Opinion Headlines
- Bank bailout. “Another Lousy Bank Bailout.” [… too easy at Espiritu Santo.] 8-5-14
- Bank bailout. “The Lingering, Hidden Costs of the Bank Bailout.” [Why is growth so anemic?…] 7-24-14
- Bank bail-outs. LTE. “Safety Nets and Bank Bailout Policy” 8-9-14
- Banking in a Time of Cholera. [Bank of America pays $18.65 billion for doing the feds a favor.] 8-22-14
- Banks – “Big Banks Kowtow to Beijing” 6-23-14
- Banks “Getting Serious About Sanctions-Busting Banks” 6-27-14
- Banks “The Citigroup ATM” [Jack Lew and Tim Geithner escape mention … bank settlement] 7-15-2014
- Banks. “Bonds, Not Bailouts, for Too Big to Fail Banks.” By Steven Gjerstad et. al. 8-13-14
- Banks. “The Mystery of ‘Living Will’ Rule for Banks. By Hal Scott. 9-4-14
- Banks. Dodd-Frank Goes 0 for 11. [… giant banks are still too big to fail.] 8-7-14
- Banks. “The Muni Bond Lobby.” [Schumer leans on the feds to favor municipal debt in bank liquidity rules.] 9-23-14
- Banks. “When Central Bankers Become Central Planners.” [Macroprudential regulation is not likely to prevent asset bubbles. But credit allocation will depress growth.] 9-29-14
- Banks. LTE. “Don’t Throw Munis Under the Bus.” 10-7-14
- Banks. “Another Big Bank Handshake.” [Regulators and giant banks agree to ignore contractual rights.] 11-10-14
- Banks. “The Wolves of Forex.” [Foul-mouthed traders aren’t the biggest currency manipulators.] 11-13-14
Banks. “Unions To Oppose Lew Nomination.” [Good questions, even if they come two years too late.] 11-20-14
Banks. LTE. “Is the World Ready to Dismiss Its Central Bankers?” 11-21-14
- Banks. “Don’t Like an Industry? Send a Message to Its Bankers.” By William Isaac. [With Operation Choke Point, the Justice Department’s targets have included vendors of firearms and fireworks.] 11-22-14
- Banks. “Regulators Who Know loans Better Than Lenders.” By Richard Farley. [The federal government is making the banks the gatekeepers for leverage in corporate America.] 11-25-14
- Banks. “Washington’s Quiet Bankruptcy Rewrite.” [A plan backed by big banks and their regulators gets a vote.] 11-29-14
- Banks. LTE. “The Deficiencies in Leveraged Loans.” 12-2-14
- Banks. “Europe’s Dodgy Bank Stress Tests.” By Benn Steil et.al. [The European Central Bank hailed its recent study, but market valuations of bank stocks are unsettling.] 12-9-14
- Banks. LTE. “We Really Should Regulate High-Risk Bank Derivatives.” 12-20-14
- Banks. LTE. “The Cost of Activist Central Banks.” 12-22-14
- Banks. “The FDIC’s Bank Holding Company Deist.” By Paul H. Kupiec et.al. [Recapitalizing a failing subsidiary bank with the assets of the parent firm is contrary to law.] 12-23-14
- Bankers. “Good Medicine for Bad Bankers. “ by Prof. Alan S. Blinder. [One way to keep bankers from behaving badly is to hit them in their pocketbooks with penalties that affect bonuses.] 12-24-14
- Banks. LTE. “Banks Subject to Intense Oversight, Inscrutable Rules.” 1-5-15
- Banks. “Murder in Zurich.” [The Swiss roil world markets by killing their currency peg.] 1-16-15
- Banks. “Stocks Get a Dollar Hit.” [Investors are whipsawed as central bankers pursue devaluation.] 1-28-15
- Banks. “A Smarter Way to Tax Big Banks.” By Mark J. Roe Et.al. [Make the cost of equity tax-deductible in the same way that the cost of debt is deductible.] 2-2-15Banks. LTE. “A Costly Rise of the Mighty Dollar.” 2-4-15
- Banks. “Regulation of Shadow Banking Takes A Dark Turn.” By Peter.J. Wallison. [A ‘chain’ of routine securities transactions, the Fed suggests, can transform a nonsystemic firm into a systemic firm.] 2-10-15
- Banks. “Negative Interest Rates Threaten the Banking System.” By Paul H. Kuplee. [New rules to require more liquidity are achieving the opposite, driving it out.] 3-6-15
- Banks. “The Bank That Won’t Buckle.” [Nomura goes to court over the Fannie Mae mortgage fairy tale.] 3-9-15Banks. “The U.S. Needs Two More Federal Reserve Banks.” By John R. Dearie. [The people living in the Western states don’t have the voice in Washington they deserve.] 3-16-15
- Banks. “Washington’s Latest Bank Heist.” [No victims yet, but regulators guess that there’s bias in car loans.] 4-7-15
- Banks. LTE. “What Car Loans Need Is Disclosure.” 4-13-15
- Banks. “Roadkill in the Fed’s Race to Regulate Shadow Banking.” By Peter J. Wallison. [GE Capital saw the writing on the wall: Opportunities to innovate and compete would be smothered over time.] 4-20-15
- Banks. Export-Import Bank. “The Bank to Nowhere.” By Kimberley A. Strassel. 5-1-2015.
