
Opinion Headlines

  1. Obamacare “A Republican Victory on the Front Lines of Obamacare” by Fred Barnes 7-12-14
  2. Obamacare “GDP’s ObamaCare Downgrade” 6-26-14
  3. Obamacare “How to Run Against ObamaCare” by Karl Rove 7-17-2014
  4. Obamacare / Abortion. Letters to editor…”Conscience Exception on Abortifacients” 7-7-14
  5. ObamaCare “Territories Free of ObamaCare” [White House issues another illegal exemption] 7-21-14
  6. Obamacare. “Fast-Tracking ObamaCare to the Supremes” [A rapid appeal…public service] 7-24-14
  7. Obamacare. “Reining in ObamaCare – and the President” by J. Adler and M. Cannon 7-23-14
  8. ObamaCare. “Unemployed by ObamaCare” [… surveys highlight damage to the labor market.] 8-22-14
  9. Obamacare. “Where ObamaCare is Going” by Scott Atlas […single-payer model…in trouble..] 8-14-14
  10. Obamacare. A 2014 Health-Care Strategy: Freedom. By former Sen. Phil Gramm 7-25-14
  11. Obamacare. Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Medicine. […Obamacare war of all against all.] 7-25-14
  12. Obamacare. LTE. “Exchanging ObamaCare for Real Freedom to Choose.”   8-7-14
  13. Obamacare. Religious Liberty Affirmed. [Liberal rage at the Supreme Court..] 7-1-14
  14. Obamacare. Upholding ObamaCare – as Written. [An appeals court’s remedial civics lesson…]7-23-14
  15. Obamacare. ”Health Care and the $20,000.00” Bruise.” By Eric David. [How to fight…] 9-3-14
  16. ObamaCare’s Insider Testimony, An architect of the health law backs up the critics on subsidies. 7-28-14
  17. ObamaCare-IRS Nexus by Kimberley Strassel 7-25-14
  18. Obamacare. “Doctoring in the Age of ObamaCare.” By Mark Skiar. [… should I see patients?] 9-12-14
  19.  Obamacare. Doctors. LTE “Disillusioned Doctors and Our Ailing Medical System.” 9-6-14
  20.  Obamacare. “The ObamaCare Escalator.” [Even HHS now says health spending will rise rapidly…] 9-6-14
  21. Obamacare. LTE. “Analysis Must Factor the Indirect Costs of ObamaCare.”   9-16-14
  22. Obamacare and American Decline. By Holman Jenkins, Jr.     9-17-14
  23. Obamacare. LTE. “It’s Harder to Practice Medicine Will Under ObabaCare.” 9-20-14
  24. ObamaCare. “How to Game ObamaCare.” [The mysterious falling premiums may be a regulatory artifact.] 9-30-14
  25. ObamaCare’s Wonderland. [Another reason for the Supreme Court to fast-track a legal challenge.] 10-2-2014
  26. ObamaCare’s Anti-Innovation Effect. By Scott W. Atlas. [Socked by new taxes, U.S. health-care technology companies are moving R&D centers and jobs overseas.]   10-2-2014
  27. Obamacare. LTE. “Insurers Underprice, Get Subsidies.”  10-3-14
  28. ObamaCare. “Everyday Low Benefits.” [Walmart dumps 30,000 part-timers onto the ObamaCare exchanges.   10-8-2014
  29. ObamaCare. “Udall’s Shorter Work Week.” [Universities dodge the mandate by cutting back student work hours.] 10-13-14
  30. Obamacare’s Failing Cost Control. [The law’s ‘accountable care’ experiment is a bust so far.] 10-20-2014
  31. ObamaCare Returns as an Election Albatross. By Karl Rove. [Policy cancellations and price increases are occurring just in time for Election Day.] 10-23-14
  32. Obamacare. LTE. “ACOs Are Just the Failed HMOs, but With More Power.” 10-31-14
  33. Obamacare. LTE. “Please, Please Stop Trying to Help Us.” 11-4-14.
  34. ObamaCare Buyers Club. [Liberals are fighting liberals over referenda that would make the health law worse.] 11-1-14
  35. Obamacare. “Reversing the Medicaid Tidal Wave in Illinois.” By Merrill Matthews. [Simply auditing the rolls for eligibility resulted in the termination of 148,283 cases.]11-8-2014
  36. ObamaCare Goes to Rewrite. [The Supreme Court agrees to hear the federal subsidy case.] 11-8-14
  37. ObamaCare. “Step One in Defanging ObamaCare.” By Erik Paulsen. [The medical-device tax, a job-killing, growth-stalling mess, is ripe for bepartisan cancellation.] 11-14-14
  38. ObamaCare. “This Democrat Is Giving Up on ObamaCare.” By Burke Beu. [The disastrous rollout of the Affordable Care Act was the catalyst for my party’s midterm thumping.] 11-14-14
  39. ObamaCare Security: Still on Life Support. By Diane Black (U.S. representative from Tennessee) 11-15-2014
  40. ObamaCare. “Another ObamaCare Deception.” By Tevi Troy. [As Jonathan Gruber knows, the health-care law is a tax machine. The ‘Cadillac’ levy will hit the middle class.] 11-17-14
  41. ObamaCare. LTE. “No Sex, Lies and Videotape: Gruber Saga Continues.” 11-22-14
  42. Obamacare. LTE. “ObamaCare’s Reality Hits Democrat Where He Lives.” 11-24-14
  43. Obamacare. LTE. “Pre-Existing Conditions Cost Hidden in ObabmaCare.” 11-25-14
  44. Obamacare. LTE. “State Exchanges’ Costs Are Rising.” 11-25-14
  45. ObamaCare: “Schumer’s ObamaCare Mea Culpa.” [The Senator admits the law has been disastrous for Democrats.] 11-26-2014
  46. Obamacare. “A Bad Provision Even by ObamaCare Standards.” By Tom Coburn et.al. [The Supreme Court should take up this case contesting the panel’s vast powers over Medicare.] 12-4-14
  47. ObamaCare’s Threat to Private Practice. By Scott Gottlieb. [The payment system is forcing doctors to sell out to hospitals. The trend, and the law, will be unstoppable without reform.] 12-8-14
  48. Obamacare’s Casualty List. [Three elections later, the law continues to be a political catastrophe for Democrats.] 12-9-14
  49. Obamacare. “Forrest Gump, Ph. D.” [“Mr. Gruber…his response suggested that he is mainly sorry for getting caught on tape…] 12-10-14
  50. Obamacare. LTE. “The ACA and the Decline of Private-Practice Medicine.” 12-12-14.
  51. ObamaCare. “A Lull Before the ObamaCare Rate Storm.” By Stephen T. Parente. [Premiums this year are a nice surprise. It’s 2017 when hikes kick in – ‘bronze’ family plans alone could rocket 45%.] 12-16-14
  52.  Obamacare. “Time to Start Prepping ObamaCare Reforms.” [Here’s what the GOP should do to get ready for a Supreme Court ruling against the White House in King v. Burwell. 12-18-14
  53. ObamaCare. LTE. “Cosmic Justice and the Genesis of the ObamaCare Law.” 12-16-14
  54.  Obamacare. LTE. “We Were Promised Affordable Care.” 12-19-14
  55. Obamacare. “Vermont’s Single Payer Washout.” [The left’s health-care ideal implodes over punishing tax rates.] 12-23-14
  56. ObamaCare. “Fannie Med Implodes.” [An ObamaCare-funded insurer in Iowa is sent to the morgue.] 12-29-14
  57. Obamacare. LTE. “Health-Insurance Reality is Heading for Washington.” 12-30-14
  58. Obamacare. “Some ObamaCare Progress.” [Restoring the 40-hour workweek will help low-income workers.” 1-9-15
  59. Obamacare. “How ObamaCare Harms Low-Income Workers.” By John C. Goodman. [Full-timers become art-timers, losing wages and the opportunity to buy the health coverage they most prefer.] 1-9-15
  60. Obamacare. “Shunning ObamaCare.” By Andy Puzder. [Of my company’s 5,453 eligible employees, only 420 actually enrolled. The other 5,033 opted to pay a penalty.] 1-14-15
  61. Obamacare. “Tennessee’s Plan to Expand Medicaid Doesn’t Add Up.” By Christie Herrera Et.al. [Gov. Bill Haslam’s deal with the Obama administration would cost taxpayers plenty and hurt the neediest people already in the program.] 1-31-15
  62. Obamacare. “How Not to Bungle an ObamaCare Opening.” By Scott Gottlieb et.al., [Congressional Republicans must be ready with a plausible plan if the King v. Burwell ruling goes their way.] 2-6-15
  63. Obamacare. “Big Pharma’s ObamaCare Reward.” [For helping pass the law, the drug companies get price controls.] 2-6-15
  64. ObamaCare. “Until King Dumb Come.” [ObamaCare’s industry allies shake the tin cup at the Supreme Court.] 2-14-15
  65. ObamaCare. LTE. “The GOP Shouldn’t Match ObamaCare’s Overreaching.”  2-14-15
  66. ObamaCare. “Obamacare’s Electronic-Records Debacle.” By Jeffrey A. Singer. [The rule raises health-care costs even as it means doctors see fewer patients while providing worse care.] 2-17-15
  67. ObamaCare. “Scenes from ObabaCare Tax Season.” [The White House grants another reprieve from the insurance mandate.] 2-21-15
  68. ObamaCare. “States Strike a Blow for Freedom in the ObamaCare Age.”   By Nancy Pfotenhauer et.al. [Ending ‘certificate of need’ laws lowers costs and improves options – and outcomes – for patients.] 2-21-15
