Opinion Headlines
- Conservatives. “Mugged in Milwaukee.” [Misguided federalism perpetuates civil-rights violations in Wisconsin.] 9-27-14
- Conservatives. “How Wisconsin Prosecutors Became Campaign Partisans.” [Their raids on conservatives have chilled political speech and amount to a huge donation to Democrats.] 9-20-14
- Conservatives. “A Nobel Economist’s Caution About Government.” By Donald J. Boudreaux et. al. [Friedrich Hayek warned that intervening can make things worse. ObamaCare, and Dodd-Frank, anyone?] 10-13-14
- Conservatives. “A GOP Strategy Begins to Emerge.” By Kimberley Strassel. [Congressional leaders will use coalitions to achieve small wins. Conservatives may not be satisfied.] 12-19-14
- Conservatives. “Jeb Bush and the Right.” [His ideas aren’t a problem, but is he ready to fight for the job?] 12-17-14
- Conservatives. “Wisconsin Targets the Media.” [A secret political speech probe looked into radio talk-show hosts.] 12-22-14
- Conservatives. “Online Political Opinions Don’t Need Regulating.” By Lee E. Goodman. [YouTube videos expressing conservative views are an exercise of free speech, not a reason to rein in the Internet.] 1-2-15
- Conservatives. LTE. “ ‘Culture Wars’ Are Over and the Secular Left Has Won.” 1-6-15
- Conservatives. “A Reaganaut Who Made a Difference.” By Edwin J. Feulner. [Economist and political scientist Martin Anderson helped define modern conservatism.] 1-7-15
- Conservatives. “Huckabee’s Revival Meeting.” [The social conservative needs a broader message than he had in 2008.] 1-7-15
- Conservatives. “Indiana’s Libertarian Moment.” By William McGurn. [Christian conservatives aren’t the only defenders of religious free-association law.] 4-7-15
- Conservatives. “The ‘Conservative PACs Trolling for Your Money.” By Matt Lewis. [Draft Allen West! Get Condi into the game! They’re not on board with these efforts, but fundraisers don’t care.] 5-8-15
- Conservatives. “The Tory Lesson for America.” [British voters choose growth over income redistribution.] 5-9-15
- Conservatives. “Triumph, Despair and Revenge at the British Ballot Box.” By Ian Birrell. [Conservatives pull off a stunning victory as pollsters underestimate voter fears of an ultra-liberal alliance.] 5-9-15
- Conservatives. “The Liberals Won the War.” Bookshelf by Tod Lindberg. Book review of “A War for the Soul of America.” By Andrew Hartman, Chicago, 274 pages, $30.00. [Conservatives were correct in perceiving a broad attack on traditional values – but their defense of those values has been a failure.] 6-5-15
- Conservatives. “The Capitalist as the Ultimate Philanthropist.” By Andy Kessler. [The Ford Foundation vows to fight inequality but will have a hard time beating Henry’ example.] 6-25-15
- Conservatives. [The Weekend Interview with Arthur Brooks] “Playing the Music of Capitalism.” by William McGurn. [The leader of Washington’s hottest think tank says that to become a majority again conservatives need to reassert the moral case for free markets.] 7-11-15
- Conservatives. Bookreview by Walter Russell Mead. “Calling All Happy Warriors.” “The Conservative Heart. By Arthur C. Brooks.” [Liberal victories make conservatives cranky. That makes them less persuasive – and that leads to liberal victories. It’s a vicious circle. 7-17-15
- Conservatives. “Free Speech Liberation Day.” [Wisconsin’s Supreme Court shuts down an illegal campaign against conservatives.” 7-17-15
- Conservatives. “The Wisconsin Targets Tell Their Story.” By Colin Levy. [After victory in court, conservative activists talk on the record for the first time about their 21-month ordeal.] 7-23-15
- Conservatives. LTE. [Wisconsin Conservatives] “Events that Might Have Taken Place in East Germany.” 7-29-15
- Conservatives. “A Trump Education for the Right.” [Conservatives who indulged him now claim to be embarrassed.] 8-10-15
- Conservatives. “Zombie Prosecutors.” [Wisconsin’s John Doe harassers try to rise from the legal dead.] 8-19-15
- Conservatives. “Hey, Conservatives, You Won.” By Daniel Henninger. [“…The College Board’s rewritten 2015 teaching guidelines are almost a model of political fair-mindedness. This isn’t just an about-face. It is an important political event…”] 8-27-15
- Conservatives. “We ‘the Sheeple.’” [New evidence that partisanship drove Wisconsin’s John Doe.] 8-28-15
