Elections III (From 1-13-24)

  1. Elections.  “Both Sides Threaten Democracy.”  By Tom McClintock.  [The Jan. 6 riot was a national disgrace, but Biden should push his own party to respect norms.]   1-13-24
  2. Elections.  “The Voters Finally Get Their Say.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [Each party seems set to make a big mistake, but a Trump-Biden rematch isn’t yet inevitable.]   1-13-24
  3. Elections. “In Iowa, It’s a Trump Ball.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [As the campaign begins, the big story is the 45th president’s commanding lead.]   1-16-24
  4. Elections.  “New York’s voter Suppression.”  By Howard Husock. [Closed primaries and early registration deadlines make it hard to cast a ballot that counts.]   1-16-24
  5. Elections.  “The Future is Unpredictable Even When It’s Certain.”  By Gerard Baker.  [You don’t know in advance what your parent’s death will be like.  The same is true of this year’s election.]   1-16-24
  6. Elections.  “Biden Took New Hampshire for ‘Granite.’”  By John Fund.  [Like LBJ in 1968, he didn’t bother to get on the ballot.  Will next week’s primary be an unpleasant surprise?]   1-16-24
  7. Elections.  “Biden Wins the GOP Iowa Caucus.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Now he has to beat the rival he helped pick.  Invoking Hitler isn’t helping.]   1-17-24
  8. Elections.  “Trump Takes Iowa, and the GOP Is His.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [Those who thought it was still Reagan’s party were proved wrong Monday night.]   1-17-24
  9. Elections.  “Iowa Gives Trump II a Boost.”  [New Hampshire is the best chance to make it a real GOP race.]   1-17-24
  10. Elections.  “A Disqualified Trump Could Still Appear on the Ballot.”  By Jason L. Riley.  [The Supreme Court could split the difference, leaving it up to Congress to decide his fate if he wins election.]  1-17-24
  11. Elections.  “Trump Ekes Out a Commanding Win in Iowa.”  By Karl Rove.  [He won a majority against a divided opposition – but came close to falling short.]   1-18-24
  12. Elections.  “The them-vs.-Us Election.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Not all rich people are ‘elite’ – and that helps explain America’s cultural divide.]  1-19-24
  13. Elections.  “Adam Schiff’ Telltale 2024 Agenda.”  [His radical plans should focus Republicans on electable candidates.]   1-19-24
  14. Elections.  “Haley Could Win New Hampshire.  Then What?”  By Barton Swaim.  [Trump attacks her viciously every day, but she’s been strangely tepid in going back at him.]   1-19-24
  15. Elections.  “Cheer Up, Republicans – at Least you’re Not the Tories.”  By Joseph C. Sternberg.  [Labour was so bad that the Conservatives didn’t have to govern well.  But now the opposition is revived.]   1-19-24
  16. Elections. “Trump Isn’t Serio9us About the Debt.”  [He joins Democrats in saying that any reform to Social Security would toss granny off a cliff.]   1-20-24
  17. Elections.  “This Isn’t Only a Trump Election.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [The non-elite feel more alienated than ever, even invaded, and they’ll be looking for better options.]  1-20-24
  18. Elections.  “The 2024 Republican Choice.”  [a second, chaotic Trump term, or a new conservative beginning?]   1-22-24
  19. Elections.   “Ron DeSantis Concedes Defeat.”  [The Florida Governor’s strategy failed to peel off Trump voters.’   1-22-24
  20. Elections.  “Dean Phillips Says the Quiet Part.”  By Barton Swaim.  [Can he do well enough in New Hampshire to cause Democrats to rethink another Biden candidacy?]   1-22-24
  21. Elections.  “If Brian Kemp Beat Trump, Maybe Nikki Haley Can.”   By Henry Olsen.  [Encourage more moderates and independents to vote by taking him on directly.]   1-23-24
  22. Elections.  ‘It’s All Over but the General Election.”  By Wm A. Galston.   [Trump and Biden both face difficulties in the match-up that is virtually certain.]   1-24-24
  23. Elections.  “Marc Elias Targets Wisconsin.”  [The election law hit man tries to change the state’s Congressional map.]   1-24-24
  24. Elections.  “Trump Should Debate Haley.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [Too many important voters on’t know what the former president stands for.]   1-25-24
  25. Elections.  “Trump Throws a New Hampshire Tantrum.”  By Karl Rove.  [After his victory he should be trying to unify the GOP.  But he’s spreading ill will.]   1-25-24
  26. Elections.  “Haley Revealed Trump’s Weaknesses. “  [In New Hampshire, she earned the chance to fight in South Carolina.]   1-25-24
