Opinion Headlines
- Elections 2014. “How the Senate Races Are Breaking” by Karl Rove 8-7-14
- Elections. 2016 “The 2016 Battle Heats Up Already.” By Peggy Noonan. 8-16-14
- Elections. Campaigning “Democrats Try a Romney Redux Strategy” by Karl Rove 6-19-14
- Republicans. “Why a GOP Senate Majority Is Still in Doubt.” By Karl Rove [Since Sept 1, Democrats have run or placed $109 million in TV ads to the Republicans $80 million.] 9-18-14
- Elections. “Holder’s Legacy of Racial Politics.” [The attorney general battled against state voter-ID laws, despite all evidence of their fairness and popularity. What will his successor do?] 9-29-14
- Elections. “An Early Ballot Education.” [Cutting the voting period to 28 days from 35 isn’t discriminatory.] 10-4-14
- Elections. “Criminalizing Political Speech in Wisconsin.” By David B. Rivkin Jr., et. al. [Like it or not, the federal courts should intervene in the state to uphold Americans’ First Amendment rights.] 10-11-14
- Elections. “Political Spending Double-Cross.” [In return for more disclosure, companies become targets.] 10-13-14
- Elections. “Yes, Virginia, There Is a Senate Race.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Virginia is winnable , if the GOP thinks big.] 10-17-14
- Elections. “A Political Theme-Park Ride With National Stakes.” By Matthew Kaminski. [‘Fangate’ aside, the Florida governor’s race is a testing ground for both parties.] 10-22-14
- Elections. “You’re a Contractor? Campaign Contributions Not Allowed.” [The latest First Amendment battle gives courts another chance to re-evaluate a prior restraint on political speech.] 10-22-14
- Elections. LTE. “Assuring Independent Expenditures.” 10-28-14
- Elections. “Here Comes the 2014 Voter Fraud.” By Hans von Spakovsky. [Progressives and the Justice Department are doing all they can to stop improvements in election integrity.] 10-28-14
- Elections. “In New England, a Republican surge.” By Joseph Rago. [The GOP message of fiscal prudence and pro-growth policies is hitting home with voters tired of the status quo.] 10-30-14
- Elections. “X Factors That May Decide Key Senate Races.” By Karl Rove. [Polls look good for the GOP but ‘low propensity voters’ and undecided may tip the balance.] 10-30-14
- Elections. “Even Silicon Valley Tilts Republican.” By L. Grodon Crovitz. [“Even liberal Democrats in the tech industry have been mugged by the reality of how Washington now operates.”] 11-3-14
- Elections. “Tax Hike Election Reckoning.” [The liberal, public union political model is on the ballot Tuesday.] 11-3-14
- Elections. “The Senate Referendum.” [The Reid-Obama Democrats face an elect ion reckoning.] 10-29-14
- Elections. “A Most Pivotal Election.” By Fred Barnes. [Democratic candidates kept twisting away from Obama and changing the subject. Republicans didn’t cooperate.] 11-4-14.
- Elections. LTE. “Democracy Requires Honest Voting by Lawful Voters.” 11-1-14
- Elections. “Targeting Political Speech for the Next Election.” By Ronald Rotunda. [After failing to rein in online opinions with regulation in California, a government official vows to go national.] 11-5-14
- Republicans Won Big, So Now Go Big. By Karl Rove. [Voters expressed their disgust with a six-year liberal experiment.] 11-6-14
- Republicans. “A Growth and Reform Congress.” [The GOP can’t ‘govern’ from Congress but it can showcase its agenda.] 11-6-14
- Republicans. “Vindication in the the States.” [The GPO reformers won big, while tax increasers often lost.] 11-6-14
- Republicans. “Now We Can Get Congress Going.” By John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. [Reform the tax code, redefine ‘full time’ as working 40 hours a week, move on the Keystone XL pipeline – there are plenty of tasks ahead.] 11-6-14
- Republicans. “After Harry Reid, the GOP Shouldn’t Unilaterally Disarm.” By Orrin Hatch and C. Boyden Gray. [It will take years to undo the damage done by Senate Democrats’ barring filibusters of judicial nominees.] 11-6-14
- Democrats. “Why the Democrats Lost.” By Daniel Henninger. 11-6-14
- Elections. “It’s Shocking How Little Was Spent on the Midterms.” By John R. Lott Jr. et. al. [A single private company, Procter & Gamble, spent a third more on advertising — $4.9 billion in 2013.] 11-8-14
- Elections. “Racial Gerrymandering Switcheroo.” By Edward Blum. [The Supreme Court is asked to decide when districts drawn to protect black officeholders have too many black voters.] 11-12-14
Elections. LTE. “Forcing the Creation of Safe-Seat Districts.” 11-20-14
Elections – business. “Business’s Cynical Bet in Louisiana.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. 12-5-14.
- Elections. “The Elizabeth Warren Right.” [Conservatives should want more, not less, money in politics.] 12-16-14
- Elections. “The Quinn Stocking-Stuffers.” [America’s worst Governor goes out after bestowing presents on the trial lawyers.] 12-23-14
- Elections. “Liberals Rediscover the States.” [Big money donors on the left set up their own version of ALEC.] 12-24-14
- Elections. “The Voter Suppression Myth Takes Another Hit.” By Robert D. Popper. [Memo to critics of North Carolina’s election-law reforms: Black midterm turnout has increased.] 12-29-14
- Elections. “Campaign-Finance Bondage.” [How rules limiting political donations trap the little guy.] 1-2-15
- Elections. “Not Even Reformers Can Follow Campaign – Finance Law.” By Scott Blackburn. [The rules are so complicated that a super PAC in favor of more rules can’t follow the ones that already exist.] 1-6-15
- Elections. “My Fearless Political Predictions for 2015.” By Karl Rove. [GOP officials will forgo Iowa’s Ames Straw Poll, there will be a supreme Court vacancy, and more.] 1-8-15
- Elections. “A Supreme Speech Opportunity.” [A chance to rein in state laws limiting grassroots political action.] 1-9-15
- Elections. “Tying Up the First Amendment With Red Tape.” By Robert Everett Johnson et.al. [A Supreme Court case this week challenges a Florida fundraising restriction as an arbitrary form of censorship.] 1-20-15
- Elections. LTE. “President Wrong on Citizens United.” 1-24-15
- Elections 2016. “What Would Christie Do?” [New Jersey’s Governor will need a reform agenda to win in 2016.] 1-27-15
- Elections. “Obama’s Peter Pan Economics.” By Daniel Henninger. 1-29-15
- Elections. “Christie’s Vaccine Stumble.” [The Governor panders amid an outbreak of preventable disease.] 2-3-15
- Elections. “Seeding a Democratic Defeat in 2016.” By Karl Rove. [Obama is rallying the liberal base, but he may drive away blue-collar and middle-class voters.] 2-5-15
- Elections. “What Will Matter to Evangelicals in 2016?” by Russell Moore. [Echoing Jefferson on religious liberty will have more appeal than proving you know all the hymns.] 2-6-15
- Election 2016. “Captain America Won’t Save Us.” By Daniel Henninger. [“…The U.S. just tried electing a rookie president and had six years of amateur hour. It doesn’t work. And it won’t work again if the next president, whether rookie or former governor, shows up in the Oval Office in January 2017 with not much more than his victory cape and some political pals…] 2-26-15
- Elections. “The Varieties of Political Experience.” [The GOP should steer clear of Obama’s habit of vilifying opponents.] 2-25-15
- Elections. “Trying to Pry the Gerrymander Out of Politics.” By Bill Mundell et.al. [Arizona voters want an independent commission to handle redistricting. Irate state legislators sued.] 2-28-15
- Elections. “The Constitution and the Gerrymander.” 3-3-15
- Elections. “A Daunting Demographjic Challenge for the GOP in 2016.” By Whit Ayres. [A Republican nominee who matches George W. Bushe’s winning hand from 2004 would lose this time around.] 3-5-15
- Elections. LTE. “GOP’s Problem With Demographics, Electoral College.” 3-10-15
- Elections. “The New Price of Running for President.” By Karl Rove. [The first four 2016 contests will probably cost $20 million. And that’s just February.] 3-19-15
- Elections. “Both Parties Are Nervous About 2016.” By Peggy Noonan. [Hillary is the only thing holding Democrats together, and Bushes always break the Republican Party.] 3-21-15
- Elections. “The Cruz Candidacy.” [Ideology aside, the Republican is similar in many ways to Obama.] 3-24-15
- Elections. “Super-PAC Strategies for 2016 Success.” By Karl Rove. [Campaign-contribution limits in the early going magnify the importance of these organizations.] 3-26-15
- Elections. LTE. “Is Mandatory Voting an Idea Whose Time Has Come?” 3-31-15
- Elections. “The Myth of the Stay-at-Home Republicans.” By Karl Rove. [There were six million fewer voters in 2012 than in 2008, but they weren’t conservatives.] 4-2-15
- Elections. LTE “Gerrymandering for Social Justice?” 4-9-15
- Elections. “Why the Stakes in 2016 Are So High.” By Fred Barnes. [Cleaning up after Obama will be a gigantic task, and don’t forget the four Supreme Court justices who are 76 or older.] 4-23-15
- Elections. LTE. “Winners, Losers From Endless Presidential Campaigns.” 4-25-15
- Elections. For judges. “Roberts’s Rules for Judges.” [Special limits on political speech for ‘the brotherhood of the robe.’] 4-30-15
- Elections. LTE. “Don’t laugh at Sen. Sanders’s Presidential Candidacy.” 5-8-15
- Elections. “The Never ending Campaign.” [A new report says campaigns are long thanks to regulations.] 5-11-15
- Elections. “Hillary and Jeb Roll the Dice.” By Fred Barnes. [Clinton goes left while Bush heads to the center, like Miliband and Cameron did- but the results may vary.] 5-14-15
- Elections. “When Politicians Loathe the Press.” By Karl Rove. [Obama assails the media, while Hillary Clinton figures she can duck them until Election Day.] 5-21-15
- Elections. “Return of the Speech Police.” [In 2012 it was the IRS. This election watch the Justice Department.] 6-9-15
- Elections. “The Contest for the 2016 Middle Ground.” By Daniel J. Arbess. [In the disintegration-reinvention cycle, the GOP is about a decade ahead of Democrats.] 6-12-15
- Elections. “Voters Long for a Washington Reformer.” By Paul C. Light. [Note to 2016 candidates: Americans deeply mistrust government and think half of every dollar spent is wasted.] 6-11-15
- Elections. “A Bush vs. a Clinton?” by Daniel Henninger. [A tale of two dynasties in American politics.] 6-25-15
- Elections. “Trump and Sanders, the Disrupter Brothers.” By Karl Rove. [The noisy challengers won’t win, but they will complicate the campaign for their party rivals.] 7-9-15
- Elections. “Building a Winning Political Team.” By Rich Karlgaard and Michael S. Malone. [Ronald Reagan knew how to do it. So did bill Clinton. Their secret? They ignored the conventional wisdom.] 7-10-15
- Elections. “The 2016 Contest Begins to Take Shape.” By Peggy Noonan. [Hillary tries pointillism, while the GOP contends with an embarrassment of riches.] 7-18-15
- Elections. LTE. “A Message on Hispanics for Pundits.” 7-25-15
- Elections. “Thank you, Super Pacs.” [Trump agrees with liberals who want to regulate politics.] 8-4-15
- Elections. “The Unfortunate Evolution of the Voting Rights Act.” By Edward Blum. [A great law that protected minority voters has in recent decades become a sword or politicians in both parties.] 8-6-15
- Elections. “A Campaign Full of Surprises.” By Peggy Noonan. [The Republican side turns out to be exiting, and the Democrats – well, at least not boring.] 8-22-15
- Elections. LTE. “Big Brother Can Buy Elections, Too.” 8-25-15
- Elections. LTE. “Perot Hurt Clinton More Than Bush.” 8-26-15
- Elections. “America Is So in Play.” By Peggy Noonan. [Donald Trump’s staying power in the polls reflects a change in the electorate only now coming into focus.] 8-29-15
- Election. “The No-Growth Campaign.” [Clinton and Trump are offering nothing to improve the economy.] 9-2-15
- Election 2016. “The Biden-Obama Axis.” By Daniel Henninger. 9-3-15
- Elections. “’Hypocrite,’ the All-Purpose Political Insult.” By Barton Swaim. [The word has a precise meaning, but misuse is turning it into a synonym for ‘a bad person.’” 9-4-15
- Elections. “A Better Way to Bring ‘Elites’ Into Line.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The only good answer is a federal government that stops mass-producing so many vested interests.] 9-5-15
- Elections. “What Jeb and Hillary Have in Common.” By Peggy Noonan. [Neither party is in the mood to continue a dynasty.] 9-5-15
- Elections. “The Joy of Madness.” By Daniel Henninger. [Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and the mad-as-hell American electorate.] 9-17-15
- Elections. “Inside the Golden Door.” Book review by Alex Nowrasteh: A Nation of Nations. By Tom Gjelten. [Half a century ago, Virginia’s Fairfax County was 90% white and 3.5% immigrant; today it’s 50% white and 30% foreign-born.] 9-21-15
- Elections. “A Fairness Agenda for Winning Over Angry Voters.” By Alan S. Blinder. [A common Theme in this election: The economic system is unfair. And it is. Here’s how to fix it.] 10-2-15 [“Mr. Blinder…is an informal economic adviser to the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.”]
- Elections. “Taking the Political Pulse of a Blue-State Town.” By Ted Van Dyk. [Visiting for my high-school reunion, class of ’51, I found worry about Trump, little enthusiasm for Clinton.] 10-10-12
- Elections. LTE. “What’s ‘Fair’ Is in the Eye of the Beholder.” [cf. Alan Blinder #86 here] 10-14-15
- Elections. “The Biden Eclipse and the Trump Plateau.” By Peggy Noonan. [Hillary Clinton pre-empts her biggest challenge as Republicans consider their alternatives.] 10-17-15
- Elections. “Coulter-Sharpton vs. Kemp-Ryan.” By Robert L. Woodson Sr. [What racial provocateurs of the right and the left don’t understand about how to fight poverty.] 10-30-15
- Elections. “The Not Ready for Prime Time Bush.” By Peggy Noonan. [Like Scott Talker, Jeb couldn’t rise to the demands of the national stage.] 10-31-15
- Elections. “Fred Thompson’s Finest Role.” [He led the probe into the Clinton campaign-finance scandals.] 11-3-15
- Elections. LTE. “Donor Disclosure Fits the first Amendment.” 11-11-15
- Elections. “Why Political Polls Are So Often Wrong.” By Michael Barone. [Fewer landlines, fewer people willing to talk. And somehow conservatives tend to be undercounted.] 11-12-15
- Elections. “Terrorism Becomes a Campaign Issue.” By Karl Rove. [Paris – and Obama’s feeble response – has Americans wondering who’ll keep them safe.] 11-19-15
- Elections. Bookreview. “Painting America Blue.” By Michael Barone. [“America Ascendant” by Stanley B. Greenberg.] [The author says the GOP is in a ‘death spiral,’ hopelessly out of touch with blacks, Hispanics, single women and millennials. Is he right?} 11-19-15
- Elections. LTE. “Polling Is Becoming as Unreliable as the Pols.” 11-19-15
- Elections. LTE. “Sometimes Freedom Requires Confidentiality.” 11-23-15
- Elections. “Music in the Key of America.” By Peggy Noonan. [Can we find an inspiring theme for next year’s presidential contest?] 11-28-15
- Elections. “Justice’s Liberal Slush Fund.” By Kimberley Strassel. [Legal settlements are being used to funnel millions to left-wing activists like La Raza.] 12-4-15
- Elections. “One Person, But Only 2/3 of a Vote.” [Does counting illegal immigrants dilute some American votes.?] 12-8-15
- Elections. “Hope at Last in Venezuela.” [A revolt at the polls against the Cuban-backed government.] [“…After 16 years of repressive left-wing rule, this is cause for hope in Venezuela and across the Americas. An impressive 75% of the electorate turned out to vote, driven by plummeting living standards. Hyperinflation, food shortages, crumbling public works and soaring murder rates have made the country miserable…] 12-8-15
- Elections. “Dissensus, the Spirit of Our Age.” By Joseph Epstein. [Donald Trump could arise only in an atmosphere that is itself soaked in political derision.] 12-8-15
- Elections. “No Political Guardrails.” By Kimberley Strassel. [“…Barack Obama has done plenty of damage to the country, but perhaps the worst is his determined destruction of Washington’s guardrails. 12-11-2015
- Elections. LTE. “DOJ Slush Fund and Perversion of Democracy.” [See Dec. 4, 2015, here] 12-11-15
- Elections. “Looking Down on the American Voter.” By William McGurn. [Whining about Donald Trump’s support instead of trying to grab it.] 12-15-15
- Elections. “The IRS Targets Political Donors.” [A new rule encourages nonprofits to turn over Social Security numbers.] 12-16-15
- Elections. LTE. “La Raza Makes Good Use of Recycled Penalties.” 12-17-15 (See 12-4-15, here)
- Elections. “Primary Preview: The Brawl vs. the Blob.” By Peggy Noonan. [A role reversal gives us rambunctious Republicans and deathly Democrats.] 12-19-15
- Elections. “Revolt of the Politically Incorrect.” By Daniel Henninger. [Donald Trump and Ben Carson popped the valves on decades of pent-up pressure.] 1-7-16
- Elections. “A Speech Mugging in Montana.” [A case of twisting campaign-finance law for partisan ends.] 1-9-16
- Election. “Trump and Cruz Have Trouble in the Middle.” By David W. Brady. [Independents will decide the general election, and they’re far from sold on the Republican front-runners.] 1-11-16
- Elections. “The GOP’s chase for Undecided Iowans.” By Karl Rove. [At this point in 2012, Rick Santorum – who won the caucuses – sat sadly at 6% support.] 1-14-16
- Elections. “Defining ‘Establishment’ Down.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Everyone – even – you now counts as The Establishment, by some definition.] 1-22-16
- Elections. “This Year’s Iowa Caucuses Could Be the Wildest Yet.” By David Yepsen. [Cruz is thought to have the best team on the ground, but Trump has the best crowds. Rubio could rally.] 1-23-16
- Elections. “Defining ‘Establishment’ Down.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Everyone – even – you now counts as The Establishment, by some definition.] 1-22-16
- Elections. “This Year’s Iowa Caucuses Could Be the Wildest Yet.” By David Yepsen. [Cruz is thought to have th best team on the ground, but Trump has the best crowds. Rubio could rally.] 1-23-16
- Elections. “The Bloomberg View.” [Why the former mayor may think he can win the White House.] 1-25-16
- Election. LTE. “Bernie Sanders as a More Serious Candidate.” 1-26-16
- Elections. “Bernie’s Ice Cream Stand.” [Two guys named Ben and Jerry dip deep for Bernie Sanders.] 1-29-16
- Elections. LTE. “Massive Dark Money Helps the Left as Well.” 1-29-16
- Elections. LTE “Whatever the ‘Establishment ‘ Is, It’s Failing. 1-30-16
- Elections. “That’s Odd, ‘Big Money’ Isn’t Buying This Election.” By Bradley Smith. [A word of thanks on the 40th anniversary of a Supreme Court decision protecting political speech.] 1-30-16
- Elections. Liberals. “Socialism Gets a Second Life.” By Peggy Noonan. [Why do the young love Bernie Sanders? Because their experience of capitalism is different.] 1-30-16
- Elections. “Defining Presidential Down.” By Bret Stephens. [If this election is so crucial, why have the front-runners been so awful?] 2-2-16
- Elections. “Trumped in Iowa.” [Cruz and Rubio are the big GOP winners, while Hillary shows weakness.] 2-2-16
- Elections. “Happy Iowa Aftershocks.” [Encouraging political news on ethanol and immigration.] 2-3-16
- Elections. “Obama’s Democratic Divide.” [How the President created Bernie’s best political issue.] 2-3-16
- Elections. “The Economy Trumps Everything.” By Daniel Henninger. [The Donald and Ted Cruz have defaulted the economy and jobs to Marco Rubio.] 2-4-16
- Elections. “How Trump Blew and Easy Win.” By Karl Rove. [He acted like the traditional rules didn’t apply. This race could go to the convention.] 2-4-16
- Elections. “Lessons From the Drop-Outs.” [The list of presidential losers piles up.] 2-4-16
- Elections. “Rise of Independent Voters a Reproach to the Parties.” 2-4-16 See “Republicans,” here, section titled, “Talking Points.” “GOP Sells America Down the River” December 17, 2015 by Rush Limbaugh.
- Elections. “Why Mike Bloomberg Can Win.” By Douglas E. Schoen. [Record numbers of voters are independents – who won’t be satisfied with Clinton, Trump or Cruz.] 2-4-16
- Elections. Liberals. LTE. “Socialism Returns as Immunity to It Fades.” 2-6-16
- Elections. LTE. “Why is Planned Parenthood Allowed to Endorse Pols?” 2-6-16
- Elections. “Don’t Take New Hampshire for Granite.” By Peggy Noonan. [The candidates face a confident electorate, ready to winnow their ranks.] 2-6-16
- Elections. “Bush, Trump and the Super Pacs.” [The GOP candidates are shooting at the wrong campaign-finance target.] 2-9-16
- Elections. “The Left-Right Revolt.” [Sanders and Trump ride very different populist uprisings.] 2-10-16
- Elections. LTE. “Mulling Michael Bloomberg’s Mulling a Run.” 2-11-16
- Elections. “Bloomberg Could Start a Third Party.” By Morton Kondracke. [The largest group of voters in America are moderate. Neither party offers them a voice, or a home.] 2-11-16
- Election. Blacks. “The Carolina Pander for Black Votes.” By Juan Williams. [Clinton and Sanders fight to own the Obama legacy, though it hasn’t improved most black lives.] 2-13-16
- Election. “Trump, Sanders and the American Rebellion.” By Peggy Noonan. [As institutions lose respect, voters think: Let’s take a chance.] 2-13-16
- Elections. “How Bloomberg Could Win.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [If the election ends up in the House, 37 billion reasons some members might prefer hizzoner.] 2-13-16
- Elections. “Attention GOP: Demography Isn’t Destiny.” By Wes Anderson and Henry Goodwin. [Population shifts are not the only, or the best, predictor of presidential election outcomes.] 2-19-16
- Elections. “The Young and the Economically Clueless.” By Daniel J. Arbess. [Millennials are flocking to Sanders, and in the GOP they favor Trump. Why are young people voting against their own interests.?] 2-20-16
- Elections. “The Super Pac Bust.” [So much for ‘big money’ dominating the presidential race.] 2-20-16
- Elections. “We Need Better Presidential Debates.” By Robert Rosenkranz and John Donvan. [Oxford-style would tell us more than the current uninformative and stilted face-offs.] 2-22-16
- Elections. LTE. “Michael Bloomberg as a Moderate Candidate.” 2-22-16
- Elections. LTE. “Obama Has Transformed Our Political System.” 2-25-16
- Election. “Clinton and Trump Advance.” 3-2-16
- Elections. LTE. “If Money Were All, Jeb Bush Would Be Winning The GOP.” 3-2-16
- Elections. “Political Mudslinging, 1828. By Thomas V. DiBacco. 3-2-16
- Election. “It’s Time for The Speech.” By Daniel Henninger. [Like JFK, or Nixon and Obama, the time is now for a speech that saves an election.] 3-3-16.
- Election. “A Big Push for Flawed Front-Runners.” By Karl Rove. [Bernie could cause trouble for Hillary at the convention. And Trump is no ‘unifier.’] 3-3-16.
- Elections. LTE. “We Need Better Debates and Candidates, too.” 3-3-16.