- Conservatives. “The March of Foolish Things.” (The Weekend Interview with Thomas Sowell) by Kyle Peterson. [The conservative sage on the decline of intellectual debate, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and what the welfare state has done to black America.] 9-5-15
- Conservatives. “More Secret Wisconsin Emails.” [How investigators targeted conservative Supreme Court Justices.] 9-17-15
- Conservatives. “Boehner’s Conservative Legacy.” By Karl Rove. [The speaker achieved far more than his GOP critics have with their shutdown strategy.] 10-1-15
- Conservatives. LTE. “Conservative Voters Seek a Trustworthy Party.” 10-24-15
- Conservatives. “John Doe Goes to Washington.” [Wisconsin’s illegal probe went after national conservative figures.] 10-27-15
- Conservatives. “Ryan’s House Revival Project.” [To restrain government, conservatives need to restore Congress.] 10-29-15
- Conservatives. LTE. “The Illusion of Being Too Conservative to Win.” 11-18-15
- Conservatives. “Mr. Schmitz Is Terminated.” [Many people may soon find they were targets of the secret probe.] [Wisconsin] 12-3-15
- Conservatives. “Vast Right – Wing Conspiracy 2.0” (“Bookshelf” by George Melloan: “Dark Money” by Jane Mayer) [The Kochs host public-policy seminars, fund political groups and back candidates. Are they really such a danger to the republic?] 1-19-16
- Conservatives. LTE. “Conservatives Must Show Moral Imagination.” 1-22-16
- Conservatives. “Bill Buckley’s Lesson for Today’s Conservatives.” By Neal B. Freeman. [Fifty years ago with the debut of ‘Firing Line,’ the nation discovered a new brand of conservatism that was intellectually rigorous, positive and…fun.] 2-27-16.
- Conservatives. Bookshelf by Jonathan Marks. “Elephants on the Quad.” “Passing on the Right” by Jon A. Shields and Joshua M. Dunn Sr. [“Conservatives have good reason to view American universities as hostile territory…”] 4-4-16
- Conservatives. Economy. “Bernie’s Spinal Surgery on CEOs.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [A few firms are finally standing up to defend themselves from the left’s nonstop attacks.] 4-15-16
- Conservatives. Education. LTE. “Promoting Intellectual Diversity on Campus.” 4-29-16
- Conservatives. LTE. “Reaganism Will Endure Because of Its Sound Values.” 5-9-16
- Conservatives. “Hillary: The conservative Hope.” By Bret Stephens. [The right can survive liberal presidents. Trump will kill its best ideas for a generation.] 5-10-16
- Conservatives. “The IRS’s Ugly Business as Usual.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [How much has really changed, a judge asks. Answer: not much. The scandal goes on] 5-20-16
- Conservatives. “Saving Speaker Ryan.” [His conservative critics don’t seem to mind if Republicans lose the House majority.] 6-8-16
- Conservatives. “Exxon’s Inquisitors Feel the Heat.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Court filings reveal the true aim of this ‘fraud’ case; silencing conservatives.] 6-17-16
- Conservatives. “Another Attorney General for the conservative Legal Army.” By Fred Barnes. [The Missouri GOP primary could determine whether the fight against federal overreach gains strength.] 7-16-16
- Conservatives. Economy. “Indiana Growth Model.” [The Daniels-Pence record is a lesson in conservative reform.] 7-21-16
- Conservatives. “The Closing of the American Mind.” By Charles Koch. [There are dangerous signs that the U.S. is turning its back on the principles of a free and open society that fostered the nation’s rise.] 7-22-16
- Conservatives. LTE. “Koch, Closing Minds and the Bank Bailouts.” 7-29-16
- Conservatives. “The Heulskamp Mistake.” [Why did a conservative lose in one of the most conservative districts??] 8-4-16
- Conservatives. LTE. “Mr. Koch Should Practice What He Preaches on Speech.” 8-5-16
- Conservatives. “Hannity’s Veneration of Ignorance.” By Bret Stephens. [The right’s political huckster gives Al Sharpton a run for his money.] 8-9-16
- Conservatives. Crime. “Why Koch Industries ‘Banned the Box’.” By Mark V. Holden. [Rejecting job applicants with criminal records is bad for America and those in need of a second chance.] 8-18-16
- Conservatives. “Phyllis Schlafly.” [She did liberals a favor by defeating the Equal Rights Amendment.] 9-7-16
