- Biden Administration. “The Education of Joe Biden.” By Wm McGurn. [Is he really going to nominate the head of a teacher’s union for his cabinet?] 11-17-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Tough Job: Uniting Americans.” By Wm. Galston. [He should decline to investigate Trump and pass a reasonable Covid compromise.] 11-18-20
- Biden Administration. “Clinton’s Example for Biden.” By Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. [Like the 1994 election, voters have chosen divided government – and issued a mandate for compromise.] 11-18-20
- Biden Administration. “Happy Birthday, Joe.” [Here’s to good health, but a 78-year old leader should be transparent.] 11-19-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden Should Impose conditions on Rejoining WHO.” By Claudia Rosett. [Insist that its pro-Beijing director resign, and that the organization readmit Taiwan as an observer.] 11-19-20
- Biden Administration. “A Family Policy Warning.” [Massive child subsidies in Austria didn’t reduce gender inequality.] 11-20-20
- Biden Administration. “Trump’s gift to Joe Biden.” [His new drug price rule will hurt the innovation that produced vaccines.] 11-23-20
- Biden Administration. “Nationwide Injunctions Will Be a Vital check if Biden Overreaches.” [Courts should issue such orders sparingly, but Congress has authorized them in appropriate cases.] 11-23-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s foreign-policy Team Takes Shape.” By Walter Russell Mead. [It won’t be Obama’s third term, but expect establishment virtues and a climate focus.] 11-24-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Liberal Internationalists.” [Blinken is reassuring, but Kerry as climate czar is catnip for China.] 11-24-20
- Biden Administration. “A Fed Chair for Treasury.” [Yellen is likely to exert considerable influence over the central bank.] 11-24-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden, Iran and the Bomb.” [Will he throw away Trump’s Mideast gains to return to a bad deal?” 11-28-20Biden Administration. “Team Obama’s Iran Illusions.” [Its gurus have learned nothing in their years out of power.] 11-30-20
- Biden Administration. “How Biden Can Break the Senate Stonewall.” By Rahm Emanuel. [Start with issues that cross party lines. For some ideas, look to November’s state ballot measures.] 12-1-20
- Biden Administration. “Climate Finance May Foul the Economy.” By Walter Russell Mead. [The effects of Biden’s Treasury regulating ‘environmental risk’ will likely be perverse.] 12-8-20
- Biden Administration. “John Kerry’s Arab Peace.” 12-8-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Identity Health-Care Pick.” [Becerra’s only qualification is that he sued Trump many times.] 12-8-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden Can Make American Trade Deals Great Again.” By Robert B. Zoellick. [Unions might resist, but most Democrats now agree that economic isolation is a losing proposition.] 12-11-20
- Biden Administration. “Is There a Doctor in the White House? Not if You Need an M.D.” by Joseph Epstein. [Jill Biden should think about dropping the honorific, which feels fraudulent, even comic.] 12-12-20
- Biden Administration. LTE. “The ‘Dr.’ Is in – the Next First Lady Earned It.” 12-14-20
- Biden Administration. “The Biden Team Strikes Back.” By Paul A. Gigot. [Its strategists promote an identity politics campaign against an op-d on Jill Biden’s use of ‘Dr.’] 12-14-20
- Biden Administration. “A Special counsel Christmas.” By Wm. McGurn. [How a Joe Biden Justice Department could investigate Biden’s son Hunter.] 12-15-20
- Biden Administration. “A New Way to Lead the Free World.” By Anders Fugh Rasmussen. [The authoritarian tide has risen, but a global alliance of democracies would help turn it back.] 12-16-20
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden’s Cabinet of Diversity.” By Daniel Henninger. [Does politics have a larger purpose than dividing power by multiple categories?] 12-17-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden Needs a Conciliatory Tone.” By Karl Rove. [The new president should stop dwelling on the election, even if the old one won’t.] 12-17-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Court Problem.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [He may find a judicial branch more skeptical of regulatory power than under Obama.] 12-18-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden Is a Climate Dead End.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Green pork will do less good than getting out of the way for energy technology and investment.] 12-19-20
- Biden Administration. “Will Biden’s Education Nominee Stand for Students or for Unions?” by Karl Zinsmeister. [Cardona will face pressure to abandon charter school, one of the few government innovations that work.] 12-23-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Fast Track to Reregulation.” [The Congressional Review Act could swiftly undo Trump successes.] 12-26-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Climate All Stars.” [Grandholm subsidized green-job business losers in Michigan.] 12-28-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden, Meet Your Frenemies in Europe.” By Dominic Green. [The president-elect longs for ‘normal,’ but inherits an EU courting China and pushing out the U.S.] 12-28-20
- Biden Administration. “Japan’s Biden Jitters.” [From Tokyo, a pointed Taiwan question for the President-elect.] 12-29-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Win for the American System.” By Rahm Emanuel. [Voters who chose him still have faith in public institutions. His goal should be to reassure the rest.] 12-29-20
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Iran Policy vs Reality in Tehran.” 1-5-21
- Biden Administration. “A Garland for Biden’s Attorney General.” [The D.C. Circuit judge could bring sober leadership to Justice.] 1-8-21
- Biden Administration. “Law Enforcement Cheers Biden’s homeland Chief.” By Patrick Yoes. [The Fraternal Order of Police enthusiastically endorse Mayorkas.] 1-8-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s First Fracking Test.” {Will he allow a proposed port for LNG to go through as planned?] 1-11-21
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden’s Impeachment Moment.” [He’d help the country and his Presidency by calling off the House.] 1-12-21
- Biden Administration. “Xavier Becerra’s Nonprofit Problem.” By James Piereson and Naomi Schaefer Riley. [They don’t spend donor’s money on his priorities. As Biden’s health secretary, he could try to coerce them.] 1-14-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s CIA Pick could Set the Agency Right.” By Fred Fleitz. [William Burns will rein in intelligence with an outsider’s touch.] 1-15-21
- Biden Administration. “Pelosi’s Top Priority: Consolidating Power.” [Her first bills would dilute ballot integrity and make D.C. a state.] 1-15-21
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden Can learn From the Gipper’s Example of Unity.” By Kenneth L. Khachigian. [After a harsh campaign 40 years ago, Reagan reached out to opponents in his inaugural address.] 1-15-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s First Spending Blowout.” [He doubles Obama’s 2009 plan even as the economy is poised to take off in 2021.] 1-16-21
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden’s Early Test From Moscow and Beijing.” By John Bolton. [An expiring arms-control deal is a chance to address hypersonics and make China come to the table.] 1-19-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Destroys Restaurants to Save Then.” By Michael Saltsman. [Abolishing the tipped minimum wage would wipe out the benefit of his Covid grants.] 1-20-21
- Biden Administration. “Yellen vs. Yellen on the Minimum Wage.” [Biden’s Treasury nominee adapts and extends her views.] 1-20-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Stimulus Hits all the Right Notes.” By Alan S. Blinder. [His American Rescue Plan builds on what worked in the Cares Act and corrects what didn’t.] (Blinder was an adviser to Al Gore and John Kerry during their respective presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004.) 1-20-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Unity Address.” [National healing doesn’t require agreement on one point of view.] 1-21-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Keystone Pipeline Kill.” [On his first day he insults Canada and ends thousands of jobs.] 1-21-21 (“…Mr. Biden is sending an early signal that the climate panic will trump nearly everything else in his Administration. The unstated but operative message from the Keystone kill is that he will use regulation and permitting to do the dirty work.”)
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden’s Super State.” By Daniel Henninger. [The Covid vaccination mess calls to mind the catastrophic rollout of ObamaCare.] 1-21-21
- Biden Administration. “A Biden Tax-Hike Break For Small Businesses.” By Ed Finn. [Congress should raise the top corporate rate to 29%, but only for the most profitable companies.] 1-21-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Learns to Love Brett Kavanaugh.” [Democrats suddenly adopt the theory of the unitary executive.] 1-22-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Fossil-Fuel Freeze.” [Climate activists are now running federal oil and gas permitting.] 1-23-21
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden’s First Day Began the End of Girls’ Sports.” By Abigail Shrier. [An executive order rigs competition by requiring that biological boys be allowed to compete.] 1-23-21
- Biden Administration. “America Emerges Disunited but Intact.” By Peggy Noonan. [After an exhausting four years, a relatively normal inauguration offers hope that better days are ahead.] 1-23-21
- Biden Administration. “Unmasking Samantha Power.” 1-25-21 [“…she owes the American people a full explanation of what she did during the last presidential transition.”]
