time to stand firm.] 1-25-16
- Education. “How the Reds Use Title IX to Bully Universities.” By Jacob E. Gersen. [Lowering the burden of proof for sex-assault cases isn’t required – but schools don’t dare challenge it.] 1-25-16
- Education. LTE. “What Detroit Schools Need Is Better Teachers.” 1-27-16
- Education. “Bulletin: Good D.C. News.” [“…Evidence that accountability improves student learning keeps piling up, but unions remain oblivious..”] 1-29-16
- Education. LTE. “Don’t End Contract Law for Student Debtors.” 1-30-16
- Education. Big Govt. LTE. “Office for Civil Rights Should Respect Rights.” 2-5-16
- Education. “Fighting Congress for a Capital Education.” By Stephen Ford. [A scholarship that helps thousands escape bad D.C. schools could disappear – but families won’t go easily.] 2-13-16
- Education. “Regulating Education for Profit.” [Tony Miller helped trash for-profit colleges. Now he hopes to cash in.] 2-17-16
- Education. “A Dangerously Good Charter School.” By Allysia Finley. [“…The influx of new residents is inciting a backlash against growth in the upscale Phoenix suburb of Scottsdale…”] 2-19-16
- Education. “A Last-Gasp Chance for Detroit’s Abysmal Schools.” by Ingrid Jacques. [As the state readies a financial rescue, Gov. Snyder’s reform plan is starting to lose steam.] 2-20-16
- Education. “How the Sex-Harassment Cops Became Speech Police.” By Will Creeley. [“If you care about free speech on campus, watch closely the First Amendment case of Teresa Buchanan…”] 2-20-16
- Education. LTE. “Late Bloomers Shouldn’t Load Up on Student Debt.” 2-24-16
- Education. LTE. “Resuscitating Detroit’s Poor Public Schools.” 2-25-16
- Education. “Show Me Free Speech.” [Missouri fires the professor who tried to muzzle students.] 2-27-16.
- Education. LTE. “Vassar, the Palestinians and Free Discourse.” 2-27-16.
- Education. LTE. “Phoenix U. Rises From the Regulatory Ashes.” 2-29-16
- Education. LTE. “On Antibusiness Attitudes in Business Schools.” 2-29-16
- Education. “The Feds and Students vs. Taxpayers. By Jorge Klor de Alva and Mark Schneider. [Obama is encouraging loan recipients to claim they were misled by colleges. Guess who will pay.] 3-4-16
- Education. “Calculus Is So Last Century.” By Tianhui Michael Li and Allison Bishop. [“…It is time to ask ourselves: Is calculus really the best choice to serve as the culminati8ng mathematical experience for a vast majority of students…”] 3-5-16
- Education. LTE. “Lansing Didn’t Run Down Detroit’s Schools.” 3-7-16
- Education. LTE. “Where is the Black Elite on Education Issues?” 3-8-16
- Education. LTE. “Calculus Is Still Useful in the Calculator Age.” 3-11-16
- Education. “Unions Take on Catholic Schools.” by Nicholas G. Hahn III. [The First Amendment can’t protect schools that lose sight of their religious mission.] 3-11-16
- Education. “Orderliness in School – What a Concept.” By Eva S. Moskowitz. [Our charter schools are under fire for being strict. Funny, students do well and parents are eager to sign up.] 3-15-16
- Education. “The college Scorecard Strikes out.” By Peter McPherson and Andrew P. Kelly. [A federal tool meant to help students pick a school can be downright misleading.] 3-17-16
- Education. “Back to Bad Schools in the Bayou.” [Louisiana’s new Governor favors unions over minority students.] 3-19-16
- Education. “On the Front Lines of the Teacher-Tenure Battle.” By Cami Anderson. [I agonized as unionized staff defended a system that protected bad teachers but not children’s futures.] 3-21-16
- Education. LTE. “A Rule Change for Public-School Discipline?” 3-24-16
- Education. LTE. “More on That Study of Bayou Charter Schools.” 3-25-16
- Education. “The Obama Education Profit Seekers..” [A former official finds a way around a new rule punishing for-profits.] 3-26-16
- Education. “Why Americans Hate Government.” [The regulators who destroyed Decker College have never been held accountable.] 3-28-16
- Education. LTE. “Having the ‘Year Abroad’ Experience at Home.” 3-29-16
- Education. “Let’s Not Pay College Athletes.” By Howard P. Chudacoff. [Yes, major sports at big-time colleges bring in lots of money. And the players are cosseted like royalty.] 3-29-16
- Education. LTE. “Striving to Improve Education in Louisiana.” .] 3-30-16
- Education. “Here’s Why Tests Matter.” By James Piereson and Naomi Schaefer Riley. [The SAT is especially important. With Grade inflation, report cards are basically meaningless.] 3-31-16
- Education. LTE. “The College Scorecard: A Government Failure.” 4-1-16
- Education. “The One Kind of Diversity Colleges Avoid.” By John Hasnas. [I’ve seen faculty searches up close. Somehow teachers with conservative views just don’t make the cut.] 4-1-16
- Education. “How to Turn Around a Terrible School.” By Richard Grant. [A Mississippi elementary school was transformed by a nonprofit run by Netscape’s former CEO.] 4-2-16
- Education. LTE. “Paying College Athletes for ‘Amateur’ Sports.” 4-2-16
- Education. LTE. “Student Testing: Last Stand of Meritocracy.” 4-6-16
- Education. LTE. “Lessons From the Ranch: Schooling A Teen in Hard Work.” By Kyle Peterson. [Sen. Ben Sasse’s daughter got a month-long education in caring for cattle and driving a tractor.] 4-6-16
- Education. “The civil Illiberties Union Targets a Yeshiva.” By Avi Schick. [New Jersey’s college grants set off church-state alarms – and years of litigation.] 4-8-16
- Education. “Punished for Blogging at Marquette.” [A tenured professor faces dismissal after a blog went viral.] 4-8-16
- Education. LTE. “We’re For Diversity, as Long as We All Agree.” 4-8-16
- Education. Maybe Free-Range Students Isn’t the Way to Go. By Christine Ma-Keliams. [Make-your-own curricula can hamper growth, in part by teaching us to quit anything we don’t find fun.] 4-8-16
- Education. LTE. “College Athletics: A Second Start for the Disadvantaged.” 4-11-16
- Education. “Harvard’s Final Insult.” [The university will ban students from governing their own social lives.] 4-16-16
- Education. “Campus Unicorns: Conservative Teachers.” By Jon A. Shields and Joshua M. Dunn Sr. [One professor told us he was ‘lying to people all the time’ to hide his politics.] 4-21-16
- Education. LTE. “Promoting Intellectual Diversity on Campus.” 4-29-16
- Education. “I Was Disinvited on Campus.” By Jason L. Riley. [The anti-free speech takeover is so complete that now the fear of stirring a protest can determine what ideas students will hear.] 5-4-16
- Education. LTE. “Harvard, Clubs and Freedom of Association.” 5-5-16
- Education. “Speechless on Campus.” [John McAdams sues to keep his tenured position at Marquette.] 5-6-16
- Education. “The Diplomas – and Jobs – Washington Wants to Kill.” By Robert Cherry. [Demonizing for profit colleges because of a few bad actors ignores their many economic benefits.] 5-10-16
- Education. LTE. “’The Disinvited’ Sounds Like a Horror Movie.” 5-12-16 [Re: 5-4-16 WSJ article, “I Was Disinvited on Campus.” [#307, here]
- Education. “Why Free Speech Matters on Campus.” By Michael Bloomberg and Charles Koch. [’Safe spaces’ will create graduates unwilling to tolerate differing opinions – a crisis for a free society.] 5-13-16
- Education. LTE. “On Improving College Campus Race Relations.” 5-14-16
- Education. LTE. “Does Anybody Still Care About Free Speech?” 5-19-16
- Education. LTE. “Campus Racial Diversity Is Worth the Effort.” 5-20-16
- Education. “Progressivism’s Macroaggressions.” [Bookshelf by Michael Warren] “The Closing of the Liberal Mind” by Kim R. Holmes. [The goal of postmodern progressives isn’t universal truth, but power, which is presented in the guise of equality and social justice.] 5-23-16
- Education. “Dear Grads, You Need P&L.” by Andy Kessler. [Even if you don’t like capitalism, you’d better draw up a personal profit-and-loss statement if you want to change the world.] 5-23-16
- Education. “Vouching for Achievement,” [A new study shows higher test scores for students using vouchers.] 5-27-16
- Education. “College Isn’t Always the Answer.” By Jeffrey Selingo. 5-27-16
- Education. “A Fresh Turn in the New Orleans Charter School Miracle.” By John White. [Oversight will revert to the city from the state, but with safeguards to ensure that gains remain intact.] 5-28-16
- Education. “How the Yale Halloween Vigilantes Finally Got Their Way.” By Zachary Young. [Nicholas and Erika Christakis step down from their administrative posts, closing a sorry chapter at the university.] 6-4-16
- Education. LTE. “For Many College Often Isn’t the Best Choice.” 6-6-16
- Education. “Punishment Without Evidence on Campus.” [Obama’s latest diktats force schools to eviscerate due process.] 6-7-16
- Education. LTE. “What Cure for Foreign Students’ Cheating?” 6-14-16
- Education. LTE. “Justice’s War on the Law and Y Chromosomes.” 6-15-16
- Education. “Notable and Quotable: Teacher Tenure.” 6-15-16
- Education. “Obama’s Student Loan Writeoff.” [First target for-profit schools, then have taxpayers pay the bill.] 6-17-16
- Education. “The For-Profit Kill Zone.” [Approve a for-profit college and you must also be destroyed.] 6-23-16
- Education. “Obama Empties Innovative classrooms.” By Allysia Finley. [Carl Barney thought he was doing a good deed by going nonprofit. The feds still want to kill his schools.] 6-23-16
- Education. LTE. “We Didn’t Have the Time To Demonstrate on Campus.” 6-28-16 (See “Yale” 6-4-16 here.)