- Banks. “Why I’m Changing My Mind and Opposing the Ex-Im Bank.” By Rick Perry. [There are better ways to help businesses flourish. For starters, cut the sky-high U.S. corporate tax rate.] 5-6-15
- Banks. Headline: “Banks Near Settlement in FX Probe.” Citigroup, Barclays, J.P. Morgan and RBS are expected to pay billions and plead guilty.’’ Wall Street Journal, 5-7-15 p. C1.
- Banks. “A Trillion-Dollar Tax-Exempt Cash Cow.” By Alex Sanchez. [Credit unions compete with banks but don’t have banks’ financial and regulatory burdens.] 5-18-15
- Banks. “Bank Bashing, the Modern Nero’s Fiddle.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Dodd-Frank and a rash of bank prosecutions have done nothing to make banks safer or more productive.] 5-23-15
- Banks. LTE. “Many Good Reasons for Credit Unions’ Tax Exemption.” 5-26-15
- Banks. LTE. “Credit Unions Fighting for Survival.” 7-24-15
- Banking. LTE. “A Reason for Free Checking’s Decline.” 8-5-15
- Banks. “Account Closed: How Bank ‘De-Risking’ Hurts Legitimate Customers.” By Lanier Sperstein and Geoffrey Sant. [In their hunt for money launderers, regulators are forcing banks to shut down branches and reject business.] 9-13-15
- Banks. “Willie Sutton Could Have Been A Regulator.” By Homan W. Jenkins, Jr. [A New York contretemps shows how the war on the banks has become a revenue shakedown.] 8-15-15
- Banks. LTE. “Fannie, Freddie and Smaller Banks.” 9-4-15
- Banks. “Trading Places.” by Burton G. Maikiel (Book review of “Other People’s Money” by John Kay. [Banks now put talented recruits to work devising computer trading algorithms designed to exploit the weaknesses of other algorithms.] 9-24-15
- EX-Im Bank. “Dawn of the Living Dead Bank.” [The GOP should at least reform the Ex-Im Bank if it can’t kill it.] 10-19-15
- Banks. LTE. “Reform the Ex-Im Bank and Bring It Back.” 10-26-15
- Banks. “The Fed’s Inconsistent Capital Rules.” [Regulators think long-term debt will prevent bank failures. Oh-oh.] 11-16-15
- Banks. “Fannie and Freddie’s Propaganda War.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [“…it’s tempting to see Monday’s New York Times piece, with its strange lacunae, as a classic plant (and not the first) aimed at stirring up action in Fannie and Freddie shares…”] 12-12-15
- . “The New Bond Market.” [Encourage record sales of bonds, while telling banks not to buy them.] 12-15-15
- Banks. “Fannie and Freddie Forever.” [The mortgage giants are once again claiming their paper has no risk for taxpayers. Yeah, right.] 12-31-15
- Banks. LTE, “Toxic Twins’ Potentially Poisonous New Brew.” [Fannie and Freddie] 1-6-16
- Banks. LTE. “Watching Whales at World’s Central Banks.” 1-8-16
- Banks. “Warren’s Criminal Complaint.” [She wants bankers to go to jail even if they didn’t intend to break the law.] 2-6-16
- Banks. “Time for a Central Bankers Strike.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Deutsche Bank’s travails show we have bigger problems than too big to fail.] 2-17-16
- Banks. “Fannie and Freddie and the 10% Moment.” By Alex J. Pollock. [They can keep their profits once they stop freeloading off the taxpayers.] 3-17-16
- Banks. “GE Attempts a Great Escape.” [Will banking regulators allow the company to flee their jurisdiction?] 4-1-2016
- Banks. “Focusing on Bank Size, Missing the Real Problem.” By Randal K. Quaries and Lawrence Goodman.” [Populist ‘too big to fail’ attacks don’t address the real financial risk: not enough stable deposits.] 4-1-16
- Banks. “Large Banks and Small Banks Are Allies, Not Enemies. By Jamie Dimon. [Mr. Dimon is chairman and CEO of J.P. Morgan Chase.] 4-6-16