  69. Obamacare. LTE. “Affordable Health Insurance Is Still an Illusion for Many.” 2-24-15
  70. ObamaCare. LTE. “Potential of EHRs Meets Problems of Implementation.” 2-21-15
  71. ObamaCare.  “A Simple Cure for ObamaCare:  Freedom.”  by Phil Gramm.  [The GOP needs a politically defensible alternative if the Supreme Court overturns federal-exchange subsidies.] 2-24-15
  72. Obamacare. “A First Step on the Way Out of ObamaCare.” By Ben Sasse. [Cobra-like insurance could bridge the gap for people losing coverage if King v. Burwell goes the GOP’s way.] 2-26-15
  73.  Obamacare. “A GOP Exit Ramp From ObamaCare.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [“…a more powerful message than that of the president. They can point out that the court saved at least 50 million Americans from the costs of the individual and employer mandate…”] 2-27-15
  74.  Obamacare. “A Litmus Test for ObamaCare and the Rule of Law.” By Ilya Shapiro et.al. [The president has ignored the law’s plain language. Now the Supreme Court decides if that’s all right.] 2-27-15
  75.  Obamacare. LTE. “The ‘Simple’ Cure for ObamaCare Isn’t All That Simple.” 3-2-15
  76. Obamacare. “The Plain Text of ObamaCare.” [Subsidies via states only were part of the Democratic plan.] 3-3-15
  77.  Obamacare. “An Off-Ramp From ObamaCare.” By Republicans John Kline, Paul Ryan, and Fred Upton, chairmen, respectively of the House committees on Education and Workforce, Ways and Means, and Energy and Commerce. [If the Supreme Court follows the law, there will be an opening for a sane health-care alternative. Here it is.] 3-3-15
  78. Obamacare. LTE. “States Offer Best Health-Care Path.” 3-4-15
  79. Obamacare. “A State Reply to Justice Kennedy.” By Scott Pruitt. [We are not children who must be protected by the federal government from making choices.] 3-5-15
  80. Obamacare. “Federalism and ObamaCare.” [Liberals discover state’s rights in a Hail Mary to save the health law.]  3-5-15
  81. Obamacare. “Obamacare Hail Mary.” [Liberals roll out more faux federalism to sway Justice Kennedy.] 3-9-15
  82. Obamacare. LTE. “Save the Constitution, Not the ACA.” 3-12-15
  83. Obamacare. “An ObamaCare Plan Beats No Plan.” [How Republicans should respond if the Justices toss out subsidies.] 3-20-15
  84. Obamacare.   “A Make-or-Break ObamaCare Moment.” By Ron Johnson. [If the Supreme Court opens the door, Republicans must be ready with a simple, workable health-care plan.] 4-14-15
  85. Obamacare. “In Praising ObamaCare, They Bury It.” By Cliff Asness. [The law’s cheerleaders tend to cite two main accomplishments. Both of them are irrelevant.] 4-16-15
  86. Obamacare. “The ObamaCare Effect: Hospital Monopolies.” By Marty Makary. [Last year saw 95 hospital mergers and acquisitions, a frenzy encouraged by the Affordable Care Act.] 4-20-15
  87. Obamacare.   LTE. “Health Care and the Golden Past That Was Never There.” 4-27-15
  88. Obamacare. LTE. “ACA Unneeded for Medicaid Growth.” 4-29-15
  89. Obamacare. “Obama’s Medicaid Extortion Gambit.” By John Daniel Davidson. [The administration threatens health funding to states that declined to expand the program.] 5-14-15
  90. Obamacare. “ObamaCare’s Big Dig.” [The Massachusetts exchange is under federal investigation.] 5-11-15
  91. Obamacare. “In Search of an ObamaCare Breakout.” [How to prevent a legal victory from becoming a political defeat.] 5-22-15
  92. Obamacare. LTE. “Post-King v/ Burwell Advice for Republicans in Congress.” 6-2-15
  93. ObamaCare.   “ObamaCare Omen? “ [President Obama goes after the Supreme Court even before it rules.] 6-10-15
  94. Obamacare. “ObamaCare’s Oligopoly Wave.” [Bigger insurance, bigger medicine, and a health consolidation frenzy.] 6-20-15
  95. ObamaCare . “ObamaCare Beyond the Handouts.” By Homan W. Jenkins. Jr. 6-24-15
  96. ObamaCare. “Another ObamaCare Dream Goes Bust.” By Grace-Marie Turner and Thomas P. Miller. [Health-care cooperatives last year suffered an estimated $377 million in net underwriting losses.] 6-24-15
  97. Obamacare. “The ObamaCare Debate Begins Anew.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [“…debate on ObamaCare is about to explode in a way not witnessed since 2010…”] 6-26-15
  98. Obamacare. “Antonin Scalia Dissents.” 6-26-15
  99. Obamacare. “The Political John Roberts.” [The Chief Justice again rewrites ObamaCare in order to save it.] 6-26-15
  100. Obamacare. “ObamaCare Wins One, America Loses.” By John Barrasso. [The Supreme Court ruling Thursday is a temporary reprieve for a failed law that needs to be replaced.] 6-26-15
  101. Obamacare. “Repairing the ObamaCare Wreckage.” By Scott W. Atlas. [The King v. Burwell ruling aside, the fact remains that premiums are skyrocketing and choices are shrinking.] 6-29-15
  102. Obamacare. LTE. “Co-ops Are Off to a Promising Start.” 7-1-15
  103. Obamacare. LTE. “Supreme Court Hurts Rule of Law With Burwell Ruling.” 7-3-15
  104. Obamacare. “Tell Us Your Health-Care Plans, GOP Hopefuls.” By Karl Rove. [ObamaCare will irritate millions of Americans between now and 2016.] 7-2-15
  105. Obamacare. LTE. “ACA Holdouts, Cost and Employer-Provided Insurance.” 7-6-15
  106. Obamacare. “How the Affordable Care Act Is Reducing Competition.” By Scott Gottlieb. [Five big insurers seem set to become three, as Aetna buys Humana and Anthem eyes Cigna. Thanks, Obamacare.] 7-6-15
  107. Obamacare. “Killing ObamaCare’s Rationing Board.” [The panel of seers is supposed to deny costly treatments.] 7-2-15
  108. Obamacare. “An ObamaCare-Inspired Rebellion.” By David Goldhill and Paul Howard. [The law is driving people into high-deductible plans, inadvertently seeding a consumer-driven market.] 7-2-15
  109. Obamacare. LTE. “Maybe We Should talk About Sustainable Health Care.” 7-7-15
  110. Obamacare. “The Coming Health-Care Cost Shock.” By Ezekiel Emanuel and Topher Spiro. [Obama’s favorite tool for controlling the rise isn’t working. Here’s a Medicare reform that might do the job.] 7-8-15
  111. ObamaCare. “The Unaffordable Care Act.” [Premiums are spiking around the country. Obama is in denial.] 7-11-15
  112. Obamacare. “Big Brothers of the Poor.” {The Tenth Circuit forces nuns to obey the contraception mandate.] [“…But the spectacle of the Administration attempting to crush the conscience of a religious order is a lasting discredit to the U.S. traditions of pluralism and tolerance.”] 7-16-15
  113. Obamacare. LTE. “Create Chaos, Then Take Over the Health-Care System.” 7-16-15
  114. ObamaCare. “ObamaCare’s Prices Will Keep Surging.” By Stephen T. Parente. [After this year’s spike, the average family plan will go up another 11.2% in 2016.] 7-17-15
  115. Obamacare. “The Government Insurance Complex” [Big Insurance hires its regulator as its new ObamaCare lobbyist.] 7-17-15
  116. Obamacare. LTE. “Health-Care System Burdened by Soaring Drug Prices.” 7-28-15
  117. Obamacare. “Democrats Roll Out ‘Mediscare’ Again.” By Tevi Troy. [William Safire defined it as a ‘shamelessly demagogic campaign to frighten older Americans.’ He was right.] 7-31-15
  118. ObamaCare. “Obamacare Undercover.” [How to fake an application and get an insurance subsidy.] 8-1-15
  119. ObamaCare. “The Post-ObamaCare Debate Begins.” [Scott Walker offers a realistic and promising reform.] 8-19-15
  120. Obamacare. “Two Essential Tools for Repairing the ObamaCare Damage.” By Scott W. Atlas and John F. Cogan. [Health-care savings accounts and high-deductible plans empower consumers and will bring down costs.] 9-2-15
  121. Obamacare. “Remaking Companies for ObamaCare.” By Mike Ferguson. [Millions of people work for businesses that self-insure. Fans of the Affordable Care Act aren’t happy about it.] 9-3-15
  122. Obamacare. LTE. “Take a Closer Look at Bernie’s Health Plan.” 9-29-15
  123. Obamacare. “A Clintonian Misdirection on Drug Prices.” By Scott Gottlieb. [Turing was able to raise the price of a single pill to $750 by exploiting misbegotten regulation.] 9-30-15
  124. Obamacare. “The ‘Cadillac Tax’ Makes Everyone Sick.” By Tevi Troy. [An ObamaCAre levy made to limit workplace health insurance means maybe you can’t keep you plan either.] 10-13-15