- Education. LTE. “Teacher Tenure Helped Me in a hard Situation.” 7-5-16
- Education. “The Scandal of K-12 Education.” By Juan Williams. [Another school year over, another lost opportunity for millions of students. Minorities suffer the most.] 7-5-16
- Education. LTE. “It Takes a Stable Home Life to Raise a Child.” 7-9-16
- Education. “Free College, Dude” [Clinton’s offer to millennials: subsidies now, higher taxes later.] 7-11-16
- Education. “I’m banning Laptops From My Classroom.” By Stuart Green. [Students use computers to take notes, sure, but that’s not all. One spent class streaming a hockey game.] 7-11-16
- Education. LTE. “Beware of Ignorance of America’s History.” 7-12-16
- Education. LTE. “Universities Turning Into Boarding Schools.” 7-14-16
- Education. LTE. “Oblivious to Everyone but Totally Connected.” 7-16-16 (electronic devices in schools)
- Education. “Pence on School Choice.” By Allysia Finley. [Hillary Clinton has picked an education fight the Trump crowd should relish.] 7-20-16
- Education. LTE. “Wisconsin’s Teachers Unions Have Paid a Costly Price.” 7-29-16
- Education. “Let’s Agree on Free Community College.” By Rahm Emanuel and Bill Haslam. [Both parties should get behind an idea that helps thousands of students in Chicago and Tennessee.] 7-29-16
- Education. “Paying for College Has to Be Easier Than This.” [Government policies discourage parents from saving for their children’s education.] 8-2-2016
- Education. LTE. “Should Free Community College Get a Pass?” 8-4-16
- Education. “The Charter School Advantage.” [In New York City, some students are making huge achievement gains.] 8-8-16
- Education. “The College Formerly Known as Yale.” By Roger Kimball. [Any renaming push on the Ivey campus should start at the top – with Elihu Yale, slave trader extraordinaire.] 8-9-16
- Education. “Clinton Should Listen to Kaine on Vocational Schools.” By James Piereson. [Hillary’s proposals on debt-free college education would benefit the wealthy at the expense of the poor.] 8-9-16
- Education. LTE. “Yes, There Is a Better Way to Pay for College.” 8-10-16
- Education. “Bigger Loans for STEM Students.” By S.P. Kothari and Korok Ray. [Science majors are more likely to find jobs and repay debt.] 8-15-16
- Education. “Clinton Abandons the Middle On Education.” By Paul E. Peterson and Martin R. West. [Most rank-and-file Democrats disagree with the party platform.] 8-15-16
- Education. LTE. “Yale: The slippery Slope of Renaming History.” 8-16-16
- Education. “Writing Off Student Loans Is Only a Matter of Time.” By Daniel Planko. [Thanks in large part to Obama policies, only 37% of borrowers are paying down their student loans.] 8-16-16
- Education. LTE. “Let’s Have Colleges Co-Sign Student Loans.” 8-19-16
- Education. “Students Lose, Liberals Elated.” [California denies a constitutional challenge to failing schools.] 8-23-16
- Education. “Clinton’s Bailout for the College – Industrial Complex.” By Charles J. Sykes. [The flood of cash she proposes will only inflate the bubble, freeing schools from pressure to reform.] 8-23-16
- Education. “The Chicago School of Free Speech.” [One school tries to educate freshmen, not bow to their anxieties.] 8-26-16
- Education. “Free Speech Is the Basis of a True Education.” By Robert JU. Zimmer. [A university should not be a sanctuary for comfort but rather a crucible for confronting ideas.] 8-26-16
- Education. “Poor Children Need a New Brown v. Board of Education.” By Theodore J. Boutrous Dr.. and Joshua S. Lipshutz. [Students deserve federal protection from the twisted logic of tenure rules that undermine learning.] 8-29-16
- Education. “Silent Cal’s Merit Scholarships.” By Matthew Denhart and Amity Shlaes. 8-30-16
- Education. “Obama’s For-Profit Execution.” [How to kill a company without proving a single allegation.] 8-30-16
- Education. LTE. “U. of Chicago Says ‘No’ to the Thought Police.” 8-30-16
- Education. “Opening Day at a New Charter School.” By Allysia Finley. 8-31-16
- Education. “Massachusetts Charter Showdown.” [Charlie Baker asks progressives to live up to their principles.] 9-1-16
- Education. LTE. “War on IT Tech Is Part of a Greater Battle.” 9-2-16
- Education. “Free College? Why Clinton’s Plan Won’t Work.” [Many states wouldn’t be able to generate the billions of dollars needed to match federal grants.] 9-2-16
- Education. “Obama’s Education Rewrite.” [The feds won’t leave even a year-old statute untouched.] 9-6-16
- Education. “Charter Schools Are Reinventing Local Control in Education.” By Chester E. Finn Jr., Bruno V. Manno and Brandon L. Wright. [Charters are supplanting the union-dominated school board model. The big winners are students.] 9-6-16
- Education. LTE. “Chater Schools and the Tenth Amendment.” 9-7-16
- Education. “The Clinton For-Profit Standard.” [ITT’s biggest mistake was not putting Bill Clinton on the payroll.] 9-7-16
- Education. LTE. “The Massachusetts House Pushed for Charter Schools.” 9-9-16
- Education. “For-Profit Government.” [Community colleges are trying to cash in on the closure of ITT.] 9-10-16
- Education. LTE. “Free College? Why Not Fix High School First?´ 9-10-16
- Education. LTE. “Laureate Beat ITT in the Washington Bowl.” 9-15-16
- Education. “A safe Space for Unsafe Spaces.” By L. Gordon Crovitz. [Restoring free speech to campus will take resolve, but Chicago shows the way.] 9-19-16
- Education. “Trump’s School-choice Fight.” [His plan to let money follow the child is a moral and political winner.] 9-19-16
- Education. “A Bay State Referendum on Charter Schools.” By Roger Lowenstein. [Boston’s charter-school students are learning twice as fast as their peers. Why vote against more charters?] 9-27-16
- Education. “The Human Cost of the Assault on For-Profit Schools. By Allysia Finley. [‘My life goal has been ripped up from under me,’ says a woman who was 12 weeks away from a degree.] 9-30-16
- Education. “Nevada’s School Choice Victory.” [Unions lose their attempt to kill education saving accounts.] 9-30-16
- Education. “Don’t Call It a Crisis.” (Bookshelf by David Wessel.) “Student Debt by Sandy Baum,” “Game of Loans by Beth Akers & Matthew M. Chingos.” [The highest student-loan default rate is not among borrowers with large debts but among those who left school owing less than $5,000.] 10-13-16
- Education. LTE “Really Effective College Ratings Are Elusive.” 10-13-16
- Education. “The NAACP’s Charter-School Test.” [The venerable civil-rights group may sell out poor black children.] 10-14-16
- Education. “The NAACP’s Disgrace.” [The civil-rights group votes to keep minorities trapped in poverty.] 10-17-16
- Education. “The Ivy League Doesn’t Need Taxpayer’s Help.” By James Piereson and Naomi Schaefer Riley. [Colleges that hoard cash – endowments of $2 million per student – should be encouraged to spend it.] 10-17-16
- Education. “Yale Believes in Free Speech – and So Do I. “ by Peter Salovey. [We can work to make campuses more inclusive, while at the same time upholding free expression.] 10-18-16
- Education. “Dumb and Dumber.” By Daniel Henninger. [This is what’s going to happen to U.S. education if Hillary Clinton wins.] 10-20-16
- Education. “College Sex Meets the Star Chamber.” By Jennifer C. Braceras. [At Yale’s sexual misconduct tribunals, defendants can’t even cross-examine witnesses.] 10-21-16
- Education. LTE. “Yale’s President Leaves out Crucial Details.” 10-24-16
- Education. “Yale’s Process is Honest, Fair and Transparent.” 10-27-16
- Education. LTE “University Endowments Aren’t Bank Accounts.” 10-28-16
- Education. “Obama’s Student Loan Pardon.” [Taxpayers get the bill for millennial vote-buying and for-profit closures.] 11-2-16
- Education. LTE. “Public Education Must Give Better Results.” 11-2-16
- Education. “Teachers Unions Fight to Save Georgia’s ‘Dropout Factories.’” By Kyle Wingfield. [Nearly 68,000 students are in failing schools. Voters may approve a plan based on Louisiana’s success.] 11-5-16
- Education. “School Choice Bonus.” [A new study finds that state scholarship tax credits save money.] 11-9-16
- Education. (Bookshelf by Daniel Shuchman) “Free Thought Under Siege: What’s Happened to the University?” by Frank Furedi. [The battle over microaggressions going on at our universities is both a symptom and a cause of malaise and strife in society at large.] 11-10-16
- Education. “Entrepreneurial Solutions to Skyrocketing Tuition.” By Justin Dent. [Arizona State offers online classes with no tuition. Students who pass can then pay for course credit.] 11-21-16
- Education. “Betsy DeVos’s School Mission.” [Trump’s nominee fought and beat antireform unions across the U.S.] 11-25-16
- Education. “Why Trump’s Education Pick Scares Unions.” By Jason J. Riley. [Betsy DeVos favors school choice and helped pass Michigan’s first charter-school bill.] 11-30-16
- Education. “Obama’s Giant Student-Loan Con.” [The huge taxpayer bill for buying millennial votes is coming due.] 12-2-16
- Education. “Copying Singapore’s Math Homework.” By Wendy Kopp. [The world needs a network of organizations to help countries learn from each other’s education systems.] 12-8-16
- Education. “How Trump’s Schools Chief Helped Turn Around Detroit.” By Ingrid Jacques. [There’s still work to do, but thanks to Betsy DeVos more than half the city’s students attend charters.] 12-10-16
- Education. “Free Speech on the Quad.” [The First Amendment makes a comeback, but watch out for the bias reporting team.] 12-10-16
- Education. “Trump’s Education Pick: A Win for Public-School Parents.” By Paul E. Peterson. [School choice might be the answer for parents who want more for their kids.] 12-13-16
- Education. “A Bill to Police Campus Speech.” By Erwin Chemerinsky and Howard Gillman. [Senate legislation aimed at anti-Semitic speech runs afoul of the First Amendment.] 12-16-16
- Education. “Just Don’t call It ‘Trump University.’” By Andy Kessler. [The president-elect should back a new GI bill for online courses.] 12-16-16
- Education. “Why I wanted to Debate Peter Singer.” By Robert P. George. [Students, pay attention: There’s always value in listening to those who see the world differently.] 12-19-16
- Education. LTE. “Campus Free-Speech Intimidators Shielded.” 12-27-16
- Education. “Time to Reform the Kangaroo Courts on Campus.” By Robert Shibley. [The Education Department should raise standards for campus courts – protecting victims and the accused.] 12-28-16
- Education. “The Library Lockout at Our Elementary School.” By Michael K. Herdershot. [When the librarian was let go, parents volunteered to help. But that’s a union job only, we were told.] 1-7-17
- Education. “Why Johnny (Still) Can’t Read” (Bookself by Michael S. Roth.) Review of: “Language at the Speed of Sight.” By Mark Seidenberg. [We know more than ever about how to teach literacy, but when we test American kids, two-thirds score at low levels of competency.] 1-11-17
- Education. “Who’s Afraid of Betsy DeVos?” [Trump’s Education nominee is the top Democratic target.] 1-14-17
- Education. “A Senator Fights DeVos With FIRE.” [Pennsylvania’s Bob Casey attacks her for donating to a civil-liberties group.] 1-17-17
- Education “Obama’s Student-Loan Fiasco.” [A ‘coding error’ helped justify a punitive new education regulation.] 1-23-17
- Education. “A High-Tech Rebirth From Higher Ed’s Ruins.” By David Gelernter. [Colleges are failing, but what can replace them? Online courses, net-campuses and mentors.] 1-23-17
- Education. (Bookshelf by Jennifer C. Braceras) “Witch Hunt on the Quad.” (“The Campus Rape Frenzy” by KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor Jr.) [America is in the grip of a moral panic. Are we really to believe that colleges are more dangerous for women than downtown Detroit?] 1-27-17
- Education. “Censorship is Free Speech? It Must Be the Class of 1984.” by Jillian Kay Melchior. [Political correctness on campus has reached the stage of a perfect Orwellian inversion.] 1-27-17
- Education. “Scott Walker’s School Bonus.” [Act 10 let schools pay better teachers more, and learning increased.] 1-30-17
- Education. “The GOP’s DeVos Doubters.” [Will Republicans hand teachers unions a big victory?”] 1-31-17
- Education. “How State Lawmakers Can Restore Freedom on Campus.” By Peter Berkowitz. [Use the power of the purse to abolish speech codes – making public colleges into a model for private ones.] 1-31-17
- Education. “Betsy DeVos’s School Frenemies.” [Eli Broad and some charter advocates sell her out to the unions.] 2-3-17
- Education. LTE. “Totalitarians Disarm the Past by Killing Off History.” 2-8-17
- Education. “Notable & Quotable: Booker.” [ Sen. Cory Booker, who voted Tuesday against confirming Betsy DeVos as education secretary, speaking in 2012 at a conference of the American Federation for Children, the advocacy group chaired at the time by Mrs. DeVos] “I cannot ever stand up and stand against a parent having options, …” 2-8-17
- Education. “The DeVos Apocalypse.” By Daniel Henninger. [Charters are eroding the Democratic urban base of teachers and black parents.] 2-9-17
- Education. “Who’s Afraid of Student Journalists?” by John J. Miller. [The American Association of University Professors likens reporting on campus to ‘witch hunts.’] 2-9-17
- Education. “How to Stop Betsy DeVos.” [A Congressman suggest the nuclear opton for Education.] 2-11-17
- Education. Scott Walker. “Scott Walker’s Tuition Markdown.” [A tuition freeze stirs a campus revolt but not by students.] 2-11-17
- Education. “Yale’s Inconsistent Name-Dropping.” By Roger Kimball. [Several campus names are more objectionable than John C. Calhoun – including Elihu Yale.] 2-13-17
- Education. “How to Beat the High Cost of Learning.” By Richard Vedder. [Financial aid has caused tuitions to skyrocket. If we can’t abolish it, we can at least simplify it.] 2-16-17
- Education. “Even the SAT Has Become Political.” By Trip Apley. 2-17-17 [“…I sat down to take the college Board’s SAT exam…We were asked to analyze a(n)…article…The author: New York’s junior senator, Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand, who had recently introduced the legislation…] 2-17-17
- Education. “It’s Racial Indoctrination Day at an Upscale Chicagoland School.” by Peter Berkowitz [As administrators foist ‘social justice’ on 4,000 suburban students, parents plead for balance.] 2-18-17
- Education. “No Student Deserves the Bureau of Indian Education.” By Naomi Schaefer Rilely. [This school system for Native Americans is abysmal, but tribal leaders see it as a jobs program.] 2-23-17
- Education. “The Shaming of Betsy DeVos.” By Wm. McGurn. [The education secretary should use what her critic fear most: the bully pulpit.] 2-28-17