- Elections. “The GOP Race Isn’t Over.” [Trump lost among the late-deciders in Saturday’s contest.] 3-7-16
- Elections. “The Candidates’ Missing Economic Message.” By Hector Barreto. [Focusing on small businesses could be a big vote-getter, with Hispanics especially.] 3-10-16
- Elections. “Misreading the Trump-Evangelicals Link.” By Ralph Reed. [Ignorant of election history, the chattering class is abuzz about the supposed hypocrisy of evangelicals.] 3-11-16
- Elections. “How Latinos Power the American Economy.” By Henry Cisneros and Sol Trujillo. [The 2016 presidential race focuses on immigration as candidates and the media miss a much bigger story.] 3-14-16
- Elections. “The Political Stupidity of the Jews Revisited.” By Joseph Epstein. [Why do so many of my fellow Jews stay in the Democratic Party’s pocket?] 3-14-16
- Elections. “The Military-Free 2016 Contenders.” By Bob Greene. [Trump, Cruz, Clinton, Sanders and the rest all share on trait: None has served in the armed forces.] 3-15-16
- Elections. “Hillary’s and Bernie’s Pie-in-the-Sky Social Security Proposals.” By Andrew G. Biggs. [Promising better benefits and higher taxes, including on investments.] 3-18-16
- Elections. LTE. “’Military-Free’ Contenders And the Voters’ Perception.” 3-19-16
- Elections. LTE. “Jewish Ideals and Progressive Voting Patterns.” 3-21-16 (See # 160, here)
- Elections. “In Campaign 2016, What’s Old Is News Again.” By Joseph Rago. [Clinton and Sanders are stuck in the 1990s. Trump seems very 1980s. Cruz attaches himself to Reagan. Kasich, well, he’s Kasich.] 3-23-16
- Election. LTE. “Candidates’ Zero-Sum Worldview Is Wrong.” 3-26-16
- Elections. LTE. “Latinos and Party Values.” 3-26-16
- Elections. “Show Me Your Donors.” [A case study in using speech restrictions to damage an opponent.] 3-29-16
- Election. “The Trump-Sanders China Syndrome.” By Benn Stell and Emma Smith. [The charge of currency manipulation was always off-base, but now it’s starting to look ludicrous.] .] 3-30-16
- Election. “An Ugly General Election Takes Shape.” By Karl Rove. [Hillary’s super PAC readies an anti-Trump onslaught. She will be a ripe target too.] 3-31-16
- Elections. “Making Wisconsin Grate Again.” By Joseph Rago. [Donald Trump praises the wrong quarterback, Ted Cruz plays the gender card, and John Kasich says a vote for either one is a vote for Hillary Clinton.” 4-2-16
- Elections. “These Five Are the Best We Can Do?” by Joseph Epstein. [Presidential politics are so degrading , thanks to the press and the Internet, that superior people stay out.] 4-6-16
- Election. “New York’s Vote Matters for a Change.” By Peggy Noonan. [Trump tries to recover from his Wisconsin deflation, while Sanders finally gets aggressive.] 4-9-16
- Elections. LTE. “Tocqueville and ‘Is This the Best We Can Do?” 4-13-16
- Elections. LTE. “Party Nominations, Rules and Democracy.” 4-19-16
- Election. “That Moment When 2016 Hits You.” By Peggy Noonan. [‘I felt a wave of sadness,’ said one friend. This year’s politics have that effect on a lot of Americans.] 4-23-16
- Election. “Hillary’s Debt to Sanders and Trump.” By Dorothy Rabinowitz. [Next to her rival’s gloomy rhetoric about America the bleak, she almost looks like a beacon of hope.] 4-27-16
- Elections. “Unity Won’t Come Easy for Either Party.” By Karl Rove. [Many voters already are preparing to flee if Donald and Hillary become the nominees.] 4-28-16
- Elections. LTE. “Election 2016: Two, Three, or Even Four Parties.” 5-1-16
- Election. “The Third-Party Temptation.” [A conservative challenge to Trump could cost the GOP the House.] 5-3-16
- Election. LTE. “2016 Moment: Mourn the Old, Build the New.” 5-4-16
- Elections. “Notable and Quotable: Ben Sasse: “…we’ve not passed along the meaning of America to the next generation…” 5-6-16
- Election. “Trump vs. Clinton, Beyond the Cage Match.” By Karl Rove. [Her resume scores with voters, but he wins on who can bring change.] 5-12-16
- Election. “Saved by the Superdelegates.” [Sanders keeps beating Clinton, who looks weaker against Trump.] 5-12-16
- Election. “Obama’s Transgender ‘Guidance.” [The white House starts another culture war to drive liberal turnout.] 5-17-16
- Election. “How Obama Gets Away With It.” By Richard Benedetto. [It is amazing that the president’s dismal record is largely absent from the 2016 campaign – until you consider his PR machine.] 5-20-16
- Election. “Trump, Sanders and the Populist Anti-Policy Surge.” By Pete Peterson. [Washington ‘experts’ stir many American’s loathing. Time to put the public back into public policy.] 5-20-16
- Election. LTE. “Populist Anti-Policy Surge Has Deep Roots.” 5-26-16
- Election. “The Libertarian Alternative.” [An option for the many Never Trump, Never Clinton voters.] 5-31-16
- Elections. “Terry McAuliffe vs. the Rule of Law.” By Charles J. Cooper. [The governor defied Virginia’s constitution, and centuries of precedent with the stoke of a pen.] 6-3-16 (Re: restoring right to vote to convicted felons)
- Elections. LTE “It’s time to Consider the Libertarian Ticket.” 6-6-16
- Election. “America Deserves Better.” [Neither Trump nor Clinton are rising to the Islamic State threat.] 6-14-16
- Election. LTE. “Economic Scars and the Bizarre 2016 Race.” 6-21-16
- Election. “The Off-stage Battle to Sign Up Voters.” By Karl Rove. [The GOP is gaining in key states. But with Trump atop the ticket, will that be enough?] 7-7-16
- Election. “Comedy Wears Better Than Cynicism.” By Peggy Noonan. [The contrast in theatrics is starting to make Trump look sympathetic.] 7-9-16
- Election. “Why the Running-Mate Picks Matter. By Michael Barone. [After 200 years with the choice as an afterthought, Carter’s choosing Mondale changed the office itself.] 7-14-16
- Elections. “A Nation at Half-Mast.” By Daniel Henninger. [The torrent of tragedies before the GOP convention may affect the electorate’s choice of a president.] 7-21-16
- Elections. “Virginia’s Election Felony.” [Obama’s executive power grab spreads to other Democrats.] 7-21-16
- Elections. LTE. “Populism and the Fear of Destructive Change.” 7-23-16
- Election. “A John Le Carre Election.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Whoever wins, the White House may need fumigating by the 2020 election.] 7-27-16
- Election. “Melania, Bill and Kids Belonged Off-Stage.” By Joseph Epstein. [When Clinton and Trump call on family to make them seem human it backfires – at least on me. ] 8-1-16
- Elections. “Voter ID and the Real Threat to Democracy.” By Hans von Spakovsky and John Fund. [Throwing our Voter ID laws won’t help minorities in Texas, North Carolina and Wisconsin.] 8-2-2016
- Election. “In Declining Vermont, the Mood Is More Resigned Than Angry.” By Geoffrey Norman. [Cynics – and there are many – say the state’s biggest growth industry is methadone clinics.] 8-6-16
- Election. LTE. “Neither Party Said Much About Our National Debt.” 8-6-16
- Elections. LTE. “We’re for Money and Free Speech, Sometimes.” 8-12-16
- Elections. “Running to Survive in the Year of Trump.” By Joseph Rago. [Wisconsin’s Ron Jonson says that, win or lose this year, the Joseph Project was worth six years in the Senate.] 8-13-16
- Elections. “Trump and Clinton Will Go Down in History – For A While.” By Bob Greene. [Politicians think the White House brings immortality. But the world has already forgotten President Hayes.] 8-13-16
- Election. “The Debate Stage could Use an Extra Mic.” By Ron Faucheux. [Voter want options, but third parties are locked out by polling.] 8-24-16
- Elections. LTE. “Let the Libertarian Nominees Into the Debates.” 8-27-16
- Elections. “Massachusetts Charter Showdown.” [Charlie Baker asks progressives to live up to their principles.] 9-1-16
- Election. “Can Anxiety Beat Depression in November?” by Peggy Noonan. [Trump inches up in the polls. Perhaps the reason is not him but Hillary.]. 9-3-16
- Elections. “Let the Electoral College Do its Duty.” By David B. Rivkin, Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman. [As the Ohio Supreme Court ruled in 1948, no state can ‘dictate to the electors’ how to vote.] 9-8-16
- Elections. “The Commander-in-Chief Choice.” [Clinton runs from her record while Trump loves Putin.] 9-9-16
- Elections. “Honesty and Presidential Health.” [Trump and Clinton should both be held to the John McCain medical standard.] 9-12-16
- Elections. “Clinton and Trump: Healthy Enough to Serve?” by Marc Siegel. [Candidates over the age of 70 or with a medical history should release their health records for private viewing by a few reporters. 9-12-16
- Elections. “Keep the Feds Out of the Voting Booth.” By Hans von Spakovsky and John Fund. [The hacking threat to polling places is less than advertised. It’s no excuse for a federal takeover of the election process.] 9-13-16
- Elections. LTE. “It’s Past Time to Retire the Electoral College.” 9-14-16
- Elections. “Les Deplorables.” By Daniel Henninger. [Hillary Clinton names the five phobias of Donald Trump’s political supporters.] 9-15-16
- Elections. “The Child-Care Bidding War.” [Clinton and Trump compete to make day care more expensive.] 9-15-16
- Elections. “Bring Out a Third Lectern for Gary Johnson.” By Ron Nielson. [The Libertarian candidate polls well and will be on the ballot in all 50 states. Put him in the debate.] 9-16-16
- Elections. LTE. “Trust and Non-Auditable Electronic Voting.” 9-20-16
- Elections. “When Presidential Debates Matter.” By Karl Rove. [With so many voters unhappy, a mistake by Trump or Clinton could scramble it all.] 9-22-16
- Elections. “Time Off to Vote Shouldn’t Be a Luxury.” By Tory Burch 9-22-16
- Elections. “Beware of Anti-Speech Ballot Measures.” By Tracie Sharp and Darcy Olsen. [Forcing nonprofits to submit donor lists to government officials is unconstitutional.] 9-23-16
- Elections. “The Year of the Reticent Voter.” By Peggy Noonan. [People seem to feel that if they express a preference, they’re inviting others to inspect their souls.] 9-24-16
- Elections. “Presidential Debates Don’t Get No Respect. They should.” By Newton N. Minow and Craig L. LaMay. [Following the U.S. example, 78 countries or regions now have leader debates.] 9-24-16
- Elections. LTE “Electoral College End Would Change Politics.” 9-26-16
- Election. “The Donald Abides.” By Homan W. Jenkins, Jr. [Resolved: the election pits a very flawed insider vs. a very flawed outsider.] 9-28-16
- Elections. “The Debate Was a Political Car Crash.” By Karl Rove. [Millions watched as Trump was rude and flip and Clinton failed to buck the status quo.] 9-29-16
- Elections. LTE. “Ms. Burch, We Don’t Need Time Off to Vote.” 9-29-16
- Elections. “How Generous Are the Candidates? Should Voters Care?” by Suzanne Garment and Leslie Lenkowsky. [Clinton and Trump have told us something about giving, or not giving.] 9-29-16
- Elections. “Obama’s Political Bank Run.” [The U.S. stages an election robbery and nearly triggers a panic.] 9-30-16
- Elections. LTE. “Reticent Voters and Progressives’ Intolerance.” 9-30-16
- Elections. “The Politics of ‘The Shallows.’ By Peggy Noonan. [What ails American democracy? Too much information and too little thought.] 9-30-16
- Elections. “Political Reporter’s Hobgoblin.” By Joseph Epstein. [Trump and Clinton are inconsistent. So what? It’s naïve to expect otherwise.] 10-3-16
- Elections. LTE. “Millennials Voted for Obama, got ObamaCare.” 10-3-16
- Elections. “The Libertarians Make Their Case.” (The Weekend Interview with Gary Johnson and William Weld – by Joseph Rago) [Gary Johnson says the Clinton campaign and its Super Pacs may dump $50 million on him. What are they so afraid of? 10-8-16
- Elections. “Obama’s Russia Epiphany.” [The U.S. blames the Kremlin for attacks on U.S. elections. And then?] 10-8-16
- Elections. “The Kaine Impunity.” By Peggy Noonan. [America needs seriousness, sincerity, normality. How could he not have known that?] 10-8-16
- Election. “And the Winner Is…Bill Clinton.” By Wm. McGurn. [Trump is the consequence of the culture both Clinton’s created.] 10-11-16
- Election. “American Polarization in Miniature.” By Allysia Finley. [A Paul Ryan conservative views with an Elizabeth Warren progressive in a House race in New York.] 10-11-16
- Elections. “Libertarians and Greens Can Win – Even If They Lose.” By Derek T. Muller. [Should the Johnson or Stein campaigns earn 5% of the popular vote, their parties could receive public funding in 2020.] 10-14-16
- Elections. “’Better Way’ for President.” [Ryan shows that Republicans in Congress have their own agenda.] 10-15-16
- Elections. “America’s Decadent Leadership Class.” By Peggy Noonan. [Putin doesn’t respect them and they don’t like half the American people.] 10-15-16
- Elections. “October Is for Halloween – Not Voting.” By James Huffman. [Wait for Election Day. Clinton or Trump may change your mind.] (early voting = 31.6% in 2012) 10-17-16
- Election. “Millennials vs. Mutant Capitalism.” By Christopher Koopman. [This generation is skeptical of America’s economic system. No wonder.] 10-19-16
- Election. “Narcissism Can’t Be Diagnosed Through a Camera Lens.” By Marc Siegel. 10-19-16
- Elections. “Can Republicans Save the Senate?” by Karl Rove. [A GOP pledge to check a President Clinton will only work if Trump runs stronger.] 10-20-16
- Elections. LTE. “People of Faith Facing Imperfect Candidates.” 10-21-16
- Elections. “The Upside to an Unpopular President.” By Charlie Black. [Clinton and Trump have so little political capital that either will be forced to find bipartisan solutions.] 10-21-16
- Elections. “Florida’s Political Chameleon Is Back – Probably for good.” By Larry Thornberry. [Charlie Crist, the former governor, seems set to win a House seat in a contest over who’s the Trumpiest.] 10-22-16
- Elections. “Notable & Quotable: Catholics.” (From “About those Unthinking, Backward Catholics,” an Oct. 13 column by Charles J. Chaput, the archbishop of Philadelphia) “Of course it would be wonderful for the Clinton campaign to repudiate the content of these ugly WikiLeaks emails. All of us backward-thinking Catholics who actually believe what Scripture and the church teach would be so very grateful. In the meantime a friend describes the choice facing voters in November this way: A vulgar, boorish lout and disrespecter of women, with a serious impulse control problem; or a scheming, robotic liar with a lifelong appetite for power and an entourage riddled with anti-Catholic bigots.In a nation where “choice” is now the unofficial state religion, the menu for dinner is remarkably small.” 10-22-16
- Elections. LTE. “Political Gridlock Is a Symptom, Not a Cause.” 10-29-16
- Elections. “The Great Disappointment of 2016.” By Peggy Noonan. [Raise your hand if this describes you:…I don’t like either candidate.’ All 12 hands went up.] 10-29-16
- Elections. “Resign, Mr. Comey.” By Bret Stephens. [The FBI director lends credence to Trump’s accusation that the system is rigged.] 11-1-16
- Elections. “Call Hillary Clinton’s Bluff.” By Wm. McGurn. [The FBI director and the Democratic nominee are getting what they deserve.] 11-1-16
- Elections. “Meltdown at Justice.” [Attorney General Lynch abdicated her duty in the Clinton probes.] 11-1-16
- Elections. “Bring Back the Smoke-Filled Room.” By Jason I. Riley. [After Trump vs. Clinton, party insiders should get more say in picking a nominee who can win.] 11-2-16
- Elections. “What to Watch For on Election Night.” By Karl Rove. [As the exit polls and results roll in, early clues may show what’s happening nationally.] 11-3-16
- Elections. “Both Old and New Media Are Failing Voters.” by Vernon Jordan, Jr. [Whatever the outcome of the election, we need business models that foster quality journalism.] 11-4-16
- Elections. “History Repeats as Farce, Then as 2016.” By Joseph Rago. [‘We’ve been divided in much, much worse fashion before, like 1861 when we were actually killing each other.’] 11-5-16
- Elections. “Democracy’s Majesty and 2016’s Indignity.” By Peggy Noonan. [After Tuesday, life will go on, and things ae so bad they almost have to get better.] 11-5-16
- Elections. “Trump and Putin’s Troublemakers.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The Kremlin has a stake in promoting email leaks that suggest America is as kleptocratic as Russia.] 11-5-16
- Elections. “Hillary and Donald, This Is Your One Shot at the Presidency.” [ Since Nixon defeated McGovern in ’72, the unwritten rule has been once you’re out, you’re out.] 11-5-16
- Elections. The Antonin Scalia Election.” By Wm. McGurn. [We cheapen politics when we look to courts at the expense of the ballot box.] 11-8-16
- Elections. “Trump, Clinton and the Culture of Deference.” By Shelby Steele. [Political correctness functions like a despotic regime. We resent it but we tolerate it.] 11-8-16
- Elections. “What Ben Franklin Could Teach Us About Civility and Politics” by Steven C. Bullock. [In times as troubled as these, politeness offers an escape from the bitterness of continuing conflict.] 11-8-16
- Elections. “Among the Trump Protesters.” By Adam O’Neal. [Why hit the streets? To dismantle the electoral college – but mostly to yell.] 11-14-16
- Elections. “The ‘Excellent’ Electoral College.” [California alone accounts for Clinton’s lead in the popular vote.] 11-15-2016
- Elections. “the Electoral College Is Anything But Outdated.” By Larry P. Arnn. [In a deeply divided nation, a candidate shouldn’t be able to win by appealing only to urban sophisticates.] 11-15-2016
- Election 2016. “The Recount Hail Mary.” [The left may get an unexpected lesson in electoral federalism.] 11-28-16
- Elections. “Do Illegal Votes Decide Elections?” by Hans von Spakovsky and John Fund. [There’s no way to know. But the evidence suggests that significant numbers of noncitizens cast ballots.] 12-1-16
- Elections. “I’m Staying Faithful to Trump.” By Ashley McMillan Hutchinson. [I’ve been harassed by thousands over my Electoral College vote.] 12-12-16
- Elections. “Russian Hackers and American Hacks.” [The CIA that misjudged Putin for years is now sure of his motives.] 12-12-16
- Elections. “What 1980 and 2016 Have in Common.” By Michael Solon. [Like the Reagan and Thatcher revolutions, Trump and Brexit are reactions to stagnation.] 12-12-16
- Elections. “An Electoral College Coup.” [The Clinton campaign now suggests the election was rigged.] 12-13-16
- Election. “Steal This Election” by Daniel Henninger. [Abbie Hoffman wrote “Steal This Book.” Democrats are doing the 2016 update.] 12-15-16
- Election. “Mau-Mauing the Trump Electors.” [Progressives misread Hamilton to overrule democratic norms.] 12-16-16
- Election. “Obama Goes Off the Clinton Script.” [He more or less concedes that the election wasn’t stolen.] 12-17-16
- Elections. “Hamilton’s Electors vote Trump.” [The pressure campaign fails, but Clinton has more faithless electors.] 12-20-16
- Elections. “Faithless Electors: Now It’s Up to Congress.” By Derek T. Muller. [“…only congress decides what to count…”] 12-21-16
- Elections. “North Carolina’s Iron Curtain.” [A Harvard index says the state’s elections are akin to Cuba’s.] 12-30-16
- Elections. “Which Party Truly Speaks for Elites?” [It isn’t the Republicans The classiest ZIP Codes in America’s cultural capitals skew heavily Democratic.] 1-11-17
- Elections. “The ‘Deplorables’ Aren’t So Bad, Once You Get to Know Us.” By Lou Weiss. [If You’ve lost your bearings in Trump’s America, your conservative friend can help you find them.] 1-14-17
- Elections. “Voter Fraud a Myth? That’s Not What New York Investigators Found.” By Larry Levy. [Only one fake voter was refused a ballot. The clerk was the mother of the felon he was impersonating.] 2-2-17
- Elections. “Voter Fraud and Punishment.” [Illegal voting should be sanctioned but not like a violent felony.] 2-13-17
- Elections. “Supreme Court Disclosure Test.” [The Justices consider forced donor disclosure for political issue ads.] 2-17-17
- Elections. “Ann Ravel’s Loud Departure.” [The GOP shouldn’t repeat her attempt to make the FEC partisan.] 2-27-17
- Elections. “The ‘Longshoreman Philosopher’ Saw Trump Coming in 1970.” By Reuven Brenner. [Eric Hoffer anticipated the tone and language of last year’s campaign and the postelection hysteria.] 2-27-17
- Elections. “A South Dakota Silencing.” [Republicans adopt the left’s donor disclosure gambit.] 3-1-17
- Elections. “A World Unsafe for Democracy.” By Bret Stephens. [Freedom rests on wings of butterflies – and the moral confidence of America.] 4-4-17
- Elections. “The Twilight of White Christianity.” By Wm. McGurn. [Why the most ardent racial nationalists are becoming increasingly secular.] 4-4-17
- Elections. “Trump Says He’ll Work With Democrats. Will They Work With Him?” by Jason L. Riley. [Under Obama, the GOP thrived through conflict. The other party looks to be following that example.] 4-5-17
- Elections. “The Georgia Race to Replace Tom Price Is No Referendum on Trump.” By Kate Bachelder Odell. [With two weeks to go, the Democrat is leading. But there are 18 candidates – 11 of them Republicans.] 4-8-17
- Elections. GOP. “A Warning in Wichita.” [A close call in a special House election is an alarm for the GOP.] 4-13-17
- Elections. “What Does Georgia Say About 2018?” by Karl Rove. [Neither party has a sustainable strategy to carry it to victory in the midterms.] 4-20-17
- Elections. “Democrats Get Smart in Georgia.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Jon Ossoff is a return to the old strategy of drafting a candidate who can win.] 4-21-17
- Elections. “How to Read This Year’s Special Elections.” By Michael Barone. [The GOP vote is holding up in less-educated areas, but the affluent suburbs are suddenly competitive.] 4-21-17
- Elections. “The Challenge of Our Disruptive Era.” By Ben Sasse. [It is arguably the largest economic transformation in recorded history. Can our politics adapt.?] 4-22-17
- Elections. “The Soda Tax Class Revolt.” [Santa Fe’s poor reject a tax on sugary drinks peddled by the rich.] 5-4-17
- Elections. “Coddled Complainers.” (Bookshelf / by Laura Vanderkam: book review) “The Vanishing American Adult.” [The parents of millennials are as much to blame as their offspring for avoiding adulthood and living in a bubble-wrapped world.] 5-16-17
- Elections. “Voting Rights Confusion.” [The GOP can’t use race in redistricting but it also must use race.] 5-23-17
- Elections. “After Chris Christie, How Far Left Can New Jersey Go?” by Allysia Finley. [Democratic candidates for governor push higher taxes, legal pot and even a new publicly owned bank.] 6-3-17
- Elections. “Why Elites Hate.” By Wm. McGurn. [The liberal contempt for middle America is baked into the idea of identity politics.] 6-6-2017
- Elections. “Voters Watch the House’s Former Watchman.” By Allysia Finley. [Rep. Issa bets that early engagement will keep him in Congress.] 6-6-2017
- Elections. “Who’s Conspiracy Mongering Now?” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Every presidency is a mixed bag, but today’s intelligence follies cross a Rubicon.] 6-7-17
- Elections. “Political Disorder Syndrome.” By Daniel Henninger. [Public Theater should cancel its Trump assassination play. But it won’t.] 6-15-17
- Elections. “Democrats March on Georgia.” By Wm McGurn. [A special election in the Atlanta suburbs becomes a referendum on President Trump.] 6-20-17
- Elections. “Divided America Stands – Then, and Now.” (The Weekend Interview with Allen Guelzo by James Taranto) [A historian says the nation is more bitterly split than ever – with the exception of the Civil War era.] 7-1-17
- Elections. “A Main Street Independence Day.” By Thomas M. Boyd. [Veterans, antique cars, volleyball players – and flags everywhere.] 7-3-17
- Elections. “If You Think the U.S. Is Divided and Ugly, Hit the Road.” By Bob Greene. [The beauty of our country as seen from a car window on the 12 1\2 hour drive from New York to Chicago.] 7-3-17
- Elections. “The U.S. Specializes in Comebacks.” By Karl Rove. [The country has been deeply divided before, but it always manages to pull itself together.] 7-6-17
