Opinion Headlines
- Immigration – Cantor loss in primary election. 6-12-14
- Immigration – EU politics – LTE “Repressive view held by some immigrants.” (re assimilation) 6-12-14
- Immigration –“ Primary Voters For Immigration.” 6-12-14
- Immigration Reform Can’t Wait. by Rupert Murdock 6-19-14
- Immigration Reform Proposals Treat Only Symptoms. LTE. 6-17-14
- Immigration: LTE “Comprehensive Reform Bogs Down Immigration Issue.” 6-25-14
- Immigration. “Obama’s Immigration Cynicism” [He’ll still write a lawless deportation rule…] 9-8-14
- Immigration. “An Earthquake Called Ukip Hits Britain.” By Ian Birrell [The U.K.’s two-party political order is shaking, with no telling who might be in power this time next year.] 10-17-14
- Immigration. LTE. “Let’s Take a Closer Look at That Alleged Brain Drain.” 10-21-14
- Immigration. “Obama’s Immigration Enablers.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. et. al. [The administration’s Office of Legal Counsel endorsed a view of executive power never imagined by the Founders.] 11-25-14
- Immigration. “Cameron’s Migration Fix for Europe.” [Good on welfare shopping, but not on the benefits of immigration.] 12-1-2014
- Immigration. LTE. “Risks if Immigration Changes by Decree, Not by Statute.” 12-4-14
- Immigration. “An Immigration Game Plan for the New Congress.” By Edward P. Lazear. [Republicans would be wise to take a measured approach that moves the country and the economy forward.] 12-5-14.
- Immigration. LTE. “We Have Achieved Diversity in Opinions on Immigration.” 12-11-14
- Immigration. “The States vs. Obama.” [Texas and 24 other states have a good case on the immigration order.] 12-27-14
- Immigration. “Obama’s Immigration Trap.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. 1-23-15
- Immigration. “Nevada’s Right Choice on Immigration.” By David B. Rivkin Jr., Et.al. [Obama’s disregard for federal law makes it imperative that states join the suit against him.] 2-3-15
- Immigration. “Obama’s Immigration Rebuke.” [A federal court says he can’t rewrite the law by himself.] 2-18-15
- Immigration. “Why Obama’s Immigration Order Was Blocked.” By Michael W. McConnell. [The injunction isn’t about prosecutorial discretion. It is about granting illegal aliens benefits not allowed by law.] 2-18-15
- Immigration. “A Misbegotten Shutdown Showdown on Immigration.” [About 50 House Republicans nearly got the party to play into the hands of the White House and its media allies.] 3-4-15
- Immigration. LTE. “Guest Workers and the Bracero Model.” 3-31-15
- Immigration. “An Immigrant’s Tale, From Saigon in ’75 to American Entrepreneur.” [My family was evacuated as the Vietnam War ended. Would today’s Republican Party have welcomed us?] 4-23-15
- Immigration. “Scott Walker’s Labor Economics.” [The Governor needs a better tutor on jobs and immigration..] […cf. immigration, Sen. Jeff Sessions,…] 4-25-15
- Immigration. “The Sessions Complaint.” [Defining down the U.S. science and tech job market.] 4-27-15
- Immigration. LTE. “Most Republicans Already Support Legal Immigration.” 4-29-15
- Immigration. LTE. “The H-1B Visas Don’t Help American STEM Graduates.” 5-2-15
- Immigration. “Obama’s Remedial Legal Education.” [A federal appeals court rebukes his immigration order.] 5-27-15
- Immigration. “Ending the Republican Drama About Immigration.” By Andy Puzder. [Beating each other up only helps Democrats. Better to settle on basic principles. Here are a few.] 6-8-15.