- Education. “Economics Shouldn’t Be an Elective.” By Benjamin Auslin. [High school students need to understand supply, demand and money management.] 3-3-2017
- Education. “The mob at Middlebury.” [A mob tries to silence Charles Murray and sends a prof to the ER.] 3-4-17
- Education. “The Dalai Lama Is Politically Incorrect.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [Mao touted ‘diversity and inclusion,’ too: ‘Let a hundred flowers bloom.’] 3-6-17
- Education. “Middlebury’s Statement of Principle.” By Jay Parini and Keegan Callanan. [Learning is possible only where free, reasoned and civil speech is respected.] 3-7-17
- Education. “America’s Got Immigrant Talent.” [Children of immigrants are dominating U.S. scientific contests.] 3-7-17
- Education. “McCarthyism at Middlebury.” By Daniel Henninger. [The silencing of Charles Murray is a major event in the annals of free speech.] 3-9-17
- Education. “the Hoosier Jobs Experiment.” [Indiana tries to certify skills rather than a college degree.] 3-9-17
- Education. “How Trump Can Expand School Choice.” By Timothy Michael Dolan. [A scholarship tax credit would put poor kids in good private schools – and relieve packed public ones.] 3-9-17
- Education. “American Teachers Unions Oppose Innovative Schools – in Africa.” By Eric A. Hanushek. [Bridge Academies show promising results in Kenya and Uganda but cause First World problems.] 3-10-17
- Education. “The Liberal-Arts ‘Bubble’ Didn’t Always Cause Such Trouble.” By James Piereson and Naomi Schaefer Riley. [Colleges in places like Middlebury, far from the ‘real world,’ were once safe spaces for inquiry.] 3-11-17
- Education. “The Middlebury Aftermath.” [Robert George and Cornel West issue a defense of free speech.] 3-15-17
- Education. “The Education of an American Sage.” (The Weekend Interview with Thomas Sowell by Tunku Varadarajan) [The scholar and longtime columnist discusses his rise from poverty and the country’s ‘degeneration’ into ‘grievance culture.’] 3-18-17
- Education. “An Obama Decree Continues to Make Public Schools Lawless.” By Jason L. Riley. [To improve education, allow teachers to administer discipline regardless of race.] 3-22-17
- Education. Free Speech. “Stand, Columbia.” [Charles Murray speaks at a university – and no one gets hurt.] 3-25-17
- Education. “’The Postmodern’ Intellectual Roots of Today’s Campus Mobs.” By Crispin Sartwell. [If reality is nothing but a ‘narrative,’ then of course it’s important to control what people say.] 3-25-17
- Education. “Is the Ivy League’s Admission Bias a ‘Trade Secret’?” by Jason L Riley. [Princeton sues to block the government’s release of documents that could show discrimination.] 3-29-17
- Education. “Betsy DeVos’s Many Choices.” [“Education Secretary Betsy DeVos gave her first big policy speech on Wednesday, and you probably didn’t read about it…”] 3-31-17
- Education. “Does Harvard Consider Oscar Wilde ‘Marginalized’?” by Heather MacDonald. [A new requirement to study authors kept down by ‘racism, patriarchy and heteronormativity.’] 3-31-17
- Education. (The Weekend Interview with Jonathan Haidt by Bari Weiss.) “The Cultural Roots of Campus Rage.” [An unorthodox professor on the ‘new religion’ that drives the intolerance and violence at places like Middlebury and Berkeley.] 4-1-17
- Education. “School choice Deniers.” [Critics hype a pair of studies while ignoring other evidence on education vouchers.] 4-3-17
- Education. “A Lawsuit Accuses Yale of Censoring Even Inoffensive Ideas.” By Peter Berkowitz. [A class essay condemning rape was ‘unnecessarily provocative,’ the Title IX coordinator allegedly said.] 4-3-17
- Education. “An Anti-Koch Meltdown at Wake Forest.” By Naomi Schaefer Riley. [Professors are attacking the billionaires and undermining academic freedom.] 4-7-17
- Education. “The Silencing of Heather MacDonald.” By Wm. McGurn. [Lofty college statements on free speech are worthless without enforcement.] 4-11-17
- Education. “Witness to the Star Chamber.” (Bookshelf by Cathy Young.) “Unwanted Advances” by Laura Kipnis.” [A disturbing glimpse into the process of campus investigations and a scathing indictment of current American feminism.] 4-11-17
- Education. “Arizona’s Grand School Choice.” [The state enacts universal education savings accounts.] 4-11-17
- Education. “How to End a Campus Injustice With the Stroke of a Pen.” By Stuart Taylor Jr. [The Obama era Title IX sex-crime regime should give way to real regulations that respect due process.] 4-11-17
- Economy. United Airlines. “Make America Great, Boycott United.” By Homan W. Jenkins, Jr. [Sometimes a business needs to be spanked hard in the name of social health.] 4-12-17
- Economy. United Airlines. “A Market for United’s Bookers.” [As Julian Simon taught, an auction is the best solution to overbooking.] 4-12-17
- Economy. “How Technology Liberates Human Capital.” By Michael Milken and Igor Tulchinsky. [Digital innovation and robots are opening new possibilities for workers across the U.S. economy..] 4-12-17
- Education. “The Anti-School Choice Coalition.” [Democrats in Maryland and the GOP in Texas punish poor kids.] 4-12-17
- Education. “Every Public=School Student in Arizona Will Get a Chance at Choice.” By Jonathan Butcher. [The state expands its program offering $5,000 to $14,000 in education savings accounts.] 4-15-17
- Education. “Black Men Speaking Latin.” By Wm. McGurn. [A dead language helps forge identity and esprit de corps, like boot camp for Marines.] 4-18-17
- Education. “Those ‘Snowflakes’ Have Chilling Effects Even Beyond the Campus.” By Heather Mac Donald. [Academic intolerance is the product of ideological aggression, not a psychological disorder.] 4-22-17
- Education. “Middlebury Struggle Session.” [The wrong man issues an apology for violent student behavior.] 4-25-17
- Education. “Learn Free or Die.” [New Hampshire can put its famous state motto to work on education.] 4-26-17
- Education. “Repeal Yale’s Trustee Gag Rule.” By Lauren Noble and Richard West. [We asked candidates their views on free speech. The university told them they were obliged to shut up.] 4-26-17
- Education. LTE. “A ‘Snowflake’ Blizzard Buries Free Thought.” By Karl T. Muth, PH.D. 4-28-17
- Education. “Trump and Congress Can Help Restore Campus Free Speech.” By Harvey Silverglate. [Withdraw the Obama Title IX ‘guidance’ and tie federal funds to respect for the First Amendment.] 5-1-17
- Education. “Your Friends in Public School.” [The lengths they’ll go to deny kids and parents an education choice.] 5-8-17
- Education. “Have You Seen Junior’s Psych Profile?” by Aida Cerundolo. [Public schools may be assessing your kids without your consent.] 5-9-17
- Education. “A Philosopher Gets Pilloried.” by Jillian Kay Melchior. [The academic left accuses her of ‘epistemic violence’ for asking scholarly questions about identity.] 5-9-17
- Education. “In Praise of Edison Jackson.” [“…As if we needed another example of civility gone off the rails at America’s institutions of higher learning, the treatment given Education Secretary Betsy DeVos this week at Bethune-Cookman University deserves special mention…”] 5-13-17
- Education. “When the Welders Came to Capitol Hill.” By Tom Suozzi. [Not all good jobs do, or should, require a college degree.] 5-15-17
- Education. “The Innovator’s Dilemma Hits Higher Ed.” By Alana Dunagan. [Purdue’s acquisition of Kaplan University is risky, unconventional, unexpected – and smart.] 5-16-17
- Education. Blacks. “The Outsiders Who Were Behind the Booing of Betsy DeVos.” By Jason L. Riley. [Trump hosted black college presidents in the Oval Office, something Barack Obama never got around to.] 5-17-17
- Education. “Los Angeles Charter Uprising.” [Voters elect a pro-reform majority on the local school board.] 5-22-17
- Education. “A heretic at Duke Divinity School.” By Peter Berkowitz. [The dean brings charges of ‘unprofessional conduct’ for a vigorous defense of free inquiry.] 5-22-17
- Education. “Notable& Quotable: Will Yale Ever Learn?” [“…The school seems to view the events of 2015 as some kind of triumph, instead of the offense they represented against the basic idea of a university.”] 5-26-17
- Education. “Why History Will Repay Your Love.” By Peggy Noonan. [Knowing the past is ‘a wonderful way to enlarge the experience of being alive,’ says historian David McCullough.] 5-27-17 (“…We are raising a generation of young Americans who are by and large historically illiterate…)
- Education. “The Campus Mob Came for Me – and You, Professor, Could Be Next.” By Bret Weinstein. [Whites were asked to leave for a ‘Day of Absence.’ I objected. Then 50 yelling students crashed my class.] 5-31-17 (“…Evergreen has slipped into madness. You don’t need the news to tell you that – the protester’s own videos will do…”)
- Education. “The Diminishing Returns of a College Degree.” By Richard Vedder and Justin Strehle. [In the mid-1970s, far less than 1% of taxi drivers were graduates. By 2010 more than 15% were.] 6-5-17
- Education. Conservatives. “Are you Sitting Down? [John Manning, the new dean of Harvard Law, is a conservative.] 6-7-17
- Education. Blacks. “50 Year After Loving v. Virginia, Colleges Embrace Segregation.” By Jason L. Riley. [Students have demanded free tuition and housing for blacks as well as black-only dorms.] 6-7-17
- Education. “What Causes High Tuition? Don’t trust Your Intuition.” By Preston Cooper. [When states cut spending by $100, students at public colleges do pay more – but the increase is only $5.00.] 6-8-17
- Education. “Harvard Admits It Can’t Teach Everyone.” By Naomi Schaefer Riley. [The university dumps students for sharing foul memes. Who’ll re-educate them now?] 6-9-17
- Education. “Mayor Pre-K Stiffs Success.” [Universal education for everyone except those unions don’t like.] 6-10-17
- Education. “ DeVos’s Gainful Redeployment.” [She withdraws two rules that punished for-profit schools.] 6-17-17
- Education. “Trump’s Non-Celebrity Apprentices.” [An electrician or plumber can make more than a college grad.] 6-19-17
- Education. “German-Style Apprenticeships Can’t Be Easily Replicated.” By Eric A. Hanushek. [Half of young Germans enter vocational training, and the rigid labor market relies on certification.] [“…American schools are not competitive…”] 6-19-17
- Education. “All de Blasio’s Children.” [New York’s mayor gives up control to block more charter schools.] 6-23-17
- Education. “Will Trump Edn Campus Kangaroo Courts?” by KC Johnson. [Democratic senators, a New Jersey task force and even the ABA mobilize against due process.] 7-5-17
- Education. “State of the Teachers Union.” [Good news from the NEA: It’s getting out of government.] 7-6-17
- Education. “New York City Has 1,800 Public Schools. Why Not Let Parents Pick?” by Mene Ukueberuwa. [Students can transfer out of 88 struggling schools, but many are trapped in merely mediocre ones.] 7-8-17
- Education. “New Evidence on School Vouchers.” [Some optimistic findings from Indiana and Louisiana.] 7-10-17
- Education. “An A for Activism on Campus.” [The latest trend in college grade inflation.] 7-15-17
- Education. “Betsy DeVos’s Due Process.” [The left is outraged that she wants fairness in sexual assault hearings.] 7-20-17
- Education. “Charter Grads Get a Leg Up in College.” By Richard Whitmire. [The NAACP and NEA have chosen the wrong time to double down on failing traditional schools.] 7-27-17
- Education. “Claremont’s Social Justice warriors Face the Music.” By Sophie Mann. [A withdrawn job offer to a bigoted administrator, and serious punishment for disrupting a speech.] 7-31-17
- Education. “Higher Ed Goes Lower.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. 8-4-17
- Education. “What is Harvard Hiding?” [Evidence of bias against Asian-Americans deserves legal scrutiny.] 8-7-17
- Education. “college Is Trade School for the Elite.” By Allen Guelzo [Even education in the humanities has become vocationalized, though the transformation is subtle.] 8-7-17
- Education. LTE. “School Vouchers Diminish Public Education.” By Randi Weingarten, President, Amer. Fed. of Teachers. 8-9-17 (cf. July 20, here — #496, above)
- Education. “A Berkeley ‘Escape Hatch.” [Emails show how afraid university staff are of protesters.] 8-10-17
- Education. “Dan Loeb’s Political Offense.” [The investor is a target because he supports charter schools.] 8-14-17
- Education. “Randi Weingarten’s Racial Demagoguery.” By Jeanne Allen. [The union head likens choice to segregation. What would Polly Williams think?] 8-17-17
- Education. “Wisconsin Educrats Have a Proposal – but It’s Dull and Conventional.” By C.J. Szafir and Libby Sobic. [ States must submit school plans to D.C. this fall, and some are including bold reforms. Others are not.] 8-19-17
- Education. “Mizzou Pays a Price for Appeasing the Left.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [Enrollment id sown more than 2,000. The campus has had to take seven dormitories out of service.] 8-21-17
- Education. “Is There a ‘Hispanic Perspective’ on Historical Banana Cultivation?” by Charles L. Geshekter. [Diverse classrooms are livelier, we’re told, but most students don’t know enough for it to matter.] 8-22-17
- Education. LTE. “Meeting America’s Need for the Best Engineers.” 8-24-17
- Education. “Test Scores Don’t Lie: Charter Schools Are Transformative.” By Eva Moskowitz. [Our black and Hispanic students in central Harlem outperform the city’s white pupils by double digits.] 8-24-17
- Education. “Republicans Won’t Let Chicago’s School Crisis Go to Waste.” By Allysia Finley. [In exchange for bailing out the Windy City, Illinois’s Gov. Rauner wants a serious voucher program.] 8-26-17
- Education. “Rauner’s Big School Victory.” “The Illinois Governor wins a choice program for poor students.” 8-31-17
- Education. “The Teachers Union’s Public Enemy No. 1” (The Weekend Interview with Betsy DeVos by James Taranto) [She is Trump’s stylistic opposite, but she stirs more antagonism than any other cabinet member.] 9-2-17
- Education. “The Free-Speech Battles of Berkeley.” [The mayor pressures the new chancellor to cancel controversial speakers.] 9-5-17
- Education. “A Free-Speech To-Do List for College Administrators.” By Erwin Chemerinsky and Howard Gillman. [Set clear, neutral rules and support the rights of controversial speakers before a crisis begins.] 9-5-17
- Education. “The DeVos Guidance Speech.” [The Education Secretary takes on Obama’s assault on campus due process.] 9-8-17
- Education. “DeVos Pledges to Restore Due Process.” By KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor Jr. [The Obama Education department’s Title IX decree ‘failed too many students,’ she says.] 9-8-17