- Banks. LTE. “The Big Banks are More Equal Than Others.” 4-14-16
- “The Great Recession Blame Game.” By Phil Gramm and Michael Solon. [Banks took the heat, but it was Washington that propped up subprime debt and then stymied recovery.] 4-16-16
- Banks. “Big Banks Aren’t the Problem.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [The Richmond Fed says 61% of debts are guaranteed by government.] 4-20-16
- Banks. “The Uberization of Banking.” (The Weekend Interview with Mike Dabney by Andy ZKessler.) [The fintech entrepreneur behind SoFi wants to move lending away from the big banks and onto your smartphone.] 5-1-16
- Banks. “Washington’s Arbitration Deception.” [Now the consumer bureau is ignoring its own research.] 5-18-16
- Banks. LTE. “Government Drives Banks From Mortgages.” 5-19-16
- Banks. “The Bank Fraud That Wasn’t.” [A federal appeals court overturns a politicized mortgage case.] 5-25-16
- Banks. “Fannie, Freddie and an Outbreak of Amnesia.” By Douglas Holtz-Eakin. [The growing ‘recap and release’ movement is a bad idea that could lead to another financial disaster.] 5-25-16
- Banks. LTE. “Countrywide Really Wasn’t a Subprime Lender at All.” 6-3-16 (See May 25, banks, here.)
- Banks. LTE. “Amnesia? We Remember the Lack of a Cushion.” 6-7-16 (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac)
- Banks. “Publish the Secret Rules for Banks’ Living Wills.” By Hal Scott. [Regulators aren’t satisfied with the wills of five big firms – but they refuse to say what the criteria are.] 6-10-16
- Banks. “Bring Back Glass-Steagall? No thanks.” By Wm. M. Isaac and Richard M. Kovacevich. [Some people mistakenly believe that investment banking is so risky that it should be separated from commercial banking.] 8-9-16
- Banks. LTE. “Requirements Make Risk-Based Capital Safe.” 8-18-16 (See Economy #367 , here, 8-12-16)
- Banks. “Look Who’s Getting That Bank Settlement Cash.” By Andy Koenig. [Tens of millions of dollars disguised as ‘consumer relief” are going to liberal political groups.] 8-29-16
- Banks. “Well Fargo’s Incentives Go Awry.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [Employees, not the bank, benefited from creating fake customer accounts.] 9-21-16
- Banks. “Whipping Wells Fargo.” [The bank blundered, and the politicians will make it pay.] 9-21-16
- Banks. “Central Bankers at Wit’s End.” [At the Fed and in Japan, monetary policy has lost its mojo.] 9-22-16
- Banks. “The Wells Fargo Standard.” [Imagine if the Treasury Secretary had to live by new rules for banks.] 9-24-16
- Banks. LTE. “Parsing the Great Wells Fargo Bank Robbery.” 9-27-16
- Banks. “Who’s the Systemic Risk Now?” [Washington’s assault on Deutsche Bank imperils Europe’s economy.] 9-29-16
- Banks. LTE. “Management Pressured Wells Fargo Workers.” 9-30-16
- Banks. “Obama’s Political Bank Run.” [The U.S. stages an election robbery and nearly triggers a panic.] 9-30-16
- Banks. LTE. “Political Risk Once Meant Banana Republics.” 10-8-16
- Banks. LTE. “The Wells Fargo Situation: Different From Citigroup’s” 10-12-16
- Banks. “A Trans-Atlantic Revolt Against Central Bankers.” By Judy Shelton. [Conservative leaders in the U.S. and Britain are standing up for those left behind by ultralow rates.] 10-12-16
- Banks. “Wells Fargo’s Political Sacrifice.” [CEO John Stumpt is offered up to the Beltway gods.] 10-13-16
- Banks. LTE. “Banks Use of Leverage and Derivatives Need Regulation.” 10-15-16
- Banks. “Elizabeth Warren Claims a Scalp.” By Homan W. Jenkins, Jr 10-15-16 (Wells Fargo)