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Opening Salvo on Beijing.” By Walther Russell Mead. [His administration’s early moves were aggressive, but will it sustain the pressure?] 1-26-21
- Biden Administration. “Does Biden Want A Bill or an Issue? By Wm. A. Galston. [He’ll accomplish more if he makes a realistic to-do list rather than an ambitious wish list.] 1-27-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Age of Climate Decadence.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [H would literally do everything differently if he really cared about our carbon risks.] 1-27-21
- Biden Administration. “An Immigration TRO for Joe.” 1-27-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Out-Trumps Trump.“ [His ‘Buy American’ rules are even more protectionist.] 1-27-21
- Biden Administration. LTE. “For Unity, Biden Must Respect Trump Voters.” 1-27-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Gives Regulators A Free and Heavy Hand.” By Mick Mulvaney and Joe Grogan. [His idea of ‘modernizing’ rules is to assert they have benefits that are ‘impossible to quantify.’] 1-27-21
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden’s Rule-of-Law Problem.” By Daniel Henninger. [Without official pushback, we will tip toward the mob style in American politics.] 1-28-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Defunds the States.” [His oil and gas drilling moratorium is an assault on education funding.] 1-28-21
- Biden Administration. “Need Discount Debt? Try 50-Year Bonds.” By Jon Hartley. [Long-term Treasurys could give Biden the room to spend big.] 1-29-21
- Biden Administration. “Will Biden Restore ‘Charitable’ Shakedowns?” by James R. Copland. [He’s ordered a review of a Trump policy against settlement payouts to favored third parties.] 1-29-21
- Biden Administration. “Eurocrats Are From Pluto.” By Walter Russell Mead.” [Team Biden will be disappointed if it mistakes them for starry-eyed idealists.] 2-2-21
- Biden Administration. “Can Biden Broker a Covid Compromise?” by Wm. Galston. [The best shot at a bipartisan bill is focusing on relief, not structural change.] 2-3-21
- Biden Administration. “Where’s Biden on Opening Schools?” [So far he’s buckling to the unions that won’t return to classrooms.] 2-3-21
- Biden Administration. “Congressional Democrats’ Plan to Bail Out China.” By French Hill. [IMF ‘special drawing rights’ with no strings are the wrong way to help developing countries.] 2-3-21
- Biden Administration. “’Equity’ for Asian-Americans in Practice.” [Biden bars ‘Wuhan virus’ but favors racial preferences at Yale.] 2-4-21
- Biden Administration. “Beijing Won’ Let America ‘Compartmentalize’ Climate Change.” [Biden officials’ urgency about emissions makes them likely to sacrifice more-important goals.] 2-4-21
- Biden Administration. “The Antidote to Trump Isn’t Obama Redux.” By Walter Russell Mead. [U.S. allies worry that Biden may turn out to be all posturing ant talk, no action.] 2-9-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Fumbles Early on Opioid Addiction.” By Brian Barnett and Jeremy Weleff. [He rolls back a Trump reform to increase access to treatment.] 2-9-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Sacks a Corruption Prober.” [Even Senate Democrats wonder why he ousted an Illinois US. Attorney.] 2-10-21Biden Administration. “The Hubris of Joe Biden on Covid Relief.’” [As in 2009, jamming through may cost Democrats in the next midterms.] 2-11-21
- Biden Administration. “The Teachers Unions Roll Over Biden.” [Even a $130 billion bribe won’t get them back in the classroom this year.] 2-11-21
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden’s Covid Schooling.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Rather than reopen classrooms, the new president coasts on his predecessor’s work.] 2-12-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Gets Off to a Rough Start.” By Walter Russell Mead. [From human rights in China to deforestation in Brazil, no even allies share U.S. goals.] 2-16-21
- Biden Administration. “Why Joe Biden Needs Bipartisanship.” By Raj, Emanuel. [Working across the aisle is a key part of his appeal to swing voters – and Mitch McConnell knows it.] 2-16-21
- Biden Administration. “Magic Money for the Rich.” [The Biden Treasury has a plan to dodge Congress on IMF aid.] 2-19-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Stimulus Bill Is a $1.9 Trillion Clunker.” By Mitt Romney. [Senate Republicans are eager to get aid where it’s needed, reopen schools and encourage work.] 2-24-21
- Biden Administration. “Neera Tanden’s Death by Twitter.” By Daniel Henninger. [Does the site have a tool for deleting 1,000 self-destructive political tweets?] 2-25-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Stimulus and the ‘Financialization’ of Taxes.” By joseph C. Sternberg. [How to pay for all the new spending? The president proposes heavier reliance on capital-gains levies.] 2-26-21
- Biden Administration. “Yellen Can’t save the Polar Bears.” By Gregory Zerzan. [What happens if financial regulators try to address the climate? Expect the usual corporate favoritism.] 2-26-21
- Biden Administration. “It’s Joe Manchin’s Moment.” By Wm. McGurn. [Will the West Virginia Democrat sink Xavier Becerra’s nomination as health secretary?] 3-2-21
- Biden Administration. “Bad Judgment and Biden’s Pentagon.” [Colin Kahl is the wrong choice to be chief Defense strategist.] 3-9-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Great Society Remake.” By Jason L. Riley. [The Covid relief package is the largest expansion of the welfare state since LBJ’s signature program.] 3-10-21
- Biden Administration. Illegals. “The Biden Border Mess.” [Migrants rush to enter the U.S., creating a humanitarian crisis.] 3-15-21
- Biden Administration. “McConnell’s Filibuster Throwdown.” [The GOP’s leader warns Democrats about killing the 60-vote rule.] 3-17-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Misremembers a Shellacking.” [He thinks bad PR is what soured the public on the 2009 stimulus.] 3-17-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s ‘BackDoor’ Climate Plan.” [Emails reveal the strategy behind the new regulation to come.] 3-18-21
- Biden Administration. “America’s Back – Against the Wall.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Three problems stand athwart Biden’s plans for a rules-base international order.] 3-23-21
- Biden Administration. “Special Dollars for Dictators.” [Treasury is ducking Congress on $1 Trillion in new IMF foreign aid.] 3-25-21
- Biden Administration. “Here Come the Biden Taxes.” [The middle class will pay for the largest tax increase since 1968.] 4-1-21
- Biden Administration. “Building Government Back Bigger.” [‘Infrastructure’ now means climate subsidies and social welfare.] 4-1-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Stumble in the Global Tax Race.” [He wants to raise corporate rates as other nations cut them.” 4-2-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Multitrillion-Dollar Gamble.” By Peggy Noonan. [It could pay off, but only if voters actually see that roads and bridges are being built and improved.] 4-3-21
- Biden Administration. “The SEIU as ‘Infrastructure.’” [Biden’s $400 billion plan to expand the union’s membership.] 4-5-21
- Biden Administration. “It Takes Lots of Permits To Save the Planet.” By Mario Loyola. [“…President Biden’s infrastructure plan proposes to spend trillions of dollars toward achieving zero greenhouse emissions…”] 4-5-21
- Biden Administration. “The Anatomy of a Biden Tax Hike.” [The threat to American competitiveness is bigger than higher rates.] 4-6-21
- Biden Administration. “Sorry the Economic Crisis Is Over.” [“It’s getting harder for the Biden Administration to claim we’re in an economic crisis that demands more spending…] 4-6-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Great-Power Test Begins.” [China presses the Philippines at sea while Russia rattles Ukraine.] 4-7-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Aims at Profit, Hits Workers.” By Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. [The 2017 corporate tax cuts triggered the blue-collar wage boom. Higher rates would reverse it.] 4-7-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Commissions the Court.” [His panel on court-packing tilts sharply to the legal left.] 4-10-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Surge at the Southern Border.” [“…The humanitarian crisis will continue to worsen unless the policy incentives change.”] 4-10-21
- Biden Administration. “The Buttigieg Infrastructure Switcheroo.” By Wm. McGurn. [His definition of the term is not what the American people think it means.] 4-13-21
- Biden Administration. “The Green New Deal, in Disguise.” [Biden’s ‘infrastructure’ bill is really a plan to remake the economy.] 4-13-21
- Biden Administration. “Putin and ‘Consequences.” 4-13-21
- Biden Administration. “Spending Blowout Imposes Costs Beyond the Enormous Price Tag.” By Ron Johnson. [Nobody in Washington seems to care about the long-term burdens of debt and dependency.] 4-13-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Afghan Exit.” [Withdrawing all U.S. troops risks the return of al Qaeda and ISIS.] 4-14-21
- Biden Administration. “D.C. Statehood and the Insurrection Threat.” By Jonathan Horn. [From the Civil War to Portland 2020, history warns against the plan to split the capital.] 4-15-21
- Biden Administration. “The Country-by-Country Tax Canard.” [Biden’s idea for taxing overseas profits is too much even for Europe.] 4-16-21
- Biden Administration. “Why Would Biden Want a Summit With a ‘Killer’?” [The new administration has changed the U.S. tone on Russia, but that’s worth nothing without action.] 4-19-21
- Biden Administration. “Not Every ‘Serious Crisis’ Is Alike.” By Rahm Emmanuel. [Biden faces a national mood, political climate and pollical climate and policy challenges nothing like those in 2009.] 4-19-21
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden, ‘Union Guy.’” By Wm. McGurn. [The president’s labor agenda is the same one he brought to Washington in 1973.] 4-20-21
- Biden Administration. “The Agenda Behind Buttigieg’s Claim That Highways Are ‘Racist.’” By Steven Malanga. [Midcentury road projects displaced blacks and whites alike. Tearing them down now won’t help.] 4-20-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s 10-Year Climate Plan.” [He’s committing the U.S. to a far-fetched CO2 goal without a vote of Congress.] 4-23-21
- Biden Administration. “A 43.4% Capital Gains Tax?” [Make that above 55% if you live in New York or California.] 4-23-21
- Biden Administration. “The Dumbest Tax Increase.” [Biden’s capital-gains rate of 43.4% would reduce federal revenue.] 4-26-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Taxes for Punishment’s Sake.” By Lawrence B. Lindsey. [He wants to raise the rate of capital gains so high that it would leave everyone worse off.] 4-26-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Spending Binge Is Costlier Than Advertised.] by Steve H. Hanke. [The new taxes he proposes would cost money to collect and put a drag on the productive economy.] 5-3-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Stimulus for the IRS.” [More auditors and audits won’t yield much new revenue.] 5-4-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Daycare Plan Is Bad for Families.” By J.D. Vance and Jenet Erickson [Young children are clearly happier and healthier when they spend the day at home with a parent.] 5-4-21
- Biden Administration. “Killing the American Dream.” By Daniel Henninger. [Biden’s Families Plan replaces individual striving with middle-class entitlements.] 5-6-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Vaccine Patent Theft.” [“President Biden genuflected again to progressives on Wednesday by endorsing an intellectual property waiver at the WTO…”] 5-6-21