  125. Obamacare. “ObamaCare Bear Market.” [The co-ops collapse and enrollment falls a people stop paying.”] 10-14-15
  126. Obamacare. LTE “’Cadillac Tax’ Will Hit Unions and Employers.” 10-16-15
  127. Obamacare. “A New Attack on Health-Care Reality.” [Liberal rewrite the history of the failing ObamaCare co-ops.] 10-23-15
  128. Obamacare. “The Decline of ObamaCare.” [Fewer enrollees and rising loss ratios will force a rewrite in 2017.] 10-26-15
  129. Obamacare. “The Slow-Motion Implosion of Obamacare.” By Andy Puzder. [I see firsthand in my company why not enough people are signing up and premiums are rising.] [“…in March of last year the Congressional Budget Office predicted that 21 million people would be enrolled in 2016 – more than double the new estimate…”] 11-2-15
  130. Obamacare. LTE. “No Surprise at Coverage-Dodging Millennials. 11-3-15
  131. Obamacare. “ObamaCare’s Cascading Co-op Failures.” By Adrian Smith. [More than 500,000 people have lost coverage as plans crashed after charging artificially low premiums.] 11-3-15
  132. Obamacare. “The Obamacare Albatross.” [The entitlement that keeps on giving to Republicans.] 11-5-15
  133. Obamacare. “Medicaid Expansion Is Proving to Be a Bad Bargain for States.” By Evelyn Everton and Chris Hudson. [New ObamaCare enrollees and costs have exceeded estimates and threaten to swamp budgets.] 11-7-15
  134. ObamaCare. “Obamacare’s Failure Contagion.” [The collapse of the co-ops is punishing other insurers.] 11-10-15
  135. Obamacare. “The High Court Gets Religion.” [The Obama DOJ pleaded with the court not to take the Little Sisters’ case.] 11-10-15
  136. Obamacare. LTE. “If the Plan Doesn’t Fit You, We Will Make You Fit It.” 11-13-15
  137. Obamacare. LTE. “The States and Medicaid Expansion or Not.” 11-17-15
  138. Obamacare. “UnitedHealth’s ObamaCare Reckoning. [Insurers are learning that the law was a Faustian bargain.] 11-23-15
  139. ObamaCare. LTE.   “ObamaCare: They Have Themselves to Blame.” 12-1-15
  140. ObamaCare. “The ObamaCare-Immigration Collision.” By Andy Puzder. [Keeping millions of illegal immigrants in the U.S. and virtually ensuring that they will cost American jobs.] 12-4-15
  141. ObamaCare. “Don’t Let ObamaCare’s Failures Snowball Into Single Payer.” By Nathan Nascimento. [Coloradoans, hit hard by the law, are being pushed toward a state takeover of their health insurance.] 12-12-15
  142. ObamaCare. “The Politics of ObamaCar’s Taxes.” [The delay in the Cadillac Levy doesn’t hurt chances for repeal.] 12-18-15
  143. Obamacare. LTE. “ColoradoCare Is Better Than the Alternatives.” 12-21-15
  144. Obamacare. “A Victory Over ObamaCare.” [Congress puts a repeal bill on the President’s desk.] 1-6-16
  145. Obamacare. “”ObamaCare’s $1,200 Pay Cut.” [The cost of insuring your 26-year-old is more than your thought. 1-13-16
  146. Obamacare. “Instead of ObamaCAre: Giving Health-Care Power to the People.” By Lanhee J. Chen and James C. Capretta. [The next president can replace the Affordable Care Act and focus on consumer choice. Here’s how.] 1-23-16
  147. Obamacare. “ObamaCare in Arrears.” [The losses keep piling up for private insurers on the exchanges.] 1-27-16
  148. Obamacare. “ObamaCare’s Wallet-Buster Health Plans.” By Nathan Nascimento. [While insurance premiums and deductibles soar, Hillary Clinton takes credit for the president’s mess.] 2-1-16
  149. Obamacare. “Bernie Blocks the FDA – and Shows the Folly of Single Payer.” By Joel M. Zinberg and Thomas P. Stossel. 2-13-16
  150. ObamaCare. LTE  “Health-Care Insurers and the Big ACA Losses.” 2-23-16
  151. Obamacare. “Slammed by ObamaCare.” By Christopher E. Press. [My Bronze plan’s monthly premium jumped $194 this year. I never thought I’d look forward to Medicare.] 3-8-16
  152. Obamacare. LTE. “Wasn’t ObamaCare Going to Save You Money?” 3-14-16
  153. Obamacare. “ObamaCare vs. Little Sisters of the Poor.” By John Garvey. [The Supreme Court will decide what could be a landmark case for or against religious liberty.] 3-21-16
  154. Obamacare. LTE. “Health Care for Illegals Paid by the Taxpayers.” 4-7-16
  155. Obamacare. “Obama’s Medicaid Budget Trap.” By Justin Haskins. [“…new projections …indicate the federal government’s cost of Medicaid expansion over the next decade will be significantly higher than originally expected…] 4-8-16
  156. Obamacare. “A Big ObamaCare Exit.” [America’s largest health insurer flees after incurring huge losses.] 4-20-16
  157. Obamacare. LTE. “Health Insurers Flee ACA Exchanges in the ‘Obexit.’ “ 4-26-16
  158. Obamacare. “Big Win For Little Sisters.” By Wm. McGurn. [President Obama’s contraceptive mandate gets a high court smackdown.] 5-17-16
  159. Obamacare. “Sisters Act Two: Back in the Habit.” [The Court offers Obama a chance for compromise on religious liberty.] 5-17-16
  160. Obamacare. “Obamacare: A Crony Capitalist’s Best Friend.” By Marco Rubio. [Congress blocked the law’s bailout of insurers – who are now suing to reinstate the sweetheart deal.] 5-25-16
  161. Obamacare. LTE.  “Risk Corridors Are Essential in Health Care.”  6-6-16
  162. Obamacare. “Waiting For Obama On Religious Liberty.”  By Frank Pavone.  [Priests for Life is ready to reach a solution, as the Supreme Court directed.]  6-6-16
  163. Obamacare. LTE.  “Insurers Are Hoist on Their Own petard of ObamaCare.”  6-11-16
  164. Obamacare. “ObamaCare’s Next Act.”  [Clinton and Obama revive the ‘public option’ road to single payer.]  7-13-16
  165. Obamacare. “ObamaCare and Big Insurance.”  [Justice tries to block the mergers that Obama’s law intended.]  7-25-16
  166. Obamacare. “How I Was Wrong About ObamaCare.”  By Bob Kocher.  [The law’s drafters wanted consolidation:  112 hospital mergers last year.  But smaller practices have improved care better.]  8-1-16
  167. Obamacare. “Aetna’s ObamaCare Shock.”  [Expecting to lose $300 million, the insurer may opt out.]  8-3-16
  168. Obamacare. “ObamaCare Death Spiral Update.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Increasingly, the only customers for ObamaCare policies are those who are already sick.]  8-6-16
  169. Obamacare. LTE.  “Dr. Kocher’s Damascus-Like ACA Conversion.”  8-8-16  (See #166 here.)Obamacare.   “Obamacare Sicker (sic) Shock.”  [Why average premiums are soring 18% to 23% across the country.]  8-13-16
  170. Obamacare. “The Aetna Mugging.”  [As ObamaCare implodes, Democrats blame insurers.] 8-18-16
  171. Obamacare. LTE. “ObamaCare Failures Are Rooted in Its Design.” 8-20-16
  172. Obamacare.   “Make Democrats Own ObamaCare.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. [In the states that will determine control of the Senate, the health law is falling apart.] 9-2-16
  173. Obamacare . “Obamacare’s ‘Improper’ Failure.” [Mistaken or fraudulent payments are soaring for Medicaid.] 9-7-16
  174. Obamacare. LTE. “EpiPen Prices as a Metaphor for ObamaCare.” 9-7-16
  175. Obamacare. LTE.  “Health Care Should Serve the Patients First.”  9-20-16
  176. Obamacare. “A Millennial’s ObamaCare Lament.”  By David Barnes.  9-26-16
  177. Obamacare. “An Illegal Bailout for ObamaCare.”  [The White House plots a Treasury raid without an appropriation.] 9-29-16
  178. ObamaCare. “ObamaCare’s Meltdown Has Arrived.”  By Andrew Ogles and Luke Hilgemann.  [With insurers pulling back, half of Tennesseans covered under the plan are losing their coverage.]  10-6-16
  179. ObamaCare. “Clinton vs. Clinton on ObamaCare.”  [Republicans should make the failing law a closing election theme.]  10-7-16
  180. ObamaCare. LTE.  “With Cooperation, ObamaCare Can Be Fixed.”  10-15-16
  181. ObamaCare. LTE.  “EHRs Hurt Quality of Doctor-Patient Contact.”  10-18-16
  182. ObamaCare. “Post-ObamaCare Preview in Colorado.”  [A ballot initiative shows where the left wants to go next.]  10-22-16
  183. ObamaCare. “Another ObamaCare Shock.”  [A 27-year-old will pay 116% more in Arizona.  Thanks, Mr. President.]  10-25-16
  184. ObamaCare. LTE.  “Is Single-Payer the Fix for ObamaCare’s Ills?”  10-25-16
  185. ObamaCare. “Accountability for ObamaCare.” [Democrats should pay a political price for this historic failure.]  10-26-16