- Education. LTE. “Chicago’s Schools Finally Get Fair Funding.” 9-8-17 (by Rahm Emanuel, Mayor, Chicago)
- Education. “Charter Schools Are Flourishing on Their Silver Anniversary.” By David Osborne. [The first one, in St. Paul, Minn., opened in 1992. Since then they’ve spread and proven their success.] 9-8-17
- Education. “Straight Talk for College Women.” By Jennifer C. Braceras. [Be prudent about alcohol, and know that school administrators don’t have your interests at heart.] 9-12-17
- Education. “Another Obama Policy Betsy DeVos Should Throw Out.” By Jason L. Riley. [A 2014 guidance letter on racial disparities in school discipline has helped crated classroom chaos.] 9-13-17
- Education. “Sexual Politics.” By Daniel Henninger. [The DeVos revision of college rules will reveal who stands where on due process.] 9-14-17
- Education. “The Campus Left vs. the Mentally Ill.” By Clay Routledge. [Berkeley offers counseling to those upset by a guest speaker. Other students have genuine problems.] 9-14-17
- Education. “In New York, There’s No Alternative to a Free School Lunch.” By Naomi Schaefer Riley. [“…according to Ms. Farina and Mayor Bill de Blasio, well-off youngsters need a free lunch in order to keep poor kids from becoming social outcasts….”] 9-15-17
- Education. “The Price of Free Speech at Berkeley.” [Security for Ben Shapiro’s speech cost more than $600,000.] 9-16-17
- Education. “What’s the Point of a Liberal Education? Don’t Ask the Ivy League.” By Peter Berkowitz. [Few top colleges explain their purpose to students. They want to talk gender and inequality instead.] 9-16-17
- Education. LTE. “Mayor Emanuel’s Chicago School Flimflam.” 9-19-17 (See LTE Sept. 8)
- Education. “Higher Ed’s Latest Taboo Is ‘Bourgeois Norms.” By Heather McDonald. [An op-ed praising 1950s values provokes another campus meltdown – from the deans on down.] 9-19-17
- Education. “James Madison Weeps.” [A survey finds college students are clueless about free speech.] 9-20-17
- Education. LTE. “Avoiding Sexual-Assault Problems on Campus.” 9-21-17
- Education. LTE. “Title IX, Sex, Violence and Campus Justice.” 9-22-17
- Education. “inside the Madness at Evergreen State.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [The school denies it is a racially hostile work environment, but internal emails belie that assertion.] 9-22-17
- Education. “Restoring Due Process on Campus.” [Finally, an end to the dreaded 2011 ‘Dear Colleague’ letter.] 9-25-17
- Education. “Keep Students Safe From the Heckler’s Veto.” By Robert Shibley. [Colleges encourage more violence when they appease mobs.] 9-28-17
- Education. “Campus Speech and Anti-Klan Laws.” By Jay Weber. [Have you been censored or shouted down? You may have legal recourse. Here’s a handy guide.] 10-2-17
- Education. “Add, Subtract, Multiply & Divide.” (Bookshelf by Jane Gleeson-White.) “Arithmetic” by Paul Lockhart. [Students may better grasp division by thinking of it as the opposite of multiplication – or, in the author’s words, as ‘unmultiplication.’” 10-9-17
- Education. “Defying Betsy DeVos.” [Universities refuse to reform their policies on sexual assault.] 10-9-17
- Education. “The Free-Speech Wars.” By Daniel Henninger. [“…a Trump tweet… “If UC Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view – NO FEDERAL FUNDS?”] 10-12-17
- Education. “Cornell’s Black Student Disunion.” By Naomi Schaefer Riley. [A radical group calls on the university to disfavor immigrants.] 10-19-17
- Education. “Let’s Agree: Racial Affirmative Action Failed.” By John Katzman and Steve Cohen. [And college admissions offices should reveal the true secret sauce (not test scores) for getting in.] 10-27-17
- Education. “Charter and Traditional Schools Find a Common Purpose in Texas.” By Richard Whitmire. [KIPP is collaborating with local districts to improve college admission and graduation rates.] 10-28-17
- Education. “Colleges Should Protect Speech – or Lose Funds.” By Frederick M. Hess and Grant Addison. [Withhold federal research dollars from institutions that practice viewpoint discrimination.] 10-31-17
- Education. “The College Tax-Reform Tantrum.” [Higher ed howls at the modest cut in subsidies in the House bill.] 11-9-17
- Education. “A hedge Fund that Has a University.” By Thomas Gilbert and Christopher Hrdlicka. [Taxing endowments’ investment income would help higher ed.] 11-14-17
- Education. “Higher Education’s Deeper Sickness.” By John M. Ellis. [Political imbalance causes intellectual degradation. Riots against free speech are only a symptom.] 11-14-17
- Education. LTE. “Debating Progressive Dominance on Campus.” 11-20-17
- Education. “Leave College Endowments Alone.” By Harry McMahon. [A tax proposal would raise little revenue but harm higher ed.] 11-30-17
- Education. “Lorde of the Flies: Why college Students Reject Reason.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [Meet the poet who championed subjectivity and what is now called ‘intersectionality.”] 12-9-17
- Education. “LSU’s ‘Lazy River’ and the Student-Fee Sham.’ By Naomi Schaefer Riley. [Like Congress, universities hand future generations the bill for boondoggles.] 12-16-17
- Education. “Stopping a Student-Loan Scam.” [Betsy De Vos shuts down an Obama-era invitation to fraud.] 12-27-17
- Education. “Tales From the Public School Crypt.” [A case study in how far Detroit will got to punish charter-school students.] 1-2-18
- Education. “Unions Won’t solve Higher Education’s Problems.” By Paul H. Tice. [I know nothing about cars. As an adjunct professor of finance, I have to join the United Auto Workers.] 1-4-18
- Education. “Studying Western Civilization in the South Bronx.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [Hostos Community college overcomes students’ resistance to learning about ‘dead white dudes.’] 1-13-18
- Education. Unions. “A Very Bad Bargain.” [A Cornell study says students suffer from collective bargaining.] 1-17-18
- Education. “New York’s Bid to Control Religious Schools.” By Avi Schick. [Local public districts would have the power to shut down private institutions.] 1-19-18
- Education. “Marquette and the First Amendment.” [Wisconsin’s Supreme Court will judge a vow of academic freedom.] 1-29-18
- Education. “The War on Grades Deserves to Fail.” By Jennifer C. Braceras. [New assessments make it almost impossible to compare schools.] 1-30-18
- Education. “Columbia vs. United Auto Workers.” [Graduate assistants of the Ivy League. Unite!] 2-2-18
- Education. “DeVos’s New College Try.” [A revised rule would apply to more than for-profit schools.] 2-5-18
- Education. “Distorted Campus Assault Math.” [A survey claims 41% of Tulane women have been sexually assaulted.] 2-9-18
- Education. “There’s One Thing Worse Than Paying Bad Teachers Not to Work.” By Marcus A. Winters. [Bill de Blasio’s New York has started putting them back in the classroom, especially in poor areas.] 2-10-18
- Education. “Free Speech Gets Expensive.” [A university sent the College Republicans a $17,000 security bill.] 2-10-18
- Education. “No Racial Quotas in Special Education.” By Jason L. Riley. [Betsy DeVos is preparing to undo another pernicious Obama School policy.] 2-14-18
- Education. “Schools Need Active-Shooter Drills.” By John G. Iannarelli. [Most deaths occur during the first five minutes. Preparing teachers and students would save lives.] 2-16-18
- Education. “Responding to Parkland.” [The one solution that works is shooting back at shooters.] 2-16-18
- Education. “Antifa Rages Against Google’s Dissident.” By Andy Ngo. [James Damore is coming to Portland State, and ‘intersectionalists’ are issuing threats.] 2-16-18
- Education. “The Free-Speech University.” (The Weekend Interview with Robert J. Zimmer by Tunku Varadarajan.) [Steve Bannon is giving a talk at Chicago. Its president is confident he won’t be shouted down.] 2-17-18
- Education. “The Parkland Massacre and the Air We Breathe.” By Peggy Noonan. [What’s gone wrong with our culture that produces such atrocities? It’s a very long list.] 2-17-18
- Education. “If You Want Your Child to Succeed, Don’t Sell Liberal Arts Short.” By Michael Zimm. [Critical-thinking skills are useful in any profession, and not all classes are obscurantist or politicized.] 3-3-18
- Education. “Military Families Deserve School Choice.” By Jim Banks. [Education dollars should follow students who move frequently.] 3-7-18
- Education. “Standards Put to the Test.” (Bookshelf by Naomi Schaefer Riley.) “Common Core” by Nicholas Tampio. [There is something for everyone to hate in the Common Core educational initiative: politics, subject matter, method. Are the criticisms fair.] 3-12-18
- Education. “’The Gender Gage Rap Is Real!’”(sic) by Christina Hoff Sommers. [“…Most Lewis & Clark students…are easygoing and committed to free expression. But that didn’t stop the bullying minority from turning up the volume…”] 3-15-18
- Education. “Reflections On a Decade Of Leading a Think Tank.” By Arthur C. Brooks. [Remember Gresham’s law, ‘Bad money drives out good.’ Something similar is happening with ideas.] 3-15-18Education. “You Can’t Work Your Way Through College Anymore.” By Richard R. West. [In 1956, I waited tables for $1 an hour. That was enough to pay for one-sixth of my Yale education.] 3-17-18
- Education. “The Penn Law School Mob Scores a Victory.” By Heather Mac Donald. [Now Black Lives Matter wants Amy Wax fired for arguing that preferences harm their beneficiaries.] 3-19-18
- Education. “The University of Denial.” By Amy L. Wax. [Aggressive suppression of the truth is a central feature of American higher education.] 3-23-18
- Education. “A Riot of Civility Erupts in Philly – of All Places.” By Paula Marantz Cohen. [After the Super Bowl win, university students had tea with the dean and learned how to disagree agreeably. 3-24-18
- Education. “Degree Inflation and Discrimination.” By Frederick M. Hess and Grant Addison. [Could civil-rights laws and ‘disparate impact’ protect job applicants who haven’t finished college?” 4-3-18
- Education. “School is Expensive. Is It Worth It?” (The Weekend Interview with Bryan Caplan by James Taranto) [For your kids, yes — at least assuming they graduate. But the author of ‘The Case Against Education’ says the benefits to society are vastly overstated.] 4-14-18
- Education. “Crowding Out K-12 Education.” [The real budget story behind those teacher strikes: Medicaid.] 4-17-18
- Education. “Reed College Bows to the Bullies.” [Students get their way by harassing staff and shutting down class.] 4-20-18
- Education. “How Sports Ate Academic Freedom.” By Jay M. Smith. [Big-money athletics undermine universities’ core commitments: truth, discovery and free inquiry.] 5-1-18
- Education. “’How to Lie With Statistics’: Teachers Union Edition.” By Allysia Finley. [They conflate state and total funding, play games with baselines, and ignore noncash teacher benefits.] 5-3-15
- Education. “Believers In Higher Ed.” (Bookshelf by Naomi Schaefer Riley) “Fundamentalist U” by Adam Laats.”[Nondenominational Christian colleges have often defined themselves by their religious doctrine than by their position as outsiders.] 5-7-18
- Education. “A Scarlet Title IX Letter.” [A North Carolina court ruling could tarnish young people for life.] 5-8-18
- Education. “The Bias Response Team Is Watching.” By Julian Kay Melchior. [A lawsuit challenging the University of Michigan’s speech police may serve as a nationwide model.] 5-9-18
- Education. “The Trashing of George Mason U.” [The left gangs up on the school for having conservative professors.] 5-12-18
- Education. “Who Needs Calculus? Not High-Schoolers.” By James Markarian. [They’d be better off taking AP statistics or computer science.] 5-15-18
- Education. “Teaching Tolerance.” (Bookshelf by Jonathan Marks) “Speak Freely” by Keith E. Whittington,” “Hate” by Nadine Stossen. [Colleges are becoming increasingly soft on free speech when they should be adhering to an even higher standard than the societies they inhabit.] 5-17-18
- Education. “The GOP’s Ambitious College Reform Plan.” By Allen C. Guelzo. [Simplify student loans, expand vocational options, protect free speech, end ‘public service’ subsidies.] 5-17-18
- Education. “Not Everyone Should Go To College.” By Oren Cass. [Vocational education won’t succeed so long as society consigns it to second-class status.] 5-18-18
- Education. “’I Don’t Believe That Anymore.’” [The Children’s Scholarship Fund has helped 166,000 poor kids in 20 years.] 5-19-18
- Education. “Advice to New Grads: Scale or Bail.” By Andy Kessler. [Want to change the world? Don’t bother volunteering – get a real, ‘boring’ job.] 5-21-18
- Education. “’UnKoch’ Attaks Academic Freedom.” By Daniele Struppa. [“…Those who really care about academic freedom must protect the freedoms of those with whom they disagree.”] 5-21-18
- Education. “Campus Censorship Hits pro-Lifers Hard.” By Kristan Hawkins. [When antifa issued threats to my student group, Cal State Fullerton did nothing.] 5-22-18
- Education. ‘Pay Teachers More – but Make Sure they Earn It.” By Robert Maranto. [I’d suggest a 40% raise to put them on par with civil engineers – and reforms to improve teacher quality.] 5-22-18
- Education. “Rough Social Justice at Evergreen State.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [The Washington college’s enrollment plummets as even the left sours on protest-mob politics.] 5-23-18
- Education. LTE. “Time for Vocational Education Renaissance.” “The IRS Bursts Cuomo’s Tax Illusion.” [About that California and New York charity work-around: Sorry.] 5-24-18
- Education. “Conservatives Can Benefit From Liberal Colleges.” By Matthew Reade. [Facing hostility isn’t easy, but it helped me become more self-confident.] 5-25-18
- Education. “The Catholic School Difference.” [A new study shows the benefit of demanding student self-discipline.] 6-2-18Economy. “The Canard About Falling Incomes.” By Andy Kessler. [Don’t believe the government’s consumer-price index, which is obsolete.] 6-4-18
- Economy. “The Economic Risks of Trump’s Premature Tweeting.” By Jason Furman. [Jobs data are closely held to prevent volatility and insider trading at the expense of the public.] 6-4-18
- Economy. “Upgrade America’s 19th-Century Electric Grid.” By Charles Bayless and Thomas Petri. 6-5-18
- Economy. “Now Hiring – Everywhere.” [The tight labor market may soon become an obstacle to growth.] 6-6-18
- Education. “Progressive Education Today.” [“It’s like the [Education Department’s] motto is, ‘If it’s not broken, break it”…] 6-7-18
- Education. “University Boardrooms Need Reform.” By Paul S. Levy. [As in corporate America in the 1980s, self-serving managers are putting institutions at risk.] 6-11-18.