  27. Elections.  “Nikki Haley Needs a Rationale.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Republican voters are open to voting for someone other than Trump – but why her?]   1-26-24
  28. Elections.  “From ‘Never Trump’ to ‘Encore.’”  By J.W. Verret.   [in 2019 I wanted him impeached.  Now I’ve become convinced that Biden is worse.]   1-26-24
  29. Elections.  “A GOP Border Reckoning.”  [We’ll soon know if the party really wants to solve the problem.]  1-26-24
  30. Elections.  “The Trump-MAGA Purge.”  [Anyone who donates to Haley is banned from his party, he says.]    1-26-24
  31. Elections. “Nikki Haley Should Go for Broke.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [Of course it’s too early to drop out.  A veteran GOP speechwriter has advice on challenging Trump.]    1-27-24Elections.  “The Border Threatens Biden’s Re-Election.”  By WM. A. Galston.  [A deal seemed on the way, but Republicans want to keep the issue alive for November.]   1-31-24
  32. Elections.  “Acknowledging the Border ‘Crisis,’ Biden Suddenly Sounds Like Trump.”   By Jason L. Riley.  [The former president is pushing the GOP to kill an immigration compromise so he can run on the issue.]   1-31-24
  33. Elections.  “Biden Is Worse Than Churchill’s Pudding.”  By Karl Rove.  [Trump is beatable, but the president’s campaign has no persuasive theme.]   2-1-24
  34. Elections.  “Why Do Black Pastors Oppose Israel?”  by Alan Dershowitz and Andrew Stein.  [Henry Louis Gates had an answer more than 30 years ago.]   2-1-24
  35. Elections.  “The GOP’s Spending Boost for Biden.”   [Booming federal outlays are providing a short-term lift to GDP.]   2-1-24
  36. Elections.  “The Taylor Swift ‘Psyop.’”  [Populist paranoia on the Trump right takes an even more bizarre turn.]   2-1-24
  37. Elections.  “Trump Is a Danger to U.S. Security.”  By John Bolton.  [His isolationist views and erratic thinking and style would pose even greater risks in a second term.]   2-1-24
  38. Elections.  “Jamaal Bowman’s 9/11 Truther Poem.”  [Are his New York constituents fed up with this guy yet?]   2-2-24
  39. Elections.  “Incompetent Elites Make Trump Look Appealing.”  By John H. Cochrane.  [His supporters don’t love everything about him but are sick of being disdained and misgoverned.]   2-3-24
  40. Elections.  “Iran, the 2024 Election Spoiler.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [In 1980 Tehran helped bring down Jimmy Carter.  Will it do the same to Joe Biden?]   2-6-24
  41. Elections.  “Trump Punts on the Border.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, jr.  [The leader who was supposed o ‘get things done’ fails on immigration.]    2-7-24
  42. Elections.  “ A State of the Union for the Middle Class.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [Lower prices and opportunities for noncollege workers should be prominent.]   2-7-24
  43. Elections.  “Trump’s Immunity Is Bigger Than him.”  [Is the Presidency at risk of being harried by partisan prosecutors?]   2-7-24
  44. Elections.  “Colorado Can’t Disqualify Trump.”   By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey.  [Applying the Insurrection Clause to the presidency would have given rogue states too much power.]   2-8-24
  45. Elections.  “Can Republicans  Hold George Santos’s House Seat.”  By Faith Bottum.  [Political neophyte Mazi Pilip is running neck-and-neck with Democratic former Rep. Tom Suozzi.]   2-10-24
  46. Elections.  “Matt Rosendale’s Gift to Chuck Schumer.”  [He wants another shot after losing Montana to Tester by 3.5 points.]   2-10-24
  47. Elections.  “America Is Having the Wrong Election.”  by Holman w. Jenkins, jr.  [Candidates Trump and Biden share an interest in not owning up to the prospect of a global war.]   2-10-24
  48. Elections.  “Stefanik Disqualifies Herself for the Vice Presidency.”  By Gregory F. Jacob.  [As she courts Trump, the congresswoman says she would have tried to overturn the 2020 election.]   2-12-24
  49. Elections.  “A Vote for President Harris.”  [The Vice President wants you to know she’s ready to be President.]   2-13-24
  50. Elections.  “A Borderline Crazy Campaign Strategy.’  By Jason L. Riley.  [Biden thinks hie can win by blaming the immigration crisis on Trump.  Really.]  2-14-24
  51. Elections.  “Biden Can’t Win Without Help from Trump.”  By Karl Rove.  [Voters have decided the president isn’t up to a second term.  But he keeps on running.]  2-15-24
  52. Elections.  “Border Cynicism Costs the GOP.”  [Democrat Tom Suozzi backs a border deal and takes back a House seat.]   2-15-24
  53. Elections.  “GOP Primary Showdown in South Carolina.”  By Barton Swaim.  [Pressed to summarize Nikki Haley’s message, one supporter offered: ‘She’s not Donald Trump.]   2-17-24