  186. ObamaCare. LTE “How Clinton will Try to Build on ObamaCare.” 10-26-16
  187. Obamacare.. “ObamaCare Comes Back to Haunt Evan Bayh in Indiana”   [In a Senate battle against the GOP’s Todd Young, Mr. Bayh runs on a record he abandoned years ago.]  10-26-16
  188. Obamacare. “The Non-Affordable Care Act’s Restaurant Recession.”  By Andy Puzder  [Rising health-care premiums and costs are leaving consumers with less money to dine out.]  10-31-16
  189. ObamaCare. LTE.  “No Good Way to a Successful Reworking of ObamaCare.´ 11-1-16
  190. Obamacare. LTE.  “Still Waiting on ObamaCare Accountability.”  11-3-16
  191. ObamaCare. “The GOP’s ObamaCare Strategy Pays Off.”  By Tevi Troy and Lanhee J. Chen.  [The House kept the health-care law on the policy agenda by passing more than 50 repeal bills.]  11-14-16
  192. Obamacare. “The Trump ObamaCare Panic.”  [The GOP shouldn’t blow itself up over the meaning of ‘repeal.’]  11-15-16
  193. Obamacare. “Medicaid Explodes.”  [New enrollments vastly exceed estimates, and states are on the hook.]  11-18-16
  194. Obamacare. “The Four Legs of a New Health-Care System.”  By James C. Capretta and Scott Gottlieb.  [The Great Recession enabled ObamaCare.  Now the Law’s failure makes reform possible.]  12-1-16
  195. Obamacare. “Diagnosing Your Doc’s New Euphoria.”  By Marc Siegel.  [Suddenly there’s hope for dismantling ObamaCare – and restoring sanity for doctors and patients.]  12-5-16
  196. Obamacare. “Washington Price Choppers.”  [Liberals melt down over Trump’s anti-ObamaCare nominee for HHS.]  12-7-16
  197. Obamacare. “The GOP’s Obamacare Moment.”  [A Repeal first then replace strategy carries big political risks.]  12-28-16
  198. Obamacare. “Stand Up for ObamaCare, CEOs.”  By Annie Lamont and Ezekiel J. Emanuel.  [One company’s managers think repeal would raise its health-care costs by hundreds of millions.]  1-4-17
  199. Obamacare. “A Repeal and Replace Explainer.”  [Republicans have a plan.  Maybe they should explain it to the public – and each other.]  1-11-17
  200. Obamacare. “The First Votes for ObamaCare Repeal.”  [Rand Paul votes with Democrats against entitlement reform.]  1-14-17
  201. Obamacare. “How Many ObamaCare Patients Have Pre-Existing Conditions?”  [The president (Obama) claims 133 million, but it’s more like 500,000 – and there are better ways to insure them.]  1-19-17
  202. Obamacare. “Congress Has Already Started to Repeal ObamaCare.”  By John C. Goodman. [Expanding a provision in one of the last laws Obama signed could help undo his signature initiative.]  1-24-17
  203. Obamacare. “The President Opens the ObamaCare Escape Hatch.”  By Heather R. Higgins and Phil Kerpen.  [Trump’s executive order will make it easier to find an insurance plan that fits your needs.]    1-26-17 
  204. Obamacare. “Replace ObamaCare, Don’t Rename It.”  By Phil Gramm.  [Trying to cure all the program’s ills will only make them worse – and the GOP will get the blame.]  2-3-17
  205. ObamaCare. “The ObamaCare Cleanup Begins.” [Early executive action can improve short-term insurance markets.] 2-7-17
  206. Obamacare. “The GOP’s Health-Care Offensive.” By Kimberley a. Strassel. [A new colaition aims to pitch Republicans’ ObamaCare overhaul to the wider public.] 2-10-17
  207. ObamaCare. “The ObamaCare Merger Deathblow.” [Antitrust kills two tie-ups, but reform will create a better market.] 2-15-17
  208. Obamacare. “Repeal and Replace Panic.” [The GOP heath reform needs to give states the freedom to fix Medicaid.] 2-18-17
  209. Obamacare. “The ObamaCare Holdouts.” [Given the chance, millions duck the law’s rules and limits.] 2-24-17
  210. Obamacare. “To End ObamaCare, Be Bold.” By Heather R. Higgins. [Partial repeal through ‘reconciliation’ would saddle the GOP with blame for failure.’] 2-27-17
  211. Obamacare. “How ObamaCare Punishes the Sick.” By Michael F. Cannon. [Patients with costly conditions like MS are seeing coverage cut.] 3-1-17
  212. Obamacare. “The Health Bill You’ve Waited For.” By Kevin Brady and Greg Walden. [Our plan removes taxes and mandates, while offering tax credits to help Americans afford coverage.] 3-7-17
  213. Obamacare. “ObamaCare 2.0” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The GOP plan has big subsidies but is still a better dog’s breakfast than the status quo.] 3-8-17
  214. Obamacare. “A Historic Health-Care Moment.” [The House plan isn’t perfect, but it’s the only reform opportunity Republicans will get.] 3-8-17
  215. Obamacare. “The Beginning of ObamaCare’s End.”   By Karl Rove. [The House bill can’t do everything, but it’s a first step toward fixing health care.] 3-9-17
  216. Obamacare. “What Are the GOP Alternatives?” [By all means fix the House health bill’s flaws but the other political strategies won’t work.] 3-9-17
  217. Obamacare. “Let’s Make a (Conservative) Deal.” By Kimberley Strassel. [Activists want to alter the health-care bill, and Trump is open to it. So start haggling.] 3-10-17
  218. Obamacare. “House Republicans Repeat an Obama Error.” By Peggy Noonan. [Like the Democrats in 2009, the majority party’s priorities aren’t responsive to the moment.] 3-11-17
  219. Obamacare. “The House GOP Health Plan Makes ObamaCare Look Good.” By Alan S. Blinder. [Republicans kill the mandate to buy insurance, but that makes a market ‘death spiral’ more likely.] 3-13-17
  220. Obamacare. “CBO’s Prophecies, Demystified.” [The budget gnomes tend to underestimate market incentives, especially in health care.] 3-14-17
  221. Obamacare. “The Health Bill’s Fiscal Bonus.” [The best chance in a generation to control a runaway government.] 3-15-17
  222. Obamacare. “Medicaid Is Free. So Why Does It Require a Mandate?” by Avik Roy. [The CBO estimates that five million fewer people would sign up without the ObamaCare tax penalty.] 3-15-17
  223. Obamacare. “How to Repair ObamaCare’s Fiscal Damage.” By Charles Blahous. [Repealing the Affordable Care Act could reduce the federal deficit as much as $1 trillion over a decade.] 3-17-17
  224. Obamacare. “Reach Across the Aisle, Mr. President.” By Peggy Noonan. [For health-care reform to succeed, it requires buy-in and compromise from both parties.] 3-18-17
  225. Obamacare. “My Old Kentucky Health Care.” By Wm. McGurn. [The Bluegrass State is a good proxy for the tensions over the fate of ObabaCare.] 3-21-17
  226. Obamacare. “Saving Private Health Insurance.” [The House ‘stability fund’ would help states help high-risk patients.] 3-21-17
  227. Obamacare. “A Defining Health Vote.” [A chance for the GOP to show it can govern after years of promises.] 3-22-17
  228. Obamacare. “Keeping Our Promise to Repeal ObamaCare.” By Pau Ryan. [Our bill guts the failing law and enacts conservative reform without pulling the rug out from under anyone.] 3-23-17
  229. Obamacare. “The Freedom-From-Reality Caucus.” [A rump GOP faction may kill the only chance to repeal Obamacare.] 3-24-17
  230. Obamacare. “Here’s How 51 Senators Can Reduce Premiums.” By Avik Roy. [The secret to repealing Obamacare’s regulations through reconciliation is buried in the Ryan bill.] 3-24-17
  231. Obamacare. “The GOP Entitlement Caucus.” [chart: Federal Medicaid Outlays.] 3-28-17
  232. ObamaCare. LTE. “Health Care: GOP Can Do Better, and It Must.” 3-30-17
  233. Obamacare. “Reviving Repeal and Replace.” [The GOP is running out of time as insurance markets deteriorate.] 4-10-17
  234. Obamacare. “How the GOP Could Nudge the Uninsured Toward Coverage.” By James C. Capretta and Lanhee J. Chen. [Automatically enroll many Americans in no-premium, high-deductible policies unless they opt out.] 4-19-17
  235. Obamacare. “A GOP Health-Care Reprieve? [A compromise gives the House a chance to honor its ObamCare promise.] 4-22-17
  236. Obamacare. “Medicaid and Mr. Monopoly.”  By Wm. McGurn.  [Why opponents find it easy to lampoon GOP arguments for health reform.]  4-25-17
  237. Obamacare. “ ObamaCare Repeal Needs a Direction.” By Bobby Jindal.  [Focus on reducing the costs of health care, and more Americans will end up getting covered.]  4-25-17
  238. Obamacare. “Mark Meadows’s First 100 Days.”  By Daniel Henninger.  [The Freedom Caucus broke the momentum of the presidency and fractured the party.]  4-27-17
  239. Obamacare. “Pre-Existing Confusion.”  [Here’s how the House health reform will cover high-risk patients.]  5-2-17
  240. Obamacare. “Health Reform’s House Breakout.”  [The GOP needs to show the country – and Trump – it can govern.]  5-4-17
  241. Obamacare. “The House’s Job Now?  Keep Calm.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [The Senate is going to alter the health-care bill.  Be open to ideas that can improve it.]  5-5-17