- Education. “The Attack on Educational Excellence.” By Jason L. Riley. [Schools considered ‘too Asian’ were once branded ‘too white’ or ‘too Jewish.’] 6-13-18
- Education. “Financial Games Colleges Play.” By Kevin Carey. [Their aid-award letters often confuse students with jargon or deceptive claims of zero ‘net cost.’] 6-14-18
- Education. “More Misery in Missouri.” [The university continues to struggle with fallout from the 2015 protests.] 6-16-18
- Education. “Responding to the Bias Response Team.” [Justice scores the University of Michigan for chilling speech.] 6-18-18
- Education. “A Movement Rises to Take Back Higher Education.” By Emily Esfahani Smith. [Heterodox Academy, now more than 2,000 strong, stands against censorship and for free inquiry.] 6-14-18
- Education. “Harvard is Too Discriminating.” By Ilya Shapiro. [A lawsuit may eventually give the Supreme Court a chance to clarify its vies or racial preferences.] 6-19-18
- Education. “The Democrats’ Racial Fault Line.” By Wm. McGurn. [Asian-Americans challenge party orthodoxy on race-based admissions.] 6-26-18
- Education. “The Moral Logic of School Choice.” By Bobby Jindal. [The U.S. broadly respects parental rights – except with regard to schooling.] 6-26-18
- Education. “Marquette’s Black Eye.” [A professor’s victory for contracts and academic freedom.] 7-7-18
- Education. LTE. “Taking the Measure of School Admission Tests.” 7-7-18
- Education. “Save the SAT Writing Test.” By Naomi Schaefer Riley. [It’s a much better measure than application essays.] 7-9-18
- Education. “Rethinking College.” (Bookshelf by John Leo). “The University We Need.” By Warren Treadgold. [ A new private university may be needed, one that reflects the intellectual opinions of a spectrum of educated Americans outside academe.] 7-19-18
- Education. “Harvard’s Education in Discrimination.” [A lawsuit is revealing the secrets of race in admissions.] 8-6-18
- Education. “’Diversity’ Looks a Lot Like Old-Fashioned Discrimination.” By Michael Blechman. [I was barred from top law firms as a Harvard student in the ‘60s. Today Asians face similar prejudice.] 8-11-18
- Education. “The worm In the Apple.” (Bookshelf by Naomi Schaefer Riley.) “How Schools Work.” By Arne Duncan. [A former education secretary doesn’t pull his punches when it comes to teachers’ union; still, the Obama administration didn’t take them on.] 8-14-18
- Education. “Milwaukee’s Public School Barricade.” [The bureaucracy defies a state law on selling vacant buildings.] 8-14-18
- Education. “DeVos’s Gainful Deregulation.” [Two new rules will expand options for low-income students.] 8-18-18
- Education. “Blue State ‘Charity.’” [Rubbing SALT into the wounds of school-choice scholarships.] 8-18-18
- Education. “A Free Tuition Education.” [Ken Langone’s book should be required reading at NYU.] 8-21-18
- Education. “Turning Arizona Into New Jersey.” [Public unions fund initiatives to raise taxes and kill school choice.] 8-25-18
- Education. “Back-to-School Advice for College Trustees.” By Allen C. Guelzo. [Many institutions offer no training for newly arrived board members. Here are some tips from a veteran.] 8-25-18
- Education. “The Unbearable Darkness of Young Adult Literature.” By Steve Salerno. [Books on sexual abuse, dysphoria, racism, gang life domestic violence and school shootings.] 8-29-18
- Education. “Teach Grad Students How to Make a Living.” By Susan Shapiro. [Too many teachers see the pursuit of money as shameful.] 8-31-18
- Education. “Fragile, Fearful, Feeling Aggrieved.” (Bookshelf by Laura Vanderkam.) “The Coddling of the American Mind.” By Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt. [Thanks to well-meaning, if misguided, parents and educators, students can’t see nuance, and they don’t feel tough enough to handle debate.] 9-10-18
- Education. “Due Process for Sexual Assault Cases.” [The Sixth Circuit says the accused have a right to cross-examination.] 9-14-18
- Education. “Bert and Ernie, Political Puppets.” [The enforcers of identity uber alles descend on a children’s TV show.] 9-20-18
- Education. “The Humanities’ Decline Makes Us Morally obtuse.” By Paul Marantz Cohen. [Many ‘educated’ people are too ignorant to realize the same person can be a victim and a villain.] 9-22-18
- Education. “Ben Franklin who?” [“…The real threat to American freedom is the failure of current citizens to learn even the most basic facts about U.S. history and government.”] 10-4-18
- Education. “Fake News Comes to Academia.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [How three scholars gulled academic journals to publish hoax papers on ‘grievance studies.’] 10-6-18
- Education. “The Scourge of ‘Diversity.” (The Weekend Interview with Heather MacDonald by Jillian Kay Melchior) [A onetime liberal now believes identity politics threatens higher education and civilization itself.] 10-13-18
- Education. “An Asian-American Dissident at Harvard.” By Kelley Babphavpong. [Of course I’m grateful to have been admitted despite my background. But why shouldn’t I be critical?] 10-15-18
- Education. “What Hillsdale Can Teach Harvard.” By Wm. McGurn. [Give up federal dollars, and you can run your admissions the way you want.] 10-16-18
- Education. “This Building Is for Sale (but Not to a Charter School). By D.J Szafir and Cori Petersen. [Education officials try to stem the school-choice movement by holding on to vacant properties.] 11-10-18
- Education. “The School Choice Election Bonus.” [Florida and Arizona Republicans benefit in more minority support.] 11-14-18
- Education. “The blue Wave May Wash Education Reform Away.” By Jason L. Riley. [Democratic gains in state government are bad news for proponents of school choice.] 11-14-18
- Education. “A Mayor Seeks to Stymie His City’s Only Successful School.” By Tunku Varadarajan. [In struggling New Bedford, Mass., the Alma del Mar charter faces opposition to its expansion plan.] 11-17-18
- Education. “The Play-Date Police.” [D.C. regulators give new meaning to the ‘nanny state.’] 11-17-18
- Education. “De Vos Keeps Her Promise on Campus Due Process.: by KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor, Jr. [Proposed revisions to the Obama administration’s guidance on sex assault are a huge improvement.] 11-19-18
- Education. “Judges for Betsy DeVos.” [Another ruling for the campus due process she is trying to protect.] 12-1-18
- Education. “A Campus Free-Speech Dustup With No Conservatives.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [A speech by a porn star tests the University of Wisconsin’s commitment to the First Amendment.] 12-6-18
- Education. “New York State Targets Jewish Schools..” by Elya Brudny and Yisroel Reisman. [Albany bureaucrats want to commandeer our curriculum. We won’t have it.] 12-14-18
- Education. “College Bloat Meets ‘The Blade.’” (The Weekend Interview with Mitch Daniels by Tunku Varadarajan.) [America’s most innovative university president tells how he’s kept tuition from rising and how acquiring Kaplan University will expand education access.] 12-15-18
- Education. “Reading From Left to Left at Barnes & Noble. By Dave Seminara. [A notably one-sided selection of ‘Inspiring books to Empower Young Readers.’] 12-17-18
- Education. “The Discipline of Betsy DeVos.” [Reversing a policy that undercut local ability to impose order in schools.] 12-22-18
- Education. “Obama’s Racial Preferences Made Schools Dangerous.” By Jason L. Riley. [Education Secretary Betsy DeVos ends a policy that subordinated safety to political correctness. 12-26-18
- Education. LTE. “DeVos Is Restoring Order to America’s Schools.” 12-31-18
- Education. “Stop Calling It ‘Vocational Training.” By Virginia Foxx. [How we speak about education reflects class prejudice.] 1-2-19
- Education. “L.A.’s Teachers Union Can’t do Basic Math.” By Allysia Finley. [The district hemorrhages cash and students, but a strike may shut down schools next week.] 1-5-19
- Education. “Think College Is Expensive? Wait Until It’s Free.” By Jason L. Riley. [Higher-education costs have risen every time student aid has been made more generous.] 1-16-19
- Education. “I’m on Strike for the Sake of My Students.” By Glenn Sacks. [The dispute with the L.A. district is about librarians, counselors and class size more than teacher pay.] 1-17-19
- Education. “Teachers Unions Don’t Really Strike for ‘the Kids.’” By Jason L. Riley. [When the United Auto Workers walk off the job, no one pretends they care about car buyers.] 1-23-19
- Education. “Reporter Trolls Christian Schools.” By Wm. McGurn. [A writer gets ore than he bargains for when he seeks an expose on twitter.] 1-29-19
- Education. “A Hoax and Its ‘Human Subjects’” by Charlotte Allen. [An Institutional Review Board disciplines an academic prankster. But is it constitutional?] 1-29-19
- Education. “Title IX’s Witness Intimidation.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [In a culture that presumes guilt, honest testimony on behalf of the accused can carry a high price.] 2-6-19
- Education. “Florida’s Voucher Vindication.” [New data shows how school choice lifts college prospects.] 2-9-19
- Education. “Diversity Delusions at North Carolina.” By Heather MacDonald. [Like Harvard, the chool has trouble defending an admissions policy that ill-serves minority students.] 2-11-19
- Education. “Teachers Strike to Kill Student Choice.” [West Virginia’s GOP Governor surrenders to another union walkout.] 2-20-19
- Education. “America’s Disappearing Private Colleges.” By Allen C. Guelzo. [The post-Great Recession baby bust will soon mean not enough students to keep small schools alive.] 2-22-19
- Education. “The Plot Against Low-Income Students.” [Robert Shireman sold Cuomo on a plan to kill for-profit schools.] 3-2-19
- Education. “Confirmation Bias Hurts Social Science.” By Robert F. George. [The debunking of an implausible study shows the need for viewpoint diversity in the academy.] 3-6-19
- Education. “Wisconsin’s School Monopolist.” [“Wisconsin has been a pioneer in school choice…”] 3-8-19
- Education. “Democrats Have Taken Over Education Reform.” By Jay P. Green and Frederick M. Hess. [A once-heterodox movement is now monochromatically blue. That’s bad for the cause.] 3-8-19
- Education. “It Pays to Be a Wyoming Cowboy.” [Here’s what happens when a university ignores identity scolds.] 3-9-19
- Education. “The College ‘Grass-Roots’ Organizations That Aren’t.” by Daniel M. Bring. [Groups pretending to be student-led movements are often political operations with billionaire backers.] 3-9-19
- Elections. “Hand Trump an Anvil, Fellow Democrats.” By James Carville and Jim Messina. [The economy and the electoral math say he’s easy to defeat.] 3-11-19
- Education. “The College Admissions Racket.” [Universities are more than innocent victims in this scandal.] 3-14-19
- Education. “A Successful School, a Progressive Target.” (The Weekend Interview with Marc Jereme by Allysia Finley.) [For a decade, Obama and Andrew Cuomo have been trying to shutter Monroe College. Its president talks about how he fights back.] 3-16-19
- Education. “Kids, Don’t Become Success Robots.” By Peggy Noonan. [Tennessee Tech is an amazing school, and nobody breaks the law to get admitted.] 3-16-19
- Education. “The Sickness Behind the College Scandal.” By Erica Komisar. [Parental pressure to excel induces anxiety in many adolescents. ] 3-18-19
- Education. “Triggered by Weinstein’s Harvard Lawyer.” By Heather Mac Donald. [A law professor agrees to represent an unpopular client, and undergrads say they’re traumatized.] 3-19-19
- Education. “The College Admissions Game Brings Out the Snob in Everyone.: by Joseph Epstein. [If your child goes to Yarvton, you’re not only a successful parent but a superior human being.] 3-20-19
- Education. “Parents Gone Wild.” By Daniel Henninger. [College admissions officers thought they were doing good. They created dog-eat-dog.] 3-21-19
- Education. “College Coaching Doesn’t Hurt the Poor.” By Hafeez Lakhani. [My clients’ kids are competing with other privileged children.] 3-21-19
- Education. “Trump and the College Censors.” [He nails the problem, but federal coercion isn’t the solution.] 3-22-19
- Education. “A First Step Toward Restoring Free Speech on Campus.” By Roger Kimball. [The president’s executive order highlights the routine attempts to intimidate and silence conservatives.] 3-23-19
- Education. “Progressives Threaten to Destroy School Reform.” By Jason L. Riley. [They talk about equality, then fiercely oppose measures that stand a chance of achieving it.] 4-3-19
- Education. “cheating on the SATs.” By Wm. McGurn. [How is what Harvard does different from the charges against Felicity Huffman?] 4-9-19
- Education. “The Worst Federal Student-Loan Program.” By Neal McCluskey and Diego Zuluaga. [It’s called PLUS, and it’s especially risky for black families of limited wealth.] 4-10-19
- Education. “College Wouldn’t Cost So Much If Students and Faculty Worked Harder.” By Richard Vedder. [I assign far less reading, demand less writing, and give higher grades than I did two generations ago. ] 4-11-19
- Education. “The Theory Behind My Disinvitation.” By Harvey C. Mansfield. [If the purpose of speech is to get the better of one’s opponent, why not do it via censorship instead?] 4-15-19
- Education. “Radical Kitsch Comes to Columbia.” By Elliot Kaufman. [Security guards pay a price for student’s racial play-acting a New York’s Ivy League university.] 4-16-19
- Education. “A Silly Lawsuit Over School Lunches.” By Shoshana Weissmann. [States go to court to demand nutritional standards they could impose on their own.] 4-17-19
- Education. “Cuomo’s Good Charter Fight.” [Union opposition keeps 52,700 kids on a wait list for better schools.] 4-17-19
- Education. “Cowardice and Courage at Middlebury.” [A free-speech rebellion after administrators canceled a speech.] 4-20-19
- Education. “Ivy Leaguers With Guns, Then and Now.” By Glenn C. Altschuler and Isaac Krammick. [After occupying Cornell’s Straight Hall 50 years ago, two young radicals took very different paths.] 4-20-19
- Education. “Anti-Semitism at NYU.” By Susan Shapiro. 4-22-19
- Education. “Democrat, Support Charter Schools.” By Mary Landrieu. [Progressives should join forces to protect and improve public education everywhere.] 4-24-19