- Banks. LTE. “Shed No Tears for Wells Fargo’s John Stumpf.” 10-19-16
- Banks. LTE. “The Central Bankers’ Halo Is Seriously Askew.” 10-21-16
- Banks. “Barack’s Last Bank Bash.” [Former villains are now victims in a final round of official larceny.] 12-27-16
- Banks. “Congress Can’t Take Banks’ Money and Run.” By Rob Nichols and Roy Whitehead. [Withholding Fed stock dividends violates the Fifth Amendment. 2-10-17
- Banks. “Make big Banks Put 20% Down – Just Like Home Buyers Do.” By Neel Kashkari. [Financial CEOs say capital requirements are already too high, but the facts suggest otherwise.] 2-15-17
- Banks. Dodd-Frank. “A Plan to Give Community Banks Relief from Dodd-Frank.” By John Kennedy. [Smaller institutions didn’t cause the financial crisis, but are drowning in compliance costs.] 4-24-17
- Banks. “A Better Idea for Bankrupt Big Banks.” By Stephen E. Hessler. [“…The Financial Institution Bankruptcy Act (FIBA) …would amend the Bankruptcy code to streamline Chapter 11 cases of ‘systemically important financial institutions’…”] 4-25-17
- Banks. “The Shattered Arguments for a New Glass-Steagall.” By William M. Isaac and Richard M. Kovacevich. [Investment banking isn’t risky. What’s dangerous is creating stand-alone firms that can’t diversify.] 4-26-17
- Dodd Frank. “Durbin’s Debit-Card Price Controls Hit the Poor Hardest.” By Todd J. Zywicki and Julian Morris. [Limits on fees lead banks to charge the poor more for other services – or to stop offering them at all.] 5-2-17
- Banks. “Central Banks and the New Abnormal.” [Markets fret as they forget what normal policy looks like.] 6-30-17
- Banks. “A Trump Disappointment for Manufacturers.” By Jay Timmons. [Does Scott Garrett want to lead the Ex-Im Bank or kill it?] 7-12-17
- Banks. “The Morgan Whale That Got Away.” [Bankers haven’t gone to jail because they haven’t committed crimes.] 8-7-17
- Banks. “J.P. Morgan’s Hate List.” By Kimberley a. Strassel. [What is its gift to the Southern Poverty Law Center telling bank customers?] 8-25-17
- Banks. “Why Would Anyone Sane Be a Bank Director?” by Thomas P. Vartanian. [They’re asked to do too much, and then they get sued for failing to do the impossible.] 8-29-17
- Banks. “Regulators Can help American Workers Get the Credit They Deserve.” By Wm. M. Isaac and Ken Rees. [Nonprime lending isn’t as risky as it’s made out to be, and fintech firms can help traditional banks.] 10-27-17
- Banks. “The Markets Point Toward Economic Strength.” By Jason De Sena Trennert. [Higher long-term interest rates suggest central banks may finally be curtailing their outsize influence.] 2-6-18
- Banks. “Wells Fargo’s Political Penalty.” [Janet Yellen offers a Fed parting gift to Elizabeth Warren.] 2-7-18
- Banks. “Congress Flirts With Disaster on Bank Leverage Ratios.” By Sheila Bair. [Legislators who want to weaken capital standards must have forgotten the lessons of the 2008 crisis.] 2-13-18
- “Warren Democrats for Wall Street.” [A modest Senate reform would help regional and small banks compete.] 3-6-18
- Banks. “Big Bank Custody Fight.” [A Senate bill includes a sneaky reduction in capital rules.] 3-8-18
- Banks. “The Art of a Banking Compromise.” [ On fixing Dodd-Frank, the House shouldn’t be a potted plant.] 3-17-18
- Banks. “Barclays Foils Bank Heist.” [The British bank saves $3 billion by fighting a late Obama hit.] [A judicial victory shows a political opening in the ill-governed state.] 3-30-18
- Banks. “Relaxing Bank Capital Requirements Would Risk Another Crisis.” By Thomas M. Hoenig and Sheila C. Bair. [The Fed’s proposal would rely on ‘modeled risk’ to gauge stability. It failed to predict the 2008 collapse.] 4-27-18