- Elections. “Trump Teaches Western Civ.” By Daniel Henninger. [It was a speech about values that neither Hillary Clinton nor an Democrat would give.]. 7-13-17
- Elections. “Troubled Times for 10 Senate Democrats.” By Karl Rove. [They face re-election in states that Trump won. Will they cozy up or join the ‘resistance.’?] 7-13-17
- Elections. “The President’s base vs. the Republican Party.” By Jason L. Riley. [Trump voters care more about having a leader who understands them than about quick policy wins.] 7-19-17
- Elections. “Closing the ‘Empathy Gap.’” (Bookshelf by Morton Kondracke) “The Working Class Republican.” By Henry Olsen. [The arch-conservative Ronald Reagan won the allegiance of blue-collar voters. How he did so may offer a lesson (or two) for today.] 7-26-17
- Elections. ‘A Better Deal,’ or Just a Better Spiel?” by Jason L. Riley. [Democrats have unveiled their 2018 agenda, and it suggests they understand why they lost to Trump.] 7-26-17
- Elections. “The Post-Hillary Democrats.” By Daniel Henninger. [How in God’s name, they wonder, did we ever lose the 2016 election to him?] 7-27-17
- Elections. “Who Paid for the ‘Trump Dossier’? by Kimberley A. Strassel. [Democrats don’t want you to find out – and that ought to be a scandal of its own.] 7-28-17
- Elections. “For Alabama’s Junior Senator, What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been.” By Fred Barnes. [Jeff Session’s successor, appointed by a scandal-plagued ex-governor, now faces electoral adversity.] 7-29-17
- Elections. “Critics Try to Smear Trump’s Election-Integrity Commission.” By Hans von Spakovsky and J. Christian Adams. [Calling us racists and ‘voter-suppression superstars’ is shameful and corrosive to civility.] 8-3-17
- Elections. “Why the Young Tune Politics Out.” By Samuel Dubke. [The reasons for staying informed are being outweighed by the desire to be left alone.] 8-4-17
- Elections. “There’s No Such Thing as an ‘Illiberal.’ By Yoram Hazony. [No reasonable purpose is served by lumping together totalitarians, autocrats, conservatives and democratic nationalists.] 8-5-17
- Elections. “How Trump Won, in Two Dimensions.” By F.H. Buckley. [A study shows the 2016 electorate was far more socially than economically conservative.] 8-10-17
- Elections. “The Poison of Identity Politics.” [The return of white nationalism is part of a deeper ailment.] 8-14-17
- Elections. “The Politics of Pointlessness.” By Daniel Henninger. [Charlottsville may be a prototype of a politics drifting away from normalcy.] 8-17-17
- Elections. LTE “Identity Politics Is the Poison of Public Life.” 8-17-17
- Elections. “Live Free or High in the Granite State.” By Matthew Hennessey. [Trump called New Hampshire a ‘drug-infested den.’ He wasn’t entirely wrong.] 8-22-17
- Elections. “The Great Nazi Scare of 2017.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Fear the majoritarian mob, whatever its ideological predisposition.] 8-23-17
- Elections. “Was I Right to Pull the Plug on a Nazi Website?” by Matthew Prince. [A handful of private companies control whether speech can appear online. That’s reason to worry.] 8-23-17
- Elections. “An Aversion to Adulting.” (Bookshelf by Christine Rosen) “Igen” by Jean M. Twenge. [The Generation after the millennials loves smartphones, avoids books, craves safety and doesn’t tolerate intolerance.] 8-24-17
- Elections. “How the Post Office Delivered for Hillary.” [Charges of a ‘systematic’ effort to violate the Hatch Act in 2016] 8-26-17
- Elections. “Behind the Bedlam in Berkeley.” [Antifa activists believe in censorship and don’t rule out violence, as they showed again Sunday.] 8-29-17
- Elections. “Identity Politics Are Tearing America Apart.” By James A. Baker III and Andrew Young. [Political leaders should focus on the common good. Floodwaters and rotting bridges don’t discriminate. 8-31-17
- Elections. “Congress Can Help Prevent Election Hacking.” By Michael Chertoff. [Protecting our voting systems should be an easy bipartisan win.] 9-6-17
- Elections. “Trial Lawyers and Breitbart Unite.” [Steve Bannon gets in bed with the plaintiff bar to elect Roy Moore [as U.S. senator from Alabama.]] 9-11-17
- Elections. “The hard Right and hard Left Pose Different Dangers.” By Alan M. Dershowitz. [By affirming benign goals, Antifa and its comrades make intolerance and even violence seductive.] 9-11-17
- Elections. “Here’s What Really Happened.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Voters found Hillary unappealing, and they rejected Bernie’s ideology too.] 9-15-17
- Elections. “A Former Democrat Rises in Trump Country.” (The Weekend Interview with Eric Greitens by Matthew Hennessey.) [Missouri’s governor talks about his journey to the right, his fights with the unions, and his experience as a Navy SEAL.] 9-16-17
- Elections. LTE. “Red States Likely to Lose Popular Vote Again.” 9-22-17
- Elections. “The Politicization of Everything.” [Everybody loses in the Trump-NFL brawl over the national anthem.] 9-25-17
- Elections. “Who Really Lost Alabama.” [The GOP’s ObamaCare failure helps to elect Roy Moore in Alabama.] 9-28-17
- Elections. “The Roy Moore I Know.” By Allen Mendenhall. [Friends remember how ‘Chief” stood up for black defendants.] 9-29-17
- Elections. “Partisanship Is Breaking Both Parties.” By Peggy Noonan. [Republicans fail again on health care, while Democrats refuse to get serious about taxes.] 9-30-17
- Elections. “Of Judges and Gerrymanders.” [The Supreme Court risks making the judiciary an even larger political target.] 10-3-17
- Elections. “Virginia’s Democratic Hopeful Is Campaigning Hard – Against Trump.” By Alex Griswold. [The party’s candidate for governor keeps bringing up that ‘narcissistic maniac,’ while the GOP talks jobs.] 10-7-17
- Elections. “The Citizens United Disaster That Wasn’t.” by Floyd Abrams. [Critics warned that a flood of corporate money would irreparably taint politics. No such thing happened.] 10-17-17 (a graph is included listing by name the top 20 donors to Super PACs, 2015-16)
- Elections. “Generation Y Takes Over.” By Daniel Henninger. [Why would anyone turn over the future of their country to a 31 year-old leader?} 10-19-17
- Elections. “Steve Bannon’s Motley Crew of Challengers.” By Karl Rove. [On is fresh out of prison. Another held a town hall to discuss ‘chemtrail’ theories.] 10-19-17
- Elections. “Another Republican Retirement.” [“If you’re reading the tea leaves about the 2018 elections…] 10-20-17
- Elections. “Smearing Ed Gillespie in Virginia.” [Could a Republican win in the only southern state carried by Clinton.?] 10-21-17
- Elections. “Et Tu, Steve Bannon?” by Wm. McGurn. [Taking out McConnell will not give Trump what he needs: more Republican senators.] 10-24-17
- Elections. “The Trump Dossier Dam Is Breaking.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [A U.S. political party applied to a hostile power for lurid stories about a domestic opponent.] 10-28-17
- Elections. “Trump and the ‘Russia Racket.’” By Homan W. Jenkins, Jr. [How a rival power became the American political class’s land of opportunism.] 11-1-17
- Elections. “Selfie Politics.” By Daniel Henninger. [Trump, in fact, tweets as the Everyman of America’s new politics: Embrace me!] 11-9-17
- Elections. “A Mass Extinction for Virginia Republicans.” By Karl Rove. [Trump deflects blame, but the GOP lost because voters wanted to send him a message.] 11-9-17
- Elections. “The Anti-Trump Wave.” [Democrats come out in droves and the GOP is caught in the undertow.] 11-9-17
- Elections. “Lifting the Steele Curtain.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The Fusion GPS dossier was one of the dirtiest political tricks in U.S. history.] 11-10-17
- Elections. “Virginia Is for Haters.” [The author of the ugliest political ad of 2017 is happy because it worked.] 11-10-17
- Elections. “Bannon’s Senate Minority.” [Voters may have to be the jury on the charges against Roy Moore.] 11-11-17
- Elections. “Will Virginia Teach Trump Fans a Lesson?” by Peggy Noonan. [ A plurality of college-educated whites supported him in 2016. This week a majority went Democratic.] 11-11-17
- Elections. “The Roy Moore Mess.” [Without a new candidate, the GOP would be better off losing the Senate seat.] 11-15-17
- Elections. “If Roy Moore Wins, the Senate Is Stuck With Him.” By Brian C. Kalt. [If would be legally bound to seat him, and there’s no precedent for expulsion.] 11-15-17
- Elections. LTE. “Different Explanations for Republicans’ Rout” 11-16-17 (Regarding the Virginia Gubernatorial Republican election and loses of 11-7-17)
- Elections. “Alabama women, Say No to Roy Moore.” By Peggy Noonan. [This tribune of the common folk and their earnest ways allegedly preyed on the unprotected.] 11-18-17
- Elections. LTE. “Turnout, Not Trump, Was Decisive in Virginia Election.” 11-25-17
- Elections. “If We Love Democracy, Why Does ‘Populism’ Get Such a Bad Rap?” by Roger Kimball. [It carries overtones of demagoguery, but the Greek ‘demagogos’ simply meant a popular leader.] 11-30-17
- Elections. “Roy Moore’s Liberal Enablers.” By Wm. McGurn. [If he wins, he can thank Al Franken and Jimmy Kimmel among others.] 12-5-17
- Elections. “Listen to Women – Except…” by Molly Gurdon. [Feminists try to shout down even female critics of abortion.] 12-5-17
- Elections. “Judging Roy Moore.” [A GOP victory in Alabama may be more costly than a defeat.] 12-6-17
- Elections. “A Federalist Faces Down Lincoln’s Powerful Legislature.” [‘I’m a big believer in stealing other people’s good ideas,’ says Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts.] 12-9-17
- Elections. “Al Franken Departs Without Grace.” By Peggy Noonan. [ And a reminder for Alabama voters and social conservatives that character is crucial.] 12-9-17
- Elections “When Donald Met Kirsten.” By Daniel Henninger. [The Democrats finally have discovered how to make the Trump tweets their weapon.] 12-14-17
- Elections. “Moore’s Law: Kooky candidates Lose.” By Karl Rove. [If Republicans want policy victories, they should stop throwing away Senate seats.] 12-14-17
- Elections. “Alabama Sends a Message.” [Roy Moore’s defeat shows that Steve Bannon is for losers.] 12-14-17
- Elections. “Corrupting the Body Politic.” (Bookshelf by Barton Swaim) “The Republic of Virtue.” By F.H. Buckley.” [What’s breaking our politics, says the author, is not ideological polarization but our sense that politicians are in it for themselves.] 12-15-17
- Elections. “Identity Politics Began in the American Revolution.” By Jason Willick. [Can a politician represent constituents of drastically different backgrounds? It’s a very old question.[ 12-16-17
- Elections. “The Google-Facebook Duopoly Threatens Diversity of Thought.” By Mark Epstein. [A political website pulled an article after Google’s AdSense team threatened to withdraw advertising.] 12-19-17
- Elections. “Alabama Disproves the Case Against Voter ID.” By Jason L. Riley. [Liberals were ready to blame Jone’s defeat on ‘suppression.” Then black voters helped him win.] 12-20-17
- Elections. “Keep Trump off the Trail in 2018.” By Karl Rove. [If he wants to help Republicans, his best bet is to start acting like a president.] 12-21-17
- Elections. “A Big, Beautiful Trump 2018 Issue.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Civil-Service reform could get bipartisan support, even in a rough election year.] 12-29-17
- Elections. “A fortune Teller’s Reckoning in 2018.” By Karl Rove. [I predict the GOP will keep the House, but Trump’s approval rating will sink.] 1-4-18
- Elections. LTE. “Civil Service Reform: An idea That is Overdue.” 1-4-18
- Elections. “Moderate Voters, Polarized Parties.” (The Weekend Interview with Morris P. Fiorina by James Taranto.) [The author of ‘Unstable Majorities’ argues that if the electorate seems fickle, it’s because the politicians are too ideological.] 1-6-18
- Elections. “The Census Should Ask About Citizenship.” By Edward Blum. [Current data aren’t enough to enforce the Voting Rights Act.] 1-16-18
- Elections. “GOP Maps A Road To Nowhere in November.” [After a productive 2017, House leaders consider bringing back earmarks. Do they remember history?] 1-16-18
- Elections. “Give Your Workers a Tax-Cut Bonus.” By Andy Puzder. [“…Employers must do their part. Otherwise employees may take their pay increase and bonus and not give Republicans the credit they deserve…] 1-23-18
- Elections. “Another House GOP Retirement.” [Republicans have one more open seat to defend in November.] 1-30-18
- Elections. “Can Trump Hold the House?” by Daniel Henninger. [Nancy Pelosi could still be sitting on her hands at next year’s State of the Union.]. 2-1-18
- Elections. “Polarization Is an Old American Story.” (The Weekend Interview with Gordon Wood by Jason Willick) [The noted historian of early America says Adam’s Federalists and Jefferson’s Republicans were fare more divided than today’s political parties.] 2-3-18
- Elections. “Reading the Midterm Tea Leaves.” By Karl Rove. [The GOP looks better on the generic ballot, but retirements may take their toll.] 2-8-18
- Elections. “Russian Meddling This Election.” [How about if our spies alert Americans this year in real time?] 2-14-18
- Elections. “Peter Thiel’s Warning to the Valley.” […to escape the stifling political conformity of Silicon Valley…] 2-16-18
- Elections. “Impeachment or Bust,” by Wm. McGurn. [What if ‘Resist!’ makes it harder for Democrats to take back the House?] 2-20-18
- Elections. “Pennsylvania’s Redistricting Coup.” [Democratic judges decide they can redraw election lines.] 2-21-18
- Elections. “Why Things Are Looking Up.” (Bookshelf by Michael Shermer.) “It’s Better Than It Looks.” By Gregg Easterbrook. [Though declinists in both parties may bemoan our miserable lives, Americans are healthier, wealthier, safer and living longer than ever.] 2-28-18
- Elections. “Trump Can Help Overcome Identity Politics.” By Edwin Meese III and Mike Gonzalez. [American’s are divided in part by decades-old bureaucratic decisions the president could undo.] 2-28-18
- Elections. “You Can’t Talk Politics Here, This Is a Polling Place.” [Minnesota’s rules are so sweeping, even a ‘Rock the Vote’ shirt would probably violate them.’] 2-28-18
- Elections. “CEOs and Politics Are a Bad Mix.” By Homan W. Jenkins, Jr. [BlackRock’s Larry Fink thinks he’s storing up indulgences. He’s wrong.] 3-7-18
- Elections. “Democrats Sing the Texas Blues.” By Karl Rove. [This week’s primaries shattered the dream of turning the Lone Star State purple.] 3-8-18
- Elections. “A Political Speech Crackdown.” [The Honest Ads Act uses Russia as an excuse to stifle American debate.] 3-12-18
- Elections. “’Blame Russia’ Is Getting Old.” By Benjamin Haddad. [Western voters want policy solutions, not conspiracy theories.] 3-14-18
- Elections. “What Happened to the Common Man?” by Jason Willick. {“Hillary Clinton is the only presidential candidate in recent history to lose popularity after a defeat, and she seems determined to keep it that way. Speaking in India…”] 3-14-18
- Elections. “March Madness in PA-18.” By Daniel Henninger. [Conor Lamb vs. Rick Saccone is like the first bracket of the NCAA tournament.] 3-15-18
- Elections. “What the GOP Can Learn From Losing.” By Karl Rove. [Rick Saccone ran as Trump 2.0, but his opponent was far from Hillary 2.0.] 3-15-18
- Elections. “Trump’s Pennsylvania Downdraft.” [Steel tariff’s failed to save the day in a special election for Congress.] 3-15-18
- Elections. “On Abortion, Hillary Won.” By Wm. McGurn. [A clash between Mrs. Clinton and Nancy Pelosi in a safely blue seat outside Chicago.] 3-20-18
- Elections. “Pro-Life Centers Have Free Speech, Too.” By James Gottry. [The Supreme Court takes up a California law that compels them to advertise for abortion providers.] 3-20-18
- Elections. “Abortion Over Obamacare.” [Democrats dig in over a prohibition that dates back to the 1970s.] 3-21-18
- Elections. “The Dead End of Identity Politics.” By Crispin Sartwell. [To expand the base is almost inevitably to shrink it equally.] 3-22-18
- Elections. “The Free Speech States.” [What do Alabama, Nebraska, Oregon and Utah have in common?] 3-26-18
- Elections. “The Political Judges of Gerrymanders.” [The Supreme Court may dive into a divisive and partisan thicket.] 3-29-18
- Elections. “The Wisconsin Canary.” [Even judicial candidates are running against Trump – and winning.] 4-5-18
- Elections. “In Connecticut, Even the Politicians Are Publicly Funded.” By Stephen Eide. [Nine Republicans are running for governor. Why not, since campaigns can get tax money?] 4-7-18
- Elections. “Liberty, Incorporated.” (Bookshelf by Adam J. White.) “We the Corporations.” By Adam Winkler. [A law professor writes that American courts had been debating the ‘frights’ of corporations long before the Citizens United decision.] 4-9-18
- Elections. “You Won’t Believe the Names the Left Is Calling ‘No Labels.’” By Margaret Kimbrell White and Sasha Borowsky. [Our support for a Democratic lawmaker drew obscenities and accusations of bigotry.] 4-9-18
- Elections. “Stormy Weather for Campaign-Finance Laws. By Bradley A. Smith. “Beijing’s Trade Straddle.” [Hush money looks like a personal expense. Treating it as a political one would create a bad precedent.] “Beijing’s Trade Straddle.” 4-11-18
- Elections. “Republicans Do Well in Texas. Except for Dallas, Houston, Austin…” by Kevin D. Williamson. [Why is Ted Cruz only up by three points? Remember, the Lone Star State has six of the 20 largest U.S. cities.] 4-28-18Elections. “Red States Are Tickled Pink Over The Economy.” By Jason DeSena Trennert. [But blue-state investors have the blues, because tax reform helps Main Street more than Wall Street.] 5-1-18
- Elections. “How Bad Is It for House Republicans?” by Karl Rove. [It’s not great. But the Democrats’ frequently touted fundraising edge is overstated.] 5-3-15
- Elections. “It’s the Era of Feelings, and Not Necessarily Good Ones.” By Paula Marantz Cohen. [From Donald Trump’s election to the #MeToo movement, emotion is swamping reason.] 5-5-18
- Elections. “Don’t Write Off the Republicans Yet.” By Karl Rove. [A ‘blue wave’ may be coming, but this week GOP voters showed strong enthusiasm.] 5-10-18
- Elections. “Republican Senate Salvage Job.” [The GOP gives itself a chance in two key Trump states.] 5-10-18
- Elections. “From the ‘The Apprentice’ to ‘The Impeachment’.” By Gregg Opelka. [High crimes? More like high ratings. If Democrats take the House, reality TV will never be the same.] 5-11-18
- Elections. “Identity Politics Threatens the American Experiment.” By Orrin Hatch. [Increasingly we sort each other into groups, making sweeping assumptions based on binary labels.] 5-19-18
- Elections. “A Grim Prognosis for Trump Derangement.” By Karl Rove. [Democrats imagine that contempt and rage will carry them to midterm victory.] 5-24-18
- Elections. “Welcome to the Jungle Primary.” By Allysia Findley. [An all-Democratic race for California governor could doom GOP efforts to hold the House.] 5-25-18
- Elections. “Steve Bannon’s Bad Advice.” [Beware CNN bearing political gifts for Republicans.] 6-5-18
- Elections. “Will the ‘Blue Wave’ Break in California?” by Karl Rove. [A GOP gubernatorial candidate will be on November’s ballot, helping drive turnout.] 6-7-18
- Elections. “Some Brighter Primary Colors.” [Voters recall a tax raiser and show disgust for Sen. Bob Menendez.] 6-7-18
- Elections. “An Asian-American Awakening.” By Wm. McGurn. [A racial minority fights discrimination from elite schools and universities.] 6-12-18
- Elections. “A Victory for Voting Law.” [A 5-4 Supreme Court majority saves the day for accurate voter rolls.] 6-12-18
- Elections. Gerrymandering. “The ‘Punt’ That Wasn’t.” by Katherine L. McKnight. [In a gerrymandering case, the Supreme Court holds plaintiffs to a nearly impossible standard.] 6-20-18
- Elections. “Make 2018 About Taxes, Not Migration.” By Karl Rove. [Republicans must sell the booming economy and put the border issue to bed.] 6-21-18
- Elections. “How income Equality Helped Trump.” By Phil Gramm and Robert B. Ekelund Jr. [Working Americans sense that taxes and transfers now leave them little better off than those who work less.] 6-25-18
- Elections. “How to Re-Elect Trump.” [You’re so deplorable you can’t eat in their restaurants.] 6-25-18
- Elections. “Racial Gerrymanders Rebuked.” [The Supreme Court calls foul on a voting-rights gambit in Texas.] 6-26-18
- Elections. LTE. [Re: 6-25 editorial: “How to Re-elect Trump.”] “Do We Want To Travel the Red Hen’s Road?” 6-29-18
- Elections. “The Threat to Privacy of Opinion.” By Bradley A. Smith. [The NAACP fought to protect names of members and donors, but advocacy groups still face pressure.] 6-29-18
- Elections. “Whom Do Red-State Democrats Fear Most?” by Karl Rove. [The ‘resistance’ wants to block Kavanaugh. What about Trump voters back home?] 7-12-18
- Elections. “Vote Joe Crowley, for Working Families.” By Joe Lieberman. [Ocasio-Cortez hurts the party, Congress and even America] 7-18-18
- Elections. “Who’s Winning the Midterm Money Race.” By Karl Rove. [The Democrats have raised more, but the Republicans have more cash on hand.] 7-19-18
- Elections. “Is New Jersey Finally fed Up with Bob Menendez?” by Gerard Gayou. [His corruption trial ended in a hung jury, but the GOP’s Bob Hugin doesn’t mean to let voters forget it.] 7-21-18
- Elections. Republicans. “Sobering News for the House GOP.” By Karl Rove. [Republicans have to reach beyond Trump’s base to prevent a Speaker Pelosi sequel.] 7-20-18
- Elections. “McCaskill’s Intimidation Game.” By Kimberley a. Strassel. [The Missouri senator runs attack ads not on her opponent but one of his supporters.] 7-27-18
- Elections. “Trump’s Lose-The-House Strategy.” [He might not mind Speaker Pelosi as a political foil for 2020] 7-31-18
- Elections. “Those ‘Bad’ Koch Brothers.” [Their ideas are the reason for the governing success Trump has had.]. 8-1-18
- Elections. “The Facebook distraction.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [A study shows that it was a tussle between new and old media that shaped the race (2016 elections).] 8-8-18
- Elections. “Trump’s Ultimate Disruption.” By Daniel Henninger. [Already-weak political parties are losing ground to ideologies and personalities.] 8-9-18
- Elections. “The ‘Blue Wave’ May Be Receding.” By Karl Rove. [Tuesday’s elections show that the GOP has a fighting chance to keep the House.] 8-9-18
- Elections. “The ‘Red Wave” Illusion.” [Evidence Builds of major GOP losses in November.] 8-9-18
- Elections. “Unions Triumph at the Ballot Box.” By Richard Trumka. [Missouri voters reject ‘right to work,’ and there’s more to come.] 8-9-18
- Elections. “The Right-to-Work Rout.” [Unions spend big to repeal a worker freedom law in Missouri.] 8-9-18
- Elections “Arizona Republicans Brace for a Storm.” By Allysia Finley. [Changing demographics and dismay with Trump give Democrats a chance for governor and Senate.] 8-11-18
- Elections. “An Indictment of Political Timing.” [The late charges against Rep. Chris Collins violate Justice policy.] 8-15-16
- Elections. “Making Connecticut Grow Again.” [The GOP nominates a businessman reformer to rescue failing Hartford.] 8-16-18
- Elections. “Cohen, Manafort and Midterms.” By Karl Rove. [The convictions make the Democrats’ hand stronger – but they could overplay it.] 8-23-18
- Elections. “How to Argue With a Young Socialist.” By Crispin Sartwell. [So you can’t stand Trump. Do you want him to control the universities and run the hospitals?] 8-23-18
- Elections. “The Forbidden ‘I Word.’” [Democrats want to hide their only agenda for 2019: impeachment.] 8-24-18
- Elections. “Dems Seek The House By running For Mayor.” [Unlike in 2006, the party tells candidates to come up with their own message.] 8-24-18
- Elections. “Railing at Jeff Sessions.” [The threat to Trump is a Democratic Congress, not his Attorney General.] 8-25-18