  54. Elections.  “Democrats Are Too Resigned to Biden.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [If he steps aside, he’ll be a hero to his party.  If he stays, his legacy may well be a second Trump term.]   2-17-24
  55. Elections.  “Haley’s Case to Keep Running.”   2-21-24
  56. Elections.  “Wisconsin’s Progressive Coup.”  [New state legislative maps could turn Madison into St. Paul.]   2-21-24
  57. Elections.  “Trump vs. Biden:  Only One Can Lose.”  By Karl Rove.  [In a chaotic race, turnout, third parties and debates could all make the difference.]   2-22-24
  58. Elections.  “Trump Forfeits the Debate Stage.”  By refusing to take on Nikki Haley, he’s giving Biden an easy out.] 2-22-24
  59. Elections.  “Biden, Trump and American Vanity.”  By Lance Morrow.  [The old WASP elites often had terrible judgment, but we should miss their ideals of leadership and service.]   2-23-24
  60. Elections.  “Ol’ Cranky and the State of The Union.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [Biden needs to address the immigration crisis, the economy and America’s place in the world.]   2-24-24
  61. Elections.  “Will Haley’s Voters Save the Day for Biden?  Don’t Bet on It.”  by Gerard Baker.  [Most of them will end up backing Trump, especially after almost four years of the alternative.]   2-27-24
  62. Elections.  “Battle of the Weak Incumbents.”  By Karl Rove.  [Voters will have to decide which is worse, feeble old Biden or angry old Trump.]   2-29-24
  63. Elections.  “The Winner in Michigan Is…RFK Jr.?”  [Trump lags his polls, and a Biden protest gets 1,000 votes.]   2-29-24
  64. Elections.  “Panic Time for Democrats.”  [Biden is losing to Trump in every poll as Super Tuesday arrives.]   3-4-24
  65. Elections.  “Joe Biden’s Unhappy Nation.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [Too many negative feedback loops have developed on this president’s watch.]   3-7-24
  66. Elections.  “Tuesday’s Winners Aren’t So Super.”  By Karl Rove.  [By overwhelming margins, voters back the worst candidates we’ve seen in years.]   3-7-24
  67. Elections.  “What Nikki Haley Accomplished.”  [Trump needs her voters to win but unifying gestures aren’t his style.]   3-7-24
  68. Elections.  “School Choice Can Save Biden’s Presidency.”  By Tressa Pankovits.  3-7-24
  69. Elections.  “The Trump-Biden Codependency.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Both presumptive nominees are so weak that they’d lose to virtually anyone else.]  3-8-24
  70. Elections.  “Greg Abbott’s Super-Duper Tuesday.”  [The Texas Governor ousts GOP lawmakers who killed school choice.]   3-8-24
  71. Elections.  “Biden’s Partisan State of Disunion.”  [The Democratic pep rally had not a single bipartisan grace note.]   3-10-24
  72. Elections.  “Global Chaos or the Orange Peril?”  by Walter Russell Mead. [Biden hopes voters will fear Trump 2.0 more than a drift toward World War III.]  3-12-24
  73. Elections.  “Biden Can Shout, but He’s No Truman.”  By Karl Rove.  [More important, Trump is no Dewey.  There won’t be a 1948-style comeback.]  3-14-24
  74. Elections.  “The Chicago Teacher’s Union’s Student Army.”   [The union plans to organize students and march them to the polls.]   3-15-24
  75. Elections.  “Will Political Hatred Spill Into the Streets?”  by Lance Morrow.  [The atmosphere in Biden-Trump America carries the odor of Weimar Germany, or Chicago in 1968.]   3-16-24
  76. Elections.  “Schumer Votes for the Trump Guy in Ohio.”  [Democrats are spending to boost Republican Moreno for the Senate.]  3-16-24
  77. Elections.  “TikTok, the Clock Winds Down to Elections Day.”   By Peggy Noonan.  [A heartening House vote the same week as the disheartening candidates clinch their nominations.]   3-16-24
  78. Elections.  “The US. Senate Needs Pro-Israel Voices.”  By Larry Hogan.  [That’s on one of the reasons I’m running to succeed Maryland Democrat Ben Cardin.]   3-18-24
  79. Elections.  “Why Democrats Are Losing Their Grip on Latino voters.”  By Jason L. Riley.  [The party’s lurch to the cultural left has hurt its sanding with working-class Hispanics.]  3-20-24
  80. Elections.  “2024 Comes Down to Only Seven States.”   By Karl Rove.   [Why the presidential candidates will talk about cars (Michigan) and water (Arizona).  3-21-24
  81. Elections.  “Biden is Coming for Your Truck.”  By Kimberley a. Strassel.  [‘Historic  progress’ on electric cars may turn into a historic rout in swing states.]   3-22-24
  82. Elections.  “Biden Is Merely a Player on Trump’s Stage.”  By James Taranto.  [Americans voted to end the drama.  Instead they got four more years and a mediocre supporting actor who cast himself as a hero.]   3-23-24
