Opinion Headlines
- Coal industry. “Memo to Anti-Coal Warriors: Make Nuclear Peace” by Wm. Tucker 7-1-14
- Coal, Obama: “Pushing Back Against Obama’s War on Coal […dozen states filed suit…] 8-4-14
- Coal. LTE. “On the Unseemly Rush to Bury Coal as an Energy Source” 8-18-14
- Coal. LTE. “ Let’s Face It, Coal Has Had Its Day.” 8-12-14
- Coal. “Washington’s ‘Beyond Coal’ Blackout.” [Michael Bloomberg’s campaign left little spare electric capacity.] 4-13-15
- Coal. “The Dirty Secret of Obama’s Carbon Plan.” By Warner Baxter. [Taking one-third of U.S. coal-fired power plants off the grid by 2020 simply isn’t workable. Workable. Here’s why.] 4-13-15
- Coal. “Blackout Tale of Po.” [Debating Mike Bloomberg on a coal plant shutdown.] 4-18-15
- Coal. LTE. “Lack of a Coal-Fired Plant Doesn’t explain the Blackout.” 4-18-15
- Coal. “Clinton’s Coal Reparations.” [First put miners out of work. Then put them on the taxpayer dime.] 11-14-15.
- Coal. Obama. “Obama’s Appalachian Tragedy.” By Paul H. Tice. [The president’s anti-coal policies have devastated West Virginia. Since 2009, 332 mines have closed.] 12-1-15
- Coal. LTE. “Ohio Power Contest and the New vs. the Old.” 11-25-15
- Coal. LTE. “Market and Ideology Hurt Older Coal Mines.” 12-8-15
- Coal. LTE. “The Decline of Old King Coal Is Long Overdue.” 1-20-16
- Coal. “Obama’s Coal Last Rites.” [A new lease moratorium targets profitable Western coal country.] 1-23-16
- Coal. LTE. “The President’s Coal Policy Follows Precedent, Is Smart.” (by Bill Corcoran, Sierra Club) 2-1-16
- Coal. LTE. “There Is a Big Free-Market Demand for Coal.” 2-5-16
- Coal. LTE. “Coal or No, Our Waterways Are Infrastructure.” 2-19-16
- Coal. “Reviving America’s Obama-Devastated Coal Country.” By Julia Crigler and Jason Huffman. [With thousands pushed into unemployment, right-to-work laws can help Kentucky and West Virginia make a comeback.] 2-25-16
- Coal. “Hillary’s Appalachian Trial.” [She tries to mollify the coal miners she said she’d put out of work.] 5-4-16
- Coal. “To California’s Insurance Regulator, Green is Job One.” By Holman W Jenkins, Jr. [Aiming for higher office, Dave Jones misuses his authority to ban insurer’s coal investments.] 6-11-16
- Coal. LTE. “Feds Winning Their War on Coal, at a Cost.” 9-21-16
- Coal. “Coal in Trump’s Stocking.” [A last-minute Obama regulation sets Donald up for a big win.] 12-21-16
- Coal. “Coal Makes a Comeback.” [Trump’s policies and exports to Europe are helping the industry.] 8-17-17
- Coal. “The Serfs of Appalachia.” (Bookshelf by Beth Macy) “Ramp Hollow.” By Steven Stoll. [The author’s culprits for the plight of coal-country residents include local politicians, absentee landlords and Alexander Hamilton. 12-21-17
- Coal. “Trump’s Half=-Measures Won’t Save the Coal Industry.” [The EPA is granting more power to states, but most already have committed to quitting fossil fuels.] 9-17-18
Issue Headlines
Coal. Drudgereport.com 4-13-16 Largest U.S. coal company files for bankruptcy…
Campaign Consideration
Talking Points