- Economy. “Cherry-Picking Trade Losers.” (…U.S. – China trade tariff issues…) 8-30-18
- Economy. “The ‘Latino Factor’ Will Save America’s Economy.” By sol Trujillo. [Baby Boomers are aging out of the workforce – but this demographic is younger and growing.] 8-30-18
- Elections. “North Carolina’s Gerrymander Coup.” [Liberal judges hijack redistricting to abet a Democratic House.] 8-31-18
- Elections. “Among the Trump doubters.” By Daniel Henninger. [They like his policies, but a persona giving off nonstop static may keep them home.] 9-6-18
- Elections. “Tea-Party Turnabout.” By Kimberley a. Strassel. [The Democrats find themselves facing the same threat as did the Republicans in 2010.] 9-7-18
- Elections. “A Senate Barnburner in Farm Country.” By Kyle Peterson. [North Dakota’s tossup election may turn on trade, conservative values, and how much the state wants to embrace Donald Trump.] 9-8-18
- Elections. “A Democratic Reformer Tries to Hang On in New England.” By Allysia Finley. [Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo moves left, but it’s not enough to spare her a primary challenge.] 9-8-18
- Elections. “The New Jewish-Christian Amity.” By Abigail Shrier. [Social changes lead to a confluence of worldviews between the Orthodox and the evangelical.] 9-8-18
- Elections. “Third Time’s the Charm for Obama in Midterms?” by Jason L. Riley. [The former president didn’t have much success helping other Democrats get elected in 2010 or ’14.] 9-12-18
- Elections. “Republicans’ Turn in the Barrel.” By Karl Rove. [The volatile polls have swung against the GOP. But there is room for recovery.] 9-13-18
- Elections. “Ninth Circuit vs. Free Speech.” [The Liberal judges rule that donor disclosure is no big deal.] 9-13-18
- Elections. “How Republicans Could Still Win.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [A forthcoming poll suggests ways they can persuade voters in swing districts.] 9-14-18
- Elections. “Minnesota Is a House Divided on Trump.” By Kyle Peterson. [Republicans might take the Democratic stronghold of Duluth, while ceding the Twin Cities suburbs.] 9-15-18
- Elections. “The Election Tax divide.” [The GOP wants to make tax cuts permanent. Democrats want repeal.] 9-17-18
- Elections. “What’s the Matter With Westchester?” by Bobby Jindal. [Suburbanites vote against heir economic interest to advance social liberalism.] 9-19-18
- Elections. “Health Care Is the Sleeper Issue of 2018.” By Karl Rove. [Republicans must counter Democratic attacks on pre-existing conditions.] 9-20-18
- Elections. “The GOP Can’t Win for Losing.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [A Kavanaugh defeat would demoralize the Republican base, not energize it.] 9-21-18
- Elections. “How Kavanaugh Could Help the GOP.” By Karl Rove. [If the FBI finds no further evidence, Republicans benefit in the midterms.] 10-4-18
- Elections. “Connecticut Voters Wonder Who’ll Stop the Rain.” By Allysia Finley. [GOP nominee for governor Bob Stefanowski thinks he can get the economy back on dry land.] 10-6-18
- Elections. “The Next Kavanaugh Stakes.” [Lessons from the confirmation fight as Election Day nears.] 10-8-18
- Elections. “Democrats, Try Some Self-Restraint.” By Bobby Jindal. [Will they keep pandering to their angry, radical base, or try to win over marginal Trump voters?] 10-9-18
- Elections. “The Menendez Method.” [The Senator who abused his power is distorting his opponent’s record.] 10-10-18
- Elections. “Next Month the People Vote on Kavanaugh.” By Karl Rove. [GOP candidates must be ready to repudiate Democratic talking points on the trail.] 10-11-18
- Elections. “Marsha Blackburn’s Tennessee Turnaround.” By Glenn Harlan Reynolds. [The Democrats’ treatment of Kavanaugh may end up saving Corker’s Senate seat for the Republicans.] 10-13-18
- Elections. “Democrats for Big Money.” [Whatever happened to the corrupting influence of billionaires?] 10-16-18
- Elections. “The Dark Money That Funded ‘Dark Money.” By Scott Walker. [Liberal groups sponsor a documentary faulting conservative groups that sponsor political advocacy.] 10-17-18
- Elections. “Pennsylvania Unions May flip the House.” By Matthew J. Brouillette. [They elected a Democratic Supreme Court, which redrew district maps to the disadvantage of the GOP.] 10-17-18
- Elections. “What is Elizabeth Warren?” by Daniel Henninger. [conventional wisdom says the DNA report backfired on the senator. Maybe not.] 10-18-18
- Elections. “The GOP’s October Comeback.” By Karl Rove. [With Republican voters suddenly galvanized, many races have tightened.] 10-18-18
- Elections. “Growth Is on the Ballott.” [Democrats may use the 2019 debt-limit debate to raise tax rates.] 10-18-18
- Elections. “Bad Bedside Manner in Massachusetts.” [Nurse-to-patient ratios would drive up costs and cut health-care access.] 10-18-18
- Elections. “We’ve Grown Accustomed to Trump.” By Lance Morrow. [Even progressives treat the president as a familiar monster. And he hasn’t destroyed the world yet.] 10-18-18
- Elections. “Smiling at Corruption.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Democrats try to save Bob Menendez months after his bipartisan admonishment.] 10-19-18
- Elections. “A House Majority by ‘Any Means Necessary.” By Kyle Peterson. [ A Democratic challenger with a smash-mouth style seeks to flip a suburban Illinois district Hillary Clinton carried in 2016.] 10-20-18
- Elections. “California Democrats Test the Limits of Anti-Trumpism.” By Allysia Finley. [They want to campaign on national issues, but voters are focused on progressive failures closer to home.] 10-20-18
- Elections. “Will New Jersey Decide GOP Majority?” by Wm. McGurn. [To flip a House seat from red to blue, Democrats pretend that tax cut was a hike.] 10-23-18
- Elections. “Battle of the Statehouses.” [The policy stakes are wider than ever with Democrats set to gain.] 10-24-18
- Elections. “The October Surprise Arrives.” By Daniel Henninger. [The politics of the migrant caravan sound a lot like the Kavanaugh fiasco.] 10-25-18
- Elections. “ America’s Midterm Referendum.” By Karl Rove. [Voters will judge not only Trump but Feinstein, Schumer and Pelosi] 10-25-18
- Elections. Wisconsin. “Scott Walker’s Toughest Campaign.” By Allysia Finley. [Wisconsin’s economy is booming, but Democrats think they will finally beat the man who broke the public-union monopoly.] 10-27-18
- Elections. New York. “A Republican Tries to Beat the Odds in New York.” By Gerard Gayou. [A Keith Wofford victory in the attorney general’s race would be an upset – and a blow to the ‘resistance.’] 10-27-18
- Elections. “Nancy Pelosi, the Sequel.” By Wm. McGurn. [Republicans should promote their tax cut or Democrats will turn it against them.] 10-30-18
- Elections. “Bob Menendez vs. Roy Moore.” [He may be corrupt, but liberals rally to re-elect their man in New Jersey.] 10-30-18
- Elections. “Democrats Struggle to Confront Trump-Era Reality.” By Jason J. Riley. [Many learned the wrong lessons from 2016 and can’t handle the successes of the administration.] 10-31-18
- lections. “A Referendum on Trump.” By Daniel Henninger. [Every half-awake Democrat will pretend each midterm vote cast is against him.] 11-1-18
- Elections. “Republicans Show Strength in Early Voting.” [In key Senate races, the numbers so far suggest a major GOP swing since 2016.] 11-1-18
- Elections. “The Lesson of 2018.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Even if the Democrats end up winning, they showed progressivism is a losing message.] 11-2-18
- Elections. “Trumpism’s Big Florida Test.” By Kyle Peterson. [Republicans like Ron DeSantis who wrapped themselves in the president are struggling to win in swing states – even against left-wing Democrats. 11-3-18
- Elections. “Counting the Vote Ahead of Time.” (Bookshelf by Michael Barone.) “Where Did You Get This Number?” by Anthony Salvanto. By Anthony Salvanto. [Changing technology has made political polling easier and more accurate, but challenges remail, including, at times, unreliable exit polls.] 11-5-18
- Elections. “A Democratic House.” [It wasn’t a blue wave but GOP losses will stymie the Trump Presidency.] 11-7-18
- Elections. “Both Parties win – and Lose.” By Karl Rove. [Republicans and Democrats got some victories, but need to learn from mistakes.] 11-8-18
- Elections. “A Big Night for Democrats, but Not Progressives.” By Allysia Finley. [Moderates do well in states across the country while leftist candidates lose Georgia, Florida and Ohio.] 11-8-18
- Elections. “Biggest Loser: Elizabeth Warren.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Outside deep-blue districts, the election proves a wipeout for progressives.] 11-9-18
- Elections. “The Democrats’ Cash Tsunami.” [The party that runs against money in politics had a huge financial edge.] 11-9-18
- Elections. “A Green Ballot Trouncing.” [Voters reject a carbon tax, energy mandates and drilling restrictions.] 11-9-18
- Elections. “The Blue Wave Breaks Gently.” By Allen C. Guelzo. [An election conducted as a referendum on Trump ends up reinforcing the ranks of Trump loyalists.] 11-10-18
- Elections. “A Broward County Senate Steal?” [Florida’s Democratic stronghold makes a mess of vote-counting.] 11-10-18
- Elections. “America Could Use some Deals.” By Peggy Noonan. [Trump suffered a loss but not a repudiation. The Democrats should think of themselves as his board.] 11-10-18
- Elections. “The Coup That Wasn’t.” [Democrats win an election, so apparently democracy works.] 11-11-18
- Elections. “Who Lost The House? John McCain.” By Jason Lewis. [His July 2017 vote killed ObamaCare repeal and made Democratic lies impossible to refute.] 11-11-18
- Elections. “Hillary Will Run Again.” By Mark Penn and Andrew Stein. [Reinventing herself as a liberal firebrand, Mrs. Clinton will easily capture the 2020 nomination.] 11-11-18
- Elections. “Chuck Schumer, Foiled Again.” By Wm. McGurn. [The Senate minority leader was one of the few clear losers in last week’s midterms.] 11-13-18
- Elections. “Even the Libertarians Get Lucky Sometimes.” By Elliot Kaufman. [Facebook pressured a top exec to say he supported Gary Johnson over Trump.] 11-13-18
- Elections. “Hanging Chads, the Sequel.” [The Democrat who won the 2008 recount for Al Franken is in Florida.] 11-13-18
- Elections. “The Ungracious Mr. Gillum.” 11-16-18 (Florida gov. race.)
- Elections. “The Gerrymander Excuse Implodes.” [Democrats’ total vote share roughly matches their House majority.] 11-17-18
- Elections. “Florida’s Close Election Call.” [Marc Elias is foiled in his attempt to change vote-counting rules.] Banks. “Trump’s Obama-Style Bank Heist.” [Justice misuses a 1989 law to become a shadow banking regulator.] 11-19-18
- Elections. “Democracy Succeeds in Georgia” [Stacey Abrams claims voter suppression despite record turnout.] 11-20-18
- Elections. Florida. “Minority Women Put deSantis Over the Top.” By William Mattox. [Florida’s ‘school choice moms’ made the difference.] 11-21-18
- Elections. “What’s the Matter With Connecticut?” by Stephen D. Eide. [The state’s affluent suburbanites punish themselves in an effort to punish Donald Trump.] 11-24-18
- Elections. “Vote Fraud Shouldn’t Be Easy.” [The GOP’s Mark Harris won in North Carolina by 905 votes – or did he??] 12-8-18
- Elections. “The Cynicism of Georgia’s Stacey Abrams.” By Karl Rove. [The Democratic gubernatorial loser goes to court with bogus racism charges.] 12-13-18
- Elections. “Take the Over on Bloomberg.” [The former mayor would be a welcome addition to the Democratic race.] 12-29-18
- Elections. “Elizabeth Warren’s Money Game.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [She collects cash, then demands her opponents disavow the methods she used.] 1-4-19
- Elections. “Lessons From a Republican Survivor.” (The Weekend Interview with Will Hurd by Kyle Peterson.) [The congressman in Texas’ toughest district explains how he beats the odds – and why the GOP needs to reach out beyond its base.] 1-5-19
- Elections. “Lying Prices Keep America Hooked on Spending.” By Steve H. Hanke and Stephen J.K. Walters. [When politicians hide the cost of government, ‘free college’ and ‘medicare for all’ sound like bargains] 1-8-19
- Elections. “Reid Hoffman’s Fake News.” [Americans are now using disinformation tactics on one another.] 1-12-19
- Elections. “Julian Castro Joins the Pack.” [The former San Antonio mayor pitches himself as an Hispanic Obama.] 1-14-19
- Elections. “Gillibrand’s Me-Too Moment.” [Like Hillary Clinton, she’s running as the women’s candidate.] 1-18-19
- Elections. “Harvesting Democratic Votes.” [Liberals want to impose the California voting model on all 50 states.] 1-19-19
- Elections. “The Odd Way We Announce for President Now.” By Peggy Noonan. [The challenge, pressure and opportunity of being a female candidate in 2020.] 1-19-19
- Elections. “Mike Bloomberg vs. Howard Schultz.” [How dare another billionaire decide to run for President?”] 1-29-19
- Elections. “Clash of the billionaire Politicians.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Schultz’s independent run makes more sense than Bloomberg’s Democratic one.] 2-1-19
- Elections. “Spartacus in 2020.” [Cory Booker makes it official. Will he retreat from school choice?] 2-2-19
- Elections. “Ralph Northam’s Racial Education.” [The Virginia Governor and Democrats owe an apology to Ed Gillespie.] 2-4-19
- Elections. “Elizabeth Warren Doesn’t Understand Wealth Taxes.” By Alan Coe . [There’s a reason real estate is treated differently from income-generating assets.] 2-4-19
- Elections. “Howard Schultz, Take Your Shot.” By Neal Simon and Greg Orman. [If you’re worried he’ll play spoiler, don’t be a bully. Make the case for your candidate instead.] 2-4-19
- Elections. “Ignore My socialism, Please!” by Holman w. Jenkins, Jr. [The Democratic election calendar says it’s time to bash business and the rich.] 2-6-19
- Elections. “The Case for Amy Klobuchar.” [A Minnesota pragmatist could help Democrats beat Trump I 2020.] 2-11-19
- Elections. “A Mad Dash for City Hall in the Windy City.” [Chicago is a fiscal wreck, and none of the 13 candidates for mayor have a serious plan to fix it.] 2-23-19
- Elections. “Vote Fraud, in the Flesh.” [North Carolina throws out an election after a mail=in ballot fiasco.] 2-23-19
- Elections. “Bernie Sanders Needs to Move Left.” By Ted Rall. [He no longer stands out now that Democrats have all embraced his ideas.] 2-26-19
- Elections. “Trump and the Revolt of the ‘Somewheres.” By Christopher DeMuth. [The new nationalism appeals to those who feel left out by the rise of ‘declarative government’ by judges and bureaucrats.] 3-2-19
- Elections. “Adding to Social Insecurity.” [House Democrats propose to increase the entitlement burden.] 3-4-19
- Elections. “Democrats May Blow It in 2020.” By Ted Van Dyk. [General national opinion doesn’t conform to that of party activists. Ask President McGovern.] 3-18-19
- Elections. “A Gerrymander Mulligan.” [The Supreme Court should keep judges out of political redistricting.] 3-26-19
- Elections. “Gerrymandering Disputes Don’t Belong in Court.” [The Framers left it to the legislative branch to draw district lines – and didn’t anticipate political parties.] 3-26-19
- Elections. LTE. “Does the Electoral College Still Pass the Test?” 3-26-19
- Elections. “Harris Snubs Iowa and New Hampshire.” By David Avella. [A trove of delegates will be available Super Tuesday, and only the California senator has figured it out.] 4-8-19
- Elections. “The Tea party Succeeded, but Not at Policy.” By Jessica Anderson. [Despite political wins, the debt has doubled and ObamaCare was never repealed.] 4-15-19
- Elections. “Canada’s Texas My Go ‘blue’ – Again. “ My Michael Taube. [Conservatives look vulnerable in the province of Alberta.] 4-16-19
- Elections. “Mayor Pete and Tolerance.” [Attacking Mike Pence is better politics than defending pluralism.] 4-16-19
- Elections. “Russian Memes Didn’t Steal the Election.” By Crispin Sartwell. [Being influenced by foreign propaganda doesn’t cost a citizen his right to vote.] 4-25-19
- Elections. “Will America Follow the Left coast’s Lead?” (The Weekend Interview with Pete Wilson by Jason Willick) [A former GOP governor of California challenges the prevailing progressive narrative that cast him as a proto-Donald Trump.] 4-27-19
- Elections. “Blue-State Politics Are Eroding Little Rhody’s Big Reforms.” By Allysia Finley. [Once hailed as a champion of fiscal sanity, Gov. Gina Raimondo has marched left since winning re-election.] 5-4-19
- Elections. “The Voter Suppression Myth.” [Minority turnout surged in 2018, notably in Georgia and Florida.] 5-4-19
- Elections. “Data Disprove the ‘Voter Suppression’ Myth.’ By Jason L. Riley, [Democrats scapegoat photo-ID laws for losses in states where minority turnout rose in 2018.] 5-8-19
- Elections. “So It’s Trump vs. Biden in 2020?” by Daniel Henninger. ]Democrats look as if they’ve decided the flavor of the month will be plain vanilla.] 5-9-19
- Elections. “Republicans Need a Health-Care Offensive.” By Karl Rove. [Jobs won’t be enough to win in 2020. The GOP must challenge Democratic strength.] 5-9-19
- Elections. “Boomer Bequest is Millennial Misery.” By Joseph C. Sternberg. [Saddled with student and public debt, today’s young adults will long pay the price for our elders folly.] 5-14-19
- Elections. “Democrats Say the Craziest Things.” By Karl Rove. [President Trump should hope they keep talking. Swing voters are listening.] 5-23-19
- Elections. “More States Are Up for Grabs in 2020.” By Karl Rove. [The GOP must not take Georgia, North Carolina, Texas or Florida for granted.] 6-20-19
- Elections. “Trump-Haley in 2020.” By Andrew Stein. [Mr. Stein, A Democrat, is a former president of the New York City Council.] 6-24-19
- Elections. “Retail Politics, Cheaper than Wholesale.” By Peter Funt. [Candidates’ attention costs big bucks on the coasts. In Iowa, it comes free of charge.] 6-25-19
- Elections. “Where Politics Meets Geography” (Bookshelf by Lyman Stone.) “Why Cities Lose.” By Jonathan A. Rodden. [Reliably liberal voters are usually clustered together ore tightly than their conservative opponents, a problem for the Democratic Party.] 6-26-19
- Elections. “Eric Holder’s Judicial Gerrymanders.” [Obama’s AG wants state judges to carve out Democratic majorities.] 7-8-19
- Elections. “Republican Senate Harakiri.” [GOP voters will have to decide if they want a Democratic majority.) 7-9-19
- Elections. “Defining Politics Down.” [Trump’s tweets give Democrats a break from attacking each other.] 7-16-19
- Elections. “Trump’s Foes Are Crazier Than He Is.” By Bobby Jindal.” [Both parties have lost their heads, but radical leftwing policies are worse than intemperate tweets.] 7-16-19
- Elections. Trump. “California Bans Trump.” [The state passes a law to bar him from the primary ballot.] 8-1-19
- Elections. “Socialism Won’t Win in Brooklyn, Iowa.” [If Obama is too far right for Democrats, they’re too far left for swing voters.] 8-2-19
- Elections. “Politics Is About More Than Pocketbooks.” By Dorothy Rabinowitz. [Other than Biden, the Democrats don’t seem to understand the need to speak to voters’ hearts.] 8-5-19
- Elections. “About That ‘Election Security’ Bill.” [Chuck Schumer is trying to win elections, not safeguard them.] 8-12-19
- Elections. “Eric Holder Urges Judges to Vote Democratic.” By Karl Rove. [The justices rejected his flawed argument, but he presses on with it in state court.] 8-15-19
- Elections. “A Wrench in Georgia’s Voting Machine.” [The state is moving to secure its elections – if Democrats allow it.] 8-22-19
- Elections. “The National Battle for Redistricting.” By Karl Rove. [The State legislative races in 16 states could determine House control in the 2020s.] 9-5-19
- Elections. “Eric Holder’s Redistricting Coup.” [North Carolina judges toss a GOP map as Democrats tee up 2020.] 9-5-19
- Elections. “Eric Holder’s Unequal Protection.” [The former Attorney general is slippery with statistics and motives.] 9-9-19
- Elections. “The Problem With Politics Is the Politicians.” By Bobby Jindal. [They take credit for things they didn’t do and avoid accountability for the messes they make.] 9-12-19
- Elections. “Don’t Cancel the GOP Primaries.” [Trump has nothing to fear if he’s as popular as the polls say.] 9-18-19
- Elections. “Liberal Meltdown at the FEC.” [The chair politicizes campaign-finance law to support impeachment.] 10-2-19
- Elections. “Honest Ads Act Is False Advertising.” (by 3 former chairs of the Fed. Election Commission) [It won’t stop foreigners from meddling in U.S. elections, but it would traduce free speech.] 10-14-19
- Elections. “Rural Voters’ Pride and the Left’s Prejudice.” [Progressives say the poor go ‘against their interests’ but don’t mind when the rich favor high taxes.] 10-17-19
- Elections. “Kentucky Governor’s Race Tests Trump’s Re-Election Strategy.” By Allysia Finley. [Matt Bevin is abrasive and unpopular. Can he win a second term on a campaign of provocation?] 11-2-19
- Elections. “The Anti-Republican Trend.” [The GOP loses voters in the suburbs for the third election in a row.] 11-7-19
- Elections. “Hope and Despond in Colorado.” [Voters stood up for tax refunds – but not charter schools.] 11-7-19
- Elections. “Eric Holder Takes Virginia.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The Democratic plan to dominate state legislatures has it first electoral success.] 11-8-19
- Elections. “Louisiana: The Trial-Lawyer State.” [‘…the runoff election is November 16.] 11-9-19
- Elections. “No Country for Old Presidents.” By Derek T. Muller. [Biden or Bloomberg would be older at the end of his term than Nixon when he died.] 11-14-19
- Elections. “The Attack on Asian-Americans.” By Wm. McGurn. [Progressives call these foes of racial preferences ‘the worst kind’ of Americans.] 11-19-19
- Elections. “Eric Holder’s Gerrymander Doctrine. [Watch North Carolina to see how Democrats define ‘fair’ districts.] 11-19-19
- Elections. “The Campaign Data Arms Race.” By Karl Rove. [The GOP reclaimed its supremacy in 2016. Can the Democrats come back in 2020?] 11-21-19
- Elections. “Don’t Buy the Outrage Over Ads.” By Steven Law. [Democrats and legacy media have selfish reasons for decrying online political ads.] 11-28-19
- Elections. “Britain’s Red Alert for Democrats.” [The Labour Party’s lurch to the left lost the working class.] 12-14-19
- Elections. “As Michigan Goes, So Goes Northern England.” By Dominic Green. [Brexit helps Britain’s Conservatives appeal to working-class voters who long backed Labour.] 12-14-19
- Elections. “Lessons From the Tory Landslide.” By Walter Russell Mead. [A vindication for the Burkean idea that nationalism can advance liberalism.] 12-17-19
- Elections. “The Voter Theft That Wasn’t” [A Wisconsin judge enforces the law, liberals cry foul.] 12-17-19
- Elections. “Daniel Cameron Overcame Racism to Make History in Kentucky.” By Salena Zito. [At 34, the state’s first black attorney general already looks like a rising Republican star.] 12-21-19
- Elections. “Tax Reform Has Delivered for Workers.” By Gary d. Cohn and Kevin Hassett. [Two years later the data show that investment has increased, with wages and job participation rising.] 12-23-19
- Elections. “Blue State Redistribution.” [High-tax states are losing people, money and seats in Congress.] 1-8-20
- Elections. “The Christian Case for Trump.” Y Eric Metaxas. [It’s myopic to focus on his personal behavior when important moral issues like abortion are a stake.] 1-8-20
- Elections. The Four-Way Race for Iowa.” By Karl Rove. [The polls are tight enough that even small changes could make a big difference.] 1-16-20
- Elections. “Celebrate the Citizens United Decade.” By Bradley A. Smith. [The ruling has empowered small-dollar donors and political outsiders, not corporations.] 1-21-20
- Elections. “Why Obama Won and 2020’s Black Candidates Couldn’t.” by Jason l. Riley. [He gave whites the benefit of the doubt. Booker and Harris took every chance to stoke racial grievances.] 1-22-20
