
Updates through 10-14-24

Each “Issue” page on this web site can have the following format:

The most recent headlines are at the bottom of each section!!

1.     Opinion Headlines  (numbered, on the left)

  •          From the Wall Street Journal, only.

2.     Issue Headlines  (below the WSJ headlines)

  •          From multiple sources

3.     Campaign Considerations  (below )

4.     Talking Points

5.     Related Topics

We have defined the formatting as follows:

“Opinion Headlines” come from the Wall Street Journal, daily print edition, from the last three pages of the daily “A” section. These pages are billed by the Wall Street Journal as “Opinion” pieces.   Ergo, the date at the end of each article’s headline, on the web site under the “Opinion Headlines” section of the page, will always refer to one of the last three pages of the “A” section of the daily Wall Street Journal print edition. The indexing of the articles listed on the web site started in June 2014.


“LTE”  means “letter to the editor.”

On the web site we do not carry the copyrighted articles. To access the articles, which have the headlines as listed here on the web site, a person should try googling the full head -line (cut and paste), go to the online Wall Street Journal website, or go to a library for the hard copy.

The “sense” or “meaning” of all the headlines listed on this website has been preserved as best as possible. We have attempted to impart NO outside SPIN on this website in the material offered in the opinion or news headlines sections.

“Issue Headlines” will be headlines from articles which have run in various media, where the article has been run as a news piece, not an opinion piece.

A Tip On Using the Site:

A candidate or staff, in the middle of a presentation, can instantly access an issue from the web site by having previously, before the event, set the “bookmark” section in their smart phones to a relevant / set of issues as follows, and be taken directly to that page instantly:

For example, bookmarking   www.issues.xyz/common core     will take a person directly to that page with two clicks on the smart phone, etc.

“What do you know?”  “How do you know?”  “So what”

The “Issues.xyz” website has been founded to aid political candidates in establishing and grounding political issues for use in speeches, Website postings, mailers, brochures, and debates.

A foundation thesis of the website is that in the political divide, right vs. left, i.e., conservative/libertarian vs. liberal /progressive left, that the different sides will never publicly agree on any basic principles on any issue!

Therefore, the website sidesteps the necessity of establishing that a given issue exists!  “Here is the headline in the Wall Street Journal of (for example) August X, 2014: THEREFORE: “Issue ABC exists.”

A candidate’s campaign can then address the issue.  Without this foundation, a candidate/campaign would get mired in the problem of trying to establish that X or Y or Z even exists – because the opposition will never concede ANY facts!!!

Ergo, that an issue is addressed in a headline, ipso facto, establishes that it is an issue.  (Obviously, “validity” is another dimension – especially as the opposition turns the tables.)

The site consists of offering several different approaches to covering  many current political issues.   The backbone of the site is its ongoing, real time (daily basis), compilation of current opinion piece headlines, as published in the daily print edition of the Wall Street Journal.  The theory of such a compilation is to give a daily overview of “what’s new,” by way of headlines on opinion pieces and letters to the editor (LTE).

The articles and the body of the published pieces, themselves, will have to be sourced elsewhere — in most cases doing a cut and paste of the article’s headline into Google will find that the full article can be found on-line.

But, just knowing that a piece, on a specific issue, is in a particular write-up, on a given date, should be a huge time saver for a campaign.

Navigating the Site

Click on an issue on the left column’s index. You’ll be taken to a page with information, references and comments about the issue.  Only Wall Street Journal op ed pieces are in the numbered citations, in the top part of the presentation pages — and KEY point, the further down a person scrolls, the more current the info is.  The sections below the numbered articles offer up more “sourced” information on the subject at hand.


Word Search on a Specific Page

On I-Phones, when on a specific page on this website, a word search may be done as follows:

1.  Go to the bottom of the page / screen, and tap for the indexed features at the bottom

2.  Tap on the “box with the arrow pointing up through the top.”  This is the “share” symbol.

3.  Scroll down several rows of options to find the phrase “Find on Page.”  Tap on it

4.  Type in the word to be searched.

5.  Voila!

On PCs

  1.  When on a specific page on this website, on the key board, type in “Control-F.”
  2. Type in the word.
  3. Voila!