- Banks. “A Better Alternative to Payday Loans.” By Todd h. Baker and Snigdha Kumar. [Using a ‘Salary link,’ employers can help low-income workers get access to credit.] 5-14-18
- Banks. “The Art of Banking Deal.” [Congress eases the Dodd-Frank pain on non-giant banks.] 5-24-18
- Banks. “Monetary Mavericks.” (Bookshelf by Joseph C. Sternberg.) “Unelected Power” by Paul Tucker. [The question is not whether recent interventions by central banks were effective, but whether they were legitimate.] 6-28-18
- Banks. “When Banks Bailed Out the Government.” By James Freeman and Vern McKinley. [Citigroup is ‘too big to fail.’ Its predecessor was once responsible enough to weather a panic.] 8-4-18
- Banks. “Credit Unions Shouldn’t Get a Free Ride.” By Alex Sanchez. [Why is a $90 billion financial institution exempt from taxes?] 8-15-16 (?)
- Banks. “Bailouts Shouldn’t Be Only for Banks.” By Glenn Hubbard. [The government’s failure to help homeowners after the 2008 crisis fueled populist anger at finance.] 9-14-18
- Banks. “Trump’s Obama-Style Bank Heist.” [Justice misuses a 1989 law to become a shadow banking regulator.] 11-19-18
- Banks. “Mission Impossible: World Bank.” [David Malpass is an excellent choice for a miserable job.] 2-6-19
- Banks. “House Democrats Politicize Banking.” By Megan Keller. [JPMorgan and Wells Fargo cater to their demands and cut off relationships with disfavored clients.] 3-18-19
- Banks. “Wells Fargo: Help Wanted.” [In which we attempt to help the bank attract a new CEO.] 6-13-19
- Banks. “Maybe We’re All Gold Bugs Now. By Joseph C. Sternberg. [Standard monetary wisdom on exchange rate doesn’t quite work in the increasingly global system.] 8-2-19
- Bankers. “The IMF Needs an Upgrade.” [George Osborne or Mark Carney could be helpful in a global downturn.] 8-24-19
- Banks. “The Plot to Politicize Banking.” By Phil Gramm and Michael Solon. [Liberal lawmakers and activists want banks to lend to favored groups and deny the ‘undesirables.’] 1-15-20
- Banks. “Give Relief to Small Businesses, Not Big Banks.” By Ali Wambold. [More money is crucial, but so are new rules to ensure that it helps the most vulnerable employees.] 4-14-20
- Banks. “’Main Street’ Program Is Too Stingy to Banks and Borrowers.” By Glenn Hubbard and Hal Scott. [Designed to save midsize businesses, it will work only with greater backing and more generous terms.] 7-21-20
- Banks. “Fintech Can Come Out of the Shadows.” By Brian P. Brooks and Charles W. Calomiris. [Firms that make loans and process payments should be chartered and regulated as national banks.] 9-10-20
- Banks. “Payday Lenders, Gun Salesmen – and Taking Politics Out of Banking.” By Brian P. Brooks and Charles W. Calomiris. [A new rule aims to make sure all legal businesses can get loans, including unpopular ones.] 11-21-20
- Banks. “Trump’s Fair Banking Rule.” [Pushing back against the left’s red-lining of unpopular industries.] 12-1-20
- Banks. “A Reckoning Looms for Commercial Real Estate – and Its Lenders.” By Brian Graham. [The composition of their portfolios makes small community banks especially vulnerable.] 12-15-20
- Banks. “Fed Policy Is Smothering Privat Lending.” by Judy Shelton. [Banks, leery of making risky loans in the real Banks. , do business with the central bank instead.] 3-9-21
- Banks. “Comptroller of the Banks. .” [Biden’s nominee to regulate banks really, really hates …banks.] 9-30-21