- Conservatives. “Notable & Quotable: Whither Conservatism” [“Historian George H. Nash, author of “The conservative Intellectual Movement in America since 1945,” in the September issue of the New Criterion:”] 9-15-16
- Conservatives. “Warning: This Article Is Educational.” [You Tube thinks Dennis Prager’s videos may be dangerous.” 10-20-16
- Conservatives. “Conservatism’s Last Line of Defense.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Dozens of Republican attorneys general may prove a powerful check on the next president.] 11-8-16
- Conservatives. “What Trump Got That Romney didn’t.” by Peggy Noonan. [Ideology isn’t enough to provide the unity America needs.] 12-10-16Conservatives. “Tom Sowell, a Fearless Contrarian, Puts Down the Pen.” By Jason L. Riley. [The 86-year-old economist asked questions others didn’t and wrote the answers in plain English.] 1-4-17
- Conservatives. “Washington Still Reels From the Quake of 2016.” By Peggy Noonan. [From the White House’s empty offices to overly giddy CPAC, everyone seems a little lost.] 2-25-17
- Conservatives. “Sweden Blacklists an Antiabortion Midwife.” By Sohrab Ahmari. [Ellinor Grimmark found the ‘opinion corridor’ was too narrow to make room for her Christian faith.] 4-10-2017
- Conservatives. “In Praise of the Establishment.” [Justice Gorsuch was vetted and confirmed by a political elite.] 4-11-17
- Conservatives. “How Heritage Went Wrong.” [The think tank abandoned ideas for political muscle.] 5-3-17
- Conservatives. “Are you Sitting Down? [John Manning, the new dean of Harvard Law, is a conservative.] 6-7-17
- Conservatives. “The Conservative ‘Resistance’ Is Futile.” By David Gelernter. [The right has never made one significant move against the liberal culture machine.] 7-6-17
- Conservatives. “Conservatives For Criminal Justice Reform.” By Grover Norquist. [You don’t hear about it much, but 31 mostly red states have reduced crime and imprisonment.] 9-27-17
- Conservatives. “Is ‘Classical Liberalism’ Conservative? By Yoram Hazony. [Trump didn’t divide the right. Centuries-old philosophical divisions have re-emerged.] 10-14-17
- Conservatives. “Heritage at True North.” [Change of leadership to Kay Coles James.] 12-22-17.
- Conservatives. “Was William F. Buckley a Populist?” by Alvin S. Felzenberg. [Not quite. He disliked the liberal elite mostly because it was liberal.] 2-27-18
- Conservatives. “That Trump CPAC Speech.” By Daniel Henninger. [This is conservatism that is radical, private sector and obsessed with creating work.] 3-1-18
- Conservatives. Libertarians. “No, Libertarians Don’t All Have Autism.” By Mathieu Vaillancourt. [A Duke historian resorts to ignorant, ugly stereotyping.] 3-1-18
- Conservatives. “A Hillary Staffer Goes to CPAC.” By Annafi Wahed. [‘Try not to get killed,’ a friend warned. But OI was greeted with open arms.] 3-2-18
- Conservatives. “The Dark Side of the Enlightenment.” By Yoram Hazony. [Today’s advocates oversell the benefits of unfettered reason. They dismiss the contributions of tradition, religion and nationalism to human progress.] 4-7-18
- Conservatives. “When Governments Refuse to Choose.” By Joseph C. Sternberg. [The U.K. attempted the ‘conservative’ alternative to Paul Ryan. The results haven’t been pretty.] 4-13-18
- Conservatives. “The Trashing of George Mason U.” [The left gangs up on the school for having conservative professors.] 5-12-18
- Conservatives. “Jordan Peterson and Conservatism’s Rebirth.” By Yoram Hazony. [The psychologist and YouTube star has brought the concepts of order and tradition back to our intellectual discourse.] 6-16-18
- Conservatives. “How Conservatives Won the Law.” (The Weekend Interview with Steven Teles by Jason Willick) [A liberal political scientist recounts the rise of the Federalist Society – and explains his sympathy for some of its ideas.] 7-21-18
- Conservatives. “The Never Conservatives.” [The Kavanaugh fight isn’t about Trump. We’re all deplorables now.] 10-4-18
- Conservatives. “Conservatism and Populism Go Back Centuries.” By Peter Berkowitz. [Since Burke took on the French Revolution, they’ve been united in distrust of liberalism’s elites.] 11-7-18