- Biden Administration. “America’s Welfare State Is on Borrowed Time.” By Christopher DeMuth. [Biden has fully embraced the mad goal of giving 98% of he population lavish benefits at no cost.] 5-6-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Vaccine IP Debacle.” [His patent heist is a blow to the Covid fight and U.S. biotech.] 5-7-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden May Make a Big Missed Steak.” By Stephen Moore. [The war on meat is no figment of the right-wing imagination.] 5-10-21
- Biden Administration. “Department of National Child Care.” [The Biden plan would cause costs to explode for little benefit.] 5-10-21
- Biden Administration. “A Dangerous Pick at Justice.” [Susan Hennessey’s Russia role undermined electoral legitimacy.] 5-13-21
- Biden Administration. “Justice’s Resident Conspiracist.” By Kimberley a. Strassel. [Susan Hennessey’s appointment suggests the department will be politicized again.] 5-14-21
- Biden Administration. “A Police Union Coverup in Boston.” [What did Marty Walsh know about the charges against a union chief?] 5-14-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Rollback on Gig Work.” [A Labor rule repeal to help unions will pinch contract workers.] 5-14-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Gift to Putin on Nord Stream 2.” [He treats a Russian gas pipeline better than he does the Keystone XL.] 5-20-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Big Labor Bind.” By Kimberley A. Strasse;. [Infrastructure talks are in trouble because unions won’t give up the PRO Act. “ 5-21-21
- Biden Administration. “A Bad Infrastructure Bargain.” [The Senate talks on a bill are all money, no policy compromise.] 5-21-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Global Tax Trouble.” [His corporate minimum tax rate is falling, as other countries rebel.] 5-22-21
- Biden Administration. “Save the Secret Service.” By Peggy Noonan. [A new book charting a venerable institution’s decline should serve as a wake-up call for officials.] 5-22-21
- Biden Administration. “Merrick Garland Defends Bill Barr.” [Both oppose a judge’s order to make public an internal DOJ memo.] 5-26-21
- Biden Administration. “Putin Hijacks Biden for a Summit.” [Never mind that Russia’s Belarus proxy snatched an airliner.] 5-26-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Architecture of Power.” By James Panero. [He topples a nonpartisan arts commission for much the same reason vandals topple old statures.] 5-27-21
- Biden Administration. “Get Ready for $5 Gasoline if You Live in California – or if You Don’t.” by Allysia Finley. [Golden State laws drive up prices at the pump, and the Biden administration aims to take them national.] 5-29-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Is the $6 Trillion Man.” [A blowout for the ages on everything but defense and security.] 5-29-21
- Biden Administration. “A Retroactive Tax Increase.” 5-29-21
- Biden Administration. “Kamala Harris Bombs at the Naval Academy.” By Gerard Baker. [Hers was one of the worst 2021 commencement speeches. Mitch Daniels’s might have been the best.] 6-1-21
- Biden Administration. “A Future of Secular Stagnation.” [The Biden budget predicts a not very Roaring Twenties.] 6-2-21
- Biden Administration. “All the WHO’s Dictators. [Taiwan is excluded while Syria and Belarus get leadership positions.] 6-2-21
- Biden Administration. “Has Biden Lost His Nerve With Putin.” By Gerry Kasparov. [With another summit in the works, there’s little to suggest any improvement over Trump’s feeble policy.] 6-2-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Budget Signal to the Fed.” 6-3-21 [Graph: “White House inflation and average annual interest rate assumptions, 2022 – 2031]
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Agenda Hits a Senate Wall.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The parliamentarian nixes Schumer’s plan to evade the filibuster via ‘reconciliation.’ ] 6-4-21
- Biden Administration. “Why Biden Is Meeting With Putin.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Four U.S. presidents have found confronting the Russian leader more trouble than it’s worth.] 6-5-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Bungles His Crisis.” By Daniel Henninger. [The Manchin mess and spending spree are White House misreading the times.] 6-10-21
- Biden Administration. “Yes, It’s a Global Tax on American Tech.” [Yellen and friends try to hide the G-7’s aims from Congress.] 6-12-21
- Biden Administration. “Stop Blaming Kamala Harris.” By Wm. McGurn. [It’s not her fault she has no good answers about the borer. It’s President Biden.] 6-15-21
- Biden Administration. “Democracies Lecture, Adversaries Run Free.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Team Biden confuses stern statements with progress on China, Russia and Iran.] 6-15-21
- Biden Administration. “White House Calls Off the Dogs in the Great Hunt for Leaks.” By Tevi Troy. [The Biden administration adopts an anti-snooping policy, but history suggest it might not last.] 6-16-21
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden’s European Vacation.” By Daniel Henninger. [No wonder Macron & Co. love the president: They built the model for his welfare state.] 6-17-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Tests for Putin, and vice Versa.” [He’ll have to respond if the Russian crosses the President’s red lines.] 6-17-21
- Biden Administration. “Garland’s Bolton Reprieve.” [The DOJ stops its pursuit of the Trump adviser over his book.] 6-19-21
- Biden Administration. “The Biden Budget’s Arithmetic Problem.” By Glenn Hubbard. [Taxing the rich won’t come close to funding the new social spending the White House is proposing.] 6-21-21
- Biden Administration. “Instant Bipartisan Double Cross.” [Biden and Pelosi hold a Senate deal hostage to the rest of their agenda.] 6-25-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Justice Plays Election Politics.” [Its lawsuit against Georgia is weak on evidence and the law.] 6-28-21
- Biden Administration. “Tapping Red States for Infrastructure.” 6-28-21
- Biden Administration. “President Ricchetti’s Infrastructure Clean Up.” [Joe Biden told the truth about Democratic strategy the first time.] 6-28-21
- Biden Administration. “It’s the Entitlements, Stupid.” [The guaranteed nature of Biden’s spending is the real threat.] 6-29-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Plan for an Entitlement Society.” By John F. Cogan and Daniel L. Heil. [For the first time in history, more than half of all Americans would be on the federal dole.] 6-29-21
- Biden Administration. “The White House’s Week of Unforced Errors.” By Karl Rove. [Biden’s media friends praised his 100 days, but suddenly he and his team seem inept.] 7-1-21
- Biden Administration. “Congress Debates Infrastructure but Ignores the Interstates.” By Robert Poole. [The 65-year old highway system needs upgrades. The solution lies in tolls and private investment.] 7-1-21
- Biden Administration. “Defund Joe Biden’s IRS.” By Wm. McGurn. [The president calls the extra $80 billion for the agency an ‘investment.’] 7-6-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Needs to Save the Infrastructure Bill.” By Joe Lieberman. [Democratic congressional leaders threaten to scuttle it unless they get a partisan spending bill.] 7-7-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Monkeywrencher.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The disturbing story of nominee Tracy Stone-Manning and Earth First!] 7-9-21
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden, 20th Century Trustbuster.” [Antitrust lesson 101: Big government often makes big business bigger.] 7-10-21
- Biden Administration. “The Meaning of Biden’s Firing Spree.” [He could inadvertently strengthen the separation of powers.] 7-13-21
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden, Jim Crow and Texas Voting.” [His escalating rhetoric is meant to justify the unjustifiable, H.R. 1.] 7-14-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Shrewd Infrastructure Strategy.” By Bobby Jindal. [The split bill is good for him. It complicates life and minimizes losses for congressional Democrats.] 7-14-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Turns Back the Progressive Clock.” By Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. [Without the deregulation of the ‘70s – which he supported – the economy would be smaller today.] 7-15-21
- Biden Administration. “President Warren’s Government.” [Her proteges are filling out Biden’s business regulatory team.] 7-17-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Warning on Hong Kong.” [“…U.S. firms can’t say they weren’t warned.”] 7-17-21
- Biden Administration. “Censorship Coordination Deepens.” [The White House says it is ‘flagging’ Facebook posts on Covid.] 7-17-21
- Biden Administration. “Progressives Punish ‘Honorary Whites’ but Aren’t Helping Blacks.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The bizarre antiwhite racism of the president’s pandemic programs is just part of the show.] 7-17-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Politicizes the Social Security Administration.” [My firing as commissioner violates a 1994 law that aimed to shield the agency from partisanship.] 7-19-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Vietnam, Then and Now.” By Wm. McGurn. [George W. Bush is right. Leaving Afghanistan like this is a mistake.] 7-20-21
- Biden Administration. “Bernie’s Real Budget: $5 Trillion.” [An independent analysis shows how Democrats are hiding their true spending plans.] 7-21-21
- Biden Administration. “Tough Biden Talk, Little Action.” [On Nord Stream and Chinese hacking, a message of weakness.] 7-22-21
- Biden Administration. “An Infrastructure bill That Works.” By Rob Portman. ]This agreement makes necessary investments without destructive tax increases.] 7-30-21
- Biden Administration. “The ‘Pay-Fors’ That Aren’t.” [The bipartisan deal is full of phantom revenue gimmicks.] 8-3-21
- Biden Administration. “Why We Need the $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Package.” By Bernie Sanders. [The American Rescue Plan boosted the economy during the pandemic. But it didn’t go far enough.] 8-4-21
- Biden Administration. “So Much for ‘Fully Paid For.’“ [The infrastructure bill’s financing is full of gimmicks, as expected.] 8-7-21
- Biden Administration. “The GOP’s Bad Infrastructure Deal.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The bill is filled with financial gimmicks, waste and expansions of Washington power.] 8-6-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Broke Our Taliban Deal.” By Mike Pence. 8-18-21
- Biden Administration. LTE. “Biden’s Disastrous, Precipitous Withdrawal.” 8-18-21
- Biden Administration. “The Taliban Capture Joe Biden.” By Daniel Henninger. [Kabul’s conquerors hold the leverage in defining the terms of a postwar status quo.] 8-19-21
- Biden Administration. “Hooked on Federal Checks.” [I’ll take the $948 the IRS put in my bank account – but I feel bad about it.] (…child tax credits…) 8-19-21
- Biden Administration. “Replace Biden’s Foreign Policy Now.” By Daniel Henninger. [Republicans need o offer an alternative now to the U.S.’s security vacuum.] 8-26-21
- Biden Administration. “Afghanistan Won’t Be the Last Biden Crisis.” By Karl Rove. [This debacle revealed grave structural weaknesses in his administration.] 8-26-21
- Biden Administration. “Bernie Sanders Runs Out of Billionaires.” [Spending plans: $4.5 trillion. Billionaire net worth: $4.4 trillion.] 8-31-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Second Surrender.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The Democrats push for a hike in corporate taxes that would be a gift to the Chinese. ] 9-3-21
- Biden Administration. “Why I Won’t Support Another $3.5 Trillion.” By Joe Manchin. [Amid inflation, debt and the inevitability of future crises, Congress needs to take a strategic pause.] 9-3-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Policies Will hurt America’s Laborers in the Long Run.” By Eugene Scalia. [Maybe paying people not to work and punishing employers isn’t so great for the job market.] 9-3-21
