Elections II (from 12-31-21)


  1. Elections.  “No Facebook Funding for Elections.”  By Tarren Bragdon and Joe Horvath.  [Mark Zuckerberg donated $400 million to districts that mostly elect Democrats.]   12-31-21
  2. Elections.  “So You Want to Run for the Senate?”  by Merrie Spaeth.  [Good luck.  Here are some questions you should ask yourself.]   12-31-21
  3. Elections.  “The End of the GOP Gerrymander Panic.”  [Republicans may not be the 2022 redistricting favorites after all.]   1-3-22
  4. Elections.  “Millennials Are the Silencing Generations.”  By F.H. Buckley.  [“OK millennial, you don’t care for us baby boomers…”]   1-3-22
  5. Elections.  “Zuckerbucks Shouldn’t Pay for Elections.”  [It fans mistrust to let private donors fund official voting duties.]  1-4-22
  6. Elections II.  “Overturning the Next Election.’  [If the concern is stealing the Presidency, fix the Electoral Count Act. ]  1-5-22
  7. Elections II. “About Those 300 Stolen Ballots….”  [This guy wasn’t aiming at election fraud, but that’s small comfort.]   1-6-22
  8. Elections. II.  “Manchin-Adams in 2024?”  by Daniel Henninger.  [New York’s mayor says he’s the party’s future.  If he succeeds, he just might be that.]  1-6-22
  9. Elections II.  “Why I’m Seeking a Third Senate Term.”  by Ron Johnson.  [I’d like to retire, but I think the country is in too much peril.]  1-10-22
  10. Elections.  “Are You With Biden, or Jefferson Davis?”  [The President’s speech on voting rights is divorced from reality.]  1-12-22
  11. Elections.  “Hillary Clinton’s 2024 Comeback.”  By Douglas E. Schoen and Andrew Stein.  [Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have become unpopular.  It may be time for a change candidate.]   1-12-22
  12. Elections.  “Biden’s Georgia Election-Law Distortions.”  By Karl Rove.  [He says he’ll ‘defend our democracy’ from election laws that are fairer than New York’s.]  1-13-22
  13. Elections.  “Who You Calling ‘Dastardly,’ Mr. Schumer?”  [Another story about Georgia voting proves too good to check.]  1-15-22
  14. Elections.  “Cashiering the Debate Commission.”  1-18-22
  15. Elections.  “The Election ‘Subversion’ Hunt.”  [GOP legislatures aren’t moving to overrule their states popular vote.]  1-19–22
  16. Elections.  “Biden, Trump and ‘Illegitimate’ Elections.”  [What’s worse than a President who claims elections are a sham?  Two Presidents.]   1-21-22
  17. Elections.  “The Best Summary of the 2020 Election.”  [Rules were bent, GOP voters defected, and real fraud hasn’t turned up.]  1-26-22
  18. Elections.  “Biden’s Voting Panic Didn’t Move Georgia.”  1-28-22
  19. Elections.  “The Progressive Plot To Turn Arizona Red.”  By Ty Strong.  [Mark Kelly is vulnerable to a Republican challenge this year, and Kyrsten Sinema to a primary in 2024.]   1-28-22
  20. Elections.  “Politics and the ‘Great Confinement.’”  By Arthur Herman.  [As in 1932, the electorate is in the mood to punish the party in power for its general incompetence.]   1-31-22
  21. Elections.  “New York’s Democratic Jerrymander.”  [Democrats draw a map that gives them an edge in 85% of House seats.]   2-2-22
  22. Elections.  Racial Gerrymanders in the Dock.”  [Does the law command proportional representation by race?]  2-9-22
  23. Elections.  “Who Can Throw Madison Cawthorn Out?”  by Derek T. Muller.  [Only his constituents or two-thirds of the House.  A state election-board action would be unconstitutional.]   2-14-22
  24. Elections.  “Democrats Deserve to Lose.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [A midterm political fix won’t repair the damage progressives have done to the U.S.]   2-24-22
  25. Elections.  “Will Democrats Throw It All Away in 2024?”  by Elaine Kamarck and Wm. A. Galston.   [If they don’t broaden their appeal to swing voters, they’ll end up relying on Republicans to save democracy from Trump.]   2-26-22
  26. Elections.  “The GOP Mayor of McAllen Represents the Changing Face of Texas.”  By Tunku Varadarajan.  [Republicans like Javier Villalobos increasingly appeal to Hispanics in the Rio Grande Valley.]   2-26-22
  27. Elections.  “Biden and the State of the Midterms.”  By Karl Rove.   [His rather mediocre speech won’t help his party win back voters’ trust or drive turnout.]   3-3-22
  28. Elections.  “Why I’m Defying Beltway Cowardice.”  By Rick Scott.  [Republicans don’t deserve to govern unless we’re willing to take on the real problems America faces.]   3-4-22
  29. Elections.  “Buying Votes With Gas Tax Rebates.”  [First raise gas taxes.  Then promise ‘relief’ with a one-time check.]   3-18-22
  30. Elections.  “Midterm Strategy Pulls Democrats Apart.”  [Running on their record is a no-go, yet the progressives want to double down.]   3-24-22
  31. Elections.  “Nixon’s Example of Sanity in Washington.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [In 1961, a ‘stop the steal’ movement might well have been justified.  He did the right thing and conceded.]   4-2-22
  32. Elections.  “Trump’s Two-Month Primary Test.”  By Karl Rove.  [The GOP contests running until the end of May will help show if he still has appeal.]  4-7-22
  33. Elections.  “Hillary Clinton’s Odd 2022 Midterm Counsel.”  By Karl Rove.  [Focus on the party’s national record, she and Obama advise.  It’s an unpopular one.]  4-14-22
  34. Elections.  “Democrats’ Risky Keystone Bet.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Their Pennsylvania Senate frontrunner is like Bernie Sanders, but more belligerent.]   4-15-22
  35. Elections.  “Tennessee’s Residency Racket Gets Foiled.”   4-15-22Elections.  “Fainting Over Presidential Debates.” [The GOP won’t defer any more to Beltway Brahmins.  Good.]  4-19-22
  36. Elections.  “Voter Drive: What’s Biden Hiding?’  by Tarren Bragdon and Stewart Whitson.  [Mobilizing the federal government to encourage registration may sound benign.  Far from it.]   4-20-22
  37. Elections.  “Please, Democrats, Follow Warren’s Plan.”  By Karl Rove. [She recommends pushing a slate of left-wing priorities ahead of the midterms.]   4-21-22
  38. Elections.  “How to Avert a 2024 Election Disaster in 2023.”  By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman.  [With a clear decision in a redistricting case, the Supreme Court can head off dangerous litigation.]   4-25-22
  39. Elections.  “How Badly Will the Democrats Lose?  By Karl Rove.  [A long list of variables will determine if it’s more of a freeway pileup or Krakatoa.]  4-28-22
  40. Elections.  “New York’s Gerrymander Gets Whacked.  [A Democratic plan to pick up four House seats is voided by the courts.]   4-28-22
  41. Elections.  “The Republican Plot to Lose Wisconsin.”  [The 2022 election is approaching, but the GOP won’t give up 2020.]   5-2-22
  42. Elections.  “Vance’s Victory Isn’t Big Win for Trump.”  By Karl Rove.  [The ex-president’s pick barely won his primary, showing the risks of endorsement.]   5-5-22
  43. Elections.  “Democrats’ 2022 Playbook:  Falsehoods and Fear.”  By Gerard Baker.  [Will an act of judicial sabotage provoke another summer of rage like the one that helped elect Biden?]   5-10-22
  44. Elections.  “The Mastriano Pileup in Pennsylvania.”  [A fractured GOP might give the Democrats four more years as Governor.]  5-12-22
  45. Elections.  “Congress Can Prevent Another Jan. 6 Crisis.”  By tom Daschle and Trent Lott.  [Both parties agree on the need to reform the Electoral Count Act.]   5-16-22
  46. Elections.  “Ted Cruz, the Supreme Court and $10,000.”  [The Justices strike down a cap on campaigns that repay personal loans.]   5-17-22
  47. Elections.  “The Search for a Sober Populism Will Continue After Pennsylvania.”  By Gerard Baker.  [The GOP has a winning political formula – if only it can find a leader who seems reasonable.]   5-17-22
  48. Elections.  “Polarized Parties at the Primary Polls.”  By Karl Rove.  [Tuesday’s results showed Democrats and Republicans have similar schisms.]   5-19-22
  49. Elections.  “The Democrats Get Their Man.”  [The Pennsylvania GOP nominates Mastriano, a long shot in November.]   5-19-22
  50. Elections.  “The Limits of ‘Stop the Steal.’”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is likely to win big next week, despite Trump’s vendetta.]   5-20-22
  51. Elections.  “Welcome to Stop the Steal, 2022.”  [Trump urges Oz to claim victory, with thousands of votes uncounted.]   5-20-22
  52. Elections.  “Who Rigged the Census?”  [Under-counts may have cost Florida and Texas another House seat.]   5-21-22
  53. Elections.  “Keep Georgia Honest and Principled.”  By Larry Hogan,  [Gov. Brian Kemp is running against a pair of election deniers.]   5-24-22
  54. Elections.  “How Oregon’s Joe Manhin Lost His Primary.”  By Dave Seminara.  [A left-winger seems to have defeated one of the last Blue Dogs]   5-25-22
  55. Elections.  “How’s Afraid of New York’s New Map?”  [A judge and a special master defend their revised House districts.]   5-25-22
  56. Elections.  “Illinois Has a Deal They can’t Refuse.” [Democrats are forcing gas stations to help in their re-election.  The stations are suing.]   5-25-22
  57. Elections.  “How to Win Without Trump – or Biden.”  By Karl Rove. [Kemp showed how to rise above a president who’s dragging you and the party down.]  5-26-22
  58. Elections.  “Beto O’Rourke Goes for Broke.”   5-26-22
  59. Elections.  “Will Trump Help to Elect Stacey Abrams?”  5-26-22
  60. Elections.  “The Wisconsin GOP’s Latest Meltdown.”  [Why do Republicans seem so determined to lose in November?]   5-28-22
  61. Elections.  “The Supreme Court’s Mail-Ballot Mulligan.”  [The Justices could send a message to judges on rewriting election law.]   6-3-22
  62. Elections.  “Beto’s Classless Uvalde Political Calculation.”  By Karl Rove.  [He tried to exploit the mass shooting to get attention and raise campaign donations.]  6-9-22
  63. Elections.   “Crime and Punishment in California.”  [Voters on the Left Coast send a loud message to progressives.]  6-9-22
  64. Elections.  “Dr. Oz Refuses Trump’s Prescription.”  6-11-22
  65. Elections.  “The Republican Who Flipped South Texas.”  [Maya Flores was born in Mexico and married a Border Patrol agent.]   6-16-22
  66. Elections.  “The Myth of Ideological Polarization.”  By Verlan Lewis and Hyrum Lewis.  [‘Left’ and ‘right’ are illusory categories.  What we’re really experiencing is tribal hostility.]  6-18-22