- Immigration. “A Legal Immigrant’s American Dream.” By Onoura Amobi. [It’s hard not to see amnesty for illegal immigrants as a betrayal of all those who were denied legal entry.] 6-30-15
- Immigration. LTE. “On Legal Immigrants and Fairness.” 7-9-15
- Immigration. “A Beautiful Oath, Sullied by Politics.” By Christopher C. Hull. [The Obama administration opens a loophole for new citizens unwilling to ‘bear arms’ to defend America.] 8-5-15
- Immigration. LTE. “Bearing Arms for Your New Country.” 8-10-15
- Immigration. “The Deportation Party.” [Trump proposes to stop even most legal immigration.] 8-18-15
- Immigration. “Born in the U.S.A.” [A primer on birthright citizenship and the U.S. Constitution.] 8-21-15
- Immigration. LTE. “Born in the U.S. A. – Citizenship and the Constitution.” 8-29-15
- Immigration. “The Migrants and the Elites.” By Peggy Noonan. [A humanitarian crisis threatens the future of Western institutions.] 9-12-15
- Immigration. “Inside the Golden Door.” Book review by Alex Nowrasteh: A Nation of Nations. By Tom Gjelten. [Half a century ago, Virginia’s Fairfax County was 90% white and 3.5% immigrant; today it’s 50% white and 30% foreign-born.] 9-21-15
- Immigration. LTE. “Immigrants, Assimilation and Native Culture.” 10-15-15
- Immigration. “Sorting the GOP Candidates on Immigration.” By Mortimer Zuckerman. [Carson speaks about in moral terms, while Trump takes the low road. Bush has the most rational plan.] 11-7-15
- Immigration. Migrants. “A Syrian Refugee Lesson for Liberals.” [By failing against Jihad, Obama has produced an illiberal backlash.] 11-17-15
- Immigration. Refugees. LTE. “Why Not the Lincoln Bedroom for Refugees?” 11-20-15
- Immigration. “Reforming Immigration One State at a Time.” By Shikha Dalmia. 11-30-15
- Immigration. “The ObamaCare-Immigration Collision.” By Andy Puzder. [Keeping millions of illegal immigrants in the U.S. and virtually ensuring that they will cost American jobs.] 12-4-15
- Immigration. “The Latest Tax on Business Hits Visas for High-Skill Workers. “ by Robert Hoffman. [Making companies pay $4,000 – $4,500 more for every specialized professional from overseas.] 1-7-16
- Immigration. LTE. “Refugees, Supply, Demand, Jobs and Housing.” 1-25-16
- Immigration. LTE. “Pope’s Position on Immigration Is Nuanced.” 2-18-16
- Immigration. LTE. “Law Could Leverage the Guest-Worker Model.” 3-8-16
- Immigration. “I Am President. I Am Not King.” [The Supreme Court turns to Obama’s Lawless immigration order.] 4-18-16
- Immigration. LTE. “It’s High Time to End the Abuse of H-1B Visas” 5-11-16
- Immigration. “Why Governors Need an Immigration Plan.” By Tom Nassif. 5-20-16
- Immigration. “Law and Immigration Order.” [The Supreme Court splits without comment on Obama’s power grab.] 6-24-16
- Immigration. LTE. “Melting Pot Has Been Destroyed by Diversity.” 7-8-16
- Immigration. “All Donald’s Immigrants.” [See for yourself: an economic model for immigration policy.] 7-23-16
- Immigration. “What American Citizenship Makes Possible.” By Colin Powell. [Immigrants come to these shores, learn English and work hard – enriching the U.S. in the process.] 7-27-16
- Immigration. LTE. “What would the Powells Experience Today?” 8-1-16
- Immigrants. LTE “Immigrants and Growing America’s Economy.” 8-3-16
- Immigration. “Why I’m Investing $500 Million in Migrants.” By George Soros. [I will invest in startups, established companies, social-impact initiatives and businesses founded by migrants and refugees.] 9-20-16
- Immigration. LTE. “There Is Nothing Orwellian About E-Verify.” 9-27-16
- Immigration. “What We Learned in Scandinavia About Migrants.” By Tom Cotton and Mike Pompeo. [Sweden failed. Norway succeeded – in part because it did what Trump does: Listen.] 9-27-16
- Immigration. LTE. “Lessons from Scandinavian Immigration Law.” 10-7-16
- Immigration. “The Immigration Debate We Need.” (Bookshelf/ by George Melloan) “We Wanted Workers by George J. Borjas.” [Amnesty or a wall are radical policies to deal will the country’s millions of illegal immigrants. Here’s a saner solution: Do nothing.] 10-19-16
- Immigration. “Trump’s Refugee Bonfire.” [A blunderbuss order sews confusion and a defeat in court.] 1-30-17
- Immigration. “Even Jimmy Carter Was Cautious About Admitting Refugees.” By Seth Lipsky. [He refused entry to 40,000 Cambodians – but later took a humane approach to communism’s victims.] 1-31-17
- Immigration. “What will Trump’s Immigration Ban Actually Accomplish?” by Jason L. Riley. [None of the attackers from 9/11 or San Bernardino would have been thwarted by the new rule.] 2-1-17
- Immigration. “Trump Restraining Order.” [He’s right on the law but his rants against a judge are offensive.] 2-6-17
- Immigration. “Trump Is Right: Sweden’s Embrace of Refugees Isn’t Working.” By Jimmie Akesson and Mattias Karlsson. [The country has accepted 275,000 asylum-seekers, many without passports – leading to riots and crime.] 2-23-17
- Immigration. “Trump’s Travel Ban Mulligan.” [It’s still unnecessary, but this version has some important fixes.] 3-7-17
- Immigration. “America’s Got Immigrant Talent.” [Children of immigrants are dominating U.S. scientific contests.] 3-7-17
- Immigration. Refugees. LTE. “Another View of Sweden’s Immigrant Issues.” 3-8-17
- Immigration. “Crime and Immigration.” [The U.S. needs to deport criminals, not create a new bureaucracy.] 3-13-17
- Immigration. “The Dutch find Welfare and Immigration Make an Uneasy Mix.” By Leon de Winter. [Did my countrymen really turn into xenophobes and racists? No, they are as open-minded as ever.] 3-14-17
- Immigration. “America Doesn’t Have Europe’s Immigration Problems.” By Jason L. Riley. [Assimilation works here because the emphasis is on shared ideals instead of aloof tolerance.] 3-15-17
- Immigration. “The Trump Legal Exception.” [The Travel ban is bad policy, but the judicial injunctions are worse.] 3-17-17
- Immigraton. LTE. “Immigration and the E Pluribus Unum Issue.” 4-1-17
- Immigration. “Opening Our Borders Would Overwhelm America.” By Dave Seminara. [When I screened visa applications as a foreign service officer, I learned how many want to come.] 4-17-17
- Immigration. “’What About the Refugees?’ The U.S. Is Doing More than Anyone..” [I will travel to Jordan and Turkey, which have performed admirably in taking in Syrians.] 5-18-17
- Immigration. “Let the Private Sector Help Tackle the Migration Crisis.” By George Clooney. [Businesses and charities can boost transparency and aid in resettling international refugees.] 5-26-17
- Immigration. “The Fourth Circuit Presidency.” [The word ‘Trump’ isn’t an excuse for usurping core presidential power.] 5-27-17 (Re: President Trump’s travel ban.)