- Banks. “As Central Banks Taper, Investors Should Take Cover.” By Dimitris Valatsas. [Previously, the European Central Bank and the Fed offset each other’s impact. No such Luck this time.] 10-7-21
- Banks. “A Banking Regulator Who Hates Banks.” [The left wants everyone to ignore what Saule Omarova believes.] 10-25-21
- Banks. “The Warren-Biden Bank Heist.” [A coup at the FDIC breaks norms and signals more political control of finance.] 1-3-22
- Banks. “The Banker and Bailey Circus.” [Britain’s financial turmoil is part of the inevitable monetary correction.] 9-29-22
- Banks. “The Not-So-Invisible Hand: Central Banks.” By Judy Shelton. [Since when do unelected monetary officials have the authority to tell political leaders what to do?] 10-12-22
- Banks. “And Now for a Little Bank Panic.” [After the credit mania, the monetary reckoning takes two casualties.] 3-11-23
- Banks. “Who Killed Silicon Valley Bank?” by Andy Kessler. [Apparently no on e at the firm perceived any risk from the Fed raising interest rates.] 3-13-23
- Banks. “The Silicon Valley Bank Bailout.” [The bill for bad policy comes due, but there’s risk in a second bank rescue in 15 years.] (“…You can’t run the most reckless monetary and fiscal experiment in history without the bill eventually coming due…”) 3-13-23
- Banks. “SVB Doesn’t Deserve a Taxpayer Bailout.” By Vivek Ramaswamy. [Ignore Silicon Valley fearmongering about bank runs. This is a simple case of bad risk management.] 3-13-23
- Banks. “Biden’s Bank Bailout Whoppers.” [The President offers assurances that markets don’t believe.] 3-14-23
- Banks. “The Education of Barney Frank. [The Dodd-Frank author has a Signature Bank failure moment.] 3-14-23
- Banks. “Deposit Insurance Encourages Bank Failures.” By Charles W. Calomairis. [Informed customers used to monitor banks’ risk management. Now they skirt the $250,000 limit.] 3-14-23
- Banks. “The Tide Goes Out, and Silicon Valley Bank Already Drowned.” By Gerard Baker. [Imprudent bankers weren’t the only ones who believed the financial waves would never recede.] 3-14-23
- Banks. “Joe Biden’s $19 Trillion Monday.” By Holman W. Jenkins., Jr. [His latest bank bailout is a solution for him now and a problem for us later.] 3-15-23
- Banks. “How Silicon Valley Bank Avoided Oversight.” By Wm. A. Galston. [Its CEO lobbied for a loosening of Dodd-Frank reforms, risking financial stability.] 3-15-23
- Banks. “About Those ‘Safe’ SVB Treasurys.” [Any asset can blow up a bank if monetary policy is bad enough.] 3-15-23
- Banks. “A Eulogy for Silicon Valley Bank.” By Ken Wilcox. [Its lending was vitally important to America – and the loans aren’t what got it into trouble.] 3-15-23
- Banks. “Banking Is Always a Risky Business.” By Nathan Myhrvold. [Most depositor money is at work someplace else, so the possibility of a run is ever present.] 3-15-23
- Banks. “Was SVB a Twitter Panic?” by Daniel Henninger. [The madness of crowds is becoming everyday life in the 21st century.] 3-16-23
- Banks. “The Panic Spreads to Credit Suisse.” [The financial trouble is exposing many myths of the mania years.] 3-16-23
- Banks. “Policy Lessons From the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse.” By Alan S. Blinder. [We’ve gone too far with deregulation and ‘too big to fail,’ and the Fed can pause its rate hikes.] (Blinder was an adviser to Al Gore and John Kerry during their respective presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004) 3-16-23
- Banks. “Did ESG Help Sink SVB?” by Kimberley A. Strassel. [One entrepreneur says the bank was offering ‘basically subprime business loans.’] 3-17-23