- Conservatives. “Conservatives and the Politics of Work.” (The Weekend Interview with Oren Cass by Jason Willick.) [Mitt Romney’s former domestic policy director says wage subsidies are an alternative to the current welfare state and the left’s basic income.] 11-24-18
- Conservatives. “America Was always an Exceptional nation, but Is It Still?” by Allen C. Guelzo. [Its robust civil society and lack of hierarchy are cherished by Americans and curious to foreigners.] 11-24-18
- Conservatives. “Conservatism Isn’t Dead Yet.” By Bobby Jindal. [The great contradiction is between what liberals claim to believe and way they live their lives.] 11-26-18
- Conservatives. “The Right’s Resistance.” By Daniel Henninger. [They are inalterably supportive of Donald Trump’s presidency, flawed vessel or not.] 1-10-19
- Conservatives. “Abortion’s Dred Scott Moment.” By Timothy Dolan. [Overreach in New York and Virginia has inspired a backlash across the country.] 2-8-19
- Conservatives. “The Right Hurts Its Own.” [Here’s the back story on Sen. Josh Hawley and nominee Neomi Rao.] 2-18-19
- Conservatives. “Conservatives, Resist the Tribal Temptation.” By Bobby Jindal. [American ideals are open to all. Embracing the left’s racial essentialism is a serious mistake.] 4-9-19
- Conservatives. “Josh Hawley’s Legal Principles.” [Conservatives will suffer under his standard for judicial nominees.] 5-31-19
- Conservatives. “America’s Nationalist Awakening.” By Christopher DeMuth. [Why has such an old idea suddenly become new again? Because progressive government has failed to keep its promises and broken the people’s trust.] 7-20-19
- Conservatives. “John Locke Breaks His Silence.” By Jason Willick. [A new manuscript is located in Maryland. But do Americans care what the philosopher has to say?] 8-31-19
- Conservatives. “America’s Conservative Plurality.” [“…Gallup reports that its comprehensive 2019 survey found…”] 1-11-20
- Conservatives. “The Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement Isn’t Going Away.” By Salena Zito. [The media smears them as ‘white supremacists,” but thousands showed up in Richmond, Va, Monday.” 1-22-20
- Conservatives. “On Being Black and Conservative.” (The Weekend Interview with Kay Coles James. By Nicole Ault) [The Heritage Foundation’s president on the racial progress she’s experienced, the problems that remain, and becoming a target of Fox host Tucker Carlson.] 9-28-20
- Conservatives. “Walter Williams, R.I.P.” by Donald J. Boudreaux. [His research was rigorous, and he was one of the few economists who know how to engage with the public.] 12-3-20
- Conservatives. ‘A Message to the Haters From ‘Florida Man.’” By Dave Seminara. [Go ahead and laugh. But if we’re such a joke state, why are all of your neighbors moving here?] 1-9-21
- Conservatives. “All Donald Trump’s Deplorables.” By Wm McGurn. [Even Hillary Clinton consigned only half of Trump supporters to her infamous ‘basket.’] 1-12-21
- Conservatives. “No Excuses for Trump and the Capitol riot.” By Gerard Baker. [Yes, the left does bad things too. Conservatives are supposed to believe in objective moral truth.] 1-12-21
- Conservatives. “Religious Liberty Isn’t Enough.” By Ryan T. Anderson. [Cultural conservatives also need to defend our views, which are scientifically sound and popular.] 2-1-21
- Conservatives. “Rush Limbaugh.” [The talk-radio host popularized conservative ideas and policies.] 2-18-21
- Conservatives. “The Left Hated Rush Limbaugh Because He Had Their Number.” By Dennis Prager. [Even in death they called him ‘divisive,’ as if their attacks on America aren’t intended to sow division.] 2-19-21
- Conservatives. “Rush Limbaugh’s Complicated Legacy.” By Peggy Noonan. [He was a gifted entertainer and advocate, but in his later years certain flaws became more evident.] 2-20-21
- Conservatives. “No Speech Coddling in Chicago.” [A new journal from students who refuse to be cancelled.] 2-24-21
- Conservatives. “Why Rush Limbaugh Never Got Canceled.” By Brian Glicklich. [He refused to apologize for fake transgressions and never lost his humor. More could follow his example.] 2-25-21
- Conservatives. “’Common Good’ Conservatism’s Catholic Roots.” By Alexander William Salter. [The antimarket right should remember that political liberty proceeds from economic freedom.] 5-21-21