  67. Elections.  “Trump Voters Need a New Direction.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [He might have been the only Republican who could beat Hillary in 2016.  But he’s a sure loser in 2024.]   6-18-22
  68. Elections.  “Voters Elected the Jan. 6 Donald Trump.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Remember in 2016 when many said he was the wrecking ball the country needed?]   6-18-22
  69. Elections.  “Eric Greitens Outdoes Himself.”   [The GOP Senate candidate is the great Democratic hope.]   6-22-22
  70. Elections.  “The Locked Down Voter’s Revenge.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [Wrecking the complex private economy isn’t easy.  Government Covid policies did it.]   6-23-22
  71. Elections.   “Gavin Newsom’s Street Money.”  [Sacramento is sending out checks in time for Election Day.]   6-28-22
  72. Elections.  “Biden’s Six-Misstep 2022 Midterm Strategy.”  By Karl Rove. [From denial to blame shifting, his political tactics have put his party in a bad spot.]   7-7-22
  73. Elections.  “Will Abortion Save the Democrats?”  [A new poll says 75% of women favor laws that Roe deemed illegal.]   7-8-22
  74. Elections.  “Wisconsin Drop Boxes Are Illegal.”  [A state Supreme Court vindicates the rule of law – but not Trump.]   7-9-22
  75. Elections.  “Trump and the Midterms.”  [Democrats want him front and center, and the former President agrees.]   7-12-22
  76. Elections.  “Voter Registration Shows Democrats’ Peril.”  By Karl Rove. [GOP numbers have improved markedly in several 2022 midterm battleground states.]   7-14-22
  77. Elections.  “CPI Doesn’t Capture the True Cost of Living in Trump Country.”  By Gene Ludwig and Diana Dayoub.  [Expenses have risen much faster for low- and middle- income families in the countries he carried.]   7-16-22
  78. Elections.  “More Pennsylvania Election Follies.”  [‘Zuckerbucks’ are banned but other bad voting rules remain.]   7-18-22
  79. Elections.  “The Only thing That can Re-Elect Joe Biden Is Donald Trump.”  By Jason L. Riley.  [The incumbent sinks in all the polls – except the one that asks about a rematch with his predecessor.]   7-20-22
  80. Elections.  “George Soros’s Conservative Renaissance.”  By Karl Rove.  [Leftist prosecutors prevailed at the ballot box but ae now stirring a revolt.]   7-21-22
  81. Elections.  “Ill Democratic Omens in Education Polls.”  By Corey DeAngelis.  [A surprising new survey by a teacher’s union finds that voters favor Republicans on the issue of schools/.]   7-23-22
  82. Elections.  “In Maryland, Democrats Traduce Democracy.”  By Larry Hogan.  [They joined Trump in backing a fringe GOP nominee in the race to succeed me.]   7-25-22
  83. Elections.  “Democrats Campaign for the Trump Guy.”  [They’re still helping 2020 election challengers win GOP primaries.]  7-27-22
  84. Elections.  “Ranked-Choice Voting Makes a Joke of Alaska Politics.”   By Sarah Montalbano.  [Santa Claus isn’t coming to Congress, but that’s the only good result from this electoral experiment.  7-30-22
  85. Elections.  “Marc Elias’s curious Idea of ‘Democracy.’”  By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Jason Snead.  [Democratic lawyers seek to hijack elections via state judges.  The Supreme Court has a chance to stop them.]   8-2-22
  86. Elections.  “I Don’t Donate to Politicians, but I Wil to Liz Cheney.”  By Joseph Epstein.  [Her principled stance against Trump, despite the political risks, deserves admiration.]   8-6-22
  87. Elections.  “Trump’s Nominees and the Senate.”  [It should be a great GOP year, but the candidates he backed are struggling.]   8-8-22
  88. Elections. “The Houdini’s of Carried Interest.”  [Democrats run against the industry but spare it in the end.]   8-8-22
  89. Elections.  “The Republican Victory Isn’t Assured.”  [Tuesday’s primaries showed signs of possible trouble in November.]  8-11-22
  90. Elections.  “The Midterms Are Far From Over.”  By Mark Penn.  [The key voters are the 18% who disapprove of Biden but still plan to vote for congressional Democrats.]   8-12-22
  91. Elections.  “How Low Can Gutter Politics Go?”  by Herschel Walker.  Bill Kristol’s Republican Accountability Project tries to stigmatize me for my past mental illness.] 8-13-22
  92. Elections.  “Wisconsin’s 2020 Snipe Hut Is Over.”  [Mike Gableman didn’t find mass fraud, and the focus now is November.]   8-16-22
  93. Elections.  “Hopeful Midterm Signs for Democrats.”  By Wm. Galston.  [Inflation, abortion and bad Republican choices may limit the expected losses.]  8-17-22
  94. Elections.  “The Trump-Biden Codependency.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [The Mar-a-Lago raid is one of many DOJ probes hanging over the 2024 election.]  8-17-22
  95. Elections.  “Toe to Toe With Eric Holder.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Republicans, with an eye on redistricting, play catch-up I state high court elections.]   8-19-22
  96. Elections.  “Citizens United Bought …Nothing?”  8-19-22
  97. Elections.  “Don’t Count Out Crime as a 2022 Midterm Issue.”  By Douglas Schoen and Andrew Stein.  [Cashless bail, ‘defund the police’ and unsafe streets add up to danger at the polls for Democrats.]  8-19-22
  98. Elections.  “Better Call Mitch.”  [Trump’s nominees turn to the Minority Leader to save their campaigns. ]  8-22-22
  99. Elections. “Nadler Wins in East Germany.”  By Daniel Henninger. [New York City is a socialist one-party state, where crime ravages minorities.]   8-25-22
  100. Elections.  “Why the Democratic Majority Never Emerged.”  (The Weekend Interview with Ruy Teixeira by James Taranto.)  [A coalition with working-class voters turned out to be more than woke college grads were able to endure.]   8-27-22
  101. Elections.  “Charlie Crist Goes All In for Teachers Unions.”  By Corey DeAngelis.  [He chooses the head of United Teachers o Dade as running mate.]   8-29-22
  102. Elections.  “Trump vs. DeSantis Endorsements.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [Both have helped long shots in primaries.  We’ll see who does better in November.]   8-30-22
  103. Elections.  “How Abortion Could Upend Michigan.”  [An initiative to codify Roe is close to qualifying for the November ballot.]   8-31-22
  104. Elections.  “Republicans Should Stand for More Than Opposing Democrats.”  By Joseph Epstein.  [They need to develop specific policies and programs in time for the 2024 presidential election.]   8-31-22
  105. Elections.  “Speaking of ‘Semi-Fascism.’”  By Daniel Henninger.  [The two parties are far apart on policy substance, making voter choices stark.]   9-1-22
  106. Elections.  “Be Skeptical of the Democratic Comeback.”  By Karl Rove.  [A few developments have broken in their favor, but they still face huge challenges.]  9-1-22
  107. Elections.  “Who Lost Alaska, Palin or Ranked Choice?”  [Democrat Mary Peltola wins in a red state under a new voting system.]   9-2-22
  108. Elections.  “Joe Biden Holds a Trump Rally.”   [The President has become his foe’s mirror polarizing image.]   9-3-22
  109. Elections.  “A Law-and-Order Leader for Oregon.”  By Larry Hogan.  [As governor, Christine Drazan would fully fund state police.]   9-6-22
  110. Elections.  “Will PA Get a Fetterman – OZ Debate?”   9-7-22
  111. Elections.  “Democrats Were the First Election Deniers.”  By Karl Rove. [In 2005, 31 members of the House objected to certifying Ohio’s Republican electors.]   9-8-22
  112. Elections.  “Disqualified for Jan. 6?” [“…as politicians use courts, rather than elections, to defeat their opponents…”]   9-8-22
  113. Elections.  “The Midterm Power of Parents.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Amid a teacher strike, Washington’ Sen. Patty Murray is ahead by a mere 3 points.]   9-9-22
  114. Elections.  “Democrats for MAGA Republicans.”  [“New Hampshire…Democrats want to manipulate inattentive Republicans…”]   9-10-22
  115. Elections.  “I Wasn’t Never trump – but I Sy Not Again.”  By Dave Seminara.  [By staying in the spotlight, he makes it hard to hold Biden and the Democrats to account for their mess.]   9-12-22
  116. Elections.  “The 2022 Voting Is Already Beginning.”   9-13-22
  117. Elections.  “Abortion, Polling and Other Republican Midterm Troubles.”  By Jason L. Riley.  [With weak candidates and awkward pro-life rhetoric, the party worries about it prospects for November.]  9-14-22
  118. Elections.  “How Republicans Might Lose Alaska Again.”  [New ranked-choice data say Gegich beats Peltola, but Palin won’t quit.]   9-15-22
  119. Elections.  “Peter Thiel, Losing Arizona.”  By Kimberley A.. Strassel.  [He and Donald Trump helped Blake masters get the nomination.  Where are they now?]   9-16-22
  120. Elections.  “Can trump Follow Cleveland’s Footsteps?”  by Troy Senik.  [He’s the only man to lose re-election then win the presidency.]   9-16-22
  121. Elections.  “The Real Midterm Election Stakes.”  [Will voters put a check on the ambition of the Democratic left?  9-19-22
  122. Elections.  “The DeSantis-Newsom Debates.”  [They might not be Lincoln-Douglas, but they’d still be instructive.]   9-19-22
  123. Elections.  “We Have a Bill to Help Prevent Another Jan. 6 Attack.”  By Liz Cheney and Zoe Lofgren.  [It’s past time to reform the Electoral Count Act to make clear Congress can’t overturn an election result.]   9-19-22
  124. Elections.  “Liz Cheney’s Bill to Stop a Jan. 6 Repeat.”  [There’s no excuse for the delay in fixing the Electoral Count Act.]   9-21-22
  125. Elections.  “The Real DeSantis Divide.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [The governor has noted a historic shift that no political outrage will change.]   9-22-22
  126. Elections.  “Newsom’s 2024 Climate Platform.”  [Blackouts? No worries, mate, California is ‘just getting started.’”]   9-21-22
  127. Elections.  “How Not to Beat Trump.”  By Wm.  McGurn.   [Too many want to pronounce him unfit, but it’s Republican voters who’ll decide.]  9-27-22
  128. Elections.  “Malpass’s Lesson for GOP Candidates.”  By Steve Milloy.  [How to deflect gotcha questions about climate orthodoxy.]   9-27-22
  129. Elections.  “Colorado’s Race to the Rhetorical Middle.”  By Faith Bottum.  [Sen. Michael Bennet and GOP challenger Joe O’Dea reflect each other like fun-house mirrors.]  9-27-22
  130. Elections.  “If Politics Is a ‘Joke,’ Voters Get It.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [The public is forced to learn the symbolism of Trump and democratic hoaxes.  9-28-22