- Elections. “Democrats’ War on Fracking Will Cost Them in Battleground States.” By Stephen Moore. [Ohio and Michigan have more than 400,000 shale workers, and Pennsylvania alone has 320,000.] 1-23-20
- Elections. “Texas Is About to Go Blue! Never Mind.” By Karl Rove. [Democrats were sure they’d flip a state House seat this week. They weren’t close.] 1-30-20
- Elections. “The Iowa Caucus Fiasco.” [It highlights liberal hypocrisy and is a blow to political legitimacy.] 2-5-20
- Elections. “New Hampshire Wins the Iowa Caucuses.” By Andrew Cline. [In the Granit State, we know how to run an election. The Hawkeye State should step aside.] 2-5-20
- Elections. “The State of Our Union Is … Entertaining.” By Lance Morrow. [Yesterday’s pageantry was dense in sideshows and subplots. What will the rest of 2020 bring?] 2-6-20
- Elections. “Trump’s Bid for the lack Vote.” [African-Americans were front-and-center at the State of the Union.] 2-7-20
- Elections. “Trump’s Smart Play for African-Americans.” By Jason L. Riley. [His share of the black vote in 2016 was respectable. Even a small increase could put him over the top.] 2-12-20
- Elections. “Will Virginia Drop the Electoral College?” 2-18-20
- Elections. “A Pittsburgh Suburb Is the 2020 Bellweather.” By Salena Zito. [If this state House district is leaning GOP on Nov. 3, it’ll be a good night for Donald Trump.] 2-18-20
- Elections. “Campaign-Finance Laws Created Candidate Bloomberg.” By Bradley A, Smith and John R. Lott Jr. [They don’t level the playing field; they tilt it to the advantage of billionaires, especially if they own media firms.] 2-24-20
- Elections. “March Primary Madness.” [Early voting and other changes may create a vote-counting mess.] 2-26-20
- Elections. “Trump Versus the Virus.” By Daniel Henninger. [The virus exposes the political weakness of both the president and Bernie Sanders. 2-27-20
- Elections. “Last Stand Against Bernie Sanders.” By Karl Rove. [Can traditional Democrats unite and rally in time to stop the slide to socialism?] 2-27-20
- Elections. “What Kind of Voter Supports Mike Bloomberg?” by Jason Willick. [His campaign events draw a ‘socialist at heart’ and a truck driver in Oklahoma who says he won’t vote foe any other Democrat.] 2-29-20
- Elections. “Why Won’t the CFTC Let You Take a Position on the Election?” by Max Raskin. [The commission prohibits political bets except those under $850 and for ‘research purposes.’] 2-29-20
- Elections. “Why Biden Has the Edge in Michigan.” By Mene Ukueberuwa. [In a state Sanders won four years ago, working-class voters seem to take a practical approach to their economic interests.] 3-7-20
- Elections. “California Steals Its Own Election.” [Voting reforms create an electoral mess and deny Sanders a bigger win.] 3-7-20
- Elections. “Democratic Voters Smash Media Myths.” By Rahm Emmanuel. [Journalists need to start explaining the world as it is – not as it appears to them on Twitter.] 3-13-20
- Elections. “How Biden Should Debate Trump.” By Wm. McGurn. [Insults won’t do it. Better to follow his 2012 performance against Paul Ryan.] 3-17-20
- Elections. Young Voters Outgrow Bernie Sanders.” By Allysia Finley. [Millennials in their 30s, four years older than in 2016, have been far less likely to support him.] 3-17-20
- Elections. “The ‘Voter Suppression’ Smear Is Back.” By Karl Rove. [Local Democratic Party officials are to blame for long waits in recent primaries.] 3-19-20
- Elections. “Campaign 2020: The Show Must Go On.” By Karl Rove. [The coronavirus has upended our lives and the contest between Biden and Trump.] 3-26-20
- Elections. “No Compromise on Life.” By Dan Lipinski. 3-26-20
- Elections. “Biden’s Weak Election Strategy.” By Karl Rove. [Instead of leading, he panders to Bernie Sanders an criticizes President Trump.] 4-2-20
- Elections. Coronavirus. ”Wisconsin’s Election Confusion.” [Decisions to alter voting need to follow the law, even in a pandemic.] 4-8-20
- Elections. “Heed Jimmy Carter on the Danger of Mail-In Voting.” By John R. Lott Jr. [‘Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.’] 4-11-20
- Elections. “The Voter Suppression’ Strategy.” [Democrats win big in Wisconsin by promoting false ballot fears.] 4-15-20
- Elections. “2016 Conventions Might Have Been the Last.” By Karl Rove. [Will Democrats make it to Milwaukee and Republicans to Charlotte N.C.?] 4-23-20
- Elections. “Trump Can’t Postpone the Election.” By Derek T. Muller. [Congress could push it back a few weeks, gut the Constitution sets the end of the term on Jan. 20.] 4-30-20
- Elections. “’Faithless Electors’ at the Supreme Court.” [A constitutional case could destabilize presidential elections.] 5-13-20
- Elections. “’Faithless’ Electors Are Faithful to the Constitution.” By Sal Prakash. [The Supreme Court should strike down state laws that try to constrain Electoral College voters’ choice.] 5-13-20
- Elections. “Obama’s Crocodile Tears for the Rule of Law.” By Karl Rove. [The former president has sharp words for Trump but, as usual, little self-awareness.] 5-14-20
- Elections. “A Vote-by-Mail Nightmare.” [Trump or Biden by a whisker with a million ballots thrown out.] 5-23-20
- Elections. “Trump is Beating Trump.” By Kimberley A Strassel. [Biden wants to make the race a referendum. The president needs to make it a choice.] 6-12-20
- Elections. “Pennsylvania’s Primary Snafus Could Spell Trouble in November.” By Salena Zito. [The battleground state needs to declare a winner on election night.] 6-13-20
- Elections. “Beware the Fall Ballot Harvest.” [Too many states aren’t preparing for a potential vote-by-mail mess.] 6-20-20
- Elections. “Tulsa Is the Right Place for a (Post) Juneteenth Trump Rally.” By Burgess Owens. [It’s a celebration of the tenacity, work ethic, faith and entrepreneurial grit of black Americans.] 6-20-20
- Elections. “Bolton’s Trump Is Also the Voter’s Trump.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Guess what? The public is cynical about politics. That’s what the 2016 earthquake was all about.] 6-20-20
- Elections. “Botch the Vote, Then Cry ‘Suppression.’” By Karl Rove. [Democratic counties are to blame for poorly managed primaries in Georgia and Kentucky.] 6-25-20
- Elections. “Reagan Campaign Lesson: Attack Ads Are for Losers.” By Steve Cohen. [In 1980, Jimmy Carter relied on negative spots. His challenger produced but seldom aired them.] 6-27-20
- Election. “Putin, Trump and Biden.” [Would Joe really be tougher against Russia? He wasn’t in the past.] 7-1–20
- Elections. “The Trump Campaign Needs to Hit ‘Reset.” By Karl Rove. [If the president won’t offer voters an agenda for his second term, he may not get one.] 7-2-20
- Elections. “RFK vs. D.C. Statehood.” By David B Rivkin Jr. and Lee a. Casey. [The Framers had good reason to keep the federal district apart from any state.] 7-3-20
- Elections. “’An Honest Conversation About Race’”? by Lance Morrow. [Is confrontation wise? Much progress has been accomplished under cover of hypocrisy – or civility.] 7-3-20
- Elections. “States and the Electoral College.” [A unanimous Supreme court rules against ‘faithless electors.’] 7-7-20
- Elections. “A Fourth of July Election.” by Daniel Henninger.” [Polls won’t tell you how the beaten-down American population will vote this year.] 7-9-20
- Elections. “Voter’s Choice: Growth or Stagnation.” By Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. [Before the shutdown, the economy was booming. Credit Trump’s policies, not Obama and Biden’s.] 7-9-20
- Elections. “Global Awakening.” (Bookshelf by Mike Watson.) “To Bring the good News to All Nations.” By Lauren Frances Turek. [Evangelicals make up perhaps a quarter of the U.S. population. What are their views on global affairs and American foreign policy?] 7-15-20
- Elections. “2020 Gives New Meaning to ‘Viral Campaign.’” By Karl Rove. . [Social distancing will protect Biden from gaffes and raise the stakes of the debates.] 7-16-20
- Elections. “The Campaign Finally Begins.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Trump and Biden have started talking about issues other than the coronavirus and race.] 7-17-20
- Election. “A ‘Yuge’ Re-Election Agenda.” By Andy Kessler. [Trump is down in the polls, so he should swing for the fences with daring proposals.] 7-20-20
- Elections. “Alaska’s Election Initiative Is Rank.” By Mark Begich and Sean Parnell. [A Colorado-based PAC pushes reforms to confuse voters and depress turnout.] 7-24-20
- Elections. “Eighteen Is Too Young to Vote.” By David Gelernter. [Today’s adolescent voters aren’t allowed to drink and aren’t drafted to fight a war.] 7-29-20
- Elections. “It’s Getting late Early for the Trump Re-Election Effort.” By Jason L. Riley. [If he wants a second term, he needs to convince voters that he’s the best choice to oversee the recovery.] 7-29-20
- Elections. “An Invitation in the Mail for Election Fraud.” By Scott Hogenson. [Washington state sent a ballot to my home – which is now in Texas.] 8-3-20
- Elections. “An Autopsy of New York’s Mail-Vote Mess.” [Lax deadlines. Late ballots. Carelessness. Missing postmarks.] 8-8-20
- Elections. “America Is a Coalition of the Worried.” By Peggy Noonan. [Everyone is anxious this summer – not over regular things, but over big and essential things.] 8-8-20
- Elections. “The Parties May Miss Conventions.” By Tevi Troy. [They may be scripted affairs, but they help with party unity and delivering a campaign message.] 8-11-20
- Elections. “Election 2020: The Year of Weird.” By Karl Rove. [Conventions are over, and voters may actually care about the vice president.] 8-13-20
- Elections. “The Postal Service’s Good Election Advice.” [This isn’t sabotage, It’s an attempt to avoid state election failure.] 8-17-20
- Elections. “Biden Republicans,’ Don’t Turn Back.” By Rahm Emmanuel. [‘Reagan Democrats’ found a permanent home in the GOP after 1980. The tables may now turn at least.] 8-17-20
- Elections. “We’ll Protect America’s Suburbs.” By Donald J. Trump and Ben Carson. [We reject the ultraliberal view that the federal bureaucracy should dictate where and how people live.] 8-17-20
- Elections. “The Bernie Sanders Moment.” [The ideas that once were deemed radical are now Joe Biden’s platform.] 8-18-20
- Elections. “A Virtual Convention? At Least There Are No Stink Bombs.” By Lance Morrow. [Chicago in 1968 was a mad, violent, vivid circus, and, being young and anarchistic, I enjoyed it.] 8-21-20
- Elections. “Trump’s Second-Term Opening.” [Democrats focused on character but ignored an agenda for workers.] 8-24-20
- Elections. “A Mail-Voting Redo in New Jersey.” 8-22-20
- Elections. “The Phony Post Office War.” [Democrats are blaming the mailman for their own ballot blunders.] 8-24-20
- Elections. “Russia and the Never Trumpers.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [In the collusion racket, too many pundits were ‘traitors to themselves.’] 8-26-20
- Elections. “Mail-In Voting Could Deliver Chaos.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A Casey. [Delays will play havoc with federal Electoral College deadlines. Entire states could be disenfranchised.] 8-26-20
- Elections. “Trump’s Pitch to African-Americans Needs Some Fine Tuning.” By Jason L. Riley. [He can do better with black voters than he did in 2016, but it’s a tall order – and he needs to pick his spots.] 8-26-20
- Elections. “Joe Biden Can’t Restore Normalcy.” By Daniel Henninger. [The Democrats may now represent more disruption than weary voters want to hazard.] 8-27-20
- Elections. “The Left’s Covid Memory Hole.” By Karl Rove. [Contrary to what Joe Biden says now, he and his team badly misjudged Covid-19.] 8-27-20
- Elections. “The More Important Election.” [Senate control will decide if change in 2021 is centrist or radical.] 8-27-20
- Elections. “The NRA Has a Right to Exist.” By David Cole. 8-27-20
- Elections. “Political Giving Should be Private.” By Bradley A. Smith. [Americans of both parties worry they’ll be canceled for making donations to a campaign or cause.] [“…Lawmakers should substantially raise thresholds for donor disclosure, and end the requirement that campaigns report donors’ employers…”] 8-27-20
- Elections. “The GOP’s Wide-Open Arms.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [A marginal increase in Trump’s minority support could swing the vote in key states.] 8-28-20
- Elections. “The Trump Disruption.” [His record is better than he and his opponents have made it sound.] 8-28-20
- Elections. “Is Biden the New Humphrey?” by Wm. McGurn. [A garrulous Democrat struggles to respond to urban violence. Is this 2020 – or 1968?] 9-1-20
- Election. “Biden Speaks on the Violence.” [His speech to Pittsburgh was not a Sister Souljah moment.] 9-1-20
- Elections. “Vote for the Czar, It’s Important.” By Ruth R. Wisse. [A polish ex-Communist taught me a hard-earned lesson in the difference between bad and worse.] 9-1-20
- Elections. “Prosperity Rides on a Republican Senate.” By Phil Gramm and Mike solon. [A Democratic majority would be a rubber stamp for a President Biden’s ruinous economic agenda.] 9-2-20
- Elections. “Spare Us More of the Arrogance of ‘Expertise.’” By Jason L. Riley. [When did Democrats stop rusting people to know what was best for them and their children?] 9-2-20
- Elections. “The Culture Wars Are Back.” By Daniel Henninger. [Which war is more unsettling – the one in the streets or the one inside Donald Trump?] 9-3-20
- Elections. “What Could Go Wrong on Election Day?” by Karl Rove. [State ballot rules may cause grievous delays even if the post office performs flawlessly.] 9-3-20
- Elections. “For Biden, Riots Present Only Bad Options.” By John Carlson. [If he promises to put them down, he risks alienating the base of his party.] 9-4-20
- Elections. “I Was Never Trump. Not Anymore.” By Michael I. Krauss. 9-3-20
- Elections. “Chamber of Errors.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The business lobby abandons free-market principles to back 23 freshman Democrats.] 9-4-20
- Elections. “Trump Says Vote Early and Often.” [It’s dubious advice, but the media panic attack is revealing about this mail-vote experiment.] 9-4-20
- Elections. “Why Biden Won’t Talk About Judges.” By Ilya Shapiro. [The judiciary chairman was a divisive brawler – as Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas learned too well.] 9-4-20
- Elections. “Happy Election Months, America.” [The first mail ballots are already being sent, 60 days before Nov. 3.] 9-5-20
- Elections. “Advice an Old Biden Hand Might Give.” By Peggy Noonan. [Joe, no one thinks you’re a radical socialist. No one. They’re afraid you’ll bend to crazy progressives.] 9-5-20
- Elections. “Will Courts Pick the Next President.” [If the election is close, the fallout could make Bush v. Gore look like an ice-cream social.] 9-8-20
- Elections. “The ‘Resistance’ Sow Distrust in the Electoral Process.” By Gerard Baker. [The specter of tanks on the White House lawn is one more scare tactic intended to delegitimize Trump.] 9-8-20
- Elections. “Trump vs. the Military (or the Pols)?” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Conformity police is about the least useful role for an opinion writer but it pays.] 9-9-20
- Elections. “A Trump Comeback?” [Biden wants to talk about the man, not policy. He’s winning.] 9-9-20
- Elections. “A Trump-Biden Niagara Fall” [How the pandemic and protests are floating the U.S. into a political crisis.] 9-10-20
- Elections. “Biden Has the Edge as the Final Stretch Begins.” By Karl Rove. [He can keep his lead by pitching unity and surviving the debates. But Trump has time.] 9-10-20
- Elections. “Don’t Squander Our Victory Over Tyranny.” By Maurice R. Greenberg. [As a World War II veteran, I’m worried by political violence and electoral chaos.] 9-10-20
- Elections. “Trump’s Latest Judicial List.” 9-10-20
- Elections. “Never Trump, Now More Than Ever.” By Walter Olson. [Mr. Trump erodes public trust and embarrasses his office. Join me in not voting for him.] 9-10-20
- Elections. “Trump’s Pennsylvania Bet.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [He seeks to attract more ‘forgotten men’ and to limit damage with suburban women.] 9-11-20
- Elections. “Mail-Vote Madness in Pennsylvania.” [The swing state is heading toward an election crackup.] 9-12-20
- Elections. “Trump, Loyalty and ‘The Godfather.’” By Peggy Noonan. [His supporters know his flaws but worry that the Democrats will be radial and hurt the economy.] 9-12-20
- Elections. “Biden of the Climate Apocalypse.” [He gives a speech on wildfires and never mentions forestry.] 9-15-20
- Elections. “Bloomberg’s Florida Purchase.” [Campaign finance laws magnify his influence in the 2020 election.] 9-15-20
- Elections. “Behind the Business Lobby’s New Politics.” By Wm. A. Galston. [The Chamber of Commerce endorses Democrats to try to rebuild a weak center.} 9-16-20
- Elections. “Electoral College Is a Bulwark Against Fraud.” By Barton Swaim. [It’s harder to cheat when you don’t know where to do it.] 9-16-20
- Elections. “Does Trump Have a Re-Election Strategy.” By Jason L. Riley. [He won’t win without broadening his base of support, but that doesn’t seem to interest him.] 9-16-20
- Elections. “Colorado’s Cory Gardner Struggles to Survive the Trump Effect.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [The GOP senator touts his record as he seeks re-election in a state trending against the president.] 9-16-20
- Elections. “GOP Senate Hopefuls Try to Outrun Trump.” By Karl Rove. [The presidential race determines their odds, but each candidate has a unique way to win.] 9-17-20
- Elections. “The Higher Wages of Growth.” [Before the pandemic, income growth soared and poverty fell to the lowest rate since 1959.] 9-17-20
- Elections. “The Burnout Generation.” (Bookshelf by Kate Bachelder Odell.) “Can’t Even.” By Anne Helen Petersen. [A book-length inquiry into why millennials find themselves afflicted by paralysis, distraction and anxiety.] 9-17-20
- Elections. “The Real Cost of Biden’s Plans.” By Casey B. Mulligan. [The Democrat promises not to raise taxes, but middle earners will pay for his regulatory free for all.] 9-17-20
- Elections. “The 2020 Election Offers Low Spirits and High Comedy.” By Joseph Epstein. [Anyone not already committed to a political hard line can’t get excited about either candidate.] 9-18-20
- Elections. “Supreme Chaos in Pennsylvania Voting.” [The state’s high court rewrites the law to extend ballot counting.] 9-19-20
- Elections. “Get Ready for an Election Crisis.” By Peggy Noonan. [Between bitter division and massive mail-in balloting, a normal vote would be a miracle.] 9-19-20
- Elections. “Trump Takes Election Interference Seriously.” By Robert C. O’Brien. [It’s not a partisan issue. The administration is focused on challenges from Russia, China and Iran.] 9-21-20
- Elections. “Forget Election Day in Michigan.” [A state judge has ruled that ballots can be counted 14 days later.] 9-22-20
- Elections. “Patriots Vote in Person.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Your Senate vote can lower the stakes of a presidential recount however long it takes.] 9-23-20
- Elections. “Biden and the Court.” [He refuses to say if he’d go along with his party’s court-packing scheme.] 9-23-20
- Elections. “Will a ‘Blue Shift’ Swing Wisconsin?” [A judge orders ballots counted until Nov. 9, nixing timely results.] 9-23-20
- Elections. “Hispanic Voters May Provide the Margin in November.” By Jason L. Riley. [Will Trump’s improving poll numbers be enough to neutralize Biden’s natural advantage?] 9-23-20
- Elections. “Biden Can’t Duck Trump’s Court.” By Daniel Henninger. [A Barrett or Lagoa nomination will give voters a choice about the justices’ role.] 9-24-20
- Elections. “Here We Go Again: Debates Start Tuesday.” By Karl Rove. [Trump and Biden continue the tradition JFK and Nixon began six decades ago.] 9-24-20
- Elections. “Africans Knock on America’s Door.” By Dave Seminara. [Why would millions want to immigrate if the U.S. is a land of ‘systemic racism’?] 9-24-20
- Elections. “Hunter Biden’s Business.” [A Senate report reveals Joe’s passivity amid his son’s influence peddling.] 9-24-20
- Elections. “A Triumph for Peace Is a Humiliation for the ‘Peace Industry.’” [John Kerry said it couldn’t be done, but Arab leaders are embracing normal relations with Israel.] 9-24-20
- Elections. “Getting to Know 2020 Joe.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Debate queries that raise the overriding question: How far left has he moved?] 9-25-20
- Elections. “Democrats Hold Abortion Rights Hostage.” By Ted Rall. [They’d rather scare voters than enact legislation protecting women nationwide.] 9-25-20
- Elections. “Trump Stokes the Transition Panic.” [His election remarks feed the left’s fantasy of a post-election coup.] 9-25-20
- Elections. “The GOP Lawsuits fight Back.” [Minnesota Republicans go to court to challenge vote counting delays.] 9-25-20
- Elections. “Trump’s Judges Will Bring America Together.” By John O. McGinnis and Michael B. Rappaport. [An originalist legal culture would revive America’s common creed and take the edge off political division.] 9-25-20
- Elections. “If You Lose an Election, You Probably Deserve It.” By Joseph C. Strasberg. [Democrats should take a cue from Labour: Take what voters said in 2016 seriously and adapt.] 9-25-20
- Elections. “Trump, Biden and the untimely Death of the Handshake.” By W. Taylor Reveley. [The age-old custom is a sign of decency and respect in a society that needs more of both.] 9-28-20
- Elections. “Does Joe Biden Really Want to Be President?” by Gerard Baker. [He’d be a hostage who issues reassuring bromides from a cell in the White House family quarters.] 9-29-20
- Elections. “Bidenomics May Repeat FDR’s Blunder.” By Jay Starkman. [Democrats propose new taxes similar to those that plunged America back into depression in 1937.] 9-29-20
- Elections. “Trump’s Steel Election Trap.” [A commerce 232 trade probe threatens to raise electricity prices.] 9-30-20
- Elections. “’Will You Shut Up, Man?’” by Daniel Henninger. [Five words may tip voters undecided between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.] 10-1-20
- Elections. “This Was the Debate From Hell.” By Karl Rove. [Trump and Biden both sought a clear win and didn’t get one, but Trump needed it more.] 10-1-20
- Elections. “Joe Biden’s ObamaCare Tax Avoidance.” [In 2019 he and his wife legally dodged payroll levies on $228,703 in income.] 10-1-20
- Elections. “Pre-Existing Condition Fiction.” [Biden repeats familiar false claims about ObamaCare.] 10-1-20
- Elections. “’I Am the Democratic Party.” [“… maybe … he really is a figurehead.”] 10-1-20
- Elections. “The Trump-Biden Stakes: Your Life Savings.” By Grover Norquist. [Millions of Americans have 401(k)s, making high stock values a boon for Main Street – even in Scranton.] 10-1-20
- Elections. “The James Comey Election.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [His testimony this week was a reminder of everything that enrages Trump voters.] 10-2-20
- Elections. “What’s the Ballot Deadline? Who Knows.” [A month before Nov. 3, the election’s rules are being set by lawsuit.] 10-2-20
- Elections. “Biden and Trump Are both Right on Antifa.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [It’s an idea, not a group, and its radical leftist adherents refuse to disavow violence.] 10-2-20
- Elections. LTE. “Vote-Harvesting Ban Would Raise Election Confidence.” 10-3-20
- Elections. “A Winding Constitutional Path From Trump to Pence to Pompeo.” By John Yoo. [The president is sick, so here’s a review of the laws governing succession.] 10-3-20
- Elections. “The Cynicism of Joe Biden’s Minimum-Wage Politics.” By Steven E. Landsburg. 10-5-20
- Elections. “Don’t Underestimate Mike Pence.” By Wm. McGurn. [A soothing dose of Hoosier calm might be just what the Trump campaign needed.] 10-6-20