  83. Elections.  “On EVs, There’s a Lot of Hunter in Joe Biden.”  by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [His combination of selfishness an self-harm is working to put Trump back in the White House.]   3-23-24
  84. Elections.  “Biden Demotes America to the ‘Land of Possibilities.’”  By Matthew Hennessey.  [Whereas ‘opportunity’ implies agency, he suggests we’re at the mercy of forces beyond our control.]  3-25-24
  85. Elections.  “Democrats Will Probably Lose the Senate.” By Karl Rove.  [Opportunities abound for Republicans, who are defending only 11 seats this November.]   3-28-24
  86. Elections.  “Biden vs. Trump:  A Choice, Not an Echo, on Economic Policy.”  By Alan S. Blinder.  [The presidential nominees have very different views on climate, taxes, trade, entitlements, and labor.]   3-28-24 (Blinder was an adviser to Al Gore and John Kerry during their respective presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004)
  87. Elections.  “Meddlers for RFK Jr.” by Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Democrats may get bitten by a tactic they use to great effect in GOP primaries.]   3-29-24
  88. Elections.  “Joe Lieberman’s last Words on Israel.”  By Alan M. Dershowitz.  [A warning to Biden that he risks losing the votes of Jewish Democrats like us.]   3-29-24
  89. Elections.  “Maybe one Day We’ll Get a President We Feel Good About.”  By Joseph Epstein.  [He’d be someone with honor, courage and genuine desire to unite the country.  It could be a long wait.]   3-29-24
  90. Elections.  “Is This the End for PA’s Undated Ballots.”  [A Third Circuit ruling could stabilize 2024 voting, right on time.]   3-30-24
  91. Elections.  “The Ohio Voters Sen. Sherrod Brown Can’t Afford to Lose.”  By Salena Zito.  [The Mahoning Valley was a Democratic stronghold for almost a century.  Then Donald Trump came along.]   3-30-24
  92. Elections.  “The Shifting Trump-Biden Battlegrounds.”  By Karl Rove.   [In these states, small changes in partisan balance could end up swinging the election.]   4-4-24
  93. Elections.  “Wisconsin Bans Zuckerbucks.”   4-4-24
  94. Elections.  “No Labels Should Pick a Team.”  By Mitt Romney.  4-6-24
  95. Elections.  “No Labels, No Alternatives, No Escape.”  [Voters don’t want Biden or Trump, but America has a two-party system.]   4-6-24
  96. Elections.  “An October Disinformation Surprise Is Coming.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Will the press be ready if, for the third election in a row, our national-security state meddles?]  4-6-24Elections.  “GOP May Not Manage to Lose the House.”  By Karl Rove.  [They’ve done a lot to put voters off, but they also have some advantages this year.]   4-11-24
  97. Elections.  “Latino and Black Voters Could Elect Trump.”  By Patrick Ruffini.  [Even a modest racial realignment would provide the margin of victory for Republicans in November.]   4-12-24
  98. Elections.  “The Obnoxious ‘Genocide Joe’ Protesters.”  By Wm. McGurn.   [Biden may be in for a rerun of 1968, with a ruinous Democratic Chicago convention.]   4-16-24
  99. Elections.  “The ‘You’re Stuck With Joe’ Strategy.”  By Homan W Jenkins, Jr.  [Don’t call it collusion but Biden’s campaign owes the Iranians a big thank-you note.]   4-17-24
  100. Elections.  ‘Biden Has to Win Back his 2020 Voters.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [He has lost support in key voting blocs that helped him secure the White house last time.]  4-17-24
  101. Elections.  “Be a Wary Reader in the 2024 Election.”  By Karl Rove.  [Disinformation from Russia and China is evolving and has even spread to Capitol Hill.]   4-18-24
  102. Elections.  “Could Fossil Fuels Re-Elect Biden?”  [Oil and gas are doing more for the economy than his climate dreams.]   4-19-24
  103. Elections.  “Put Growth Back on the political Agenda.”  By Glenn Hubbard.  [Spooked by disruption, candidates give in to the temptations of industrial policy and protectionism.]  4-19-24
  104. Elections.  “Biden Piles Sanctions on Alaska.  [As the election nears, he’s blocking oil drilling and mining in the state.]   4-20-24
  105. Elections.  “Democrats’ ‘Election Interference.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Alvin Bragg’s theory in New York state’s Trump case is crazier than you think.]   4-26-24
  106. Elections.  “Bragg Wants the 2016 Election on Trial.”  [Prosecutors are trying to spin a bookkeeping charge as a vast Trump election conspiracy.]   4-26-24
  107. Elections.  “Biden Says He’ll Debate Trump.  When?”   4-27-24
  108. Elections.  “All the Disinformation That’s fit to Print.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Will heavy-handed U.S. intelligence spooks re-elect Trump?  Will the New York Times help?]  4-27-24