  131. Elections.  “How Big Will the GOP House Majority Be?”  by Karl Rove.  [After a head start in 2020, Republicans will likely win most of this year’s close races.]  9-29-22
  132. Elections.  “Corporate Dirty Pool in Seattle.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Patty Murray’s rival gets nastygrams from Starbucks, the Times and the Seahawks.]   9-30-22
  133. Elections.  “Biden, DeSantis and the Politics of Hurricanes.”  By Tevi Troy.  [A storm like Ian crates opportunities and risks and can upend the electoral landscape.]   9-30-22
  134. Elections.  “A Hurricane Test for the ‘Florida Model.’”  By Meme Ukueberuwa.  [There’s more to DeSantis’s record than Covid and culture wars.  He’s also emphasized economic freedom and school choice.]   10-1-22
  135. Elections.  “MAGA Is to Woke As Errol Flynn Is to Henry Fonda.”  By Lance Morrow.  [Watch ‘Captain Blood’ and ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ and ask yourself which movie speaks to your heart.]   10-1-22
  136. Elections.  “The Racial Redistricting of Alabama.”  By James Piereson.  [The Supreme Court has a chance to reaffirm the colorblind ideals behind the Voting Rights Act.]   10-4-22
  137. Elections.  “Stacey Abrams Loses Again – This Time in Court.”  By Brian Kemp.  [A federal judge rejects her fanciful claims of a stolen 2018 election and ‘Jim Crow 2.0’ suppression.]   10-5-22
  138. Elections.  “Will the Senate turn Red in November?”  by Karl Rove.  [The GOP is defending more seats, but races are tuning in their favor.  Stay tuned.]   10-6-22
  139. Elections.  “Alaska’s Senate Nail-Biter.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [A Republican is sure to win, but the state’s new voting system keeps it suspenseful.]   10-7-22
  140. Elections.  “Why Herschel Walker Shouldn’t Have Run.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [The accusation that stings isn’t about abortion or even hypocrisy.  It’s that he abandoned his children.]   10-8-22
  141. Elections.  “An Asian-American Debate.”  by Wm. McGurn.  [Ying Ma wants politicians to declare themselves on racial preferences.]   10-11-22
  142. Elections.  “Yet Another Populist Conservative Surprise.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [Bolsonaro’s strong performance shows polls can’t measure politicians like him.]  10-12-22Elections.  “Pelosi Tries to Smile Through November.”  By Karl Rove.  [Any president’s party struggles in the first midterms.  This year it looks especially grim.]   10-13-22
  143. Elections.  “Inflation and the Election.”  [The main legacy of this Congress is a decline in living standards.]   10-14-22
  144. Elections.  “Peculiarities Abound in Georgia’s Elections.”  By Barton Swaim.  [The elections denier running for governor is a Democrat.  So is the Baptish minister seeking a full senate term, whose GOP challenger is black.]    10-14-22
  145. Elections.  “Abortion vs. rime in a Pennsylvania Nail-Biter.”  By Menee Ukueberuwa.  [John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz emphasize wedge issues.  Meanwhile, a moderate Democrat is the heavy favorite in the governor’s race.]  10-15-22
  146. Elections.  “Oregon’s Crime Wave Gives the GOP a Chance.”  By Faith Bottum.  [The Democrat’s war on themselves may produce a Republican governor for the first time since 1982.]   10-18-22
  147. Elections.  “What if the 2022 Midterm Falls in the Forest But nobody Hears?”  by Gerard  Baker.  [Stubborn leaders may not adjust, like Obama, or simply insist the election was stolen, like Trump.]   10-18-22
  148. Elections.  “Brian Kemp Shows Republicans How to Shake Off Donald Trump.”  By Jason L. Riley.  [The Georgia governor has a wide lead in the polls despite having infuriated the former president.]   10-19-22
  149. Elections.  “Lanhee Chen May Invigorate the ‘Slightly Alive’ California GOP.”  By Allysia Finley.  [He seeks to become state controller – and the first Republican elected statewide since 2006.]   10-19-22
  150. Elections.  “Democrats Are in Trouble With Hispanics.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [Trump did better in 2020 than 2016, and polls suggest that trend will continue.]   10-19-22
  151. Elections.  “The Biggest Midterm Issue:  Chaos.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [Biden turned left, so Democrats now own the social disruption their policies cause.]   10-20-22
  152. Elections.  “Democrats Run for the Memory Hole.”  By Karl Rove.  [An elephant never forgets.  Republicans want to make sure the voters don’t either.]   10-20-22
  153. Elections.  “Another Democrat Flips on School Choice.”  By Corey DeAngelis.  [Illinois Gov. Pritzker backs a scholarship program he promised he would eliminate.]   10-20-22
  154. Elections.  “Biden’s Oil Price Machinations.”  [The President is depleting U.S. reserves for political reasons.]   10-20-22
  155. Elections.  “Lee Zeldin Sneaks Up on Kathy Hochul.”  [Could New York elect a Republican Governor?  It’s again thinkable.]   10-20-22
  156. Elections.  “Hispanics Like What the GOP is Selling.”  By Phil Gramm and John Early.  [The message of work and opportunity appeals to this disproportionately middle-class minority.]   10-20-22
  157. Elections.  “The ‘Jim Crow 2.0’ Lie.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Democrats insisted that Georgia made it hard to vote.  Nobody told Georgia voters.]   10-21-22
  158. Elections.  “Midterm Elections First, Rail Strike Later.”  [The labor deal Biden struck looks more like a convenient delay.]   10-21-22
  159. Elections.  “In Arizona, a Wave Rises From a Lake.”  By Kenneth L. Khachigian.  [She’s wining by following Reagan’s admonition to lift ‘a banner of bold colors, no pale pastels.’]   10-21-22
  160. Elections.  “Will Hispanics Turn Nevada Republican?”  [The state is looking like a bellwether again.  That’s bad news for Democrats who won in 2016 and 2018.]   10-22-22
  161. Elections.  “President Rumpelstiltskin.”  [The White House tries to spin economic straw into political gold.]   10-22-22
  162. Elections.  “Tim Ryan’s ‘Moderate’ Con.”  By Wm.  McGurn.  [Sightings of these Democrats are frequent but, like the yeti, evidence is thin.]   10-25-22
  163. Elections.  “Kathy Hochol Is No Crime Fighter.”  [She’s scared straight by Lee Zeldin, but too late to change her record.]  10-25-22
  164. Elections.  “October Surprise:  John Fetterman.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [The Senate candidate withheld information from voters.  The GOP is likely to win now.]  10-27-22
  165. Elections.  “Biden’s Losing Message for Democrats.”  By Karl Rove.  [He boasts about the economy an declares that abortion is his top priority.]   10-27-22
  166. Elections.  “Citizenship Is Essential to Voting.”  By Bradley A. Smith.  [Two states consider enshrining that idea in their constitutions.]   10-27-22
  167. Elections.  “Why Democrats Are Losing.”  [With Trump out of the spotlight, voters are focusing on how far left the party has turned.]   10-27-22
  168. Elections.  “The ‘Ranked Choice’ Scam.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Alaskans know the truth about this confusing, coercive voting system.]    10-28-22
  169. Elections.  “A Time for Choosing for Republicans.” [Nearly six decades later, the GOP is divided and Ronald Reagan’s famous speech still resonates.]   10-28-22
  170. Elections.  “Naval Officers Fae Off at 2022 Midterms’ Ground Zero.”  By Kate Bachelder Odell.  [Jen Kiggans takes on Rep. Elaine Luria in a Virginia district where everyone has ties to the military.]    10-29-22
  171. Elections.  “Targeting Campaign Donors in Arizona.”    11-1-22
  172. Elections.  “Lee Zeldin Visits Kathy Hochul Country.”  By Tunku Varadarajan.  [In a Democratic town north of Buffalo, the Republican draws an enthusiastic crowd.   11-1-22
  173. Elections.  “In the Midterms, Democrats Occupy the Left Bank of Denial.”  By Gerard Baker .[From inflation to crime, they refuse to acknowledge the problems they helped create.  Voters are noticing.]   11-1-22
  174. Elections.  “Elect the GOP to Keep IRS Auditors From Knocking on Your Door.”  By John Thune.  [Under Biden, the agency is bent on squeezing more revenue without oversight or accountability.]   11-1-22
  175. Elections.  “The Feds Don’t Want You Betting on Elections.”  By Donald Luskin.  [Regulators shut down an online market for futures contracts related to political outcomes.]  11-2-22
  176. Elections.  “Bring On the Non-Drama Election.” By Kimberley a. Strassel.  [The sky is falling! Our democracy may not make I to Wednesday! Yeah, but gas man.]   11-4-22
  177. Elections.  “An Upset May Be Brewing in New Hampshire.:  by Andrew Cline.  [In Don Boldue, Democrats got the Senate opponent they wanted.  Maggie Hassan my pay the price.]  11-4-22
  178. Elections.  “Utah’s Senate Race Gets Personal.”  By Faith Bottum.  [Trump is the main issue that divides Sen. Mike Lee and Evan McMullin, his challenger.  The campaign is unsurprisingly nasty.]   11-5-22
  179. Elections.  “A Red Wave Could Reach Southern California.”  By Allysia Finley.  [Katie Porter and other Democrats lose their grip on Asian-American and Hispanic voters.]   11-5-22
  180. Elections.  “Trump Misses the Pa. Voting Problem.” [His claim of unverified mail votes is flimsy.  But beware of undated ones.]   11-5-22
  181. Elections.  “Crime Doesn’t Pay for Democrats.”  [A poll shows the party is out of touch with black voters on the key issue.]   11-5-22
  182. Elections.  “Your Duty Is to take Voting Seriously.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [If you don’t care, admit it to yourself, try to become a better citizen, and cast a ballot next time.]   11-5-22
  183. Elections.  “GOP Outsiders Dominate 2022 Midterms.”  By Gregg Opelka.  [Almost no Republicans in competitive Senate races have ever held office.]  11-7-22
  184. Elections.  “Jared Polis, a Democrat for Lower Taxes.”  By Ben Murrey.  [Colorado’s governor backs a second ballot initiative to cut taxes.]   11-8-22
  185. Elections.  “The 2022 Midterm Election Endangers Democrats, Not Democracy.”  By Gerard Baker.  [The party is in the grip of an ideology that believes the entire constitutional construct is illegitimate.]  11-8-22