- Immigration. “The Surprising Factor for Immigrant Success.” By Edward P. Lazear. [Those born in Algeria do better than those from Israel and Japan. Why? There are fewer of them.] 6-27-17
- Immigration. “America’s Summer Labor Shortage.” [Trump’s 15,000 extra guest-worker visas aren’t nearly enough.] 7-18-17
- Immigration. Immigration Anxieties, Then and Now.” By Walter Russell Mead. [Circumstances today resemble those in 1924, when Congress curtailed legal entry.] 8-8-17
- Immigration. LTE “Raise Act Will Rationalize Legal Immigration.” By Sen. Tom Cotton. 8-12-17
- Immigration. “America’s Got Talent, but Not Nearly Enough.” By Edward Conard. [Trump is right to back skills-based immigration. But fewer green cards would defeat the purpose.] 8-17-17
- Immigration. “More Worker Visas for Less Government” [A federalist plan to address the growing U.S. labor shortage.] 9-2-17
- Immigration. “The Hazards of Giving shelter.” (Bookshelf by James Traub.) “Refuge” by Alexander Betts and Paul Collier. [Activists often fail to draw a line between refugees and economic migrants. The result can be catastrophic for host countries.] 9-6-17
- Immigration. “The Immigration Morass.” By Daniel Henninger. [This issue has turned into a deadweight loss by the day for the Republican Party.] 9-7-17
- Immigration. “Obama’s Deplorable DACA Decision.” By Karl Rove. [His attack on Trump needlessly inflames the situation, making it worse for Dreamers.] 9-7-17
- Immigration. “The Cruelty of Barack Obama.” By Wm McGurn. [On immigration reform, the former president isn’t what he says he is.] 9-12-17
- Immigration. “Chicago’s Immigration Showdown Is More About Politics Than Law.” By Allysia Finley. [The feds are at an impasse with the city over is sanctuary policy. There’s room for compromise.] 9-16-17
- Immigration. “Immigration Bait and Switch.” [Trump bows to the restrictionists and may scupper a deal.] 10-10-17
- Immigration. “America Took Me In. Is there No Room for My Family?” By Yousif al-Jabouri. [As an Iraqi who helped U.S. troops, I wasn’t safe. My mother, sister and brothers still aren’t.] 10-13-17
- Immigration. “Immigrants Need Better Protection – From their Lawyers.” By Benjamin Edwards. [The area of law is prone to abuse. It’s difficult to file a bar complaint after you’ve been deported.] 11-27-17
- Immigration. “Visa Policies Keep Women from Working.” By Vivek Ravisankar. [The U.S. won’t let ‘dependents’ of H-1B holders get jobs.] 1-4-18
- Immigration. “Progress on Immigration.” [Both sides have strong incentives to cut a Dreamers deal.] 1-10-18
- Immigration. “Immigration Is Still Radioactive.” By Walter Russell Mead. [A debate between naïve elitism and ugly nativism only impedes pragmatic reforms.] 1-23-18
- Immigration. “Republicans and Dreamers.” By Daniel Henninger. [The GOP’s last chance to get past the immigration issue?] 1-25-18
- Immigration. “Trump’s Immigration Offer.” [He dives back into deal-making with a constructive proposal.] 1-26-18
- Immigration. “The Truth in Trump’s Vulgarity.” By Mary Anasasio O’Grady. [Migrants leave their homes for a reason – often fleeing chaos from poor governance.] 1-29-18
- Immigration. “Do Democrats Even Want Compromise on Immigration? By Jason L. Riley. [Schumer and Durbin act as if they’d rather have an issue to use against the Republicans in November.] 1-31-2018
- Immigration. “Trump and the Dreamers.” [The political incentives are in place for a bipartisan compromise.] 2-14-18
- Immigration. “President Miller’s Immigration Veto.” [Trump will never get a victory if he won’t ‘take the heat.’ 2-16-18
- Immigration. “Lessons From the Rise of America’s Irish.” By Jason L. Riley. [They arrived dirt poor and uneducated in the 1840s. After decades of struggle, they achieved prosperity.] 3-14-18
- Immigration. “One More Immigration Try.” [A debate and vote might save imperiled House Republicans.] 5-11-18
- Immigration. LTE. “Fix, Don’t Avoid, Hard Immigration Issues.” 5-17-18 (by Rep. Bob Goodlatte)
- Immigration. “A Miserly 15,000 More Visas.” [Trump’s DHS skimps on guest workers amid a summer labor shortage.] 5-29-18
- Immigration. “Trump’s Immigration Choice.” [Does he want his border wall and a Dreamer solution, or not?] 6-21-18
- Immigration. “Does Asylum Make Sense? By Tyler Cowen. 7-10-18
- Immigration. “The Elites Feed Anti-Immigrant Bias.” By Joan C. Williams. [As proud citizens of the world, they show little solidarity with working-class countrymen.] 7-11-18
