Corruption – Institutional


[See file, here, “FBI,”  for earlier opinion/headlines]
  1. Corruption, D.C.  “Mueller Drains the Swamp.” By Daniel Henninger.  [The Manafort charges are an indictment of a Washington that disgusts Americans.]  11-2-17
  2. Corruption. “Hillary Clinton, the DNC and the Law.”  By Cleta Mitchell and Hans von Spakovsky.  [Did their arrangement violate legal limit on coordination between a candidate and a party?]  11-13-17
  3. Corruption. “Bonfire of the Prosecutors.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [Partisan animosities are pushing the US. Toward a significant political crisis.]  11-16-17
  4. Corruption. “The Menendez Mistrial.”  [The charges were thin against the Iran deal’s main Democratic critic.]  11-18-17
  5. Corruption. “The Flynn Information.”  [He pleads guilty to a charge the FBI once said it wouldn’t prosecute.]  12-2-17
  6. Corruption. “The Media’s Flynn-sanity.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Diplomacy after the election is not the same as collusion before the election.]  12-2-17
  7. Corruption. “Mueller’s Credibility Problem.”  [The special counsel is stonewalling Congress and protecting the FBI.]  12-5-17
  8. Corruption. “Let Mueller Keep Digging.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [The special counsel’s team raises questions about its own fairness and impartiality.]  12-12-17
  9. Corruption. “The FBI’s Trump ‘Insurance.’  [More troubling evidence of election meddling at the bureau.]  12-14-17
  10. Corruption. “Mueller should Ask for Help.”  By Holman w. Jenkins, Jr.  [The Russia special counsel should say frankly what he’s not investigating and what others should.]  12-16-17
  11. Corruption. “Secrets the FBI Shouldn’t Keep.”  By Kimberley a. Strassel.  (“…In the specific case of its 2016 election behavior, the FBI is misusing its secrecy powers to withhold information whose disclosure is in the public interest….”)  [ Sen Ron Johnson demands answers about the bureau’s political biases.]  12-15-17
  12. Corruption. “What We Know About the Trump Campaign’s Collusion with Russia.”  By Adam B. Schiff.  [Look at the public record.  Reality diverges sharply from the president’s vehement denials.]  12-19-17
  13. Corruption. “Obama’s Pass for Hezbollah”  [Charges that he killed a probe of the error group to get his Iran deal.]  12-21-17
  14. Corruption. “A Moment of Contempt.”  [Justice and the FBI continue to flout House subpoenas.]  1-3-18
  15. Corruption. “Fusion’s Russia Fog.”  [The Steele dossier hit men now claim to be political victims.]  1-4-18
  16. Corruption. “The Democrats’ ‘Russian Descent.’” By Kimberley Strassel. [Tactics in the Trump probe are starting to look a lot like McCarthyism.] 1-5-18
  17. Conspiracy. “The Russian Transparency Front. [A House committee is finally getting to see Steele dossier papers.] 1-9-18
  18. Corruption. “The Fusion Transparency Rap.” [Per Sen. Feinstein, let’s get the full FBI-Trump-Russia record out.] 1-11-18
  19. Corruption. “The Dossier Rehab Campaign.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Congress should work quickly to declassify documents and let the public decide.] 1-12-18
  20. Corruption. “Dossiers and Disinformation.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [How a former reporter helped a foreign national inject dubious allegations into the presidential race.] 1-13-18
  21. Corruption. “Wanted: An Honest FBI.” By Wm. McGurn. [The bureau’s handling of the Trump and Clinton probes dispirits a veteran.] 1-16-18
  22. Corruption. “Transparency for Fusion and the FBI.” [Democrats vote to keep documents secret but Congress will see them.] 1-19-18
  23. Corruption.  “The Curious Case of Adam Scheff.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [The one man in America uninterested in whether the Steele dossier is true or not.]  1-23-18
  24. Corruption.  “James Comey’s Ethics Class.”  [Some advice on questions to discuss and speakers to invite.]  1-23-18 (The College of William & Mary in Virginia announced last week that James Comey will teach a course on ‘ethical leadership”…)
  25. Corruption. “’Collusion,’ Then and Now.” by Ted Van Dyk. [The Trump-Russia conspiracists simply don’t understand how political campaigns work.] 1-25-18
  26. Corruption.   “Operation Sabotage the Memo.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [What are Adam Schiff, the Justice Department and FBI trying to hide?] 1-26-18
  27. Corruption. “Why It’s Hillary’s Emails Again.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.   1-27-18
  28. Corruption. “Fusion’s Russian Dirty Work.” [How the firm sought to discredit an anti-Kremlin activist.] 1-29-18
  29. Corruption. “The Steele Dossier Fits the Kremlin Playbook.” By Daniel Hoffman. [The likely objective was to undermine Republicans, Democrats – and American democracy.] 1-29-18
  30. Corruption. “Cleaning Up Comey’s FBI.” [Director Wray needs to restore the bureau’s fallen reputation.] 1-30-18
  31. Corruption. “What the FBI Fight Is About.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [ A reckoning is inevitable when electorate and elite are so out of sync.] 1-31-2018
  32. Corruption. “The House Memo, The FBI and FISA.” [Progressives suddenly don’t care about wiretap applications.] 1-31-2018
  33. Corruption. “An Unaccountable FBI.” [“The Federal Bureau of Investigation is making a last-ditch effort to block the release of a House Intelligence Committee memo detailing the bureau’s behavior during the 2016 election. This is all the more reason to let Americans see it…the FBI knows what’s in the memo because it has long known what the House committee was seeking to examine. For months it (FBI) refused to provide access to those documents until…faced a contempt of Congress vote… Perhaps this is what the FBI really doesn’t want the public to see, but Americans need to know if the country’s premier law enforcement agency abused its power to influence a presidential election.”] 2-1-18
  34. Corruption. “A Reckoning for the FBI.” [The House memo reveals disturbing facts about the misuse of FISA.] 2-3-18
  35. Corruption. “Memo at High Nunes.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [It’s one small piece of the puzzle. Only disclosure can counter the leakfest.] 2-3-18
  36. Corruption. “The Memo and the Mueller Probe.” By Michael B. Mukasey. [If the investigation arose from partisan opposition research, what specific crime is he looking into?] 2-5-18
  37. Corruption. “Did Steel Really Snooker the FBI?” by Kimberley A. Strassel. [The bureau should have known he was talking to the press – but it told the FISA court he wasn’t.] 2-5-18
  38. Corruption. “Steele’s Other Clinton Link.” [A Senate letter says the dossier writer got info from a Clinton ‘friend.’] 2-6-18
  39. Corruption. “Democrats and FBI Abuses.” By David J. Garrow. [In the 1970s, progressives stood up for civil liberties. Today they’ve reverted to the J. Edgar Hoover era.] 2-6-18
  40. Corruption. “The Trump Panic.” By Daniel Henninger. [It was the belief that the elected president was unacceptable and had to be stopped.” 2-8-18
  41. Corruption. “More Doubts About Mr. Steele. “ [Including an appearance by none other than Sidney Blumenthal.] (“…This revelation raises questions about the degree to which the Clinton team was involved in the Steele-Fusion effort from the beginning.”) 2-8-18
  42. Corruption. LTE. “The FBI’s FISA Abuses Need to be Exposed.” 2-8-18