  186. Elections.  “Midterms Might Reveal a New Electorate.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [The Democrats will likely continue to lose support among black and Hispanic voters.]  11-9-22
  187. Elections.  “Trump’s $89 Million Debt to McConnell.”  [J.D. Vance and Mehmet Oz needed millions in GOP establishment aid.]   11-9-22
  188. Elections.  “Democrats Pay a Political price for Going Easy on Crime.” By Jason L. Riley.  [But they’re slow to learn.  Illinois is about to adopt some of the same policies that failed elsewhere.]   11-9-22
  189. Elections.  “The Trump Liability.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [If the ex-president announces he’s running again, the 2024 election is over.]   11-10-22
  190. Elections.  “With No Red Wave, Trump Is Out at Sea.”  By Karl Rove.  [Republicans had a simple problem:  Too many nominees were nuts or knuckleheads.]  11-10-22
  191. Elections.  “The GOP’s Midterm Failure.”  [The party wasted an opportunity, but at least we may get gridlock.]   11-10-22
  192. Elections.  “DeSantis’s Victory Chant:  ‘Two More years!’”  by Dave Seminara.  [Re-elected in a landslide, the Florida governor looks like something Trump no longer is – a winner.]   11-10-22
  193. Elections.  “This Week’s Red ‘Waves.’”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Republicans did well in places where they showed leadership and competence.]   11-11-22
  194. Elections.  “The School-Choice Election Wave.”  By Corey DeAngelis.  [Even Democrats are adapting to new political realities.]   11-11-22
  195. Elections.  “It Takes Too Long to Count Votes.”  ‘Control of Congress is still a mystery, thanks to late mail ballots.]   11-11-22
  196. Elections.  “For the Left, ‘Election Denial’ Is Like Hindsight –  always 2020.”  By Barton Swaim.   [The New York Times gives a free pass to Democrats’ false claims from 2000, 2004, 2016 and 2018.]   11-11-22
  197. Elections.  “The Republican Wipeout in Michigan.”   11-12-22
  198. Elections.  “Maybe Republicans Will Finally Learn.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [If they aren’t serious about policy, they’ll nominate Trump in 2024 and lose a fourth straight election.]  11-12-22
  199. Elections.  “The GOP’s Lost Independents.”  [Masters, Bolduc and Oz, among others, turned off swing voters.]   11-14-22
  200. Elections.  “An Unflashy Number Two.”  (Bookshelf by Barton Swaim.  “So Help Me God.”  By Mike Pence.)  “This memoir may reasonably be taken as Pence’s de facto presidential announcement.  He has two problems as a contender in 2024.]   11-15-22
  201. Elections.  “Why Georgia Still Matters.”   11-15-22
  202. Elections.  “Democrats Can’t Count on Trump in 2024.”  By Ruy Teixeira.  [They’re in trouble if GOP voters respond to the midterms by wising up and shunning his craziness.]   11-14-22
  203. Elections.  “The Blue-State Exodus Helps Democratic Governors Win.”  By Allysia Finley.  [Voter migration during the pandemic helped turned turn Florid red – and made liberal states more liberal.”   11-14-22
  204. Elections.  “Biden’s Agenda vs. Trump’s Obsession:  Voters Split on the Lesser Evil.”  By Gerard Baker.  [Republicans are likely to take back the House though it’s close enough that we still aren’t sure.]   11-15-22
  205. Elections.  “The Post-Midterm Scramble Begins.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [The emergence of strong governors as potential national leaders is good news.]   11-16-22
  206. Elections.  “Kari Lake’s Loss Destroys ‘Stop the Steal.”  [GOP  candidates took the Trump line on 2020, and it cost them.]   11-16-22
  207. Elections.  “When GOP Gains Lag the Popular Vote.”  [Is this a crisis of democracy?  That’s what Democrats always say.]   11-16-22
  208. Elections.  “Minority Support for the GOP Crept Up Again in the Midterms.”  By Jason L. Riley.  [Democrats boost appeals to racial resentment as their ethnic base continues its gradual erosion.]   11-16-22
  209. Elections.  “How DeSantis Helped Turn the House Republican.”  By Wm . Mattox.  [The Legislature tried racial gerrymandering.  He vetoed it out of principle, and it ended up paying off.]   11-17-22
  210. Elections.  “The GOP’s Wake-Up Election.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [If it wasn’t clear before, it is now:  Trump victories aren’t inevitable.]   11-18-22
  211. Elections.  “Trump or Biden?  How About Neither?”  by Mark Penn and Andrew Stein.  [Walking away  from the presidency is like giving up the car keys because you’re too old to drive safely.]   11-18-22
  212. Elections.  “Brian Kemp is GOP’s Best Bet for 2024.” By Scott Westcott.  11-22-22
  213. Elections.  “How Independents Dampened the Red Wave.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [American politics would improve if both parties courted swing voters more directly.]   11-23-22
  214. Elections.  “Josh Hawley’s 2022 Election Folly.”  By Karl Rove.  [His analysis is refuted by the voting evidence, and most of his favorites lost.]   11-25-22
  215. Elections.  “D.C.’s New Voters: Aliens and Diplomats.”  [Congress can stop a bill to let noncitizens vote for mayor.]  11-25-22
  216. Elections.  “Hershel Walker Can Become the Republicans’ Defensive MVP. “ By Heather r. Higgins.  [A 51st Democratic Senate seat would make the party a lot more powerful than an evenly split chamber.]   11-25-22
  217. Elections.  “New York Democrats Help Republicans to a House Majority.”  By Tunku Varadarajan.  [Lawmakers in Albany got too greedy in redistricting, prompting an intervention by the states’ high court.]   11-26-22
  218. Elections.  “We Need A Break From the Permanent Election Frenzy.”  By Joseph Epstein.  [A dispiriting midterm cycle has only just finished and the 2024 presidential race has already started.]   11-28-22
  219. Elections.  “The Ex-President Influencing Georgia’s Senate Runoff Isn’t Trump.”  By Mene Ukueberuwa. [Barak Obama is rallying Democrats for Raphael Warnock. Herschel Walker lacks comparable help.]   12-3-22
  220. Elections.  “Kari Lake is the New Stacey Abrams.”  [If the election was a ‘sham,’ how did other Republicans win?]   12-3-22
  221. Elections.  “Who Defines a State’s ‘Legislature’?”  by Steven G. Catabresi.  [Whether state judges can review election laws is up to the state constitution, no the federal courts.]   12-6-22
  222. Elections.  “Is Biden’s ‘Greatness’ an Excuse for Trump?”  by Gerard Baker.  [In trying to explain the GOP’s midterm showing, Newt Gingrich sounds like chief of  staff Ron Klain.]   12-6-22
  223. Elections.  “The Supreme Court’s Elections Opening.”  [Moore V. Harper is about democracy, but not in the way critics claim.]   12-7-22
  224. Elections.  “Judges Aren’t Part of the ‘Legislature.’”  By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman.  [The Constitution is clear:  The Power to govern federal elections belongs to state lawmakers.]    12-7-22
  225. Elections.  “A Bipartisan Schedule For Presidential Primaries.”  By Michael Segal.    12-7-22
  226. Elections.  “Georgia Runoff Warnings for Both Parties.]   By Karl Rove.  [Republicans don’t keep getting seduced by Trump.  Democrats, don’t get cocky.]  12-8-22
  227. Elections.  “’Jim Crow 2.0’ Dies Again in Georgia.”  [Hershel Walker’s loss is Donald Trump’s final 2022 gift to the GOP.]   12-8-22
  228. Elections.  “The GOP’s Lost Vote Harvest.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Republican leaders begin to see the folly of ignoring early and mail in-voting.]   12-9-22
  229. Elections.  “How to Calm Election Law Before 2024.”  [More harping on Moore v. Harper, as the Justices jockey in oral argument.]  12-9-22
  230. Elections.  “How Often Can Raphael Warnock Email Me?”  by T.R. Reid.  [His fundraisers keep flooding my inbox, even after the runoff.]   12-14–22
  231. Elections.  “SBF’s Dirty Political Donations.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [FTX’s chief spent big on contributions.  The recipients have some explaining to do.]   12-16-22
  232. Elections.  “A Judicial Coup in North Carolina.”  [Four Democratic Justices again reveal their partisanship.]   12-19-22
  233. Elections.  “Raphael Warnock, Election Denier.”  By Brad Raffenspeger.  [Victory hasn’t stopped him from leveling false charges that Georgia is engaged in ‘voter suppression.’]   12-19-22
  234. Elections.  “Electoral Count Act Reform, at Last.”  [But Senators duck responsibility without a stand-alone vote.]   12-21-23
  235. Elections.  “OK, Boomers, Let Go of the Presidency.”  By Karl Rove.  [For the good of the country, both parties should elevate the younger generation.]   12-22-23
  236. Elections.  “Spare Us a Trump – Biden Rematch.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [The president is likelier than his predecessor to be nominated, but could he be persuaded to bow out?]  12-24-22
  237. Elections.  “Does Twitter Disinformation Even Work?”  [A study of Russian trolls finds they accomplished zip in the 2016 election.]   1-12-23
  238. Elections.  “How’s Afraid of Mitch Daniels.?”  [The Club for Growth tries to deny Hoosiers a choice of candidates.]   1-19-23
  239. Elections.  “Trump Is the GOP’s Albatross.”  By Karl Rove.  “Republicans who want to win will need to find a way around the former president.]  2-2-23
  240. Elections.  “Our Political Parties Are Struggling.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [The Democrats need normality; the Republicans need coherence.  They both need to pull themselves out of the 20th century.]   2-4-23
  241. Elections.  “Rigging the Primaries for Biden.”  2-6-23
  242. Elections.  “New York vs. Florida, by the Numbers.”  (With graphic: “A tale of Two States.).   2-10-23
  243. Elections.  “Will a Democrat Challenge Joe?”  by Wm.  McGurn.  [If the party doesn’t want Biden to run, it needs a candidate who can beat him.]   2-14-23
  244. Elections.  “Nikki Haley’s ‘Great Day.’”   2-15-23
  245. Elections.  “Why I’m Running for President.” By Vivek Ramaswamy.  [America has lost sight of the ideals that made it great – freedom and merit foremost among them.]  2-22-23
  246. Elections.  “Nikki Haley Tries to Run without Challenging Trump.”  By Jason L. Riley.  [‘I don’t kick sideways,’ she says, declining to say how she differs from the former president on the issues.]   2-22-23
  247. Elections.  “Why South Texas Hispanics Are Going GOP.”  By Karl Rove.  [New polling suggests Democrats are out of touch on immigration and the economy.]   2-23-23