  109. Elections.  “The Middle East Is a Trap for Joe Biden.”  By Walter Russell Mead.  He is caught between the national interest and the demands oof his political base.]   4-30-24
  110. Elections.  “Josh Shapiro, a Competent Pragmatist in Divided Times.”  By Salena Zito.  [Pennsylvania’s Democratic governor has earned a reputation for being sure-footed in a crisis.]  4-30-24
  111. Elections.  “Putin’s New Burisma Meme.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Regard a Moscow conspiracy theory as a palate cleanser for your 2024 spookfest.]   5-1-24
  112. Elections.  “Illegal Votes Are Stolen From Citizens.”  By Bra Raffensperger.  [Liberals are intent on preventing states from verifying eligibility.]   5-1-24
  113. Elections.  “Trump Taunts Biden Over Fall Debates.”  By Karl Rove.  [Will the two men face off?   Of so, why not do it the way Kennedy and Nixon did in 1960?]   5-2-24
  114. Elections.  “There’s No Business Like White House Business.”  By Alan S. Blinder.  [Donald Trump may be an entrepreneur, but that doesn’t mean he’s a good steward of the economy.]   5-2-24 (Blinder was an adviser to Al Gore and John Kerry during their respective presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004)
  115. Elections.  “Biden Fails the Campus Test.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [His fear of taking on the crazy left poses a real threat to his re-election chances.]   5-3-24
  116. Elections.  “How to Choose a Vice President.”  by Karl Rove.  [Running mates don’t matter much, but they should be prepared to fill the top office.]   5-9-24
  117. Elections.  “The Lawfare Implosion of 2024.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Will the presentation of Donald Trump end up putting him back in the White House?]   5-10-24
  118. Elections.  “Why Biden Is Losing on the Economy.”   [The average annual inflation rate during his Presidency is 5.5%.]   5-11-24
  119. Elections.  “2024: A Certain Fatalism Sets In.”  by Peggy Noonan.  [Political pros start to ask if there’s anything President Biden can do to pull out a victory in November.]   5-11-24
  120. Elections.  “Musk and Trump:  Eerie Parallels.”  By Andy Kessler.  [One was the most important person in the world.  The other was president.”  5-13-24
  121. Elections.  “Trump’s Vice-Presidential Opportunity.”  [He needs to attract Haley’s voters, and a MAGA echo won’t do it.]   5-13-24
  122. Elections.  “RFK Jr.’s Threat to Trump.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [Once warm to the independent, the former president calls him a ‘left lunatic.”]   5-14-24
  123. Elections.  “Foreign Policy and the 2024 Election:  Feckless or Reckless?”  by Gerard Baker.  [Biden is weak.  Trump is unpredictable.  Either way, we likely face four more years of instability.]    5-14-24
  124. Elections.  “Vice President Kristi Noem?  That Dog won’t Hunt.”  By Faith Bottum.  [Even in the age of Donald Trump, shooting a pooch turns out to fall foul of American political norms.]   5-14-24
  125. Elections.  “Marxism Is a Gulag of the Mind.”  By Gary Saul Morson.  [The left manipulates politics by inverting the meaning of terms like ‘democracy’ and ‘equity.’   5-15-24
  126. Elections.  “Trump’s Wildwood Days.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [The raucous New Jersey rally had the outlines of a broader election appeal.]   5-16-24
  127. Elections.  “Biden Goes From the Basement to Denial.”  By Karl Rove.   [Polls show him behind Trump, and he won’t come back unless he admits the problem.]   5-16-24
  128. Elections.  “Trump and Haley:  A Perfect Match.”  By Gordon Sondland.  [As running mates, they can unite voters, raise money, and dominate American public policy for years.]   5-16-24
  129. Elections.  “A Republican Primary Brawl in South Texas.”  By Sierra Dawn McClain.  [Rep. Tony Gonzales faces a runoff against Brandon Herrera in a solid but not quite safe GOP district.]   5-17-24
  130. Elections.  “Democrats Take Jewish voters for Granted.”  By Ammiel Hirsh.  [We are liberal and support Israel.  The party risks losing us by pandering to its antisemitic elements.]   5-17-24
  131. Elections.  “A New Jersey Friend Is Sticking With Trump.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [‘It was like he makes you fell everything’s gonna be OK,’ she says.  And ‘he’s very funny and sarcastic.’]   5-18-24
  132. Elections.  “Suddenly Democrats Care About the Border.”  By John Thune.  [Biden and Schumer begin to see their political vulnerability.]   5-21-24
  133. Elections.  “Russia Influence Racket Redux.”  By Holman W. Jankins, Jr.  [Expect the most polluted election ever as MSNBC redefines ‘Russia hoax.’]  5-22-24