- Education. “At Yale, ‘Diversity’ Means More of the Same.” By Heather MacDonald. [A 2018 dispute between two students prompts yet another expansion of the massive bureaucracy.] 4-24-19
- Education. “A Tennessee Education.” [The Volunteer State is on the cusp of passing a historic voucher bill.] 4-25-19
- Education. “A Charter-School Principal Won’t Go to Prison.” By Jason L. Riley. [‘I’m not the victim,’ Ben Chavis says after charges against him are dropped. ‘The kids are the victims.’] 5-1-19
- Education. “Teachable Moments.” (Bookshelf by Barton Swaim.) “The Adjunct Underclass.” By Herb Childress. [College teaching has become a pickup job, like driving for Uber, for small stipends and little or no guarantee of permanence.] 5-2-19
- Education. “Pennsylvania’s Choice ‘Escalator.’” [The Legislature moves to expand credits for education scholarships.] 5-2-19
- Education. “Do charter Schools Replicate?” [Yes, a new study says. Time to take artificial caps off their success.] 5-13-19
- Education. “The New and Unimproved SAT.” [The college test’s ‘adversity score’ may foment more cynicism.] 5-17-19
- Education. “The College Admissions Mess.” By Daniel Henninger. [The SAT’s new index should be seen as a patch to liberalism’s greatest failure. 5-23-19
- Education. “The ‘Underpaid Teachers’ Myth.” By Jason Richwine and Andrew G. Biggs. [Applying the same method, telemarketers don’t make enough and nurses are overpaid.] 5-23-19
- Education. “Who’s Afraid of Robert Smith’s Philanthropy?” by Jason L. Riley. [The billionaire promises to pay off a graduating class’s student loans – and finds himself under attack.] 5-29-19
- Education. “Stop Feeding College Bureaucratic Bloat. By Philip Baumburger. [Congress should tie student loans to the ratio of administrators to full-time academic faculty.] 6-2-19
- Education. “Sign It, Governor Wolf.” [Pennsylvania’s House and Senate pass major education reform.] 6-12-19
- Education. “Oberlin Pays for Smearing the Town Grocer.” By Wm. A. Jacobson. [The college alleged student shoplifters were victims of racial profiling, but a jury wasn’t buying it.] 6-12-19
- Education. “Who ‘Deserves’ to Go to Harvard?” by Heather MacDonald. [The college’s dean tells graduates that all success stems from inherited privilege and chance.] 6-14-19
- Education. “This Wolf Vetoes as a Wolf.” [Pennsylvania’s Governor nixes scholarships for more children.] 6-20-19
- Education. “High Cost, Low Yield.” (Bookshelf by Allen C. Guelzo.) “Restoring the Promise.” By Richard K. Vedder. [A college degree is ever more common these days, but it comes with ever heavier loan burdens and, in many cases, only limited job prospects.] 6-25-19
- Education. “A Campus Welcomes Conservatives.” By Steven F. Hayward. [President Bruce Benson embraced true diversity at the University of Colorado Boulder.] 6-25-19
- Education. “Oberline’s $44 Million Mistake.” By Daniel Henninger. [An Ohio jury sends colleges a message about their politics: Enough is enough.] 6-27-19
- Education. “Who Pays for Student-Debt Forgiveness?” by Michael Solon. [Taxpayers who didn’t go to college, didn’t take on debt, or paid it off already.] 6-27-19
- Education. “Angela Davis, East Germany and Fullerton.” By Joseph D’Hippolito. [Two exhibits send conflicting messages at a university library.] 6-28-19
- Education. LTE. “On the Unfairness of Forgiving Student Debt.” 7-2-19
- Education. “An Education Horror Show.” [A case study in public school failure and lack of accountability.] 7-8-19
- Education. “Ross Perot’s Educational Legacy.” By Wendy Kopp. [Without his support, Teach For America might not exist.] 7-11-19
- Education. “Amazon’s Education for Bernie.” [The company is offering to retrain its workers for the jobs of the future. 7-13-19
- Education. “Who’ll Take a Pay Cut for Free College?” by Joseph Epstein. [‘It’s so inspiring, I’d do it for nothing.’ Put that piety to a test.] 7-18-19
- Education. “Lady Luck Didn’t Make Me Successful.” By Frayda Levin. [Young people think fate is merely the result of fortune.] 7-27-19
- Education. “Great Books for a Brainwashing.” By Andy Kessler. [Summer reading lists designed to get college freshmen on board with social justice.] 7-29-19
- Education. “A Matter of Degree.” (Bookshelf by Naomi Schaefer Riley.) “The College Dropout Scandal.” By David Kirp. [Some schools have made student success their top priority and are finding effective, hands-on ways to increase graduation rates.] 7-30-19
- Education. “Toddlers Don’t Have to Go to School.” By Kerry McDonald. [Parents are resisting the pressure to enroll their kids earlier.] 8-6-19
- Education. “’Bias Teams’ Welcome the Class of 1984.” By Christian Schneider. [A chilling look inside colleges’ systems for reporting and policing offensive speech.] 8-6-19
- Education. “Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren Will Never Forgive Me.” By Ethan Ames. [If I knew I wouldn’t have to pay my debt, I’d have chosen a more interesting major and a better school.] 8-12-19
- Education. “The Smear Campaign Against Charters.” By Baker A. Mitchell. 8-14-19
- Education. “The Great Student-Loan Scam.” [The magnitude of federal budget losses is becoming clearer.] 8-21-19
- Education. “Socialism in Two Countries.” [A Chicago Teachers Union delegation takes a road trip to Venezuela.] 8-23-19
- Education. “Charter Schools’ success Is an Illusion.” By Glenn Sacks. [True, their outcomes beat traditional schools. But it’s mostly because their students are self-selected.] 8-28-19
- Education. “The SAT Changes Its Answer.” [The College Board is right to drop plans for an ‘adversity score.’] 8-28-19
- Education. “De Blasio gives Up on Educating Poor Kids.” By Jason L. Riley. [Rather than expanding schools that help minority students, the mayor wants to shut them down.] 8-28-19
- Democrats. “Biden Takes His Turn in the Barrel.” By Karl Rove. [He’s Still on top, notwithstanding a media frenzy over an outlier poll.] 8-29-19
- Democrats. ‘A Centrist Debate Shutout.” [The next Democratic debate is going to list hard to the left.] 8-29-19
- Education. “A Feminist Capitalist Professor Under Fire.” (The Weekend Interview with Camille Paglia by Tunku Varadarajan.] [The students who demand her firing, she argues, take prosperity for granted, are socially underdeveloped, and know little about Western history. Who’s Moses?] 8-31-19
- Education. “A Progressive Defends Liberal Education.” By Peggy Noonan. [I want to call Anthony Kronman’s new book a cry of the heart, but it’s more like a cry of the brain.] 8-31-19
- Education. LTE. “Charters Point to Effective Education Reform.” 9-3-19
- Education. “Education Reform Will Weather the Left’s Assault.” By Karl Zinsmeister. [Democrats are stifling school choice, but the movement has clear results and durable institutions.] 9-3-19
- Education. “Is Majoring in English Worth It?” by Wm. McGurn. [Employers used to be able to count on the skills a liberal-arts education cultivated.] 9-10-19
- Education. “Take Two Aspirin and Call Me by My Pronouns.” By Stanley Goldfarb. [At ‘woke’ medical schools, curricula are increasingly focused on social justice rather than treating illness..] 9-13-19
- Education. “Corrupting Medical Education.” [The reaction to Dr. Goldfarb’s op-ed proves his point.] 9-16-19
- Education. “California’s Dreaming About Paying Student Athletes.” By allysia Finley. [A union-backed law would sow Commerce Clause chaos and render the NCAA irrelevant.] 9-16-19
- Education. “Not all gifted Children Are From Affluent Families.” By Jason L. Riley. [To help the poor rise, the education system needs to ‘raise the ceiling’ as well as ‘lift the floor.’] 9-18-19
- Education. “Thank You, Big Business.” [The rich help pay medical-school tuition for those who need it.] 9-20-19
- Education. “Is an M.B.A. Still Worth It?” by Andy Kessler. [You’d gain some neat tricks and well-heeled friends, but the cost is prohibitive.] 9-23-19
- Education. “The Senate Takes on Campus Censorship.” By Chuck Grassley. [Student’s demand for ‘safety’ from ‘harm’ has begun eating away at academic freedom.] 9-26-19
- Education. “A Judicial Primer on Bias Response.” [Students have broad standing to sue over the suppression of speech.] 9-30-19
- Education. “Teachers Want Higher Pay, but Pensions Swallow Up the Money.” By Daniel DiSalvo. [Offer them a deal: a raise tin wages in exchange for forgoing defined-benefit retirement plans.] 10-1-19
- Education. “Harvard’s Legal Discrimination.” [A federal court upholds the university’s race-conscious administration.] 10-4-19
- Education. “Charter Schools Ace Another Test.” [Minority students do better overall as charters gain market share.] 10-4-19
- Education. “Harvard’s Asian Quotas Repeat an Ugly History.” By Jason L. Riley. [Jews, long disfavored by elite universities, might find Judge Burroughs’s reasoning familiar.] 10-9-19
- Education. “How Parents Helped Transform a Los Angeles School.” By Antonio Villaraigosa. [The success of Twentieth Street Elementary should inspire reform efforts in California and nationwide.] 10-14-19
- Education. “Detroit Is Making a Comeback. Can Its Schools?” by Megan Keller. [The city’s test scores are moving ever so slightly in the right direction even as the rest of the state slides.] 10-19-19
- Education. “Florida’s Reform Momentum.” [School choice expands with a new governor and new Supreme Court.] 10-19-19
- Education. “Charter Schools Are an Opportunity for Impact Investors.” By Mark Medema. [High interest rates are a barrier to buying new facilities, even though such loans have proved a safe bet.] 10-28-19
- Education. “Denver’s Education Stakes.” [Unions want to kill Michael Bennet’s successful reforms.] 10-30-19
- Education. “Adios, Bias Response Team.” [Michigan concedes that its speech police are legally indefensible.] 10-31-19
- Education. “Meritocracy’s Waterloo?” [The University of California may scrap admissions testing.] 11-8-19
- Education. “Higher Education’s Enemy Within.” By Jose A. Cabranes. [An army of nonfaculty staff push for action and social justice at the expense of free inquiry.] 11-9-19
- Education. “Cold Welcome for Veterans on Campus.” By Rob Henderson. [Students at elite colleges seek to undermine the values service members sign up to defend.] 11-11-19
- Education. ‘Washington’s Affirmative Repudiation” [State voters reject racial preferences, but Seattle rebuffs Amazon.] 11-14-19
- Education. “Teachers Unions Have the Cure for What Ails America’s Schools.” By Glenn Sacks. [clerical work and other chores sap educator’s limited time. Solution: hire more support staff.] 11-15-19
- Education. “I Wasn’t censored When I Was Disinvited.” By Stanley Fish. [I had no right to speak at Seton Hall, but letting me speak would’ve been right.] 11-18-19
- Education. “The Big Lie About Charter Schools.” By David Osborne. [Democratic presidential candidates claim they take money away from public schools. That’s nonsense.] 11-20-19
- Education. “What’s Your Degree Worth?” [The Education Department offers some valuable college data.] 11-21-19
- Education. “’Idea Laundering’ in Academia.” By Peter Boghossian. [How nonsensical jargon like ‘intersectionality’ and ‘cisgender’ is imbued with an air of false authority.] 11-25-19
- Education. “There’s No Safe Space for Ideas on Campus ‘Animal Farms.’” Zealous student activists find ways to punish those who make them thank uncomfortable thoughts.] 11-26-19
- Education. “Why Are college Students So Afraid of Me?” by Heather Mac Donald. [Because adults at places like Bucknell and Holy Cross have convinced them they are oppressed.] 11-27-19
- Education. “A Revolt Against the Colonials.” [Students say the team name ‘glorifies the act of systemic oppression.’] 11-29-19
- Education. “Warren’s Insight on Teacher Pay.” By Michael Q. McShane and Jason Bedrick. [Spending rises, but layers of bureaucracy swallow up taxpayer money before it can reach the classroom.] 12-5-19
- Education. “’Free College for All’ Is an Experiment That Has Already Failed.” By Jackson Toby. [In 1970 New York’s City College had the best of intentions. It tried ‘open admissions.’ It was a bust.] 12-7-19
- Education. “Foregiveness Isn’t Divine When It Comes to Student Debt.” By Beth Akers. [Those who struggle the most are dropouts who owe a few thousand. Here’s a plan to target help to them.] 12-17-19
- Education. “The University’s New Loyalty Oath.” By Abigail Thompson. [Required ‘diversity and inclusion’ statements amount to a political litmus test for hiring.] 12-20-19
- Education. “Campus Bias Blowback.” [A lawsuit says Iowa State chills speech in and out of the classroom.] 1-3-20
- Education. “The Last Gasp of James G. Blaine?” [The Supreme Court weighs tax credits and 19th-century bigotry.] 1-21-20
- Education. “14th-Century Solutions to Student Debt.” By Jackson Toby. [The Medicis would help needy would-be collegians, but they’d do it with more grants and fewer loans.] 1-29-20
- Education. “The Heckler’s Veto at Georgetown Law.” 1-30-20
- Education. “Civilization Is History at Yale.” By Roger Kimball. [Great art is too ‘white, straight, European and male,’ so it’ll have to give way to the latest agitprop.] 1-30-20
- Education. “uproar Over Essays Turns MLK’s Dream Inside Out. By Heather McDonald. [The University of Montana judged contest submissions on content instead of the writer’s race. Big mistake.] 2-7-20
- Education “The Great Student Loan Writedown.” [The cost of forgiving debt keeps growing and growing and …] 2-14-20
- Education. “Obama Did Persecute For-Profit Colleges.” By Andrew Gillen and Richard Vedder. [Lots of nonprofit programs flunk the Gainful Employment rules he imposed.] 2-26-20
- Education. “The Misguided Progressive Attack on Charters.” By Conor P. Williams. [Traditional districts are often much worse when it comes to unaccountability and ‘creaming’ of students.] 3-5-20
- Education. “Hey, Teacher, Teach Those Kids at Home.” By Paul G. Vallus. [With schools closing for weeks or months, it’s time for districts to get serious about remote learning.] 3-14-20
- Education. “Justice vs. Conformity at Scalia Law.” [GMU may disclose an anonymous donor under political pressure.] 3-14-20
- Education. “Oregon’s Education Lockdown.” 4-1-20
- Education. “The Passionate Classroom.” (Bookshelf by Naomi Schaefer Riley.) “Learning by Heart. “ by Tony Wagner. [Is the problem with American education too much memorization, too much testing and too much competition?] 4-21-20