  242. Obamacare. “Ending Obamacare, Part One.  [House Republicans take a giant step toward better health care.]  5-5-17
  243. Obamacare. “GOP Health-Care Sausage is Good for You.”  By Holman w. Jenkins, Jr.  [The House bill points toward a day when Americans won’t overspend on medical care.]  5-6-17
  244. ObamaCare. “Fact Checking Health-Care Hysteria.”  By Karl Rove.  [It’s as if Democrats didn’t even bother reading the GOP bill before attacking it.]  5-10-17
  245. Obamacare. “Aetna Says Sayonara to ObamaCare.”  [The exchanges lose another insurer, not that Democrats will admit it.]  5-12-17
  246. Obamacare. LTE.  “’Pre-Existing’ Means More Than You think.”  5-12-17
  247. Obamacare. “How to Read an ObamaCare Prediction.”  [chart:  “ObamaCare coverage error: 2014 to 2017]  5-25-2017
  248. Obamacare. “CBO’s Catastrophic Omission.”  [The budget gnomes ignore some insurance for high-cost illness.]  5-26-17
  249. Obamacare. “California Single-Payer Dreaming.”  [Sacramento offers a preview of the 2020 Democratic platform.]  5-27-17
  250. Obamacare. California.  “California’s ‘Free’ Health Care Won’t Come Cheap.”  By Sally C. Pipes.  [The state may implement a single-payer system – meaning substandard care, wait lists and new taxes.]  6-2-17
  251. Obamacare. LTE.  “California Dreaming:  Is Single-Payer Right?”  6-6-2017
  252. Obamacare. “The Senate’s Medicaid Moment.”  [The states are proving they can reform this program for the poor.]  6-7-17
  253. Obamacare. “A Single-Payer Test Drive.”  [If Democrats are serious, why not try it out in California.]  6-12-17
  254. Obamacare. “ObamaCare’s ‘Secret’ History.” [Jonathan Gruber is back and betting again on public ‘stupidity.’  6-15-17
  255. Obamacare. “Don’t Blame Trump When ObamaCare Rates Jump.”  By Chris Jacobs.  [California’s insurance commissioner discovers an ‘uncertainty’ that eluded him last year.]  6-16-17
  256. Obamacare. “The Senate’s Health-Care Advance.”  [The draft bill contains many conservative victories, which is why the left hates it.]  6-23-17
  257. Obamacare. “Health-reform Principles That Can Cross Party Lines.”  By Lanhee J. Chen and Ron Pollack.  [ Experts don’t always agree – but eight of us found common ground despite our other differences.]  6-26-17
  258. Obamacare. “The Senate’s Health-Care Hour.”  [GOP opponents will be accountable if they ruin this reform moment.]  6-27-17
  259. Obamacare. “The Senate Saves the 10th Amendment.”  By Avik Roy.  [The health-care bill would liberate states to bypass ObamaCare rules and better manage Medicaid.]  6-27-17
  260. ObamaCare. “The GOP’s Schumer Option.”  [The ‘bipartisanship’ to expect if Senate Republicans fail.]  6-28-17
  261. ObamaCare. “Obamacare’s Victims Need Relief Now.”  By Thomas E. Price.  [More than 1,000 counties have only a single insurer.  Doug Lake lives in one—and rates are going up 43%.] 6-28-17
  262. Obamacare. “Obama’s Health-Care Audacity.”  By Karl Rove.  [The ex-president takes a break from vacation to lecture Republicans.]  6-29-17
  263. Obamacare. “The Republicaid Party.” [Some GOP Senators are shrinking from entitlement reform.]  6-29-17
  264. Obamacare. “The Simplicity of a Health Deal.” by Kimerley A. Strassel. [The GOP must realize protection for pre-existing conditions is here to stay.]  6-30-17
  265. Obamacare. “The ObamaCare Waiver Breakthrough.”  [The Senate health bill has an important way to reduce premiums.]  6-30-17
  266. Obamacare. “On Health Care, a Promise, Not a Threat.”  By Peggy Noonan.  [McConnell warns GOP senators they may end up having to work with the Democrats. They should.]  7-1-17
  267. Obamacare. “The Senate’s Tax Panic.”  [Republicans are now afraid to repeal Obamacare’s taxes.]  7-3-17
  268. Obamacare. “How Many Jobs Does the ACA Kill?”  by Casey B. Mulligan.  [We surveyed managers at small businesses and put the count at 250,000.]  7-6-17 
  269. Obamacare. “John Kasich’s Medicaid Lecture.”  [Ohio’s Governor doesn’t preach what he practices at home.  7-8-17
  270. Obamacare. “ObamaCare Freedom and Failure Options.”  [Ted Cruz’s idea is good policy, but is it a political hill to die on?]  7-13-17
  271. Obamacare. “ObamaCare Moment of Truth.” [GOP Moderates get all they want and they still won’t commit to yes.]  7-14-17
  272. Obamacare. “The Result of GOP Failure.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Pre-existing conditions without an individual mandate was a time bomb.]  7-19-17
  273. Obamacare. “The Obamacare Republicans.”  [Voters may repeal and replace the Senators who broke their promise.]  [Republican senators:  Dean Heller (Nev.), Susan Collins (Maine), Shelley Moore Capito (W. Va.), Rob Portman (Ohio), Jerry Moran (Kansas), Ran Paul (Ky.) Mike Lee (Utah), Bill Cassigy (La). Gov. John Kasich (Ohio).  7-19-17  
  274. Obamacare. “Medicaid’s Potemkin Health Coverage.”  By Allysia Finley.  [California is a case study:  One patient suing the state says she went to Mexico to her gall bladder out.]  7-19-17
  275. Obamacare. LTE.  “Westaby Warns America About British Single-Payer.”  7-21-17
  276. Obamacare. “Congress Won’t End ObamaCare, So here’s How to Mend It.”  [No new law is necessary.  If the administration does no harm, the marketplaces will succeed.]  7-24-17
  277. Obamacare. “Force Congress’s Hand on Health Care.”  By Heather R. Higgins.  7-24-17
  278. Obamacare. “Farewell, Charlie Gard.”  [State to his parents:  How dare you look for a second opinion.]  “Can Republicans Govern?”  [Some Senators want to talk forever about health care.  Time for a vote.]  7-25-17
  279. Obamacare. “The Deadline to Kill the Death Panel.”  By Grace-Marie Turner and Doug Badger.  [If the House acts fast, it can abolish a bad ObamaCare provision.]  7-26-17
  280. ObamaCare. “Obamacare’s GOP Preservers”  [Seven Republicans pull a switcheroo as repeal fails, 45 – 55. [Vote of 7-26-17: Republicans voting against repeal:  Susan Collins of Maine, Rob Portman of Ohio, Shelley Moore Capito of West virginia, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Dean Heller of Nevada, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Mike Lee of Utah.
  281. Obamacare. LTE.  “Golden State’s Medi-Cal Is Not That Golden.”  7-27-17  [“…Plan A for all Medicaid reform was to do away with fee-for-service payments and put all the Medicaid patients into managed-care plans.  Now that appears to be a failed experiment in California and most other states…”] 7-27-17
  282. ObamaCare. “Notable and Quotable:  Murkowski”  (From a Dec. 3, 2015, press release from the office of Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R. Alaska): [“…U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski spoke on the Senate floor to lay out how the ACA is drastically harming the people of Alaska…outlined how in Alaska, the rising healthcare costs have gone too far:…Senator Murkowski has long been an opponent of the Affordable Care Act…(with 12 dated actions against the ACA by Sen. Murkowski)]  7-27-17
  283. Obamacare. “The Republican ObamaCare Crack Up.”  [The party had a historic chance to act in the public interest.  It failed.]  7-29-17
  284. ObamaCare. LTE.  “Americans Hate the Philosophy of ObamaCare.”  7-31-17
  285. Obamacare. “ObamaCare for Congress.” [Trump can change a rule that exempts Members from the law’s pain.]  8-2-17
  286. Obamacare. “Maine’s Two Senators Let Us Down.”  By Paul R. LePage (Governor of Maine). [Medicaid expansion nearly broke our state budget, yet Sens. Collins and King refuse to reform it.]  8-2-17
  287. ObamaCare. “The Coming ObamaCare Bailout.”  [‘Cost-sharing’ subsidies are illegal without an appropriation by Congress.]  8-3-17
  288. Obamacare. “A Short-Term ObamaCare Fix.”  [An HHS rule change could revive part of the individual market.]  8-15-17
  289. Obamacare. “Blame-Sharing on ObamaCare.”  [CBO finds ending insurance subsidies won’t kill the exchanges.]  8-17-17
  290. Obamacare. “Insurers Are Still Denying Treatments for Pre-Existing Conditions.”  By Craig Blinderman.  [Patients with chronic illness are often forced to jump through hoops to get drugs they need.]  8-23-17
  291. Obamacare. “Navigating ObamaCare.”  [HHS tries to save money on insurance advisers who do little advising.]  9-2-17
  292. Obamacare. “The Single-Payer Siren Song.”  By Wm. A. Galston.  [‘Medicare for All’ may become the Democrats’ version of ‘repeal and replace.’]  9-13-17
  293. Obamacare. “Bernie’s Socialism Goes Mainstream.”  [‘Medicare for all’ is fast becoming a Democratic Party Litmus test.]  9-14-17