  134. Elections.  “Joe Biden’s 2024 Election Bribes.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [The president is using the U.S. treasury like a 1920s party boss’s safe.]   5-23-24
  135. Elections.  “Will RFK Jr.  Swing the Election to Biden?  By Karl Rove.  [Third parties never win, but on occasion they’ve been known to determine the loser.]   5-23-24
  136. Elections.  “Election 2024:  Send In the Tropes.”  By Lance Morrow.  [It’s a three ring circus:  the Trump trials, the Biden fiasco and the culture war between woke and MAGA.]   5-24-24
  137. Elections.  “America’s Presidential Election Dilemma.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [The best of the voter’s bad choices may be to hope the next president doesn’t serve four years.]   5-25-24
  138. Elections.  “The Unsinkable Kamala Harris.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [A party that lives by identity politics is now trapped by identity politics.]   5-28-24
  139. Elections.  “Don’t Blame Me for Biden’s Ballot Problem.”  By Frank La Rose.  [It’s my duty as Ohio’s chief elections officer to uphold the law.]   5-28-24
  140. Elections.  “The High Court on Racial Gerrymandering.”  [A South Carolina case clarifies the high bar for judicial intervention.]   5-28-24
  141. Elections.  “Will Biden Drag Senate Democrats Down With Him?”  by Gerard Baker.  [So far at least, his party’s swing-state incumbents are polling ahead of the unpopular president.]   5-28-24
  142. Elections.  “Libertarians Should Vote For Trump.”  By Walter E. Block.  [He isn’t one of us, but he promised to pardon Ross Ulbricht — and he’s a lot better than Joe Biden.]   5-29-24
  143. Elections.  “Larry Hogan Runs for Senate Centrist.”  By Mene Ukueberuwa.  [Flipping a Maryland seat could win a GOP majority, but the former governor appeals to Democrats too.]  5-29-24
  144. Elections.  “Robert De Niro Tries to Out-Crazy MTG.”  by Karl Rove.  [Biden and Trump surrogates are trying their best to alienate crucial swing voters.]   5-30-24
  145. Elections.  “Elon Musk Should Be a Democrat.”  By Joe Cunningham.  {He flirts with Trump, but his businesses are in line with Biden’s priorities.]   5-31-24
  146. Elections.  “Trump’s Conviction and Biden’s Worst Decision.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [If he really were FDR, it might justify what he’s putting the country through for a second term.]   6-1-24
  147. Elections.  “Why Republicans Hate the Trump Verdict.”  6-3-24
  148. Elections.  “Biden’s Border Election Gambit.”  [With graph of “Encounters at the U.S. Southern Border by Fiscal Year, 2008 – 2024]   6-5-24
  149. Elections.  “Lara Trump Denounces Larry Hogan.”  6-5-24
  150. Elections.  “A Belated Apology for ‘2000 Mules.’”  [Salem Media settles a defamation lawsuit for a ‘significant’ amount.]   6-6-24
  151. Elections.  “Democratic Lawfare Arrives in Wisconsin.”  [The case against a GOP elector slate would make Alvin Bragg blush.]   6-8-24
  152. Elections.  “Who’s Next in Line After President Kamala Harris?”  by Kenneth L. Khachigian.  [The question isn’t as odd as it sounds  She could easily be sitting in the Oval Office this time next year.]   6-8-24
  153. Elections.  “No Summer Vacation From Election 2024.”  By Karl Rove.  [Six major inflection points are coming between now and the autumnal equinox.]   6-13-24
  154. Elections.  “How Black Voters Become Swing Voters.”  By Robert L. Woodson Dr.  [Democrats have left a leadership vacuum, but Republicans need to make the case for themselves.]   6-13-24
  155. Elections.  “Is Business Rally ‘Part of the Problem’?”  [“…That’s how Montana Democratic Sen. Jon Tester described his opponent, Tim Sheehy…”]   6-17-24
  156. Elections.  “Trump vs. Biden:  An Economic Gamble Either way.”  By Allysia Finley.  [The challenger’s tariff and immigration plans might be risky, but are they worse than the status quo?]   6-17-24
  157. Elections.  “Trump’s Tips-Tax Gambit.”  [He plays Biden-lite on tax policy with a carve-out for tipped income.]   6-18-24
  158. Elections.  “Trump vs. Biden:  Can We Overcome Our Disbelief?”  by Gerard Baker.  [We’re aske to accept that the incumbent is sharp as  tack and the challenger has the character to lead.]   6-18-24
  159. Elections.  “Joe Biden’s Celebrity Party.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [He’ll take Hollywood, but Trump is peeling away layers of the Democratic coalition.]   6-20-24
  160. Elections.  “Experts Handicap the Trump-Biden Debate.”  By Karl Rove.  [A make-or-break moment arrives unusually early in the presidential race.]   6-20-24