- Education. “A Harvard Professor Shows Her Prejudice Against Homeschoolers.” By Samuel James. [I was taught in a house full of books. My education included languages, music, math – and lots of friends.] 4-25-20
- Education. “A Coronavirus A for Everyone.” 4-27-20
- Education. “The STEM M.B.A.” by Anupriya Dwivedi. [“…there aren’t enough STEM qualified professionals who are citizens…”] 4-29-20
- Education. “Graduation Is a Time for Unlearning.” By Andy Kessler. [You’re now free from empty campus dogma, so seize the chance to try out better ideas.] 5-11-20
- Education. “higher Ed’s Coronavirus Opportunity.” By Eric Mazur and Bob Kerrey. [Don’t treat the shutdown as a temporary problem. Seize it as ae to pursue innovation.] 5-11-20
- Education. “One of America’s Remotest States Makes Remote Learning Work.” by Kimberley A. Strassel [The Alaska district where my kids attend school has ensured they don’t miss out on an education.] 5-16-20
- Education. “California Defines Testing Down.” [Ignoring faculty, the UC president wants to drop the SAT and ACT.] 5-18-20
- Education. “California’s College Testing Mistake.” 5-23-20 [Dropping SATs]
- Education. “Is the SAT Really the Problem?” by Wm. McGurn. [Family breakdown causes serious disadvantages when it comes to college.] 5-26-20
- Education. “Reviving an Obama Zombie Rule.” [Will Trump support his Education Secretary on student loans?] 5-27-20
- Education. “Scrapping the SAT Won’t Help Black and Latino Students.” By Jason L. Riley. [Low-income minorities have more to lose than gain from the woke war on standardized testing.] 5-27-20
- Education. LTE. “University of California Drops SAT and ACT. “ 5-29-20
- Education. “Give Online Learning an Upgrade.” By Andy Kessler. [Video lectures leave students cold. Better to have personalized, interactive courses.] 6-1-20Education. “Trump’s Good College Try.” [Re: the “borrower defense.”] 6-3-20
- Education. “Academia Fails to Improve Police Practices.” By Robert Maranto. [Social scientists are more interested in promoting trendy causes than in studying real problems.] 6-11-20
- Education. “Charter Schools’ Enemies Block Black Success.” By Thomas Sowell. [Teachers unions are gaining in their fight to stop students and resources from moving toward what works.] 6-19-20
- Education. “Failure in the Virtual Classroom.” [A study finds that many schools barely cared if kids did any work.] 6-22-20
- Education. “A Twitter Mob Takes Down an Administrator at Michigan State.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [The Graduate Employees Union denounced Stephen Hsu, and the President demanded his resignation.] 6-26-20
- Education. “Florida’s School Choice Blowout.” [The state expands its successful K-12 scholarship program.] 6-27-20
- Education. “A School Choice Landmark.” [The Supreme Court frowns on bias against religious schools.] 7-1–20
- Education. “Campus Culture Seizes the Streets.” By John M. Ellis. [Taxpayers, parents and donors need to save higher education from activists who claim to be scholars.] 7-6-20
- Education. “Military Families Need Portable Special Ed.” By John M. McLoughlin. [Service members move too often to start the process from scratch every time.] 7-6-20
- Education. “Kipp Wokes Up.” [The charter network abandons its motto ‘Work hard. Be nice.’] 7-7-20
- Education. “Princeton Sets a Bad Example.” By Haher Iskander. [I personally benefitted from his (Woodrow Wilson) ideals. It’s reductive to judge him solely as a racist.] 7-8-20
- Education. “Thomas Sowell Has Been Right From the Start.” By Jason L. Riley. [His latest book on charter schools continues his research on minority success in education.] 7-22-20
- Education. “I Survived Cancellation at Princeton.” By Joshua t. Katz. [It was a close call, but I won’t be investigated for criticizing a faculty ‘open letter’ signed by hundreds.] 7-27-20
- Education. “Higher Ed and the Fragmentation of America.” By Orrin Hatch. [With everyone’s liberty threatened by cancel culture, it’s time to restore freedom to academia.] 7-28-20
- Education. “The Trump –Biden Inkblots.” By Daniel Henninger. [Voters can’t pretend that a Biden vote is going to help inner-city schoolchildren.] 7-30-20
- Education. “The Cares Act Creates an Opportunity for School Choice.” By Ellen Weaver. [But South Carolina’s public-education lobby is attempting to block need-based scholarships.] 8-8-20
- Education. “Radicals Have a Point About Racial Liberalism.” By Barton Swaim. [They know the prevailing orthodoxy has failed. Too bad they don’t recall those who predicted its failure.] 8-10-20
- Education. “DeVos’s Sexual-Assault Rule Prevails.” [The new standard for due process on campus survives in court.] 8-13-20
- Education. “Justice Goes to Yale.” 8-14-20
- Education. “Universities Abandon Reason for a False Idea of ‘Empowerment.’” By Aaron Alexander Zubia [‘For the discovery of truth,’ Cicero said, ‘it is necessary to argue against all things and for all things.’] 8-15-20
- Education. “Social Justice Goes to School.” (Bookshelf by Barton Swaim.) “The Cult of Smart.” By Fredrik DeBoer. [Modern liberalism, mistaking intellectual capacity for intrinsic worth, can’t abide the idea that some students are brighter than others.] 8-19-20
- Education. “Today’s college Classroom Is a Therapy Session.” By Joseph Epstein. [The tough guys are gone. Instructors are expected to foster ‘safe,’ ‘nurturing,’ ‘antiracist’ spaces.] 8-29-20
- Education. “Free Speech Absolutism Killed Free Speech.” By Tony Woodlief. [An unthinking belief in the equality of all ideas has led to cancel culture and the persecution of heretics.] 8-31-20
- Education. ‘An Education Innovation That Beats Learning Pods.” By Max Eden. [Idaho gives seventh graders $4,125.00 each to customize their high-school educations.] 9-5-20
- Education. “A Carolina Victory for School Choice.” [GOP legislators call Gov. Cooper’s bluff on Cares Act relief money.] 9-8-20
- Education. “Bad Teaching Is Tearing America Apart.” (The Weekend interview with E. B. Hirsch by Naomi Schaefer Riley.) [Education’s dumbing down frays the bonds of citizenship and is hardest on the poor, says the man who wrote the book on cultural literacy.] 9-12-20
- Education. “From the Classroom to the courtroom.” By Brett Joshpe and Edward Paltzik. [Outrageous Covid policies join speech restraints as causes of collegiate litigation.] 9-15-20
- Education. “The Price of Admission.” (Bookshelf by Naomi Schacter Riley.) “Who Gets In and Why.” By Jeffrey Selingo. [Applicants are assigned numbers for their test scores, activities, levels of hardship, race, gender and much else. The Calculation is complicated.] 9-16-20
- Education. “Princeton’s Confession of Bias.” [Admission of ‘systemic racism’ could cost the school federal funds.] 9-19-20
- Education. “Free Market Can Deliver Free College.” By Daniel Pianco. [Remember paying your broker $200 a trade? Higher education is at that stage today.] 9-22-20
- Education. “The Teachers Union’s Tiny New Enemy.” By Elliot Kaufman. [The behemoth national Education Association seeks to squash popular pandemic microschools.] 1-15-20
- Education. “Woke Universities Lead America to a Primitive State.” By John M. Ellis. [Higher education now stands for mob rule, civic ignorance and contempt for truth and free inquiry.] 11-3-20
- Education. “Harvard vs. Asian-Americans.” [The school wins on race in admissions but the Supreme Court looms.] 11-13-20
- Education. “Forgive Student Loans, but Only a Little.” By Beth Akers. [The most distressed borrowers didn’t get degrees and owe less than $5,000.00] 11-23-20
- Education. “A Buckeye Voucher Victory.” [Ohio expands private school choice to half of all students.] 11-24-20
- Education. “A Progressive Assault on Selective High Schools.” By Chester E. Finn Jr. [Instead of fixing public education, the left tries to end testing at schools it deems inequitable.] 11-27-20
- Education. “Canceling Student Debt Would be a ‘Brahmin Bailout.’” By Zaid Jilani. [The Democratic Party looks to build policy around the interests of its educated elite voters.] 11-30-20
- Education. “Ancient History Isn’t Colonialism.” By Alessandra Bocchi. [Students at Brown nonsensically accuse Roman emperors of ‘white supremacy.’] 12-1-20
- Education. “School Choice: Better Than Prozac.” [A new study reports less suicide among children with education options.] 12-18-20
- Education. “Education Rescue in Providence.” [Rhode Island allows more charter schools after union failures.] 12-21-20
- Education. “Charter Schools vs. Eco-Tours: It’s No Contest.” By Steven M. Galbraith. [College essays by Success Academy seniors tell stories of inspiration and heartbreak.’] 12-24-20
- Education. LTE. “Government Has Made a Mess of Education.” 12-29-20
- Education. “Trump’s School-Choice Relief.” [The president improves access to vouchers for schools that are open.] 12-31-20
- Education. “These Teachers Get Paid Not to Teach.” By Jon Riches and Justin Meyers. [They’re on taxpayer-funded salaries while working for the union.] 1-4-21
- Education. “Betsy DeVos’s Education Record.” [She did much good for school choice and due process on campus.] 1-16-21
- Education. “Chicago Teachers Union vs. Biden.” [Even a federal bribe isn’t enough to get them back teaching in classrooms.] 1-26-21
- Education. “If You Want Unity, Defend Scholarships for Poor Kids.” By Virginia Walden Ford. [Washington’s program is a success, and teachers unions want to defund it. What will Biden do?” ] 1-27-21
- Education. “Catholic Schools Are Beating Covid.” By Wm. McGurn. [Will Joe Biden speak up for those he credits with making him the man he is today?} 2-2-21
- Education. “The Tragedy of the Schools.” By David Henninger. [Many parents are losing faith in the public system and are pulling out.] 2-4-21
- Education. “School Choice Momentum in the States.” 2-6-21
- Education. “Covid Makes Doctorates Harder to Get – and That’s Good.” By James Piereson and Naomi Schaefer Riley. [For decades, universities have taken advantage of graduates with humanities Ph.D.s and dim prospects] 2-6-21
- Education. “Mediocrity Is Now Mandatory.” By Andy Kessler. [From stimulus to school admissions, leaders act as if ease is the only worthy goal.] 2-8-21
- Education. “The Great Student Loan Scam.” [Democrats lobby Biden to write off debt for affluent borrowers.] 2-10-21
- Education. “Have Teachers Unions Finally Overplayed Their Hand?” by Jason L. Riley. [Their rigid opposition to charter schools and in-person learning has parents and even politicians fed up.] 2-10-21
- Education. “How to Elevate Higher Learning.” (Bookshelf by John J. Miller.) “Let’s Be Reasonable.” By Jonathan Marks. [Better than culture-war strife would be readings and conversations guided by wise professors. Is such a thing still possible on campuses today?] 2-11-21
- Education.. “Emmanuel Macron and the Woke.” [The French president challenges American campus leftism.] 2-18-21
- Education. “No Speech Coddling in Chicago.” [A new journal from students who refuse to be cancelled.] 2-24-21
- Education. “Academic Freedom is Withering.” By Eric Kaufman. [Surveys of faculty opinion show the growing extent of political discrimination and cancel culture.] 3-1-21
- Education. “America Needs History and Civics Education to Promote Unity.” (by six former U.S. education secretaries.) [A plan to help teachers instill an understanding that is complete and honest but not cynical.] 3-2-21
- Education. “Teachers’ Union Privilege.” 3-4-21
- Education. “Here Comes the Due Process Rollback.” [“…If Congressional Democrats are determined to make limits on campus due process permanent, they should pass a bill…”] 3-5-21
- Education. “Dividing by Race Comes to Grade School.” By Bion Bartning. [Students, ages 5 through 11, are urged to ‘check each other’s words and actions’ and become activists.] 3-8-21Education. “More Defenders of Campus Speech.” 3-10-21
- Education. “School Isn’t Closed for Lack of Money.” By Corey A DeAngelis and Christos A. Makridis. [Teachers union influence, not government funding or the latest science drives reopening decisions.] 3-10-21
- Education. “The Price of Admission.” (Bookshelf by Ian Marcus Corbin.) “Little Platoons.” By Matt Feeney. [There’s much more to the role of the family in raining children than getting them into the right kind of college.] 3-15-21
- Education. “California’s Ethnic Studies Mandate.” [A new curriculum rejects merit and sees oppression everywhere.] 3-17-21
- Education. “The Future of U.S. Higher Education: A Few Stars, Many Satellites.” By Daniel Pipes. [Top schools will flourish while the rest wither and are reborn as affiliates.] 3-22-21
- Education. “Schools Offer Empty Words To Asians.” By Wencong Fa. [‘We stand together,’ says Harvard’s president. Its admissions office stands accused of discrimination.] 3-26-21
- Education. “School Choice Scores for Public Schools.” [A new study shows better test results in states with more options.] 3-27-21
- Education. “No discrimination Talk Allowed.” [Shutting down debate over Ivy bias against Asian-Americans.” 3-29-21
- Education. “School Choice Advances in the States.” [The union shutdowns have increased support across the country.] 3-30-21
- Education. “The Man Who Made Online College Work.” (The Weekend interview with Zvi Galil by Tunku Varadarajan. [Years before Covid, he launched Georgia Tech’s successful online master’s in computer science. Is Zoom U. the future?] 4-3-21
- Education. “When Will Liberals Reclaim Free Speech?” by Jonathan Zimmerman. [My fellow liberals in academia have abandoned ‘the great moral renovator of society and government.] 4-8-21
- Education. “The Great Student-Loan Income Transfer.” [Payment forbearance costs $5 billion a month, as the affluent benefit.] 4-17-21
- Education. “Hoosiers Lead the Voucher Way.” [Indiana passes a major expansion of school choice.] 4-23-21
- Education. “Florida’s School Voucher Expansion.” 4-28-21
- Education. “Lockdowns Give School Choice a Boost.” By Paul E. Peterson. [Under Biden, advocates expected a setback. But the movement has notched notable victories this year.] 4-29-21
- Education. “A Backlash Against Bad History.” [GOP Senators warn Cardona about pushing the ‘1619 Project.’] 5-1—21