  43. Corruption. “Who is Christopher Steele? By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The man who revealed a vast international conspiracy but didn’t know his own client.] 2-9-18
  44. Corruption. “The FBI Was Desperate for Somebody to Spy On.” By Homan W. Jenkins, Jr. [The Steele dossier served up an implausible tale about Carter Page, but it would have to do.] 2-10-18
  45. Corruption. “Release the FISA Documents.” [The public deserves to see the full record on the FBI wiretap request.] 2-12-18
  46. Corruption. “Uranium One Is a Curious Case.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [A lot wasn’t known that would now be embarrassing for a President Clinton.] 2-14-18
  47. Corruption. “The Russian Indictments.” [Where were Clapper and Brennan when the Kremlin was meddling? ] 2-17-18
  48. Corruption. “Mueller Focuses on Molehills.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The mountain is whether the FBI was an unwitting agent of Russian influence.] 2-21-18
  49. Corruption. “Democrats for Eavesdrop Abuse.” [Their intel memo confirms the FBI used Clinton research to spy on Cater Page.] 2-26-18
  50. Corruption. “FISA Abuses Are a Special Threat to Privacy and Due Process.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee a Casey. [The standard for obtaining an intelligence surveillance warrant is lower than that in a criminal investigation.] 2-27-18
  51. Corruption. “Democrats and the Dossier.” [The House asks Obama officials what they knew and when.] 2-28-18
  52. Corruption. “How to Probe the FBI.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Trump is wrong. Inspector General Michael Horowitz is the man for the job.] 3-2-18
  53. Corruption. FBI. “Andrew McCabe and Consequences.” 3-16-18
  54. Corruption. “The McCabe March Madness.” [Trump can never let the facts speak for themselves.] 3-19-18
  55. Corruption. “The McCabe-Flynn Double Standard.” [One is treated as an anti-Trump martyr, the other as a pariah.] 3-27-18
  56. Corruption. “How to Dig Into the ‘Deep State.” [The bureaucracy’s lack of accountability should concern all Americans, regardless of Trump.] 3-27-18
  57. Corruption. LTE. “The Bloated Deep State Benefits One Party.” 4-5-18
  58. Corruption.FBI. “What Is the FBI Hiding?” by Kimberley A. Strassel. [The bureau still won’t comply with an eight-moth-old subpoena from Congress.] 4-6-18
  59. Corruption.FBI. “A Broken FBI Promise.” [ A week after the bureau promised cooperation, it’s back to obstruction.] 4-7-18
  60. Corruption. “The Justice Stonewall Continues.” [The House Intel Committee can’t see all of a key electronic memo.] 4-9-18
  61. Corruption. “Clinton Supporters Have Some Questions for Comey.” By Lanny J. Davis. [Why did the FBI wait almost four weeks before examining the emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop?] 4-10-18
  62. Corruption. “Justice for Scooter Libby.” [Trump pardons a man Bush left behind on the battlefield.] 4-14-18
  63. Corruption. “McCabe and a Lower Loyalty.” [The IG report explains why the former FBI deputy was fired ] 4-14-18.
  64. Corruption. “Trump Is Right to Pardon Scooter Libby, an Innocent Man.” By  David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey. [The target of an out-of-control special counsel, he was convicted on the basis of now-discredited facts.] 4-14-18
  65. Corruption. “The Comey Coverup.” By Homan W. Jenkins, Jr. [Vladimir Putin knows more about the 2016 outcome than the American people do.] 4-18-18
  66. Corruption. “An Honest Comey Interview.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Questions nobody is asking the former FBI director – but somebody should.] 4-20-18
  67. Corruption. “War of the Roses at the FBI.” [Andrew McCabe and James Comey accuse each other of lying.] 4-20-18
  68. Corruption. “Mr. Comey’s Bad Week.” [His memos to himself about Trump don’t help his public claims.] 4-21-18
  69. Corruption. “Comey’s Loyalty Isn’t to the Truth.” By Karl Rove. [Vital facts are missing from his accounts of two episodes from the Bush presidency.] 4-26-18
  70. Corruption. “James Comey’s Judgment Days.” By Daniel Henninger. [A Government officer shouldn’t see his duty as doing battle with the seven deadly sins.] 5-3-15
  71. Corruption. “Rod Rosenstein Protests.” [The deputy attorney general’s intemperate attack on Congress.] 5-3-15
  72. Corruption. “Why Justice Is Defiant.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [A House subpoena, another missed deadline. What is the department hiding?] 5-4-18
  73. Corruption. “Judge to Mueller: Show Me the Mandate.” [T.S. Ellis reminds the special counsel that his power isn’t ‘unfettered.’] 5-5-18
  74. Corruption. “The Mystery of Michael Flynn’s Plea.” [He pleaded guilty to a crime FBI agents said he didn’t commit.] 5-7-18
  75. Corruption. “The Two Rod Rosensteins.” By Wm. McGurn. [Limiting Congress but letting the special counsel do pretty much what he pleases.] 5-8-18
  76. Corruption.  “The Justice Hall of Mirrors.”  [The latest intel leak is designed to block a House subpoena.]  5-10-18
  77. Corruption.  “About That FBI Source.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Did the bureau engage in outright spying against the 2016 Trump campaign?] 5-11-18
  78. Corruption.  LTE.  “Judge Ellis’s Demand Raises Bar for Mueller.”  [“…By now we all know that there was no original predicate crime.  Robert Mueller tried to find one…”]  5-11-18
  79. Corruption.  “An Important Conviction.”  [A jury convicts Sheldon Silver even under the McDonnell standard.]  5-12-18
  80. Corruption.  “Contradicting Comey on Flynn – Again.”  [“The Contradictions of former FBI director James Comey keep piling up…”]  5-14-18
  81. Corruption.  “Mueller’s Investigation Crosses the Legal Line.”  By Steven G. Calabresi.  [It’s unconstitutional under Morrison v. Olson – the decision, not the dissent.]  5-14-18
  82. Corruption.  LTE.  “President Trump Should Pardon Gen. Flynn.”  5-14-18
  83. Corruption. “Was Trump’s Campaign ‘Set Up’? by Kimberly A. Strassel. [At some point, the Russia Investigation became political. How early was it?] 5-18-18
  84. Corruption. “The Informant Who Wasn’t Spying.” [A secret FBI source insinuated himself with Trump campaign officials. Ho hum.] 5-21-18
  85. Corruption. “When Cater Page Met Stefan Halper.” [A timeline that contradicts claims by Justice and the FBI.] 5-23-18
  86. Corruption. “The Real Constitutional Crisis.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The FBI and Justice Department continue evading congressional oversight.] 5-25-18
  87. Corruption. “The FBI Spied for LBJ’s Campaign.” By Lee Edwards. [On the president’s orders, the bureau wiretapped Barry Goldwater’s plane and headquarters.] 5-25-18
  88. Corruption. “Clapper Disinformation Campaign.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Why doe a former intelligence chief make claims he can’t back up?] 5-30-18
  89. Corruption. “The Curious Case of Mr. Downer.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [His story about the Papadopoulos meeting calls the FBI’s into question.] 6-1-18
  90. Corruption. “A Democrat Dissents on the Mueller Probe.” By Jason Willick. [Mark Penn helped design the Clinton campaign against Ken Starr. He says he’s being consistent.] 6-9-18
  91. Corruption.  “The FBI’s Document Blackouts.”  [The bureau is redacting documents without credible justification.]  6-14-18