  161. Elections.  “Why Republicans Don’t Abandon ‘Felon’ Trump.”  By Michael W.  McConnell.  [They see the Democrats’ political use of the justice system as a more serious threat to democracy.]   6-20-24
  162. Elections.  “Elections in SopranoLand.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Democrats campaign against the ‘criminal’ GOP nominee.  Then there’s New Jersey.]   6-21-24
  163. Elections.  “CNN Blackballs Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “  by John Fund.  [It ignores Federal Election Commission rules in excluding him from the debate.]   6-21-24
  164. Elections.  “Wisconsin’s Republican Masochists.”  [Trump supporters may cost the state GOP its legislative majority.]   6-22-24
  165. Elections.  “Trump Green Lights More Green Cards.”  [He acknowledges the need for human talent to compete with China.]   6-24-24
  166. Elections.  “Young Voters No Longer Get A Charge out of the Biden Presidency.”  By Allysia Finley.  [Most can’t afford a home, and many are struggling to find work.  They can’t even sell their used EVs.]   6-24-24
  167. Elections.  “Trump Is Now the Candidate of Normalcy.”  By Bill Hagarty.  [Biden’s watch brought disasters overseas, inflation and abuses of he justice system.]   6-26-24
  168. Elections.  “Trump’s Presidential Watershed.”  [His VP choice and the debate are chances to expand his coalition.]   6-26-24
  169. Elections.  “Trump vs. Biden:  This Debate Could Change Everything.”  By Gerard Baker.  [The president takes a risk in proposing a face-off so early in the cycle.  He also has some advantages.]  6-25-24
  170. Elections.  “The Presidential Debate Is Donald Trump’s to Lose.”  By Jason L. Riley.  [Even with the moderators in Biden’s corner, the president will have a hard time with the questioning.]   6-26-24
  171. Elections.  “A Trump-Biden Cage Match?” by Daniel Henninger.  [A presidential debate on issues is what most voters want.  Don’t hold your breath.]   6-27-24
  172. Elections.  “Trump’s Debate Chance on Drug Prices.”  By Grace-Marie Turner.  [NATO and Operation Warp Speed show the path to supporting medical innovation.]   6-27-24
  173. Elections.  “A Political Base Is Only a Base.”  By Karl Rove.  [Neither party can win without expanding its appeal to swing voters and even defectors.]   6-27-24
  174. Elections.  “For Trump as for Clinton, It’s Still the Economy, Stupid.”  By David Malpass.  [Biden’s costly rules and spending made inflation worse.  The challenger would foster growth.]   6-27-24
  175. Elections.  “The 51 Intel Know-Nothings.”  By Kimberley A Strassel.  [New revelations on the 2020 attempt to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story.]   6-28-24
  176. Elections.  “Republicans Win on Support for Ukraine.”  [The vote for military aid has made no difference in GOP primaries.]   6-28-24
  177. Elections.  “The Most Important Presidential Debate Ever.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [It was an unmitigated disaster for Biden and a rout for Trump.  Democrats will have to face reality.]  6-29-24
  178. Elections.   “Presidential Debate Stirs Memories of Leonid Brezhnev.”  By Sergey Radchenko. [The Soviet leader was only 75 when he died, but his infirmities led to the Soviet Union’s collapse.]   6-29-24
  179. Elections.  “Sorry, Democrats, Biden Is Your Man.”  By Taylor Budowich.  [They can’t convince him to withdraw – and if they do, then comes the hard part.]   7-1-24
  180. Elections.  “The Mess Democrats Have Made.”  [Imagine if Biden had chosen a VP for competence rather than identity politics.]   7-1-24
  181. Elections.  “Margaret Chase Smith for President.”  By Lance Morrow.  [True, she’d be 126 years old, but she was smarter, fairer and more principled than Trump or Biden.]   7-1-24
  182. Elections.  “Would Gavin Newsom Beat Trump?  Don’t Bet on It.”  By Allysia Finley.  [Winning is easy in a one-party state.  In a national race, he’d have t answer for his terrible record.]   7-1-24
  183. Elections.  “Biden Should Withdraw, And So Should Trump.”  By Ted Van Dyk.  7-1-24
  184. Elections.  “A Debate Heard ‘Round the World.”  By Walter Russell Mead. [Seeing foreign policy as a crucial weakness of Biden’s presidency, Trump hammers away.]  7-2-24
  185. Elections.  “The Constitution Protects ‘Fake Electors.’”  By Lawrence Lessig.  [Efforts to prosecute them constitute election interference.]   7-2-24
  186. Elections.  “Is Josh Shapiro Capable of Leadership?”  by Wm. McGurn.  [He says he supports a school-choice plan, but so far he’s done nothing to advance it.]   7-2-24
  187. Elections.  “Democracy’s Death Has Been Greatly Exaggerated.”  By Matthew Hennessey.  [Voters preferred Biden in 2020.  Maybe they’ll pick Trump this time.  That’s how the system works.]   7-2-24