- Biden Administration. “The Biden Jobs Paradox.” [Job participation is stagnant, though employers need workers.] 9-4-21
- Biden Administration. “Our Friends the Taliban.” [Biden is relying on the group with ties to al Qaeda Good Luck.] 9-7-21
- Biden Administration. “’We Once Again Urge…’” [The Houthis ignore Antony Blinken again. He objects, strenuously.] 9-7-21
- Biden Administration. “Can Sanders Roll Over Manchin?” [Schumer says no to a ‘pause,’ and Bernie still demands $3.5 trillion.] 9-9-21
- Biden Administration “From Bush’s 9/11 to Biden’s.” by Karl Rove. [The President hopes a spending spree will make Americans forget about Kabul.] 9-9-21
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden’s Presidency Is Incredible – No, Really.” By Gerard Baker. [The dissembling and self-contradictions are many, but the press never sees fit to call them out as lies.] 9-14-21
- Biden Administration. “We Must Pass the Infrastructure Bill.” By Bill Cassidy. 9-18-21
- Biden Administration. “The Enormity of Manchin’s Skinny H.R. 1.” [If you trim a bad voting bill, you end up with …a bad voting bill.] 9-22-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Reconciliation Mess.” By Kimberley Strassel. [Democrats’ disarray in Congress is a sign nobody is in charge at the White House.] 9-24-21
- Biden Administration. “$3.5 Trillion Is a Phony Number.” [Budget tricks disguise the true cost of Biden’s vast entitlement plans.] 9-24-21
- Biden Administration. “Scapegoats at the Texas Border.” 9-24-21
- Biden Administration. “White House ‘Zero’ Hour.” [His spending blowout in jeopardy, Biden claims the cost is ‘nothing.’] 9-25-21
- Biden Administration. “Pelosi Goes for Broke.” [The Speaker pushes Democrats to take votes that will end careers.] 9-27-21
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden’s Lose-Lose Week.” By Wm. McGurn. [Failure to pass his agenda could sink his presidency – but so could passing it.] 9-28-21
- Biden Administration. “Entitlements for the Affluent .” [The Sanders-Biden bill is full of subsidies for the upper middle-class.] 9-28-21
- Biden Administration “Why National Police Reform Failed.” 9-28-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Paints Himself Into a Corner on the Iran Nuclear Deal.” By Mark Dubowiz. [The White House should use more sticks and fewer carrots to force Tehran to work out a new agreement.] 9-29-21
- Biden Administration. “Nancy Pelosi’s Hell Week.” By Daniel Henninger. [The current House legislative agenda sounds like the to-do list of a madhouse.] 9-30-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s ‘If You Like Your Plan’ Moment.” By Karl Rove. [Democrats will lose more seats in 2022 if the huge tax and spending bill passes.] 9-30-21
- Biden Administration. “Moment of Truth for the Moderates.” [Did Pelosi play them for chumps again on the infrastructure bill?] 9-30-21
- Biden Administration. “The Joe Manchin Moment.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Pelosie an Schumer’s big mistake was to think they could bully him into submission.] 10-1-21
- Biden Administration. “Democrats Plan to Soak Main Street.” By Brian Reardon. [Their tax proposal would hit family businesses hard.] 10-1-21
- Biden Administration. “The Manchin Intervention.” [Democrats are trying to pass a Sanders agenda on a Biden Mandate.] 10-1-21
- Biden Administration. “Humiliation of the House Moderates.” [Pelosi reneged on her promise of a vote as Biden joined the left.] 10-4-21
- Biden Administration. “President Sanders Uses His Veto.” [Bernie seems to carry a bigger stick on Capitol Hill than Biden.] 10-2-21
- Biden Administration. “Will Biden’s Fall Be Worse Than His Summer?” by Peggy Noonan. [From the Afghan debacle to his economic overreach, the White House has ample reason for alarm.] 10-2-21
- Biden Administration. “Kyrsten Sinema, the Bad Maverick.” By Wm. McGurn. [While John McCain was cheered as a hero, the Arizona Democrat is treated as a traitor.] 10-5-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Biggest Tests Aren’t in Washington.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Failure in either climate or Iran talks could leave his presidency struggling.] 10-5-21
- Biden Administration. “The IRS and Your Bank Account.” [Its quest for missing revenue would threaten taxpayer privacy.] 10-5-21
- Biden Administration. “The Next Progressive Budget Trick.” [AOC and friends say keep the entitlements but shrink the years.] 10-5-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Trade Strategy That Isn’t.” [Trade Rep Tai offers a China policy that is Trump Lite.] 10-5-21
- Biden Administration. “Democrats Destroy Political Norms to Save Them.” By Gerard Baker. [Trump carries much blame for our crisis of legitimacy, but the threat doesn’t begin and end with him.] 10-5-21
- Biden Administration. “The Debt Ceiling Deception.” [Biden gives away the real reason Democrats won’t use the budget bill.] 10-6-21
- Biden Administration. “West Virginia Saves America.” By Daniel Henninger. [Joe Biden’s massive federal laws could reduce the 50 U.S. states to nullities.] 10-7-21
- Biden Administration. “The Entitlements of U.S. Decline.” [Biden says his plans will make America great again. Ask Europe how that has turned out.] 10-7-21
- Biden Administration. “The Child Allowance Welfare Trap.” [A new study shows the huge new credit will shrink incentive to work.] 10-8-21
- Biden Administration. “Merrick Garland Has a List, and You’re Probably on It.” By Gerard Baler. [His ‘society offenders’ now include parents who object to critical race theory and Covid-19 restrictions.] 10-12-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden and Nothingness.” By Daniel Henninger. [Costless spending, the ‘closed’ border and other manufactured alternative realities.] 10-14-21
- Biden Administration. “Democrats Devour Sinema.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Tactics first employed against conservatives are now being turned on liberal dissenters.] 10-15-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Vaccine Double-Cross.” [Officials thank Moderna for saving lives by making it a scapegoat.] 10-15-21
- Biden Administration. “The Democrat’s Tax-the-Rich Ruse.” By Phil Gramm and Mike solon. [The wealthy already bear far more of the burden in the U.S. than they do in other developed countries.] 10-15-21
- Biden Administration. “Bernie Sanders Is a Bad Salesman.” By Wm. McGurn. [A Beltway lesson in how not to win friends and influence a West Virginia Senator.] 10-19-21
- Biden Administration. “Ethics Shenanigans at the Labor Board. [Former SEIU lawyers are poised to rule on SEIU priorities such as the ‘joint-employer’ rule.] 10-20-21
- Biden Administration. “The $2 Trillion Is Phony Too.” [Biden is bowing to the left again by keeping entitlements and disguising their cost.] 10-21-21
- Biden Administration. “Democracy Still Lives.” [The filibuster of the Senate voting bill is a victory for federalism.] 10-21-21
- Biden Administration. “The $10,000 IRS Tax Dragnet.” [Treasury wants to snoop on bank accounts to trigger more audits.] 10-22-21
- Biden Administration. “Merrick Garland Gets Schooled.” [A father was angry after his daughter was assaulted in school. That’s not terrorism.] 10-22-21
- Biden Administration. “The Democrats’ Wealth-Tax Mirage.” [Their last fiscal resort is taxing unrealized capital gains of ‘billionaires.’] 10-26-21
- Biden Administration. “About Those Terrorist Parents.” [Merrick Garland should rescind his misguided school boards memo.] 10-27-21
- Biden Administration. “The Incredible Shrinking Biden.” By Daniel Henninger. [In February, he told congressional Democrats, ‘Go big.’ They’re smaller now.] 10-28-21
- Biden Administration. “The Senator Who Cried Debt Crisis.” By Karl Rove. [Schumer, Pelosi, and Biden have all played games with the borrowing limit.] 10-28-21
- Biden Administration. “Fly-by-Night Taxation.” [The Democratic tax show has become a tragi-comedy of errors.] 10-28-21
- Biden Administration. “A Jerry-Rigged Budget ‘Framework.’” [The $1.75 Trillion cost is phony, but the social and fiscal damage are real.] 10-29-21
- Biden Administration. “Can Slidin’ Biden Regain His Footing?” by Peggy Noonan. [Clinton and Obama both overcame adversity, but the 46th president doesn’t have their political gifts.] 10-30-21
- Biden Administration. “The Spending Bill Is an Attack on Work and Marriage.” By Casey B. Mulligan. [A single mom could end up paying thousands more for daycare if she marries. Children will suffer.] 11-1-21
- Biden Administration. “The $3.98 Trillion Trojan Horse. [Penn Wharton says the real cost is more than twice what Pelosi says.] 11-5-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Makes a Delaware-Size Land Grab in Utah.” By Melissa Holyoak. [He expands the size of two national monuments while ignoring the concerns of state and tribal leaders.] 11-6-21
- Biden Administration. “Republicans Rescue Biden’s Agenda.” [Will the infrastructure bill grease the wheels for the $4 trillion blowout.?] (names of 13 Republicans that voted with the Democrats.) 11-8-21
- Biden Administration. “A Media Censor for the FCC?” 11-9-21
- Biden Administration. “Don’t Let the Infrastructure Bill Become a Boondoggle.” By Ranjay Gulati. [Strong leadership will be essential to ensure the projects are completed on time and on budget.] 11-9-21
- Biden Administration. “Democrats Threaten to Send Winter Shivers Through Michigan.” By Jason Hayes. [Shutting down a vital pipeline would endanger the environment and cause energy prices to rise.” 11-14-21
- Biden Administration. “How to Make Spending Unpopular.” 11-15-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Can Whip Inflation and Build Back Better.” By Jason Furman. [Rising prices are a serious problem, but so are the chronic challenges that the bill aims to confront.] 11-16-21
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden’s Trumpian Excess.” By Daniel Henninger. [The Trump fixation has produced policies that are turning off American voters.] 11-18-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Gas-Price Diversion.” 11-18-21
- Illegals. “Border Crisis Has Biden’s Presidency on the Edge.” By Jason L. Riley. [Voters are more anxious about illegal immigration, but Democrats seem oblivious to the problem.” 11-17-21
- Russia. “The Shock of Reform.” (Bookshelf by Joshua Rubenstein. “Collapse: The Fall fo the Soviet Union.” By Vladislav M. Zubok. [The rush of intellectual and creative freedom couldn’t be contained, but gratitude turned into anger as the Soviet economy faltered.] 11-18-21
- Unions. “Politics and Union Corruption in Philly.” [Two convictions expose the underside of the city’s power brokers.] 11-17-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Signs Up for Powell’s Inflation.” [Republicans are under an obligation to endorse his Fed nominees.] 11-23-21
- Biden Administration. “Woke Imperialism Harms U.S. Interests.” By Jakub Grysgiel. [The Biden Administration promotes an avant-garde concept of ‘rights’ that isolates America.] 11-23-21
- Biden Administration. “Hyperpartisan Gigi Sohn Doesn’t Belong at the FCC.” By Matthew Whitaker. [Biden’s nominee has suggested regulators use their power to suppress the speech o conservatives.] 12-1-21
- Biden Administration. “Will Santa Claus Visit Chuck Schumer?” by Karl Rove. [Traveling in a flying sleigh may be easier than passing what he wants by Christmas.] 12-2-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Covid Quagmire.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [He can’t keep his promise to ‘beat’ the virus. Can he escape it before it’s too late?] 12-3-21
- Biden Administration. “Look At Build Back Better’s Benefits, Not Its Price Tag.” By Alan S. Blinder. [The media loves to focus on a big number, but the bill is paid for and delivers for the American people.] 12-6-21 (Blinder was an adviser to Al Gore and John Kerry during their respective presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004.