  294. Obamacare. “One Last ObamaCare Try.”  [Graham-Cassidy beats the status quo as a crucial deadline nears.]  9-15-17
  295. Obamacare. “How to End ObamaCare in Two Pages.”  By James F. Blumstein.  [Call John Robert’s bluff by disavowing the taxing power.]  9-19-17
  296. Obamacare. “The Republicans Who May Save ObamaCare.”  By Karl Rove.  [Start with Rand Paul. Can he vote ‘no’ on Graham-Cassidy after voting ‘yes’ in July?]  9-21-17
  297. Obamacare. “Republicans Get One Last Chance on ObamaCare Reform. By Lanhee J. Chen.  [Graham-Cassidy is not perfect, but it creates a competition of ideas and gives power back to states.]  9-21-17
  298. Obamacare. “Lisa Murkowski’s Calculator.”  By Kimberley A. Strassel.  [The GOP health-care bill is in her hands.  And her state, Alaska, needs a ‘yes’ vote.]  9-22-17
  299. Obamacare. “The Panic Over Graham-Cassidy.”  [The single-payer Democrats won’t budge on health care.]  9-22-17
  300. Obamacare. “The Graham-Cassidy Show Is Like ‘Jaws’ – and You’re the Swimmer.” By Alan S. Blinder.  [Although the GOP’s new health-care bill is mean-spirited and totally partisan, it isn’t frivolous.]  (Blinder is a professor of economics at Princeton University, served on President Bill Clinton‘s Council of Economic Advisers, and advised Democratic candidate John Kerry  induring the 2004 presidential campaign)..   9-22-17
  301. ObamaCare. “ObamaCare Groundhaog Day.” [John McCain and Rand Paul all but doom a second reform attempt.]  9-23-17
  302. ObamaCare. “ObamaCare’s Tax on the Poor.”  [The mandate penalty hits low-income Americans the hardest.]  9-23-17
  303. Obamacare. “The Obamacare Saviors.”  [Rand Paul did more than Chuck Schumer to save the Affordable Care Act.] 9-27-17
  304. Obamacare. LTE.  “I’m Champion of the Real ObamaCare Repeal.”  10-3-17  by Sen. Rand Paul.
  305. Obamacare. “The Health Reform that Hasn’t Been Tried.”  By Scott Atlas.  [ObamaCare subsidizes bloated insurance policies.  Republicans should try a whole new approach.]  10-4-17
  306. Obamacare. “A Nun’s right to Choose.”  [Poor women will still have easy access to contraceptives.]  10-9-17
  307. Obamacare. “Salvaging Private Health Insurance.”  [Trump’s executive order should create more choices and lower costs.]  10-13-17
  308. Obamacare. “The ObamaCare ‘Sabotage’ Meme.”  [The solution for illegal health subsidies is a bipartisan trade.]  10-14-17
  309. Obamacare. “More Freedom for More Money.”  [Republicans should get more reform for reviving ObamaCare subsidies.]  10-19-17
  310. Obamacare. “Republicans, Stand Up for Health Freedom.”  By Phil Gramm.  [As a precondition for any bailout deal, families should be permitted to opt out of ObamaCare.]  10-19-17
  311. Obamacare. “The Limits of Trump’s Health-Care Order.”  By Merrill Matthews.  [At the margins it will improve availability and affordability, but Congress still needs to act.]  10-20-17
  312. Obamacare. “Health Care Needs a Bipartisan Fix.”  By Lamar Alexander and Mike Rounds.  [No one wants to ‘bail out’ insurers, and our bill wouldn’t do that.]  10-27-17
  313. Obamacare. “Game of Health-Care Thrones.”  [Companies look for opportunities beyond being regulated utilities.]  10-30-17
  314. Obamacare. “House Republicans Can Improve the Bipartisan Health Bill.”  By Robt. C. Pozen.  [Relax some mandates, create a reinsurance fund, and abolish the Medicare cost-cutting panel.]  10-30-17
  315. Obamacare. “About That ObamaCare ‘Sabotage’.”  [A federal judge rules that Trump is likely to win on the merits.]  10-31-17
  316. Obamacare. “How Democrats Learned to Love Insurance Companies.”  By Allysia Finley.  [The party is working with its old punching bag to stop the Republicans ObamaCare reform efforts.]  10-31-17
  317. Obamacare. “The Deception Behind Those In-Network Health ‘Discounts’”  by Keith Lemer.  [ObamaCare’s medical loss ratio creates incentives for insurers and providers to hoodwink customers.]  11-1-17
  318. Obamacare. “The Appeal of Mandate Repeal.”  [Killing the ObamaCare tax will make it easier to restore insurer subsidies.]  11-16-17
  319. Obamacare. “ObamaCare’s Death Payments.”  [A program to reduce hospital admissions may have led to more deaths.]  11-24-17
  320. Obamacare. “Canada’s Health-Care Queues.”  [Bernie Sander’s model system makes patients wait and wait and …]  12-13-17
  321. Obamacare. “Obamacare’s Failed Cost Controls.”  By Joseph R. Antos and James C. Capretta.  [Medical spending keeps rising, outpacing both general inflation and population growth.]  12-21-17
  322. Obamacare. LTE.  “Canadians Come to America for Better Care.”  12-28-17
  323. Obamacare. “Republicans Can’t Avoid ObamaCare in 2018.”  By Avik Roy.  [Give states the flexibility to turn their entitlement programs into competitive insurance markets.]  1-3-18
  324. Obamacare. “Trump’s ObamaCare Lifeboat.” [New rules could make association health plans a realistic alternative.] 1-8-18
  325. Obamacare. “Sanders Proposes Medicare for None.” By Chris Jacobs. [His bill would abolish all forms of private insurance and almost all existing public programs.] 1-18-18
  326. Obamacare. “Single-Payer Health Care Isn’t Worth Waiting For.” By Sally C. Pipes. [An orthopedic surgeon challenges Canada’s ban on most privately funded procedures.] 1-22-18
  327. Obamacare. “The Health-Care Conspiracy of Silence.” By Clark Havighurst. [If Bezos, Buffet and Dimon want to reduce costs, they should focus on the tax exclusion.] 2-8-18
  328. Obamacare. “The Short-Term Future for ObamaCare.” [More short-term plans will make insurance more affordable.] 2-21-18
  329. Obamacare. “How to Complete the Escape From ObamaCare.” By Phil Gramm. [Congress eliminated the individual mandate. There’s a way around the other onerous regulations.] 3-16-18
  330. Obamacare. “Life Support for ObamaCare.” [Republicans are caught between Democrats and the health insurers.] 3-20-18
  331. Obamacare. “Why Your Doctor’s Computer Is So Clunky.” By Marion Mass and Kenneth A. Fisher. [Washington mandates Electronic Health Records but stands in the way of innovation.] 3-21-18
  332. Obamacare. “Killing an ObamaCare Alternative.” [The draft Labor rule on association health plans needs a rewrite.] 4-23-18
  333. Obamacare. “A Chance to Overcome ObamaCare.” By Michael Cannon. [HHS may soon restore consumer protections for short-term plans.] 5-29-18
  334. Obamacare. “Why CVS Loves ObamaCare.” [Medicaid expansion helps big business reduce competition.] 5-30-18
  335. ObamaCare. “The ObamaCare Fix for Mom and Pop.” By Tom Price. [A Labor Department rule will be a lifeline for small businesses.] 6-5-18
  336. Obamacare. “The Autumn of ObamaCare.” [How to score the election debate over rising premiums.] 6-12-18
  337. Obamacare.  “Strike Down Obamacare, Says Justice Department.   By Sal Prakash and Neal Devins.  [Twenty states sue again, claiming the mandate is unconstitutional.  Now the federal government agrees.]  6-14-18
  338. Obamacare.  “A Health Fix for Mom and Pop Shops.”  By Alexander Acosta.  [Association plans allow small businesses to enjoy the same economies of scale as big companies.]  6-19-18
  339. Obamacare. “Exit From ObamaCare.” [A new association health plan rule may spur better alternatives.] 6-20-18
  340. Obamacare. “Obamacare Can Be Worse Than Medicaid.” By John C. Goodman. [No exchange plan covers care at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas or Mayo clinic in Minnesota.] 6-27-18
  341. Obamacare. “The IRS Can Save American Health Care.” By Rigina Herzlinger and Joel Klein. [Letting workers spend pretax dollars on insurance would do a lot – without requiring Congress to act.] 7-2-18
  342. Obamacare. “The Health Insurers Squawk.” [The lobby that loves Obamacare shifts the blame on premiums.] 7-11-18
  343. Obamacare.  “An ObamaCare Tax Worth Keeping.”  By James C. Capretta.  [The levy on ‘Cadillac’ plans will help counter perverse tax incentives.]  7-20-18
  344. Obamacare.  “Obamacare Is Robbing Medicaid’s Sickest Patients.”  By Allysia Finley.  [The law’s incentives push states to spend more on new enrolees, and less on the disabled and ill.]  7-20-18
  345. Obamacare.  “The Tax-and-Spend Health-Care Solution.”  By John H. Cockrane.  [Honest subsidies beat cross-subsidies.  They’d encourage competition and innovation.]  7-30-18
  346. Obamacare.  “Short-Term ObamaCare Relief.”  [A new rule will allow less costly coverage for al long as 36 months.]  8-2-18
  347. Obamacare.  “Even Doubling Taxes Wouldn’t Pay for ‘Medicare for All.”  By Charles Blahous.  [Bernie Sanders’s brainstorm would cots taxpayers 432.6 trillion over the first decade.]  8-2-18