  188. Elections.  “Who’s Afraid of Kamala Harris?”  [Team Biden is trying to scare Democrats that she’s the only alternative.]   7-3-24
  189. Elections.  “About the Democratic Panic.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [With polls starting to come in after Biden’s miser able debate, it’s freak-out time.]   7-5-24
  190. Elections.  “President Biden, the Time to Leave Is Now.”  By James. S. Robbins.  [A majority of voters believe he is no longer fit to be president.]   7-5-24
  191. Elections.  “Donald Trump and the Clouseau Democrats.”  [An elite that can be so readily and repeatedly outsmarted is an elite that needs replacing.]   7-6-24
  192. Elections.  “Why Joe Probably Won’t Go.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [What the election looks like now that the press is not covering for Biden.]   7-9-24
  193. Elections.  “Team Biden’s Cynical Gamble.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [His mental aging and poor polls were the problem.  Trump was the solution.]   7-10-24
  194. Elections.  “Democrats’ Chance to Reshuffle the Deck.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [If Biden steps aside, the party could still beat Trump with the right strategy.]   7-10-24
  195. Elections.  “Kamala Harris Would Be the Best Democratic Choice.”  by Jason L. Riley.   [She’d rally black voters who are souring on Democrats and she’d close to Trump in the polls.]   7-10-24
  196. Elections.  “The Biden Problem Is Policy.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [He’s indispensable at 81 because the rest of the party has moved too far left for voters.]   7-12-24
  197. Elections.  “Abortion and Trumps VP Choice.”  [The veep finalist who’s closest to Trump is N.D. Gov. Doug Burgum.]   7-12-24
  198. Elections.  “The Coming ‘Summer of Resistance.’  7-12-24
  199. Elections.  “Two Old Men Face Armageddon.”  By Lance Morrow.  [Trump and Biden are locked in a death struggle for leadership of a country of which each of them is a symptom of decline.]   7-13-24
  200. Elections.  “The Bitter Biden Reality Sinks In.”  [Democrats fear defeat, but the bigger threat is the next four years.]   7-13-24
  201. Elections.  “If Democrats Are Wise, They’ll Embrace Chaos.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [The romantic see things clearly.  Biden can’t go on, and anointing Harris would be a mistake.]   7-13-24
  202. Elections.  “George Clooney Wakes Up to the Biden Grift.”  By Holman w. Jenkins, Jr.  [A weak and deteriorating president suckered his own party with a high-risk bid for a second term.]   7-13-24
  203. Elections.  “America’s Jacksonian Turn.”   By Walter Russel Mead.  [The assassination attempt gives new power to an old political tendency.]   7-15-24
  204. Elections.  “About Biden’s Pledge to Unify the Nation.”  By Allysia Finley.  [He was elected to ‘be normal and stop the chaos.’  At that he has manifestly failed.]   7-15-24
  205. Elections.  “The Shooting of Donald Trump.”  [The near miss is miraculous, and it could be redemptive political moment.]   7-15-24
  206. Elections.  “Quarantining the Conspiracy Swamps.”  [the conspiracists on the right and left should be ostracized.]   7-15-24
  207. Elections.  “A Chance to Reject Political Valence.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [The response to the assassination attempt against Trump could be redemptive.]   7-16-24
  208. Elections.  “Trump Bets on a MAGA Successor.”  [He chooses a 39-year old Senator who will reinforce his base.]   7-16-24
  209. Elections.  “J.D. Vance and the Indian-American Dream.”  By Tunku Varadarajan.  [This immigrant group has prospered without quotas or grievances.]   7-17-24
  210. Elections.  “The Trump Economy, Past and Future.”  [Deregulation and tax reform were pro-growth, but tariffs hurt the common man.]   7-17-24
  211. Elections.  “Biden Proposes Nationwide Rent Control.”  [He wants to cap rent increases at 5% a year, if you can believe it.]   7-17-24
  212. Elections.  “J.D. Vance and the Rise of ‘Postliberalism.”  By Graedon H. Zorzi.  [He brings philosophical heft to Trump’s attack on the progressive elites and the ‘deep state.’”  7-17-24
  213. Elections.    “Trump’s Presidential Moment.”  By Karl Rove.  [After the attempt on his life, he has a chance to unify the nation at the RNC.]   7-18-24
  214. Elections.  “Donald Trump’s Third Presidential Life.”  [The election is his to lose.  Can he govern better if he wins?”]   7-18-24
  215. Elections.  “Trump’s Biggest Volatility Risk?  Taiwan.”  [The GOP nominee signals that he might not defend the island.]   7-18-24