  248. Elections.  “Ramaswamy Reaches for the White House.”  [The entrepreneur wants Americans to believe in their principles again.]   2-23-23
  249. Elections.  “The Reagan Revolution Was Built on Compromise.]   by Phil Gramm.  [Some GOP lawmakers have forgotten that politics is about what’s possible, not what’s perfect.]  2-23-23
  250. Elections. “Wisconsin’s Judicial Donnybrook.”  [The Democrat is all but saying how she’d vote on cases.]   2-27-23
  251. Elections.  “Who Will Save Chicago?”  [Vallas vs. Johnson is a contrast between revival and further decline.]   3-2-23
  252. Elections.   “DeSantis vs. Trump Pits Accomplishments Against Narrative.”  By Gerard Baker.  [The ex-president portrays himself as the people’s hero, but the governor as a stronger record.]   3-7-23
  253. Elections. “Pink Slips for the Tort Bar.”  “Two Republican AGs are ending contracts with plaintiff firms.]   3-8-23
  254. Elections.  “Joe Manchin for President?”  by Daniel Henninger.  [If Donald trump and Joe Biden are the nominees, someone else is going to get in.]   3-9-23
  255. Elections. “The GOP’s 2024 Senate Opportunities.”  By Karl Rove.  [The party needs strong candidates and fundraising to take advantage of them.]   3-9-23
  256. Elections.  “The Lockdown Files Reveal More About Voters Than Politicians.” By Joseph C. Sternberg.  [Britain’s government tried to ‘scare the pants off everyone’ – but Britons were eager to be scared.]   3-10-23
  257. Elections.  “The Search for a Republican Message.”  (The Weekend Interview with David McCormick by Barton Swaim.)  [Can a former hedge-fund CEO formulate an agenda hat attracts blue-collar voters in a purple state?]   3-11-23
  258. Elections.  “Trump’s Third-Party Play.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [If he loses the GOP nomination, he could make life miserable for Republicans.]  3-14-23
  259. Elections.  “Mike Pence Takes the First Swing at Donald trump.”  By Jason L. Riley.  [GOP hopefuls have largely ignored the former president, but to ensure victory they must attack.]   3-15-23
  260. Elections.  “How to Stop 2024 From Looking Like 2016.”  By Karl Rove.  [Here’s a schedule for lagging presidential candidates to drop out of the race.]   3-16-23
  261. Elections.  “Democrats Fear the Truth About Biden.”  By Julian Epstein.  [A re-election run is a manifestly bad idea, but members of his party are too cowardly to admit it.]  3-16-23
  262. Elections.  [April 4 Chicago].  “The Chicago Teachers Power Play.” [“…If Mr. Johnson wins, government unions will continue to run the city…”]   3-20-23
  263. Elections.  “A Big Donor, Nancy Pelosi and the FCC.”  [Follow the timing of campaign cash, a letter, and an agency decision.]   3-22-23
  264. Elections.  “Dominion’s Weak Case Against Fox.”  By William P. Barr.  [Victory for the plaintiff would severely weaken the constitutional protection all news media enjoy.]   3-24-23
  265. Elections.  “Democrats Seek the House via Wisconsin’s Supreme Court.”  By Collin Levy.  [A Protasiewiez win would touch off a redistricting fight that could determine control of Congress.]   3-25-23
  266. Elections.  “Let DeSantis Fight Trump Before Putin.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Zelensky is battling for Bakhmut.  The Florida governor is battling for the nomination.]   3-25-23
  267. Elections.  “White House Disorder:  Do Voters Care?”  by Tevi Troy.  [DeSantis attempts an unusual line of attack against Trump.]   3-27-23
  268. Elections.  “Wisconsin’s Supreme Court Stakes.”  [“…Judge Protasiewicz …would bring clear and disqualifying political bias to the bench.”]  3-29-23
  269. Elections.  “Chicago May Elect a Sensible Mayor.”  By Jason L. Riley.  [Paul Vallas and Brandon Johnson are Democrats, but that’s where the similarity ends.]   3-29-23
  270. Elections.  “DeSantis Defeats Trump on Torts.”  [The Florida Governor beats the trial bar and its Mar-a-Lago ally.]  4-1-23
  271. Elections.  “Pro-Biden Prosecutorial Discretion.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Voters see the right to shape the 2024 field being taken out of their hands.]   4-5-23
  272. Elections.  “The Left Wins Big in Midwest Elections.”  [The GOP’s decline ion Wisconsin’s suburbs is a warning for 2024.]  4-6-23
  273. Elections.  “Wisconsin Votes for Work With Welfare.”  [A look down the ballot shows support for a conservative priority.]   4-7-23
  274. Elections.  “You Can’t Throw the Bums Out if You’ve Voted With Your Feet.”  By Allysia Finley.  [Brandon Johnson’s victory in Chicago shows the city has lost the political base for sensible reforms.]   4-10-23
  275. Elections.  “Trump’s Enemies Need Him.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [He brings them a sense of purpose  – not to mention ratings and in some cases money.]   4-11-23
  276. Elections.  “Odd Times Call for Unconventional Wisdom.”  By Karl Rove.  [If the obvious were always true, Hillary Clinton would have won in 2008 and 2016.]   4-13-23
  277. Elections.  “DeSantis Aims at the Fed.”  [The governor tees up the central bank’s failures as a potential campaign issue.]   4-14-23
  278. Elections.  “U.S. Voters Want Limited Government.”  By Judge Glock.  [Contrary to common belief, economic policy is an electoral strength for the Republican Party.]   4-14-23
  279. Elections.  “DeSantis’s Gamble on Abortion.”  [A Florida ban after six weeks will echo through the 2024 campaign.]   4-17-23
  280. Elections.  “A Tar Heel Supreme Court Switcheroo.”  [Justices elected last year flip the court on voter ID and gerrymandering.]   4-29-23
  281. Elections.  “Biden vs. Trump in 2024?  Don’t Be So Sure.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [Look at voter’s faces when you describe the match-up and you’’ realize they’re open to alternatives.]   4-29-23
  282. Elections.  “The Bright Side of Biden Vs. Trump.”  By Ira Stoll.  [Both of them claim to support ‘freedom.’  Even if they don’t, that’s a good sign about America.”   5-2-23
  283. Elections.  “Trump could Win if People Vote Their Pocketbooks.”  By Gerard Baker.  [Biden has a terrible record on spending, financial regulation and inflation.  Perhaps that still matters.]   5-2-23
  284. Elections.  “No Labels May Re-Elect Donald Trump.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [The centrist group’s candidate would take unenthusiastic voters away from Biden.]   5-3-23
  285. Elections.  “America Hits bottom with Trump and Biden.”  By Joseph Epstein.  [There was once a time when candidates for high office were expected at least to seem morally fit.]   5-3-23
  286. Elections.  “Will Trump Prove to Be Another Romney?”  by Karl rove.  [Biden seeks to follow Obama’s example from 2012, when he disqualified his rival.]   5-4-23
  287. Elections.  “The Trump 2024 Dilemma:  What Would Ben-Gurion do?’” by Ruth R. Wisse.  [He saw the need to help the British fight the Nazis while opposing the British occupation of Palestine.]   5-4-23
  288. Elections.  “Glenn Youngkin Isn’t Running, but He Could Change His Mind.”  By Gerard Baker.  [If Trump and DeSantis both stumble, don’t rule out a late entry by the Virginia governor.]  5-9-23
  289. Elections.  “Time Off to Early Vote?  Georgia Says Yes.”  [If this is what ‘voter suppression’ looks like, Biden should be for it.]   5-12-23
  290. Elections.  “The Biden-Trump Default Dependency.”  [They play a game of mutual assured destruction on debt.]  5-12-23
  291. Elections.  “If Biden Bows Out, How About Michelle Obama?”  by Douglas Schoen and Andrew Stein.  [Hillary Clinton’s political machine is formidable, but another first lady would be the strongest candidate.]  5-15-23
  292. Elections.  “The Case for an Older Voting Age.”  By Vivek Ramaswamy.   5-15-23
  293. Elections. “Durham and a Presidency in Crisis.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [The press covers its eyes about Joe Biden and helps re-elect Donald Trump.]   5-17-23
  294. Elections.  “More Election Warnings for the GOP.”  [Republicans keep losing the suburbs, and now two more big cities.]   5-18-23
  295. Elections.  “Tim Scott’s Pitch for American Revival.”   5-23-23
  296. Elections.  “’Unelectability’ Won’t Defeat Donald Trump.”  By Gerard Baker.  [For one thing, he won in 2016.  And his opponents look weak for not simply calling him unfit.]   5-23-23
  297. Elections.  “Biden, Trump and MAGA.”  by Daniel Henninger.  [The president has a dog whistle for Jan. 6.  The former president has the same whistle.]   5-25-23
  298. Elections.  “Tim Scott Is Up to the Primary Challenge.”  By Karl Rove.  [In a dark and angry era, can he persuade American voters to embrace optimism?]   5-25-23
  299. Elections.  “Tim Scott and the Politics of Forgiveness.”   By Lance Morrow.   [An upbeat candidacy of national reconciliation seems pitched to break the Trump-Biden statement.]   5-26-23
  300. Elections.  “McCarthy Meets ‘Die Hard 2.’”  By Daniel Heninger.  [The country is drifting right, and conservatives better no miss the turn.]   6-1-23
  301. Elections.  “The Trump-Cuomo Covid Bromance.”  [The once mortal enemies unite to distort Florida’s success.]   6-1-23
  302. Elections.  “2024 Candidates Run Against the Administrative State.”  By James Bacon.  [Trump, DeSantis and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recognize the need to reassert political control.]   6-1-23
  303. Elections.  “Chriss Sununu’s Bad-Good Advice.”   [The New Hampshire Governor won’t run for the GOP nomination.]  6-6-23
  304. Elections.  “Chris Christie’s 2024 Mission.  [Is it knocking out Donald Trump?  Or does he think he can win?]   6-6-23
  305. Elections.  “The Censorship Machine Is Running in 2024.”  By Jed Rubenfeld.  [LinkedIn and Instagram have already started suppressing disfavored presidential candidates.]  6-6-23
  306. Elections.  “Florida Turns right, Minnesota Turns Left.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [Unified governments seem to attack the deepest convictions of voters in the minority.]   6-7-23
  307. Elections.  “Can Mike Pence Win the Piazza Ranch?”  [Iowans will hear the VP reintroduce himself as a tested conservative.]   6-7-23
  308. Elections.  “North Dakota to the White House.”  By Doug Burgum.  [I’m running for president because America needs new leadership to unleash our people’s potential.]   6-7-23