- Elections. “Biden’s Tax Plan Would Spur Economic Growth.” By Jason Furman. [Wealth would be shared more broadly, and even free-marketeers see the benefit of more revenue.] [Mr. Furman…was chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, 2013-17 [under Obama].] 10-6-20
- Elections. “Kamala Harris’s American Example.” By Bobby Jindal. [Her family is an immigrant success story. So why does she prefer to play victim?] 10-7-20
- Elections. “Biden Is the Shutdown Candidate.” By Daniel Henninger. [The Democratic party’s bias for shutdowns has not changed since March.] 10-8-20
- Elections. “Who’s Ready for Trump-Biden Round Two?” by Karl Rove. [In a town-hall debate, the winner is often the one who keeps his cool and attacks indirectly.] 10-8-20
- Elections. “The Ballot Deadline Guessing Game.” [Votes were due Nov. 3. Then Nov. 6. Now it’s Nov. 3 again. And next?] 10-8-20
- Elections. “Sanders Haunts Biden-Harris.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Pence corners Harris on Biden’s embrace of the Vermont senator’s radical agenda.] 10-9-20
- Elections. “Who Needs Debate Moderators?” [Or, for that matter, who elected the Commission on Presidential Debates.?] 10-9-20
- Elections. “Mike Pence and the GOP Mount a Last Stand in Arizona.” By Mene Ukueberuwa. [Most voters have made up their minds, so the Trump campaign is rallying the conservative ‘old guard.’] 10-10-20
- Elections. “Kamala Gets a Fracking Education.” [Pence is right: Shale drilling for natural gas has cut CO2 emissions.] 10-10-20
- Elections. “Biden, Pence and the Wish for Normalcy.” By Peggy Noonan. [Washington talks of a Democratic blowout, while the vie president reminds us of old differences.] 10-10-20
- Elections. “Biden on What Voters ‘Deserve.’” [He says he’ll give his view on Court-packing after he’s elected.] 10-12-20
- Elections. “Ballot Deadlines and the Supreme Court.” [The justices can avoid a post-election crisis by advising courts now.] 10-12-20
- Elections. “The Supreme Court and the Election Returns.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Les A. Casey. [In resolving legal disputes about vote-counting, the justices should err on the side of speed and clarity.] 10-12-20
- Elections. “Election 2020 and ‘the Invisible.” By Jeff Scrima. [Backers of Trump and Biden have different views on the potency of unseen forces.] 10-13-20
- Elections. “Dr. Fauci Protests Too Much.” [He objects to a campaign ad, though Trump took his advice.] 10-13-20
- Elections. “Biden’s Change Beats Trump’s Disruption.” By Rahm Emmanuel. [Voters don’t reject the president’s personality but his hostility to institutions and standards of decency.] 10-13-20
- Elections. “Mail Voting Done Better.’ [If you’re not registered in Oregon, it’s too late. See you in 2024.] 10-14-20
- Elections. “Trump Has No Time Left to Spare.” By Karl Rove. [He finally showed some discipline at Monday’s rally. Now he needs to keep it up.] 10-15-20
- Elections. “Facebook’s Conservative Emergency.” [A report shows how fake news fears are exploited to promote censorship.] 10-15-20
- Elections. “Amazon Cancels Shelby Steele.” [The company won’t stream a film on the ‘real victimization of black America.’] 10-15-20
- Elections. “Modi Can’t Deliver the Indian-American Vote to Trump.” by Sadanand Dhume. [The president has made small inroads since 2016, probably more thanks to China and the economy.] 10-16-20
- Elections. “Lindsey Graham, Jaime Harrison and the Plexiglass Campaign.” By Barton Swaim. [Even while campaigning at a distance, the senator’s Democratic challenger manages to make it close.] 10-16-20
- Elections. “An Ex-Liberal Reluctantly supports Trump.” (The Weekend Interview with Fred Stegel by Tunku Varadarajan. [How a historian came to appreciate the president’s defense of ‘bourgeois values’ against the ‘clerisy.’] 10-17-20
- Elections. “Packing the U.S. Senate.” [A 104-seat Upper Chamber is on the agenda if Democrats sweep the election.] 10-17-20
- Elections. “Biden’s Tax Whopper.” [“Joe Biden got a pass from the media for the myriad whoppers he told about his policies in Thursday night’s town hall…”] 10-17-20
- Elections. “Retire the Debate Commission.” 10-17-20
- Elections. “The Hidden Trap in Biden’s Tax Hike.” By Andrew G. Biggs. [The Social Security levy would go up for everyone eventually.] 10-19-20
- Elections. “The Cost of Bidenomics.” [A new study predicts $6,500 less in median household income by 2030.] 10-19-20
- Elections. “Pelosi’s Latest Ultimatum.” [The House Speaker dictates new terms of Trump surrender.] 10-19-20
- Elections. “Remember the Forgotten Man?” by Jason De Sena Trennert. [Elites’ curiosity about the motivations and mindset of Trump voters was notably short-lived.] 10-19-20
- Elections. “Biden’s Public Option Would Mean Massive Tax Hikes.” By Lanhee J. Chen and Daniel L. Heil. [The middle class will eventually be taxed to pay for a government run health-insurance plan.] 10-20-20
- Elections. “The Myth of Moderate Democrats.” By Wm. McGurn. [Joe Biden and Conor Lamb show a different face in Pennsylvania than in Washington.] 10-20-20
- Elections. “Biden Will Make America Lead Again.” By William McRaven. [We need a president with decency and a sense of respect.] 10-20-20 (Mr. McRaven, a retired Navy admiral, was commander of U.S. Special operations Command, 2011-14.)
- Elections. “How Biden Will End Fracking Without a Ban.” By Steve Milloy. [Like Obama, he’d kill the energy industry by a thousand regulatory and legislative cuts.] 10-21-20
- Elections. “The Bidens and China Business.” [The story won’t go away without explanation, even if the Veep wins.] 10-21-20
- Elections. ‘Lighting will Have to Strike Twice for Trump to Win.” By Jason L. Riley. [A repeat of 2016 would require widespread polling errors that again all work in the president’s favor.] 10-21-20
- Elections. “Trump, Biden, Hunter, Chaos.” By Daniel Henninger. [Is disapproval of a president’s persona sufficient reason to empower Democrats?] 10-22-20
- Elections. “You Won’t See an Election Like this Again.” By Karl Rove. [Joe Biden stays home, nobody trusts polling and voting methods have become partisan.] 10-22-20
- Elections. “Big Labor’s Big Senate Plans.” [A Democratic majority is poised to revive union workplace dominance.] 10-22-20
- Elections. “Target: Your Gas Car.” [Bribes didn’t work, so now Democrats want to mandate electric autos.] 10-22-20
- Elections. “A Black Lives Matter Republican.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [A walk through Baltimore with Kimberly Klacik, a congressional long shot who’s become a star.] 10-22-20
- Elections. “Red and Blue States of Recovery.” [Joe Biden’s ‘K-shaped’ economy is made in the lockdown states.] 10-23-20
- Elections. “Strengthening Taiwan’s Defense. “ [Trump moves to sell $1.8 billion in arms. Would Joe Biden do the same?] 10-23-20
- Elections. “The Rhetoric of Court Packing Is Here.” [Democrats boycott the ‘sham’ and ‘illegitimate’ vote on Judge Barrett.] 10-23-20
- Elections. “The Biden ‘Family legacy.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [What we learned from the text messages of Hunter’s partner Tony Bobulinski.] 10-23-20
- Elections. “Inside the Left’s Web of ‘Dark Money.’” By Scott Walter. [Sheldon Whitehouse won’t tell you about the Arabella Advisors empire that skirts disclosure requirements.] 10-23-20
- Elections. “Trump’s Blue Line Could Breach Biden’s Blue Wall.” By Red Jahncke. [“President Trump challenged Joe Biden in the first debate to name one police endorsement he’s received. Mr. Biden couldn’t…”] 10-23-20
- Elections. “Can Biden Restrain the Democratic Party’s Left?” by Ted Van Dyk. [Voters don’t want radical new policies but sensible, unifying leadership and an end to angry polarization.] 10-23-20Elections. “If Trump Wins Re-Election, Oregon May Crack Up.” By Dave Seminara. [Portland’s antifa leftists may want to secede. The states’ rural inland would be happy to let them go.] 10-24-20
- Elections. “Mr. Biden Will ‘Transition’ You Now.” [He won’t ban fracking. He’ll merely strangle it with regulation.] 10-24-20
- Elections. “Gambling With Colorado’s Electors.” [“…The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC), which aims to replace the state=based Electoral College…] 10-24-20
- Elections. “A Good Night for Trump if It’s Not Over.” By Peggy Noonan. [Biden has a formidable lead, but not a flawless campaign. And small signs point in Trump’s direction.] 10-24-20
- Elections. “A Biden Economy Means ‘Litter Jobs.’” By Andy Kessler. [Green projects like weatherizing are often work for its worn sake, reducing productivity.] 10-26-20
- Elections. “The Most Expensive Election.” “But do you hear many progressives complain, as they trounce the GOP?] 10-26-20
- Elections. “Keep an Eye on Michigan Senate Race.” By Allysia Finley. [Republican John James is the best Republican hope for a surprise pickup on Election Night.] 10-26-20
- Elections. “Saving Private Biden.” By Wm. McGurn. [The press standard for 2020: No tough questions for the former vice president.] 10-27-20
- Elections. “What in the world if Trump Wins?” by Walter Russell Mead. [I a second term, expect more chaotic, confident wheeling and dealing overseas.] 10-27-20
- Elections “How 50 Cent Becomes 20 Cent.” [The rapper discovers the reality of Joe Biden’s tax plans.] 10-27-20
- Elections. “Media Watchdogs Aren’t Supposed to Guard Biden.” By Gerard Baker. [If the Democrats win, will America’s free press become an instrument of state propaganda?] 10-27-20
- Elections. “Vote for Joe Biden? Seriously?” by Daniel Henninger. [If this is between the devil or the dep blue sea, I’ll take a pass on the deep blue sea.] 10-29-20
- Elections. “’Not Trump’ Is Not Enough to Govern.” By Karl Rove. [Biden calls for unity but is vague as to what he expects voters to unify for.] 10-29-20
- Elections. “Democrats Against Court Packing.” By Jill Long Thompson and Nick Rahall. [A constitutional amendment would protect the judiciary’s independence.] 10-29-20
- Elections. “The Bidens and Tony Bobulinski.” [Joe owes the public a response about the family’s business.] 10-29-20
- Elections. “California Republicans’ House Opportunity.” By Allysia Finley. [Democrats took a 46 – 7 majority of the state’s delegation in 2018. The GOP may get a few back.] 10-29-20
- Elections. “First, Hail All the Lawyers.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Voting will end next Tuesday, but judges may be deciding the election for weeks.] 10-30-20
- Elections. “The Biden Contradiction.” [He’s running on Covid and character but his party wants much more.] 10-30-20
- Elections. “Joe Biden’s Covid Fairy Tale.” By David Gelerater. [His plan seems to be to wait until a magical sprite waves her wand and make the virus vanish in a poof.] 10-30-20
- Elections. “The Pollster Who Thinks Trump Will Win.” By Barton Swaim. [Robert Cahaly foresaw the outcome in 2016. Will ‘social acceptability bias’ deliver another surprise?] 10-30-20
- Elections. “Justice Barrett May Inspire Pro-Life Votes for Trump.” By Nicole Ault. 10-30-20
- Elections. “Democrats Dare to Get Their Hopes Up Again in Texas.” By Kevin d Williamson. [To win the state House they’ll need to clean up in the suburbs around Dallas and Houston.] 10-31-20
- Elections. “The Trump Referendum.” [The public likes his policy results, but his chaotic governance may cost him a second term.] 10-31-20
- Elections. “Trump’s State Pension Gift.” [Faster growth pre-Covid helped public-worker retirement funds.] 10-31-20
- Elections. “Raucous 2016 Gives Way to Subdued 2020.” By Peggy Noonan. [Everyone has felt tested the past few years. Now the country is making a big and steely decision.] 10-31-20
- Elections. “Trump Has Already Won, Whatever the Election result.” By Maria Bartiromo and James Freeman. [If Americans vote him out, they’ll thank him for years for boosting the economy and maintaining the law.] 10-31-20
- Elections. “Digital Voting’s Time Has Come.” By Andy Kessler. [Photo ID could keep the dead from casting ballots, and modern tech can do it safely.] 11-2-20
- Elections. “The Coming Assault on Red States.” [How Democratic policies would punish the South and Southwest.] 11-2-20
- Elections. “Bidenomics Failed the First Time.” By Phil Gramm and Mike Solon. [Claims that he’ll spur growth ignore that his policies are more of the same as Obama’s.] 11-2-20Elections. “What Pollsters Miss About Trump.” By Wm. McGurn. [A self-described ‘cowboy’ thinks the president will defy expectations and win.] 11-3-20
- Elections. “Snapshots of the Electorate.” (Bookshelf by Michael Barone.) “Lost in a Gallup.” By Joseph Campbell. [Poll numbers don’t exist apart from complex human responses in specific contexts – and at specific points in time. They aren’t predictions.] 11-3-20
- Elections. “The Green Alternative to Red and Blue.” By Ted Ball. [Democrats say a vote for Biden is a vote for democracy. Howie Hawkins disagrees.] 11-3-20
- Elections. “Ranked-Choice Voting Is Second Best.” [Voters in Alaska and Massachusetts weigh a wonky election change.] 11-3-20
- Elections. “Georgia May Decide the Senate Majority.” By Barton Swaim. [When the upper chamber convenes on Jan. 3, at least one of the Peach State’s seats will likely be vacant.] 11-3-20
- Elections. “Trump is Terribly Flawed, but the Alternative is Simply Terrible.” By Gerard Baker. [He may do more damage to the nation’s frayed fabric. But the democrats seem committed to tearing it up.] 11-3-20
- Elections. “A Diagnosis for American Polarization.” By Andrew Hartz. [‘Splitting’ is a defense mechanism by which we frame ideas or people in all-or-nothing terms.] 11-4-20
- Elections. “What’s So Great About High Voter Turnout?” by Jason L. Riley. [In 2016, people in Harlem said they were neither surprised nor worried about Trump’s victory.] 11-4-20
- Elections. “The Covid-19 election.” By Daniel Henninger. [The pandemic gave Joe Biden an issue to run on and us the mail-in vote fiasco.] 11-5-20
- Elections. “Biden Had No election Coattails.” By Karl Rove. [The ‘blue wave’ that Democrats promised came nowhere near materializing.] 11-5-20
- Elections. “Trump and Biden Go to Overtime.” [No one should claim premature victory as the counting plays out.] 11-5-20
- Elections. “Illinois Tax Repudiation.” [Voters may force needed reform by rejecting Gov. Pritzker’s tax hike.] 11-5-20
- Elections. “A Pelosi-Schumer Defeat.” [The GOP seems to have held the Senate and gained in the House.] 11-5-20
- Elections. “Tuesday’s Big Loser: Identity Politics.” By Mike Gonzalez. [Americans reject reducing everything to race or sex with Trump’s strong minority showing.] 11-5-20
- Elections. “A Disputed Election: My lesson From 2000.] by Joe Lieberman. [Al Gore showed me the importance of accepting an adverse outcome.] 11-5-20
- Elections. “2020’s Biggest Election Losers.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Schumer remains minority leader, and Pelosi will lead a thinner majority.] 11-6-20
- Elections. “Has Trump Turned Arizona Blue?” by Masada Siegael. [McCain admirers and Mormon moms seem to have handed Biden a key states’ victory. ] 11-6-20
- Elections. “Joe Biden’s Non-Mandate.” [He may win, but his party and progressive ideas lost.] 11-6-20
- Elections. “Susan Collins and Majorities.” [The Maine moderate’s victory will prevent radical Senate policies.] 11-6-20
- Elections. “A Democratic flop in the States.” [A pricey bid to control redistricting fails to flip statehouses.] 11-6-20
- Elections. “Another Election Goes to Court.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman. [Democrats began litigating years ago, and quicker resolutions could have prevented problems now.] 11-6-20
- Elections. “What Comes After Biden vs. Trump? Ask the U.K.” by Joseph C. Sternberg. [After tossing open the Overton Window in 2016, Britons raised moderate politicians to run things.] 11-6-20
- Elections. “This Election Was Full of Surprises.” By Allen C. Guelzo. [Mail-in voting was a mess. Trump did better among minority voters. And if Biden prevails, the GOP Senate will check him.] 11-7-20
- Elections. “How Florida Became America’s Vote-Counting Model.” By Jeb Bush. [After the 2000 debacle, we undertook thoroughgoing reforms. Other states can learn from our example.] 11-7-20
- Elections. “The Presidential Endgame.” [Trump has the right to fight in court, but he needs evidence to prove voter fraud.] 11-7-20
- Elections. “Revolt Against the Illinois Machine.” [Democrats turn on Speaker Madigan, their long-time ally.] 11-7-20
- Elections. “America Chooses Divided Government.” By Peggy Noonan. [The voters appear to have narrowly rejected Trump, but that doesn’t mean they want progressive policies.] 11-7-20
- Elections. “Return to Normalcy? Not on the Streets of Philadelphia.” By Jillian Kay Melchior. [Far-left protesters see vindication In a Biden victory – and a debt they’re prepared to collect.] 11-7-20
- Elections. “Let the Trump Revisionism Begin.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Whatever the final count, the media needs to rethink its picture of a popular and populist president.] 11-7-20
- Elections. “Libertarians Spoil the Election.” By Walter E. Block. [Jo Jorgensen exceeds Biden’s margin in Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona and Georgia.] 11-9-20
- Elections. “Joe Biden’s ‘time to Heal.’” [Having won as the anti-Trump, he will now have to hold off his party’s left.] 11-9-20
- Elections. “Biden’s Mandate for Moderation.” By Larry Hogan. [American’s desperately want bipartisan, common-sense solutions to the serious problems we face.] 11-9-20
- Elections. “The Senate in the Balance.” [Chuck Schumer reveals what’s at stake in the Georgia runoff races.] 11-9-20
- Elections. “Voters (Mostly ) Reject Tax Hikes.” By Grover Norquist. [Ballot measures fail in Alaska, California, and Illinois. Colorado even passed a tax reduction.] 11-9-20
- Elections. “Joe Biden’s Bitter Harvest.” By Wm. McGurn. [Where might Trump voters have got the idea that a president was illegitimate?] 11-10-20
- Elections. “Democrats, Let Progressives Lead.” By Cenk Uygur. [The establishment blows another winnable election, even as Biden wins.] 11-10-20
- Elections. LTE. “Some Thoughts on Pollsters’ Abject Failure.” 11-10-20
- Elections. “Good Riddance to the ‘Resistance.’” By Gerard Baker. [Jubilant crowds danced for joy in front of stores that were boarded up in case their side lost.] 11-10-20
- Elections. “GOP Senate Is a Blessing For Biden.” By Bobby Jindal. [He needs someone to blame when he inevitably fails to deliver what his party’s leftists want.] 11-10-20
- Elections. “The Supreme Court’s Pennsylvania Cleanup.” [The Justices have a chance to clarify who writes election law.] 11-11-20
- Elections. “A ‘Time to Heal’ Agenda.” [Here are three easy ways Biden can reach out to Trump voters.] 11-11-20
- Elections. “Good Grief, the Pollsters Got It Wrong.” By James A. Baker III. [Twice they’ve predicted Democratic landslides only to look like blockheads when the votes are counted.] 11-11-20
- Elections. “Blacks and Latinos for Trump.” By Jason L. Riley. [The president lost, but he did a good deal better with minorities in 2020 than he did in 2016.] 11-11-20
- Elections. “This Election Result Won’t Be Overturned.” By Karl Rove. [Recounts occasionally change margins in the hundreds, never in the tens of thousands.] 11-12-20
- Elections. “Joe Biden’s Florida Nightmare.” By Daniel Henninger. [Want to know why no one will give an inch in 2020? See Bush v. Gore in 2000.] 11-12-20
- Elections. “Georgia’s Reassuring Vote Recount. [An audit looking at every ballot will boost confidence of a fair vote.] 11-12-20
- Elections. “Harvesting the 2020 Election.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Pelosi’s top priority was remaking the electoral system. The virus gave her a boost.] 11-13-20
- Elections. “Voters Say No Thanks to Progressive Ballot Measures.” By Allysia Finley. [In several states, radical political reforms that would have boosted Democrats go down to defeat.] 11-14-20
- Elections. “Biden Knows What the Other Side Is Thinking.” By Peggy Noonan. [Patience costs nothing. Letting the process play out will strengthen faith in America’s institutions.] 11-14-20
- Elections. “Why Democrats Nearly Lost the House.” [The problem is their policies, not their marketing.] 11-16-20
- Elections. “Let the Transition Proceed.” By Charles Lipson. [Trump’s legal challenges are legitimate, but the country needs to be ready if they’re unsuccessful.] 11-16-20
- Elections. “Four Seasons Total Landscaping Isn’t Exactly the Reichstag.” By Gerard Baker. [Trump’s shambolic vote challenges provoke cries of ‘coup’ and the usual comparisons to Hitler.] 11-17-20
- Elections. “Rage Against the Voting Machine.” [Trump blames the result on Dominion’s systems. Where’s the evidence.] 11-18-20
- Elections. “Hey, Trumpians, Cheer Up!” by Daniel Henninger. [At the risk of arousing the dark side 2020’s election results are reason for optimism.] 11-19-20
- Elections. “How Republicans Kept Texas Red.” By Karl Rove. [Democrats seemed to do everything right, but the GOP quietly carried the day.] 11-19-20
- Elections. “Georgia on Not Enough Minds.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Republicans shouldn’t take the Jan. 5 runoffs, or their majority in the Senate, for granted.] 11-20-20
- Elections. “The Polls Are Dead, Long Live Politics.” By Joseph C. Sternberg. [thre’s ample evidence they aren’t accurate, yet politicians rely on issue polling for policy making.] 1-20-20
- Elections. “The Duo That Defeated the ‘Diversity Industry.’” (The Weekend Interview with War Connerly and Wenyuan Wu by Tunku Varadarajan.) [Californians rejected racial preferences even more soundly this year than in 1996. Will the Supreme Court reverse itself next?”] 11-21-20
- Elections. “Georgia Confirms: Donald Trump Lost.” [A recount changed little, as the evidence of ballot fraud fails to appear.] 11-21-20
- Elections. “A Bogus Dispute Is Doing Real Damage.” By Peggy Noonan. [Conspiracy theories are damaging the country today and will hurt Republicans tomorrow.] 11-21-20
- Elections. “The Price of Bad Polling.” [Polls and bias feed a media conformity that misleads the public.] 11-23-20
- Elections. “Media Hysteria Is the Trump Show.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Every election must end but a queasy feeling lingers in our mail-in experiment.] 11-25-20
- Elections. “The Election Lost in Pennsylvania Court.” [She was up by four votes, until the state Supreme Court ruled.] 11-30-20
- Elections. “Trump’s March to Atlanta.” By Wm. McGurn. [No one has a bigger stake in keeping the Senate Republican than the president.] 12-1-20
- Elections. “Fake Claims About Dominion Voting Systems Do Real Damage.” By John Poulos. [Our machines have no secret ‘vote flipping’ algorithm.. We have no ties to dictator Hugo Chavez.] 12-1-20
- Elections. “Trump’s Fraud Claims Hit a Barr.” [The AG says the feds have seen no evidence to overturn the election.] 12-2-20
- Elections. “The Election Went Down to Georgia.” By Karl Rove. [Sens. Perdue and Loeffler are the last line of defense for conservatives.] 12-3-20
- Elections. “Trump and the Georgia Runoffs.” [The President will get the blame fi the GOP loses the Senate.] 12-4-20
- Elections. “’The Squad’ Faces a ‘Freedom Force.’” [The Weekend Interview with Nicola Malliotakis and Michelle Steel by Tunku Varadarajan. [Trump lost badly in New York and California, but Republican candidates picked up House seats in both states. Here’s how two of them did it.] 12-5-20
- Elections. “Now Who’s Contesting Elections.” [The Democratic House could overturn results in Iowa and New York.] 12-5-20
- Elections. “The Other Arizona Election Challenge.” [”…The serious question here is whether a state constitution means anything in practice…”] 12-7-20
- Elections. “Conspiracy Theorists Are Out to Get Each Oher.” By Gerard Baker. [Trump’s crazy election theories come after the media has been peddling similar fare for years.] 12-8-20