  92. Corruption.  “Insubordination and Bias at FBI.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [The inspector general report is careful in its conclusions, but damning on the facts.]  6-15-18
  93. Corruption.  “The Disgrace of Comey’s FBI.”  [The damning IG report shows the urgent need to restore public trust.]  6-15-18
  94. Corruption.  “Open Up the Horowitz Secret Appendix.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [The public needs to know the history of the Russian info that had a big effect on Mr. Comey’s decisions.]  6-16-18
  95. Corruption.  “Impeach Rod Rosenstein.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [How Congress can remind the unelected government it answers to the elected part.]  6-19-18
  96. Corruption. “Mueller’s Fruit of the Poisonous Tree.” By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Elizabeth Price Foley. [It makes no difference how honorable he is. His investigation is tainted by the bias that attended its origin in 2016.] 6-23-18
  97. Corruption. “Will the FBI Come Clean?” by Kimberley Strassel. [Lawmakers demand the truth about the origin of the 2016 Trump investigation.]. 7-6-18
  98. Corruption. “After the Strzok Stonewall.” [Here’s what Trump should declassify if he wants the truth known.] 7-14-18
  99. Corruption. “The Russia Indictments: Why Now? By Michael B. Mukasey. [The point of the hacking appears to have been to hurt President Clinton, not elect President Trump.] 7-17-18
  100. Corruption.  “Brennan and the 2016 Spy Scandal.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Obama’s CIA director acknowledges egging on the FBI’s probe of Trump and Russia.]  7-20-18
  101. Corruption.  “Abolish the FISA Court.”  By Wm.  McGurn.  [The introduction of judges shields the executive branch form accountability.]  7-24-18
  102. Corruption.  “The FBI’s FISA Faults.”  [The documents show the bureau relied heavily on the Steele dossier.]  7-24-18
  103. Corruption.  “Dumb Idea of the Week.”  [Revoking clearances is petty.  Here’s a better idea.]  7-24-18
  104. Corruption.  “Washington’s Public Enemy No. 1.”  (The Weekend Interview with Devin Nunes by Kimberley a Strassel.)  [What did the FBI do in the 2016 campaign?  The head of the House inquiry on what he has found – and questions still unanswered.]  7-28-18
  105. Corruption.  “Make Every Democrat’s Day.”  [Instead of Twitter rants, how about releasing the FBI’s Russia files?]  8-2-18
  106. Corruption.  “Donald and the Di-Spy.”  [The point Trump should have made about Sen. Feinstein and the FBI.] (“…and the question Mr. Trump should ask is why the bureau didn’t treat him …with the same customary courtesy [as Sen. Feinstein].”)  8-7-18
  107. Corruption .  “Corruption and Double Standards.”  [Funny, the left’s anti-corruption campaign ignores Bob Menendez.]  8-10-18
  108. Corruption.  “Save Yourself, Mr. President.”  By Wm McGurn.  [When it comes to overseeing the FBI and Justice, he’s all tweet and no action.]  8-14-18
  109. Corruption.  “Strzok and Consequences.”  [The FBI fires a Comey ally who tarnished the bureau’s reputation.]  8-15-16
  110. Corruption.  “What Was Bruce Ohr Doing?”  by Kimberley A. Strassel.   [Justice releases some damning documents, but much of the truth is still classified.]  8-17-18
  111. Corruption.  “Trump Waives the Privilege.”  [How to read don McGahn’s cooperation with Robert Mueller.]  8-20-18
  112. Corruption.  “Treason, Trust — and Trump.”  By Wm McGurn.  [John Brennan’s allies worry his intemperate presidential criticism is backfiring.]  8-21-18
  113. Corruption.  “Why Mueller Can’t Subpoena Trump.”  By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey.  [The president can rely on a Clinton-era precedent – one that doesn’t involve Starr or Lewinsky.]  8-23-18
  114. Corruption.  “When Justice Is Partial.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Mueller is determined to sniff out any wrongdoing he can find – on one side.]  8-24-18
  115. Corruption.  “A Dossier Debunking.”  [His lawyer says the Steele claims about Michael Cohen are false.]  8-28-18
  116. Corruption.  “So Long, Russia.  And Thanks!  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Democrats have always known that Trump’s business was his real vulnerability.]  8-29-18
  117. Corruption.  “What Bruce Ohr Told Congress.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [He warned the FBI Steele had credibility problems.  The bureau forged ahead anyhow.]  8-31-18
  118. Corruption.  “Anatomy of a Fusion Smear.”  [Democrats and their media friends made false claims about a lawyer.]  9-1-18
  119. Corruption.  “The Manafort Plea.”  [The former Trump aide agrees to cooperate.  But what does he know?]  9-15-18
  120. Corruption.  “Selective Outrage on Documents.”  [“…Trump declassification order…”]  9-19-18
  121. Corruption.  “The Rebellion at Justice.”  [Don’t fire Rosenstein, but do release the 2016 FBI-Justice Documents.]  9-24-18
  122. Corruption.  “Who Is Michael Sussman?”  by Kimberley A. Strassel.  [The FBI’s general counsel met with a Clinton lawyer in September 2016.]  10-12-18
  123. Corruption.  “Class-Action ‘Charity’ Racket.”  [The Supreme Court takes on self-dealing lawsuit settlements.] 10-31-18
  124. Corruption..  “Burying the Other Russia Story.”  [Adam Schiff will shut down the probe that found FBI abuses.]  11-10-18
  125. Corruption.  “Doubling Down on Mueller.”  By Kimberley A. .Strassel.  [What will Democrats (and Jeff Flake) do if the probe finds no collusion evidence?] 11-16-18
  126. Corruption.  “New Hope for the Truth of 2016?”  by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Hints that congressional investigators may finally pull back the lid on James Comey’s actions.]  11-17-18
  127. Corruption.  “The Michael Cohen Show.”  [Another Trump-Russia smoking gun emerges, or not.]  11-30-18
  128. Corruption.  “Don’t Let Mueller’s Report Go Unanswered.”  By Alan M. Dershowitz.  [Because it is a prosecutor’s product it will inevitably be one-sided.  Trump ought to be allowed to respond.]  12-3-18
  129. Corruption.  “Mueller’s Gift to Obama.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Shouldn’t the special counsel investigate the crimes that drew Flynn into his probe?]  12-7-18
  130. Corruption.  “Wrap It Up, Mr. Mueller.”  [Democratic dilemma:  Impeach Trump for lying about sex?]  12-10-18
  131. Corruption.  “All the FBI’s Documents.”  [Trump rages about Comey but he still won’t release FBI records.]  12-10-18
  132. Corruption.  “Checking Robert Mueller.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [The sentencing judge brings to light dodgy FBI conduct in the Mike Flynn case.]  12-14-18
  133. Corruption.  “The Flynn Entrapment.”  [A court filing shows the ugly tactics employed by James Comey’s FBI.]  12-14-18
  134. Corruption.  “The Flynn Fiasco.”  [A sentencing hearing devolves into a spectacle of misinformation.]  12-19-18
  135. Corruption.  “The Real Story of the Flynn Hearing.”  By Michael Ledeen.  [‘I’ve never presided over a treasonous offense and couldn’t tell you what the elements are anyway.’]  12-20-18
  136. Corruption.  “What’s Next in FBI Oversight.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [For the public to learn what Congress knows, Trump must order the documents released.]  12-21-18
  137. Corruption.  “Mueller’s Report Will Be a Bore.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [The real truth about 2016 will be found in the declassified doings of the FBI and CIA.]  1-2-19