  309. Elections.  “The Central Issue of Our Time.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [DeSantis, Pence, Haley, Scott, Christie (maybe Trump) are united on spending.]  6-8-23
  310. Elections.  “All That Red In the Middle.”  (Bookshelf by Barton Swaim.)   “The Overlooked Americans.”  By Elizabeth Currid-Halkett.  [A West Coast academic tries hard to ‘understand’ rural Americans.  Understanding her own progressivism would have helped.]   6-8-23
  311. Elections.  “Biden and Trump Could Both Lose.”  By Karl Rove.  “Early polls have often proved wrong; and both front-runners have big weaknesses.]  6-8-23
  312. Elections.  “A Strong Record Isn’t Enough.”  By Scott Walker.  6-8-23
  313. Elections.  “The GOP Gets to Harvesting.”  [After leaving ballots on the tale in 2022, the party finally warms to early voting.]   6-9-23
  314. Elections.  “Racial Gerrymandering by Court Order.”  [The Supreme Court says Alabama must create a second black district.]   6-9-23
  315. Elections.  “Democrats Can’t Count on Asian-American Voters.”  By Sadanand Dhume.  [Their support for the party is diminishing over crime, merit-based education and cultural radicalism.]   6-9-23
  316. Elections.  “Don’t Count a Third Party Out in 2024.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [If Biden and Trump are the nominees, who’s to say Americans won’t decide on another option?]   6-10-23
  317. Elections.  “Inflation Is Biden’s Election Headwind.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  He is touting an economic recovery while consumers see only rising prices.]   6-14-23
  318. Elections.  “Mike Pence Reads the Trump Indictment.”  [He ‘can’t defend’ the conduct but thinks the case is also political.]  6-14-23
  319. Elections.  “New York’s Unconstitutional Mail-Vote Bill.”  [Gov. Hochal should veto this out of respect for the electorate.]   6-21-23
  320. Elections.  “Democrats Fail to Live Up to Their Label.”  By Benjamin F. Chavis Jr.  [The president’s party goes to court to stop No Labels from offering a choice besides Trump and Biden.]   6-20-23
  321. Elections.  “Glenn Youngkin’s Opening in Virginia.”  [Tuesday’s primaries give the GOP a chance to retake Richmond.]   6-22-23
  322. Elections.  “Barreling Toward the 2024 Rapids.”  By Lance Morrow.  [The seemingly inevitable rematch between Trump and Biden has the country in a state of anxiety.]   6-30-23
  323. Elections.  “Who’s Afraid of a Third Party?”  [The left is attacking the group No Labels for wanting an alternative to a Biden-Trump redo.]   7-5-23
  324. Elections.  “Throw the Grumpy Old Men Out.”  By Karl Rove.  [The 2024 election is an opportunity for voters to force a generational change.]   7-6-23
  325. Elections.  “When Character Mattered in D.C.”  by Joseph Epstein.  [an insistence on decency in presidential candidates might be a start to restoring national political life to a respectable level.]  7-13-23
  326. Elections.  “No Labels Wil Make 2024 Even Worse.  By Wm. A. Galston.  [A third party run would give Trump the presidency without improving the debate.]   7-19-23
  327. Elections.  “’No Labels’ Equals Trump?”  by Wm. McGurn.”  [A third party calling itself an ‘insurance policy’ won’t exactly stir voter passions.]   7-18-23
  328. Elections.  “No Labels Should Worry Democrats.” By Karl Rove.  [There’s reason to think a Manchin-type candidate could lure critical Biden voters.]   7-20-23
  329. Elections.  “From Fargo, to Microsoft, to the White House?”  (The Weekend Interview with Doug Burgum by Kyle Peterson.)  [North Dakota’s governor on his 2024 presidential bid, the politics of energy, and why he prefers to stay out of the culture wars.]   7-22-23
  330. Elections.  “’2000 Mules’ But No Evidence.”  [True the Vote stiff-arms law enforcement as it faces a defamation case.]   7-24-23
  331. Elections.  “Donors, Don’t Fund a Trump Plurality.”  By Mitt Romney.  [As in 2016, Republican candidates won’t drop out soon enough.  Here’s how to give them a push.]  7-25-23
  332. Elections.  “Only Biden Can Elect Trump.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Hunter undermines his father’s re-election stratagem of prosecuting his rival.]   7-26-23
  333. Elections.  “Ranked Choice Was a Bad Choice.”  7-26-23
  334. Elections.  “The No Labels Threat to Trump.”  By Karl Rove.  [If the third party puts a conservative atop its ticket, it could lure Republican voters.]   7-27-23
  335. Elections.  “Alabama’s New Congressional Map Fits the Justices’ Ruling.”  [It’s the plaintiffs who are defiant.  The court never ordered the creation of a second black district.]   8-1-23
  336. Elections.  “Ramaswamy Dives Into Swamp Land.”  [Did the presidential candidate really say that about 9/11?]   8-3-23
  337. Elections.  “Judicial Ethics at Work in Wisconsin.”  [Will a new Justice recuse herself in a case she has prejudged?]  8-3-23
  338. Elections.  “Kubler-ross 2024:  The Five Stages of Trump vs. Biden.”  By Lance Morrow.  [I’m alternating between anger and bargaining, but I still hope we can avoid the need for acceptance.]   8-3-23
  339. Elections.  “The 2024 Election will Break New Ground.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [A former president, breakaway candidates and legal troubles have few precedents.]   8-9-23
  340. Elections.  “The Judicial Politicians of Wisconsin.”  [“…The court may soon hear challenges to the state’s legislative maps…]   8-9-23
  341. Elections.  “Trump Plays Hamlet Ahead of the Debate.”  By Karl Rove.  [Will he show up?  He’s being coy, and there are reasons not to, but my bet is that he does.]   8-10-23
  342. Elections.  Abortion.  “Ohio Is Another GOP Abortion Warning.”  [Democrats keep winning referendums, by a lot, even in red states.]   8-10-23
  343. Elections.  “Hall of Fame Tips for Presidential Candidates.”  By Merrie Spaeth.  [Retired NFL stars follow these three simple rules:  Keep it short, be relatable, and rehearse.]   8-10-23
  344. Elections.  “Free Ron DeSantis.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [What he needs isn’t a reset but a return to his winning message f September 2022.]   8-11-23
  345. Elections.  “Brian Kemp’s Election Reality Test.”  8-16-23
  346. Elections.  “Is Joe Biden Electable?”  by Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Democrats bet it all on a weak horse, sure that his opponent is even weaker.]   8-18-23
  347. Elections.  “Culling the Republican Herd.”  [The only way to give Trump a real challenge is to consolidate the field.]   8-18-23
  348. Elections.  “15 Ways to Win a Presidential Primary.”  By Andy Kessler.  [A candidate who can be Mr.. Fix It for obvious problems would get my vote.]   8-21-23
  349. Elections.  “Trump Ducks the GOP Debate.  [He thinks Republicans will nominate him again without a real contest.]     8-21-23
  350. Elections.  “The Plan to Boost GOP Primary Turnout.”  By Kyle Peterson.  [Americans for Prosperity hopes to block Trump and get better Senate nominees by getting out 10% to 15% mor Republican voters.]  8-21-23
  351. Elections.  “Donald trump, 2024 and the Reasoning Republican Voter.”  By Allysia Finley.   [The rational-choice theory of economics still applies to the GOP.  And Mr. Trump can be beaten.]   8-28-23
  352. Elections.  “The Stupid Party vs. the Evil Party.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [Voters don’t want either front-runner.  Only one party will offer an alternative.]   8-31-23
  353. Elections.  “Biden vs. Trump Is Bound to Be Close.”  By Wm.  A. Galston. [The country remains sharply divided, and both candidates have serious liabilities.]   9-6-23
  354. Elections.  “Trump vs. Biden:  the Nightmare Can Only Get Worse.”  By Gerard Baker.  [The president will be almost 82 by Election Day, and his predecessor may stand convicted of crimes.]   9-12-23
  355. Elections.  “Wisconsin’s Supreme Court Brawl.”  By Colli Levy.  [Lawmakers may impeach a justice who campaigned on the claim that their districts were ‘rigged.’]   9-18-23
  356. Elections.  “Why I Changed My Mind About Online ID.”  By Mark Weinstein.  [Verification on social media can prevent election interference.]   9-20-23
  357. Elections.  “Biden’s Trend Line Points Downward.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [Voters don’t miss Trump, but they miss 2019, and they worry about crime, immigration, and inflation.]   9-30-23
  358. Elections.  “Democrats Try to Knock Out No Labels.”  [They want to engineer a Biden-Trump rematch by killing an alternative.]   10-5-23
  359. Elections.   “The Biden-Trump ’Double Referendum.’” By Matt McDonald.  [The first presidential campaign sine 1892 with two ‘incumbents.’]   10-9-23
  360. Elections.  “Nikki Haley Can Beat Donald Trump.”  By Will Hurd.  [DeSantis isn’t up to the task, and it’s too late for a new entrant.]   10-10-23
  361. Elections.  “Race and Redistricting at the High Court.”   10-11-23
  362. Elections.  “Look Who’s Building a Borde Wall Now.”  By Jason L. Riley.  [Biden is starting to sound like Trump, but that will only play to the former president’s strength.]   10-11-23
  363. Elections.  “No Labels Won’t Help Trump.”   By Joe Lieberman.  [Our polling shows that a unity ticket would pull from both parties equally.]   10-13-23
  364. Elections. “Kari Lake Quits Stopping the Steal.”   [She’s running for Senate in 2024, but voters will recall her 2022 antics.]   10-14-23
  365. Elections.  “Biden Should Win the War, then Step Aside.”  By Garry Kasparov.  [Lloyd Austin would be a stronger candidate against Trump – are a reasonable Republican nominee.]   10-14-23
  366. Elections.  “What Duopoly Economics Tells Us About Politics.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Expect elections to be close and disputed and Trump to seem less of an innovator in this regard.]   10-14-23
  367. Elections.  “Israel Reboots the U.S. Election.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [The Hamas crisis is a sudden opportunity for Nikki Haley and Mike Pence.]   10-19-23
  368. Elections.  “Banning Zuckerbucks Isn’t About Trump.”   10-19-23
  369. Elections.  “DeSantis vs. Newsom on Violent Crime.”  [New FBI data shows a sharp divergence in their records on public safety.]   10-20-23
  370. Elections.  “$8.99 Cereal Could Rock the Globe.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [High prices in U.S. stores will play an outsize role in 2024’s presidential election.]   10-25-23