- Elections. “Texas Tries an Election Long Shot.” [Can a state be harmed by the way other states conduct their elections.?] 12-11-20
- Elections. “Trump’s Challenge Is Over.” [After losing at the Supreme Court, he has no legal alternatives.] 12-14-20
- Elections. “Georgia’s Audit of Ballot Signatures.” [Checking Cobb County’s absentees to shore up public confidence.] 12-17-20
- Elections. “What Warnock Believes About Israel.” By Barton Swain. [The Atlanta clergyman often sounds more like a transnational leftist than an American politician.] 12-17-20
- Elections. “Will Georgia Elect Mitch McConnell?” by Wm. McGurn. [Both parties are saying the stakes are national in the two Jan. 5 Senate runoffs.] 12-22-20
- Elections. “2020 Autopsies for Both Parties.” By Karl Rove. [One lesson is that hostility motivates voters as much as enthusiasm does.] 12-24-20
- Elections. “Trump vs. a GOP Senate.” [His vetoes could cost Republicans the two Jan. 5 Georgia runoffs.] 12-24-20
- Elections. “Trump Gives Schummer an Assist.” [The President writes a $2,000 check to make Democrats the majority.] 12-29-20
- Elections. “McConnell at the Bridge.” [The Senate leader tries to minimize the harm from a vengeful Trump.] 12-30-20
- Elections. “Trump’s Push to Turn 2020 Into 1876.” [The attempt to overturn the electoral College is hopeless folly.] 12-31-20
- Elections. “Georgia Voters Prepare to Decide the Senate.” by Mene Ukueberuwa. [The last time a Democrat unseated an incumbent from the upper chamber here was in 1986. Two of them are vying to do so in next Tuesday’s runoffs.] 1-2-21
- Elections. “The Election Rejectionists.” [The GOP stunt over the Electoral College will hurt the country and the party.] 1-4-21
- Elections. “All Pence Can Do Is Count the Votes.” By Alan Charles Raul and Richard Bernstein. 1-4-21
- Elections. “What’s at Stake in Georgia.” [Here’s the difference between a Democratic and Republican Senate.] 1-4-21
- Elections. “Joe Biden’s Missing Coattails.” By Wm. McGurn. [Can the president-elect carry Democrats other than himself past the finish line??] 1-5-21
- Elections. “Pelosi Keeps Her Gunpowder Dry.” [Democrats reserve the right to overturn an Iowa House election.] 1-5-21
- Elections. “An Awesome Spectacle of Dishonesty and Opportunism.” By Gerard Baker. [The GOP election challenge marks a new low-water mark for political cynicism.] 1-5-21
- Elections. “Trump Threw It Away.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [He stole an easily winnable election from himself with his lack of discipline.] 1-6-21
- Elections. “Why America Needed Mike Pence.” [Trump wants to upend the Electoral College. His VP knows better. 1-6-21
- Elections. “Nixon’s Noble Pass on a 1960 Recount.” By Irwin Gellman. [There was real evidence of fraud, but the country couldn’t afford a crisis.] 1-6-21
- Elections. “The Disgrace on Capital Hill.” [Republicans objecting to electors should stop and certify by acclamation.] [“…As for Mr. Trump, to steal some famous words deployed in 1940 against Neville Chamberlain: ‘In the name of God, go.’ “] 1-7-21 {Go to “Trump,” index, and “Republicans,” index, for more.}
- Elections. “The Mob on the Hill Was Far From a Coup.” By Edward N. Luttwak. [The only description that makes sense is a venting of pent-up resentments.] 1-8-21
- Elections. “James Bennet Has a Point.” [The editor returns from exile with some words about public order.] 1-8-21
- Elections. “Republicans’ Fight Isn’t in Congress.” By Dan Crenshaw. [The rioters, and those challenging the electoral count, misunderstand how America elects presidents.] 1-8-21
- Elections. “Insurrection Demands Forceful Response.” By Tom Cotton. [The politics of the mob don’t matter. Government must preserve civic order.] 1-8-21
- Elections. “The Electoral College Saved the Election.” By Christopher DeMuth. [From the 2020 primaries to the post-election furor, the founder’s system of election by states proved its democratic value.] 1-9-21
- Elections. “Bring the Insurrectionists to Justice.” By Peggy Noonan. [The politicians who egged them on should also be made to pay a heavy price.] 1-9-21
- Elections. “New Jersey’s Subsidy Switcheroo.” 1-11-21
- Elections. “No, Trump Isn’t Guilty of Incitement.” By Jeffrey Scott Shapiro. [Inflaming emotions isn’t a crime. The president didn’t mention violence, much less provoke it.] 1-11-21
- Elections. “Notable and Quotable: Pence on the Vote Count.” 1-11-21
- Elections. “Latin Politics Arrive in the U.S.” by Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Why ‘participatory democracy’ seems always to degenerate into mob violence.] 1-11-21
- Elections. “Mike Pence Comes Through for America.” By Rick Santorum. [We were right to be confident in him as we doubted Trump.] 1-13-21
- Elections. “The Lincoln Blacklist.” [“…The only reason for an anti-Trump group to publicize the employment information of former officials is to deter employers from hiring them…”] 1-13-21
- Elections. “America the Unextreme.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Politicians need to relearn the wisdom of not denigrating voters by the millions.] 1-20-21
- Elections. “America Needs a National Identity Card.” By Michael Segal. [It would solve the problems of voting, immigration and Covid-19 vaccination.] 1-21-21
- Elections. “The Law That Fueled the Capitol Riot.” [Congress has a chance to repeal the 1887 Electoral Count Act.” 1-27-21
- Elections. “Didn’t Vote? Here’s Your $20 Fine.” [A Connecticut state Senator has a plan for mandatory voting.] 2-5-21
- Elections. “’Majority Minority’ America? Don’t Bet on It.” (The Weekend Interview with Richard Alba by John J. Miller.) [How a Census Bureau error led Democrats to assume they were on the right side of inexorable demographic trends.] 2-6-21
- Elections. “Join the Lincoln Project, Drive Off With a Lemon.” By Gerard Baker. [With convenient timing, the media discover the anti-Trumpers aren’t all they were cracked up to be.] 2-16-21
- Elections. “For Better Elections, Copy the Neighbors.” [As states weigh reform, a new project aims to collect best practices] 2-17-21
- Elections. “An Unconstitutional Voting ‘Reform.’” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Jason Snead. [Democrats want to impose federal rules on elections for president. Congress doesn’t have that power.] 2-17-21
- Elections. “Trump Lost to Himself.” [His own pollster shows why he became a one-term President.] 2-19-21
- Elections. “The Court Won’t End Election Anarchy.” [The Justices demur on a case over Pennsylvania’s 10,000 late ballots.] 2-23-21
- Elections. “Voting Rights at the Court.” [The justices have a rare chance to clarify federal election law.] 3-1-21
- Elections. “Making Every Election Like 2020.” [H.R. 1 mandates ballot harvesting and limits voter verification.] 3-2-21
- Elections. “Election Doubting Is All-American.” By Ted Rall. [Trump and his supporters are following a tradition that runs from Andrew Jackson to Nancy Pelosi.] 3-5-21
- Elections. “Congress Sowed the Seeds of Jan. 6 in 1887.” By J. Michael Luttig and David B. Rivkin Jr. [The Electoral Vote Count Act lets Congress think it can choose the president, but it’s unconstitutional.] 3-19-21
- Elections. “A Warning to Pelosi on Iowa.” [“…to stop Mrs. Pelosi from a power play that would deepen the rancor on Capitol Hill.] 3-23-21
- Elections. “Jim Crow Is Not on the Georgia Ballot.” [Here are the actual proposals being cast as ‘voter suppression.’] 3-24-21
- Elections. “Blue-State Voter ‘Suppression.’] by Karl Rove. [Where’s the outcry over Democrats earlier poll-closing hours and ID rules?] 3-25-21
- Elections. “’Jim Eagle’ and Georgia’s Voting Law.” [Biden compares state voting bills to Jim Crow, never mind the facts.] 3-27-21
- Elections. “H.R. 1 Is Democrats’ Survival Strategy for 2022.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The proposed law would drown our political system in cheating allegations that can’t be disproved.] 3-27-21
- Elections. “Like 2016, 2020 Isn’t Going Away.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Our elections are racy, but meddling by intelligence officials shouldn’t be tolerated.] 3-31-21
- Elections. “The Left Brightens GOP Midterm Chances.” By Karl Rove. [Democrats won’t have a leg to stand on if they keep shooting themselves in the foot.] 4-22-21
- Elections. “What Happened to Census ‘Sabotage’?” [Contrary to fears last year, discrepancies helped blue states.] 4-28-21
- Elections. “The Six Trillion Dollar Man.” By Karl Rove. [The staggering cost of Biden’s radical agenda means a 2022 GOP opportunity.] 4-29-21
- Elections. “Your Woke Money Is No Good Here.” By Ted Cruz. [Corporations have taken advantage of Republicans for too long. I won’t take their PAC dollars anymore.] 4-29-21
- Elections. “The Blue State Gerrymander Walk-Back.” [Illinois and New York Democrats may prefer partisan maps after all.] 5-1-21
- Elections. “What Was That About Voter Suppression?” [The black-white turnout gap was smaller in Georgia than in N.J. ] 5-4-21
- Elections. “Voters Can Spot Radical Left-Wing Policy.” By Karl Rove. [Texas’ special election shows Americans are savvy enough to not fall for the Biden spin.] 5-6-21
- Elections. “A Time Bomb for the 2022 Elections.” [The unconstitutional pieces of H.R. 1 could blow up the midterms.] 5-12-21
- Elections. “Gerrymanders and Double Standards.” By Karl Rove. [Both parties draw maps with an eye toward power, but Democrats pretend it’s a holy act.] 5-20-21
- Elections. “Why the British Right is Up, but America’s Is Down.” By Augustus Howard. [Democrats learned from Jeremy Corbyn’ defeat that they needed a veneer of moderation.] 5-20-21
- Elections. “Democracy Is the Issue in the Mississippi Abortion Case.” By Clarke D. Forsythe. [The high court could put questions about gestational limits back into voter’s hands – where they belong.] 5-20-21
- Elections. “The Facts on Florida’s Election Law.” [Another state is accused of ‘voter suppression,’ despite its real record.] 5-22-21
- Elections. “The Texas Voting Melodrama.” [Joe Biden says it’s ‘an assault on democracy.’ The facts say otherwise.] 6-1-21
- Elections. “The Incredible Illinois Gerrymander.” 6-4-21
- Elections. “H.R.1 Would Steamroll the Constitution.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Jason Snead. [Democrats want the feds to run elections, usurping authority the framers assigned to the states.] 6-4-21
- Elections. “Latinos bid Democrats ‘Adios.’” By Wm. McGurn. [Election results in Texas suggest the migration to the GOP may be starting.] 6-8-21
- Elections. “Lessons From a Bipartisan Era.” By Bob Dole. [At some point you have to put campaigns on pause and govern.] 6-11-21
- Elections. “The Last Voter Suppression Outage.” [Biden called voter ID an ‘assault’ on civil rights. What happened next?] 6-12-21
- Elections. “Manchin’s Voter-ID Deception.” By John Fund. [His S.1 compromise would allow the use of utility bills, which are easy to forge.] 6-22-21
- Elections. “Joe Manchin’s Voting ‘Compromise.’” [The deal he’s pitching to replace H.R. 1 isn’t much of a deal at all.] 6-23-21
- Elections. “The University of Michigan Guide to Gerrymandering.,” by Stephen Markman. [A proposal o approach redistricting through the lens of interest, identity and affiliation groupings.] 6-26-21Education. “School Choice Marches Ahead.” [Unions dominate in D.C., but reform expands in four more states.] 7-3-21
- Elections. “New York’ Ranked-Choice Fiasco.” 7-1-21
- Elections. “Drop the Georgia Election Lawsuit.” [The suit is an all but certain loser in light of Brnovich v. DNC.] 7-6-21
- Elections. “The Court Bolsters Voting Rights.” [A 6-3 majority saves judges from becoming election commissions.] 7-2-21
- Elections. “Start Spreading the News – Ranked-choice Voting Is a Mess.” By Michael Saltsman and Rebekah Paxton. [New Yorkers won’t know for weeks who won the June 22 Democratic primary for mayor.] 7-2-21
- Elections. “Yes, Trump Really Did Lose Michigan.” [The GOP state Senate debunks fraud claims, and it’s worth a read.] 7-3-21
- Elections. “There’s Good Election News – Except in New York.” By Gerard Baker. [An election-fraud rebuttal, a victory for integrity, and hopeful signs that voting patterns are changing.] 7-6-21
- Elections. “Ranked-Choice Is Bad for Everyone.” By Harvey Mansfield. [It appeals to progressives because it allows them to vote twice – once for show and once for real.] 7-8-21
- Elections. “The Man Who Kept the Peace in Detroit.” (The Weekend Interview with James Craig by Jillian Kay Melchior.) [The recently retired police chief refused to tolerate the political violence that wracked other cities last year. He’s mulling a run for governor next year.] 7-9-21
- Elections. “Ranked-Choice Voting Helped Wreck Minneapolis.” By Vin Weber and Annette Meek. [The City’s feckless leaders lack the democratic legitimacy that normal elections give the winners.] 7-10-21
- Elections. “Texas Democrats Suppress the Vote.” By Karl Rove. [Blocking democratic proceedings on a bill expanding early voting. What heroes.] 7-15-21
- Elections. “Voters See Earthquakes and Lightnin’.” By Karl Rove [Trouble’s on the way both at home and abroad for Biden, as 2022 comes up fast.] 7-22-21
- Elections. “Democrat Maloney’s Midterm Baloney.” By Karl Rove. [Bravado aside, the DCCC knows voters are souring. But will the GOP capitalize?] 8-12-21
- Elections. “A Fix for Atlanta’s Voting Problems.” 8-19-21
- Elections. “Nancy Pelosi’s Next Bad Voting Bill.” [H.R. 4 would revive the ‘preclearance’ regime designed for Jim Crow.] 8-23-21
- Elections. “Texas’s Abortion Law Blunder.” [The Court was right not to interfere for now, but the statute won’t survive.] 9-3-21
- Elections. “Democrats Are Back to Hating Voter ID.” 9-8-21
- Elections. “Are Latino Voters Tiptoeing Right?” 9-17-21
- Elections. “How to Gerrymander the Empire State.” [New York’s redistricting commission is headed for failure.] 9-20-21
- Elections. “Scorched-Earth Judging in North Carolina.” [A liberal state supreme Court gambit threatens political legitimacy.] 10-4-21
- Elections. “How to Beat the Trump Card.” By Kimberley A Strassel. [Glenn Younkin has turned the Virginia governor’s race into a real contest.] 10-8-21
- Elections. “Another Partisan Redistricting Meltdown.” 10-12-21 [[Illinois…New York…Virginia…]]
- Elections. “Two States Find Ballot Mischief.” 10-13-21
- Elections. “Obama’s Gerrymander Fable.” By Karl Rove. [When he and Holder say they want ‘fair’ maps, they mean maps that favor Democrats.] 10-14-21
- Elections. “McAuliffe’s Gift to the GOP.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Win or lose, he has shown the potency of education as an issue.] 10-22-21
- Elections. “History Is On the Ballot in Virginia.” By E. B. Buckley. [Critical Race theory presents a story of the U.S. much like the one I learned growing up in Canada.] 10-22-21
- Elections. “Legal Gerrymander Flip-Flop.” [Democratic lawyers go to court to defend Oregon’s partisan map.] 10-22-21
- Elections. “The Election for Pennsylvania’s High Court.” 10-25-21
- Elections. Inflation Is the Mother of Big Political Change.” By Holman w. Jenkins, Jr. [Remember the 1970s. Neither Democrats nor Republicans could sit out the demand for reform.] 10-23-21
- Elections. “Who’s Afraid of Donald Trump?” by Wm. McGurn. [In Virginia, Terry McAuliffe backs claim of a stolen election – for Stacey Abrams.] 10-26-21
- Elections. “Biden’s New Jersey Jitters.” [As the Governor’s race tightens, the President makes an appearance.] 10-26-21
- Elections. “The GOP Has a Chance at More Than Election Victory.” By Gerard Baker. [It could break America’s political stalemate by looking forward not back to Trump or Reagan.] 10-26-21
- Elections. “The GOP’s Virginia Opening.” [Younkin puts the suburbs back in play as Democrats leap left.] 10-27-21
- Elections. “Republicans Could Take Democrats to School.” By Jason L. Riley. [Critical race theory and Covid restrictions have turned education into a wedge issue for voters.] 10-27-21
- Elections. “A Pollster Would Have Spiked the Gettysburg Address.” By Joseph Epstein. [Fortunately for posterity, modern surveys came much later. Lincoln had to gauge public opinion on his own.] 10-27-21
- Elections. “The Accelerating Illinois Gerrymander.” [Democrats debate an even more extreme map than before.] 10-28-21
- Elections. LTE. “President Trump Responds on Pennsylvania.” (In response to the WSJ editorial of Oct. 25: “The Election for Pennsylvania’s High Court.”) 10-28-21
- Elections. “A Dirty Campaign Trick in Virginia.” [The Lincoln Project plays the race card in a false-flag operation.] 11-1-21
- Elections. “Terry McAuliffe’s Panic Attacks.” By Wm. McGurn. [Polls in the Virginia governor’s race now give the GOP’s Glenn Youngkin the edge.] 11-2-21
- Elections. “The Biden Democrats Lose It.” By Daniel Henninger. [The progressives’ disastrous overreach fosters an emerging Republican coalition.] 11-4-21
- Elections. “Youngkin Clears a Path to Victory for 2022.” By Karl Rove. [He focused on what he’d do for voters and kept a respectful distance from Trump.] 11-4-21
- Elections. “Lessons of the Progressive Fall.” [Voters warn Democrats to walk away from the Sanders-Pelosi agenda.] 11-4-21
- Elections. “The Big ‘Racist’ Fail in Virginia.” 11-4-21
- Elections. “New Jersey’s Kitchen-Table Revolt. “ 11-4-21
- Elections. “Youngkin Makes the GOP the Parents’ Party.” By Brad Wilcox and Max Eden. [Democrats squander their traditional advantage on education, and he finds a way to capitalize on it.] 11-4-21
- Elections. ”Voters Give Democrats a Woke-Up Call.” By Peggy Noonan. [Will the party recognize its mistake in embracing extremism? Wil the GOP prove worthy of its wins?] 11-6-21
- Elections. “The Republican Future Begins in Virginia.” By Larry Hogan. [Glenn Younkin won over swing voters at the same time as he fired up the base.] 11-8-21
- Elections. “The Democrats’ Guide to Losing Elections.” By Wm. A. Galston. [First tell parents to butt out of schools. Next, imply that mom and dad are racists.] 11-10-21
- Elections. “The Trump Republicans’ Lessons for Democrats.” By Bobby Jindal and Alex Castellanos. [Both parties often mistake voter frustration with the other team for devotion to their own cause.] 11-9-21
- Elections. “Voters Decide to Make America Sane Again.” By Gerard Baker. [For a nation under severe psychological stress, last week’s elections suggest a healthy prognosis.] 11-9-21
- Elections. “Progressives Target a Democratic Mayor.” [They want revenge because he defeated a Democratic socialist.] 11-10-21
- Elections. “Democrats ‘Explain’ Va. and N.J.” by Karl Rove. [Progressives urge a more aggressive left-wing agenda. My advice: Please try it.] 11-11-21
- Elections. “Who Stole Americans’ Confidence in Elections?” by Brad Raffensperger. [The Clinton campaign and Stacey Abrams spread falsehoods about vote theft years before Trump’s loss.] 11-16-21
- Elections. “Maloney’s Midterm Messaging Mistake.” By Karl Rove. [The Democrats’ problem isn’t bad salesmanship. It’s what they’re selling.] 11-18-21
- Elections. “The Senate Skulkers.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [‘Moderates’ who face re-election in 2022 let Manchin and Sinema take the heat.] 11-19-21
- Elections. “The Kamikaze Democrats.” [Pelosi and Biden march House moderates to the end of their careers.] 11-22-21
- Elections. “Almost Anybody Can Vote in New York.” [Democrats let 800,000 noncitizens vote, as others dissent.] 12-13-21
- Elections. “Mr. Garland, Please Sue My State.” By Larry Hogan. 12-18-21
- Elections. “Midterms Are a No-Win for Democrats.“ By Karl Rove. [Even a dramatic Biden administration reset wouldn’t prevent them from losing big.] 1-20-22
- Elections. “As Black Voters Sour on Biden, Will They Abandon the Democrats?” by Jason L. Riley. [Their decades-long loyalty to the party was already beginning to show signs of becoming weaker.] 2-16-22
- Elections. “Democrats Better Start Praying.” By Karl Rove. [Biden’s numbers are as likely to improve by the fall as O’Rourke is to get elected at last.] 2-17-22
- Elections. “Preventing Another Jan. 6.” [The best fix for the Electoral Count Act is take Congress out of it.] 2-17-22
- Elections. “Hispanic Republicans Have Democrats Seeing Red in Texas.” By Mike Shields. [Mayra Flores won a congressional district that went for Hillary Clinton by more than 20 points.] 7-2-22
- Elections. “A More Diverse America Turns Against Racial Preferences.” By John Ellis. [California voters backed the 1996 ban by a 9-point margin. By 2020 the gap had widened to 14 points.] 10-15-22
- Elections. “What to Expect in the 2022 Midterms.” By Karl Rove. [Grab some snacks and get ready for a long night of surprises an republican victories.] 11-3-22
- Elections. “Trump Casts a Shadow Over Arizona’s GOP.” By Robert Robb. [He’s not as popular as the Republican Party, and nowhere else is the election so much about him.] 11-3-22
- Elections. “The GOP’s 2024 Debate Pledge.” 2-28-23
- Elections. “Biden Is Desperately Seeking Donald.” [Will the GOP again give Democrats the nominee they covet?] 4-26-23
- Elections. “Nikki Haley Gets Real on Abortion.” 4-26-23`
- Elections. “The Potemkin 2024 Debate Commission.” 11-21-23
- Elections. “Are Americans in the Mood for More Trump?” by Wm. A. Galston. “Voters think things are out of control. He will reassure some and terrify others.] 12-6-23
- Elections. “GOP Tees Up a 2016 Repeat.” By Kimberley a. Strassel. [Trump is weak for an effective incumbent, but the field will have to unify to beat him.] 1-5-24
- Elections. “A Solution to the Ttump Ballot Conundrum.” By Jed Rubenfeld. [An 1869 case points the way for the U.S. Supreme Court.] 1-5-24
- Elections. “The 2020 Election All Over Again.” [Friday showed what we all have to look forward to. Ugh.] 1-8-24
- Elections. “Will Trump ‘Destroy’ Democracy?” by Daniel Henninger. [According to Biden, the would-be dictator has gone 0-60 in court challenges.] 1-11-24
- Elections. “The Biden-Trump Foot-Shooting Contest.” By Karl Rove. [Unforced errors from an AWOL defense secretary to promises of Jan. 6 pardons.] 1-11-24
- Elections. “When Biden, Trump and DeSantis Agree.” [They all want to import Canadian drugs – and Ottawa’s price controls.] 1-11-24
- Elections. “Christie’s Good Deed for the GOP.” [Now the non-Trump race boils down to Haley and DeSantis.] 1-11-24
- Elections. “Haley and DeSantis Hunt for ‘Big Mo.’” By Kyle Peterson. [Donald Trump might win next week’s Iowa caucuses, but could a strong No. 2 pick up some momentum?] 1-11-24
- Elections. “Trump’s New Running Mate Imperative.” 7-8-24
Issue Headlines
Drudgereport.com headlines, 10-22-14:
DrudgeReport Headline 12-24-14:
Wealthy Donors Sided with Dems in Midterms…
4-8-15 DrudgeReport.com Headline”:
REPORT: Non-Citizens Registered To Vote Through Motor Voter Registration Forms…
Elections. News: “Our Endless Campaigns – With some 570 days left until Election Day, the race for president has very much started – to the dismay of many Americans. How did we reach this point, and can the process be fixed?” by Michael Barone. [The nominating process is the one big part of our political system that was not envisioned by the Founding Fathers.] WSJ. 4-18-15, p. C1
8-5-15 – Drudgereport.com Predict Dem wins
Elections. Immigration. Drudgereport.com. 8-5-15 Zuckerberg group predicts ‘influx of Latino and Asian American voters’ could doom Republicans…
Elections. Drudgereport.com 9-21-15:
114,000 Tennessee immigrants now eligible to vote…
Candidates campaign at Mosques, interview in Spanish…
Elections. “The Politics of Distrust.” Wall Street Journal “Review Section” C1, Saturday, 10-17-15. Subhead: The anemic economy of the past decade has American voters questioning incumbents, dismissing experts and worrying about the prospects of themselves and their children. [Americans overwhelmingly think the country is heading in the wrong direction.]