- Immigration. “Send Us Your Young, Your Educated.” By Edward P. Lazear.” 8-1-18
- Immigrants. “For a charity Nowadays, Everything’s Political.” By Naomi Shaefer Riley. [Bethany Christian Services faces protests and lawsuits for its work with migrants and foster children.] 8-4-18
- Immigration. “No More Pay-to-Play Green Cards.” By John Vecchione and Anne Weismann. [The EB-5 Regional Center program is a bipartisan source of corruption and cronyism. Let it die.] 9-19-18
- Immigration. “The Case Against Birthright Citizenship.” By Matthew Spalding. [Trump’s critics misread the text and history of the 14th amendment.] 11-1-18
- Immigration. “Birthright Citizenship Is a Constitutional Mandate.” By Josh Blackman. [‘Is the child of a Gypsy born in Pennsylvania a citizen?” a senator asked in 1866. The answer is yes.] 11-2-18
- Immigration. “Constitutional Ways to Curb ‘Birth Tourism.’” 11-12-18
- Immigration. LTE. “Democrats’ Stealthy Push for Open Borders.” 11-21-18
- Immigration. “A short History of American Immigration.” By John Steele Gordon. [Coming to the U.S. always took courage and tolerance for risk, traits that are still part of the country’s DNA.] 11-21-18
- Immigration. “Storming the Southern Border.” [Violent migrants will turn Americans against generous asylum policy.] 11-27-18
- Immigration. “Europe’s Migrant Disaster Should Teach America a Lesson.” By Jason L. Riley. [Even Hillary Clinton now admits the continent erred in allowing entry of too many unvetted ‘refugees.’] 11-28-18
- Immigration. “The Immigrant-Unicorn Connection.” By Stuart Anderson. [Most billion-dollar startups have foreign-born founders.] 11-30-18
- Immigration. “Impose Boundaries on Immigration Law.” By Rod Rosenstein. [Inconsistent rulings by circuit courts, especially the Ninth, have created chaos. Here’s a solution.] 12-7-18 (Mr. Rosenstein is U.S. deputy attorney general.)
- Immigration. “Oval Office Pantomime.” [Shutdown melodrama: Act 1, Scene1: Pelosi and Schumer enter.] 12-12-18
- Immigration. “An Immigration Compromise That Just Might Work.” By Jason L. Riley. [Trump gets his wall, the ’Dreamers’ get to stay and both parties go home happy for Christmas.] 12-19-18
- Immigration. “Your Government at Work.” [Overwhelming demand for H-2B visas crashed a federal web portal.] 1-5-19
- Immigration. “Who Is More Macho?” [“The dialogue of the deaf that is America’s immigration debate…”] 1-9-19
- Immigration. “Democrats’ Cynical ‘No’ on Immigration.” By Karl Rove. [They could strike a deal for reform but would rather posture for political points.] 1-10-19
- Immigration. Trump Administration. “To End the Shutdown, Try Thinking Big on Immigration.” By Robert M. Gates. [Both parties are to blame for this embarrassing impasse. Yet a sensible solution may be possible.] 1-19-19
- Immigration. “Trump’s Bipartisan Pitch.” [Alas, on immigration he keeps preaching to the converted.] 2-6-19
- Immigration. “Keeping Talent America Trains.: [A study shows that foreign grads don’t steal American jobs.] 3-5-19
- Immigration. “Kenneth Kiyul Lee’s White Privilege.” [Liberals play the race card against a Korean-American immigrant.] 3-5-19
- Immigration. “America’s Great Immigration System.” (The Weekend Interview with Neeraj Kaushai by Tunku Varadarajan.) [A meeting with Chinese officials helped convince this economist nobody is better than the U.S. at handling new arrivals.] 3-9-19
- Immigration. “Thankless at Homeland Security.” 4-8-19
- Immigration. “Incoherent on Immigration.” [Firing his own deputies won’t help the border or move Congress.] 4-10-19
- Immigration. “Beyond MAGA Hats.” By Daniel Henninger. [Immigrants are a casualty in a larger argument about American identity.] 1-24-19
- Immigration. “Failed Immigration Policy Sustains a Lawless Cartel Empire.” By Ron Johnson. [Human traffickers profit off the humanitarian crisis at the border. Congress needs to act now.] 4-26-19
- Immigration. “Immigrants for the Heartland.” By Matthew J. Slaughter. [The U.S. doesn’t issue enough visas for skilled workers, who are too concentrated in big cities.] 4-29-19
- Immigration. “Trump’s Immigration Progress.” [He admits the U.S. needs talent but he’s still too stingy on visas.] 5-18-19
- Immigration. “American Farmers Need Immigration Reform.” By Kevin Murphy. [Will migrant workers produce our food here or elsewhere?] 5-31-19