  348. Obamacare.  LTE.  “Health Care:  A Good Return for 18% of GDP?” 8-10-18  (See Obamacare, here, #347, Aug. 2, 2018)
  349. Obamacare.  “A Lost Love and an ObamaCare Alternative.”  By Carolyn Bolton.  [A short-term catastrophic policy helped me through a difficult time in my life.]  8-13-18
  350. Obamacare.  “Wisconsin ObamaCare Howlers.”  [Democrats now claim that the new entitlement reduced health costs.]  8-30-18
  351. Obamacare.  “Obamacare’s Hotel California.”  [Democrats work to ban an affordable health insurance option.]  9-4-18
  352. Obamacare.  “The Price of BernieCare.”  [Democrats object that Republicans are telling voters the truth about single payer.]  10-12-18
  353. Obamacare.  “First, Do No Harm (to ObamaCare).”  By Michael F. Cannon.  [Senate Democrats vote to take away insurance from people with pre-existing conditions.]  10-12-18
  354. ObamaCare.  “ObamaCare’s Red State Trap.”  [Ballot measures to expand Medicaid all but guarantee tax increases.]  10-30-18
  355. Obamacare.  “An Unnecessary Culture War.”  [“…Hard to believe but some on the left, including the attorneys general for California and Washington are still in court trying to deprive the Little Sisters of their exemption…”]  11-10-18
  356. Obamacare.  “The False Promise of ‘Medicare for All.’”  By Scott W. Atlas.  [Cost is only part of the problem.  Single-payer systems create long waits and delays on new drugs.]  11-13-18
  357. ObamaCare.  “Let the Individual Mandate Die.”  By Chris Jacobs.  [States that reimpose ObamaCare’s rule are likely to lose a legal challenge.]  11-19-18
  358. ObamaCare.  “A Better Choice for Employee Health Care.”  By Alain Enthoven.  [Most self-insurance plans let bills grow unrestrained, but new models encourage providers to seek savings.]  11-23-18
  359. ObamaCare.  “Texas ObamCare Blunder.”  [A judge’s ruling will be overturned and could backfire on Republicans.]  12-17-18
  360. ObamaCare.  “Single Payer’s Misleading Statistics”  by Scott W. Atlas.  [Mediocre U.S. rankings in infant mortality and life expectancy have little to do with health-care quality.]  12-18-18
  361. ObamaCare.  LTE.  “Texas’ Obamacare Strikedown Should Stand.”  12-22-18
  362. Obamacare.  “Little Sisters Back in Court.”  1-19-19
  363. ObamaCare.  “A Losing Health-Care Strategy.”  [The latest ObamaCare lawsuit is bad law and high-risk politics.]  3-28-19
  364. Obamacare.  “Medicare for All Means Hope for None.”  By Seema Verma.  [Americans deserve a system that helps them get well, not get in line.]  3-28-19
  365. Obamacare.  “Meet the ObamaCare Bulls.”    [“…another reminder of how big business feeds on big government.]  3-29-19
  366. Obamacare.  “The Case for Medicare for All.”  By Robert Pollin.  [You’d be able to keep your doctor with no premiums or copays, and overall appending would decline.]  3-29-19
  367. Obamacare.  “Republicans Managed to Make ObamaCare Popular.” By Jason L. Riley.  [Before President Trump took office, only 43% of oters approved of the law.  That’s up to 50% now.]  4-10-19
  368. Obamacare.  “The individual Mandate is Here to Stay.”  By Alan S. Blinder.  [The logic of American health care precludes other options, from single payer to an employer mandate.]  4-15-19    (Blinder was an adviser to Al Gore and John Kerry during their respective presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004)
  369. Obamacare.  “Europe’s Alternative To Medicare For All.”  By Regina E Herzlinger and Bacchus Barua.  [Swiss and Dutch private insurance provide better coverage than Canada’s single-payer system.]  4-17-19
  370. ObamaCare.  “ObamaCare Is Popular Because It Failed.”  By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.  [Only corporate America can save the U.S. now from drowning in wasteful health-care costs.]  4-27-19
  371. Obamacare.  “’Medicare for All’ Isn’t Medicare.”  By Robert C. Pozen.  [Democrats mislead voters by appropriating the name of a popular program they actually see to abolish.]  5-2-19
  372. Obamacare.  “State Medicaid Tax Trap.”  [“… Medicaid expansion under ObamaCare was sold as a free federal lunch for the states, but the bill in now coming doe.”]      5-3-19
  373. ObamaCare.  “The Burdens of BernieCare.”  [Congress’s budget gnomes tip-toe around single-payer’s reality.]  5-6-19
  374. Obamacare.  “Dem’s New Plan Would Ban Private Medicine.” By Chris Jacobs.  [Medicare for America isn’t ‘moderate.’  It goes further than Bernie Sanders.]  5-13-19
  375. Obamacare.  LTE.  “Small Ball Won’t Do for ObamaCare Repeal.”  5-17-19
  376. Obamacare.  “Medicaid Expansion Has Louisianans Dropping Private Plans.”  By Chris Jacobs.  [Thousands have opted for ‘free’ government health insurance – including some with six-figure earnings.]  6-8-19
  377. Obamacare. “Public Option Kills Private Insurance.” By Scott W. Atlas. [If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, Biden assures voters. Where have we heard that before?] 7-17-19
  378. Obamacare. “ObamaCare’s Medicaid deception.” By Brian Blasé and Aaron Yelowitz. [States cover millions who exceed income thresholds, some quite well-heeled.] 8-15-19
  379. Obamacare. “Still Heading for the ObamaCare Exits.” [New data show enrollment is falling fast for the unsubsidized.] 8-16-19
  380. Obamacare. “Universal Health Care Makes Politics Sick.” By Joseph c. Sternberg. [Why would a president or prime minister want to be responsible for every single patient in the country?] 11-8-19
  381. Obamacare. “Medicare for All Preview.” [Britain’s National Health Service crisis starts early this year.] 11-15-19
  382. Obamacare. “Congress and the Spending Power.” [The Supreme Court considers ObamaCare payments to insurers.] 12-9-19
  383. Obamacare. “An ObamaCare Judicial Morass.” [Democrats get new ammunition as an ill-fated lawsuit drags on.] 12-21-19
  384. Obamacare. “The Myth of the ‘Moderate’ Public Option.” By Lanhee J. Chen. [The Biden and Buttigieg plans would bust federal budgets, hurt federal budgets, hurt patient care and gut private insurers.] 1-24-20
  385. Obamacare. “ObamaCare’s Latest Taxpayer Beating.” [The supreme Court says Congress must pay for risk-corridor losses] 4-28-20
  386. ObamaCare. “ObamaCare vs. Nuns, Round II.” [The Supreme Court weighs the contraception mandate…again.] 5-4-20
  387. Obamacare.  “Democrats Assured ACA Would Come Before ACB.”  By Joel M. Zinberg.  [California and the House asked the Supreme Court to fast-track Texas’ challenge to the law.]   10-15-20
  388. ObamaCare.  “ObamaCare Returns to the Supremes.”  [The mandate ‘tax’ may go down, but the law will survive.]   11-10-20
  389. ObamaCare.  “Supreme Misjudgment on ObamaCare.”  [Texas and Trump run into a skeptical majority at the high Court.]   11-11-20
  390. Obamacare.  “Can Republicans Regroup on Health Care?”  [The party needs to address its biggest policy vulnerability.]   11-30-20
  391. Obamacare.  “Supersizing ObamaCare Subsidies.”  [The Covid bill hides a major expansion of the Affordable Care Act.]   2-25-21
  392. Obamacare.  “The ObamaCare Massacre That Wasn’t.”  [So much for all those alarms about Justice Amy Coney Barrett.]   6-18-21
  393. ObamaCare.  “On ObamaCare, Democrats Defy the Supreme Court.”  By Chris Jacobs.  [The justices said in 2012 that Congress couldn’t punish states that refuse the Medicaid expansion.]  11-23-21
  394. ObamaCare.  “ObamaCare Politicizes the IRS. “  By Brian Blasé.  [Its new administrative ‘fix’ to the ‘family glitch’ is clear violation of the law.]   4-8-22
  395. Obamacare.  “When “Temporary’ Subsidies Are Forever.”  [Democrats want ObamaCare’s pandemic bonus to be permanent.]   5-31-22
  396. Obamacare.  “End Obamacare’s Ban on Physician-Owned Hospitals.”  By James Lankford and Brian J. Miller.   [A little-known Affordable Care Act provision stifles competition and drives Medicare costs u.]   2-21-23
  397. Obamacare.  “Obamacare Turns Out to Be Affordable Only for the Healthy.”  By John c. Goodman and Beverly Gossage.  [It was supposed to help those with pre-existing conditions, but they pay dearly for bad options.]   9-13-23
  398. Medicine.  “Elizabeth Warren’s ObamaCare Epiphany.”  [She complains about healthcare consolidation and higher prices caused by the law.]   11-25-23
  399. Medicine.  “Biden, Trump and Obamacare.”  [Democrats distort the issue, but the GOP offers no alternative.]  11-30-23
  400. Obamacare.  “Behind the ObamaCare Boom.”  [Sweetened subsidies are attracting more takers, at taxpayer expense.]   1-29-24
  401. Obamacare.  “ObamaCare for DACA Beneficiaries Is Illegal.”   By Kris Kobach.  [Biden defies a 1996 law by deeming them ‘lawfully present’ and therefore eligible.]   8-8-24