Elections. CNBC Republican debate of 10-28-15 Drudgereport.com 10-28-15 >>
Bush campaign manager confronts producer…
BOZELL: Forum Was an ‘Encyclopedic Example of Bias’…
HANNITY: ‘Will Go Down in History as Really Bad Night for Media’…
Elections. Drudgereport.com 1-24-16 <<<<
Mobiles and millennials vex pollsters…
Bloomberg exploring plans for independent presidential bid…
Trial balloon has Republicans laughing…
Elections. Drudgereport.com 2-19-16 >>>>
High Court Rejects Republicans on North Carolina Voting Map…
Elections. Drudgereport.com 3-12-16 >>>
http://www.infowars.com/soros-funded-moveon-org-takes-credit-for-violence-in-chicago/ SOROS FUNDED MOVEON.ORG TAKES CREDIT FOR VIOLENCE IN CHICAGO: A precursor to activity the organization will engage in as the election approaches
[…Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election…}
Elections. L.A. Times. 3-12-16
How black, Latino and Muslim college students organized to stop Trump’s rally in Chicago
Elections Drudgereport.com 3-20-16 >>>>
Election: Va. governor restores voting rights to 200,000 felons N.Y. Times. 4-22-16
Elections. Drudgereport.com. 4-22-16:
VA Gov Gives 200,000 Felons Voting Rights…
Makes rapists, murderers eligible…
Election. Immigrants registering to vote. “Groups Seek to Register 1 Million Legal Immigrants Against Trump” Newsmax.com. Thursday May 12, 2016 http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/luis-gutierrez-legal-immigrant-donald-trump-vote/2016/05/11/id/728373/?ns_mail_uid=24656912&ns_mail_job=1667934_05112016&s=al&dkt_nbr=6p9i2dkk
Elections. Drudgereport.com 6-17-16 >>>>
Realignment: Congressman Loses Primary Challenge Over Obamatrade Vote… [Rep. Randy Forbes, Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District]
Election. Drudgereport.com 7-29-16 <<<
Fight focus on battleground states…
Elections. Campaign finance. “Hedge funds are playing a larger role than in past elections, with Clinton the biggest beneficiary.” Wall Street Journal. 7-30-16. Pg. A5
Elections. Election Day Drudgereport.com Tues.11-8-2016 12:25 PM EST
Elections. Election Day Drudgereport.com. 11-8-2016 12:30 PM EST
RULE OF LAW Leaked Documents Reveal Expansive Soros Funding to Manipulate Federal Elections
“Leaked funding documents reveal an effort by George Soros and his foundations to manipulate election laws and process rules ahead of the federal election far more expansively than has been previously reported.
The billionaire and convicted felon moved hundreds of millions of dollars into often-secret efforts to change election laws, fuel litigation to attack election integrity measures, push public narratives about voter fraud, and to integrate the political ground game of the left with efforts to scare racial minority groups about voting rights threats.
These Soros-funded efforts moved through dozens of 501(c)(3) and (c)(4) charities and involved the active compliance with civil rights groups, government officials, and purportedly non-partisan groups like the League of Women Voters.
The leaked documents also reveal deliberate and successful efforts to manipulate media coverage of election issues in mainstream media outlets like the The New York Times.
Conservatives and Republicans have no opposing effort or source of funds that represents even a small fraction in opposition to level of the Soros-led manipulation contained in the leaked documents.
The documents reveal that the Soros campaign fueled litigation attacking election integrity measures, such as citizenship verification and voter ID. It funded long-term efforts to fundamentally transform election administration — including the creation of databases that were marketed to state governments for use in voter verification. It propped up left-leaning media to attack reports of voter fraud, and conducted racially and ideologically targeted voter registration drives…”
Election – polling disaster 11-11-16
GOP. Drudgereport.com 6-9-17
GOP predicting beginning of end of tea party in Kansas…
Elections. Drudgereport.com
Elections. Drudgereport.com 7-27-17
Obama aides unmasked hundreds during election without justification…
Elections. Nov. 7, 2017 elections. Drudgereport.com 11-8-17
New candidates. Revamped ads. Fresh electoral strategies…
BOOMERANG: Obamacare now powers victories?
Republicans fear losses to come…
Elections. Drudgereport.com 11-15-17
Alabama nightmare leaves Bannon ‘war’ bleeding…
Republican leaders weigh drastic plan…
Elections. Drudgereport.com 2-27-18 TREND
Democrats Flip Two State Legislative Seats in CT and NH, Bringing Trump-Era Total to 39
Elections – Democrats. Drudgereport.com 2-28-18
Feinstein trouble underlines Party’s shift to left…
Divided Over Vow To Repeal Tax Cuts…
Democrats. Drudgereport.com 3-18-18
Dems hold double-digit lead for midterms…
Dems Bullish on Gov Races, Too… 3-25
Elections. 6-21-18 Wall Street Journal p. A3
“Bloomberg To Spend Big to Help Democrats.” “Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg plans to spend $80 million on political campaigns this year, largely in an effort to help Democrats win control of the house of Representatives…”
9-5-23 Automatic voter registration
Campaign Consideration
- Election 2016. Wall Street Journal special section S1, 8 pp.,: Wednesday, January 27, “Election 2016:”
Article headlines:
- “The Insurgents vs. The Establishment.” P.1
- “Outsiders Reshape GOP Race.” P. 1
- “Democratic Base Broadens” P. 1
- “Primary Fights Leave Hole in the Center.” P. 2
- “Contested Republican Convention Is Possible.” P. 2
- “Economic Anxieties Confront Candidates.” P. 3
- “Terror Attacks in U.S., Paris Alter Election Narrative.” P. 3
- “The Path to a Presidential Nomination.” P. 4 & 5.
- “Trump Puts Unique Stamp on GOP Race.” P. 4
- “A New Iowa Problem for the Clintons?” p. 5
- “Portrait of the Parties: What the Democratic and Republican coalitions look like – and how they have changed.” P. 6
- “How the parties have grown more divided.” Graphs: 1976 to present. P. 6
- “Early States Often Out of Step.” P. 7
- “ 10 Ways 2016 is Different.” P. 8
- “Diverse Voting States Next in Line.” P.8
- “Dates to watch” (26 different dates/primaries/conventions Through 2016 P. 8
Economy. [[The Great Unraveling: A Wall Street Journal series examining the economic roots of America’s populist discontent.]] First in the series. “Unkept Economic Promises Drive Stormy Election: U.S. leaders in 2000 saw rising prosperity; much went wrong in ways few foresaw.” By Jon Hilsenrath and Bob Davis. 7-8-16
TV Advertising. “Analysis: Obama’s ad team used cable TV to outplay Romney”
Analysis: Obama’s ad team used cable TV to outplay Romney
Sat, Jan 5 2013
By Marcus Stern and Tim McLaughlin
(Reuters) – As political experts assess Republican Mitt Romney’s failed U.S. presidential bid, an analysis of how his campaign and President Barack Obama’s winning team used cable TV to target ads at specific groups of voters may offer some valuable tips for the future.
During the final weeks before the November 6 election, with polls showing a tight race, Obama’s campaign exploited cable TV’s diverse lineup to target women on channels such as Food Network and Lifetime and men on networks such as ESPN.
The Obama team used the fragmentation of cable TV’s audience to its fullest advantage to target tailored messages to voters in battleground states.
Meanwhile, Romney’s campaign relied on a more traditional mass saturation of broadcast TV. The Romney camp was entirely dark on cable TV for two of the campaign’s last seven days.
“We don’t know why. This was a week before the election and you’re in the fight for your life,” said Timothy Kay, political director for NCC Media, a cable TV industry consortium.
The race had narrowed to key counties in several battleground states, the kind of isolation ideally suited for cable’s geographical targeting and niche-marketing capabilities.
Republican Party operatives dismayed by Romney’s defeat continue to debate what went wrong in a campaign awash in cash and run by a candidate with a business background. The former Massachusetts governor’s campaign, like Democrat Obama’s, spent a record-setting amount of cash; in Romney’s case, it was $580 million in 20 months.
Obama’s campaign outspent Romney’s campaign on advertising by as much as $200 million, according to a Reuters analysis. But when spending by pro-Romney and pro-Obama outside groups is considered, Romney had the edge in overall TV advertising spending.
Republican consultants and advertising experts said Romney had enough money to compete with Obama’s final advertising effort. Yet Obama cruised to a commanding Electoral College victory after a final concentration on a small group of battleground states.
“In market after market, the Obama campaign ended up putting more ads on target than the Romney campaign did,” said Ken Goldstein, president of Kantar Media’s Campaign Media Analysis Group, a nonpartisan consulting firm that tracked political ads and worked with both campaigns.
Stephanie Kincaid, who managed Romney’s advertising campaign, declined to answer questions and referred inquiries to top Romney campaign officials Stuart Stevens and Russell Schriefer, her bosses at The Stevens and Schriefer Group, a political consulting firm. They did not respond to phone calls.
Cable television political advertising jumped from $136 million in 2006 to $650 million in 2012, although broadcast TV still garnered 80 percent of the campaign advertising spending last year.
Even with major broadcast networks and their affiliates, the Obama campaign appeared to out-perform the Romney camp.
A campaign spending review shows the Obama camp frequently spent far less than Romney for ads aired by the same stations during the same shows.
For example, a review of TV station filings with the Federal Communications Commission showed Romney, on the Sunday before Election Day, paid $1,100 for an ad aired during CBS’s “Face the Nation” program on WRAL in Raleigh, North Carolina. Obama paid $200 for a comparable ad on the same station during the same program.
Part of the reason for the Obama campaign’s pricing advantage is that the president faced no Democratic primary challenge and was able to buy autumn TV time months in advance when the slots – like airline tickets – were discounted. Romney faced a tough battle for the Republican nomination.
The Romney campaign also simply did not have enough bodies to handle the labor-intensive business of planning, negotiating and placing ads on hundreds of TV stations simultaneously, according to several Republican consultants and media analysts who asked not to be identified.
Obama’s campaign had 30 full-time media buyers. The Romney campaign relied heavily on a single person, Kincaid, with help from one or two others from time to time, according to sources close to the campaign. Senior officials with the campaign declined to discuss its advertising staffing.
“It’s the equivalent of having a budget the size of a Coca- Cola commercial campaign and having two people managing it, where a Madison Avenue agency might have 50 people,” said NCC’s Kay. Kincaid and her small staff were overwhelmed, according to numerous political vendors who dealt with them.
Jim Margolis, an Obama campaign senior adviser whose firm GMMB handled its advertising, said the campaign also took advantage of information provided by companies like Rentrak Corp, a Portland, Oregon-based company that monitors the digital boxes attached to TVs in households using satellite dishes.
In the past, political advertisers relied on the major networks rather than cable TV in a quest to reach the most television viewers.
But cable TV’s increasing popularity has brought dramatic fragmentation to television viewership. In many markets, cable offers a hundred or more channels, giving advertisers a chance to target specific demographics.
For instance, the Obama campaign identified zip codes surrounding Ohio tire-manufacturing plants and purchased cable ads touting Obama’s efforts to block tire imports from China.
Obama ran 600,000 cable ads to the Romney’s 300,000 around the nation during the campaign, said NCC’s Kay. Obama’s cable TV push started in April. Romney’s began in September.
Obama’s team also mixed and matched its messages to sharpen the appeal in key counties.
“My impression was there was much more examination and analytics done with the Obama campaign,” Kay said. “The Romney campaign had the same rigid schedule in every state.”
(Reporting by Marcus Stern in Washington and Tim McLaughlin in Boston; Editing by Claudia Parsons, Marilyn W. Thompson and Will Dunham)
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Democrat Flips Deep-Red House Seat in Missouri
Democratic pick Mike Revis turns a heavily GOP state legislative district blue.
02.06.18 10:17 PM ETDominick Reuter
Democratic candidate Mike Revis on Tuesday flipped what had been a deep-red State House seat in Missouri by a 108-vote margin over his Republican opponent.
Revis defeated GOP candidate David C. Linton in the special election to replace Rep. John McCaherty, who left the office to focus on his run for Jefferson County executive.
President Trump won the heavily Republican district by a 61-33 margin in the 2016 election. There were three other special elections in the state on Tuesday night, all of which the Republican party defended. However, there were major net swings towards Democrats.
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Talking Points
8-5-15 – Prediction: Democrat will win 2016 by one electoral vote
Liberal ideas move from fringe to front-burner for Democrats
May 14th 2018 7:26AM
WASHINGTON — Freed from the constraints of power, Democrats are becoming a progressive ideas factory.
On issues like health care, immigration, jobs, and crime, once-fringe policy proposals are gaining traction with lawmakers, activists, and wonks as they debate the party’s path out of its current wilderness.
Democrats point to a few factors driving the progressive policy boom.
At the grassroots level, President Trump spurred a restive base toward fiercer activism with a passion that has politicians worried about getting on their bad side. There’s also the rise of Bernie Sanders, whose policy DNA and loyal following is remaking the broader party.
And at the top, there’s a staring contest between potential 2020 presidential contenders, especially in the House and Senate, that has members looking for new ideas to distinguish themselves and wary of being left off standout legislation from rivals. Many of the bills described below are co-sponsored by the same pool of senators, including Sanders, I-Vt., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., Cory Booker, N.J. and Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio.
Whatever the cause, here are five areas where left-leaning ideas are gaining ground among Democrats.
This is the biggest shift. Top-tier Democratic candidates around the country, including some in conservative-leaning districts, are running on a promise of universal access to Medicare, with 2020 hopefuls are lining up to showcase their own plans.
There are still major gaps between competing proposals, especially when it comes to their price tags. The most far-reaching legislation,favored by Sanders and co-sponsored by 17 Democratic colleagues, would create a massive single payer system that replaces private insurance with a more generous version of Medicare. Other bills would allow individuals and, in some cases, employers to buy into a Medicare plan, which would compete with private sector options, and expand subsidies in the Affordable Care Act to help finance coverage. But the overall direction is clear: A robust, universally available, government health care plan.
“The conversation is not about whether Medicare for All is a good thing or not, but rather what’s the best way to get us there, which is a radically different place than where we were during the fight over the Affordable Care Act,” Stephanie Taylor, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, told NBC News.
The hottest new topic in progressive circles is a proposal, backed by several of the Senate’s big names, to enlist the federal government to guarantee jobs for the jobless.
The Federal Jobs Guarantee Development Act, which Booker introduced in April, would set up a pilot program that provides jobs that pay at least $15 an hour in 15 urban and rural areas. Co-sponsors include Sens. Harris, Warren, Gillibrand, and Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.
Under the bill, local governments would apply for grants detailing how they would use the money. Those applications would be evaluated based on the level of economic distress in the area and how beneficial the proposal sounds.
Supporters believe this new public sector would compete with private companies for labor and push wages and benefits up everywhere. It would also provide targeted benefits to communities that are struggling the most, potentially helping to combat regional and racial inequality.
But the idea is highly controversial, even among left-wing wonks. For one thing, the cost is enormous: There’s no Congressional Budget Office score on the Booker bill, but Darrick Hamilton, an economics professor at the New School whose own jobs guarantee proposal helped inform framework for the bill, estimates his national version would cost $543 billion each year and up to $700 billion in a recession — roughly the same as the current defense budget.
While not in direct opposition to the jobs guarantee, some critics favor an alternative proposal: Spending big money to subsidize wages at workers’ existing jobs through the tax code.
One bill, backed by Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) and Sen. Brown, would massively expand the Earned Income Tax Credit that would cover more families and provide a larger tax refund. The concept has garnered attention from wonks, including some libertarian-leaning thinkers, who have argued America needs to create a guaranteed basic income to deal with the challenges of automation and stagnating wages.
Under the Grow American Incomes Now Act (GAIN), working families with three children would receive up to about $12,131 a year (up from $6,318 today) and childless workers would get up to $3,000 (up from $510).
Khanna estimates the bill would cost $1.4 trillion. Taking a page out of the Republican playbook, he proposes paying for it with a promise of higher economic growth from working families spending their gains on American products.
In order to prevent corporations from using the tax gains to offer lower paying jobs — one common criticism of EITC proposals — he’d pair it with legislation raising the minimum wage to $15 and requiring corporations to help pay for government benefits if their employees qualify for programs like food stamps. Khanna is also introducing his own jobs bill that would offer grants for temporary employment aimed at training people for private sector jobs.
Democrats evolved on immigration enforcement under President Obama, from emphasizing enforcement — he was once dubbed “deporter-in-chief” by activists — to taking actions like DACA to protect huge swaths of undocumented immigrants from removal.
In the Trump era, the administration has stepped up interior enforcement, begun to unravel DACA, pledged a crackdown on “sanctuary cities” that resist deportations, and opened up hundreds of thousands of longtime residents with Temporary Protected Status to eventual removal.
That’s created a greater sense of urgency from immigrant activists, many of whom are DREAMers themselves. They’re pushing Democrats to take a tougher stand against Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency that handles interior enforcement, and some Customs and Border Protection practices as well. New activist groups like Indivisible have taken up the cause too.
And they believe they’re getting results. During negotiations over a spending deal, 83 House Democrats signed onto a letter pushing back against requests for increased spending on ICE and instead demanding reduced funds for deportations and detention facilities at the border, among other items. 19 senators signed onto a similar letter, including Sanders, Harris, Booker, and Warren. On Friday, Gillibrand introduced a bill requiring Border Patrol agents to document searches of buses and trains around the border and submit regular reports to Congress.
Last week, progressive sheriff candidates backed by national activists in Durham and Mecklenburg County in North Carolina also ousted incumbents while pledging to reduce cooperation with ICE.
Activist and commentator Sean McElwee has even garnered attention with an “Abolish ICE” campaign to get left-leaning candidates behind dismantling the agency entirely. While it’s still far from a mainstream Democratic position, he scored a high-profile backer in congressional candidate Randy “Iron Stache” Bryce in Wisconsin.
“Even if it doesn’t end ICE, you can create a visceral negative reaction toward the organization,” McElwee said. “We win if people hate ICE enough that it hurts politicians to fund them.”
It was an image that would have seemed unthinkable a few years ago: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. signing a bong in an appearance on VICE News — released ahead of 4/20 this year — announcing his support for a national bill decriminalizing marijuana.
When President Obama took office, questions about legalization were treated as a joke — but with states from Colorado to California to Massachusetts since passing recreational pot legislation, the party is at a tipping point. In New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo denounced marijuana as a “gateway drug” earlier this year, but is moving closer toward legalization while facing a primary challenge from Cynthia Nixon, who has seized on the issue. In California, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. came out for legalization this month while also facing a progressive challenger. First-year Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy is already pursuing legalization in New Jersey. In the Senate, Harris signed onto Booker’s legalization bill.
Of course, it isn’t just a liberal issue. After the Trump administration threatened to crack down on states who legalized marijuana, Senator Cory Gardner, R-Col. led a blockade of Justice Department nominees to force the White House to back down. Recent polling by Gallup shows legalization enjoys broad majority support among the public.
“Overall, I think it’s just a matter of federal lawmakers starting to listen to their constituents,” said Morgan Fox, communications director of the pro-legalization Marijuana Policy Project. “This is really bipartisan.”
Some Democrats say Trump has changed the rules by making implausible, unworkable — but eye-catchingly ambitious — promises to voters, and that they need bolder ideas to steal the spotlight back. It doesn’t hurt that few on either side of the aisle seem to care about the deficit anymore.
But there’s risk too: The RNC is talking up an “alarming liberal radicalism” in press releases and sees an upside in defining Democrats as beholden to the far left. Raising voter expectations too high could also lead to disillusionment if those making the promises can’t deliver once in power.
So far, those concerns haven’t stemmed the new wave of progressive pledges. “Not everything being discussed is going to fly, but it’s pretty clear to me the party is moving significantly to the left,” Jim Manley, a former Democratic Senate leadership aide, told NBC News. “Anyone running for president in 2020 is going to have to take a good, hard look at some of these ideas.”
NBC News
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