  138. Corruption.  “How About Some Russia Facts?”  [If Trump hates media innuendo, he can release the FBI documents.]  1-15-19
  139. Corruption.   FBI.  “What if the FBI Had Probed Obama?”  by Lee Smith.  [By the bureau’s Trump standard, he looked like an agent of Iran.]  1-24-19
  140. Corruption.  “Mark Warner’s Enablers.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [The Virginia senator gets too much respect for his Trump-Russia Conspiracy theories.]  1-25-19
  141. Corruption.  “Keystone Kops Collusion.”  [Roger Stone couldn’t even get Steve Bannon to take his phone call.]  1-26-19
  142. Corruption.  “Obstruction of Justice?  Careful What You Wish for, Lawmakers.”  By David B. Rivkin Jr., and Lee A. Casey.  [If it was criminal to fire Comey, consider the implications for judges and members of Congress.]  2-7-19
  143. Corruption.  “The FBI’s Trump Panic.”  [McCabe reveals how officials contemplated a bureaucratic coup.]  2-19-19
  144. Corruption.  “Schiffting to Phase 2 of Collusion”  by Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Conspiracy theorists look for something new, anticipating a Mueller letdown.]  2-22-19
  145. Corruption.  “Investigate McCabe’s 25th Amendment Tale.”  By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey.  [It’s a rime to conspire to ‘impair, obstruct or defeat’ government’s function using dishonest means.]  2-25-19
  146. Corruption.  “How Much Does the Public Need to Know.”  By Karl Rove.  [Releasing the full Mueller report would hurt people who haven’t been charged.]  2-18-19
  147. Corruption.  “Manafort Destiny.”  [Remember when the former Trump adviser supposedly got off easy?}  3-14-19
  148. Corruption.  “Releasing the Mueller Report.”  [Disclosure should include the FBI and FISA documents too.]  3-18-19
  149. Corruption.  “What FBI’s Counsel Told Congress.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Baker’s testimony shows Comey wasn’t being fully candid about the dossier.]  3-22-19
  150. Corruption.  “The Mueller Moment Arrives.”  [Release it all rather than let Congress leak in dribs and drabs.]  3-23-19
  151. Corruption.  “After the Mueller Report.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Keep in mind the story that isn’t being told: the FBI mucking around in the 2016 election.]  3-23-19
  152. Corruption.  “The Mueller Conclusions.”  [Americans should be pleased with the end of the collusion illusion.]  3-25-19
  153. Corruption.  “Mueller Is Done.  Now Probe the Real Scandal.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Americans deserve a full accounting of the missteps of Comey and the FBI.] 3-25-19
  154. Corruption.  “Robert Mueller Has a Money Problem.”  By Daniel Huff. [Congress’s oversight on how to fund his office casts doubt on every conviction he wins.]  3-25-19
  155. Corruption.  “Mueller Exposes Spy Chiefs.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [Did our intel leaders have any evidence when they pushed the Russia collusion line?]  3-26-19
  156. Corruption.  “Accountability for a Dossier.”  [The dirty trick that started the collusion fable needs exposing.]  3-26-19
  157. Corruption.  “What Mueller Won’t Say.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Did he investigate the Steele dossier?  If not, he didn’t really investigate.]  3-27-19
  158. Corruption.  “Who Watches the ‘Hate’ Watchers?”  [The Southern Poverty Law Center’s recent turmoil is a sad irony.]  3-28-19
  159. Corruption.  “The Mueller Bitter Enders.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [The special counsel wraps up his work and opens up another Democratic split.]  3-29-19 
  160. Corruption.  “Don’t Lock Hillary Up.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [But no amnesty for anyone who abused his office because he wanted her to win.]  4-2-19
  161. Corruption.  “Trolling The Mueller Report.”  [Democrats lost on collusion.  Now they’re inventing a coverup.]  4-4-19
  162. Corruption.  “The Mueller ‘Coverup’ Gambit.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Why Barr is right to release the report with redactions and publicly, all at once.]  4-5-19
  163. Corruption.  “’Spying Did Occur.’” 4-11-19  
  164. Corruption.  “Barr Brings Accountability.”  By Kimberley a. Strassel.  [Trump’s foes call it ‘stunning and scry.’  Here’s what they have to be scared about.] 4-12-19 
  165. Corruption.  “Russiagate’s Collateral Victims.”  By Yuri Vanetik.  [I was smeared because I’m a soviet émigré with GOP connections.]  4-12-19  
  166. Corruption.  “Russiagate and the Media’s News Denial.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. 4-13-19
  167. Corruption.  “The Easy Way to Write a Best Seller.”  By Jillian Kay Melchior.  [Baltimore’s mayor faces calls to resign over suspect sales of her ‘Healthy Holly’ children’s books.]  4-13-19
  168. Corruption.  FBI.  “The FBI Needs a Grand Jury.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [Only the threat of indictment will get Bill Barr to the truth – and reform the bureau.]  4-16-19
  169. Corruption.  “Escape From Collusion Hell.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [The bet that Mueller would nail Trump didn’t pay off.  We’re left with the rubble.]  4-18-19
  170. Corruption.  “The Russia Probe Started With the Spies Who Marked Me.”  By George Papadopoulos. [The attorney general should question the three men known to have snooped on the Trump campaign.]  4-18-19
  171. Corruption.  “Mueller’s Report Speaks Volumes.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [What’s in the special counsel’s finds is almost as revealing as what’s left out.]  4-19-19  (“…He was the wrong man to provide an honest assessment of the 2016 collusion dirty trick.  And we’ve got a report to prove it.”)
  172. Corruption.  “Obstruction of Nothing.”  [Mueller vindicates Trump on collusion and plays Hamlet on obstruction.]  4-19-19 
  173. Corruption.  “Mueller Shouldn’t Have Taken the Job.”  By Victoria Toensing.  [Special counsels are meant to investigate particular crimes, not go fishing for counterintelligence.]  4-19-19
  174. Corruption.  “Despite the Mueller Report, Some Lawmakers Don’t Stop Believing.”  By Jason Riley.  [Anyone who still believes the Kremlin put Trump in office will never be persuaded otherwise.]  4-24-19
  175. Corruption.  “The Russians and the Dossier.”  [Mueller should have investigated whether Moscow used Steele in its interference.] 4-26-19
  176. Corruption.  “When G-Men Run Amok.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [The FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation should have raised red flags.]  4-30-19
  177. Corruption. Russia.  “Collusion of Russian Disinformation?”  by David Satter.  [How Moscow manipulated US. Media, lawmakers and intelligence services into propagating a wild theory.]  5-1-19
  178. Corruption.  “For Fear of William Barr.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [The attorney general gets attacked because his probe endangers many powerful people.]  5-3-19
  179. Corruption.  “Pelosi’s Pre-Emptive Smear.”  [The Speaker is worried about what Bill Barr might reveal about 2016.]  5-3-19
  180. Corruption.  “Jerry Nadler’s Contempt.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [The House Judiciary chairman is more interested in spectacle than information. ]  5-7-19