  371. Elections.  “Biden’s Ad Blitz Is a Sign of Weakness.”  By Karl Rove. [Since it started in April, the polls have him moving in one direction:  down.]   10-26-23
  372. Elections.  “Chasing the Bluegrass Blue Dog.”  By Faith Bottum.  [Daniel Cammeron seems like the perfect candidate.  Why is he trailing Kentucky’s Gov. Andy Beshear?  10-27-23
  373. Elections.  “I Backed Trump, but Now I’m for Haley.”  By Andrew Stein.  [She has experience in foreign policy and can appeal to independents and suburban voters.]   10-27-23
  374. Elections.  “Why Dean Phillips Is Taking On Joe Biden.”  [He fears the President could lose to Donald Trump, and he’s right.]  10-28-23
  375. Elections.  “How to Avoid a Presidential Succession Nightmare.  By Jean Parvin Bordewich and Roy E. Brownell II.  [The House speaker crisis calls attention to the potential for far worse political instability..]   10-28-23
  376. Elections.  “Biden’s Only Salvation:  A New Veep.”  By Holman W. Jenkins.  [A visibly aging president, doubled by voters, is a vacuum.  Barack Obama is ready to fill it.]  10-28-23
  377. Elections.  “Mike Pence Makes a Gracious Exit.”  [The former VP goes out as a politician who put his country first.]   10-30-23
  378. Elections.  “Mike Johnson and Dean Phillips Step Into History.”  By Gerard Baker.  [Had you heard of either a week ago?  Now one is speaker, and the other may upend the 2024 campaign.]   10-31-23
  379. Elections.  “Where’s Socrates When You Need Him?”  by Joseph Epstein.  [Cable-news panels with house dissidents are no longer enough.  America needs a true dialogue.]   10-31-23
  380. Elections.  “The Unrestrained 2024 Front Runners.”  By Karl Rove.  “Biden’s surrogates attack Dean Phillips, while Trump attacks practically everyone.]   11-2-23
  381. Elections.  “For Nikki Haley, Opportunity Knocks Again.”  By Baron Swaim.   [She has a knack for being in the right place at the right time – and, more important, for making the most of her good luck.]  11-4-23
  382. Elections.  “Why Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court Matters.”  [A judicial election with significance for 2024 voting and abortion.]  11-4-23
  383. Elections.  “Josh Hawley’s Unoriginal Constitution.”  [The Missouri Senator wants to rewrite the First Amendment.]   11-7-23
  384. Elections.  “Biden Has Plenty of Time to Bounce Back.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [Trump’s polling lead is probably real, but so was Mitt Romney’s in November 2011.]   11-8-23
  385. Elections.  “Voters Want Anyone but Trump or Biden.”  By Karl Rove.  [Neither looks good in the latest polls.  Both parties should consider alternatives.]   11-9-23
  386. Elections.  “Are Republicans Tired of All the Losing?”  [Another lousy Election Day shows the GOP has  a brand problem.]   11-9-23
  387. Elections.  “Nikki Haley’s 5-Inch Heels.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [She is what the GOP needs to take on Trump and Biden: a conviction politician.]   11-10-23
  388. Elections.  “Haley Stands Out on Foreign Policy.”  [Christie is also strong, but DeSantis hedges, and Ramaswamy goes 1930s isolationist.]   11-10-23
  389. Elections.  “Backing Israel Helps Biden in 2014.”  By Mark Penn.  [Swing voters back the Jewish state, and they are more important than young voters.]   11-10-23
  390. Elections.  “The DeSantis-Trump Social Security Punt.”  [They refuse to reform programs that everyone knows are unsustainable.]   11-10-23
  391. Elections.  “Older Americans Are Better Off Than Ever.”  By John F. Cogan and Daniel L. Heil.  [They invested for decades, are working longer and get bigger Social Security checks than past cohorts.]   11-10-23
  392. Elections.  “Why I Won’t Be Seeking Re-Election to the Senate.”  By Joe Manchin.  [both parties have ome under the domination of the extremes.  I want to find a better way.]   11-10-23
  393. Elections.  “Pittsburgh Voters Stop a Soros-Backed Prosecutor Candidate.”  By Maggie Hroncich.  [the Allegheny County district attorney lost the Democratic primary but also ran as a Republican.]  11-11-23
  394. Elections.  “The Joe Manchin Experience.”  [The Senator may have a third-party opening because Biden and Trump are so unpopular.]   11-11-23
  395. Elections.  “Kamala Harris Is Biden’s No. 2 Problem.”  By Peggy Noonan. [Meanwhile, Republicans need to winnow the field to Donald Trump, Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis.]  11-11-23
  396. Elections.  “How Bidenomics May Cot Biden the Youth Vote.”  By Allysia Finley.  [He’ll soon be 81, and it shows, but his economic policies have punished young people in particular.]   11-13-23
  397. Elections.  “Tim Scott Makes an Upbeat Exit.”   11-14-23
  398. Elections.  “Can Trump and Biden End the Two-Party System?”  by Gerard Baker.  [The likely nominees are implausible for different reasons.  Maybe they can both lose next November.]   11-14-23
  399. Elections.  “Tim Scott Proves Good Cheer Won’t Beat Donald Trump.”  By Jason L. Riley.  [Christie keeps hammering, while Haley and DeSantis hope his lead somehow fades.]   11-15-23
  400. Elections.  “Don’t Believe the Hype About Abortion.”  By Karl Rove.  [Its importance in last week’s elections for state office has been vastly overstated.]   11-16-23
  401. Elections.  “Conservative Donors Failed to Show Up in the 2023 Elections.”  By Nathan Benefield.  [The progressive left spent its way to big victories in Kentucky, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.]
  402. Elections.  “Nikki Haley’s Medicare Advantage.”  [A new study shows insurer competition reduces costs.]   11-24-23
  403. Elections.  “A Looming Judicial Coup in Wisconsin.”  [Will the state court order new elections for 132 lawmakers?]   11-25-23
  404. Elections.  “Collusion vs. Stop the Steal.”  By Holman W Jenkins.  Jr.  [When Americans say they don’t want Trump vs. Biden, listen to them.]  11-25-23
  405. Elections.  “A Mail-Vote Time Bomb Keeps Ticking.”  [Pennsylvania’s undated ballots might go to the Supreme Court – again.]   11-27-23
  406. Elections.  “Florida vs. California:  a Scorecard.”  [Here’s a cheat sheet to keep track of this week’s DeSantis-Newsom tilt.]  11-29-23
  407. Elections.  “Who’ll Get Trump Mano a Mano??  [Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis each pick up big endorsements.]   11-29-23
  408. Elections.  “American Jews Are Politically Homeless Again.”  By Joseph Epstein.  [The Democrats tolerate antisemitism, while the GOP tolerates Trump.  There’s nowhere to go.]   11-29-23
  409. Elections.  “Where Are the Pros in Biden’s Campaign?  By Karl Rove.  [It’s unclear that his relatively greenhorn team can even fix his failing 2020 strategy.]   11-30-23
  410. Elections.  “The Thrilla in Alpharetta.”  By Ste[hen Moore.  [Newsom vs. DeSantis is a genuine conflict of governing visions.]   11-30-23
  411. Elections.  “Many More voters With Guns.”  [Black households with firearms have gone up 17 points since 2019.]   11-30-23
  412. Elections.  “The Political Price of Protests.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [Democrats start to push back against public antisemitism.  It may be too late.]   12-7-23
  413. Elections.  “The Real Trump Risk for Republicans.”  [Haley and DeSantis are warning the GOP that a second term will fail.]  12-8-23
  414. Elections.  “Can a Strategy of Conviction’ Beat Trump?”  (The Weekend Interview with Nikki Haley by Kate Bachelder Odell.)  [The Republican challenger has charm, willpower and a clear sense of the big picture, though she can be fuzzy on policy details.]   12-9-23
  415. Elections.  “Never Trumpers Never Learn.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.   [Their ‘dictator’ talk only invites more incompetent election meddling in 2024 and beyond.]   12-9-23
  416. Elections.  ‘Trump as Dictator Is a Classic Case of Projection.”  By Allysia Finley.  [Biden and his supporters try to excuse and deflect attention from their own authoritarian actions.]   12-11-23
  417. Elections.  “Democrats’ Map-Making Coup.”  12-13-23
  418. Elections.  “Haley vs. Trump vs. Biden.”  [She beats the President by 17 in the latest WSJ poll.  Trump wins by 4.]   12-15-23
  419. Elections.  “The Folly of Colorado’s Trump Ban.”  [Four state judges deny voters an electoral choice without due process.]   12-21-23
  420. Elections.  “The Great U.S. Migration Continues.”  [The Census finds that the flight from blue states hasn’t stopped.]   12-23-23
  421. Elections.  “Wisconsin’s Judicial Gerrymander Coup.”  [Four progressive judges roll over precedent to toss legislative maps.]  12-26-23
  422. Elections.   “The Fed Won’t Try to Boost Biden.”  By Mickey D. Levy.  [The central bank has only once changed its policy to help elect a presidential candidate:  Nixon in 1972.]  12-26-23
  423. Elections.  “How Different Is Trump, Really?  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [When it comes to ‘norm violation,’ it’s still one man vs whole institutions.]   12-27-23
  424. Elections.  “Trump’s Fate and other 2024 Cliffhangers.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [Will inflation keep coming down?  Will Ukraine be lost?  Will Israel prevail in Gaza?]   12-27-23Elections.  “2023 Was a Wash, 2024 Could Be Historic.”  By Karl Rove.  [Taylor and Travis will get hitched, and the election will be a chaotic, nasty mess.]   12-28-23
  425. Elections.  “MAGA’s GOP Enemies List.”  [Don Jr. banishes Nikki Haley from the Trump coalition.]   12-28-23
  426. Elections.  “Worldwide, 2024 Elections Promise a Whirlwind.”  By Joseph C. Sternberg. [From a potential Trump-Biden rematch to Spain’s constitutional crisis, voters will decide a lot.]   12-29-23
  427. Elections.  “Maine Casts Is Ballot for Trump.”  [The secretary of state plays into the former President’s hands.]   12-30-23
  428. Elections.  “The Biden-Trump Crisis.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The constitutional ructions ahead re part of Joe Biden’s re-election strategy.]   1-3-24
  429. Elections.  “Trump vs. Woke:  Let the People Decide.”  By Lance Morrow.  [Both might be disqualified as a threat to democracy.  Leaving it up to the voters seems the only option.]   1-3-24
  430. Elections.  “Who’s Afraid of Nikki Haley?”  [Trump turns his attacks on the former Governor, who is rising in the polls.]   1-10-24