- Immigration. “Tariff Man Unchained.” [Trump hits Mexico on trade to solve a U.S. immigration mess.] 6-1-19
- Immigration. “Bending the law to Avoid Deporting Criminals.” By Lew Jan Olowski. [One alien persuaded a judge to reduce a battery sentence he’d already served.] 7-26-19
- Immigration. “The ‘Public-Charge’ Ploy.” [A new rule looks like another effort to limit legal immigration.] 8-14-19
- Immigration. “The Court and the Dreamer Pawns.” [They deserve legal status but judges pre-empted a political compromise.] 11-12-19
- Immigration. “Foreign Brains Help America Compete.” By Zachary Arnold and Remco Zetsloot. [STEM grads rely on OPT, an embattled visa program.] 1-30-20
- Immigration. “The Truth About the ‘Public Charge’ Immigration Rule.” By Dave Seminara. [Trump’s regulation is a response to a real problem, and it’s nowhere near as draconian as critics say.] 2-4-20
- Immigration. “How They Became Us.” (Bookshelf by Philip Terzian. “One Mighty and Irresistible Tide.” By Jia Lynn Yang. [Deciding exactly whom we should welcome to our shores is a matter of ever-shifting public debate and ever=-changing public sentiment.] 5-20-20
- Immigration. “Trump’s Immigration Choice.” [He may ban the foreign guest workers the recovery needs.] 6-17-20
- Immigration. “Congress’s Inaction May Halt Immigration.” By Sam Garcia. [Without emergency funding, USCIS will furlough 70% of staff.] 7-14-20
- Immigration. “Columbus Day Stands for Diversity.” By Alessandra Bocchi. [Italian-Americans, victims of severe discrimination, rallied to honor him.] 10-12-20
- Immigration. “America Needs a National Identity Card.” By Michael Segal. [It would solve the problems of voting, immigration and Covid-19 vaccination.] 1-21-21
- Immigration. “Biden’s Chance to End Border Chaos.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Step one is to increase the number of H-2 guest-worker visas for Central Americans.] 1-25-21
- Immigration. “On Immigration, Compromise Beats Amnesty.” By Jason L. Riley. [Biden should resist the temptation to go big, and focus instead on solutions with bipartisan support.] 1-27-21
- Immigration. “Biden’s Immigration Opportunity.” [His proposal is dead on arrival, but smaller bills might pass.] 2-20-21
- Immigration. “Biden Risks Losing Hispanics by Shifting Left on Immigration.” By Jason L. Riley. [Progressives may want something approaching open borders, but other Democratic voters don’t.] 3-17-21
- Immigration. “A Christian for Biden, I’m Feeling Betrayed.” By Sheila Joiner. [He promised to reverse Trump’s restrictive refugee policy. He could do it with t a signature but hasn’t.] 4-15-21
- Immigration. “The Salvadoran Who Wants to Stay.” [Amid chaos back home, he received ‘temporary’ U.S. status – in 2001.] 4-19-21
- Immigration. “Democrats Are Fooling Themselves on Immigration.” By Jason L. Riley. [Voters didn’t always like Trump’s tone, but they broadly supported his strategy at the border.] 4-21-21
- Immigration. “An Immigration Reboot for Biden.” [A ruling against DACA and a migrant surge show the need for a change.] 7-19-21
- Immigration. “Biden’s Cruel Immigration Policy.” By Mary Anastasia O’Grady. [Migrants want to fill jobs in the U.S. But there’s no legal path to enter the country.] 8-23-21
- Immigration. “Immigration Law Boomerang.” [Don’t blame the Supreme Court for the mess at the border.] 8-26-21
- Immigration. “The U.S. Legal Immigration Shortage. [Fewer H-2B visas coincided with fewer jobs for Americans.] 2-8-22
- Immigration. “Biden’s Immigration Damage.” [He’s doing more to help restrictionists than Donald Trump did.] 4-18-22
- Immigration. “When U.S. Immigration Policy Kills.” [Migrants trapped in a tractor-trailer died in the soaring heat.] 6-29-22
- Immigration. “Immigrants Can Help Relieve the Labor Shortage.” By Jason Riley. [Guest-worker programs would ease pressure on the border, leading to better enforcement.] 8-17-22
- Immigration. “The Other Immigration Crisis: Endless Visa Waits..” by Joe Lonsdale. 10-10-22
- Immigration. “Biden’s New Border Record.” [The soaring illegal crossings are hurting the immigration cause.] 10-24-22
- Immigration. “An Immigrants’ Thanksgiving.” By Wm. McGurn. [Crispy duck and egg rolls instead of turkey, but a belief that merit should trump race.] 11-22-22
- Immigration. “Immigration’s Legacy.” (Bookshelf by Robert VerBruggen.) “The Culture Transplant.” By Garett Jones. [Cultural traits can persist for generations after migrants arrive in a new country. Newcomers don’t simply assimilate to their new homes.] 12-12-22