- Conservatives. “The Soul of Black Conservatism.” By Jason L. Riley. [Thomas Sowell has spent a lifetime challenging the orthodoxy on race – and has produced an impressive body of work along the way.] 5-29-21
- Conservatives. “Conservatives Should Oppose the Filibuster.” By F. H. Buckley. [Too many bad laws are already on the books, and procedural roadblocks make them hard to repeal.] 6-28-21
- Conservatives. “The Cost of Bipartisanship. By Mick Mulvaney. [It’d be better if more politicians disagreed with deficit spending.] 6-28-21
- Conservatives. “The Temptation of the ‘Common Good.’” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M Grossman. [Conservatives finally have a Supreme Court majority. Some on the right want judicial activism too.] 7-24-21
- Conservatives. “Why America Needs National Conservatism.” By Christopher DeMuth. [Today’s central challenge is an aggressive, ascendant radical left. Incremental reform won’t counter it.] 11-14-21
- Conservatives. “War Is Interested in You, Even if You’re an Isolationist Conservative.” By Gerard Baker. [An old tendency on the right sees a resurgence even as Russian and Chinese threats rise.] 2-15-22
- Conservatives. “Churchill, Zelensky and the American Right.” By Andrew Roberts. [The British leader would have appreciated the Ukrainian president, and national conservatives should offer their full-throated support.] 4-2-22
- Conservatives. “Hungary Is No Model for Conservatives.” By Joseph C. Sternberg. [Viktor Orban is lauded for fighting liberal ‘tyranny,’ but he always takes money from Brussels in the end.] 4-8-22
- Conservatives. “The Right’s Russia Temptation.” By Jeffrey Scott Shapiro. [Some in the America-First movement mistake Putin for a strong nationalist leader like Donald Trump.] 4-11-22
- Conservatives. “America’s Right Confronts the 21st Century.” By Christopher DeMuth. [We respect tradition but aren’t in thrall to the status quo – especially now that the status quo is woke progressive domination.] 11-19-22
- Conservatives. “A Conservative Magazine Returns to Harvard.” By Ruth R. Wisse. [The Salient’s new issue on motherhood and feminism is reflective, confident and affirmative.] 11-19-22
- Conservatives. “The World According to Tom Cotton.” By Walter Russell Mead. [The senator argues for U.S. foreign engagement while critiquing the left.] 1-3-23
- Conservatives. “Why the Right Turned Left.” (The Weekend Interview with George Will.) [They bought into the progressive idea of History with a capital H, says George F. Will, but couldn’t stand to see the other side having all the fun.] 2-4-23
- Conservatives. “Right’s Wrong Attack on DirectV.” [A commercial dispute with Newsmax isn’t about censoring conservatives.] 2-16-23
- Conservatives. “The Philosophy of Freedom.” (Bookshelf by Barton Swaim) “The Individualists.” By Matt Zwolinsky and John Tomasi. [Libertarians seek to limit state coercion and maximize individual liberty. They also tend to avoid life’s biggest questions.] 6-29-23
- Conservatives. “What Time Is It at the Heritage Foundation.” By Kate Bachelder Odell. [‘Reagan’s think tank’ sees America ‘on the brink’ of decline and incapable of helping in Ukraine.]. 10-6-23
- Conservatives. “Th Left’s Anti-Semitism Crisis Is the Right’s Opportunity.” By Joseph C. Sternberg. [Frances’ Marine Le Pen and Germany’s Aft) are embracing Israel while socialists equivocate. 10-20-23
- Conservatives. “Shy Conservatives Keep the Left in its Bubble.” By John Masko. [Otherwise reasonable people believe crazy things because nobody dares challenge the.] 11-21-24
Issue Headlines
Conservatives. Abortion. Drudgereport.com 3-28-17
Conservatives. Drudgereport. 4-19-17
Conservatives. Drudgereport. 4-19-17
Berkeley Cancels Coulter Appearance Over Security Concerns… She vows to speak!
Conservatives. Drudgereport.com. 8-30-17 Conservative student berated, intimidated while recruiting…
Conservatives. Drudgereport.com 9-14-17
BERKELEY BUILDS A WALL… Unprecedented measures for conservative writer’s speech…
Conservatives Drudgereport.com 8-21-18
REVEALED: Soros censorship plan…
Plotted with social media to eliminate ‘right wing propaganda’…
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Have Republicans already handed Congress to Dems?
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