- Education. “Sorry, Prof, We’re cutting You Off.” By John Ellis. [Funding higher education now means subsidizing the political activists who have hijacked it.] 5-3-21
- Education. “Southlake Says No to Woke Education.” 5-8-21
- Education. “The Rhodes Scholarship Turns Against Its Legacy of Excellence.” By David Satter. [It rejects its civilizing mission as ‘obsolete’ and favors the trendy notion of ‘radical inclusion.’] 5-8-21
- Education. “Distance Learning Began in 1890.” By Reuven Brenner. [Covid has brough us back to the future, in which the University of Chicago was a 20th-century pioneer.] 5-13-21
- Education. LTE. “Bring Viewpoint Diversity to the Universities.” 5-14-21
- Education. “Now Teachers Unions Face A Remote Threat.’ By Ken Girardin. [Why did Weingarten pull an about-face? Because not all parents would choose in=person learning.] 5-17-21
- Education. “Rebellion in the Faculty Lounge.” (The Weekend Interview with Miles K. Davis by Allysia Finley.) [The new president wanted to shift Linfield University’s focus to meet student demand. Liberal-arts professors had other ideas.] 5-22-21
- Education. “Marbury v. the Education Department.” By Steve H. Hanke and John Yoo. [Biden’s secretary defies the Supreme Court’s foundational decision from 1803.] 5-25-21
- Education. “How My Mind Opened to Charter Schools.” By George Parker. [Too many teachers oppose them because they’re bad for unions, not kids.] 5-27-21
- Education. “A Darkness at Yale.” By Lanny J. Davis. [The university offers little explanation for changing a 90-year-old governance policy.] 6-4-21
- Education. “Why I Stopped Hiring Ivy League Graduates.” By R.R. Reno. [Even those who aren’t woke seem damaged by the experience, and they’re deprived of role models.] 6-8-21
- Education. “College Subsidies Are A Feedback Loop for Bigger Government.” By Tomas J. Philipson. [Professors raise their prices to capture cheap loans, while producing new Democratic voters.] 6-11-21
- Education. “Surprise: Education Wins in Newark.” [The New Jersey Supreme Court upholds charter expansions.] 6-24-21
- Education. “How I Liberated My College Classroom.” By John Rose. [I created a special seminar to discuss controversial issues freely, and the results were eye-opening.] 6-25-21
- Education. “School Choice Marches Ahead.” [Unions dominate in D.C., but reform expands in four more states.] 7-3-21
- Education. “Parents vs. the New Racism.” [“…Boston…entrance exam, which appears designed to reduce the number of white and Asian-American students….”] 7-15-21
- Education. “Community College Is the Smart Choice.” By Aaron Rasmussen. [It’s a bargain at twice the price, and the stigma is misplaced.] 7-16-21
- Education. “Why the Lawyers Cartel Is Pushing for Woke Law Schools.” By John O. McGinnis. [The ABA’s proposed accrediting standards would impose uniformity and call it ‘diversity.’] 7-16-21
- Regulation. “The Senate’s Lhamon Test.” [A Title IX enforcer returns to gut due process protections.] 7-21-21v
- Education. “Congress Beats Up Charter Schools.” [A House spending bill cuts funding and adds new political strings.] 7-24-21
- Education. “Studying Hard And Blamed for It.” (Bookshelf by Naomi Shaefer Riley.) “Hyper Education.” By Fawan Dhingra. [Asian families are often mocked or faulted for their commitment to academics and for enrolling their children in after-school learning programs.] 7-27-21
- Education. “Student-Athletes Deserve 10-Year Scholarships.” By Thomas W. Miller Jr. [Give them the time and resources to finish their degrees after their athletic eligibility runs out.] 7-29-21
- Education. “Penury by Degrees.” (Bookshelf by Daniel Akst.) “The Debt Trap.” By Josh Mitchell And “Indentured Students.” By Elizabeth Tandy Shermer. [Callow youths, sold on the value of a sheepskin, have borrowed small fortunes to attend college. Was it worth it? Will the loans ever be repaid?] 8-2-21
- Education. “Bigotry and Cares Act Cash.” [An opportunity to kill South Carolina’s Blain Amendment.] 8-3-21
- Education. “Student Loan Forbearance – Forever?” [Biden gives borrowers more time not to repay. Cancellation may be next.] 8-9-21
- Education. “Dumbing Oregon Down.” [”…instead of lifting graduation rates by boosting student performance, they’re eliminating the proficiency requirement…”] 8-13-21
- Education. “State Bans on Critical Race theory Won’t Work.” By Tony Woodlief. [Massive bureaucracies will evade them. The better solution is to break up huge school districts.] 8-21-21
- Education. “Back to School With NO Idea What to Expect.” By Jason L. Riley. [On masks and in-person learning, families are again at the mercy of bureaucrats and teachers unions.] 8-25-21
- Education. “Teach Respect, Not Critical Race theory.” By John Beatty. [Discussions of race and prejudice should begin at home.] 8-25-21
- Education. “Public Colleges Reach Across State Lines for a Tuition Windfall.” By Aaron Klein. [The ‘student swap’ creates a vicious circle that drives up higher-education costs and worsens the debt crisis.] 8-31-21
- Education. “Masks Turn Democrats in Favor of School Choice.” By Corey A. DeAngelis. [A poll finds 82% favor private alternatives when public districts don’t mandate face coverings.] 9-1-21
- Education. “What Higher Ed Can Learn From Hospitals.” By Bobby Jindal. [The pandemic has hit both hard, but healthcare has adapted better to market and cost pressures.] 9-10-21
- Education. LTE. “Failing Schools, Parents, System or All Three?” 9-15-21
- Education. “Lower the Bar for Legal Eagles Who Don’t Go to Law School.” By Clifford Winston. [You shouldn’t need three years of ABA-accredited education to provide basic advice on a contract.] 9-16-21
- Education. “Why Men Are Disappearing on Campus.” By Richard Vedder and Branden Colegrove. [About half of women entering four-year colleges graduate on time, but only 40% of men do.] 9-20-21
- Education. “A Brawl Over Schools in Virginia.” 10-1-21
- Education. “Cancel Culture’s Mental-Health Toll.” By Erica Komisar. [My patient’s daughter had a panic attack after being bullied for a tasteless joke.] 10-14-21
- Education. LTE. “School-Board Fights, Democracy and the FBI.” 10-15-21
- Education. “Alumni Unite For Freedom of Speech.” By Stuart Taylor Jr. and Edward Yingling. [Many left-of-center professors now realize that they too can be brutally canceled by the mob.] 10-18-21
- Education. LTE. “The American Principle of Local Education.] 10-19-21
- Education. “School Choice’s Antiracist History.” By Phillip w. Magness. [Vouchers sped up integration, while teachers unions fought them to preserve segregation,] 10-19-21
- Education. “Is the Public School System Constitutional?” by Philip Hamburger. [Education consists mostly in speech, and parents have a right under the First Amendment to exercise authority over what their children hear.] 10-23-21
- Education. “It’s Madness to Quarantine Schoolchildren.” By Leslie Bienen and Eric Happel. [The CDC’s policies hinder learning and provide no meaningful reduction in Covid-19 transmission.] 10-25-21
- Education. “The views That Made Me Persona Non Grata at MIT.” By Dorian Abbot. [I believe academic hiring should be based on merit and that hurt feelings are no reason to ban opinions.] 10-30-21
- Education. “What Home-Schoolers Are Doing Right.” By Brendan Case and Ying Chen. [A new study suggests their kids are healthier, happier and more virtuous than public-school graduates.] 11-11-21
- Education. “Why I’m Backing Charter Schools.” By Michael B. Bloomberg. [The public school system is failing. My philanthropy will give $750 million to a proven alternative.] 12-2-21
- Education. “Religious Schools and the Constitution.” [The Supreme Court could extend a landmark school-choice case.] 12-8-21
- Education. “Is MIT’s Research Helping the Chinese Military?” by Michelle Bethel. [My concerns about how Beijing might be using our findings were dismissed as racist and political.] 12-11-21
- Education. “School Choice Saves Money and Helps Kids.” By Martin F. Lucken. [Evidence builds as political momentum grows in the states.] 12-13-21
- Education. “The Scandal of Chicago’s Teachers.” [Arizona shows the way to respond to unions that refuse to teach.] 1-6-22
- Education. “Navient, the Student Loan Punching Bag.” 1-15-22
- Education. “Can Politics Get Better When Higher Ed Keeps Getting Worse?” by John Ellis. [Voters have the sense to resist notions like critical race theory. A generation from now, they may not.] 1-15-22
- Education. LTE. “Pay for Wokeness: The Private-School Model.” 2-23-22
- Education. “Harvard Students Are Covid Sheep.” By Julie Hartman. [We yield to irrational pandemic restrictions to get the next credential. Future leaders we aren’t.] 2-23-22
Issue Headlines
Education – Federal tuition role. “Federal Aid’s Role in Tuition Jump Gains Credence.” Wall Street Journal. 8-9-15, p. A2. [includes graphs]
Education. Drudgereport.com 10-28-15 >>
Detroit Public Schools: 93% Not Proficient in Reading; 96% Not Proficient in Math…
Education. Drudgereport.com 4-8-17
Seething Mob Shuts Down Speech by Pro-Cop Writer Heather Mac Donald…
Education. Cal Berkeley. Drudgereport. 4-19-17
Berkeley Cancels Coulter Appearance Over Security Concerns… She vows to speak!
Education. 9-7-17. “States Lower the Bar for Teachers.”
Wall Street Journal. 9-7-17 p. A3
Education. 1-29-18 Wall Street Journal p.A1
“Do Vouchers Work? Look to Milwaukee.” “They operate best when schools limit the number of public students, analysis shows.”
Education: Drudgereport.com 2-27-18: STUDY: Schools safer today than in 1990s….
Education. 4-19-18 Drudgereport.comStudent walkouts, teacher strikes compete as protest culture infiltrates schools
Education. Drudgereport. 4-26-18
BERKELEY must face suit alleging bias against conservative speakers…
Education. 11-3-21
Unions and Education Groups Blame Racism Over Declining Test Scores
Unions and Education Groups Blame Racism Over Declining Test Scores
Unions and failed educrats are always looking for excuses for their failure to educate our students. Now, it is racism that is causing kids not to learn. At the same time the racist former Democrat Governor of Virginia has announced that if he wins the governorship, he will FIRE white teachers, because there are too many white teachers in Virginia. Racism? Yup, the Democrats are the historic racist Party in America—this scam on students is just another example of their racist DNA.
“Education establishments will do anything to undermine these low test scores because it makes them look bad. Of course, teachers unions are working toward the elimination of standardized tests because if they fail to do so, parents will be angry at the poor education their children are receiving. The best way to do that? Call these tests racist and take no responsibility.
For example, the Massachusetts Teachers Association has spoken out against these tests, asserting that these tests “allowed white supremacy to flourish in public schools.” The union is endorsing a bill that would eliminate the requirement of a passing score on these tests for graduation.
This is also happening in Canada, the president of the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation, Teri Mooring, said that standardized testing is “hurtful” and blamed the right for misusing these results to “inappropriately rank B.C. schools.”
No wonder government schools are failures. Instead of trying to fix the problem, they are creating fraud to claim the reason for the problem.
Unions and Education Groups Blame Racism Over Declining Test Scores
San Diego News Desk, Written by Vincent Price, 11/2/21
The most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reported a decline in the test scores of both reading and math for 13-year-old students, the first drop registered in 50 years. The test was given in early 2020, which was right before the COVID pandemic shut schools down.
Unfortunately, this is also occurring at the college level, according to Brandon McCoy, the education policy expert at the Manhattan Institute. Colleges have slowly moved toward test-optional instead of requiring them. The pandemic has expanded this practice for colleges, with over 1400 of them adopting this practice, ” The number of schools going test-optional had risen to 1,050. The pandemic has catalyzed this trend, with at least 1,400 colleges in 2021 making the move to test-optional. College systems around the country are now permanently eliminating the requirement for the SAT and ACT; the University of California system is doing away with the tests altogether.”
Education establishments will do anything to undermine these low test scores because it makes them look bad. Of course, teachers unions are working toward the elimination of standardized tests because if they fail to do so, parents will be angry at the poor education their children are receiving. The best way to do that? Call these tests racist and take no responsibility.
For example, the Massachusetts Teachers Association has spoken out against these tests, asserting that these tests “allowed white supremacy to flourish in public schools.” The union is endorsing a bill that would eliminate the requirement of a passing score on these tests for graduation.
This is also happening in Canada, the president of the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation, Teri Mooring, said that standardized testing is “hurtful” and blamed the right for misusing these results to “inappropriately rank B.C. schools.”
The National Education Association has also made false claims that testing children is racist, stating that “From grade school to college, students of color have suffered from the effects of biased testing.” With priorities like this, it’s no wonder America’s educational system has worsened.
Campaign Consideration
New York. “New York’s Bid to Control Religious Schools.” By Avi Schick. [Local public districts would have the power to shut down private institutions.] 1-19-18 Wall Street Journal editorial page.
Talking Points
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhugUzUuPkE 13 min The Frankfurt School and the left’s takeover of “education.’ It is a long term plan. Honestly a brilliant but truly evil one.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0KwdtCmvWg 11 min more on the Frankfurt school
Related Topics
Education. “Harvard’s Asian Problem.” [A lawsuit says racial preferences hurt high-achieving minorities.] 11-22-14