  181. Corruption.  “Liberals Nod as Comey Begs the Question.”  By Barton Swaim.  [If you’re smart, why consider opinions other than your own?]  5-6-19
  182. Corruption.  “Motive Matters in Trump Spygate.”  By Homan W. Jenkins, Jr.  [When intelligence actions are launched for political effect, we’re in trouble.] 5-8-19
  183. Corruption.  “Putin’s Less-than-Epic Mueller Retort.”  By Gregg Opelka.  [‘A mountain gave birth to a mouse,’ Russia’s president says.  Did Trump recognize the quote from Horace?]  5-8-19
  184. Corruption.  “What Nadler Really Wants.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [His strategy clearly aims at provoking a confrontation for political purposes.]  5-10-19
  185. Corruption.  “American Intelligence Needs Reform After Spygate.”  [The warrant against Carter Page violated a decades-old norm.  And what was the CIA up to in Britain.?]  5-14-19
  186. Corruption.  “Durham for Accountability.”  [“…We see it as a necessary step toward accountability and restoring public confidence in America’s enforcement agencies…”]  5-15-19
  187. Corruption.  “Bull Durham at Justice.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.   [Bill Barr’s latest appointment reminds us how the department should operate.]  5-17-19
  188. Corruption.  “The Tales of Parson Comey.”  By Wm.  McGurn.  [Apparently the former FBI chief can see into other men’s souls.]  5-21-19
  189. Corruption.  “Don McGahn’s Immunity.”  [Why Congress can’t force the former White House counsel to testify.] 5-22-19
  190. Corruption.  “Robert Mueller’s Parting Shot.”  [The special counsel gave House Democrats an impeachment nod.]  5-30-19
  191. Corruption.  “About the FBI’s Spying.”  By Wm McGurn.  [What’s the difference between surveillance of Carter Page and Martin Luther King?]  6-4-19
  192. Corruption.  “John Dean’s Watergate Business Model.”  By Karl Rove.  [He’s made a career of comparing every GOP president to the one he went to prison for.]  6-13-19
  193. Corruption. “Robert Mueller’s Summer Re-Run.” [Democrats hope the special counsel will revive impeachment.] 7-24-19
  194. Corruption. “The Mueller Show Is a Bust.” 7-25-19
  195. Corruption. “The FBI’s Obstruction Probe Had No Basis.” By Thomas J. Baker. [McCabe ordered it because Trump fired Comey, which he had every right to do.] 7-24-19
  196. Corruption. “What Mueller Was Trying to Hide.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [His investigation was about protecting the actual miscreants in the collusion hoax.] 7-26-19
  197. Corruption. “Beyond Mueller’s ‘Purview.’ [The Justice Department will have to examine the rest of the Russia Story.] 7-26-19
  198. Corruption. “Fusion, the ‘Collusion’ Puppeteer.” By Kimberley Strassel. [Bruce Ohr’s 302s, just released to the public, show Glenn Simpson pulling the strings.] 8-16-19
  199. Corruption. “Sneaky, Leaky James Comey.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [The inspector general takes apart the former FBI director’s excuses for his actions.] 8-30-19
  200. Corruption. “Jim Comey’s Higher Virtue.” [The righteous former FBI director thinks the rules don’t apply to him.] 8-30-19
  201. Corruption. “Hurricane Comey Was a National Disaster.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The bureaucratic rules he flouted are designed to protect the country from people like the FBI chief.] 8-31-19
  202. Corruption. “Greg Craig Gets His Reputation Back.” [“…happened to work in 2012 with GOP lobbyist Paul Manafort…”] 9-6-19
  203. Corruption. “About That Russian ‘Spy.’” By Kimberley a. Strassel. [These stories always seem to leak at the most convenient times – for the FBI.] 9-13-19
  204. Corruption. “Mr. Horowitz Speaks.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Never mind Nadler’s impeachment circus. The real action was at a Wednesday hearing.] 9-20-19
  205. Corruption. “The Ukraine Transcript Fizzle.” [The phone call evidence isn’t enough to annul a presidential election.] 9-26-19
  206. Corruption. “Probe the Effort to Sink Kavanaugh.” By David B. Rivkin and Lee A. Casey. [Leland Keyser tells a new book’s authors she felt pressured to testify falsely.] 9-30-19
  207. Corruption. “John Durham’s Ukrainian Leads.” By Michael B. Mukasey. [What the prosecutor has found may be quite different from what the Democrats are looking for.] 9-30-19
  208. Corruption. “All Roads Lead to Mueller.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The Russia collusion morass threatens to spoil the Democrats’ impeachment drama.] 10-2-19
  209. Corruption. “The Whistleblower Executive.” [Every call with a foreign leader is now subject to congressional review.] 10-3-19
  210. Corruption. “Schiff’s Shifty Timeline.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [What did the House Intel Committee chairman know and when did he know it?] 10-4-19
  211. Corruption. “Watergate, Vito Corleone and Trump’s Impeachment.” By Lance Morrow. [The president’s foes say he’s abused the public trust. But there’s little public trust to abuse.] 10-4-19
  212. Corruption. “Who Will Turn Over the 2016 Rocks?” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The Republic can survive the truth, but the FBI and CIA probably can’t.] 11-27-19
  213. Corruption. “The Horowitz Horror Show.” By Holman w. Jenkins, Jr. [The inspector general is circumspect in his judgments but the facts speak clearly.] 12-11-19
  214. Corruption. “The IG, Nunes and Schiff.” [The Horowitz report reveals the Democrat’s many distortions.] 12-11-19
  215. Corruption.   “What Horowitz Debunked.” By Daniel Henninger. [The report refers 19 times to threats to ‘constitutionally protected activity.’] 12-12-19
  216. Corruption. “A Burr in Nunes Saddle.” [The North Carolina Senator was wrong about the FISA order.] 12-14-19
  217. Corruption. “’Multiple Levels of Hearsay Upon Hearsay.’” By David J. Garrow [What the media doesn’t want you to know about the Horowitz report.] 12-16-19
  218. Corruption. “A Job For Adam Schiff.” By Wm. McGurn. [The chairman should look into how he was taken in by Russian disinformation.] 12-17-19
  219. Corruption. “The Incredibly Incurious Mr. Comey.” [The IG report shows investigators who didn’t investigate Steele.] 12-17-19
  220. Corruption. “Halfway to the 2016 Truth.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The Steele dossier was flimsy. What about the FBI’s secret info in the Clinton case?] 12-18-19
  221. Corruption. “The FISA Judge Strikes Back.” [She orders the FBI to shape up, but that isn’t nearly enough.] 12-18-19
  222. Corruption. “Where’s the Liberal Outrage.” By Daniel Henninger. [Will a President Biden let the FBI’s discredited behavior become the norm?] 12-19-19
  223. Corruption. “FISA Court Owes Some Answers.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Why did the presiding judge stonewall Rep. Devin Nunes when he reported FBI abuses.?] 12-20-19
  224. Corruption. “Robert Mueller’s Dossier Dodge.” 12-21-19
  225. Corruption. “A Horowitz Report Reveals Bias, but What Kind?’ by Holman w. Jenkins, Jr. [The FBI gave Mrs. Clinton a pass while pursuing Mr. Trump even after the evidence fell apart.] 12-28-19
  226. Corruption. “Anatomy of a Witch Hunt, Revisited.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Kudos to a Washington Post writer for holding the media’s feet to the fire over the Steele dossier.] 1-11-20
  227. Corruption. “Another FISA Fiasco.” [The judges hire an FBI apologist to restore the secret court’s credibility.] 1-14-20