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Only Honorable Course on Ukraine.” By Walter Russell Mead. [If the U.S. wavers, Russia will benefit, and Iran and China will capitalize.] 12-7-21
- Biden Administration. “Gigi Sohn’s Strange Bedfellows.” [OAN and Newsmax push a left-wing nominee who targets conservatives.] 12-7-21
- Biden Administration. “Garland One-Ups Holder.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Justice is pursuing an even more partisan agenda than it did in the Obama years.] 12-10-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Would Make Daycare Even Pricier.” By Casey Mulligan. [The Build Back Better bill would act like a $20.000 to $30,000 annual tax on middle-income families.] 12-10-21
- Biden Administration. “No Rules for Progressive Radicals.” [Biden appointees try to stage a coup against the director of the FDIC.] 12-11-21
- Biden Administration. “Kamala Harris Needs to Get Serious.” By Peggy Noonan. [Her shaky standing is a danger to the country given the position she could be called on to fill.] 12-11-21
- Biden Administration. “The Real Cost of Biden’s Plan.” [CBO comes clean on the price tag if the programs are made permanent.] 12-13-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s ‘Yes’ to Racial Preferences.” By Wm. McGurn. [The administration takes Harvard’s side in a case involving Asian-Americans.] 12-14-21
- Biden Administration. “A Biden Plan for Prices? No thanks.” By Michael c. Munger. [The Build Back Better plan would make things worse by injecting trillions of dollars into the economy.] 12-15-21
- Biden Administration. “Jen Psaki Tries to Fake Out the CBO.” By Karl Rove. [She says it didn’t score the ‘actual bill,’ but the legislation is meant to deceive.] 12-16-21
- Biden Administration. “A Hostile Takeover of the FDIC.” By Jelena McWilliams. [Board members had always respected the agency’s independence – until now.] 12-16-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Art of the Overreach.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Don’t blame Manchin for the White House’s poorly managing expectations.] 12-18-21
- Biden Administration. “Taking Joe Manchin Seriously.” [Democratic leaders have never thought he meant what he said.] 12-18-21
- Biden Administration. “Democrats Can Tweak Their Child Allowance to Help Families More.” By Jason Furman. [The tax credit is good policy, but it should be targeted to younger kids and those in poor families.] 12-18-21
- Biden Administration. “Manchin Rescues the Democrats.” [His no vote on Build Back Better gives Biden a chance to change course.] 12-20-21
- Biden Administration. “The White House Art of Furious Persuasion.” [Jen Psake all but calls Joe Manchin a liar for opposing Biden’s bill.] 12-20-21
- Biden Administration. “Democrats are in Manchin Denial.” [Schumer demands that his incumbents vote for a bill that won’t pass.] 12-21-21
- Biden Administration. “Democrats Shouldn’t build Back Bitter.” By Bobby Jindal. [Manchin’s ‘no’ is a chance for Biden to return to his campaign promise of bipartisan reconciliation.] 12-21-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Emerges as Progressive Government’s Mr. Bad Example.” By Gerard Baker. [A bit of humility about what Washington could achieve would have served the president well.] 12-21-21
- Biden Administration. “The Meaning of Manchin’s ‘No.’” by Daniel Henninger. [A senator takes a stand against the American left’s style of doing politics.] 12-23-21
- Biden Administration. “The Forever Student Loan Emergency.” [Under leftwing pressure, Biden extends the repayment pause again.] 12-23-21
- Biden Administration. “What’s Schumer Up to?” by Kimberley A. Strassel. [Bullying Manchin won’t win his vote, but that’s not the leader’s priority.] 12-24-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Tiny ‘Exception’ to the Filibuster.” [It’s like trying to remove only one small section of the Hoover Dam.] 12-24-21
- Biden Administration. “Joe Manchin and Child Poverty.” [The latest attack on the Senator is among the most dishonest.] 12-27-21
- Biden Administration. “Kamala Harris Surveys the World.” [“…The Vice President needs an intervention from people outside her political bubble.”] 12-27-21
- Biden Administration. “Sen. Biden’s Shrinking Presidency.” By Wm. McGurn. [Thirty-six years in the upper chamber left its mark on the man now in the Oval Office.] 12-28-21
- Biden Administration. “Waiting With Biden.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [His presidency is not accomplishing much and maybe was never intended to.] 12-29-21
- Biden Administration. “No, Biden Didn’t Save Christmas.” By David Henninger. [Millions of American workers saved a complex economy from buckling.] 12-30-21
- Biden Administration. “Biden Takes Detroit for a Ride. [The car makers get new fuel standards but may not get the RV subsidies they pleaded for.] 12-30-21
- Biden Administration. “Carving Up Biden’s Inflation Beef.” [The White House needs a refresher in the law of supply and demand.] 1-8-22
- Biden Administration. “Nord Stream 2 in the Senate.” [A vote on U.S. sanctions would override Biden’s waiver favor to Putin.” 1-11-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Operation Snail Speed.” [Less than 1% of $1.9 trillion in Covid relief cash went for therapies.] 1-13-22
- Biden Administration. “Krysten Sinema’s Filibuster Defense.” [The Biden-Schumer election demagoguery hits a bipartisan wall.] 1-14-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Georgia Speech Is a Break point.” “He thought he was merely appealing to his base. He might have united the rest of the country against him.] 1-15-22
- Biden Administration. “Boardroom Lessons for Biden and congress.” By Arthur Levitt Jr. [Corporate America has faced governance problems similar to those in the capital.] 1-19–22
- Biden Administration. “What Ails the Biden Presidency.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The problem isn’t bad ‘messaging,’ covid or inflation. It’s the Democrats’ bad ideas.] 1-21-22
- Biden Administration. “History Forces Biden’s Hand.” By Walter Russell Mead. [The U.S. hasn’t faced a chain of crises and setbacks on this scale since the Carter era.] 1-25-22
- Biden Administration. “A College Couldn’t Get Away With Biden’s High-Court Criteria.” By Jonathan Turley. [His promise to appoint only a black woman is the kind of quota the justices rejected in Bakke.] 1-27-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden Puts More Military Muscle Into NATO’s Russia Response.” By John R. Deni. [Washington is right to consider activating an emergency force allies have been reluctant to use.] 1-27-22
- Biden Administration. “Gigi Son’s Business Model.” [The FCC nominee didn’t tell the full story about a dodgy settlement.] 1-29-22
- Biden Administration. “’Get Smart’ About Biden’s Chaos.’” By Andy Kessler. [It helps politicians by creating a need for their control. Sorry about that, Chief.] 1-31-22
- Biden Administration. “Robert Calif for the FDA.” [The Biden nominee is unfairly attacked from the left and right.] 1-31-22
- Biden Administration. “A bipartisan Pivot in Biden’s Second Year.” By Wm. A. Galston. [Congressional Democrats should give up delusions of political revolution.) 2-2-22
- Biden Administration. “Why Becerra Can’t Be Fired.” [The HHS secretary is out of his depth, but everyone knew that when he was appointed.] 2-2-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Southern Border Problem Isn’t Going Away.” By Jason L. Riley. [The administration lets a crisis fester, and the Democratic Party will pay a political price.] 2-2-22
- Biden Administration. “The Be More Like China Act.” [The House competition bill is industrial policy mixed with welfare.] 2-3-22
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden, Cold Warrior.” [In one way, the 79-year-old NATO adherent is the right man for his times.] 2-9-22
- Biden. “The Unbearable Lightness of Biden.” By Joseph Epstein. [The man has no firm principles, which makes the country feel sadly leaderless.] 2-15-22
- Biden Administration. “’Asia First’ Misses the Point.” By Walter Russell Mead. [The U.S. needs a coherent strategy for both security and economic policy. 2-15-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Cost -of-Carbon Inflation.” [A judge calls out a regulatory ruse to gut cost-benefit analysis.] 2-15-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Regulators Empower Putin. [FERC sets rules that will block new U.S. natural gas pipelines.] 2-19-22
- Biden Administration. “Manchin’s Climate Subsidy Choice.] 2-22-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Fleeting Chance to Help Ukraine.” By Karl Rove. [He has the domestic and international support to act, but it may fade if he falters.] 2-24-22
- Biden. “Biden’s Time for Choosing.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The Ukraine crisis and the State of the Union give him a chance at a new start.] 2-25-22
- Biden Administration. “Make Populism Pop Again.” By Andy Kessler. [Biden should use his bully pulpit to make simple changes most Americans want.] 2-28-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden Needs a ‘Pivot’ to the World.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Putin’s war makes clear that U.S. foreign policy can’t focus only on the Indo-Pacific.] 3-1-22
- Biden Administration. “Reagan Bounced Back After 1982. Can Biden?” by Steven F. Hayward. [The president should aim for more than a ‘course correction’ in his State of the Union speech Tuesday.] 3-1-22
- Biden Administration. “Say It Ain’t so on Taxes, Joe.” [Oil is $111 a barrel. A tax increase would be bad economic timing.] 3-4-22
- Biden Administration. “The Iran-Russia Nuclear Nexus.” [Will team Biden give Moscow relief to help save a flawed Iran deal?] 3-7-22
- Biden Administration. “Trial Lawyers Raid a 9/11 Victims Fund.” [A strange White House order means a windfall for a few plaintiff firms.] 3-10-22
- Biden Administration. “The Price of Biden’s Excuses Keeps Rising.” By Gerard Baker. [“Make no mistake,’ the president said last week, ‘inflation is largely the fault of Putin.’] 3-15-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden Is Leading From …Where?” by Daniel Henninger. [Ukraine needs the technology for a hard-to-fly zone to degrade Russia’s air power.] 3-24-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden Saves Ukraine by the Inch.” By Daniel Henninger. [Biden warned Putin not to go ‘one inch’ into NATO territory. He’s already there.] 3-31-22
- Biden Administration. “A Big Defeat for Big Labor.” […David Weill defeat…] 4-1-22
- Biden Administration. “Attacks on Faith-Based Foster Care Continue.” By Naomi Shaefer Riley. [HHS and advocacy groups continue to defy a Supreme Court ruling last year.] 4-8-22
- Biden Administration. “The Whitmer Terror Verdicts.” [Justice fails to convict four men of conspiring to kidnap the Governor.] 4-9-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Foggy War in Ukraine.” By Daniel Henninger. [The world awaits one clear presidential assertion: ‘We’re in this thing to win.’”] 4-21-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden Establishes a Ministry of Truth.” By Roger Koppl and Abigall Devereaux. [The Disinformation Governance Board already looks like a partisan instrument.] 5-2-22
- Biden Administration. “Disinformation for Dummies.” [Biden’s new board to sort truth from lies will promote more mistrust.] 5-2-22
- Biden Administration. “Shut Up, the disinformation Governance Board Explained.” By Gerard Baker. [The only way to overcome lies is with truth, and the government can’t be the arbiter of what that is.] 5-3-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden Hires Mary Poppins.” By Daniel Henninger. [Pull the plug now on Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board.] 5-5-22
- Biden Administration. “The Biden Loyalty Machine.” By Andy Kessler. [Administration insiders play by one rule: Never criticize other insiders.] 5-9-22