- Immigrants. “New Immigrants, the Same Church.” By Carine Hajjar. [My New York parish was founded by Irishmen and Hungarians and now holds services in Spanish.] 12-22-22
- Immigration. “Immigration cynicism on Capitol Hill.” [The Senate stages kabuki votes while doing nothing to end the migrant flood.] 12-23-22
- Immigration. “Another D.C. Circuit Chevron Special.” [A case study in how judges rubber stamp executive law-writing.] 2-22-23
- Immigration. “Chicago’s Sanctuary City Awakening.” 5-2-23
- Immigration. “Work Visa Shortfall Starves the Economy.” By Jason L. Riley. [Demand for labor has risen steadily since 2004, but the H-1B program is still capped at 85,000 a year. ] 5-3-23
- Immigration. “Canada Is Coming For Our Lottery Winners.” By Elliot Kaufman. [Tech talent on H-1B visas are lured to my home and native land.] 7-5-23
- Immigration. “A Florida Misfire on Immigration.” [DeSantis’s crackdown will exacerbate the state’s labor shortage.] 7-7-23
- Immigration. “America’s Choice: Immigration or Bust.” 7-25-23
- Immigration. “H-2A Guest Workers Can Pick Florida’s Crops.” By Dave Seminara. [Farmers complain about the state’s crackdown on illegal immigration, but there is an alternative.] 8-5-23
- Immigration. “A Tale of Two Immigration Amnesties.” By Jason L. Riley. [Reagan signed legislation after a bipartisan debate in Congress. Biden simply pretends there’s no border.] 9-13-23
- Immigration. “The Border Crisis Stymies Needed Immigration Reform.” By Jason L. Reilly. [too many migrants are entering illegally, but the system for legal admissions has broken down as well.] 12-6-23
- Immigrants. “The Immigrants We Shouldn’t Forget.” By Jerry Moran. [Afghans who helped America deserve a path to permanent legal residency.] 1-29-24
- Immigration. “Lessons of the 1924 Immigration Act.” By Riichard Vedder and Matthew Denhart. [America welcomes newcomers, but there are always limits.] 5-24-24
Issue Headlines
Immigration: (non-opinion)
http://drudgereport.com/ 3-28-15 >>
NEW WAVE: ‘Thousands’ of Unaccompanied Children Crossing Border…
CENSUS: One new migrant enters USA — every 33 seconds!
Large resettlement of refugees in Buffalo, NY…
Immigrant population surges in Georgia…
Immigration: “Europe’s Cargo Ships Diverted to Sea Rescues.” Sub: Commercial vessels on busy Mediterranean routes asked to assist with waves of migrants. [“…The waves of African and Middle Eastern seaborne migrants attempting to reach Europe — 218,000 tried to get to Greece and Italy last year – are causing a little-noticed but serious problem for the mercantile ships that ply the Mediterranean…”] Wall Street Journal 3-27-15 p. B1
4-22-15 Drudgereport.com: >>
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 4-24-15 >>
BORDER BATTLE: Deportations plummet…
REPORT: ‘Homeland’ to naturalize 9 million by 2016…
How to know if your town has been selected for refugee resettlement…
Middle class incomes drop as immigration surges…
Immigration: Drudgereport.com 5-4-15 >>
SESSIONS: Trade deal opens immigration floodgates…
‘Living Agreement’ can be changed after Congress approves…
China overtakes Mexico as top source of immigrants to USA…
POLL: 63% think military should be used along border…
Court skeptical on Obama immigration challenge…
Immigration. Headlines. Drudgereport.com, 5-8-15: >>
DHS directly violated judge’s order; Granted 2,000 more amnesties…
‘Every day getting more than day before’…
Criminals Storm Laredo Border…
Gusher of Muslim immigration sparks fears…
‘Homeland’ approves amnesty applications despite injunction…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 5-16-15 >>
OVERWHELMED: Backlog of cases pending in immigration courts hits all-time high…
Border Patrol agents seeing spike in human smuggling…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 5-18-15 >>
Nashville now home to America’s largest Kurdish population…
…large numbers from Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Eretria and Bhutan
Immigration. Drudgereport: 6-3-15 >>
BORDER BATTLE: USA Now ‘Global Nation’…
Immigration. Wall Street Journal 6-13-15. P. A3: “Outsourcing To Foreigners Is Investigated.” By Miriam Jordan et.al. subhead: “U.S. Looks at use of skilled-worker visas by a California utility and two Indian companies.” [Edison replaced hundreds of laid-off IT workers with non-Americans.]