- Banks. How SVB ‘Profited’ From Interest-Rate Risk.” By William L. Silber. [An accounting rule created an incentive for the collapse.] 3-17-23
- Banks. “While Yellen Assures, Banks Run.” [The Treasury Secretary’s claims are belied by financial reality.] 3-17-23
- Banks. “America Needs Its Small Banks.” By Kevin R. Greene and John Michaelson. [Europe style consolidation would make it much harder for entrepreneurs and farms to get credit.] 3-17-23
- Banks. “Fed Action Could Have Prevented SVB’s Collapse.” By Hal Scott. [A central function of the central bank is to act as the lender of last resort. Why did it fail to do so?] 3-17-23
- Banks. “Another Banking Crisis Was Predictable.” (The Weekend Interview with Thomas M. Hoenig by Mary Anastasia O’Grady.) [The original sin was monetary policy, but regulators failed to heed the warning signs of a disaster in the making.] 3-18-23
- Banks. “And, Now, a Credit Suisse Bailout.” 3-20-23
- Banks. “Careless Supervision Sank SVB.” By Lawrence B. Lindsey. [How did California, the FDIC and the Fed all fail to pick up what now seem like obvious red flags?] 3-20-23
- Banks. “Want to Prevent SVB-Style Collapses? Scrap Dodd-Frank.” By Michael Faulkender and Tyler Goodspeed. [Stress tests have made the banking system less varied and resilient, particularly to regulatory errors.] 3-21-23
- Banks. “The Joe Biden Banking Crisis.” By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [FDR and Obama inherited their meltdowns. Biden’s was self-made.] 3-22-23
- Banks. “The End of Market discipline for Banks.” [Yellen essentially says all deposits are insured. From now on, moral hazard rules.] 3-22-23
- Banks. “Life’s Certainties: Death, Taxes and Bailouts.” By Niall Ferguson and Moritz Schularick. [The Fed stuck to its playbook with Silicon Valley Bank. That may guarantee the next crisis.] 3-22-23
- Banks. “Banks Aren’t Busting the Economy, Politics Is Busting Banks.” By Joseph C. Sternberg. [Antigrowth policies on Main Street mean Wall Street can’t earn money the old-fashioned way.] 3-24-23
- Banks. “A Climate for Failed Bank Regulation.” [Did the San Francisco Fed put political causes above financial risks?” 3-27-23
- Banks. “The FDIC’s Sweetheart Bank Deal.” [First Citizens scores a great deal, while the deposit Insurance fund takes a $20 billion hit.] 3-28-23
- Banks. “What congress Should Ask Regulators in SVB’s Aftermath.” [Some lawmakers blame a bipartisan 2018 reform law. That’s so nonsensical, it isn’t even wrong.] 3-28-23
- Banks. “A Proven Way to Avid Moral Hazard.” By Wm. M. Isaac. [In the ‘80s, the FDIC paid off uninsured depositors at 80%] 3-29-23
- Banks. “The Fed Passes the Buck on Banks.” [Michael Barr’s excuses for regulatory failure are simply unbelievable.] 3-29-23
- Banks. “In Today’s Banking Crisis, Echoes of the ‘80s.”3-29-23 by Charles W. Calamiris and Phil Gramm. [Losses at SVB, signature and other banks reflect the risk from borrowing short and lending long.] 3-29-23
- Banks. “Yellen Blames Everybody Else.” [Regulation failed, but the secretary wants more regulation.] 4-3-23
- Banks. “Why FDR Limited FDIC Coverage.” By Aaron Klein. [The objective was to protect depositors, not rich people and big companies.] 4-10-23
- Banks. “How the FDIC Rigged the SVB Auction.” 4-19-23
- Banks. “The Easy-Money Lesson of First Republic.” 4-26-23
- Banks. “Jamie Dimon Rides to Biden’s Rescue.” [The JPMorgan CEO cuts a sweet deal to take over First Republic Bank.] 5-2-23
- Banks. “ObamaCare and Zombie Banks.” by Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. [he Affordable Care Act depleted the federal government’s capacity for reform.] 5-3-23