Issue Headlines

http://www.gallup.com/poll/178094/say-health-law-hurt-instead-helped.aspx      October 8, 2014 More Still Say Health Law Has Hurt Instead of Helped Them

Nearly half in U.S. say ACA will make healthcare worse in long run by Rebecca Riffkin WASHINGTON, D.C.

— Although more provisions of the Affordable Care Act have taken effect over the past year, more Americans still say the law has hurt rather than helped them.     Compared with early 2014, fewer Americans say it has had no effect, although this group is still in the majority, at 54%.


Obamacare. How did the media cover Jonathan Gruber’s ObamaCare remarks?

Nov. 12, 2014 – 4:28 – Bernie Goldberg weighs in


11-20-14 Drudgereport.com headlines:

White House Pads Obamacare Numbers With Dental Plan Enrollees…

DrudgeReport.com Headline:  SCHUMER: Passing Obamacare in 2010 Was Mistake… ^

                      From the November 25, 2014 17:07:52 GMT edition of the Drudge Report.

WSJ. 12-2-2014 — Print edition:

Headline: Basic Costs Squeeze Families

Subhead: — Surging Price Tags for Health Care, Other Essentials Leave Less for Spending Elsewhere

4-20-15 Drudgereport.com:

CA Obamacare Exchange Claimed 30,000 Enrollees First Month… 

…True Number Was 4,000

Obamacare: Drudgereport.com 5-4-15:

Contrary to goals, ER visits rise under Obamacare…

Obamacare. Health experts see big price hikes for Obamacare… drudgereport.com 5-31-15

WSJ: 5-22-15 p. A1: Health Insurers Seek Big Increases […All of them cite high medical costs incurred by people newly enrolled under the Affordable Care Act..]

Obamacare – Headline [not opinion] Wall Street Journal 6-12-15 p. A3

“Surprises in Health-Law Bills” subhead: “Out-of-network charges often aren’t flagged beforehand, consumers say; states tighten laws.”

“Many consumers with health coverage through the ACA] are facing unexpected medical bill that in some cases greatly exceed the law’s caps on out-of-pocket expenses. The law’s limits don’t apply to charges from out-of-network providers…”

Obamacare. [news, not opinion] 6-16-15 Wall Street Journal, page A12: “U.S. Pay to Insurers Still Lacks Verification.” By Louise Radnofsky. [“Washington – The Obama Administration has been making billions of dollars in payments to insurance companies under the health law without being able to confirm just how much it owes each insurer…”]

Obamacare. Drudgereport.com 10-17-15

White House projects flat Obamacare enrollment in 2016…

7 co-ops closed, others in deep financial trouble…

Obamacare. “Health Law Speeds Merger Frenzy.” Subhead: “Hospitals and medical providers ramp up deals in race to build clout, cut costs.” Wall Street Journal. 9-22-15

Obamacare. “Biggest Insurer Threatens To Abandon Health Law.” Wall Street Journal 11-20-15. P.1. [United Health Group]

  • Obamacare.   Drudgereport.com               2-8-16.                                            >>>>
Illegals benefited from up to $750M in ObamaCare subsidies…

Obamacare. Wall Street Journal. 2-11-16. P. A1: Insurers Flag Deepening Losses on Health Law.

Obamacare. Drudgereport.com 8-16-16

UPDATE: AETNA decision exposes weaknesses in Obamacare…

Obamacare.        Drudgereport.com.     9-28-16                                             >>>>

Obamacare Dying…

Obamacare. Drudgereport.com 10-12-16         >>>>


ObamaCare. Drudgereport.com 10-21-16                 >>>>

Risk of ‘mass exodus’ of doctors from Medicare…

Obamacare. Drudgereport.com  10-24-16              >>>>>



ObamaCare.   Drudgereport.com  10-25-16      >>>>>

OBAMACARE SHOCK: Arizona Premiums To Skyrocket 116%…

ObamaCare.   Drudgereport.com  10-26-16      >>>>>

Obamacare Tax Penalty? I’ll Take It, Millions Say…

Obamacare.   Drudgereport.com 1-31-17

UPDATE: House Conservatives Fume Over Slow Pace Of Obamacare Repeal…

Obamacare. Drudgereport.com 2-1-17

Republicans Rebrand Obamacare Strategy From ‘Repeal’ to ‘Repair’…

Obamacare. Drudgereport.com 2-7-17



Obamacare. Drudgereport.com 2-8-17


Obamacare. Drudgereport.com 2-7-17


Obamacare. Drudgereport.com 2-11-17


Obamacare. Drudgereport.com 2-23-17


Obstacles in House, Not Just Senate…
List of Obamacare Tax Hikes… 

Obamacare. Drudgereport.com 3-8-17

Ryan downplays conservative backlash against healthcare plan…

Pressures party naysayers… 

Opposition Mounts… 

Trump seeks to rally support…

Dealmaking mode… 

REP: Let’s Vote On Exact Same Repeal We Sent To Obama…

Rand Paul Center Stage… 

Obamacare. Drudgereport.com 3-24-17
Speaker Ryan survive? 

Obamacare. Drudgereport.com 5-23-17

Moderate Republicans clash with each other over Obamacare repeal…

Campaign Consideration

Talking Points

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