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 6-15-15. >>
10% of Lewiston, Maine now Somali refugees…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 6-30-15 >>
USA admits 100,000 Muslim immigrants every year…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 7-6-15: >>
110,000 African immigrants resettled in Minnesota… *
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 7-7-15: >>
FLASHBACK: Feds relocate ‘tens of thousands’ of Somalis to Minnesota… [ http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/feb/24/islamist-terror-groups-target-minnesota-somali-ref/ ]
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 7-7-15: >>
Somali leaders in Minnesota seek release of men accussed of joining ISIS… *
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 7-16-15: >>
Florida tops nation in resettlement of refugees…
Immigrants account for three-fifths of Nashville population growth…
Seattle mayor offers plan for ‘Sharia-compliant’ housing rules…
IBM hiring brings Muslims to Vermont…
Immigration. [News] “Puerto Rico Influx Strains Some Areas.” Wall Street Journal, 7-21-15. P.A2 [“…Puerto Rico’s deepening financial crisis has accelerated an exodus of residents to the U.S. mainland, straining communities on the receiving end…”]
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 7-18-15: >>
Muslim immigration to USA doubles in decade after 9/11…
127,000 student visas given to youth from Muslim nations in one year…
FED: Immigration flood taking jobs from American teens…
Immigration: Drudgereport.com 7-27-15 >>
Illegals outnumber unemployed in USA…
1/5th Nation of El Salvador Living Inside USA…
MS-13 Gang in Land of Colonial Williamsburg…
More green cards issued in year than entire population of original 13 colonies…
CARLY: ‘We don’t know who comes into country’…
VIDEO: Illegals jump off boat, run ashore during Miami fashion shoot…
Exodus from Puerto Rico could upend FL vote…
- Immigration: Drudgereport.com 7-28-15: >>
Immigration ‘surge’ continues, 30,000 expected…
UN demands ’empathy’ over enforcement…
VIDEO: Illegals jump off boat, run ashore during Miami fashion shoot…
- Immigration. Drudgereport.com: 7-30-15. >>
BORDER BATTLE: Feds give amnesty papers to 664,607 illegals…
Less than 1% of applicants interviewed in person…
Cuban migrants land in upscale Keys town…
- Immigration. Drudgereport.com 8-4-15: >>
Buffalo, NY has resettled nearly 10,000…
Arabic top language for refugees inside USA…
- Immigration. Drudgereport.com. 8-5-15 >>
- Zuckerberg group predicts ‘influx of Latino and Asian American voters’ could doom Republicans…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com. 8-7-15 : >>
- Drudgereport.com 8-13-15: >>
- Drudgereport.com 8-13-15: >>
ND to receive hundreds of refugees from Bhutan, Iraq, Somalia and Congo…
- [News] Drudgereport.com 8-24-15: >>
BORDER BATTLE: REPORT: FACEBOOK bars posts showing immigrants taking jobs from Americans…
Germany Shames EU for Failure to Shoulder Refugee Surge…
Merkel Blasts Anti-Immigration Riots…
- Immigration. Drudgereport.com 8-25-15 >>
Chicago schools struggle to support 66,000 non-English speaking students…
Fraud cases mount against Somali-run daycare centers in MN…
Christian man allegedly killed by 3 Muslim immigrants in Maine…
Immigration. 9-2-15 Drudgereport.com >>
Des Moines public schools now majority-minority…
1 in 4 in Houston born in foreign country…
MORE THAN HALF OF IMMIGRANTS ON WELFARE… = http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/09/01/immigrant-welfare-use-report/71517072/
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 9-7-15 >>
DISNEY Worker Details How Company Replaces Americans With Cheap Foreigners…
News. USA / Europe, refugees. Refugee Organizations Call For U.S. To Take In 100,000 Syrians 9-8-16
Immigration. Refugees. News. Drudgereport.com 9-9-15: >>
Kerry says USA committed to taking more Syrian refugees…
Immigration. Migrants / Refugees. Drudgereport.com 9-9-15: >>
China: USA must accept more Syrians; We’ll take zero…
GALLUP: 2 in 3 Hispanics Oppose Increased Immigration…
Immigration. Migrants / Refugees. “U.S. to Take In More Syrians.” Wall Street Journal, 9-11-15 p. A1 [“The U.S. is preparing to admit at least 10,000 Syrian refugees in the next year…”]
Migrants / Refugees. Drudgereport.com 9-15-15: >>
SCHLAFLY: Europe didn’t take Central America’s migrants, we shouldn’t take Middle East!
Migrants / Refugees. Drudgereport.com 9-16-15: >>
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 9-17-15: >>
White House Push For Immigrants to Become Citizens
LA TIMES: ‘Political effect clear’
Texas migrants seek birth certificates for their children…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 9-21-15: >>
PAPER: Four out of five migrants are NOT from Syria: EU figures expose the ‘lie’…
Immigrants. Drudgereport.com 10-2-15 >>
Jobs Up ONLY For IMMIGRANTS; Down 262,000 For ‘Native-Borns’…
Immigrants. Drudgereport.com 10-6-15 >>
Record 63.2 million non-English speaking residents…
Feds deport fewest immigrants in decade…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 10-21-15 >>
Freedom Caucus Doesn’t Issue Formal Endorsement…
PEW: 93% of Republican voters oppose him on immigration…
Even more endorsements from Dems…
Massive new surge of illegals at border;
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 11-4-15 >>
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 11-14-15 >>>
Muslims on track to exceed Jewish population in USA…
Obama moves to ‘increase and accelerate’ admission of Syrian refugees…
SCHLAFLY: Immigration is biggest fight for America…
NUMBER OF BORDER CROSSERS DOUBLES! STEYN: The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 11-15-15 >>>
Resettlement resistance in USA…
‘Risk to our community far too great’…
GOODWIN: Time for Obama to make a choice: Lead or resign…
Immigration. Syrian Refugees. Drudgereport.com 11-16-15 >>>
Obama hopes for 100,000 per year…
MAP: Where Refugees Resettled in USA…
FLASHBACK: Immigration Union: ‘no doubt’ foreign terrorists entering…
Rand Paul charge: Rubio voted against refugee screening…
MAG: PC Refusal to Name ‘Radical Islam’…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 11-18-15 >>>
TX POLL: Immigration greatest threat to USA…
Law Allows Cuban Migrants To Collect Food Stamps, Medicaid…
Cashing welfare checks for Island vacations…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 11-23-15. >>>
Michigan’s immigrant population reaches 636,569…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 1-6-16
Surge of children named ‘Mohammed’ in USA…
Hidden workforce of 100,000 foreigners quietly imported to USA…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 1-13-16 >>>>
580 students speak 42 languages at NY high school…
Immigration Drudgereport.com 2-8-16. >>>>
U.S. schools ‘flooded with foreign students’…
Immigration Drudgereport.com 2-8-16. >>>>
U.S. schools ‘flooded with foreign students’…
Immigration Drudgereport.com 2-11-16. >>>>
75% of Silicon Valley’s tech workers foreign-born…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 3-12-16 >>>
Feds give $300K to MN Somali groups to keep youth from joining ISIS…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 3-20-16
Number of refugees coming to MI set to climb… 5,000 this year!