- Banks. “Biden’s Big Bank Contradiction.” [Regulators stymie a midsize bank merger but help JPMorgan get bigger.] 5-5-23
- Banks. “The FDIC Guarantees Instability.” By Dan Katz and Stephen Miran. [The ‘system-wide’ deposit backing only kicks in once a bank fails, so potential buyers wait for the subsidy.] 5-11-23
- Banks. “SVB’s Greg Becker Tells His Story.” 5-17-23
- Banks. “Silicon Valley Bank’s Failure Is a Federal Reserve ‘Success.’” By Joseph C. Sternberg. [Forward guidance worked all too well by encouraging SVB to pretend rising inflation was ‘transitory.’] 5-19-23
- Banks. “Regulators May Sink America’s Banks.” By Jeb Hensarling and Michael Solon. [A credit-tightening increase on capital standard’ won’t help the American economy.] 6-23-23
- Banks. “Punishing Banks for Regulatory Failure.” [Regulators want to saddle midsize banks with new capital rules.] 8-10-23
- Banks. “The New Bank Bailout.” By Paul H. Kupiec and Alex J. Pollock. [Taxpayers are covering Federal Reserve losses, for which member banks are supposed to be liable.] 9-1-23
- Banks. “A New York Rent-Control Bank Panic.” [Investors fret about NYCB’s multi-family housing portfolio.] 2-12-24
- Banks. “Biden Plays Whack-a-Bank.” [The ‘junk fee’ campaign will merely shift costs somewhere else.] 3-11-24
- Banks. “Governed by Banks.” (Bookshelf by James Grant.) “Balance of Power” by Eric Monnet. [Should central banks lend a hand with the management of climate change and aim to keep the welfare state fully financed?] 4-23-24
- Banks. “Ten Large Isn’t What It Used to Be.” By Heather Trew. [The threshold for what the government considers a suspicious cash transaction hasn’t changed since 1945.] 5-16-24
- Banks. “Debanking and the Return of Operation Choke Point.” By Allysia Finley. [Don’t blame the banks for canceling accounts. They are acting under pressure from federal regulators.] 12-16-24
- Banks. “The Authorities Shrug at Bank Fraud.” By Gerald Level. [My check was among the hundreds stolen daily. Nobody wants to do anything.] 12-30-24
- Banks. “The Net-Zero Banking Retreat.” 1-3-25
Issue Headlines
Banks. News. “Banks Near Swaps Suit Pact.” Wall Street Journal, 9-12-15, p. B1. [Firms to pay $1.87 billion to plaintiffs who accused them of rigging credit-derivatives market.]
Banks. “Global Regulators Seek to Prevent ‘Too Big to Fail.’” Wall Street Journal 11-9-15 p. C6
Banks. “Inside Enforcers Shake Up Bank Culture. Sub: Post crisis regulation brings wave of compliance hiring; no fraternizing.” Wall Street Journal. By Kirsten Grind and Emily Glazer. 5-31-16 P. A1
Banks. “The Existential Crisis That’s Stalking Banks.” By Dennis K. Berman. Wall Street Journal. 5-31-16 p. C1
Banks. “Global Financial Institutions Are in Retreat.” By Justin Baer and Max Colchester. Wall Street Journal. 5-31-16 p. C1 [The issue of whether banks are too big is a recurring topic on the campaign trail.]
Banks. “Inside Enforcers Shake Up Bank Culture. Sub: Post crisis regulation brings wave of compliance hiring; no fraternizing.” Wall Street Journal. By Kirsten Grind and Emily Glazer. 5-31-16 P. A1
Banks. “The Existential Crisis That’s Stalking Banks.” By Dennis K. Berman. Wall Street Journal. 5-31-16 p. C1
Banks. “Global Financial Institutions Are in Retreat.” By Justin Baer and Max Colchester. Wall Street Journal. 5-31-16 p. C1 [The issue of whether banks are too big is a recurring topic on the campaign trail.]
Banks. “Central Bank Tools Losing Their Edge.” Wall Street Journal. P. A1, 9-22-16