  228. Corruption. “Cleaning Up the FISA Mess.” [The House GOP wins some modest reforms for accountability.] 3-11-20
  229. Corruption. “Adam Schiff’s Surveillance State.” By Kimberley Strassel. [An FCC official calls him out for obtaining call records without judicia review.] 3-13-20
  230. Corruption. “Russian Disinformation Fed the FBI’s Trump Investigation.” [by Ron Johnson. [Some answers and some new questions from newly declassified parts of an inspector general’s report.] 4-11-20
  231. Corruption. “No Timeout for FBI Scandals.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [More teeth remain to be pulled, and the biggest may concern James Comey and Hillary’s emails.] 4-18-20
  232. Corruption. “Schiff’s Secret Transcripts.” [Why is he sitting on declassified interviews in the collusion probe?] 4-25-20
  233. Corruption. “The Judge and Michael Flynn.” [New documents suggest violations of the Brady rule on evidence.] 5-2-20
  234. Corruption. “’Rewrite’ in Flynn’s Case Shows FBI Needs Reform.” By Thomas J. Baker. [The bureau’s actions are even more shocking to me as a veteran agent.] 5-4-20
  235. Corruption. “Repeal the Logan Act.” By Charles Lipson. [It’s never yielded a conviction but invites abuse by prosecutors, cops and presidents.] 5-5-20
  236. Corruption. “The Mueller Coverup.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [His probe was an effort to give a fiction of legitimacy to the FBI’s disaster.] 5-8-20
  237. Corruption. “The Vindication of Michael Flynn.” [Justice drops its prosecution with new evidence about the FBI.] 5-8-20
  238. Corruption. “What the FBI Coverup Is Covering Up.” [The unraveling Mike Flynn conviction ought to have reporters revisiting James Comey’s 2016 role.] 5-9-20
  239. Corruption. “Barack Obama on Michael Flynn.” [The lawyer President misstates the crime and the real threat to justice.] 5-11-20
  240. Corruption. “All the Schiff Transcripts.” [He knew all along that there was no proof of Russia-Trump collusion.] 5-13-20
  241. Corruption.  “The Flynn Debauchery.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [Those who administer the American system lost faith and debased our institutions.]  5-14-20
  242. Corruption.  “Judge Sullivan’s Bad Judgment.”  [Can Flynn be sentenced when prosecutors say there was no crime.]  5-14-20
  243. Corruption.  “Judges Are Umpires, Not Ringmasters.”  By Alan M. Dershowitz.  [Sullivan invites outsiders to weigh in on the Flynn case – an unconstitutional judicial power grab.]  5-14-20
  244. Corruption.  “Judge Sullivan vs. Justice Ginsberg.”  [By inviting outside help, the Flynn jurist is acting ‘beyond the pale.’]  5-15-20
  245. Corruption.  “Barr vs. the Beltway.”  By Kimberley Strassel.  [Swamp creatures heap abuse on him for exposing abuse at the Justice Department.]  5-15-20
  246. Corruption.  “Emmet Sullivan vs. the D.C. Circuit.”  [Another precedent that rebuts the judge’s ruling in the Flynn case.]  5-16-20
  247. Corruption. “The Mueller-Rosenstein Logan Act.” [How a musty 1799 law became an excuse to squeeze Michael Flynn.] 5-19-20
  248. Corruption. “Limit FISA Surveillance to Foreigners.” By Thomas J. Baker. [The problem goes far beyond Carter Page. Spying on Americans is dangerously common.] 5-19-20
  249. Corruption.  “Rod Rosenstein Knew Nothing.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [The FBI withheld crucial information from him.  Why didn’t he ask questions?]  6-5-20
  250. Corruption.  “David Axelrod, Truth Teller.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [An Obama loyalist opens the door slightly to an acknowledgment of the Russia collusion hoax.]   6-13-20
  251. Corruption.  “The Berman Resistance.”  [The grandstanding former U.S. Attorney is no political martyr.]   6-22-20
  252. Corruption.  “Michael Flynn Gets His Writ.”  [An appellate court orders Judge Sullivan to dismiss the charges.]   6-25-20
  253. Corruption.  “Judging FBI Conduct.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [The D.C. Circuit becomes the first court to acknowledge the FBI’s 2016 abuse.].   6-26-20
  254. Corruption.  “Pardon Michael Flynn.”  [Time for the President to end this highly politicized prosecution.]   7-11-20
  255. Corruption.  “The FBI’s Dossier Deceit.”  [New evidence that the bureau knew the Russia info was phony in 2017.]   7-18-20
  256. Corruption.  “The Unasked FBI Question:  Why?”  by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [G-men rightly debunked the Steele dossier.  And then peddled it anyway.]   7-22-20
  257. Corruption.  “Bill Barr’s Other Prosecutor.” [A US. Attorney is looking at Obama-era ‘unmasking.’]   7-29-20
  258. Corruption.  “Sally Yates Can‘t Remember.”   8-8-20
  259. Corruption.  “The FBI’s 2016 Abuse Turns Criminal.”  [A former lawyer is charged with doctoring evidence for a warrant.]   8-15-20
  260. Corruption.  “More Torture for Michael Flynn.”   [The D.C. Circuit goes to great lengths to keep his prosecution going.]   9-1-20
  261. Corruption.  “Jerry Nadler Loses to … Himself.”  9-8-20
  262. Corruption.  “The Russia Farce Continues.”  By Holman w. Jenkins, jr.  [America is in trouble if a former top FBI counterspy believes the silliness in his book.]   9-19-20
  263. Corruption.  “The FBI’s Bad Intelligence.”  [The bureau relied on a suspected Russian agent for its 2016 wiretaps.]   9-28-20
  264. Corruption.   “James Comey Can’t Recall.”   [“…The new disclosures show an FBI determined to investigate the Trump campaign no matter the number of red flags.  This is either incompetence or willful bias.]   10-8-20
  265. Corruption.  “An American Coup Attempt.”  By Ron Johnson.  [Time may be running out to expose the effort to overthrow Trump, which began before his election.]  10-9-20
  266. Corruption.  “A Laptop Window on the Oligarchy.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Hunter Biden was for sale to anybody who wanted influence with his father.]   10-21-20
  267. Corruption.  “The Bidens and China Business.”  [The story won’t go away without explanation, even if the Veep wins.]   10-21-20
  268. Corruption.  “The Biden ‘Family legacy.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [What we learned from the text messages of Hunter’s partner Tony Bobulinski.]   10-23-20
  269. Corruption.  “The U.S. Has an ‘Intelligence’ Problem.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [America’s retired spies want to be in charge of picking our presidents.]   10-24-20
  270. Corruption.  “The Bidens and Tony Bobulinski.”  [Joe owes the public a response about the family’s business.]   10-29-20
  271. Corruption.  “Edward Snowden’s New Loyalty.”  [The NSA leaker says he’s applying for Russian citizenship.]  11-4-20
  272. Corruption.  “Last chance for the 2016 Truth?”  by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Declassify he Horowitz report so history can properly judge James Comey and the Russians.]   11-14-20
  273. Corruption.  “Special Counsel John Durham.”  [Barr makes it harder for a Biden AG to bury the truth about FBI abuses.]   12-3-20
  274. Corruption.  “Judge Sullivan’s Final ‘Verdict.’”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [A presidential pardon prompts a norm-busting outburst from the bench.]   12-11-20
  275. Corruption.  “Trump’s Weissmann Pardons.”  [Political clemency will inevitably follow political prosecutions.]  12-26-20
  276. Corruption.  “A Pass for Kevin Clinesmith.”  [A FISA judge gives a former FBI agent a slap on the wrist.]   1-30-21