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 3-21-16
Migrants. “Refugee Welcome Sign Shines in Utah.” Wall Street Journal, 3-28-16, p. A3. Table: “Seeking Shelter: Number of refugees admitted to the U.S. among the top 10 countries for fiscal year 2015.”
Migrants: Syrian refugees resettling in U.S., Teresa Welsh Nov. 20, 2015, at 5:32 p.m.
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 5-24-16
State Department sets new single-day record for Syrian refugee approvals: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/may/24/state-department-sets-single-day-record-for-Syrian/
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 6-8-16 <<<<<
Feds spend $20,000 to settle EACH refugee…
Eligible for cash welfare, Medicaid, food stamps…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 6-16-16 >>>>
441 Syrian Refugees Admitted to USA Since Orlando Attack…
White House sees SURGE in coming months…
Iraqi Man Clutching Koran Harasses Diners At TX IHOP…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 7-13-16 >>>
Settlement of Syrian Refugees in USA Accelerates…
Immigrants. Drudgereport.com 9-21-16 >>>
Texas withdrawing from refugee resettlement program…
Tiny GA Town Receives More Syrians Than LA, NYC — COMBINED…
Immigants. Drudgereport.com 10-4-16
CENSUS: Record 42.4 Million Immigrants…
23% of School Children, Muslims BIGGEST Jump…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 10-23-16 >>>
UN plan for unlimited migration…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 10-26-16 >>>>>
Immigrant Rights Protesters Shut Down George Washington Bridge… Drivers Rage…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 11-1-2016 >>>>>>>
Syrian Refugees to USA +675%… 99% Muslims…
ISIS Mag Urges ‘Lone-Wolf’ Attacks in West…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 11-28-16
Complained about lack of Muslim prayer rooms…
ISIS Calls for Random Knife Attacks…
43,000 Somali refugees settled in USA under Obama…
Immigrants. Drudgereport.com 12-14-16
Record number of Somalis entering America as refugees…
Immigrants. Drudgereport.com 12-29-16
Every 33 seconds immigrant added to USA… California DMV licensed 800,000…
Immigration Drudgereport.com 2-22-17
Over 100 student languages in Iowa school district…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 3-8-17
In Referendum on Refugees, VT Mayor Loses Reelection…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 3-9-17
STARBUCKS Schultz refugee comments sour customer views of chain…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 3-29-17
Census: Immigration to bust 100-year record, continue surging…
Immigration. “The Immigration Dodge.” [Everyone pays lip service to limits; few explain which ones.” Wall Street Journal, 3-25-17. P. C1
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 4-1-17
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 5-13-17
Second Round of Somalis Deported from USA…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 5-24-17
Whistleblower: Obama knowingly let in MS-13 gang…
Trump moves to deport…
Immigration. Drudgereport.com 1-2-18
Congress heads toward showdown over ‘Dreamers’…
Demand for Border Wall Splits Republicans…
ICE Chief: Criminal Charges for ‘Sanctuary’ Politicians…
Billionaire-Funded Canadian Initiative Prepared the Way for ‘Public-Private Partnerships’ that Will Help Pay for Biden’s 2021 Refugee Surge. 2-13-21
Campaign Consideration
Talking Points
President Barack Obama’s Nov. 21 amnesty puts millions of illegals on a fast-track to citizenship, Utah Sen. Mike Lee announced Thursday.
- Immigration, 1-27-15 DrudgeReport.com headlines:
Admin continues to release border-crossers, prompting fears of another surge…
Related Topics
NB: See “Children – illegals on this site
Refugees. 9-2-15 Drudgereport.com:
700 out of every 1,000 UN refugees are resettled in USA… =
12-10-22 “Migrant Surge Overwhelms El Paso.” WSJ, p. A3
Jan. 2014 “An Immigration Crisis Beyond Imagining.” Hillsdale College’s Imprimis Vol. 53, #1. By Todd Bensman.
“…Border Patrol has had to handle more than 7.6 million border crossers in 36 months…”
Imprimis@hilldale.edu, 800-437-2268