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Josh Hawley’s 2022 Election Folly

His analysis is refuted by the voting evidence, and most of his favorites lost.

By Karl Rove

Nov. 23, 2022 1:29 pm ET

A novel explanation for the GOP’s disappointing midterm comes from Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley. The problem, he writes, wasn’t candidate quality but substance: “The old Republican Party is dead.” Because too few candidates backed a Trumpian agenda of protectionism, less legal immigration, a crackdown on Big Tech and an end to tax cuts, “the red wave didn’t land.” Working people who support the Trump agenda “chose to stay home.”

The data don’t bear this out. There were 113.7 million votes cast for House candidates in 2018. Republicans got 51 million and Democrats 60.7 million. Though votes are still being counted in California, so far this year Republicans received 54 million votes to 50.5 million for Democrats. Democrats had an 8.6% margin over Republicans in 2018; Republicans have a 3.3% edge in 2022.

Mr. Hawley also argues that working-class voters “have little enthusiasm” for the GOP. Data don’t back up this claim, either. According to the Fox News Voter Analysis, white noncollege voters in 2018 were 40% of the turnout and broke 59% Republican, 39% Democrat. In 2022, their share of the turnout ticked up to 41% and the Republican advantage grew to 65% to 32%. It appears Democrats have bigger problems than the GOP does among working-class voters.

Yet Mr. Hawley has half a point: The election results do reflect a problem of substance, specifically the damage Republicans did with candidates who went full-on Trumpy. If they echoed the former president’s issues, tone and stolen-election claims, they often lost and in almost every case ran behind the rest of the Republican ticket.

Ohio’s Sen.-elect J.D. Vance won with more than 2.1 million votes, or 53%, a margin of almost 7 points. But Gov. Mike DeWine, a quintessential traditional Republican, won re-election with 63%, receiving 380,000 more votes than Mr. Vance and sweeping the onetime swing state by more than 25 points. Mr. Vance trailed the rest of the Buckeye Republican statewide ticket, each member of whom won with bigger margins. He received 286,000 fewer votes than the GOP’s attorney general candidate, 248,000 fewer than the Republican secretary of state, 201,000 fewer than the auditor hopeful and 194,000 fewer than the party’s treasurer nominee. All this despite Sen. Mitch McConnell’s super PAC spending $35 million to help Mr. Vance’s struggling campaign.

In the Arizona Senate race, one of Mr. Trump’s biggest acolytes, Blake Masters, lost by 126,000 votes, or 4.9%, the worst performance by a Grand Canyon State GOP Senate candidate in 34 years. The GOP’s secretary of state hopeful, Mark Finchem, who claimed the 2020 election was “stolen,” lost by 120,000 votes, or nearly 6%. The more traditional Republican nominee for state treasurer, Kimberly Yee, won 56% to 44%, receiving nearly 200,000 more votes than either Mr. Masters or Mr. Finchem.

New Hampshire’s Trumpian Senate nominee, Don Bolduc, lost by more than 9 points and nearly 57,000 votes, while the Trump-endorsed candidates for the state’s two congressional seats lost by a combined 61,000 votes, both running about 10 points behind the GOP’s expected performance in their districts. Republican Gov. Chris Sununu cruised to a 57% re-election, beating his Democrat opponent by nearly 95,000 votes and running ahead of Mr. Bolduc by 77,000 and the combined vote for the GOP’s two House candidates by almost 75,000.

Washington state’s Third Congressional District provides another example of the Trumpian problem. Propelled by Mr. Trump’s endorsement, veteran Joe Kent pushed aside incumbent GOP Rep. Jamie Herrera Beutler in the primary. But he then lost the general election by less than 1% while the GOP’s extraordinary Senate candidate, Tiffany Smiley, ran ahead of him by 3 to 6 points in every county in the district. Similarly, with Mr. Trump’s endorsement in Michigan’s Third District, John Gibbs took out incumbent GOP Rep. Peter Meijer in a district rated D+1, then lost in the general election by nearly 13 points.

There are dozens of other examples, but the point is obvious: The principal reason Republicans came up short was that just when Americans were ready to vote for them to check Democratic excesses, the GOP nominated too many radicals and weirdos. Mr. Hawley—who raised a clinched fist in solidarity with those who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021—may not see that, but voters did.

Mr. Rove helped organize the political-action committee American Crossroads and is author of “The Triumph of William McKinley” (Simon & Schuster, 2015).