  277. Corruption.  LTE. “FISA Court Shamefully Protects the Swamp.”   2-4-21
  278. Corruption.  “Looting the Boy Scouts.”  [The mass tort industry ins up thousands of dubious claims.]   3-3-21
  279. Corruption.  “Robert Mueller’s Revenge.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [A judge’s ludicrous tirade targets former Attorney General William Barr.]   5-11-21
  280. Corruption.  “Two Grifters and a Dossier.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [The cumulation of evidence suggest Christopher Steele was a complete phony.]   5-26-21
  281. Corruption.  “Durham Cracks the Russia Case.”  [The special counsel’s indictment tells the real story of 2016 collusion.]  9-18-21
  282. Corruption. “Durham Delivers on Russiagate.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [The indictment of a Democratic lawyer points in too many directions for the story to end here.]   9-18-21
  283. Corruption.  “Durham and the Clinton Dossier.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [A new indictment continues the slow unraveling of a 2016 political scandal.]  11-5-21
  284. Corruption.  “Durham unravels the Russia Case.”  [His indictments reveal facts embarrassing to Mueller and the press.]  11-6-21
  285. Corruption.  “On Russiagate, Durham Indicts the Press Too.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [His latest arrives just in time to expose a pathetic ABC News ‘special’ report on Christopher Steele.]   11-6-21
  286. Corruption.  “The Worst Tort Abuse.”  [The judge in a mass opioid case is trying to force a settlement that would make bad law.]   11-10-21
  287. Corruption.  “Hillary Clinton’s Russian Helpers.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [Durham uncovers evidence of Moscow’s attempts to influence the Steele dossier.]   11-13-21
  288. Corruption.  “Durham Sails Into Deep Waters.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [How many ways in 2016 was James Comey’s FBI bamboozled by Russian disinformation?]   11-14-21
  289. Corruption.  “The Other Danchenko Dossier?”  by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [In both the Trump and Hillary Clinton cases, fake ‘intelligence’ drove the FBI.]
  290. Corruption,   “Politics and Union Corruption in Philly.”  [Two convictions expose the underside of the city’s power brokers.]   11-17-21
  291. Corruption.  “Who Are Those ‘Techie’ Spies?”  by Kimberley A. Strassel.  [‘Benevolent posse’ or partisans for Hillary Clinton?  John Durham has the answer.]   2-18-22
  292. Corruption.  “Is Trump the Next Jan. 6 Defendant?”  [A judge says he likely committed crimes, but take a deep breath.]   4-2-22
  293. Corruption.  “Fusion GPS’s ‘Privilege’ Cover.”  By Kimberley a. Strassel.  [The oppo-research firm tries to dodge a subpoena by claiming it aided legal advice.]   4-22-22
  294. Corruption.  “Hillary and the Durham Inquiry.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [The trial that begins in 12 days won’t tell us why Clinton launched the collusion hoax.]   5-4-22
  295. Corruption. “John Durham Goes to Court.”   By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [How his case against Michael Sussmann unravels the Russia collusion hoax.]   5-13-22
  296. Corruption.  “What Did the Steele Dossier Hoax Cost America?”  by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Along with the press, what about the Russia ‘experts’ who played along or failed to oppose the collusion lie?]   5-14-22
  297. Conspiracy.  “The Sussmann Trial Is a Mueller Legacy.”  By Thomas J. Baker.  [An FBi agent would have figured out what Hillary Clinton’s lawyer was up to in September 2016.]   5-16-22
  298. Corruption.  “Hillary Clinton Did It.”  5-21-22
  299. Corruption.  “Durham, Disinformation and 2024.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Why Elon Musk ties his free-speech fight to the collusion hoax and Hunter’s laptop].   5-25-22
  300. Corruption.  “Durham Jury Convicts the FBI.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [In the Russiagate case, it seems the agency wanted to be lied to.]   6-1-22
  301. Corruption.  “The Sussmann Verdict.”  [A jury acquits the Clinton lawyer, but the case revealed a lot.]   6-1-22
  302. Corruption.  “Durham vs. the Beltway Swamp.”   By Kimberley A. Strassel. [Michael Sussmann’s trial showcased the incestuous culture of elite Washington.]   6-3-22
  303. Corruption.  “Hillary’s Role in the Russia Smear.”  [The Sussmann trial provides more evidence that she personally directed the effort.]   6-6-22
  304. Corruption.  “The Forest for the Jan. 6 Trees.”  By Kimberley a. Strassel.  [The capitol riots were only one example of the growing problem of political violence.]   6-17-22
  305. Corruption.  “Hunter and Joe Biden Need Trump.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [The press won’t keep lying about Hunter’s laptop if Trump isn’t on the ballot.]   7-27-22
  306. Corruption.  “The Comey-Clinton Document Standard.” [When Hillary misused classified information, Justice let her off.]   8-29-22
  307. Corruption.  “New Hope for Russiagate Truths.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Pay attention to the facts and ignore the spin in the latest New York Times hit piece.]  2-1-23
  308. Corruption.  “Actually, the Press Was Not all Bad on Collusion.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [A 134-year-old news organization upheld the righteous standards of a free and honorable media.]   2-11-23
  309. Corruption.  “James Clapper’s Disinformation.”  by Kimberley a Strassel.  [Politico ‘distorted’ the 2020 letter signed by 51 ex-intel officials?  Now he tells us.]   2-17-23
  310. Corruption.  “Why the Durham Report Matters.”  [It is a damning account of the corruption of the FBI and its accomplices.]  5-17-23
  311. Corruption.  “The Durham Report Finds Bad Apples Have Spoiled the FBI.”  By Thomas J. Baker.  [The special counsel’s inquiry reveals a bureau divorced from its mission of strict fidelity to the law.]   5-18-23
  312. Corruption.  “Durham on Comey’s Culpability.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [The report shows FBI headquarters ignored all the rules in the Trump-Russia probe.]   5-19-23
  313. Corruption.  “Durham Exposes Mueller’s Failure.”   [His new report shows how the original Russia probe covered up the FBI’s offenses.]   5-20-23
  314. Corruption.  “Viewer’s Guide to Ken Paxton’s Impeachment.”  By Karl Rove.  [The Texas scandal allegedly entails an affair, fraus, payoffs and even the FBI.]   6-1-23
  315. Corruption.  “Hunter’s Laptop All Over Again”  by Wm. McGurn.  [The effort to discredit an FBI document alleging Joe Biden took a bribe begins.]  6-6-23
  316. Corruption.  “John Durham Testifies, yet ‘Collusion’ Lives.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [At a hearing, Democrats show no interest in acknowledging their role in perpetrating a hoax.]  6-24-23
  317. Corruption.  “The Political Grim Reaper Comes for Paxton.”  By Karl Rove.  [He gloated when he got re-elected, but, he seems sure to lose his impeachment trial.]   8-17-23
  318. Corruption.  “Ken Paxton and the Texas Constitution.”  By Rick Perry.  [Shame on those Republicans working to delegitimize the impeachment process.]   8-25-23
  319. Corruption.  “The Purely Political Hunter Probe.:  by Kimberley A. Strassel..  [Evidence of improper interference by the Justice Department keeps piling up.]   9-1-23