- Biden Administration. “Who Made the Baby Formula Shortage?” [Tariffs, government labeling rules and state welfare monopolies all play major roles.] 5-14-22
- Biden Administration. “Does Biden Want Higher Gas Prices?” [He cancels offshore oil lease sales, despite surging global prices.] 5-14-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Dance With a Dictator.] [“…The contradiction is hard to fathom other than as the triumph of ideology over reason”] 5-17-22
- Biden Administration. “The Disinformation Bard, Disavowed. “ [Homeland Security pauses a speech vetter that sparked a PR fire.] 5-19-22
- Biden Administration. “Government’s Baby Formula Shortage.” [The politicians tacitly admit that their policies are responsible.] 5-20-22
- Biden Administration. “One Bad Choice and a Baby Formula Crisis.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [A blinkered view of the risks led to a blinkered decision that endangers thousands of families.] 5-21-22
- Biden Administration. “Baby Formula and Bad Governance.” By Wm. A. Galston. [The administration reacted far too slowly, but reforms can stop this from recurring.] 5-25-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Train-Wreck Economy.” By Daneil Henninger. [The White House now says the U.S. economy is ‘in transition.’ They got that part right.] 5-26-22
- Biden Administration. “Budget Warning for Joe Manchin.” [CBO says revenues are booming, but spending is rising faster.] 5-27-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Ukraine Ambivalence.” [He withholds rocket launchers and won’t help with food exports.] 5-31-22
- Biden Administration. ‘My Plan for Fighting Inflation.” By Joseph R. Biden Jr. [I won’t meddle with the Fed, but I will tackle high prices while guiding the economy’s transition to stable and steady growth.] 5-31-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden Has No Plan to Fight Inflation.” By Karl Rove. [American’s aren’t buying the idea that we an spend our way out of this mess.] 6-2-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Title IX Rewrite Is an Assault on Women’s Rights.” By Jennifer C. Braceras and Inez Feltscher Stepman. [The administratoin’s new draft rules redefine the word ‘sex’ to mean ‘gender’ and ‘gender identity.’] 6-2-22
- Biden Administration. “Another Siren for Joe Manchin.” [Why expand entitlements that are already going broke?”] 6-6-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden Can Prepare for a Bruising.” By Tevi Troy. [His predecessors have faced big midterm losses. Here’s what he can learn from their mistakes.] 6-6-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Green-Energy Industrial Policy. [The President has two words to save the world: solar power.] 6-7-22
- Biden Administration. “President Biden’s Saudi Flip flop.” [What do you know, the U.S. needs Arab allies in the Middle East.] 6-15-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden May Stop His Cancer Moonshot’s Launch.” By Allysia Finley. [If drugmakers can’t turn a profit owing to his tax and regulatory policies, who’ll develop new treatments?”] 6-16-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Patent Gift to Beijing.” [A WTO Covid vaccine deal undermines U.S. intellectual property.] 6-18-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden Got the Energy Market He Wanted.” By Karl Rove. [Since day one, he’s tried to limit fossil-fuel supplies, and we’re all paying for it.] 6-23-22
- Biden Administration. “A Gas Tax Holiday From Reality.” [Even Democrats can’t hide their disdain for the latest gas-price gimmick.] 6-23-22
- Biden Administration. “A Biden Retreat Could Lower Gas Prices.” By Harold Ford Jr. [His war on fossil fuels has proved costly for American consumers.] 6-24-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Missing Trade Agenda.” [Allies and rivals are striking new deals while the U.S. losses ground.] 7-6-22
- Biden Administration. “Won’t Biden Fire Anyone?” by Kimberley A. Strassel. [No one is being held accountable for the administration’s many blunders.] 7-8-22
- Biden Administration. “Pete Buttigieg’s Climate Toll Road.” [An extraordinary new rule ignores what the Supreme Court just said about regulation.] 7-11-22
- Biden Administraton. “Congress Rejects Biden’s Defense Budget.” [The House and Senate add to his request, but it’s still not enough.] 7-11-22
- Biden Administration. “No Business Experience Needed.” [Senior Biden officials have spent little time in the private economy.] 7-13-22
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden’s Sinking Presidency.” By Daniel Henninger. [Responsibility for the public failure of this government lies with the Democratic Party.] 7-14-22
- Biden Administration. “Bernie Sanders Is Upset.” [“…Manchin…has sabotaged the president’s agenda.”] 7-18-22
- Biden Administration. “The ‘Beast Mode’ Presidency?” [Declaring a ‘climate emergency’ would be a serious abuse of power.] 7-20-22
- Biden Administration. “Pelosi and Biden, Taiwan and China.” [The President pops off in a way that makes the Speaker’s visit harder.] 7-23-22
- Biden Administration. “’Beast Mode’ Biden vs. the Supreme Court.” By Allysia Finley. [The president may have to negotiate with the GOP as his regulatory ambitions crash into judicial review.] 7-25-22
- Biden Administration. “What Did Manchin Get for $433 billion?” [He says there’s a deal to ease fossil-fuel permits, but it’s supersecret.] 7-30-22
- Biden Administration. “A Permitting Test for Democrats.” [Will they vote to repeal a Biden rule that blocks public works?] 8-2-22
- Biden Administration. “Inflation Reduction Act’ Is an Insult to Used-Car Salesmen.” By Gerard Baker. [Democrats hide a power grab behind a purported solution to a problem they themselves caused.] 8-2-22
- Biden Administration. “Manchin Rides Alone on Permitting.” [No other Democrat voted to override an onerous new Biden rule.] 8-6-22
- Biden Administration. “Fewer Cures, Costlier Energy.” By Stephen Moore and Tomas J. Philipson. [The so-called Inflation Reduction Act has at its heart the most foolish trade-off imaginable.] 8-8-22
- Biden Administration. “Democrat’s Inflation Reduction Delusion.” By Karl Rove. [We’ll know in about three weeks if they’re right about the bill’s politics for midterms.] 8-11-22
- Biden Administration. “Politicized Justice Goes Beyond Mar-a-Lago.” By Brett Tolman. [Trump gave clemency to Philip Esformes. The Department is seeking to retry him.] 8-12-22
- Biden Administration. “Merrick Garland’s Warrant Gambit.” [The AG puts the onus on Trump to release the FBI search warrant.] 8-12-22
- Biden Administration. “The Secrets of Mar-a-Lago.” [Prosecution under the Espionage At would be a prosecutorial reach.] 8-13-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden and Twitter censorship.” [Evidence that the White House wanted the site to ban Alex Berenson.] 8-13-22
- Biden Administration. “The Semiconductor Boondoggle.” By Andy Kessler. [The Chips+ Act is simply swing-state pork for lackluster tech companies.] 8-15-22
- Biden Administration. “China Gets A Great Leap Forward From Congress.” By Allysia Finley. [The Inflation Reduction Act’s damage to American energy and innovation is a gift to Xi Jinping.] 8-15-22
- Biden Administration. “’But Her Emails’? A Defense of ‘Whataboutism.’” By Alan M. Dershowitz. [Mrs. Clinton should take her hat off. Treating like cases alike is crucial to the equal protection of the law.] 8-15-22
- Biden Administration. “Garland Goes Solo at Mar-a-Lago.” By Wm. McGurn. [Did Biden know about the Trump raid? If not, that’s truly disturbing.] 8-16-22
- Biden Administration. “Save the International Space Station.” By Kay Bailey Hutchison and Jane Harman. 8-17-22
- Biden Administration. “Permitting Reform? ‘I didn’t Shake Hands.’” [“…Sen. Joe Manchin’s narrative is that a grateful Democratic congress will move to repay his vote with permitting reforms…”] 8-19-22
- Biden Administration. “American Democrats and Taiwan.” [Will Pelosi and Markey do more to help Taipei than offer moral support?] 8-22-22
- Biden Administration. “An Inflation Expansion Act.” [“(…cancelling student debt….)…Inflation? Party on, mates.”] 8-24-22
- Biden Administration. “A Half-Trillion-dollar Executive Coup.” [Biden’s student-loan write-off is an illegal abuse of power.] 8-25-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Bluto Moment.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [His student-loan forgiveness plan will feed inflation and hurt him politically.] 8-26-22
- Biden Administration. “Was This the Summer That Saved the Biden Presidency?” by Gerard Baker. [His approval rating is up, Republican candidates look iffy, and Donald trump is relevant again.] 8-30-22
- Biden Administration. “Take Joe Biden’s Speech Seriously.” By Daniel Henninger. [The MAGA attacks raise the issue of using state power to silence opponents.] 9-8-22
- Biden Administration. “How the Feds Coordinate With Facebook.” [Newly released emails show tech sites and public officials at work.] 9-10-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Rule-breaking Integrity Official.” By M. Anthony Mills and Ian R. Banks. [Lubechenco violated the same norms she’s appointed to uphold.] 9-26-22
- Biden Administration. “The ‘Food Insecurity’ Racket.” [The feds spend $114 billion on food stamps. Biden wants more.] 9-28-22
- Biden Administration “Merrick Garland and a Michigan Mother.” [The Attorney General’s 2021 memo to the FBI is still causing mischief for parents.] 9-29-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden Goes After Gig Workers.” [A new Labor rule would reclassify millions of independent contractors.] 10-12-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden and Democratic Norms.” 10-17-22
- Biden Administration. “Obama Warned us About Joe.” By Wm McGurn. [The White House offers Democrats nothing good to say on the big issues.] 10-18-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Antitrust Batters Strike Out.” [Justice Keeps losing in court as it brings meritless lawsuits.] 10-19-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Top 2023 Priority: Abortion.” [The president tells voters what he wants to do first next year.] 10-19-22
- Biden Administration. “’I got It Passed by a Vote or Two.’” [Biden seems not to know how student-loan forgiveness happened.] 10-25-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Student Loan Drubbing.” [A federal judge finds the $400 billion write-off unconstitutional.] 11-12-22
- Biden Administration. “Garland’s Special Counsel Mistake.” 11-19-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Railroad Deal Falls Apart.” [Workers reject terms touted by the White House. A strike looms.] 11-22-22
- Biden Administration. “Congress Has a Railroad Job.” [Biden is right to ask Congress to intervene to stop a damaging strike.] 11-30-22
- Biden Administration. “Democrats Want a Lame-Duck Blowout.” [And the Senate GOP might go along to get more defense dollars.] 12-1-22
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden Stops a Railroad Strike.” [He picks the economy over unios. Why not do the same for families?] 12-2-22
- Biden Administration. “Bien’s Loan Forgiveness Reckoning.” [The Supreme Court agrees to hear a challenge by the states.] 12-2-22
- Biden Administration. “Chuck Schumer’s Marijuana Defense Bill.” 12-7-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden Bails Out the Teamsters.” [The $36 billion for the union’s pensions was sold as Covid ‘relief.’] 12-10-22
- Biden Administration. “America Is Stronger Than Biden.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Like his predecessors, he hasn’t inspired much confidence in U.S. leadership.] 12-20-22
- Biden Administration. “Sober Up, America.” By Daniel Henninger. [The United States can’ lead the free world with Biden’s spending binge.] 12-29-22
- Biden Administration. “A Spoonful of Sanity for Biden in 2023.” By Karl Rove. [He isn’t enjoying a ‘jolt of momentum’ and ought to embrace the agenda he ran on.] 12-29-22