Corruption.  10-30-17



Indictments on business dealings, not campaign…

‘No Knock’ Raid Seized Docs Feds Were Told Didn’t Exist…


Tony Podesta steps down from lobbying giant…

Key Role In Manafort Indictment… 


Manafort’s Constitutional Rights Violated?

Corruption: Sen. Elizabeth Warren says 2016 Democratic nomination was rigged for Hillary Clinton, HuffPost US, NICK VISSER, Nov 2nd 2017 8:23PM

Corruption.  11-2-17

Clinton defends Russia dossier…

Manafort attacks indictment…

Judge mulls gag order…



Corruption.  11-3-17

Republicans seek Mueller’s removal from Russia probe…

Corruption. 11-4-17

Mueller braces for challenges to his authority…

Corruption. 11-6-17

Millions of Leaked Files Shine Light on Where Elite Hide Money…

Corruption.  11-12-17

LEAK: Investigators probe Trump knowledge of campaign’s Russia dealings…

Did dossier trigger the probe?


Corruption. 12-19-17

UPDATE: Mueller Seizure of Transition Emails Violated Law?

Corruption. 1-4-18


Intel Committee Expands Probe Into FBI, DOJ Handling…

Corruption. 1-9-18

FBI agent texts spur probe into news leaks… 

FBI 1-23-18

More messages turned over from FBI agent taken off Mueller team; Others go missing…
Could Form Basis of Motion to Dismiss by Trump Team…
Greenwald war on Russia investigation, MSNBC…

FBI 1-24-18

GOODWIN: Evidence suggests massive scandal brewing at FBI…
Knives Out for Bureau… 

Corruption. 1-25-18

Discussion of Clinton special prosecutor…
More Strzok and Page drama…

Corruption. 2-2-18

Trump attacks integrity of FBI and Justice Dept…
‘Politicized’ probe in favor of Dems… 
‘Lot of people should be ashamed’… 
Spy Warrant Relied On Dossier…

Corruption. 2-7-18
New FBI texts show Obama wanted updates on Clinton investigation…
Flashback: President ‘Guarantees’ He’s Staying out of Hillary Probe…

Corruption. 2-15-18  DOJ official hid FUSION GPS payments…

Corruption. 2-15-18 The media ‘collusion’ echo chamber…

Corruption. FBI. Wall Street Journal 3-2-18   “FBI Investigates Its Handling of Case.” p.A3

“…in light of concerns that agents in multiple FBI field offices failed to act on gymnasts’ complaints in 2015…”

Corruption. 3-5-18

Diplomat whose tip started FBI Russia-probe has tie to Clintons…

If former FBI Deputy McCabe lied, will he face charges?

Corruption. 4-5-18

MAG: The media’s Mueller lunacy…

LIST: 10 Reasons Investigation Unconstitutional…

Corruption. 4-20-18


Corruption.  5-7-18

DERSHOWITZ: Federal judge rightly rebukes Mueller for questionable tactics…

Probe In Jeopardy As ‘Witch Hunt’ Accusations Play Out In Court… 

Corruption.  “Russia Collusion”  Ad Age article after Congressional release.

“…Members of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee have released thousands of Russia-linked Facebook ads, providing a closer look at how outside actors used the platform during the 2016 presidential election and who they targeted…”  5-10-18

Corruption. 5-21-18

Stopping Robert Mueller to protect us all



“…This process must now be stopped, preferably long before a vote in the Senate. Rather than a fair, limited and impartial investigation, the Mueller investigation became a partisan, open-ended inquisition that, by its precedent, is a threat to all those who ever want to participate in a national campaign or an administration again.

Its prosecutions have all been principally to pressure witnesses with unrelated charges and threats to family, or just for a public relations effect, like the indictment of Russian internet trolls. Unfortunately, just like the Doomsday Machine in “Dr. Strangelove” that was supposed to save the world but instead destroys it, the Mueller investigation comes with no “off” switch: You can’t fire Mueller. He needs to be defeated, like Ken Starr, the independent counsel who investigated President Clinton.

Finding the “off” switch will not be easy. Step one here is for the Justice Department inspector general report to knock Comey out of the witness box. Next, the full origins of the investigation and its lack of any real intelligence needs to come out in the open…”

Corruption. 5-23-18

8 signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against Trump’s campaign


Corruption. 5-23-18

Corruption. 6-13-18



Corruption. 6-21-18

FBI counterspies under fire after disclosures of politicization…

Congress investigating agents for evidence tampering in Russia case…

Corruption. FBI. 7-15-18

Strzok arrogance ‘product of corrupt FBI’…

Corruption. 7-25-18


‘Truth on our side’…


Not seeking pardon…

WSJ: Formed Shell Company to Pay Model…

Feds Scrutinize NATIONAL ENQUIRER Dealings…


Mueller Report 3-25-19

SHAME OF THE NATION: 533,074 articles have been published about Russia and Trump…
Networks Gave Whopping 2,284 Minutes to Probe…
CNN STILL sitting outside Mueller’s office…
Treason! Impeachment! Prison!
TAIBBI: Russiagate is this generation’s WMD…
500 witnesses; 2800 subpoenas: No collusion…
GOOGLE obscures news…
WIRE: Russia savors… 
Told-You-So Moment Rattles…
New Day For White House…
Re-election weapon…


January 2023:  Imprimis:  [] 

“The Twitter Files Reveal an Existential Threat.”  by John Daniel Davidson. (The Federalist)

“…Put simply, the Twitter files reveal an unholy alliance between Big Tech and the deep state designed to throttle free speech and maintain an official narrative through censorship and propaganda.”…]