- Biden Administration. “Pete Buttigieg, Air Traffic Controller.” [The Southwest airlines mess has politicians angling to rule the skies.] 12-29-22
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Food-Stamp Trickery.” [The USDA pushed an increase without Congressional review.] 1-4-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden Snookers Joe Manchin Again.” [Treasury’s guidance o EV subsidies ignores the Senator’s policy limits.] 1-5-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden Discovers the Border.” [He offers modest new enforcement while blaming Republicans.] 1-6-23
- Biden Administration. “Garland’s Election Department.” By Kimberley a. Strassel. [He’s named special counsels for Biden and Trump. Didn’t he learn from 2016?] 1-13-23
- Biden Administration. “Two Presidents, Two Special Counsels.” [AG Garland can’t escape deciding how to handle Biden’s classified stash.] 1-13-23
- Biden Administration. “The Debt-Ceiling Showdown.” [Do Republicans have strategy that will unite them in the clutch?] 1-17-23
- Biden Administration. “Justice’s Double Standards.” By Kimberley. A. Strassel. [Biden’s lawyers search his documents, while Trump’s weren’t even allowed to be present.] 1-20-23
- Biden Administration. “A Debt-Ceiling breach Would Be Disastrous.” By Wm. A. Galston. [Lawmakers should defuse the crisis first, then negotiate long-term spending cuts.] 1-25-23
- Biden Administration. “Mike Pence’s Classified Documents.” 1-25-23
- Biden Administration. “Debt-Ceiling Madness.” By Daniel Henninger. [Biden calls the GOP ‘fiscally demented.’ What does he call his trillions in spending?”] 1-26-23
- Biden Administration. “Ron Klain Exits Stage Left.” By Karl Rove. [Consequential chief of staff, his legacy is marred by is excess of partisanship.] 1-26-23
- Biden Administration. FAA. “Can Mayor Pete Fix the FAA?” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The solution has been obvious for 30 years. A new era reform might be born.] 1-25-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden and the Chinese Spy Balloon.” [Why did he wait so long to order the intruder shot down?] 2-6-23
- Biden Administration. “The State of the Union Contradiction.” [If Biden is such a success, why aren’t Americans pleased?] 2-8-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s State of the Union Was a Bad Bet.” By Karl Rove. [He’s doubling down on an unpopular policy mix., hoping the economy improves.] 2-9-23
- Biden Administration. “Did Biden Forget Permitting Reform?” [An example of why his SOTU speech was bipartisan in name only.] 2-9-23
- Biden Administration. “Exposing the Chinese Balloon Fleet.” [Biden can show and tell the world about Beijing’s global spying campaign.] 2-9-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden Tells a Fiscal Fairy tale.” [The deficit soars in the new fiscal year, despite White House claims.] 2-10-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Speech Was Trumpian.” By Peggy Noonan. [He was deft and merry, and the GOP foolishly took his bait. The president had a good night.] 2-11-23
- Biden Administration. “If Biden Won’t Stand for Freedom, Congress Can.” By Arthur Herman and Mike Pompeo. [Reagan exposed the true nature of the Soviets. The same needs to be done for China, Russia and Iran.] 2-15-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Odd UFO Silence.” By Daniel Henninger. [U.S. destroys three objects over North America and the president won’t talk.] 2-16-23
- Biden Administration. “The State of Biden’s Presidency Is Blah.” By Karl Rove. [His speech reassured Democrats, but his polling is still low and his age a real issue.] 2-16-23
- Biden Administration. “The Biden Government Blowout.” [The new budget forecast shows the fiscal hole Democrats have dug.] 2-16-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden Does a Spy Balloon Fly-By.” 2-17-23
- Biden Administration. “China, Russia and the U.S. ‘Red Line.’” [What will Biden do if Beijing sends military aid to Moscow?] 2-21-23
- Biden Administration. “Trump, Buttigieg and East Palestine.” [Townspeople become props for politicians fanning anxiety.] 2-23-23
- Biden Administration. “The Gaslighting of East Palestine.” By Wm. Gurn. [Who is telling the truth about the risks from the spilled and burned chemicals?] 2-28-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Regulatory Deluge.” [Gridlock in D.C.? Nope, the administrative state is a full throttle.] 2-28-23
- Biden Administration. “Why We’re Challenging Biden’s Student-Debt Power Grab.” By Mike Hilgers. [The president flouted the law and used the pandemic as a pretext to claim breathtaking authority.] 2-28-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s First Veto Is Revealing.” [He’ll block a bipartisan resolution that protects worker savings.] 3-3-23
- Biden Administration. “All President Biden’s New Spending.” [The numbers belie the claim that he is a born-again deficit hawk.] 3-6-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden Says Yes to Willow.” (“…President Biden on Monday approved the Willow oil drilling project on Alaska’s North Slope…”) 3-14-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Bank Bailout Whoppers.” [The President offers assurances that markets don’t believe.] 3-14-23
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden’s $19 Trillion Monday.” By Holman W. Jenkins., Jr. [His latest bank bailout is a solution for him now and a problem for us later.] 3-15-23
- Biden Administration. “From Zero to Hero.” By Andy Kessler. [Why re people being celebrated for taking on the same problems they helped create?] (“…Seems Mr. Biden has a hero smile out of both sides of his mouth.”) 3-20-23
- Biden Administration. “How Biden Bailed Out California and New York.” By Allysia Finley. [The real motivation lies in the states’ budgets, which depend on the success of green startups.] 3-20-23
- Biden Administration. “The Moral-Hazard Presidency.” By Daniel Henninger. [Biden’s government is willing to bail out and backstop just about everything.] 3-23-23
- Biden Administration. “Janet Yellen’s Blurred Lines.” [Are all depositors insured or not? Only she seems to know.] 3-24-23
- Biden Administration. “The Inflation Reduction Act Trick.” [Goldman Sachs says the real cost of the green subsidies is $1.2 trillion.] 3-25-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act Betrayal.” By Joe Manchin. [Instead of implementing the law as intended, his administration subverts it for ideological ends.] 3-30-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden Against Bipartisanship.” [Democrats are defying their leader on Covid and green policies.] 3-31-23
- Biden Administration. “A Bait-and-Switch on Electric Vehicles.” [As Joe Manchin feared, Treasury is rewriting the IRA’s subsidy limits.] 4-1-23
- Biden Administration. “The Coming Biden Bailout of Blue States and Cities.” By Allysia Finley. [Taxpayers will be on the hook for mismanaged pensions and projects from stadiums to subways.] 4-3-23
- Biden Administration. “Joe Biden Isn’t Sorry About Afghanistan.” [A while House report on the withdrawal spins disaster as triumph.] 4-7-23
- Biden Administration. “Joe Manchin’s Faux Betrayal and an Endless Green Bill of Goods.” By Allysia Finley. “The Inflation Reduction Act is welfare for the rich, not investment for places like West Virginia.] 4-17-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden Can Avoid a Debt-Ceiling Crisis on His Own.” By Alan S. Blinder. [With even less bipartisan goodwill than in 1995, America may need a non legislative solution.] 4-20-23 (Blinder was an adviser to Al Gore and John Kerry during their respective presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004.)
- Biden Administration. “Biden Plays Chicken With Default.” 4-28-23
- Biden Administration. “Chuck Schumer’s Debt Default.” [Senate Democrats are missing in action as the debt ceiling nears.] 5-3-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden Abandons Big Problems.” By Daniel Henninger. [The progressive way of governance is that no failed policy can change – ever.] 5-11-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden Cracks Down on Gas Stoves – and Much More.” By Ben Lieberman. [The administration’s climate crusade is also coming for dishwashers, furnaces and light bulbs.] 5-11-23
- Biden Administration. “The 14th Amendment Option’ Is a trap for Biden.” By Saikrishna Prakash. [If he borrows money without congressional approval, the U.S. could later repudiate that debt.] 5-18-23
- Biden Administration. “A Less-Bad Option for the Debt-Ceiling Crisis.” By Alan S. Blinder. [If a deal can’t be reached, a partial government shutdown is far better than a default on obligations.] 5-19-23
- Biden Administration. “What the 14th Amendment Really Says.” [Biden must pay interest on the debt or violate the U.S. Constitution.] 5-22-23
- Biden Administration. “The Real Stakes of the Debt-Ceiling fight.” By Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. [Unrestrained spending would crowd out private economic activity and risk triggering a recession.] 5-22-23
- Biden Administration. “The Phony Debt-Ceiling ‘Calamity.’” By Conor J. Clarke and Kristin a. Shapiro. [The Treasury made a plan to pay bondholders in 2011. It could do the same with Social Security.] 5-23-23
- Biden Administration. “Will Biden Cross a Line On Poverty?” by Kevin Corinth. [The administration may attempt to expand the welfare state via a definitional trick.] 5-23-23
- Biden Administration. “In Case of Emergency, Don’t Break the 14th Amendment.” by Ted Cruz. [Even the left understood until recently that only Congress has the authority to borrow money.] 5-27-23
- Biden Administration. “The Downside of the Debt Deal.” [The already stretched military will absorb a real cut after inflation.] 6-3-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Debt-Ceiling Pivot Could Help Him in 2024.” By Jason L. Riley. [Can the White House keep working across the aisle to maintain a semblance of bipartisan normalcy?] 6-7-23
- Biden Administration. “Merck Sues to Stop the IRA’s ‘Extortion.’” [The company says the drug-price bill violates the Constitution.] 6-8-23
- Biden Administration. “An Unconstitutional Offer Drug Companies Can’t Refuse.” By Daniel e. Troy. [The Inflation Reduction Act provision is a taking and a free-speech violation all rolled into one.] 6-9-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s March to State Capitalism.” By Daniel Henninger. [The message being sent to John Q. Public is clear: You work for us, the government.” 6-15-23
- Biden Administration. “Merrick Garland’s Cheap Talk.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [He has an obligation to prove the Hunter Biden probe wasn’t tainted by politics.] 6-30-23
- Biden Administration. “What Biden’s ‘Invest in America’ Tour Leaves Out.” By Allysia Finley. [His policies have destroyed many good jobs while ensuring that industries need welfare to survive.] 7-3-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden and the OECD’s Taxation Without Representation.” By David M. Schizer. [Congress refused to enact the Pillar 2 agreement that requires all countries to tax large corporations.] 7-3-23
- Biden Administration. “The Biden-Big Tech Collusion Case.” [A judge rules that illegal White House pressure led to censorship.] 7-6-23
- Biden Administration. “A Key Ruling Against Social-Media Censorship.” By Philip Hamburger. [A judge likens the federal government’s suppression of dissent to the ‘Ministry of Truth’ in ‘1984.’] 7-6-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Latest Loan Forgiveness Scheme.” [He keeps flouting the law to buy votes by writing off student debt.] 7-15-23
- Biden Administration. “Did Justice Snoop on Congress?” 7-15-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden and the Anti-Israel Democrats.” [The President has a change of heart on Netanyahu, sort of.] 7-19-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden to the Senate: So Su Me.” [Re: Biden’s “…progressive Labor Secretary nominee Julie Su…] 7-20-23
- Biden Administration. “Say No to Julie Su at Labor.” By Ted Budd and Tyler Voigt. [Confirming her as secretary would take California’s failed policies nationwide.] 7-21-23
- Biden Administration. “How Biden Can Get Antitrust Right.” By Jason Furman and carl Shapiro. [New draft competition guidelines released last week need revision. Not all mergers are bad.] 7-28-23
- Biden Administration. “The Biden Administration’s Assault on Free Speech.” By Phillip Hamburger and Jenin Younes. [Emails paint a picture of a White House running roughshod over First Amendment protections.] 7-29-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Summer Regulatory Onslaught.” [While Congress and the media sleep, new rules remake the economy.” 8-2-23
- Biden Administration. “A Rare Justice Department Mea Culpa.” [Prosecutors admit they were wrong to prosecute a KPMG fraud case.] 8-5-23
- Biden Administration. “It’s DOJ vs. DOJ in the 2024 Election.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [What will voters take to the polls? The collusion-hoax findings, or the accusations against Trump?] 8-5-23
- Biden Administration. “The White House’s Gender Pay Gap.” [An analysis says women working for Biden earn 80 cents on the dollar.] 8-8-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Monumental Gift to Putin.” [A new land grab makes the U.S. more dependent on Russian uranium.] 8-9-23
- Biden Administration. “The Anatomy of an EV Failure.” [All Biden’s subsidies couldn’t save Proterra, the electric bus maker.] 8-12-23
- Biden Administration. “’Special Counsel’ Becomes a 2024 Election Joke.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Merrick Garland turns the concept inside-out to make sure Joe Biden can run against Donald trump.] 8-12-23
- Biden Administration. “A Prosperous Year for the Inflation Reduction Act.” By Janet l. Yellen. [The demand for electric cars has spurred a ‘battery belt’ of new factories in the Midwest and South.] 8-16-23
- Biden Administration. “The Inflation Reduction Act flim-Flam.” By Steven Law. [Biden touts the year-old law, though it has killed jobs and increased prices.] 8-17-23
- Biden Administration. “Big Brother and the digital Dollar.” By Daniel B. Klein. [Ingemar Stahl’s 1979 essay foresaw the threat of social credit and ‘debanking.’] 8-23-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Trumpist Trade Policy.” By Inu Manak. [The White House slams the former president’s new tariffs but sems content with his old ones.] 8-31-23
- Biden Administration. “Peter Navarro’s Contempt Conviction.” [If enforced against Democrats too, it’s a victory for oversight.] 9-9-23
- Biden Administration. “Julie Su Reworks Overtime.” [Unconfirmed by the Senate, she still orders companies to raise pay.] 9-9-23
- Biden Administration. “A Rebuke to Biden-Tech Censorship.” [The Fifth Circuit issues a landmark on collusion against free speech.] 9-12-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s $6 Billion Ransom to Iran.” [Countries will keep taking U.S. hostages as long as they profit from it.] 9-13-23
- Biden Administration. “$10 billion More for Iran.” [Biden renews a sanctions waiver that helps fund terrorism.] 9-17-23
- Biden Administration. “Merrick Garland Ducks.” [The AG demonstrates why appointing a special counsel was a bad idea.] 9-21-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Social-Media Censorship Harms Us All.” By Philip Hamburger. [The First Amendment protects the right to hear alternative views, not merely to express them.] 9-27-23
- Biden Administration. “Hamas’s Global Test for Biden.” By Walter Russell Mad. [His response to the attack on Israel will show the world what he is made of.] 10-10-23
- Biden Administration. “Wake Up, Washington.” [A second regional war calls for an urgent bipartisan defense effort.] 10-10-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden Has Abandoned Border Towns.” By Karl Rove. [New York and Chicago get federal help, Eagle Pass, Texas, and Yuma, Ariz., don’t.] 10-12-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden Faces an Iran Reckoning.” [Tehran looms behind Hamas’s atrocities and Hezbollah’s next move.] 10-12-23
- Biden Administration. “Reagan Wouldn’t Sue Google.” By George P. Bush. [Why are Republicans cheering on the Biden administration’s antitrust excesses?] 10-17-23
- Biden Administration. “When Justice Spied on Congress.” [How officials snooped on staffers investigating Justice’s investigations.] 10-27-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden Has a Choice: Guns or Butter.” [He’s trying to jam more domestic pork into Israel-Ukraine funding.] 11-1-23
- Biden Administration. “Geert Wilders’s Warning for Joe Biden.” By Wm. A. Galston. [Unchecked migration leads Dutch voters to swing right. The same could happen here.] 11-29-23
- Biden Administration. “The Biden-Blinken Rules of War.” [The U.S. tells Isarel how to fight in Gaza, which could help Hamas.] 12-2-23
- Biden Administration. “Another Wrong Way to Measure Poverty.” By Phil Gramm and Joh Early. [the real rate is2.5%, but the Census Bureau inflates it by excluding most social-welfare benefits.] 12-6-23
- Biden Administration. “Kamala Harris’s Communication Problem.” By Karl Rove. [Her recent interview proved that all the spin in the world can’t fix Biden’s record.] 12-7-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden Decides to ‘March In’ on Drug Patents.] by Joel Zinberg. [The plan aims at lowering prices but will stumble all over lifesaving innovation.] 12-13-23
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s New Forest Plan Will Backfire.” [A logging ban on 2.5 million acres will lead to more uncontrolled fires.] 12-22-23
- Biden Administration. “Putin and Migrants Ring Out 2023.” [The twin crises grew worse as Washington enjoyed the holidays.] 12-30-23
- Biden Administration. “When You’re In a ‘Whole,’ Stop Digging.” By Dave Yost. [The Biden administration tempts judicial fate with ‘whole of government’ approaches to everything.] 1-4-24
- Biden Administration. “Secretary Austin’s Health Secrecy.” 1-10-24
- Biden Administration. “Marijuana Is More Dangerous Than Biden’s HHS Lets On.” By Allysia Finley. [In easing restrictions, it brushes past the long-term effects, from anxiety and depression to psychosis.] 1-22-24
- Biden Administration. “Impeaching Mayorkas Achieves Nothing.” [A policy dispute doesn’t qualify as a high crime and misdemeanor.] 1-31-24
- Biden Administration. “Why I Voted Against Impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas.” By Mike Gallagher. [Ousting a secretary for ‘maladministration’ would have opened Pandora’s box. The problem is Biden.] 2-8-24
- Biden Administration. “The Supreme Court ‘Didn’t Stop Me.’” [Biden ignores the law again as he forgives more student debt.] 2-24-24
- Biden Administration. “President Biden’s Fraying Coalition.” By Wm. A. Galston. [Young, suburban and Hispanic voters are deserting him, giving Trump a lead.] 3-6-24
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Worst Nightmare: Blacks and Hispanics for Trump.” By Jason L. Riley. “The former president picks up support from minority voters because they did better in his economy.] 3-6-24
- Biden Administration. “Biden Offers Budget Fantasy.” [His 2025 fiscal outline supposes a world that doesn’t exist.] 3-12-24
- Biden Administration. “Who Really Released the Hur Report?” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Biden’s attorney general is the man wo chose to let voters know about the president’s infirmity.] 3-16-24
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Budget: $7.3 Trillion.” By Daniel Henninger. [Democrats’ spending strategy is 90 years old and likely as out of date as their leader.] 3-21-24
- Biden Administration. “The Senate’s Duty to Put Mayorkas On Trial.” By Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. [Schumer’s plan to ‘table’ his impeachment violates the chamber’s rules as well as the constitution.] 4-8-24
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Latest Lawless Debt Forgiveness.” [He wants to write off student loans before the courts can stop him.] 4-9-24
- Biden Administration. “Antony Blinken’s Ahistorical Advice for Israel.” By John Spencer and Liam Collins. [Raids and airstrikes can be tactically effective, but they don’t amount to a strategy for winning a war.’ 4-10-24
- Biden Administration. “Biden, Cfius and the U.S. Steel Acquisition.” By Thomas P. Feddo. [Are his remarks empty rhetoric or an attempt to subvert the law?] 4-16-24
- Biden Administration. “An Au Pair Could Take Care of Grandma.” By Kristin Shapiro and Kelsey Bolar. [The administration should expand, not restrict, the program.] 4-29-24
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Worst Mistake of the Gaza War.” by Elliot Kaufman. [He provided Egypt cover as it denied Palestinians their human right to flee the conflict as refugees.] 5-6-24
- Biden Administration. “EVs and the Inanity of Bidenism.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Or how a president can be handed lemonade and turn it back into lemons.] 5-15-24
- Biden Administration. “A Reckoning for Biden’s Labor Chief.” [Reconfirming the NLRB chair would extend a lawless record.] 6-11-24
- Biden Administration. “Courts Rule, Biden Says Who Cares?” [After its SAVE plan is blocked, DOE pauses interest payments.] 7-2-24
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s LNG Export Ban Is Blocked.” 7-3-24
- Biden Administration. “A Secret Service House Cleaning.” 7-24-24
- Biden Administration. “The Secret Service Is Seeking PR Help.” By Eri Felten. [It wants to hire two ‘public affairs specialist,’ who’ll make more than twice an entry-level special agent.] 7-24-24
- Biden Administration. “A Mystery Commander in Chief.” [What does Kamala Harris believe about our dangerous world?] 8-9-24
- Biden Administration. “How Biden Let Europe Slip Away.” By A. Wess Mitchell. [On trade, defense and energy, Washington has failed to shore up the trans-Atlantic alliance.] 9-18-24
- Biden Administration. “The Broadband Rollout Fiasco.” [Three years after the bill passed, not a single project is underway.] 10-5-24
- Biden Administration. “Meet John Hess, the Latest CEO Target of Biden-Harris.” By Allysia Finley. [The administration has abused its power to punish opponents. The press doesn’t seem to care.] 10-7-24
- Biden Administration. “Elon Muck to Biden’s Hurricane Rescue. [The FCC withdrew a grant for Starlink, which is now saving the day in rural counties.] 10-10-24
- Biden Administration. “How to Fix the Secret Service.” 10-19-24
- Biden Administration. “Biden’s Missing Electric-Vehicle Chargers.” By Judge Glock. [Union and equity rules bog down the $5 billion program.] 10-23-24
- Biden Administration. “Biden Snubs the Courts Again.” 10-26-24
- Biden Administration. “What Does HUD Have to Show for the Trillions It’s Spent?” by Jack Ryan.[ The U.S. homeownership rate was 64% in 1967, two years after the department opened. Now it’s…64%.] 11-16-24
- Biden Administration. “They Wouldn’t Know Inflation if It Bit Them in the Ballot.” By Joseph C. Sternberg. [Biden-Harris defenders try to ‘decompose’ the rise in prices, forgetting what inflation actually is.] 11-22-24
- Biden Administration. “Lawfare Bits Fani Willis Back.” [A court disqualifies the prosecutor from her Trump Case.] 12-20-24
- Biden Administration. “It’s Biden’s Policies, Stupid.” By Wm. McGurn. [The president’s real messaging failure is that Donal Trump had a better message.] 12-31-24
- Biden Administration. “The Bald Eagle Is Heaven-Sent.” By Eli Federman. [Soaring with symbolism, America’s new national bird is mentioned in the Bible at least 30 times.] 12-31-24
- Biden Administration. “What’s Left for Biden to ‘Stimulate.’? [The IRS is mailing out Covid-era credits to anyone still eligible.] 1-2-25
- Biden Administration. “A Letter to Merrick Garland.” By Bob Livingston. [My firm, the Livingston Group, was subjected to your unjust persecution. We’d like an apology.] 1-15-25